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Document Title | <U.S.A>OGM Series |
Document Type | Product Catalog |
File size | 2.1Mb |
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Company | OKAMOTO MACHINE TOOL WORKS,LTD (Documents List) |
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Document Contents
The only manufacturer in the world
supplying overall solutions for a total
Specifications abrasive process.
CAPACITY 8l20 PIII & PNCIII 8l20UIII & UNCIII 12 PIII & PNCIII 12 UIII & UNCIII Okamoto Corporation Chicago USA
S CwAinPgA COIvTeYr Table: 8.6" 12.6" Standard
SDwisitnagn cOev eBre Ttwabeleen: Centers: 1 89..6"8 " 2 0 " / 3162". 6/ "5 9" (✲) Accessories
DMisatxainmcuem B eDtwiaemeent eCre tnot ebres :G round: 1 98..608" " 2 0 " / 3 162" ./0 6" 0" (✲)
Maaxxiimum DWiaemigehtte Br etotw beee nG rCoeunntde:r s: 1 1 0 l b s ( C8e.0n"t e r W o r k ) 3 3 0 l b s 1 (2C.e0n" ter Work) ◆ Grinding Wheel with
M GaxRiImNuDmIN WG eWigHhEt EBLetween Centers: 110 lbs (Center Work) 330 lbs (Center Work) Adaptor
S GizReI N(DD xIN WG Wx BH)E: EL 14" x 1.5" x 5" 12" x 1" x 5" 16" x 2" x 5" 14" x 1.5" x 5" ◆ Wheelguard
SGirzien d(Din gx W hxe Bel) :S peed (60 hz): 1 41", 6x1 10. 5r"p xm 5 " 1 12,"8 x8 01 "r xp m5" 16,4" 1x0 2 r" pxm 5 " 1 4 1" ,x6 10.5 r" pxm 5" ◆ Central Lubrication System
G rWinHdEinEgL HWEhAeDel Speed: 2,240 rpm 2,240 rpm 1,845 rpm 2,000 rpm
WHE ◆ Dressing Device with Total SEtLroHkEeA (DX-Axis): 8" 11.8" Diamond
TSowtaivl eSlt rAonkgel e(:X -Axis): N o n - S w i v e l 8" ± 3 0 d e g . N o n - S w i v e l 11.8" ± 30 deg.
SAwutivoeml aAtnicg lIen:f eed: N 0o.n0-0S0w0i1v"e ~l 0.002" (1 6 s ±et t3in0g dse)g /. 0.00001" ~ 0N.o0n0-4S" w(PivNeCl III & UN C I I I ±M 3o0d edlesg) . ◆ Variable Wheel Speed
AMuitnoimautmic IIncferemd: e n t : 0.00001" ~ 0.002" (190 .s0e0t0ti0n1g"s ()P /N 0C.0II0I 0&0 1U"N ~C 0II.I0 M04o" d(ePlNs COInIIl y&) UNCIII Models) ◆ Coolant Hoses and Nozzles
Miannimuaulm P uInlscer eFmeeedn t(:x .1, x1, x10): 0 . 0 0 0 0 1 0" .(0P0N0C0I1I"I, & 0 U.0N0C01II"I, M 0o.0d0e1ls" Only) ◆ Manual Pulse Generator
CRoanptiidn uFoeueds r aFteee: drate: 0~16 0 i p m ( 0 ~ 3 1 5 i p m for P N C I I I & U N C I I I1)5 7 i p0m~1 6 0 i p m (0~400 ipm f o r P N C III & UNCIII) ◆ Semi-Enclosed Splashguard
MGrainuda Fl ePeudls Oev Feereridd e(x: .1, x1, x10): 0 . 0 0 0 0 1 "0, ~0 .200000%1" , 0.001"
◆ Leveling Pads & Bolts Okamoto Machine ToolW ThAeBelLhEead Rapid Retract: 1.5" Europe GmbH Germany Okamoto Okamoto Machine Tool
RMaapxidim Fuemed r Taateb:l e Travel: 315 ipm 400 ipm
◆ Operation Manual
30" 34" / 50" / 73.5" ( ) Thai Company LTD.
