<JAPAN>Double Column Type NC Precision Surface Griding Machine PSG-CH-iQ/Double Column Type CNC Precision Surface Griding Machine UPG-CHLi
Product Catalog
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Document Title | <JAPAN>Double Column Type NC Precision Surface Griding Machine PSG-CH-iQ/Double Column Type CNC Precision Surface Griding Machine UPG-CHLi |
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Company | OKAMOTO MACHINE TOOL WORKS,LTD (Documents List) |
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Document Contents
Double Column Type NC Precision Surface Griding Machine
Double Column Type CNC Precision Surface Griding Machine
2993 Gobara, Annaka, Gunma, Japan 379-0135
TEL : +81-27-388-9595 FAX : +81-27-385-1144
URL : www.okamoto.co.jp Annaka Factory
*Prior to and while using our products you are requested to thoroughly go through the articles on danger,
warning and attention for the sake of safety described in operation manual attached to the machine
and also in the warning plates mounted on the machine.
CAUTION *When the products fall under the eport controlled goods stipulated in “Foreign Exchange and Foreign
Trade Act” , it requires the license or approval of Goverment of Japan when exporting out of Japan.
*Specifications subject to change without notice.
This printed matter uses environmentally friendly paper and vegetable oil inks
Printed in Japan in December 2022 2022121000MTR-0
PSG-CH-iQ Series/ UPG-CHLi Series
Industry-Leading Double Col umn Grinding Machine Series
Towards a new era of high efficiency and automation for
large grinding machines
Okamoto challenges the size lineup with the double CONTENTS
High Effi ciency column type, that the conventional column type was mainly Contents …………………………………………………… 1 - 2 Sales Achievement
targeting. Lineup ……………………………………………………… 3 - 4
We achieved various optional lineups with the additional
Structures and Features ………………………………… 5 - 6
values of high rigidity, ultra precision, high effi ciency, space-
saving, and operability that has been our advantageous PSG-CH-iQ Series ………………………………………… 7 - 8
features. PSG-CH-iQ Series【dedicated keyboard model】…… 9 - 10
CH series has two series lineup, CH-iQ for high effi ciency, UPG-CHLi Series …………………………………………… 11 - 12
and CHLi for ultra precision and automation. Work Samples ……………………………………………… 13
We propose customers to meet their demand of high Options ……………………………………………………… 14
efficiency and ultra precision, that are the demand from
Specifi cations/Standard Accessories ………………… 15 - 17
the motor core progressive dies, LCD parts, machine tools,
precision measuring instruments, semiconductor production Optional Accessories ……………………………………… 18
equipment and various parts machining industries that are
Ultra Precision increasing in size and in demand. Trend Grinding
Okamoto contributes the improved productivity of the
grinding machines of new era with the proposal of high
efficiency, ultra precision and automation that meet the
grinding purpose.
On-Machine Measurement Wheel Swiveling Wheel Forming
Operability Interactive Software
1 CH Series CH Series 2
PSG-CH-iQ Series/ UPG-CHLi Series
Select by grinding accuracy, shape, size, and software - extensive lineup
NC Precision Double Column Surface NC Precision Double Column Surface Multi- CNC Ultra Precision Double Column Surface Multi- CNC Ultra Precision Double Column Surface
Grinding Machine Grinding Machine Grinding Machine Grinding Machine
Interactive Special purpose purpose
Software PSG-CH-iQ Series Macro PSG-CH-iQ Series Ultra Ultra
【Dedicated keyboard model】(CHNC) Precision UPG-CHLi Series Precision UPG-CHLi2 Series
■Best-selling double column surface grinding machine. ■Standard iQ software can be changed as OP. ■It uses the variable hydrostatic slide system on the longitudi- ■Ultra precise grinding is achieved by adopting the variable
Extensive lineup from 1,500 × 800 mm to 4,000 × 800 mm. Dedicated operation panel with the keyboard enables the nal slideway to achieve ultra precision surface grinding. hydrostatic slide system on the longitudinal & cross feed
■Text-free user-friendly interactive iQ software is installed. special macro cycles. (CHNC) Driving system is the linear motor drive, enabling the high slideways. The highest quality of grinding surface and highest
The operation is simple for the data input completes by ■Okamoto has abundant experience of optional accessories positioning accuracy, high speed stroke, and high precision precision positioning is realized.
touching only 2 pages. and the dedicated macro cycle that meets your grinding measurement. ■With the linear motor drive on crossfeed axis, it achieved the
■The machine footprint is the same level with the conven- profi le. ■Unique 6-face supporting sliding method achieved 4 times highly repeatable positioning. The combination of on-ma-
tional column series. With the high rigidity of the double chine measurement and the automatic correction grinding
※iQ software is the standard, but we may select the optimum rigidity of general hydrostatic machine.
