Presence Sensing Brochure
Product Catalog
Maximum Flexibility, Reliability and Performance.
For sensors and switches from Rockwell Automation, we have one of the broadest lines in the industry including limit switches, proximity, photoelectric, capacitive and ultrasonic sensors. Our sensors and switches are excellent in durability and reliability, and can be used for various applications flexibility.
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Document Title | Presence Sensing Brochure |
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The content of this catalog(Presence Sensing Brochure)
Page 1:Presence SensingMaximum Flexibility, Reliability and Performance
Page 2:2 3Choose from one of the industry’s broadestsensor portfoliosRockwell Automation offers quality Allen-Bradley®components with over 110 yearsof time-tested reliability and durability. And when it comes to sensors, we have oneof the broadest lines in the industry including Allen-Bradley limit switches, proximity,photoelectric, capacitive and ultrasonic sensors. Allen-Bradley sensors and switchesset the standard for ruggedness, dependability and application flexibility.With our broad range ofsensing technologies andmodels, how do you knowwhich one is right for yourapplication? This flow chart willstep you through the processof reviewing your applicationsand selecting the best sensorfor the job.Is the sensingdistance greaterthan 6m?Is theapplicationin a humidenvironment?Photoelectric SensorPhotoelectric SensorCan thematerial beseen from the top ofthe tank?Photoelectric SensorUltrasonic SensorUltrasonic SensorCapacitive SensorYesYesYes YesNoNoorIs the target aliquid material?NoIs the targeta solid object?YesNo840E Fork SensororIs this a safetyapplication?Is contact withthe targetacceptable?Is thesensing distancerequired lessthan 65mm?Safety SolutionsLimit SwitchIs the target metal?Is the target film?Inductive SensorUltrasonic or PhotoelectricSensorCapacitive or PhotoelectricSensorPhotoelectric SensorYesYesYesYes YesYesNoNoNoNoIs the targettransparent?NoNoGo to page 3Continued fromprevious page
Page 3:54Solutions for your toughest applicationsDesigned for reliable operation, Allen-Bradley sensors boast features and functionsaimed to satisfy applications found in many industries such as material handling,packaging, food processing and transportation. Whether your applicationrequires a general purpose sensor, a full-featured model or a specialty solution,there’s an Allen-Bradley sensor to suit your needs.Nobody offers a more comprehensiveline of photoelectric sensors thanRockwell Automation.• General purpose and heavy duty models• Background suppression• Laser sensors• Color registration• Clear object detection• Fork, label and luminescence sensors• Fiber optics• Light arraysPhotoelectric SensorsBottle detection - The 42JTclear object sensor reliably detects clearbottles thanks to specialized optics.From miniature models to harshduty stainless steel models, we offerone of the largest proximity sensorportfolios in the industry.• General purpose and harsh duty•Tubular• Rectangular & cube•Miniature• Weld field immune• Cylinder position• Ring & slotInductive SensorsAutomotive application – An 871TMdetecting presence of an engine block skidOur capacitive models detectmetals as well as non-metal solids,making them an ideal choicein applications where othertechnologies simply won’t work.•Tubular• Metal and plastic models• Adjustable sensing distanceCapacitive SensorsPellet level detection – An 875CP detectsthe level of plastic pellets througha glass vesselFor many applications, such as webtension monitoring, our ultrasonicsensors can tackle jobs that wouldbe challenging for other technologies.• Detect solid or liquid targets• Clear object detection• Analog or discrete outputs• ProgrammableUltrasonic SensorsFilm position detection – An 873Multrasonic checks for continual feed of aclear wrap while monitoring tensionWhen it comes to linking endpoint devices on the plant floorto The Connected Enterprise,Rockwell Automation offers awide range of smart IO-Linkenabled sensors that deliverinformation, advancedfunctionality and flexibility. Allthis while increasing efficiencymachine- and plant-wide.Through IO-Link you can accessall sensor configurationparameters, process data anddiagnostics while monitoringyour machine‘s health as it runs.Plus, IO-Link simplifies setup andcommissioning while offeringenhanced flexibility for yourcurrent – and future – processes.In applications where contact withthe target is acceptable, our limitswitches offer rugged, reliabledetection in a simple, cost-effectivesolution.