GSrwinivde Fl eAendg Olev: erride: 0 ~ - 9 d e g 0 ~ 200 % 0 to -10 / 0 to - 8.5 / 0 to -5 deg (✲) ◆ Tools & Tool Box
T TraAvBeLrsEe Speed: 0 ~ 315 ipm 0 ~ 394 ipm
Mainximum P Traobglera Tmramvealb: le Increment: 30" 0 . 0 0 0 0 1 " (PNCIII & U N C I I I M o 3d4e"ls / O50n"ly /) 73.5" (✲)
SMwainvuela Al Pnuglsee: Feed (x.1, x1, x10): 0 ~ - 9 0.00001", 0.00 0 01 " ,t o 0 -.100 1/ "0 to - 8.5 / 0 to -5 deg (✲) Optional
TRraavpeidrs Fee Sedpreaetde:: 0 ~ 3 1 5 i p m f3o1r5 P iNpCmI II & UNCIII 0 ~ 3 49040 i pipmm
MFeinedimrautme O Pvreorgrirdaem: m a b l e I n c
r e m e n t : 0 ~ 200% (Max. 03.1050 0ip0m1") (PNCIII & UN C I I I M o0d ~el s2 0O0n%ly )(Max. 394 ipm)
MSpaanruka-lO Puut:l se Feed (x.1, x1, x10): 0 - 1 0 S e c o n d s ( P lu n g e G r0in.0d0);0 00 1-" ,1 00 .C0y0c0le1s", o 0f .T0a0b1le" (Traverse Grind) ◆ Drive Dog Set
R a p i d F e e d r a t e : 1 6 0 i p m ( 3 1 5 i p m Ifnofir nPitNeClyI IVI a&ri aUbNleC IoInI) PNC I I I & U N C I I I M 4o0d0e lisp m
◆ Grinding Wheel Adaptor
F e WedOraRtKe HOEvAeDrride: 0 ~ 200% (Max. 160 ipm, 315 ipm for PNCIII & UNCIII) 0 ~ 200% (Max. 400 ipm)
SCpeanrtke-rO: ut: 0 - 1 0 S e c o n MdsT ( NPolu.n 3g e Grind); 0 - 10 Cycl e s o f T a b l e ( T r aMveTr sNeo Grind)
◆ Grinding Wheel Balancing
. 4 Okamoto Corporation
Infinitely Variable on PNCIII & UNCIII Models Stand Semi Conductor Equipment Division
Swivel Angle: Non-Swivel +30 to - 90 deg. Non-Swivel +30 to - 90 deg.
◆ Balancing Test Arbor CA USA S WpiOndRlKe HSEpAeDed: 10 ~ 500 rpm 10 ~ 500 rpm Annaka Factory Japan
C eTnAtIeLrS: TOCK MT No. 3 MT No. 4 ◆ Magnetic Separator
SCwenivteerl :A ngle: N o n - S w i v eMl T N o . 3 + 3 0 t o - 9 0 d e g . N o n - S w i v e lM T N o . 4 +30 to - 90 deg. ◆ Fully Enclosed Splashguard
SSppiinnddllee SSptreoekde:: 1 0 ~ 0 5.80"0 r p m 1 0 ~ 5 10.02 "rpm ◆ Workrest
CGernintedrin: g Wheel Spindle: 5 h p A MC TS Npion.d 3le M o t o r 7 . 5 MhpT SNpoi.n 4
◆ Steadyrests
dle Motor Okamoto Pte. Ltd Singapore
SWpoinrdkhlee aSdtr oSkpein: dle: 1 . 6 h p ,0 A.8C" Se r v o 2 . 4 h p 1, .A2C" Servo ◆ I.D. Grinding Attachment
MOTOR for Universal ModelsWheelheaSd Feed & Rapid Feed: 1.6 hp, AC Servo
GTaribnldei nFgee Wd h&e eRla Sppidin Fdelee:d : 5 h p , A C S p in d l e M o t o r 1.6 hp, AC S e r v o 7.5 hp, AC Spi n d le M o t o r ◆ Gauging System
W PoOrkWhEeaRd S SUpPinPdLlYe: 1.6 hp, AC Servo 2.4 hp, AC Servo ◆ Chucks
WDehseierelhde aPdo wFeeer dS &up Rpalyp Iidn cFleueddin: g 1.6 hp, AC Servo ◆ Dial Indicator for Table
TLaubbleri cFaeteiodn & & R Caopoidla Fnete Sdy: stem: 1 . 6 h 1p5, AKCV AS er v o 1 . 6 h 2p0, AKCV AS ervo Swivel
DWeisditrhe dx Powe
◆ Signal Light
Depthr Sx uHpepiglyh Itn: cluding 115" x 79" x 77" 134" / 166" / 220" x 92" x 77" (✲)
L uWbrEiIcGaHtioTn & Coolant System: 15 KVA 20 KVA (✲) ◆ Work Light
N FeLt OWOeRig ShPt ACE 7,500 lbs 10,500 / 11,500 / 13,500 lbs (✲)
Width x Depth x Height: 115" x 79" x 77" 134"/ 166" / 220" x 92" x 77" (✲)
( ✲W) E SIGpHeTcification matches corresponding center distance. Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice.
Net Weight 7,500 lbs 10,500 / 11,500 / 13,500 lbs (✲)
Emerging Abrasives Technology
(✲) Specification matches corresponding center distance. Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice.
Okamoto Corporation
370 Corporate Woods Parkway Vernon Hills, IL 60061 USA Tel: (847) 235-3500 Fax: (847) 235-3274 OGM Series Cylindrical Grinders
OMG_6_Pager.indd 1 7/1/13 11:39 AM
The OGM MDI Series grinds up to 10 different diameters
in all cycles, in any order - all in a single set-up.
Choose from 4 versatile grinding cycles.
◆ Plunge for rapid stock removal
◆ Shift-Plunge / Traverse for fast stock removal and fine
OGM10-Step finish MDI Series ... ◆ Traverse with infeed at right end, left end or both ends for fine finish
◆ Manual Traverse that eliminates the
the efficient way to grind multi-diameter work need for program input - saves time -
without CNC! ideal for single workpiece requirements
The OGM MDI Control Series The OGM's Servo Driven
Cylindrical Grinders embodies Wheelhead is designed to withstand the
the unique blend of performance rigors of high volume production work, yet
deliver consistent fine finish capability to
features and simplicity of operation
"tenths". Its built-in rapid advance/retract
that today's fine finisher demands. simplifies set-up - a real convenience
They are available in Plain and feature. The wheelhead incorporates a
Universal models. Superior quality cartridge type wheel spindle (lubed for
starts from the ground up with rigid life) that provides the utmost in reliability
and ease of maintenance. Wheelheads on
construction that utilizes heavily Universal models feature ±30o swivel.
ribbed Meehanite cast beds with
double Vee ways. All components
- servo motors, ball screws, control
components are of the highest grade.