column type, it contributes the improved productivity. contributes the improved productivity. (OP)
software in the meetings with the customers to meet your ■Non-contact grinding on the slideway minimizes the wear on
■Various grinding & measuring software are available to be
grinding profi les. the slideway and contribute to longer machine life. installed, such as the Fully automatic surface grinding CAM
Slide cover model and Okamoto NC gauge that performs the grinding with no
operators skill required. (OP)
Slide cover model
The photo includes optional accessories. The photo includes optional accessories. The photo includes optional accessories. The photo includes optional accessories.
Size lineup Machine specifi cations suitable for grinding profi le
The size is supported from longitudinal 1,500 mm × cross 800 mm for each series. Machine series and specifi cations are selectable according to your grinding profi le.
チャックサイズ (左右×前後 mm)
PSG-CH-iQ Series PSG-CH-iQ Series UPG-CHLiSeries
【Dedicated keyboard model】(CHNC)
1,500×800 2,000×800 2,000×1,000 3,000×800 3,000×1,000 4,000×800 4,000×1,000 UPG-CHLi2 Series
PSG-CH-iQ Series 158CH-iQ 208CH-iQ - 308CH-iQ - 408CH-iQ -
UPG-CHLi/Li2 Series 158CHLi 208CHLi 2010CHLi 308CHLi 3010CHLi 408CHLi 4010CHLi Surface ● ● ●
※Diff erent sizes are also available. Please contact Okamoto sales representative.
4,000 Wheel forming OP OP OP
PSG 208 CH-iQ
0 3,000
2,000 Series name
Chuck size: 2,000×800mm
1,500 Crowning & − − OP
800 Precision Surface Grinding Machine contouring
208 308 On-machine Manua OP
UPG 3010 CHLi measurement (l OP) Manua(l ) Automatic(OP)
2010 408
3010 Series name
Chuck size: 3,000×1,000mm
4010 Ultra Precision Surface Grinding Machine Swiveling wheel OP OP OP
3 CH Series CH Series 4
PSG-CH-iQ Series/ UPG-CHLi Series
Structures and Features
■ Long-Life High-Precision Crossrail Mechanism (Patented) ■ Shorten Process with On-Machine Measurement UPG-CHLi /Li2 Series OP
■The problem of the double column ■The measuring equipment is mounted on the
grinding machine was defl ection of de- grinding machine. The operation time is short-
teriorated crossrail over time. en and automated by measuring the workpiece
Okamoto developed an original cross- on-machine, and corrective grinding is per-
rail adjusting mechanism. formed on-site.
Even after several years after delivery, ■UPG-CHLi series optionally supports the mea-
the adjustment is possible without surement & corrective grinding by high speed
removing the crossrail, and the high strokes. The combination with the "Okamoto
quality of fl atness is maintained in en- NC gauge" the 3D measuring software (OP) en-
tire width of the work surface. ables the 3 dimension measurement other than
【 General Structure 】 【 Okamoto Structure 】 the surface part.
The deflection of the crossrail is Okamoto adopted the structure that
corrected by NC, although the incli- the mechanical correction is possible ■ Crowning, Contouring, Multi-Position Grinding UPG-CHLi /Li2 Series OP
nation of the grinding wheel must be while the crossrail is kept attached.
adjusted by removing the crossrail. ■Crowning grinding (longitudinal-vertical
synchronization) NC software standard
To the surface grinding workpiece, the trend
■ Floor-Space Saving Design and Larger Workpiece Grinding grinding is available with the crowning.
■The footprint of the double column grinding machine is the same as Okamoto CNC ■Counter ing gr ind ing (c r oss-ver t ica l
column type machine. (158 size) synchronization) NC software optional
■Spacious passage width can support grinding the workpiece of 1000 mm in max. in To the workpiece with profi le, the machine can
cross size by using the wheel width of 100 mm. Chuck size can be changed in OP. also perform the profi le grinding by recognizing
PSG158CH-iQ the shape.
Okamoto conventional
0.80 ■Multi-position grinding NC software optional
column-type machine
0.60 PSG158DXNC
0.40 Even when the workpieces of different size
0.20 of length, width and height are loaded on the
- 0.20
Passage width 1050 mm chuck, the multiple workpieces can be ground
- 0.40
- 0.60 in one cycle.
