We deliver the ultimate in quality.
At the very heart of Yamaha Fine Technologies'products are the technology and skills Yamaha developed through the crafting of musical instruments.
The parts we make for vehicle interiors combine the warmth of wood with the quality levels demanded of industrial products, while our factory automation systems deliver the required performance and functionality with exceptional reliability.
Both are crystallizations of the same Yamaha Monozukuri technology that has delivered musical instruments
- which are intricate products in themselves - around the world.
Yamaha Fine Technologies will continue to deliver Monozukuri that meets and exceeds expectations,
through our pursuit of technologies that take precision to the limit.
Location |
Zip code 435-8568 283 Aoya-Cho, Minami-ku Hamamatsu Shi Minami Ku Shizuoka Ken |
Capital | 100 million yen (wholly-owned subsidiary of the Yamaha Corporation) |
Establishment | February 14, 1987 |
Business Description | Car Parts Division: Development, manufacturing, and sales of Automotive interior decorative parts. FA Division: Development, manufacturing, and sales of production facility and equipment such as testers and machining equipment. |
FAX Number | 053-467-3613 |
WEB site | https://www.yamahafinetech.co.jp/en/ |
Business Category | Industrial electrical equipment manufacturing industry Electronic parts and devices and electronic circuit manufacturing industry Other manufacturing industries |