It's our way of assuring that your OGM
Series grinder delivers many years of
peak performance and accuracy. OGM
MDI Series grinders deliver precision,
flexibility and operator convenience at
an astonishingly affordable price.
They are the real value in
OD Grinders.
Shown with options
Plunge Shift-Plunge / Traverse Traverse
OGM MDI Models feature a
2-point table mounted wheel
dresser for precise, efficient
Okamoto also designed performance into the
OGM's Workhead. Both Plain and Universal
models feature a variable speed workhead
with live-dead center standard on all models.
This allows for chuck work application. Variable
workhead swivel from 90o CCW (counter-
clockwise) to 30o CW (clockwise) is ideal
for grinding angles or compound angles. It is
standard on all OGM Universal models.
OGM UIII & PIII MDI Series Cylindrical Grinders
with multi-diameter grinding capability
Optional Locating Device Available
on MDI Models
Shown with options
OGM Series MDI & CNC
Control Cylindrical Grinders
incorporate numerous standard
features that optimize 1. Optional ID Grinding Attachment 2. High efficiency Coolant Systems are
expands grinding capability. Ideal for tool optional on all OGM Series Grinders.
performance and productivity. room work. Available on OGM Universal Magnetic Swarf Separators are also
Special options are also models. Automatic infeed on all models. available as options.
available to meet specific
1. 2.
customer applications.
3. Automatic Lubrication System
assures reliable lubrication to all critical
way systems. Standard.
4.Table Swivel Dial Indicator assures
precise table swivel settings - a valuable
option for taper grinding applications.
Optional. 3. 4.
5. Marposs Size Gauge Optional on MDI
and CNC models. 5.
6. A Marposs Flagging System simplifies
set-up and assures accurate
shoulder positioning.
Standard on all OGM CNC models.
Optional on MDI models.
Contact your Okamoto representative for a complete list of optional equipment including auto-loading systems.
Programmable The OGM MDI Series utilizes a "user-friendly" Fanuc electronic MDI control with a powerful teach function. Data input is so simple that even operators unfamiliar with
Grinding cylindrical grinding can quickly and easily learn to operate the machine and efficiently
and precisely grind up to 10 diameters in a single workpiece set-up. A built-in Manual
Pulse Generator is a real operator convenience in set-up and when grinding in the
manual mode. Another unique feature is a Dress Interrupt Function that enables the
operator to dress the grinding wheel, on demand, at any point during the grinding cycle.
The OGM will automatically stop its infeed, dress, and return to the exact point where
the interruption occurred and resume grinding. In addition, a Cycle Skip Function allows
the operator to skip the dress and roughing cycles and proceed directly to finish grind
plus size compensation.
MDI Control
Main Data Page Used to input grinding
data such as number of different steps,
type of grind cycle, transverse, plunge,
oscillation, shift plunge and optional
shoulder grinding.
OD Data Page Used to input grinding data Program Storage Page Used for naming Dressing Data Page Used to input wheel
such and table reversal position, rough, and storing of up to 21 individual programs width, diamond distance, wheel type, dress
medium, fine stock allowances, and initial internally, with external program storage to data (Infeed amount, speed, number of
air cut plus clearance amount to next grind. compact flash card capability. dresses).
OGM NC Series Cylindrical Grinders
Powerful Control Capability
The OGM NC Series rounds out
the Okamoto Cylindrical Grinder
line-up. They are designed, ◆ Powerful state-of-the-art
engineered and built with the Fanuc CNC
◆ Quick, easy set-up. Designed
same dedication to quality, for optimum operator convenience
performance and value as the ◆ No prior CNC experience necessary - Short learning curve
OGM MDI line. These two axis ◆ Fanuc reliability
simultaneous controlled grinders ◆ Conversational or G and M code programming standard
utilize a powerful, easy-to-use
Fanuc control. The combination
of proven machine design, superb
control capability and Okamoto
grinding machine expertise
makes for a grinder that delivers
long term optimum accuracy,
productivity and true operator
Shown with options
The OGM MDI Series grinds up to 10 different diameters
in all cycles, in any order - all in a single set-up.
Choose from 4 versatile grinding cycles.
◆ Plunge for rapid stock removal
◆ Shift-Plunge / Traverse for fast stock removal and fine
1 finishOOGGMM NC S0er-ieSs tCeylinpd rMicaDl IG Srinedrieers ... ◆ Traverse with infeed at right end, Grinding Data Entry Dressing left end or both ends for fine finish Cycles Patterns Floor Plans
◆ Manual Traverse that eliminates the
the efficient way to grind multi-diameter work need for program input - saves time -
without CNC! ideal for single workpiece requirements Front View
Powerful Control Capability A
TThhee OOGGMM MNDC IS Ceroinetsr rool uSnedrise os ut The OGM's Servo Driven
Cthyeli nOdkraicmaol tGor Cinydlienrds reicmabl oGdriiensd er Wheelhead is designed to withstand the Plunge
line-up. The rigors of high volume production work, yet the unique byle anrde odfe psiegrnfoerdm, ance ◆ Powerful state-of-the-art
feenagtuinreese raendd asnimd pbluicilitt yw oitfh o the
deliver consistent fine finish capability to Fanuc CNC
peration "tenths". Its built-in rapid advance/retract ◆ Quick, easy set-up. Designed
tshaamt teo ddeayd'isc afitnioen fi tnoi sqhuear lditey,m ands. simplifies set-up - a real convenience for optimum operator convenience C
Tpheeryfo armrea anvcaei l an
◆ No prior CNC experience
abled i nva Plulaei na sa nthde feature. The wheelhead incorporates a necessary - Short learning curve
UOnGivMer sMalD mI olidneel.s T. hSeuspee trwioor aqxuias
Straight Std.