- 0.80
- 1.00 100 mm width wheel can
0.0 200.0 400.0 600.0 800.0 support up to 1000 mm ■ Fine Bubble Generator "TWIN-BIX" OP
Chuck width 800 mm
Grinding data for chuck grinding ■Grinding effi ciency is greatly
Width 3,382 improved by installing the
Measured value 0.0008/900mm fi ne bubble generator TWIN-
Converted for 800 mm 0.00075/800mm Unit: mm BIX.
In parentheses are from Okamoto CNC
column-type machine.
Cross 800 mm series
■ Variable Hydrostatic Sliding Guideway and Unique 6-face Holding Slide System UPG-CHLi /Li2 Series ※The eff ect may vary depending on the grinding conditions and workpieces.
■The variable hydrostatic sliding guideway is the ultra precision & energy-saving system ■x Save Power Consumption with ECO Mode ! Special OP
that fl exibly controls the oil fl ow to minimize the variation of the oil fi lm on the guide-
way. 10 ■Eco mode can save the power consumption
In comparison to the conventional oil hydrostatic slide, it stabilizes the oil fi lm variation 8 Setup time Grinding time Setup time during grinding.
to 1/7 and also reduces the amount of hydrostatic oil. 6 Precise grinding can be performed with the
■The slide is held with the unique 6-face holding system, the surface rigidity of the 4 power-saving state.
slideway became 4 times than the previous ones, and the strong rigidity can minimiz- 2 (Meeting is required to decide the allocation of
es the bias loading on the table and the change by the stroke inertia. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 time(min) Eco-mode time.)
5 CH Series CH Series 6
Height 3,595 (3,410)
Double Column Type NC Precision Surface Grinding Machine
PSG-CH-iQ Series A compact and highly rigid double column grinding machine that
meets the demands for super effi ciency
Simplifi ed Operation with text-free interactive software
■ Text-free Touch Panel ■ Interactive Cycle Supporting iQ Software
■ Grinding shape ■ Dressing shape
Straight Side (OP)
Surface Concave (top only)
Side grinding requires manual grinding.
■ Dresser
One-direction dresser Overhead dresser
(standard) (OP)
Open top slide cover model
※Full-closed cover model is also available as an OP.
Convex (top only) Step (top only)
Standard cover model Rotary dresser
(OP) ※Interactive software is
equipped as a standard
Please contact us when the side grinding is required.
■ Improved Accessibility and Operability ※Please contact us
Features iQ software screen when the side grinding is
The push buttons and handwheel are all equipped on the operation panel, so required.
the operation is easy.
■Large size grinding machines could ■ iQ Software Facilitates the Grinding of Large Workpieces
achieve high rigidity and precision with
The innovative iQ software simplif ies data input. Cycle time has been dramatically shortened.
the double column structure.
■Globalization of production is realized iQ automatic data creation function by Diversifi ed iQ functions
inputting wheel grain size
with the text-free interactive iQ soft- ■ Keys to shorten cycle time
ware. Input the total grinding allowance and fi ne grinding allowance, (selection function of the fi ne-rough dressing method)
and then, just input the wheel grain size, the optimum wheel You have optimum selection of the overhead dresser for rough
■It supports the beginner operators with conditions and dressing conditions are created by adding dressing, and the table-mounted dresser for finish dressing.
the functions to automatically calculat- Okamoto's know-how values to the grinding theoretical values. Overhead dresser with dressing cycle function (OP) has the
automatic diamond tracking function. It is possible to further
ing the grinding & dressing conditions.
■ V-V Slideway that Realizes High Precision Data input is completed with only 2-screen shorten the cycle time by using the shift plunge grinding as the
■The factory is kept clean by adopting touches. grinding method.
the slide cover over the open-top cov- V-V slideway with scraped surface is adopted for the longitudinal slideway. No text is shown on the screen.Everything from surface ■ Automatic setting of grinding conditions
Grinding operation has been relying on the skill and intuition
er. (OP for all series) Highly precise surface grinding is realized. grinding to the complicated grinding are handled by touching
the screen while watching the panel buttons. of the operators. To the grinding conditions which used to
be almost like the 'gray-zone', the equipped function can
automatically set the recommended grinding conditions by
adding Okamoto know-how values to the grinding theoretical
values. The base data of the automatic setting is the grain size
of the wheel. It supports both the Alundum-type wheels and
ultra abrasive wheels.It is possible to further shorten the cycle
iQ grinding screen iQ dressing screen time by using the shift plunge grinding as the grinding method.
Fine-rough dressing method
Automatic setting of grinding conditions T h e o p t i m u m c o m b i n a t i o n t h e
overhead dresser (with compensation
Select either the general wheel or ultra abrasive wheel, and funct ion) for rough dressing, and
input the grain size in the value boxes below. the table-mounted dresser for f ine
The optimum grinding and dressing conditions are set dressing became possible.
automatically according to the grain size.
