High Frequency Characteristics Measurement - Micro Prober MP502
Product Catalog
Industry-leading systems that measure the frequency characteristics of high-speed transmission PCBs precisely and automatically.
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Document Title | High Frequency Characteristics Measurement - Micro Prober MP502 |
Document Type | Product Catalog |
File size | 1.8Mb |
Category | |
Company | YAMAHA FINE TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. (Documents List) |
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Document Contents
High-frequency characteristics measurement system
Micro Prober MP Series
Fully automated high-frequency characteristics
measurement system
Optimal equipment for inspecting 5G generation high-speed transmission PCBs,
featuring double-sided probing technology.
High repeatability and reproducibility
High-repeatability probing accuracy reduces variation in measurement results
attributable to measurers and measurement environments.
High-speed, multi-piece-simultaneous measurement
Enables measurement of characteristic impedance and S-Parameters, with accurate
evaluation and analysis of transmission traces.
Can be combined with multi-port type network analyzers from major vendors.
Rohde & Schwarz product Keysight product
Step and repeat method
High-precision probing for each work piece is realized by
repeating image alignment and worksheet movement
4-point clamp and tension method
Clamping the PCB in 4 corners and applying optimal force
in XY directions allows flat reforming of thin PCBs
Double-sided probing system
Accurate measurement of double-sided PCBs using
independent upper and lower test heads that align
the front and back surfaces of the PCB.
Equipment configuration
Test fixture
Vector network analyzer
Clamp mechanism
Coaxial cables
Autoloader* Defect marker
Fully automated substrate loading and unloading contributes to Prints defect marks
manpower reductions and uniform quality automatically on defective
pieces, preventing manual
errors in marking defects
Work loading hand Testing head Work unloading hand
2D-code reader
Links measurement results
with data codes for pieces,
enabling tracking at piece
level even after shipping
Loading stocker Unloading stocker
Series Micro Prober MP502
Model MP502 MP502-A
Applications Rigid PCBs, Flexible PCBs, Rigid-flex PCBs
etc., with high speed transmission circuits
Worksheet size W150 to 510 mm, D150 to 610 mm
Max. fixture size W200 mm x D200 mm
Positioning accuracy*1 ±20μm
Worksheet transfer Loading: Manual Loading: AutomaticUnloading: Manual Unloading: Automatic
External dimensions W1,700(+650) W1,880(+650)
× H1,600× D2,170 × H1,785 × D2,545
Weight Approx. 2,500 kg Approx. 3,000 kg
Insertion losses, reflection losses, VSWR,
Measurement items *2 isolation, TDR etc.
* 1 Indicates repeatability of relative positioning of in-house performance tests.
*2 Measurable items and measurement performance of each item differ
depending on the specifications/performance of the network analyzer.
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