Load-cell digital indicator
Compact High-performance,
Excellent cost performance
High speed processing at 4000 times / sec
(20,000 times / sec at hold)
CC-Link interface
Document Information
Document Title | TD-700T Load-cell digital indicator |
Document Type | Product Catalog |
File size | 2.8Mb |
Category | |
Company | TEAC CORPORATION (Documents List) |
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Document Contents
Specifications Included accessories Digital Indicator
Bridge Voltage 10V DC, 2.5 V ±10% (30mA current maximum, remote sense can be used) Panel attachment fixtures (already attached to unit) 2 pcs.
Signal input range ±3.2 mV/V
Equivalent Calibration range 0.3 mV/V–3.2 mV/V DIN rail attachment adapter 1 pc.
for Force / Pressure / Torque Inputs
input/TEDS Calibration precision Within 0.1% F.S. (when using a 1m standard TEAC Φ8, 4-core shielded Input and output connector plugs
cable with 350Ω impedance, 10V BV and 0.5mV/V or greater setting) B2L 3.50/08/180F SN BK BX 1 pc.
Precision Nonlinearity Within 0.01% F.S. + 1 digit (when input is 1 mV/V or greater)
Zero drift Within 0.5 μV/°C (input conversion value) B2L 3.50/16/180F SN BK BX 1 pc.
Gain drift Within ±0.005% F.S./°C Micro screw driver (flat-blade) 1 pc.
A/D conversion 24-bit, 4000 times per second, 20000 times per second (fast sampling mode) Operation manual(A5) 1 pc.
Digital filter Select 3 Hz (−6db/oct), 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000 Hz (−12 db/oct) or none
D/A output 4000 times per second, isolated output, ±1–±10V voltage output (set in 1V Optionally supports interfaces for easy
steps) and about 1/59000 resolution (when set to ±10V), connection with production lines and other systems;
or 4–20mA current output and about 1/43000 resolution
TEDS function IEEE1451.4 class 2 mix mode interface
Display 320 x 240 color liquid crystal
Indicator Display range −99999 – 99999
value Decimal point Display position selectable
Times displayed Select 4, 6, 10 or 20 times/second
Displayed Calibration settings Zero calibration/span calibration
items (TEDS calibration, actual load calibration, equivalent input calibration)
Function settings High limit, low limit, high high limit, low low limit, comparison mode, Panel attachment fixtures DIN rail attachment fixtures
hysteresis, nearly zero, moving average, low pass filter, motion detect,
zero tracking, static strain, digital zero, digital zero offset, zone definition,
hold mode, key lock, minimum grid, display times, bridge voltage, Options*
digital zero limit, clear digital zero, comp. output pattern,
comparison output control, select data output, D/A converter, remote sense Several options are available High-performance in compact design
Hold functions Sample hold, peak hold, bottom hold, peak to peak hold, CC-Link Interface TD-700T (CCL)
peak and bottom hold, average hold,
zone definition hold (peak, bottom, peak to peak, peak and bottom, average) RS-485 Interface TD-700T(485) Excellent cost performance
External Input Hold, judge, clear, digital zero, setting memory selection 1, setting memory * For details, please contact TEAC sales or distributors
input and selection 2 (isolated from main unit circuits using a photocoupler)
output Output HH, HI, OK, LO, LL open collector output (isolated from main unit circuits High speed processing at 4000 times / sec
signals using a photocoupler) Pin Assignment
CC-Link* DA, DB (isolated from main unit circuits using a photocoupler), DG, SLD
RS-485** A+, B− (isolated from main unit circuits using a photocoupler), TRM, FG (20,000 times / sec at hold)
Power DC power supply Ratings: DC 12–24 V, 9 W
supply specifications
Operating temperature range 0°C – 40°C
Storage temperature range −20°C – 60°C
Operating humidity range 85% RH or less (without condensation)
Applicable standards CE marking EN61326 (class A), UL61010-1 Static Strain Comparison Waveform
External dimensions (W × H × D) Approximately 96 mm × 53 mm × 132 mm (without protrusions)
Weight About 300 g
*Only with CC-Link option.
**Only with RS-485 option.
● Weight and dimensions are approximate.
External Drawing
DIN rail attachment fixtures Panel cutout dimensions
Suggested board thickness is 0.8 to 5 mm.
