Integrated Architecture Brochure
Product Catalog
Real-time control and information delivering smart manufacturing, machines and equipment.
This is a comprehensive catalog of portfolio that realize Rockwell Automation Integrated Architecture.
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Document Title | Integrated Architecture Brochure |
Document Type | Product Catalog |
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Company | Rockwell Automation Japan Co., Ltd. (Documents List) |
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The content of this catalog(Integrated Architecture Brochure)
Page 1:Integrated ArchitectureReal-time control and information delivering smart manufacturing, machines and equipment
Page 2:DELIVERING THECONNECTEDENTERPRISEThe Connected Enterprise allows manufacturing and industrialoperations to remain agile, to keep pace with the competitionand to meet increasing demands.Through The Connected Enterprise, aRockwell Automation high performancearchitecture helps manufacturers andindustrial operators capitalize on the promiseof an ever more connected world.To further enable The Connected Enterprise,the Integrated Architecture provides amultidiscipline common control platform and network via EtherNet/IP for scalabilityand a smarter, more productive, more secure system.Our comprehensive services and solutionshelp you reduce risk and create valuethroughout your production lifecycle withglobal and local support, now and into thefuture. This helps reduce risk and createsvalue over the long-term.Enabled by integrated control andinformation and enhanced by the Internet ofThings (IoT), Rockwell Automation deliversThe Connected Enterprise through three coreplatforms: Integrated Architecture, Servicesand Solutions and Intelligent Motor Control.Use the power of real-time data to makebetter, more informed business decisions,enabling you to attain and maintainprofitability and a competitive edge.The Connected Enterprise is reshaping thefuture of industrial automation by converginginformation technology (IT) and operationstechnology (OT) into a single, unifiedarchitecture. Combined with the Internetof Things (IoT), which connects the physicaland virtual worlds, technology is nowleveraged to better gather and analyze data,transforming it into actionable informationdelivered to the right people at the rightplace at the right time.The Connected Enterprise provides:• Faster time to market• Lower total cost of ownership• Improved asset utilization and optimization• Enterprise risk managementSmarter technologyA truly connected enterprise has real-time control and information availableacross platforms and devices withinthe organization.Enhanced productivityNew technologies, software and informationhelp to increase productivity and improveoverall business performance.Secure environmentTechnology that will help customers mitigatetheir enterprise risk and monetize theirintellectual property.2
Page 3:automation controllersHardware Portfolio 30-31Software Portfolio 32-33Programmable 34-35Input/Output modules 36-39Condition and Energy Monitoring 40-41Intelligent devices 42-43Servo drives and motors 44-47Actuators 48-49AC drives and motor control devices 50-53Operator interfaces 54-57Stratix industrial networks 58-60infrastructure and Ethernet mediaServices & Support 61-63SmartertechnologyEnhancedproductivitySecureenvironmentAutomation designproductivity 14-17Manufacturing intelligence andoperations management18-21Industrial automationsecurity22-25Profitable partnership26-29Multiple disciplines from oneautomation architecture6-9Scalable architecture10-13ContentsProduct portfolioFor more information:
Page 4:Lower Costs withThe Connected EnterpriseSpeed Time toMarket with TheConnected EnterpriseFaster time to marketDesign productivity, fastercommissioning times withintelligent devices, quicker startupof Greenfields, proven technologyaround risk mitigation for operationsand IT and the agility to respond tocustomer trends more quickly.Lower total cost ofownershipBetter lifecycle management,enabling more effectiveoperations, improved energymanagement and easiertechnology migration.The Connected EnterpriseBringing people, proccessesand technology together.Smart ManufacturingOur Integrated Architecture®control and informationportfolio helps break downbarriers, securely providingaccess to data that hastraditionally been trapped andcontextualizing it to providethe right intelligence to theright people at the right time.This actionable informationimpacts key performanceindicators such as productionthroughput, process quality,asset health and energyefficiency, delivering realbusiness value.4
Page 5:Reduce Risk withThe Connected EnterpriseImprove AssetUtilization withThe Connected EnterpriseImproved asset utilizationand optimizationBetter lifecycle management,enabling more effective operations,improved energy management andeasier technology migration.Enterprise riskmanagementProtection of intellectualproperty and brand image witha safe and secure operatingenvironment; reduced exposuredue to poor product quality andinternal and external threats.Smart Machinesand EquipmentOur Integrated Architecturecontrol and information portfoliohelps original equipmentmanufacturers (OEMs) to createintelligent manufacturingequipment that easily integratesinto a facility, provides access toinformation and enables agilereaction to changing marketdemands. Rockwell Automationcan help OEMs and theircustomers become connected,compliant and competitive.For more information:
Page 6:Smartertechnology6MULTIPLEDISCIPLINES FROMONE AUTOMATIONARCHITECTUREHarness the power of multiple disciplines with theIntegrated Architecture system.Having real-time access to productiondata enables you to monitor and improvemachine performance. Similarly, gaininginsight into energy consumption helps youto predict demand and match it with cost-optimized supply, and to better managepeak usage patterns.An Integrated Architecture can help youenhance your connected enterprise with:lIncreased productivity with continuousimprovements that provide better assetutilization and system performancelImproved business agility through rapid andcost-effective response to changing marketslSecurity risk mitigation to help protectimportant assets such as people, informationand equipmentlImproved time to market through systemdesign efficiencies and rapid asset integrationlSupported sustainability with extendedproduct lifecycles, safer environments andreduced energy usageAs technology continues to drive innovations,your production enterprise must stay aheadto remain competitive. By converging yourproduction disciplines into an integratedplant-wide architecture, you can benefit froma single, future-proof network technologythat helps you address production growth, as well as growth of the wider plant.By integrating process, batch, discrete, drives,safety and motion into one connected andsegmented plant-wide infrastructure, youincrease efficiency and productivity across alllayers of your operations. This removes theneed for multiple, disparate control systems,replacing them with one common frameworkthat’s easier to install, operate and maintain.
Page 7:SolutionThe power of one – one common control platform,common network and common design environmentthat simplifies everything and helps reduce costs.ChallengeGetting control systems that work isn’t theproblem – the problem is getting controlsystems that work together seamlessly.Case studyNorth American Tillage Tools (NATT)North American Tillage Tools (NATT) produces 1.8 million steel discs each year forfarm equipment manufacturers. To increase production, NATT installed a newmetal press with a Rockwell Automation system that integrates safety and motioncontrol. NATT met its production requirements and CSA / TÜV safety standards,while also helping to future-proof its production line.For more information:
Page 8:AUTOMATION DEPROGRAMMABLEAUTOMATION CONTROLLERSCompactLogix • ControlLogixGuardLogix • Armor GuardLogixOPERATOR INTERFACES &INDUSTRIAL COMPUTERSPanelView • MobileView • VersaViewINDUSTRIAL NETWORKINFRASTRUCTURE & MEDIAStratixMOTOR CONTROLDEVICESPowerFlex • IntelliCENTERSmartertechnologyMotor controlConfiguring motor control devices in theLogix environment lets you consolidatecontroller programming and drive systemconfiguration, operation and maintenance,reducing programming time, easing startupand commissioning and streamlining accessto diagnostics.Motion controlLogix provides complete support for motioncontrol, from configuration, programmingand commissioning to diagnostics andmaintenance. True integration simplifiescommissioning and data collection, speedingtime to market and maximizing uptime.Discrete controlLogix provides exceptional reliability andperformance for discrete applications.Tight integration between theprogramming software, controller andI/O modules reduces development timeand cost at commissioning and duringnormal operation.The power of oneWith Logix technology, you can integrateprocess, batch, discrete, drives, safety andmotion control into one infrastructure byusing one control engine and one networktechnology across applications, operationsand environments plant-wide.Integrated Architecture8
Page 9:SIGN SOFTWAREDISTRIBUTED CONTROLSYSTEMPlantPAxVISUALIZATION &INFORMATION SOFTWAREFactoryTalk • ArenaINPUT / OUTPUTDEVICESCompact I/O • Flex I/O • Point I/OArmorBlock • ArmorPointMOTIONCONTROLKinetix • iTRAKBatch process controlLogix provides the flexibility you need todeliver your product to market faster withefficient, predictable batch processing,consistency between batches, eventinformation during batch runs, along with theability to reuse code, recipes, phases and logic,powered by Logix Based Sequence Manager.Continuous process controlPlantPAx® Distributed Control Systemcombines plant-wide control and unmatchedscalability of the Integrated Architecturesystem with the core capabilities of aModern DCS to help you gain a competitiveadvantage.Integrated power andenergy managementBy integrating power and energymanagement, you can leverage existinginvestments to visualize and actively manageenergy consumption without having toinvest in or configure a stand-alone energymanagement solution.Integrated safetyFocused on overall machine performance,Integrated Safety solutions use efficiency anddesign productivity to help machine buildersdeliver flexible, high-performance equipmentat a more competitive price. Solutions likesafe-speed and safe-direction can help tosignificantly reduce expensive shutdowns.For more information:
Page 10:10SCALABLEARCHITECTUREImplement a scalable automation architecture with theflexibility to meet a variety of applications at the mostcompetitive cost, while offering the smallest possible footprint.Save time and money during yourdevelopment cycleThe ability to reuse control and visualization designsand practices helps you achieve faster startups,improves integration and optimizes your productivity.Improve your flexibilityBy using common components and tools, youcan scale your hardware and software to the needsof your application.Reduce maintenance costs and downtimeSystem components help reduce yourmaintenance costs by lowering yourtraining requirements, spare partsinventory and Mean Time to Repair, allhelping to increase your uptime.Delivering on these goals is a challenge,particularly when you’re building a rangeof machines for a variety of customerrequirements. Hardware solutions from a givenautomation vendor can appear to be scalable.In reality, often they use different networks andprogramming tools, making machine designand development more complex.Our approach incorporates commonautomation components and tools across thespectrum of applications, regardless of sizeand complexity. Having this sort of scalabilityenables you to reduce total costs of ownershipbecause you need to buy only what you need.This aids agility and helps to keep learning anddeployment investments low.Smartertechnology
Page 11:For more information: scalable design environment, network technologyand automation portfolio, fully integrated for theapplication in question.ChallengeWhat appears to be scalable, integrated hardwareoperating smoothly on multiple networks byusing different programming tools can actually beunnecessarily complex.Case studyBiopharmax GroupBiopharmax Group, a global pharmaceutical facilities company, needed anopen and scalable system to allow future expansion, while maintaining aminimum footprint and high levels of cleanliness. The solution was a scalable,state-of-the-art Integrated Architecture system that enables fast reaction tomanufacturing variables and provides remedial actions.
Page 12:One design environmentThis simple approach can accommodateevery application, from small machines toan entire plant. It can be specified with ‘justenough’ functionality for applications, whileoffering flexibility and scalability as required.Industrial safety solutionsOur expertise, experience and technologieshave established us as the world leader inindustrial safety. Our functional safetysolutions for machine, process and electricalsafety applications can be tailored to therequired safety performance level (PL) andhelp to reduce injuries and costs, while theyimprove productivity.Single, scalable networkOur network solutions connect yourautomation control systems to each otherand to the rest of your enterprise. We do thisvia a standard Ethernet network that scalesfrom the simplest applications through to aplant-wide deployment.Right-sized controland intelligenceFrom large control systems to small, we’vedeveloped a unique range of controller typesand sizes to suit specific application needs –all with the same Logix control engine – alldelivering world-leading performance andflexibility, leaner production and greaterreturn on investment.SmartertechnologyPLANTScalable Architecture12
Page 13:Increased I/O flexibilityWhether chassis-based or distributed,in-cabinet, on-machine or embedded, our I/O solutions help increase flexibilityand reduce wiring and costs. For safetysolutions, our Guard I/O™ products areTÜV-certified up to SIL 3, PLe, CAT 4.Manufacturingproduction intelligenceOur visualization products provide windowsinto critical production and processinformation and enterprise data. Acrossevery type of industry, application andmanufacturing environment, these productshelp to enhance decision-making andoperational efficiency.Integrated Architecture toolsWe can help you to plan and configure anIntegrated Architecture system, from theability to create a simple bill of material toget started, to more advanced acceleratortoolkits that maximize the time spent tocreate machine differentiation.Motor and motion controlOur portfolio extends from fixed speedstarters, through compact standard drivesfor simple applications, to high-performance,multi-axis servo drives for the mostdemanding applications.MACHINEFor more information:
Page 14:AUTOMATIONDESIGNPRODUCTIVITYOur Studio 5000 Automation Engineering & DesignEnvironment® combines design and engineering elementsinto one standard framework with workflows that make iteasy and intuitive to use.Key FeatureslScalable and flexible - use modular code to simplify your applicationlEfficient project design - write code, organize it, test it and duplicate itlEffective content management - create content, store it, share it and reuse itlQuicker downtime recovery - logically find what you need to quickly troubleshoot codelCollaborative engineering - enable multiple people to code, then compare and mergeThe Integrated Architecture offers aunique approach to automation. It uses acommon control engine and developmentenvironment designed to deliver world-classcapabilities for all automation disciplines andindustries.The Studio 5000® development environmenthelps you respond quickly to changes inmarket and business needs and reduces totalcosts of ownership. New design capabilitiescan increase automation productivity andreduce costs during a project’s lifecycle.Studio 5000 extends beyond one controllerto be a system-wide development anddesign tool.Enhancedproductivity14
