Sanken Electric

BL0100A | LEDバックライト用IC


BL0100A Ask seller contact

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Prices marked with * are converted on 06:58 using exchange rate information (Yahoo! Finance). Please note that it may differ from the actual price.
Prices marked with * are converted on 06:58 using exchange rate information (Yahoo! Finance). Please note that it may differ from the actual price.
Supplier Supplier SKU Inquiry Cur Lot Price SupplierComment
Intl Shipping Stock Delivery 1 10 100 1,000
Country of origin:Japan

No Stock ASK Inquiry JPY 70   70  70  70 

Supplier SKU


Stock Delivery Intl Shipping
No Stock ASK
Country of origin:Japan

Lot Price
1 JPY 70  
10 JPY 70 
100 JPY 70 
1,000 JPY 70 

BL0100A Product Information

Model Number BL0100A
Model Name LEDバックライト用IC
Manufacturer Sanken Electric

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