7 CH Series CH Series 8
Double Column Type NC Precision Surface Grinding Machine
PSG-CH-iQ Series Interactive software dedicatedly equipped for
【dedicated keyboard model】(CHNC) Special Macro Programs
Operation panel for easy operation of dedicated macro programs
■ Standard Interactive Software
※The standard accessory is the iQ software, but we
can select the software according to the grinding
profi le in the meeting with the customer.
Keyboard Model
NC Operation Panel
(model: CHNC)
【 Initial Screen 】
The dressing methods & grinding methods can be input in the
easy-to-operate interactive style.
■ Swiveling Wheel Spindle(OP)
Features To perform groove grinding, a swiveling wheel spindle can be added.
【 Input Screen of Grinding Conditions 】 【 Dressing Screen 】
Grinding conditions can be input in the patterns of surface & Peripheral dressing input function is installed as a standard
■The operation panel and software are step, etc. accessory.
also changeable when the special mac-
ro programs and G code programs are ■ Cycle Sample with Special Macro Program
needed in operation.
■Complicated and diffi cult grinding such
as dovetail groove grinding becomes ON-machine balancing with full automatic balancer
possible. (OP)
Start of automatic infeed
Dressing before Rough grinding Medium finish Medium finish
grinding dressing grinding Fine finish dressing Fine finish grinding Sparkout End of grinding
■ Spacious Longitudinal Stroke and Easy Wheel Forming (OP)
Dressing point of 385
Tall workpieces do not interfere with the 3-direction dresser (when wheel diameter
at 45° is φ510) 140 (when wheel diameter is φ510)
88 mm from the table
dresser. at 90° 【 Detailed setting of 【 Labor saving with 【 Full-auto balancer supported 】
98.5 mm from the table grinding conditions 】 automatic dressing 】
In NC, the table speed, wheel rotation Automatic dressing inter ruption is You may think balancing operation of
speed, and infeed method, etc. in each available before the rough, middle and fi ne large-diameter wheels is difficult, but
φ process can be set in detail. grinding during cycle. Okamoto’s ful l automatic balancer
When the operator fi nds the stock removal Wheel forming can be done automatically, performs the balancing operation easily
chuck workpiece is not enough, the manual intervention is and the trend grinding is available for on machine. (OP)
height also available. groove grinding and side grinding.
100 chuck
Please contact us when the side grinding is required.
Please consult Okamoto when the side grinding is required.
9 CH Series CH Series 10
Double Column Type CNC Ultra Precision Surface Grinding Machine
UPG-CHLi/ CHLi2 Series Ultra precise grinding realized with the variable hydrostatic slide
system and 6-face holding slide system
Ultra Precise Double Column Grinding Machine with Variable
Hydrostatic Slide System ■ Variable Hydrostatic Slide System
What is Okamoto's original variable hydrostatic slide 6-face holding slide system
system ?
Ultra Precise surface grinding is achieved this way; the pair of The surface rigidity became 4
□1 &□2 controls the fl owrate of the oil hydrostatic pocket con- times with the 6-face holding
stant in real time, and the gap amount between slides □&□ system including the direct
3 4
is also maintained constant. holding on the frame, and the
bias loading and the orien-
tation change in the straight
motion by the stroking inertia
are suppressed.
W1 P1 P3 W2 Straightness and accuracy
1 3 The impact of the shock is minimized to within 1μm at the
longitudinal and crossfeed strokes, and the accuracy on the
chuck top becomes ultra precise. It achieved the straightness
within 0.5 μm/1,000 mm for longitudinal direction, and 0.4
2 4 μm/800mm for cross direction. (not always guaranteed)
P2 P4
Stable table height when moving right
Oil fi lm thickness is controlled fl exibly. Surface
Roughness and left
The amount of shift-up is always stable, so
The same accuracy is achieved at any the surface quality is excellent.
Flatness position on the chuck.