Panel attachment fixtures Actual size
https:// loadcell.jp/en/
Company names and product names in this document are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
TEAC AMERICA, INC. Features and specifications are subject to change without notice.Precaution : To ensure safe handling and operation, read the Instruction Manual before use.
10410 Pioneer Blvd. Suite 1, Santa Fe Springs, California 90670, U.S.A.
TEL: +1-323-726-0303 | FAX: +1-323-727-7632
Email datarecorder@teac.com
Copyright© 2019 TEAC CORPORATION. All rights reserved. PRINTED IN JAPAN 0519 ・ISD-076E-Letter https:// loadcell.jp/en/
Examples of information on the display
Clear Accurate Small Easy Visual Alarm Static strainModes
TEAC’s TD-700T was developed to measure and
display load, pressure, and torque measurements
accurately and graphically. The TD-700T brings
features to a 1/8 DIN size indicator that are
normally found in larger HMI displays.
96 mm Bar Graph Numbers only
High-performance color graphic 4000 times / second ( ★ 20000 times / sec at hold) high-speed processing
LCD screen
Sampling and response times of 4000 per second. You can realize
Vivid display gives immediate process status. higher measurement accuracy and reliability with faster sampling of The fast 4Ks/S sampling rate shows the
Each alarm intuitively and independently 20,000 cycles/s in Fast mode. Actual Process process levels vividly and in real time.
advises process condition. Waveform The TD-700T shows what happens
before, during and after any event.
Plug-and-Play (TEDS) Standard mode Fast mode A variety of display modes is available to
Slower response Capable of meet your purpose.
The TD-700T Supports IEEE 1451.4 TEDS. times may miss faster
process events. measurement
By utilizing TEAC load cells, auto-calibration
is performed which eliminates complicated Sample hold
calibration and prevent human error.
Example of hold functions
Sensor input
Variety of hold function
Hold fast mode Hold functions Zone definition★ with block setting Sample hold
A variety of holding functions can be Peak hold ○
Zero Position Bar Graph Settings User friendly warnings activated utilizing the front panel controls
Bottom hold ○
Peak-to-peak hold Indicator valueor external control signals. ○
Zero position for the bar graph can be set TD-700T detects overloading, wrong connection, Peak-and-bottom hold ○ Holding
Fast sampling mode
automatically depending upon the invalid parameters and improper adjustments and ★ (20000 times/sec) supported Average hold ○ Hold signal
TEDS information can be confirmed. application. show warnings on the front LCD.
Peak hold No zone definition ★ Peak hold Zone definition used ★ Bottom hold ★
TEAC has various TEDS load cells for Positive & negative value Example of Warning Indicator value
Plug-and-Play operation sample hold Sensor input Sensor input (Zone definition used) Sensor input
TD-700T can sample, hold and average both Indicator value
(No zone definition)
positive and negative values. It can be used
in measurements using dual pole devices
▼ For more information such as torque sensors.
https://loadcell.jp/en/ Indicator value
Comparison function Holding time Holding Zone definition hold time Holding time
Remote Sense Function It is possible to set up to 4 values (HHI, Analog voltage /current output Hold signal Hold signal
Hold signal
HI,LO and LLO) to compare with the input (isolated) Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear
Compensates for possible voltage changes signal. The definition of those values is
due to temperature fluctuations and/or programmable (i.e. 3 upper limits and 1 lower TD-700T can also be used as a signal Peak to peak hold ★ Peak and bottom hold ★ Average hold
extended cable lengths without the lose of limit). This provides users with a wide variety conditioner. P: Peak value
B: Bottom value
accuracy. of alarm applications, and helps avoid
Indicator value Indicator value
confusion and/or problems monitoring your 4 patterns of memory function Indicator value Sensor input
Sensor input Sensor input
process. Settings for up to 4 holding modes can be P
saved. You can switch among those saved. 0 0
P time time
Any changes due to Static strain display B
temperature or wire B
resistance fluctuations Allows the measure static strain. This
Compensated by function makes it easier to check load-cells
Holding Holding Holding
the TD-700T. for deterioration and plastic deformation. Hold signal Hold signal Hold signal
Clear Clear Clear
Indicator value Indicator value
Indicator value Indicator value
Indicator value
Indicator value Indicator value