l ity cartridge type wheel spindle (lubed for ◆ Fanuc reliability Traverse
life) that provides the utmost in reliability ◆ Conversational or G and M code
sstiamrtus lftraonmeo tuhse cgoronutrnodll eudp gwriinthd errigs id
and ease of maintenance. Wheelheads on programming standard
cuotinlisztreu ac tpioonw tehrafut lu, teilaizseys-t oh-euasveil y Universal models feature ±30o swivel. Distance X Set Automatically sets Work Distance Z Set Automatically locates Work
rFibanbuedc cMoenetrhoaln. iTthe ec acsotm bbeidnsa wtioitnh Reference Point (X-Axis). Datum (Z-Axis). Corrects for workpiece
Left End
variations. Face & R Std.
doof upbrolev Vene em waacyhsi.n Ae ldl ecsoimgnp, osnuepnetrsb Top View
-c soenrtvroo lm coatpoarbs,i lbitayl la sncdr eOwksa, mcoontotr ol Plunge Oscillation
cgorimndpionnge mntas cahrein oef etxhpee hrtiigshee st grade.
Taper Opt.
Imt'sa okeusr fwoar ya ogfr iansdsuerr itnhga tt hdaetl iyvoeursr OGM
Sloernige st egrrmin doeprt idmeulimve rasc mcuarnayc yy, ears of
pperaokd upcetrifvoirtym aanndc et rauned o apcecrautroarc y. OGM
Plunge + Fine B
McoDnIv Seenriieensc ger.i n ders deliver precision, Grinding Oscillation NC Format Std.
fl exibility and operator convenience at
an astonishingly affordable price. Locator Initial Set Minimizes set-up times. Grinding Data Set Simplifies Grinding
They are the real value in Data Input.
OD Grinders. Straight Opt. Dimensions
OGM-8l20 OGM-12 l20 OGM-12 l36 OGM-12l60
Shift-Plunge + Traverse
A 115.0" 134.0" 166.0" 220.0"
B 79.0" 92.0" 92.0" 92.0"
C 77.0" 77.0" 77.0" 77.0"
OGM CNC Grinders feature a
table-mounted 3-point dresser.
Manual Traverse The dressing arm is mounted
to the lower portion of the table.
Dress Position Set Menu This allows taper adjustments
Dress Infeed - Rough, Medium, Fine. Provides System Parameters. without changing dressing.
Dress Speed - Rough, Medium, Fine. Machine Set-Up.
Dress Frequency. Grinding Data.
Dressing Data.
Shown with options Machine Data.
Contour Opt.
Shown with options
62 7 8
OMG_6_Pager.indd 2 7/1/13 11:39 AM
The OGM MDI Series grinds up to 10 different diameters
in all cycles, in any order - all in a single set-up.
Choose from 4 versatile grinding cycles.
◆ Plunge for rapid stock removal
◆ Shift-Plunge / Traverse for fast stock removal and fine
1 finishOOGGMM NC S0er-ieSs tCeylinpd rMicaDl IG Srinedrieers ... ◆ Traverse with infeed at right end, Grinding Data Entry Dressing left end or both ends for fine finish Cycles Patterns Floor Plans
◆ Manual Traverse that eliminates the
the efficient way to grind multi-diameter work need for program input - saves time -
without CNC! ideal for single workpiece requirements Front View
Powerful Control Capability A
TThhee OOGGMM MNDC IS Ceroinetsr rool uSnedrise os ut The OGM's Servo Driven
Cthyeli nOdkraicmaol tGor Cinydlienrds reicmabl oGdriiensd er Wheelhead is designed to withstand the Plunge
line-up. The rigors of high volume production work, yet the unique byle anrde odfe psiegrnfoerdm, ance ◆ Powerful state-of-the-art
feenagtuinreese raendd asnimd pbluicilitt yw oitfh o the
deliver consistent fine finish capability to Fanuc CNC
peration "tenths". Its built-in rapid advance/retract ◆ Quick, easy set-up. Designed
tshaamt teo ddeayd'isc afitnioen fi tnoi sqhuear lditey,m ands. simplifies set-up - a real convenience for optimum operator convenience C
Tpheeryfo armrea anvcaei l an
◆ No prior CNC experience
abled i nva Plulaei na sa nthde feature. The wheelhead incorporates a necessary - Short learning curve
UOnGivMer sMalD mI olidneel.s T. hSeuspee trwioor aqxuias
Straight Std.
