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WORLD OF OKAMOTO Okamoto Machine Okamoto Tool Europe GmbH Corporation (USA) The Company World leading. Okamoto Machine Our grinding machines guarantee safety through the highest precision. Tool (Shanghai) Office Okamoto Machine Tool Works Ltd. Japan has been the world‘s leading manufacturer of high-quality grinding machines and related equipment since 1926. OKAMOTO MACHINE TOOL EUROPE GMBH headquartered in Okamoto Langen near Frankfurt am Main has been serving the European market since 1992 as its main office. The (Thai) Co. Ltd continued growth of the company has given rise to a network of subsidiaries and sales organizations in over 70 Okamoto Machine Tool Works LTD. Japan countries. Major production facilities are in Japan, Singapore and Thailand. Head Office & Sales Departement The intensive cooperation of Okamoto Machine Tool Works Ltd. Japan and Okamoto Machine Tool Europe GmbH in Langen is a guarantor for the development and production of innovative grinding machines with hig- hest precision. In our work, we strive to respond positively to the developments in the market and use invest- ments for future growth for the overall success of our company. Okamoto Machine Tool Works Ltd. Japan, as well as Okamoto Machine Tool Europe GmbH is a customer-orien- Okamoto Singapore ted, internationally operating company - a modern service provider with high service quality. Our full service Pte. Ltd strategy focuses on the customer with his needs. The aim is to provide our customers with innovative products with the highest precision, reliability, quality and handling. In our modern demonstration and application center at Okamoto Machine Tool Europe GmbH in Langen, we present an interesting cross section of our product range. We rely on a long-term, reliable, successful, trusting and partnership-based cooperation with our customers and partners. Okamoto Machine Tool Europe GmbH Frankfurt (Germany) Y PA N CO M TH E 3

WORLD OF OKAMOTO Proximity to customers Always in line with customers’ needs – that makes all the difference. Efficient advice and after-sales-service. Okamoto Machine Tool Works Ltd. Japan and Okamoto Machine Tool Europe GmbH, is a customer-oriented, internationally operating company – a modern service provider with high service quality. Our full service stra- tegy focuses on the customer and their needs. Our aim is to provide our customers with top quality innovative products that offer the highest precision, a high degree of reliability, and easy operation. In our modern de- monstration and application centre at Okamoto Machine Tool Europe GmbH in Langen, Germany, we are ready to demonstrate a wide selection of the products in our delivery programme. We put great emphasis on a long-term, reliable, successful, trusting and fair cooperation with our customers and partners. What you can expect from us in detail: • User-specific advice from professionals • Improving the profitability of your production • Efficient solutions that lead to competitive advantages Y PA N M E C O TH

WORLD OF OKAMOTO Internationality Worldwide security and competence. Our grinding machines set international standards. Based in the centre of Europe, Okamoto Machine Tool Europe GmbH employs staff from several different European countries as well as Germany and Japan. Together with our partners and dealers in each European country, we are able to understand the cultural and application-specific characteristics of all of our customer’s needs. Because you know that we speak your language, and because you know that we understand your local market, you can be sure that you will save time and money when buying an Okamoto machine. Okamoto Europe and our partners provide a noticeable competitive advantage. With us you can feel “at home”. What you can expect from us in detail: • A single contact partner • Excellent knowledge of the foreign market Y PA N • Cultural experience OM C TH E 7

WORLD OF OKAMOTO Quality Long Life through Top Quality. Guarantees for the safety of your production. 1. Uncompromising competence Any company that makes so many machines per year and which offers such a wide range of grinding machines, must be able to master each production step precisely. Okamoto has 4 different factories in and around Japan, and these factories share production seamlessly. All castings are made by Okamoto Thailand. Medium sized machined parts are made by Okamoto Singapore. Our largest and most sophisticated machines are made by Okamoto Japan. All Okamoto factories share the assembly of different machine ranges. The quality of Okamoto machines is overseen from casting to the end product. All Okamoto facilities follow the guidelines of DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. The perfect interaction between motivated and competent employees is not only what makes our company stand out, but also an existential component of our company philosophy. 2. Certification and additional checks The quality management is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:TS 16949 and meets all international standards. Moreover, we carry out additional extensive checks in order to guarantee to our customers the utmost quality. Likewise, tool test certificates according to DIN 50049 are naturally provided by our company. 3. Documentation We continuously document our quality control, not only in order to secure quality, but also to further optimise it. Because the same goes for us: anyone who stops getting better, has stopped being good. What you can expect from us in detail: • Constant overwatch by TÜV • DIN EN ISO 9001:TS 16949 • DIN 50049 • Product manufacturing documentation NY PA CO M E TH