• NEMA and IEC styles• Heavy duty and submersible switches• Safety models• Hazardous location versionsLimit SwitchesAutomotive application – An 802T limitswitch detecting skid position ina body shopWhat is ?Look for thissymbol for IO-Linkenabled sensorsAdditional productsPage 15Pages 10-11Pages 10-11 Pages 12-13 Page 14Pages 6-9
Page 4:6Application ConsiderationsTarget Environmental Electrical InstallationDetection RangeObject• Shape• Size• Opacity• Reflectivity• SpeedTemperature• High• LowConditions• Wet or dry• Clean or dirty• HumidityChemical SubstancesHigh PressureWashdownSupplyVoltage• DC or ACOutputType• PNP, NPN• SPDT relay,MOSFETResponseTimeAnalog OutputsCommunicationsMounting SpaceCable Connections• 2 m cable• Micro M12 QD• Pico M8 QDShock/VibrationInterference• Electrical Noise• SunlightSpecialty Sensing ModesPolarizedRetroflectiveSharp CutoffDiffuseBackgroundSuppression DiffuseWide Angle Diffuse Fixed Focus Diffuse Fiber Optics• Polarized light to overcomefirst surface reflectionsfrom shiny objects• Visible red LED simplifiessensor alignment• Diffuse sensing thatprovides some degree ofprotection against sensingclose backgrounds• Offers longer range thanbackground suppressionsensors• Ignores backgroundsbeyond rated sensingdistance regardless ofreflectivity• Designed to detect objectsregardless of color at thespecified distance• Ideal for detection ofobjects not accuratelypositioned, thread or fordetection over a broad area• Good at ignoringbackground reflections• Accurate detection of smallobjects at the sensor’sspecified distance• Color mark detection for highcontrast applications• Allows sensing of very small parts• Fiber cables can be installed invery tight spaces• Glass fibers for high temperatureapplications up to 482°C (899°F)• Plastic fibers can be used forcontinuous flexing applications• Shock,noiseandvibrationresistantStandard Sensing Modes Advantages PrecautionsDiffuse• Ideal for short range applications• No reflector required• Easy installation/alignment• Sensing range depends on target’s characteristics(color, reflectivity, etc.)• Highly reflective backgrounds may false trigger the sensor• Relatively short sensing distanceRetroreflective• Moderate sensing distances• Easy to align• Requires mounting and wiring of only oneemitter/receiver unit• Shorter sensing distances than transmitted beam• May detect reflections from shiny objects (see polarized retroreflective)• Reflector requiredTransmittedBeam• High margin for contaminated environments• Longer sensing ranges than other technologies• Most reliable sensing mode for highly reflective objects• Requires proper alignment• Not recommended for clear object sensing• Space required to mount and wire separate emitter and receiverFor your selection keep in mind...Margin: defined as the measurement of the amount of light from the light source detected by the receiver, expressed as amultiple of the minimum amount of light level required to switch the sensor output. A margin of 2X is reached whenthe light level received is twice the minimum required toswitch the output.For minimizing maintenance the sensor should be operated ata margin greater than 2X. Detection in dirty environments (orof a low reflectivity target) requires sensors withhigher margin.Light Operate Output (LO): output is ON (energized) whenthe receiver can see sufficient light from the light source.Dark Operate Output (DO): output is ON (energized) whenthe receiver cannot see light from the light source.Photoelectric SensorsAllen-Bradley photoelectric sensors are recognized as the most robust in theindustrial automation marketplace. From general purpose models to laser sensingsolutions and specialty models that address your most challenging applications.General Purpose SolutionsSensing RangeProduct Product Features100mm200mm400mm600mm800mm1m2m4m6m8m10m20m>30m42JS VisiSight™ • Industry standard small rectangular(20 mm L x 14 mmW x 33 