l ity cartridge type wheel spindle (lubed for ◆ Fanuc reliability Traverse
life) that provides the utmost in reliability ◆ Conversational or G and M code
sstiamrtus lftraonmeo tuhse cgoronutrnodll eudp gwriinthd errigs id
and ease of maintenance. Wheelheads on programming standard
cuotinlisztreu ac tpioonw tehrafut lu, teilaizseys-t oh-euasveil y Universal models feature ±30o swivel. Distance X Set Automatically sets Work Distance Z Set Automatically locates Work
rFibanbuedc cMoenetrhoaln. iTthe ec acsotm bbeidnsa wtioitnh Reference Point (X-Axis). Datum (Z-Axis). Corrects for workpiece
Left End
variations. Face & R Std.
doof upbrolev Vene em waacyhsi.n Ae ldl ecsoimgnp, osnuepnetrsb Top View
-c soenrtvroo lm coatpoarbs,i lbitayl la sncdr eOwksa, mcoontotr ol Plunge Oscillation
cgorimndpionnge mntas cahrein oef etxhpee hrtiigshee st grade.
Taper Opt.
Imt'sa okeusr fwoar ya ogfr iansdsuerr itnhga tt hdaetl iyvoeursr OGM
Sloernige st egrrmin doeprt idmeulimve rasc mcuarnayc yy, ears of
pperaokd upcetrifvoirtym aanndc et rauned o apcecrautroarc y. OGM
Plunge + Fine B
McoDnIv Seenriieensc ger.i n ders deliver precision, Grinding Oscillation NC Format Std.
fl exibility and operator convenience at
an astonishingly affordable price. Locator Initial Set Minimizes set-up times. Grinding Data Set Simplifies Grinding
They are the real value in Data Input.
OD Grinders. Straight Opt. Dimensions
OGM-8l20 OGM-12 l20 OGM-12 l36 OGM-12l60
Shift-Plunge + Traverse
A 115.0" 134.0" 166.0" 220.0"
B 79.0" 92.0" 92.0" 92.0"
C 77.0" 77.0" 77.0" 77.0"
OGM CNC Grinders feature a
table-mounted 3-point dresser.
Manual Traverse The dressing arm is mounted
to the lower portion of the table.
Dress Position Set Menu This allows taper adjustments
Dress Infeed - Rough, Medium, Fine. Provides System Parameters. without changing dressing.
Dress Speed - Rough, Medium, Fine. Machine Set-Up.
Dress Frequency. Grinding Data.
Dressing Data.
Shown with options Machine Data.
Contour Opt.
Shown with options
62 7 8
OMG_6_Pager.indd 2 7/1/13 11:39 AM
The only manufacturer in the world
supplying overall solutions for a total
Specifications abrasive process.
CAPACITY 8l20 PIII & PNCIII 8l20UIII & UNCIII 12 PIII & PNCIII 12 UIII & UNCIII Okamoto Corporation Chicago USA
S CwAinPgA COIvTeYr Table: 8.6" 12.6" Standard
SDwisitnagn cOev eBre Ttwabeleen: Centers: 1 89..6"8 " 2 0 " / 3162". 6/ "5 9" (✲) Accessories
DMisatxainmcuem B eDtwiaemeent eCre tnot ebres :G round: 1 98..608" " 2 0 " / 3 162" ./0 6" 0" (✲)
Maaxxiimum DWiaemigehtte Br etotw beee nG rCoeunntde:r s: 1 1 0 l b s ( C8e.0n"t e r W o r k ) 3 3 0 l b s 1 (2C.e0n" ter Work) ◆ Grinding Wheel with
M GaxRiImNuDmIN WG eWigHhEt EBLetween Centers: 110 lbs (Center Work) 330 lbs (Center Work) Adaptor
S GizReI N(DD xIN WG Wx BH)E: EL 14" x 1.5" x 5" 12" x 1" x 5" 16" x 2" x 5" 14" x 1.5" x 5" ◆ Wheelguard
SGirzien d(Din gx W hxe Bel) :S peed (60 hz): 1 41", 6x1 10. 5r"p xm 5 " 1 12,"8 x8 01 "r xp m5" 16,4" 1x0 2 r" pxm 5 " 1 4 1" ,x6 10.5 r" pxm 5" ◆ Central Lubrication System
G rWinHdEinEgL HWEhAeDel Speed: 2,240 rpm 2,240 rpm 1,845 rpm 2,000 rpm
WHE ◆ Dressing Device with Total SEtLroHkEeA (DX-Axis): 8" 11.8" Diamond
TSowtaivl eSlt rAonkgel e(:X -Axis): N o n - S w i v e l 8" ± 3 0 d e g . N o n - S w i v e l 11.8" ± 30 deg.
SAwutivoeml aAtnicg lIen:f eed: N 0o.n0-0S0w0i1v"e ~l 0.002" (1 6 s ±et t3in0g dse)g /. 0.00001" ~ 0N.o0n0-4S" w(PivNeCl III & UN C I I I ±M 3o0d edlesg) . ◆ Variable Wheel Speed
AMuitnoimautmic IIncferemd: e n t : 0.00001" ~ 0.002" (190 .s0e0t0ti0n1g"s ()P /N 0C.0II0I 0&0 1U"N ~C 0II.I0 M04o" d(ePlNs COInIIl y&) UNCIII Models) ◆ Coolant Hoses and Nozzles
Miannimuaulm P uInlscer eFmeeedn t(:x .1, x1, x10): 0 . 0 0 0 0 1 0" .(0P0N0C0I1I"I, & 0 U.0N0C01II"I, M 0o.0d0e1ls" Only) ◆ Manual Pulse Generator
CRoanptiidn uFoeueds r aFteee: drate: 0~16 0 i p m ( 0 ~ 3 1 5 i p m for P N C I I I & U N C I I I1)5 7 i p0m~1 6 0 i p m (0~400 ipm f o r P N C III & UNCIII) ◆ Semi-Enclosed Splashguard
MGrainuda Fl ePeudls Oev Feereridd e(x: .1, x1, x10): 0 . 0 0 0 0 1 "0, ~0 .200000%1" , 0.001"
◆ Leveling Pads & Bolts Okamoto Machine ToolW ThAeBelLhEead Rapid Retract: 1.5" Europe GmbH Germany Okamoto Okamoto Machine Tool
RMaapxidim Fuemed r Taateb:l e Travel: 315 ipm 400 ipm
◆ Operation Manual
30" 34" / 50" / 73.5" ( ) Thai Company LTD.
