CNC Precision Surface Grinding Machine PSG-CA-iQ Series
Product Catalog
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Document Title | CNC Precision Surface Grinding Machine PSG-CA-iQ Series |
Document Type | Product Catalog |
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Company | OKAMOTO MACHINE TOOL WORKS,LTD (Documents List) |
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Document Contents
CNC Precision Surface Grinding Machine
PSG-CA-iQ Series
2993 Gobara, Annaka, Gunma, Japan 379-0135
TEL : +81-27-388-9595 FAX : +81-27-385-1144
URL : www.okamoto.co.jp JQA-QMA10960
Annaka Factory
*Prior to and while using our products you are requested to thoroughly go through the articles on danger,
warning and attention for the sake of safety described in operation manual attached to the machine
and also in the warning plates mounted on the machine.
CAUTION *When the products fall under the eport controlled goods stipulated in “Foreign Exchange and Foreign
Trade Act” , it requires the license or approval of Goverment of Japan when exporting out of Japan.
*Specifications subject to change without notice.
This printed matter uses environmentally friendly paper and vegetable oil inks
Printed in Japan in July 2024 2024071500MTR-0
Structure New Capability Column Type NC Surface Grinding Machine PSG-CA-iQ Series NEW MODEL
■ Newly designed casting frame for increased rigidity Model Name Chuck Size
Chuck size is 1,200x600(48x24″) to 1,500x700mm(60x28″). mm(inch) mm(inch) Machine Features
Okamoto’s new column grinder allows for higher rigidity PSG126CA-iQ
and better accuracy.
■ High speed and accurate positioning (PSG2848CA-iQ)
All 3 Axis are ball screw with AC servo driven. PSG156CA-iQ
Removal of hydraulic drives allows for easy maintenance PSG157CA-iQ
and environmental friendliness. (PSG2860CA-iQ)
■ 3/4 enclosure cover is standard
Open top, 3/4 enclosure allows for easier load/unload of
large parts with crane assist.
■ 15-inch adjustable Touch Control Panel 15-inch Large Touch Control Panel LED Light with Okamoto Logo
Large touch panel allows for easy operation. Large touch panel with iQ conversational soft- LED light is a standard accessory.
Okamoto’s conversational iQ software is very simple with ware is simple and intuitive. This light works the same as a signal tower.
intuitive pictogram graphics.
■ A variety of optional accessories are available
Coolant tank with fi ltration, Automatic wheel balancing, PSG126CA-iQ
Touch Probe, Multi-Position grinding system are available
to optimize customer applications. Standard Chuck Size 1,200×600mm
Precision Surface Grinding Machine
Touch Probe System (Optional) Large Wheel and Spindle Motor
Touch Probe to measure thickness with G-Code Max wheel width is 100mm(4″).
program is an optional accessory. Standard wheel spindle power is 15kW(20hp),
22kW(30hp) as an optional accessory.
Adjustable Position Control Panel 3/4 (Open Top) Enclosure Cover
Control panel is movable for a better operation Open top enclosure is standard to help control
PSG126CA-iQ positioning. coolant mist and air quality.
1 PSG-CA-iQ Series PSG-CA-IQ Series 2
Surface and Form grinding were complex tasks.
Software LCD Touch Panel and Intuitive Conversational iQ Software iQ Software makes it easy.
The operator only inputs total stock removal, and wheel work positions.
Grinding iQ software automatically calculates the optimal grinding conditions to Dressing iQ Software allows optional wheel forms with conversational software.
assist operator. iQ software also calculates cycle times.
Dress Form Select Menu
Straight Side Side R Full R V shape Free form
Mode Selection Menu
Table setting Dressing data Grinding data Combination Data save / call /
grinding menu edit
3-direction dresser
iQ graphical current
grinding position display Numeric Key Input
It displays live wheel position
during grinding cycles. Select the dressing shape according to
the workpiece shape, and enter the values
with the touch keys.
*This monitor is metric version.
*This monitor is metric version. iQ automatic
iQ automatic data creation function data creation function
After the stock removal data input, iQ Optimum dressing condition is Dress Form
software will calculate efficient grinding set by entering the wheel grain
conditions. size.