mm H) enclosure• Visible red LED on all models for ease of alignment• Complementary LO and DO• IP67 enclosure42JT VisiSight • Industry standard small rectangular (20 mm L x 12 mmW x 34 mm H) enclosure• Push button teach for easy set up• Visible red LED or Laser (Class 1) on all models for ease of alignment• AutoDetectioncontinuouslymonitorsandconfigurestheoutputautomaticallytoPNPorNPN• LO or DO configurable on every model• IP69K enclosure rating suitable for harsh duty environmentsSeries 9000™ • Universal 30 mm base and thru-hole mounting• High-pressure washdown (IP69K and 1200 PSI) enclosure• Standard ON/OFF, timing and diagnostics output models• Dual (PNP and NPN) with LO or DO selection• DC and AC/DC relay outputRightSight™ • Universal 18 mm base, nose and thru-hole mounting• High-pressure washdown (IP69K and 1200 PSI) enclosure• Fixed, teachable and adjustable sensitivity• Dual (PNP and NPN) outputs or complementary (LO and DO) models• DC and AC/DC solid state outputs42KD • Our smallest rectangular photoelectric sensor• Ranges up to 3 m• IP67 enclosure rating• Auto PNP/NPN• Push button teach• Through-hole or dovetail clamp mounting• Visible redMiniSight™ • Compact rectangular size with 18 mm nose and thru-hole mounting• High-pressure washdown (1200 PSI) enclosure• Fast response time (300 µs) models• Selectable LO and DO• DC and AC/DC solid state outputs42CA • Industry standard 18 mm enclosure• Plastic housing suitable for corrosive environments• Complementary LO and DO• Fast response time (0.5 ms) models• IP67 enclosure42CS • Robust 316L housing material• Smooth barrel version minimizes build up and allows for easy clean up(also available in threaded version)• IP69KenclosureratingandECOLABcertificationmakethisidealforharshdutyenvironments• Industry standard 18 mm barrel diameter• Extended temperature operating range• Ferromagnetic teach provides adjustability without compromising integrity• Two teach modes: standard and precision42CM • Industry standard 18 mm enclosure• Metal housing suitable for heavy duty environments• Complementary LO and DO• IP67 enclosureFiber Optic (Max: Diffuse 175 mm,Transmitted Beam 400 mm)Retroreflective (4.5 m)Polarized Retroreflective (2 m)Transmitted Beam (16 m) Transmitted Beam (20 m)Transmitted Beam (20 m)Diffuse (1.5 m, 3 m, 4.2 m)Diffuse (500 mm, 700 mm)Diffuse (190 mm, 380 mm)Diffuse (100 mm, 400 mm, 1 m)Diffuse (800 mm)Diffuse (100 mm, 400 mm)Retroreflective (9.1 m)Sharp Cutoff Diffuse (130 mm)Fixed Focus Diffuse (16 mm, 43 mm)Background Suppression (50 mm, 100 mm)Clear Object Detection (1 m)Background Suppression (50 mm, 100 mm)Polarized Retroreflective (3 m)Transmitted Beam (30 m)Polarized Retroreflective (4.9 m)Fixed Focus Diffuse (43 mm)Wide Angle Diffuse (180 mm)Retroreflective (4.8 m, 7.2 m)Adjustable Background Suppression(100 mm)Retroreflective (4 m)Transmitted Beam (4 m, 8 m, 20 m)Fiber Optic (Max: Diffuse 200 mm,Transmitted Beam 550 mm)Transmitted Beam (61 m, 152 m)Background Suppression (50 mm, 100 mm)Retroreflective (5 m)Polarized Retroreflective (3.8 m)Polarized Retroreflective (4 m)Polarized Retroreflective (3 m)Fiber Optic (Max: Diffuse 275 mm,Transmitted beam 1.5 m)Polarized Retroreflective (6 m,13 m)Transmitted Beam (13 m, 18 m)Background Suppression (120 mm, 200 mm, 400 mm)Diffuse (250 mm, 800 mm)Polarized Retroreflective (3.5 m)Transmitted Beam (10 m)GeneralPurposeSensorsBackground Suppression (55 mm, 130 mm)Polarized Retroreflective (1.6 m)Fixed Background Suppression (15 mm, 30 mm, 50 mm)Adjustable Background Suppression (70 mm)Diffuse (250 mm, 800 mm)Clear Object Detection (2 m)Color Mark (12 mm)
Page 5:AdjustableBackgroundSuppressionClearObjectDetectionFiberOpticForkSensorsColorandContrastSensorsLaserMeasurement97Laser Sensors Specialty SolutionsProduct Product Features42JTVisiSight • Industry standard small rectangular(20 mm L x 12 mmW x 34 mm H) enclosure• Available in diffuse (250 mm), polarized retroflective(15 m), transmitted beam (18 m), and adjustablebackground suppression (120 mm)• Auto Detection continuously monitors and configures theoutput automatically to PNP or NPN• Class 1 laser• IP69K enclosure rating suitable for harsh duty environmentsLaserSight™RightSight• Universal 18 mm base, nose and thru-hole mounting• Small parts detection