
Panasonic Production Engineering Co.,Ltd.

In today's manufacturing frontlines, we are expected to not only improve quality, productivity, and added value as in the past, but also to achieve optimal manufacturing by advancing environmental initiatives toward decarbonization, accelerating DX, and sharing information.
We provide a variety of services ranging from the provision of engineering solutions for these frontline challenges to the development/provision of production equipment, molds/dies, systems, and materials, with the end of life of these production assets in mind.
Based on the element technologies for manufacturing developed over the years within the Panasonic Group, we will actively work to open new business fields such as robotics and medical equipment.
Toward the realization of a comfortable and affluent future society, we will contribute to our customers and society by continuously working on new manufacturing endeavors to promptly identify environmental changes, create innovative and unprecedented value, and drive process innovation.

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Company Profile

Company Name Panasonic Production Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Address 〒571-8502 OsakaMatsuba-cho ,Kadoma City2-7
Description In today's manufacturing frontlines, we are expected to not only improve quality, productivity, and added value as in the past, but also to achieve optimal manufacturing by advancing environmental initiatives toward decarbonization, accelerating DX, and sharing information.
We provide a variety of services ranging from the provision of engineering solutions for these frontline challenges to the development/provision of production equipment, molds/dies, systems, and materials, with the end of life of these production assets in mind.
Based on the element technologies for manufacturing developed over the years within the Panasonic Group, we will actively work to open new business fields such as robotics and medical equipment.
Toward the realization of a comfortable and affluent future society, we will contribute to our customers and society by continuously working on new manufacturing endeavors to promptly identify environmental changes, create innovative and unprecedented value, and drive process innovation.
Tagline Giving shape to customer needs with our cutting-edge production technology
Industry Other manufacturing industries
Business Description Production equipment solutions/Mold & die solutions/IT solutions/New value creation
Phone no 06-6905-4882
FAX 06-6905-4104
Company Name
Panasonic Production Engineering Co.,Ltd.
〒571-8502 OsakaMatsuba-cho ,Kadoma City2-7
In today's manufacturing frontlines, we are expected to not only improve quality, productivity, and added value as in the past, but also to achieve optimal manufacturing by advancing environmental initiatives toward decarbonization, accelerating DX, and sharing information.
We provide a variety of services ranging from the provision of engineering solutions for these frontline challenges to the development/provision of production equipment, molds/dies, systems, and materials, with the end of life of these production assets in mind.
Based on the element technologies for manufacturing developed over the years within the Panasonic Group, we will actively work to open new business fields such as robotics and medical equipment.
Toward the realization of a comfortable and affluent future society, we will contribute to our customers and society by continuously working on new manufacturing endeavors to promptly identify environmental changes, create innovative and unprecedented value, and drive process innovation.
Giving shape to customer needs with our cutting-edge production technology
Other manufacturing industries
Business Description
Production equipment solutions/Mold & die solutions/IT solutions/New value creation
Phone no

Company Inquiry

Address 〒571-8502 OsakaMatsuba-cho ,Kadoma City,2-7
Phone no 06-6905-4882
FAX 06-6905-4104
〒571-8502 OsakaMatsuba-cho ,Kadoma City,2-7
Phone no
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