Workpiece: Slot die Material:SUS630 Surface Roughness:0.0291μm
Dimension 600×600×100mm
Inspection data measurement magnification long 200,000
Workpiece Material SUS304 Grinding surface (before polishing) cross 100
F.profile long:μm cross: mm Display magnification long100,000 cross200
Features iQ software or keyboard model NC software is selectable. Weight approx. 280 kg
Required accuracy Flatness1.0μm
Accuracy 0.00
Actual value Flatness 0.5μm -0.10
■Precise positioning is realized with linear ■ High-Speed Stroke & Precise Positioning by Linear Motor Drive -0.20
motor drive. It supports on-machine mea- 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.30
It realizes high-speed and precise grinding -0.2 -0.2 -0.3 -0.3 -0.2 -0.4 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80
surement and crowning grinding. 0.0 -0.2 0.0 0.0 -0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 600 Cutoff 0.25mm Diagnosed parameter
from the small parts to large parts. Filter Gauss Ra(1994) 0.0291μm
■High straightness is achieved by hydro- 600 E. length 1,250mm Ry(1994) 0.0239μm
Levelling Linear (all range)
The teaching function improves work effi - Rz(1994) 0.1730μm
Data 7,500 points
static slide system. Surface grinding on a Move the workpieces to left, center and right respectively and Drive speed 0.1mm/s
ciency and supports multi-position grind- grind, and the all values are within 0.5 μm.
large workpiece and mirror-face grinding (not always guaranteed)
is performed in high-precision.
■ Cycle Sample by Special Macro Program (on-machine measurement)
■ Crowning Grinding Software ■ ON-Machine Measurement
(supported with NC software Function for High Accuracy and ON-machine balancing with full automatic balancer
only) Improved Productivity (OP)
Ultra precise crowning grinding system Start of automatic infeed
Dressing before Rough grinding Medium finish Medium finish
grinding dressing grinding Fine finish dressing Fine finish grinding Sparkout On-machine
measurement Corrective grinding End of grinding
Ample lineup of software supports the
crowning grinding of the large plates or slid- wheel
ing surfaces.
Please contact us when the side grinding is required.
11 CH Series CH Series 12
Grinding sample by double column grinding machine Grinding effi ciency will be UP with the coming new OPs !
Contact Okamoto sales representative.
High effi ciency Die plate Mirror-face Fully Automatic Grinding System - MAP Grinding Software
The CAM, dedicated program for grinding machine, can automatically create the dedicated
macro program by reading the CAD data.
The productivity is improved and the ultra precise grinding is realized by simplifying the
warpage removing and shortening the grinding time.
(Touch probe required)
CAD data On-machine measurement result Mapping
3D measurement software OKAMOTO NC gauge
Size 1,200×600×300mm Size 1,200×700×200mm Size 650×400×80mm
Material FC250 Material SKD11 Material S45C It is an interactive style software that creates the NC program enabling the motion of 3D
Dimensional accuracy ±3μ Flatness 3μ Flatness 3μ measurement with the ultra precise grinding machine driven with longitudinal & crossfeed Measurement samples of
Infeed amount 50μ Infeed amount 20μ Surface roughness Ra0.08μ linear motors. workpiece grinding
Large workpiece which is usually too large to be measured can be measured without chang- ■ Flatness
ing the setup. ■ Positional deviation
Guide position and squareness
Operation screen Hole diameter measurement measurement for machine tools
Fine Bubble Generator TWIN-BIX
Grinding effi ciency improvement by using bubble is getting popular in Machine tool industry. We have wealth of experience by using the bub-
ble power on grinding from the early years. Okamoto can propose high-effi ciency, ultra precision and environment improvement that meet
the grinding purpose.
Mechanism of fi ne bubble cleaning
Fine bubble is so small that it can enter the gap between abra-
sives. The impact when the fine bubble bursts can remove fine Coanda eff ect
chips and sludge.
Size 1,200×50×200mm Flow is bent by Coanda
Material S55C abrasive eff ect
Contour deviation ±3μ
binder wheel
Cavitation eff ect ➡
Slideway of machine tool
Ceramics by swiveling spindle model Inclined grinding
fine bubble ➡
chips & sludge force applied on fl ow force applied on grinding
Sharp grinding wheel - CubitronTM grinding wheel
● It reduces the grinding heat generation in comparison to the conventional
abrasive wheel, so deep infeed or high-speed feed becomes possible.
● The wheel service life becomes longer with the increased dressing interval
and reduced dressing amount per cycle.
● Cubitron Wheel has the advantages with the workpiece materials that does
not accept grinding with the general abrasive (HPC58 hardened steel or
(swiveling spindle model) harder) or other diffi cult-to-grind materials, and also shows high effi ciency
Size 800×400×100mm Size 600×400×300 Size 1,200×400×650 in grinding general workpieces.