GSrwinivde Fl eAendg Olev: erride: 0 ~ - 9 d e g 0 ~ 200 % 0 to -10 / 0 to - 8.5 / 0 to -5 deg (✲) ◆ Tools & Tool Box
T TraAvBeLrsEe Speed: 0 ~ 315 ipm 0 ~ 394 ipm
Mainximum P Traobglera Tmramvealb: le Increment: 30" 0 . 0 0 0 0 1 " (PNCIII & U N C I I I M o 3d4e"ls / O50n"ly /) 73.5" (✲)
SMwainvuela Al Pnuglsee: Feed (x.1, x1, x10): 0 ~ - 9 0.00001", 0.00 0 01 " ,t o 0 -.100 1/ "0 to - 8.5 / 0 to -5 deg (✲) Optional
TRraavpeidrs Fee Sedpreaetde:: 0 ~ 3 1 5 i p m f3o1r5 P iNpCmI II & UNCIII 0 ~ 3 49040 i pipmm
MFeinedimrautme O Pvreorgrirdaem: m a b l e I n c
r e m e n t : 0 ~ 200% (Max. 03.1050 0ip0m1") (PNCIII & UN C I I I M o0d ~el s2 0O0n%ly )(Max. 394 ipm)
MSpaanruka-lO Puut:l se Feed (x.1, x1, x10): 0 - 1 0 S e c o n d s ( P lu n g e G r0in.0d0);0 00 1-" ,1 00 .C0y0c0le1s", o 0f .T0a0b1le" (Traverse Grind) ◆ Drive Dog Set
R a p i d F e e d r a t e : 1 6 0 i p m ( 3 1 5 i p m Ifnofir nPitNeClyI IVI a&ri aUbNleC IoInI) PNC I I I & U N C I I I M 4o0d0e lisp m
◆ Grinding Wheel Adaptor
F e WedOraRtKe HOEvAeDrride: 0 ~ 200% (Max. 160 ipm, 315 ipm for PNCIII & UNCIII) 0 ~ 200% (Max. 400 ipm)
SCpeanrtke-rO: ut: 0 - 1 0 S e c o n MdsT ( NPolu.n 3g e Grind); 0 - 10 Cycl e s o f T a b l e ( T r aMveTr sNeo Grind)
◆ Grinding Wheel Balancing
. 4 Okamoto Corporation
Infinitely Variable on PNCIII & UNCIII Models Stand Semi Conductor Equipment Division
Swivel Angle: Non-Swivel +30 to - 90 deg. Non-Swivel +30 to - 90 deg.
◆ Balancing Test Arbor CA USA S WpiOndRlKe HSEpAeDed: 10 ~ 500 rpm 10 ~ 500 rpm Annaka Factory Japan
C eTnAtIeLrS: TOCK MT No. 3 MT No. 4 ◆ Magnetic Separator
SCwenivteerl :A ngle: N o n - S w i v eMl T N o . 3 + 3 0 t o - 9 0 d e g . N o n - S w i v e lM T N o . 4 +30 to - 90 deg. ◆ Fully Enclosed Splashguard
SSppiinnddllee SSptreoekde:: 1 0 ~ 0 5.80"0 r p m 1 0 ~ 5 10.02 "rpm ◆ Workrest
CGernintedrin: g Wheel Spindle: 5 h p A MC TS Npion.d 3le M o t o r 7 . 5 MhpT SNpoi.n 4
◆ Steadyrests
dle Motor Okamoto Pte. Ltd Singapore
SWpoinrdkhlee aSdtr oSkpein: dle: 1 . 6 h p ,0 A.8C" Se r v o 2 . 4 h p 1, .A2C" Servo ◆ I.D. Grinding Attachment
MOTOR for Universal ModelsWheelheaSd Feed & Rapid Feed: 1.6 hp, AC Servo
GTaribnldei nFgee Wd h&e eRla Sppidin Fdelee:d : 5 h p , A C S p in d l e M o t o r 1.6 hp, AC S e r v o 7.5 hp, AC Spi n d le M o t o r ◆ Gauging System
W PoOrkWhEeaRd S SUpPinPdLlYe: 1.6 hp, AC Servo 2.4 hp, AC Servo ◆ Chucks
WDehseierelhde aPdo wFeeer dS &up Rpalyp Iidn cFleueddin: g 1.6 hp, AC Servo ◆ Dial Indicator for Table
TLaubbleri cFaeteiodn & & R Caopoidla Fnete Sdy: stem: 1 . 6 h 1p5, AKCV AS er v o 1 . 6 h 2p0, AKCV AS ervo Swivel
DWeisditrhe dx Powe
◆ Signal Light
Depthr Sx uHpepiglyh Itn: cluding 115" x 79" x 77" 134" / 166" / 220" x 92" x 77" (✲)
L uWbrEiIcGaHtioTn & Coolant System: 15 KVA 20 KVA (✲) ◆ Work Light
N FeLt OWOeRig ShPt ACE 7,500 lbs 10,500 / 11,500 / 13,500 lbs (✲)
Width x Depth x Height: 115" x 79" x 77" 134"/ 166" / 220" x 92" x 77" (✲)
( ✲W) E SIGpHeTcification matches corresponding center distance. Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice.
