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SMH-01B11 [赤外線アレイセンサモジュール]

SMH-01B11 is a thermopile-type infrared array sensor module that features an 8*8 array of sensor elements to detect and convert the infrared energy within an area to a signal for output.

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Product Description

SMH-01B11 is a thermopile-type infrared array sensor module that features an 8*8 array of sensor elements to detect and convert the infrared energy within an area to a signal for output.

SMH-01B11 is a thermopile-type infrared array sensor module that features an 8*8 array of sensor elements to detect and convert the infrared energy within an area to a signal for output.

Main Usage

It is equipped with a Si-lens optical system, and features an MCU with built-in A/D converter that generates digital output, on an I2C interface, of both the converted emission temperature of each sensor element and the ambient temperature from a temperature sensor mounted on the sensor chip.
The module also has a built-in variable gain preamplifier which enables measurement of wide temperature range using auto range control by software.
Comparing with existing sensors, advantages of this module are high sensitivity and wide temperature range detection that will satisfy the needs of consumer appliances such as air conditioner and microwave oven, industrial equipment such as disaster prevention/security device and medical appliances such as nursing care equipment etc.


画素 8×8構成、64画素
Siレンズ光学系搭載 全視野角35度(両端素子ピーク間)
フレーム計測速度 4/2/1FPS(ソフト切替え)
出力 12bitADCによるデジタル出力(I2C)
放射温度分解能 ±1.5℃
電源電圧 5.0V±5%、消費電流:8.8mA(typ.)
動作温度 -20~100℃
温度特性確認範囲 +5~+45℃
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