スルーホール実装形 パッケージ品。 HTMOS™ シリーズ、High Temperature 83C51 Microcontroller【特長】Specified Over -55 to +225°COn-Chip Oscillator8-bit CPU Optimized for 5 Volt Control ApplicationsInterrupt Structure with Seven Sources and Four Priority LevelsFour 8-bit Bidirectional Parallel PortsHalf Duplex Programmable Serial Port with Framing Error Detection and Automatic Address RecognitionThree 16-bit Timer/Counters with One Up/Down Timer/Counter and Clock Out256 Bytes Internal Data Memory64K External Data Memory Address SpaceHermetic 40-pin Ceramic DipMCS-51 Compatible Instructions SetParts burned in at 250ºCProgrammable Counter Array with: Capture/Compare, Software Timer with Watchdog Capability, High Speed Output, and Pulse Width Modulator
メーカー | Honeywell |