Net Weight 7,500 lbs 10,500 / 11,500 / 13,500 lbs (✲)
Emerging Abrasives Technology
(✲) Specification matches corresponding center distance. Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice.
Okamoto Corporation
370 Corporate Woods Parkway Vernon Hills, IL 60061 USA Tel: (847) 235-3500 Fax: (847) 235-3274 OGM Series Cylindrical Grinders
OMG_6_Pager.indd 1 7/1/13 11:39 AM
The only manufacturer in the world
supplying overall solutions for a total
Specifications abrasive process.
CAPACITY 8l20 PIII & PNCIII 8l20UIII & UNCIII 12 PIII & PNCIII 12 UIII & UNCIII Okamoto Corporation Chicago USA
S CwAinPgA COIvTeYr Table: 8.6" 12.6" Standard
SDwisitnagn cOev eBre Ttwabeleen: Centers: 1 89..6"8 " 2 0 " / 3162". 6/ "5 9" (✲) Accessories
DMisatxainmcuem B eDtwiaemeent eCre tnot ebres :G round: 1 98..608" " 2 0 " / 3 162" ./0 6" 0" (✲)
Maaxxiimum DWiaemigehtte Br etotw beee nG rCoeunntde:r s: 1 1 0 l b s ( C8e.0n"t e r W o r k ) 3 3 0 l b s 1 (2C.e0n" ter Work) ◆ Grinding Wheel with
M GaxRiImNuDmIN WG eWigHhEt EBLetween Centers: 110 lbs (Center Work) 330 lbs (Center Work) Adaptor
S GizReI N(DD xIN WG Wx BH)E: EL 14" x 1.5" x 5" 12" x 1" x 5" 16" x 2" x 5" 14" x 1.5" x 5" ◆ Wheelguard
SGirzien d(Din gx W hxe Bel) :S peed (60 hz): 1 41", 6x1 10. 5r"p xm 5 " 1 12,"8 x8 01 "r xp m5" 16,4" 1x0 2 r" pxm 5 " 1 4 1" ,x6 10.5 r" pxm 5" ◆ Central Lubrication System
G rWinHdEinEgL HWEhAeDel Speed: 2,240 rpm 2,240 rpm 1,845 rpm 2,000 rpm
WHE ◆ Dressing Device with Total SEtLroHkEeA (DX-Axis): 8" 11.8" Diamond
TSowtaivl eSlt rAonkgel e(:X -Axis): N o n - S w i v e l 8" ± 3 0 d e g . N o n - S w i v e l 11.8" ± 30 deg.
SAwutivoeml aAtnicg lIen:f eed: N 0o.n0-0S0w0i1v"e ~l 0.002" (1 6 s ±et t3in0g dse)g /. 0.00001" ~ 0N.o0n0-4S" w(PivNeCl III & UN C I I I ±M 3o0d edlesg) . ◆ Variable Wheel Speed
AMuitnoimautmic IIncferemd: e n t : 0.00001" ~ 0.002" (190 .s0e0t0ti0n1g"s ()P /N 0C.0II0I 0&0 1U"N ~C 0II.I0 M04o" d(ePlNs COInIIl y&) UNCIII Models) ◆ Coolant Hoses and Nozzles
Miannimuaulm P uInlscer eFmeeedn t(:x .1, x1, x10): 0 . 0 0 0 0 1 0" .(0P0N0C0I1I"I, & 0 U.0N0C01II"I, M 0o.0d0e1ls" Only) ◆ Manual Pulse Generator
CRoanptiidn uFoeueds r aFteee: drate: 0~16 0 i p m ( 0 ~ 3 1 5 i p m for P N C I I I & U N C I I I1)5 7 i p0m~1 6 0 i p m (0~400 ipm f o r P N C III & UNCIII) ◆ Semi-Enclosed Splashguard
MGrainuda Fl ePeudls Oev Feereridd e(x: .1, x1, x10): 0 . 0 0 0 0 1 "0, ~0 .200000%1" , 0.001"
◆ Leveling Pads & Bolts Okamoto Machine ToolW ThAeBelLhEead Rapid Retract: 1.5" Europe GmbH Germany Okamoto Okamoto Machine Tool
RMaapxidim Fuemed r Taateb:l e Travel: 315 ipm 400 ipm
◆ Operation Manual
30" 34" / 50" / 73.5" ( ) Thai Company LTD.