in light duty environments• Availableindiffuse(300mm),polarizedretroreflective(15m)and transmitted beam (40 m)• Dual PNP and NPN outputs• IP54 enclosureLaserSight 42CM • Industry standard 18 mm metal enclosure• Metal housing suitable for heavy duty environments• Availableindiffuse(300mm),polarizedretroreflective(30m)and transmitted beam (50 m)• Small spot size beam (0.1 mm @ 100 mm) on diffuse forsmall object or contrast detection• Complementary LO and DO• IP67 enclosureLaserSight 9000 • Universal 30 mm base and thru-hole mounting• High pressure washdown (IP69K and 1200 PSI)• For long sensing range applications (polarized retroreflective40 m, transmitted beam 300 m)• Dual (PNP and NPN) with LO or DO selection• DC and AC/DC relay output enclosureProduct Product Features45LMS • Diffuse range: 8 m (Class 1 laser), 15 m (Class 2 laser)• Retroreflective model range: 50 m• Discrete and analog outputs• IP65 enclosure45BPD/45BRD • Class 2 visible laser• IP67 enclosure45BPD• 300 mm or 100 mm sensing range• One analog (4-20 mA) and one discrete output• Laser disable input• Teach button lock45BRD• 45-85 mm sensing range• One analog (0 -10V) outputProduct Product Features42JTVisiSight™ • 120 mm sensing range• Auto detection continuously monitors and configures theoutput automatically to PNP or NPN• Fast response time (500 µs)• Selectable LO and DO• IP69K enclosure rating suitable for harsh duty environments42BA • Wide variety of sensing range models (30 mm, 50 mm,100 mm, 200 mm)• Diagnostic output• Selectable LO and DO• Fast response time (350 µs)• Compact NEMA 4, 6P, IP67 enclosure42BT • Long range background suppression (1 m and 2 m models)• Slim flatpack housing design• Infrared LED or Red LED depending on range• Selectable LO and DO• Dual (PNP and NPN) outputs• 2 ms response time• IP65 enclosure42CS • Robust 316L housing material• Smooth barrel version minimizes build up and allows foreasy clean up (also available in threaded version)• Availableindiffuse(800mm),polarizedretroreflective(4m),transmitted beam (20 m), clear object detection (1 m),and adjustable background suppression (100 mm)• IP69KenclosureratingandECOLABcertificationmakethisidealforharshdutyenvironments• Industry standard 18 mm barrel diameter• Extended temperature operating range• Ferromagnetic teach provides adjustability withoutcompromising integrity• Two teach modes: standard and precision45CRM • Diffuse mode sensor for recording any print mark• Teach-in, static and dynamic• 50µsresponsetime,suitableforextremelyrapidscanningprocesses• Sensing range: 11 mm ± 2 mm• 0.7 mm (effective light spot diameter)• Complementary LO and DOColorSight™ 45CLR • Wide sensing range tolerance• Three-channel color matching (3 outputs)• 12-32 mm sensing range• RS-485 models can internally match up to five colorconfigurations and communicate true RGB values• IP67 enclosure42JT VisiSight™Color Mark • 12 mm sensing range with /- 2.5 mm tolerance• 1 x 4 mm spot size at 12 mm• White LED light source allows for the detection of a widerange of color marks with different color backgrounds• Lightsourceprovidesvisualfeedbackindicatingteachsettings• Push-pull output (PNP or NPN)• Fast 50 µsresponse time• Remote teach and lock input• IP67, IP69K enclosureProduct Product Features42JTVisiSightClearObject • 2 m sensing range with 92-118 reflector• Coaxial optics for superior clear object detection• Auto PNP and NPN helps streamline inventory• IP69K enclosureClearSight™ RightSight • General purpose plastic film and stretch-wrap detectionsolution• 1 m sensing range• DC and AC/DC models available• 1 ms response time• NEMA 3,4X, 6P, 12, 13, IP69K and 1200 psi enclosure45FPL • General purpose contrast sensing• Twice the sensing range of DIN rail fiber portfolio• Large status indicator displays• One touch multi-directional push buttons• Status indicator displays light levels, operating modes anddiagnostic information• Two-step static teach or dynamic teach functionality• Two programmable sensing modes: long range (1.8 ms)and high speed (190 µs)• Threshold value and current value display45FVL/45FSL • General purpose contrast sensing• Visible red, blue, green or white light source• Automatic or manual sensitivity adjustment (45FVL)• 30 µs response time (45FSL)• IP40 enclosureRightSight™ • General purpose long range fiber optic applications(up to 1.5 meters)• Individual fiber cables for transmitted beam and bifurcatedcable for diffuse applications• Large aperture 4.6 mm glass fiber optic cable makes it anideal solution for high temperature environment• DC and AC/DC models45LSP • 30, 50, 80 ,120 mm gap sizes• Detection of objects as small as 0.2 mm• Highly visible power and output LED indicators with outputindication along both sides of the fork• Selectable LO and DO• 3 pin and 4 pin pico (M8) QD models• 250 µs response time• IP67 polycarbonate enclosure45LST • 2, 15, 30, 50, 80, 120, 225 mm gap sizes• Rugged industrial aluminum housing• Selectable LO or DO outputs• 1 ms response time (30 µs on 2 mm gap model)• IP65 enclosureI/O-Link EnabledI/O-Link EnabledRoll detection – A 42EF RightSight LaserSight monitors a roll offilm to indicate low film level.DiscreteLaserSensors
Page 6:1110SpecialtySolutionsHazardousLocationsProximity SensorsAllen-Bradley proximity sensors set the standard for toughness and versatility.Choose from one of the industry’s widest selections of proximity sensor models.This diverse offering serves the full spectrum of your needs, from light-dutypackaging applications to the grueling environments on automotive weldingequipment or the harsh washdowns in food processing plants.I/O-Link EnabledGeneralPurposeHarshDutyFood&BeverageHousingDiameter/Dimensions(mm)SensingRangeShielded(mm)SensingRangeUnshielded(mm)EnclosureRatings2-wireDC3-wireDC4-wireDC2-wireAC2-wireAC/DCProduct Product Features872CWorldProx™ • Nickel-plated brass barrel with plastic face• Standard length and short barrel versions(3-wire DC versions)• Extended and long range versions available(3-wire DC and 2-wire AC)• Wide variety of cable and connector options6.5 2 & 3 3IP67 4 4 4 4 48 2 & 3 3, 4, 612 3, 4, 6 4, 8, 1018 5, 8, 12 8, 12, 2030 10, 15, 22 15, 20, 40875C/875CPCapacitive • Plastic or nickel-plated brass housings• AC or DC models available• Available in cable, micro QD or pico QD• Threaded or smooth barrels in plastic versions12 2.5 (metal) n/aIP67 4 4181...5(metal)2...8(plastic)302...10(metal)5...20(plastic)34 n/a7...30(plastic)871TM • Rugged stainless steel 304 barrel and sensing face• Extended Range units available (3-wire DC versions)• Wide variety of sensing types available (standardinductive, weld-field immune, low energy AC/DC units,and intrinsically safe versions)8 3 6All units IP67 &1200 psi washdown rated(Selected unitsmeet IP69K)4 4 4 412 2 & 6 4 & 1018 5 & 10 8 & 2030 10 & 20 15 & 40871TS • Stainless steel 316L barrel and FDA approved PPSplastic sensing face• ECOLAB certified• Extended temperature ratings -40° to 100°C(-40° to 212°F)• Laser engraved part numbers• Threaded or smooth barrel12 4 8IP67, IP68 &IP69K418 8 12Product Product Features Product Product Features871DWorldClamp™• Designed for use in power clamp and gripperapplications to indicate open and closed position• Weld field immune• 2 different sensor head styles• 3-wire DC and 2-wire AC/DC versions871D CylinderPosition Indicator • Designed to detect the extended or retracted position of a hydraulicor pneumatic cylinder• Weld field immune• Multiple probe lengths to accommodate different size cylinders• 3-wire DC and 2-wire AC/DC versionsAutomatedAssembly&RoboticsWeldingMaterialHandling&WeldingHousingDiameter/Dimensions(mm)SensingRangeShielded(mm)SensingRangeUnshielded(mm)EnclosureRatings2-wireDC3-wireDC4-wireDC2-wireAC2-wireAC/DCProduct Product Features871Z • Weld field immune• PTFE coated brass housing• Cable versions available with SOOW cable for excellentweld splatter protection12 2 4IP67 4 418 5 830 10 15871ZT • Weld field immune• PTFE coated brass housing• Equal sensing (detects all metals at the same sensingdistance)• Unshielded versions offer extended range12 3 8IP67 418 5 1230 10 20871PVersaCube™ • Head can be rotated in 5 different sensing positions• Standard sensing and weld field immune versions• OptionalToughcoat™ slag resistant coating available onspecific models40x40 20 40All units IP67 &1200 psi washdown rated(Selected unitsmeet IP69K)4 440x40WFI 15 & 20 25 & 40871F Flat Pack• Large flat pack style sensor for applications that requireextremely long sensing range• Standard sensing and weld field immune versions80x80 50 