Cycle time estimate
Example of iQ grinding & iQ dressing page combinations OP
Grinding Form Select Menu
Surface Concave Convex Pitch Steps Side Free form
Complex shape Contouring
Grinding data Dressing data (side) Grinding data Dressing data (full R)
(convex shape) (contouring)
Pitch shape Profi le plunge
Grinding data Dressing data (V shape) Dressing simulation Dressing data (Free form)
(pitch shape)
13 PSG-CA-iQ Series PSG-CA-IQ Series 144
Specifi cations Software Standard accessories
Interactive Software Specifi cations Item
Item PSG126CA-iQ PSG127CA-iQ PSG156CA-iQ PSG157CA-iQ
(PSG2448CA-iQ) (PSG2848CA-iQ) (PSG2460CA-iQ) (PSG2860CA-iQ) Dress program Straight 3-direction fl exible nozzle
Maximum workpiece size 1,200×600×675mm 1,200×700×675mm 1,500×600×675mm 1,500×700×675mm Grinding program Surface, Convex, Concave, Steps Open Top Splash slide cover
(Length×Width×Height) (48×24×26.5″) (48×28×26.5″) (60×24×26.5″) (60×28×26.5″) Standard
Electronic instruction manual Check instruction manual on touch screen Grinding wheel
Table travel distance 1,450×660×710mm 1,450×752×710mm 1,750×660×710mm 1,750×752×710mm Cycle end time calculation function Automatic cycle time calculation Wheel fl ange (adaptor)
(Longitudinal×Cross×Vertical) (57×26×28″) (57×29.6×28″) (68.8×26×28″) (68.8×29.6×28″)
Capacity Grinding program Equal pitch, Side, Contouring Spindle motor 15kW
Standard chuck size (L×W) 1,200×600mm 1,200×700mm 1,500×600mm 1,500×700mm
(48×24″) (48×28″) (60×24″) (60×28″) G-code function Enable to use CNC programming on machine Spindle inverter
1,500kg (3,300lbs) 1,700kg (3,745lbs) Universal grinding software Grinding maximum 40 faces by plunge & traverse grinding 1-direction dresser
Table load capacity (inc. chuck weight) *When longitudinal feed 25 m/min *When longitudinal feed 25 m/min Dress program Side R, Full R, V shape, Original form Necessary tools with toolbox
(984inch/min):2,500kg(5,500lbs) (984inch/min):2,700kg(5,950lbs) Multi position grinding Grinding maximum 5 diff erent workpieces Leveling bolt
Rapid feed speed 40,000mm/min (1,574inch/min) Contouring grinding Contouring grinding function Leveling plate or anchor bolt
Longitudinal Movable iQ control panel
feed (X-axis) Minimum increment 0.0001mm (0.00001″)
Feed per handwheel revolution (×1-×10-×100) 0.01 - 0.1 - 1mm (0.001 - 0.01 - 0.1″) External view LED light
Auto shut down function
Feed per handle revolution PSG126CA-iQ PSG127CA-iQ PSG156CA-iQ PSG157CA-iQ Grinding wheel cover with magnet base
Wheel head (×1-×10-×100-×500) 0.01 – 0.1 - 1 - 5mm (0.001 - 0.01 - 0.1 - 0.5″)
(PSG2448CA-iQ) (PSG2848CA-iQ) (PSG2460CA-iQ) (PSG2860CA-iQ) Hydraulic unit with automatic oil temperature regulator
Cross feed Manual
Feed per handle graduation for oil-cooled wheel head
(Z-axis) (×1-×10-×100-×500) 0.0001-0.001-0.01-0.05mm (0.00001-0.0001-0.001-0.005″) Width ○A 4,750mm (187″) 5,750mm (227″) Logo LED continuous on type
Rapid feed speed 8,000mm/min (315inch/min) Depth ○B 3,620mm (143″) 3,620mm (143″) Various interlocks
Feed per handle revolution Height ○C 2,850mm (112″) 2,850mm (112″) CE Mark
(×1-×10-×100) 0.01 – 0.1 - 1mm (0.001 - 0.01 - 0.1″)
Manual Coolant system Lubrication tank unit
Wheel head Feed per handle graduation
Vertical feed (×1-×10-×100) 0.0001-0.001-0.01mm (0.00001-0.0001-0.001″) with temperature regulator
Optional accessories
(Y-axis) Sparkout count 0 to 99 times
Item Description
Rapid feed speed 2,000mm/min (78inch/min) Power box With magnetic separator 300L(79Gal)
With magnetic separator & automatic paper
Grinding Diameter×Width×Bore 510×50×127mm (20×2×5″)
*75mm(3″) and 100 mm(4″) width available) fi lter 600L(158Gal)
wheel With magnetic separator & automatic paper
Rotation speed 400 to 1,500 min−1
Coolant fi lter
Control console unit With automatic coolant temperature
Wheel spindle 15kW (20hp) *22kW (30hp) available regulator 600L(158Gal)
Various dedicated fi ltering units
Cross feed 3kW (4hp)
Motor Nozzle for 75mm(3″) width wheel
Vertical feed 3kW (4hp) Nozzle for 100mm(4″) width wheel
C Electromagnetic/Electro-permanent
Longitudinal feed 6kW (8hp) Table/ magnetic chuck
Chuck Chuck rails (select from left/right or rear)
Power supply Required power consumption 45kVA Various workpiece indexing devices
Spare wheel fl ange
Floor space Width × Depth × Height 4,750×3,620×2,850mm 5,750×3,620×2,850mm A B
(187×143×112″) (227×143×112″) Wheel/ Wheel fl ange for micro balancer
Flange Wheel fl ange for fully automatic wheel
Machine Weight 14,500kg (32,000lbs) 16,000kg (35,500lbs) High productivity grinding system balancer
Static type wheel balancer (with balance
*Specifi cations and other items may be changed without notice due to improvements, etc. TWIN-BIX Okamoto Ceramic Wheel Wheel arbor)
balancer Micro balancer MB-4
TWIN-BIX is a fine bubble (1μm) generator. by Norton
The fine bubbles boost cooling and lubricity Okamoto ceramic grinding wheel can pro- Fully automatic balancer
for longer dress intervals and better surface duce high productivity for hard –to-grind Overhead dresser
fi nish. materials for many customer applications. Dresser 3-direction dresser
Standard Cycle with Conversational Software Various dedicated dressers
spindle Spindle motor power up 22kW(30hp)
Electrical 3-color type signal light
Automatic dressing Easy on machine measurring system Quick
On- Touch
Retract machine
measuring Touch probe with Custom program
CCD camera with Custom program
Warpage correction jig SG Master
Rough dress Rough grinding Fine dress Fine grinding Spark out Finish Others
Fine bubble generator TWIN-BIX
Table dresser is
Optional Accessories
Touch Probe System Crowning Grinding Cycle Contouring Grinding Cycle Multi Workpiece Grinding Cycle
5 PSG-CA-iQ Series PSG-CA-IQ Series 6