GSrwinivde Fl eAendg Olev: erride: 0 ~ - 9 d e g 0 ~ 200 % 0 to -10 / 0 to - 8.5 / 0 to -5 deg (✲) ◆ Tools & Tool Box
T TraAvBeLrsEe Speed: 0 ~ 315 ipm 0 ~ 394 ipm
Mainximum P Traobglera Tmramvealb: le Increment: 30" 0 . 0 0 0 0 1 " (PNCIII & U N C I I I M o 3d4e"ls / O50n"ly /) 73.5" (✲)
SMwainvuela Al Pnuglsee: Feed (x.1, x1, x10): 0 ~ - 9 0.00001", 0.00 0 01 " ,t o 0 -.100 1/ "0 to - 8.5 / 0 to -5 deg (✲) Optional
TRraavpeidrs Fee Sedpreaetde:: 0 ~ 3 1 5 i p m f3o1r5 P iNpCmI II & UNCIII 0 ~ 3 49040 i pipmm
MFeinedimrautme O Pvreorgrirdaem: m a b l e I n c
r e m e n t : 0 ~ 200% (Max. 03.1050 0ip0m1") (PNCIII & UN C I I I M o0d ~el s2 0O0n%ly )(Max. 394 ipm)
MSpaanruka-lO Puut:l se Feed (x.1, x1, x10): 0 - 1 0 S e c o n d s ( P lu n g e G r0in.0d0);0 00 1-" ,1 00 .C0y0c0le1s", o 0f .T0a0b1le" (Traverse Grind) ◆ Drive Dog Set
R a p i d F e e d r a t e : 1 6 0 i p m ( 3 1 5 i p m Ifnofir nPitNeClyI IVI a&ri aUbNleC IoInI) PNC I I I & U N C I I I M 4o0d0e lisp m
◆ Grinding Wheel Adaptor
F e WedOraRtKe HOEvAeDrride: 0 ~ 200% (Max. 160 ipm, 315 ipm for PNCIII & UNCIII) 0 ~ 200% (Max. 400 ipm)
SCpeanrtke-rO: ut: 0 - 1 0 S e c o n MdsT ( NPolu.n 3g e Grind); 0 - 10 Cycl e s o f T a b l e ( T r aMveTr sNeo Grind)
◆ Grinding Wheel Balancing
. 4 Okamoto Corporation
Infinitely Variable on PNCIII & UNCIII Models Stand Semi Conductor Equipment Division
Swivel Angle: Non-Swivel +30 to - 90 deg. Non-Swivel +30 to - 90 deg.
◆ Balancing Test Arbor CA USA S WpiOndRlKe HSEpAeDed: 10 ~ 500 rpm 10 ~ 500 rpm Annaka Factory Japan
C eTnAtIeLrS: TOCK MT No. 3 MT No. 4 ◆ Magnetic Separator
SCwenivteerl :A ngle: N o n - S w i v eMl T N o . 3 + 3 0 t o - 9 0 d e g . N o n - S w i v e lM T N o . 4 +30 to - 90 deg. ◆ Fully Enclosed Splashguard
SSppiinnddllee SSptreoekde:: 1 0 ~ 0 5.80"0 r p m 1 0 ~ 5 10.02 "rpm ◆ Workrest
CGernintedrin: g Wheel Spindle: 5 h p A MC TS Npion.d 3le M o t o r 7 . 5 MhpT SNpoi.n 4
◆ Steadyrests
dle Motor Okamoto Pte. Ltd Singapore
SWpoinrdkhlee aSdtr oSkpein: dle: 1 . 6 h p ,0 A.8C" Se r v o 2 . 4 h p 1, .A2C" Servo ◆ I.D. Grinding Attachment
MOTOR for Universal ModelsWheelheaSd Feed & Rapid Feed: 1.6 hp, AC Servo
GTaribnldei nFgee Wd h&e eRla Sppidin Fdelee:d : 5 h p , A C S p in d l e M o t o r 1.6 hp, AC S e r v o 7.5 hp, AC Spi n d le M o t o r ◆ Gauging System
W PoOrkWhEeaRd S SUpPinPdLlYe: 1.6 hp, AC Servo 2.4 hp, AC Servo ◆ Chucks
WDehseierelhde aPdo wFeeer dS &up Rpalyp Iidn cFleueddin: g 1.6 hp, AC Servo ◆ Dial Indicator for Table
TLaubbleri cFaeteiodn & & R Caopoidla Fnete Sdy: stem: 1 . 6 h 1p5, AKCV AS er v o 1 . 6 h 2p0, AKCV AS ervo Swivel
DWeisditrhe dx Powe
◆ Signal Light
Depthr Sx uHpepiglyh Itn: cluding 115" x 79" x 77" 134" / 166" / 220" x 92" x 77" (✲)
L uWbrEiIcGaHtioTn & Coolant System: 15 KVA 20 KVA (✲) ◆ Work Light
N FeLt OWOeRig ShPt ACE 7,500 lbs 10,500 / 11,500 / 13,500 lbs (✲)
Width x Depth x Height: 115" x 79" x 77" 134"/ 166" / 220" x 92" x 77" (✲)
( ✲W) E SIGpHeTcification matches corresponding center distance. Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice.
Net Weight 7,500 lbs 10,500 / 11,500 / 13,500 lbs (✲)
Emerging Abrasives Technology
(✲) Specification matches corresponding center distance. Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice.
Okamoto Corporation
370 Corporate Woods Parkway Vernon Hills, IL 60061 USA Tel: (847) 235-3500 Fax: (847) 235-3274 OGM Series Cylindrical Grinders
OMG_6_Pager.indd 1 7/1/13 11:39 AM