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Document Title <U.S.A>OGM-UDX
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OGM UDX FEB 6.qxp_OGM UDX 3/4/19 10:55 AM Page 1 Precision Cylindrical Grinding Machine Model OGM-8l20UDX Easy-to-use, versatile, economical . . . the OGM-UDX is the value choice in toolroom OD/ID grinding. Reliable High Accuracy and Performance ideal for precision toolroom applications yet rugged enough for tough production runs. Economically Priced comes complete with coolant system, and single point wheel dresser. Versatile Standard I.D. grinding attachment available for universal model. Superb Design and Rugged Construction heavily ribbed Meehanite cast iron construction. Ergonomically Designed for optimum operator convenience. Controls are mounted for easy operator access. X-Axis handwheel simplifies positioning and easy shoulder grinding. Retractable The standard ID Grinding Attachment is ideal User-friendly DX Control provides for easy splashguard provides easy access to for toolroom work and greatly expands data input, fast set-up and precise machine grinding capability. control. work envelope. AC Servo / Ballscrew Table eliminates need for hydraulic unit - allows for easy maintenance. Compact Design saves valuable floor space.

OGM UDX FEB 6.qxp_OGM UDX 3/4/19 10:55 AM Page 2 Precision Cylindrical Grinding Machine Specifications OGM 8l20UDX Standard Accessories CAPACITY s I.D. Grinding Attachment Swing Over Table 8.6" s Grinding Wheel with Adaptor Distance Between Centers 9.84" s Dressing Device with Diamond Maximum Working Diameter 7.87" s Coolant System Maximum Workpiece Capacity 132 lbs s Coolant Hoses & Nozzles GRINDING WHEEL Outside Diameter x Width x Bore 14" / 12" x 1.5" / 1" x 5" s Splash Cover Rotating Speeds (Belt Replace) 60Hz 2,087 & 2,357 s Leveling Bolts & Plates WHEELHEAD s Tools & Tool Box X-Axis Travel 7.2" Swivel Angle (non-swivel) ±30° Optional Accessories Least Travel Increment 0.00005" Dia. (Fine Adjustment: 0.0001" Dia.) s Drive dog Set Handle Feedrate 0.1" Dia. Per Handle Turn TABLE s Grinding Wheel Adaptor Z-Axis Travel 15.75" s Grinding Wheel Balancing Stand Swivel Angle 5° to -11° / 4° to -9° s Dial Indicator for Table Swivel Handle Feedrate 0.3" Per Handle turn s Steady Rests Automatic Feedrate 2 - 157.5 in/min WORKHEAD Other Options Also Available. Spindle Type Spindle for Deal-Live Combined Use Center Taper MT No. 3 Through-Hole Diameter 0.55" Dia. Rotating Speed (Belt Replace) 50Hz 150 / 250 / 400 rpm Swivel Angle 30° to -90° TAILSTOCK Center Taper MT No. 3 MOTORS Grinding Wheel Spindle 2 hp Workhead Spindle 0.28 hp Table Feed 0.58 hp POWER SUPPLY Power Consumption 10 KVA FLOOR SPACE Width x Depth x Height 74" x 54" x 51" WORKHEAD Net Weight 3,370 lbs. Specifications Subject to Change without Notice. Emerging Abrasives Technology Okamoto Corporation 370 Corporate Woods Parkway Vernon Hills, IL 60061 USA Tel: (847) 235-3500 Fax: (847) 235-3274 California Office: 14944 Shoemaker Ave., Unit J Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Tel: (562) 921-0099 Fax: (562) 921-0199 Kentucky Office: 140 Production Ct. Louisville, KY 40299 Tel: (502) 749-1506 Fax: (502) 749-1525 Connecticut Office: 425-D Hayden Station Rd. Windsor, CT 06095 Tel: (860) 219-1006 Fax: (860) 219-1007 Printed in U.S.A. 03/19 1M www.okamotoco rp .com