Material alumina ceramics Material FCD250 Material FCD300
Flatness 2μ Dimensional accuracy within ±3μ Contour deviation ±3μ
Surface roughness Ra0.1μ Parallelism within 2 μm Flat part and groove part Crowning amount 100μ
Texture image
CH Series 14
13 CH Series
PSG-CH-iQ Series Specifi cations PSG-CH-iQ Series 【dedicated keyboard model】Specifi cations(CHNC)
Item Unit 158CHNC 208CHNC 308CHNC 408CHNC Item Unit 158CHNC 208CHNC 308CHNC 408CHNC
Maximum passage width 1,050 Maximum passage width 1,050
Table working surface size (length x width) 2,050×850 2,550×850 3,550×850 4,550×850 Table working surface size (length x width) 2,050×850 2,550×850 3,550×850 4,550×850
Capacity Distance from table top to wheel bottom (from Distance from table top to wheel bottom (from mm
chuck top to wheel bottom is shown in ( )) 600(500) Capacity chuck top to wheel bottom is shown in ( )) 600(500)
Optional chuck dimensions (length × width × height) 1,500×800×100 2,000×800×100 3,000×800×100 4,000×800×100 Optional chuck dimensions (length × width × height) 1,500×800×100 2,000×800×100 3,000×800×100 4,000×800×100
Table load capacity (including chuck weight kg 2,500(800) 3,200(1,180) 4,800(1,770) 6,400(2,400) Table load capacity (including chuck weight kg 2,500(800) 3,200(1,180) 4,800(1,770) 6,400(2,400)
Table Maximum travel distance mm 2,250 2,750 3,750 4,750 Table Maximum travel distance mm 2,250 2,750 3,750 4,750
(longitudinal (longitudinal
feed) Hydraulic feed rate (average) m/min 2~30 feed) Hydraulic feed rate (average) m/min 2~30
Cross Feed per handwheel revolution 0.01/0.1/1.0 Cross Feed per handwheel revolution 0.01/0.1/1.0
manual feed mm
Feed per handwheel graduation 0.0001/0.001/0.01 manual feed mm
Feed per handwheel graduation 0.0001/0.001/0.01
Traverse feed (also known as Traverse feed (also known as
Cross intermittent feed) mm 0.1~40 Cross intermittent feed) mm 0.1~40
automatic automatic
Crossrail feed Bias feed (also known as
(cross feed) continuous feed rate) mm/min 0~6,000 Crossrail feed Bias feed (also known as
(cross feed) continuous feed rate) mm/min 0~6,000
Maximum travel distance mm 910 Maximum travel distance mm 910
Rapid feed rate 6,000 Rapid feed rate 6,000
Feed rate (F code command) mm/min 0~6,000 Feed rate (F code command) mm/min 0~6,000
Jog feed rate 0~3,000 Jog feed rate 0~3,000
Manual Feed per handwheel revolution 0.01/0.1/1.0 Manual Feed per handwheel revolution 0.01/0.1/1.0
infeed mm infeed mm
amount Feed per handwheel graduation 0.0001/0.001/0.01 amount Feed per handwheel graduation 0.0001/0.001/0.01
Automatic infeed Rough grinding Automatic infeed Rough grinding
amount (traverse mm 0.0001~0.9999 amount (traverse mm 0.0001~0.9999
& bias feed) Fine grinding & bias feed) Fine grinding
Wheel head Wheel head
(vertical feed) Number of sparkout times 0~99 (vertical feed) Number of sparkout times 0~99
Maximum travel feed mm 620 Maximum travel feed mm 620
Rapid feed rate 2,000 Rapid feed rate 2,000
Feed rate (F code command) mm/min 0~2,000 Feed rate (F code command) mm/min 0~2,000
Jog feed rate 0~2,000 Jog feed rate 0~2,000
Grinding OD × W × B mm φ510×50×φ127 (OP: both-recess 100 width mountable) (OP: 610×50×127) Grinding OD × W × B mm φ510×50×φ127 (OP: both-recess 100 width mountable) (OP: 610×50×127)
wheel Spindle speed min-1 400~1,600 wheel Spindle speed min-1 400~1,600
For wheel spindle kW/P 15 (OP: 22kW mountable) For wheel spindle kW/P 15 (OP: 22kW mountable)
For vertical feed (AC servo motor) 4 For vertical feed (AC servo motor) 4
Motor kW Motor kW
For cross feed (AC servo motor) 3 For cross feed (AC servo motor) 3
For hydraulic pumps kW/P 5.5 7.5 For hydraulic pumps kW/P 5.5 7.5
Power supply Required power supply - AC200V, 50/60Hz 3-phase Power supply Required power supply - AC200V, 50/60Hz 3-phase
Machine space Length × Width × Height mm 7,800×4,600×3,600 8,500×4,600×3,600 11,000×4,600×3,600 12,000×4,600×4,200 Machine space Length × Width × Height mm 7,800×4,600×3,600 8,500×4,600×3,600 11,000×4,600×3,600 12,000×4,600×4,200
Machine weight Standard model kg 15,500 17,000 20,000 25,000 Machine weight Standard model kg 15,500 17,000 20,000 25,000
※Please contact us for longitudinal length 4,000 mm series. ※Please contact us for longitudinal length 4,000 mm series.