65All units IP67 &1200 psi washdown rated(Selected unitsmeet IP69K)4 480x80WFI 40 50871L and 872L • Head can be rotated in 17 different positions• Standard NEMA limit switch mounting pattern• Switch selectable N.O. or N.C. outputs on 871L• Programmable N.O. or N.C. outputs (via jumper) on872L40x40x120 20 40 IP67 4 4 4871C MiniTubular• Compact housing ideal for small part detection,robotic, and gripper applications• Stainless steel barrel and plastic sensing face• Fully integrated electronics• High switching frequency (≥3 kHz)3 smoothbarrel0.6 & 1 NAIP67 44 smoothbarrel0.8 & 1 NA4 0.8 & 1.5 NA5 1 & 1.5 NA871FM Mini Flat Pack• Compact sensor housings for applications with limitedmounting area• 5x5 and 8x8 solutions offer metal housings while othersolutions offer plastic housings• AC versions only available in the 28x16x11 and40x26x12 mm packages5x5 0.8 & 1.5 NAIP67 48x8 2 328x16x11 2 NA25x50x10 5 831x18x10 NA 5871C NAMUR• Conform to NAMUR specifications (DIN 19 234)• Sensors are appropriate for intrinsically safeapplications when used with NAMUR style isolators/amplifiers8 1 2IP67 412 2 418 5 830 10 15Product Product Features Product Product Features871C Analog• Provide a 0-10V output proportional to the distancefrom the sensor face• Available in 12, 18, and 30 mm housings• 2 m cable connection871R & 8721SRing & Slot • Ringsensorsavailablein12,20,50,and100mmdiametersizes• Slot sensors available with 30 mm gap• All ring and slot sensors 3-wire DCInductive proximity sensors provide non-contact detection of metal objects across relatively short distances (up to2.5 inches or 65 mm). Capacitive models can detect non-metal solids and liquids in addition to standard metal targets.They can even sense the presence of some targets throughcertain other materials, making them an ideal choice inthose applications where other technologies cannot be used.SpecialtySolutions
Page 7:1312HazardousLocationsLightDutyConveyorWashdownHeavyDutyNEMAGeneralPurposeContactRatingTemperatureRatingActuatorTypesEnclosureRatingQDOfferedStatusIndicatorOfferedProduct Product Features801 • General purpose limit switch for a widevariety of applications• Multiple contact arrangements available(Including slow action and snap action)• Snap action contacts provide high snap through forceNEMA A600 0˚ to 40 ˚C(32˚ to 104 ˚F)• Fork lever• Roller lever• Maintained• Rod/chain leverNEMA 1,Type 4 orType 7, and 9802T Plug-In &Non Plug-In• Rugged NEMAType 4 and 13 oil-tight construction• Available in standard non plug-in and plug-in version• Plug-in design provides for quick and easy installation• 2- and 4-circuit versions• Simple mode change in head for easy set-up• Low energy versions available2 Circuit:NEMA A6004 Circuit:NEMA A300-18 to 110 ˚C(0˚ to 230 ˚F)Optional-40˚ to 110 ˚C(-40˚ to 230 ˚F)• Low operating force• Top and side push(with or without rollers)• Cat whisker• Wobble stick• Neutral positionNEMA 1,4, 6P(select side rotarystyles), 134 4802M/MC • Factory sealed to meet the demands of both wet anddry applications• Polymeric housing material is highly resistant tomoisture as well as volatile cleaning agents• 802MC corrosion resistant versions are factory sealedand all exposed metal parts are constructed ofstainless steel 316• Standard units provided with prewired 1.52 m (5 ft)STO cable2 Circuit:NEMA A6004 Circuit:NEMA B3000˚ to 80 ˚C(32˚ to 180 ˚F)• Lever• Maintained• Top and side push(with or without rollers)• 802MC corrosionresistant leverNEMA 1, 4, 4X, 6P,13 and IP674 4802G • Plug-in gravity return switch, designed forconveyor-type applications with small or lightweightobjects• Requires low operating torque• Adjustable switch point(can be set from 10˚ to 180˚ of rotation)• Three unique lever arms availableNEMA B6000˚ to 110 ˚C(32˚ to 230 ˚F)• Adjustable rod levers(Requires lever armsspecifically designed forthe 802G product family)NEMA 1 4802X, 802XR, 802R • NEMA 7 and 9 units appropriate for use in:– Class 1, Groups B, C or D– Class II, Groups E, F or G– Class III• NEMA 4 watertight versions designed for indoor use802XR and 802R• Sealed limit switch features a single contacthermetically sealed in glass enclosure• Offers excellent contact reliability incontaminated atmospheres• Appropriate for use in:– Class 1, Div 2, Groups A,B, C, and D802XNEMA