2-5049-11 | 遠心機(回転固定型)CN-810 (出荷前点検検査書付き) /2-5049-11


2-5049-11 EC Site List

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Prices marked with * are converted on 06:58 using exchange rate information (Yahoo! Finance). Please note that it may differ from the actual price.
Prices marked with * are converted on 06:58 using exchange rate information (Yahoo! Finance). Please note that it may differ from the actual price.
C EC Supplier EC SKU Info Cur Comment
Intl Shipping Stock Delivery Price
B079BNC8LW No Stock more than 5days Distributor's website Inquiry JPY 74,416 
JPY 74,416 



C Stock Delivery Intl Shipping
No Stock more than 5days
Lot Price
1 JPY 74,416  

2-5049-11 Product Information

●回転数が固定されています。●型番:CN-810(出荷前点検検査書付き)●回転数(rpm・ 50/60Hz):約3000/約3500●処理量:15mL×8本●最大遠心力:1050G(50Hz)・ 1430G(60Hz)●タイマー機能:0〜30分●適合チューブ:φ16〜16.5×105〜120mm●ローター部:専用ローター内蔵●サイズ:290×320×245mm●電源:AC100V50/60Hz●重量:6kg●付属品:遠心機用チューブホルダー(試験管用保護管)×8本

Model Number 2-5049-11
Model Name 遠心機(回転固定型)CN-810 (出荷前点検検査書付き) /2-5049-11
GTIN 4582110969676

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