※Stroke speed may change depending on the load weight. ※Stroke speed may change depending on the load weight.
※Machine space can be changed by adjusting the layout of accessories. ※Machine space can be changed by adjusting the layout of accessories.
Standard Accessories OP Automatic Open-Close OP Full Automatic Balancer Standard Accessories OP Add 1 more swiveling PSG4015CHNC or larger size
Cover spindle axis
Standard wheel φ510×50×φ127mm Standard wheel φ510×50×φ127mm (Chuck size 4,000 ×1,500 mm or larger)
Wheel fl ange (adaptor) Wheel fl ange (adaptor) Double column grinding machines of larger size that
Table-mounted dresser Table-mounted dresser are not listed here are available as a diff erent series
Wheel spindle inverter Wheel spindle inverter lineup.
Short circuit breaker Short circuit breaker
①Surface grinding software NC unit 2-axis model
②Easy-to-operate correction function Table front sliding doors
iQ software
③Automatic data creation function Standard: 2-tone
④Grinding data storage function Drain bucket constant coolant fl ow
NC unit 2-axis model Wheel spindle meter relay
Table front sliding doors
Standard: 2-tone
Drain bucket constant coolant fl ow
Wheel spindle meter relay
15 CH Series CH Series 16
UPG-CHLi Series Specifi cations Optional Accessories
Item Unit 158CHLi 208CHLi 308CHLi 408CHLi 2010CHLi 3010CHLi Model
Item Specifi cations
Maximum passage width 1,050
1). Mist Dust Collector and Coolant Unit
Table working surface size (length x width) 1,550×850 2,550×850 3,550×850 4,550×850 2,050×1,250 3,050×1,250 Magnetic dust separator ○
Distance from table top to wheel bottom (from mm
Capacity chuck top to wheel bottom is shown in ( )) 600(500) Automatic Coolant Temperature Regulator
Coolant unit ○
Automatic Paper Filter ○
Optional chuck dimensions (length x width x height) 1,500×800×100 2,000×800×100 3,000×800×100 4,000×800×100 2,000×1,000×100 3,000×1,000×100 Various centrifuges Meeting required ○
Table load capacity (including chuck weight shown in ( )) kg 2,500(800) 3,200(800) 4,800(1,770) 6,400(2,400) 4,500(1,400) 5,000(2,100) Oil mist dust collector & dust collection port ○
Longitudinal Feed per handwheel revolution 0.01/0.1/1.0 Constant coolant supply for table top ○
manual feed mm
Feed per handwheel graduation 0.0001/0.001/0.01 Injection nozzle for 100 mm width wheel ○
Table (longitu- Maximum travel feed mm 2,100 2,600 3,600 4,600 2,600 3,600 Splash gun for cleaning chuck top ○
dinal feed)
Rapid feed rate mm/min 35 2). Chuck
Feed rate (F code command) m/min 0~35 Electromagnetic chuck Diff erent sizes are supported for models. ○
Electro-permanent magnetic chuck Diff erent sizes are supported for models. ○
Cross Feed per handwheel revolution 0.01/0.1/1.0
manual mm Electromagnetic chuck, oil-cooled type ○
feed Feed per handwheel graduation 0.0001/0.001/0.01 Demagnetization controller ○
Traverse feed (also known as
Crossrail Cross intermittent feed) mm 0.1~40 3). Grinding Wheel
automatic Power up on wheel spindle motor Meeting required ○
(cross feed) feed Bias feed (also known as continu-
ous feed rate) mm/min 0~4,000 Oil bearing of hydrostatic wheel spindle Meeting required ○
Maximum travel distance mm 910 1,160 Swiveling vertical wheel spindle ※Meeting is required for
grinding range Manual swiveling mode(l wheel:φ250×25×φ76.2) ○
Rapid feed rate mm/min 6,000 5-direction dresser for swiveling vertical spindle type When the swiveling vertical wheel spindle is selected, meeting
is required. ○
Manual Feed per handwheel revolution 0.01/0.1/1.0 Overhead dresser With automatic dressing correction function ○
infeed mm
Feed per handwheel graduation 0.0001/0.001/0.01 Rotary dresser Meeting required ○
Automatic infeed Rough grinding Vertical rotary dresser Meeting required ○
(traverse & bias mm 0.0001~0.9999 Table-mounted dresser stand ○
Wheel head feed) Fine grinding
(vertical feed) Number of sparkout times 0~99 Automatic wheel balancer BW-5/BW-6 ○
Micro balancer ○
Maximum travel feed mm 620 Automatic wheel balancer Full automatic balancer (dedicated wheel guard) ○
Rapid feed rate 2,000
mm/min Spare wheel fl ange (for standard / for micro balancer / for full For wheel diameter φ510 ○
Feed rate (F code command) 0~2,000 automatic balancer) For wheel diameter φ610 ○
Grinding OD×W×B mm φ510×50×φ127 (OP: both-recess, 100 mm width mountable) (OP: 610×50×127) Lifting fi xture for wheel fl ange ○
wheel Spindle speed min-1 400~1,600 4).Machine Modifi cation
For wheel spindle 15 (OP: 22 kW mountable) Self-supported operation panel Meeting required ○
For longitudinal feed (linear motor) 7.2×2 Open top cover Meeting required ○
Motor High column model Vertical travel feed 200 mm up ○
For cross feed (AC servo motor, Meeting required kW
for OP linear motor model) 1.8 Stainless steel table top cover ○
For vertical feed (AC servo motor) 4 Custom color Color sample required ○
Power supply Required power supply - AC200V, 50/60Hz 3-phase 5). Oil Cooling Unit
Hydraulic oil ○
※Please contact us for longitudinal length 4,000 mm series.