A600NEMA P150802XR and802RNEMA B600NEMA P300802X-46˚ to 121 ˚C(-50˚ to 250 ˚F)802XR and802R-29˚ to 121 ˚C(-20˚ to 250 ˚F)• Lever• Top and side push(with or without roller)• Wobble stick• Maintained (802X only)• Neutral position(802X only)• Low operating force(802R only)• Cat whisker (802R only)802XNEMATypes 7and 9,NEMA 4/non-hazardouslocations,802XRNEMATypes 7 & 9802RNEMA 13IECStyleSolutions/SafetySolutionsNEMAStyleSafetyCompact&PrecisionIECStyleSolutions/GeneralPurposeContactRatingTemperatureRatingActuatorTypesEnclosureRatingQDOfferedStatusIndicatorOfferedProduct Product Features802B, 802B Precision/Small Precision • Compact metal housing can be mounted in areas toosmall for traditional NEMA style solutions• 3 m pre-wired cable• 13 unique head configurations• AC or DC LED versions• Low current versions• Booted and panel-mount versionsPrecision/Small Precision• Low trip and reset points for more precise sensing• 1/2”Conduit entry• Side and flange mounting availableNEMA A300Precision/SmallPrecisionNEMA B300-10˚ to 70˚C(14˚ to 158˚F)Precision/Small Precision-10˚ to 80˚C(14˚ to 176˚F)• Rotary arm• Center rotary arm• Top push (with orwithout rollers)• Top push bevel• Top push cross roller• Wobble stickPrecision/SmallPrecision• Top push roller• Top push• Top push cross roller• Roller lever• One-way rollerNEMA 1, 3, 4, 6,12, 13 and IP67PrecisionNEMA 1, 3, 4,IP60 & IP65Small PrecisionNEMA 1, 3, 4, 6,13 & IP67802B4802B4802K-M • Internationally accepted 30 mm cast aluminumhousing for safety and non-safety applications• Available with snap-acting, slow make before break orslow break before make contact blocks• Large selection of operator heads and actuatorsNEMA A600NEMA Q600-25˚ to 65˚C(-18˚ to 149˚F)• Roller plunger• Dome plunger• Short lever• Adjustable lever• Metal spring rodIP66440P-M • Internationally accepted 30 mm cast aluminumhousing for safety and non-safety applications• Positive operation, forced disconnection of contacts• Available with snap-acting, slow make before break orslow break before make contact blocks• Actuator head can be rotated in 90˚ increments• Category 1 device per EN954 -1• Suitable for Category 3 and 4 systems whenganged togetherNEMA A600NEMA Q600-25˚ to 65˚C(-18˚ to 149˚ F)• Roller plunger• Dome plunger• Short lever• Adjustable lever• Rod lever• Spring rod• Telescope armIP66 4440P-C • Internationally accepted 22 mm plastic housing forsafety and non-safety applications• Positive operation, forced disconnection of contacts• Available with snap-acting, slow make before break orslow break before make contact blocks• Actuator head can be rotated in 90˚ increments• Category 1 device per EN954 -1• Suitable for Category 3 and 4 systems whenganged togetherNEMA A600NEMA Q600-25˚ to 80˚C(-18˚ to 176˚F)• Roller plunger• Dome plunger• Hinge lever• Short lever• Offset hinge• Adjustable lever• Rubber rollerIP66IP69K(pre-wiredversion)4440P-A • Internationally accepted compact 22 mm metalhousing for safety and non-safety applications• Positive operation, forced disconnection of contacts• Available with snap-acting, slow make before break orslow break before make contact blocks• Pre-wired 2 m cable, bottom or side exit• Category 1 device per EN954 -1• Suitable for Category 3 and 4 systems whenganged togetherNEMA B300NEMA Q3002˚ to 70 ˚C(36˚ to 158 ˚F)• Short leverwith wide roller• Roller plunger• Dome plunger• Cross roller plunger• Short leverIP66/IP67802T Direct Opening • Rugged metal housing and plug-in body style utilizethe same mounting dimensions as other NEMA stylelimit switches• Direct opening contacts ensure normally closedcontacts (safety contacts) open even in the event of acontact weld condition, up to 10 Newtons• 2-Circuit versions suitable for Category 1 systemsper EN954-1• 4-Circuit versions suitable for Category 3 and 4systems per EN954-12 Circuit:NEMA A6004 Circuit:NEMA A300NEMA Q300-18˚ to 110 ˚C(0˚ to 230 ˚F)• Lever• Top push roller• Side push vertical roller• Side pushhorizontal rollerNEMA 4, 6P, 12,13, and IP674Limit SwitchesRockwell Automation offers one of the most durable lines of limit switches inthe industry. Allen-Bradley limit switches are used in a variety of applications andenvironments because of their ruggedness, simple, visible operation, ease ofinstallation and reliability.
