PRH-BB1040 | PROCHI 万能ボーリングバーソケット 10X40 1個入 PRH-BB1040


PRH-BB1040 EC Site List

Notes on the displayed price
Prices marked with * are converted on 06:58 using exchange rate information (Yahoo! Finance). Please note that it may differ from the actual price.
Prices marked with * are converted on 06:58 using exchange rate information (Yahoo! Finance). Please note that it may differ from the actual price.
C EC Supplier EC SKU Info Cur Comment
Intl Shipping Stock Delivery Price
B01I16GKNA No Stock more than 5days Distributor's website Inquiry JPY 6,194 
JPY 6,194 



C Stock Delivery Intl Shipping
No Stock more than 5days
Lot Price
1 JPY 6,194  

PRH-BB1040 Product Information

入数:1個 寸法D(mm):10 寸法D1(mm):40 寸法D2(mm):49 全長L(mm):90 つば下長L1(mm):78 寸法l1(mm):30 寸法l2(mm):37 高精度CNC旋盤用ツーリング。

Model Number PRH-BB1040
Model Name PROCHI 万能ボーリングバーソケット 10X40 1個入 PRH-BB1040
Manufacturer PROCHI
GTIN 2040200820211
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