※Stroke speed may change depending on the load weight. Hydrostatic oil - ○
※Machine space can be changed by adjusting the layout of accessories. Linear motor coolant - ○
Grinding fl uid UK-46S2 ○
6). Electric / Software
Standard Accessories OP Solution for warpage removal of large workpiece ! Auto shut down function ○
Warpage correction jig – SG master Electromagnetic chuck interlock Select from wheel spindle motor/table startup/cycle ○
Standard wheel φ510×50×φ127mm Door interlock Select from table startup/cycle ○
Wheel fl ange (adaptor) Calendar timer ○
Table-mounted dresser
rial with warpage or twist can be maintained as it
3-color signal tower light (continuous on type) Red: alarm, Yellow: cycle complete, Green: cycle in progress ○
Wheel spindle inverter Mate Work light LED ○
Hydrostatic unit for table longitudinal Interactive dressing software ○ -
guideway Modifi ed iQ software G-code program ○ -
Short circuit breaker Automatic programming UP CAM - Please provide a PC. (Okamoto arrangement is also available.) ○ -
NC controlling unit - 3-axis model Dedicated keyboard & operation panel ○(CHNC) ○(Select iQ software
or CHNC)
Surface grinding graphic interactive soft-
ware Automatic programming software EDELAC Win Please provide a PC. (Okamoto arrangement is also available.) ○
Table front sliding doors NC program creation & test 1 type ○
Grinding data ● Shape: L600-W300-T20mm ● Material: S45C ● Hardness: No heat treatment unit:μm Workpiece measuring equipment, touch probe type (macro) Select from fl atness, dimension, shape, undulation, etc. ○(NC software only)
Standard color: Titanium silver Measuring point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Maximum
diameter Contouring grinding software - ○(NC software only)
Drain bucket continuous coolant fl ow Surf ac e Before grinding 0 -42 -84 -56 0 -1 -43 -54 -9 0 -43 -82 -48 -3 84
grin din g G r i n d i n g 0.010 mm infeed×8 times 0 -4 -4 -3 9 0 -11 -4 2 5 -4 -3 -3 12 23 3D measurement software OKAMOTO NC gauge Please provide a PC. (Okamoto arrangement is also available.) - ○(NC software only)
Wheel spindle meter relay conditions 0.003 mm infeed×8 times +
Zero grinding 2 times 0 0 1 0 -1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 Full auto grinding system MAP grinding software Please provide a PC. (Okamoto arrangement is also available.) - ○(NC software only)
Crowning grinding software 7). GRIND-X Peripheral Equipment
(NC software only) unit:μm
Measuring point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Maximum
diameter High-effi ciency ceramic wheel CubitronTM II grinding wheel ○
Bac ks id e Before grinding 0 58 114 59 -3 12 72 73 1 4 55 96 50 -8 122
grin din g G r i n d i n g 0.010 mm infeed×8 times 0 -2 -3 -2 -1 -1 -3 -1 -1 2 -1 -2 0 1 Fine bubble generator TWIN-BIX TWIN-BIX ○
conditions 0.003 mm infeed×8 times +
Zero grinding 2 times 0 -1 0 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 -1 -2 0 1 2 GRIND-X warpage correction jig SG Master ○
17 CH Series CH Series 18