Page 15:SolutionA single design environment that helps todrive down the time and cost to design, developand deliver your automation project.ChallengeThe design process can be made complicated by using different tools for each task.Case studyCKC EngineeringCKC Engineering was asked by one of the world’s largest medical devicecompanies to design and develop a custom microbore tubing spooler machinefor a new extrusion plant. The Rockwell Automation solution helped reduceprogramming and commissioning time by 25 percent.For more information:
Page 16:16Automation Design ProductivityEnhancedproductivitySystem organizationOrganize your system in the way that’s bestfor you to design, operate and maintain yourapplication. Studio 5000 offers a central pointfor design work flows and is the primarymeans to delivering contextual information tothe right user at the right time.Modular automationEnables design engineers to break complexprocesses into manageable tasks andlogical groupings of functionality. Thismakes code easier to reuse and helps with troubleshooting.Information-enabledDevice and system data structures make iteasy to collect data across the enterprise,transform it into actionable information andmake it available to the right person at theright time. This supports better decisionmaking and improved overall performance.Library managementSimplifies the organization, accessibility andreuse of code, which helps establish bestpractices and standards. Efficiently managingreusable content speeds design time,especially when combined with the bulk engineering capabilities of ApplicationCode Manager.16
Page 17:System SecurityHelp reduce risk and protect critical assets witha focus on infrastructure security, user accesscontrol, change detection and response andintellectual property management.Collaborative engineeringSpeed development time by seamlesslysharing data between systems. This allowsmultiple people to work on the same projectsimultaneously anywhere in the world.Virtual design and engineeringAchieve savings and maintain a competitiveedge with digital design, simulation andemulation. This helps shorten developmentcycles, reduce risk and optimize systemdesigns.Device managementProviding named data structures anda common user experience for alldevice types makes it simpler to designapplications, reuse code and replacefaulty or aging devices quickly. Thisimproves productivity and reducesdesign cycles for faster time to market.For more information:
Page 18:MANUFACTURINGINTELLIGENCE ANDOPERATIONSMANAGEMENTIndustrial enterprises worldwide are beginning to use emergingtechnologies to make sense of production data and turnit into actionable information that creates new businessvalue. Seamless and secure connectivity between disparateproduction systems and processes throughout the entireenterprise is achievable and highly management, made visible throughoutthe enterprise on easy-to-read dashboards.Our solutions can be deployed individuallyat a machine or line level to solve specificneeds, and then scaled across multiplelines or plants to achieve enterprise-widebusiness objectives.Modern operations management aims toenhance performance by making betteruse of data that already exists, using acombination of tools designed to delivercontextual, role-based information that canbe acted on to improve systems or processes.Our visualization, reporting and analyticssolutions help to monitor the key factorsaffecting performance, efficiency , quality andEnhancedproductivity18
Page 19:SolutionEnabling real-time access to critical productioninformation for better and faster decisionmaking, business agility and improvedperformance and productivity.ChallengeThere are numerous information systems availablethat gather production data, but is it actionableinformation that drives an increase in business value?Case studyTrigg TechnologiesTrigg Technologies sells, leases and services hydrocarbon transfers for oil andgas companies. The company cut an average of 20 days from billing cycles andreduced ticketing errors to virtually nil by using our control and informationsolution combined with a cloud platform. Trigg Technologies now hasreal-time visibility and historical trend data on transfers, overall oil quality andwell productivity over time, improving maintenance and decision making.For more information:
Page 20:Performance managementwith enterprise manufacturingintelligenceOur solutions intuitively connect to your plantautomation systems and present informationon how your equipment is performing. Findout Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such asOEE (overall equipment effectiveness), MTTR(Mean Time to Repair) and many more.Put your information to workOur systems make it easier to gather, analyze,contextualize and share intelligence. Usingflexible, open-standard-supporting softwaretools, you can connect and organize your datainto actionable information. Gain wisdom andinsight from your manufacturing data.Manufacturingexecution systemsOur MES solutions enable you to betterprovide standardized workflows, and manageprocedures and execution to optimizeproduction operations.Choose an architecture thatprovides integrated controland informationHaving a solid foundation is the keyto building great solutions. PoweringFactoryTalk® information software with Logixcontrollers connected with Stratix® switcheshelps to build more productive, more secureand more informed systems.Manufacturing Intelligence andOperations ManagementEnhancedproductivity20