

Providing energy connections. Toward the future.

CONNEXX SYSTEMS | Maker for the manufacturing and R&D of next-generation batteries and storage systems.

Corporate Profile

Company Name CONNEXX SYSTEMS Corporation
Location Zip code 619-0294
Keihanna Open Innovation Center (KICK) 7-5-1 Soraku Gun Seika Cho Kyoto Fu
Capital 100,000,000 yen
Establishment August 24, 2011
Business Description Development, manufacturing, sales, planning, design,and system integration of next-generation storage systems.

Energy storage is the link that connects today's technology to a future that is sustainable. CONNEXX SYSTEMS is a key player in contributing to the creation of a reliable and safe future with its innovative storage technologies.
FAX Number 0774-66-6441
WEB site https://www.connexxsys.com/
Business Category Other manufacturing industries

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