Page 8:1514Ultrasonic SensorsAllen-Bradley ultrasonic sensors detect solid or liquid targets by using sound waves.They are ideal for sensing targets – such as clear, shiny, or non-reflective objects –that can be challenging for other sensing technologies.Rockwell Automation offers an impressive line of Allen-Bradley solid-statecondition sensing products to meet virtually every application need. Withmodels capable of detecting pressure, temperature, flow and level,Allen-Bradley® condition sensors and switches offer exceptional control forautomatic operation of machines and processes.Solid-State Condition SensorsToday’s high performance digital servo drive systems require encodersto provide absolute feedback for position control and high resolutionincremental feedback for speed control. Rockwell Automation offers afull line of general purpose incremental and absolute encoders as well asSine Cosine and EtherNet/IP encoders compatible with a variety of motorcontrol products for a wide range of industrial applications.EncodersIndustrial Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems are a rugged andreliable way to track and document products as they move through themanufacturing process. Unlike the bar code systems used for similar, lessdemanding applications, Allen-Bradley industrial RFID systems are designedto withstand harsh environments. Plus, reusable read/write tags allow forflexibility in information and application.RFIDHousingDiameter(mm)SensingDirectionSensingRange(mm(in.))SingleDiscrete(PNP)DualDiscrete(PNP)Analog4...20mAAnalog0...10VDualDiscrete(PNP)andOneAnalog(0...10V)DualDiscrete(PNP)andOneAnalog(4...20mA)Product Product Features873P• Pushbutton teach process and multiple LED indicatorssimplify programming of sensor outputs and set points• Sensing up to 6 m (19.6 ft)• Synchronization on select models prevents crosstalk• IP67-rated 18 mm and 30 mm PBT plastic threadedbarrels for use in tough industrial applications• Window or One Set Point output function• Selectetable N.O./N.C. Outputs when in windows mode18 Straight50…400(1.96…15.74)4 4 4 418 Straight100…900(3.93…35.43)18 Straight200…2200(7.87…86.61)30 Straight200..2500(7.87…98.42)4 430 Straight250…3500(9.84…137.79)30 Straight350….6000(13.8…236.2)873M • Nickel-plated brass 18 mm cylidrical or right-anglethreaded barrel provides ease of mounting and reducesinstallation time• IP67-rated• Windows teaching allows sensing range to be definedinside a user-taught sensing area for both discreteand analog models.The user can achieve superiorbackground suppression• Programming can be accomplished by remote teach oroptional programming cable• Bright LEDs allow the user to monitor power, output andmargin from any direction - reducing time required forsetup and troubleshooting• Selectable N.O./N.C. Output18 Straight30…300(1.18…11.8)4 4 418Rightangle30…300(1.18…11.8)18 Straight50…800(1.97…31.5)18Rightangle50…800(1.97…31.5)Additional Sensing ProductsIn addition to our comprehensive line of presence sensors and switches,Rockwell Automation offers a full line of complementary technologies.To learn about these products and more Allen-Bradley components, go to: light array sensors create a sensing field instead of a singlesensing beam. Therefore, light arrays are capable of detecting or measuringtargets over a wider area then traditional photoelectric sensors. This makesthem ideal for detecting oddly shaped parts, products with gaps or spaces,or inconsistently positioned targets, at a fraction of the cost of using multiplesensor pairs.Light Arrays
Page 9:Publication SENSOR-BR001A-EN-P – March 2016 Copyright ©2016 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.Connectivity & Network Media SolutionsLocal DistributorVisit our website to find your local Connected EnterpriseLearn more about the Connected Enterprise transforms real-timedata, from intelligent assets and multi-disciplined control from aplant, or a remote site into actionable Selection ToolboxOur powerful range of product selection and system configurationtools assist you in choosing and applying our Automation offers a full portfolio of Allen-Bradley Connection Systems andNetwork Media solutions that provide seamless connectivity for your IntegratedArchitecture and components. We offer one of the most extensive portfolios in theindustry, so whether it’s a standard cable or customized length, you can get the productyou need, when you need it.• Non-Network Connectivity • Ethernet Media• DeviceNet Media • Safety ConnectivityAllen-Bradley, ClearSight, ColorSight, LaserSight, MiniSight, RightSight, Rockwell Automation, Series 9000, VersaCube, VisiSight, WorldClamp,and WorldProx are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE:ROK), the world’s largest company dedicated to industrial automation, makes its customersmore productive and the world more sustainable. Throughout the world, our flagship Allen-Bradley® and Rockwell Software®product brands are recognized for innovation and excellence.