Cylindrical Grinding Machine UGM 5V UGM 5V Description Unit UGM 5V Swing on the table mm Ø 550 Precision vertical universal cylindrical grinding machine with B axis Grinding inner diameter mm Ø 75~400 With the introduction of this new universal series of vertical and internal grinding machines, Okamoto Capacity Grinding outer diameter mm to Ø 550 combines its extensive know-how in the field of internal and external grinding in an entirely new design. Maximum grinding length mm 300 Maximum load (on table) kg 500 Ø 200 x 40 x 50.8 Specifications of wheel used mm Ø 50-100 x 50 x 22.5 Wheel spindle Revolution speed min-1 500-8000 CNC universal vertical grinding machine Automatic Tool Changer for 4 wheels Maximum circumferential speed m/sec 50 Pivoting wheel head (B axis) Roundness 0.9 μm Taper hole BT40 two-face contact (without drive key) X-axis maximum travel amount mm 1100 Wheel spindle infeed Minimum setting unit mm Ø 0.0001 (X-axis) Grindinq feed rate mm/min 0.001 - 20000 Rapid feed rate (manual, automatic) mm/min 20000 Z-axis maximum travel amount mm 450 Longitudinal wheel feed Minimum setting unit mm 0.0001 (Z-axis) Grindinq feed rate mm/min 0.001 - 15000 Rapid feed rate (manual, automatic) mm/min 15000 Wheel head (B-axis) B-axis maximum swivel angle Degree 0 or 30 Table size mm Ø 500 Work spindle Revolution speed min-1 10~150 T slot mm 18 x 8s lot Discharge pressure MPa 11.0 Hydraulic unit Tank capacity L 60 For wheel spindle (AC built-in motor) kW 11 (βil112S/15000) Work spindle (AC servomotor) kW 5.5 (αiS40/4000-B) Wheel infeed (AC servomotor) kW 4.5 (αiS22/4000-B) Longitudinal wheel feed (AC servomotor) kW 5.5 (αiS30/4000-B) For drivinq the ATC (AC servomotor) kW 0.5 (βiS1/6000-B-B) Hydraulic pump kW 5 Motor For drivinq the dresser (option) W /P/min-1 (Hz) 60/2/2650/3200 (50/60) Grinding coolant injection pump (option) kW/P 1.1/2 Dressing coolant injection pump (option) W/P 250/2 Pump-up pump (option) W/P 250/2 Magnetic separator (option) W/P 25/2 Automatie liquid temperature controller (option) W max. 1160 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Dust collector (option) W 750 Installation space Width x Depth x Heiqht mm 2650 x 2380 X 3032 3-jaw chuck 500mm diameter manual Weight kg 9000 Wheel mounts / holder with clamping cone BT40 Power requirement V / Hz 200, (three-phase), 50/60 (main unit) Power supply Coolant system with paper belt filter SBF 60 Power consumption kVA (main unit) 45 Air pressure Pressure requirement MPa 0.5 Coolant system with magnet separator requirement Flow rate requirement L/min 160 (during air blow 420) and temperature controller Noise level dB 70-75 DIN G GR IN L RIC A D YLI N C 10 11

Cylindrical Grinding Machine UGM 360 NC UGM 360 NC Description Unit UGM 360 NC UGM 3100 NC Spindle type High-strength combined live & dead spindle Precision cylindrical grinding machine with B-axis Centre taper MT 5 Through bore mm Ø 28 Standard software with 10-step grinding program. Software for profile grinding optionally available. Entry Workhead Spindle speed min-1 10 ~ 500 of grinding data via touchscreen. Wheel and work spindles driven by Fanuc AC servomotors. A swing down Swivel angle Degree 90 wheel dressing device for internal grinding is included in the standard equipment. Swivel angle operator side Degree 30 Tailstock sleeve Taper control type Tailstock Sleeve stroke mm 30 Double V table slideways Low-maintenance B-axis motor Taper MT 4 T-shaped machine bed with direct drive Wheel spindle (AC motor) kW 11.0/4 (Direct drive) Temperature-stabilized spindles Directly powered ball screws Internal grinding spindle (AC motor) kW 3.7 Workhead Spindle (C-axis/AC motor) kW 1.8 (βiS12/3000HV) Table feed (Z-axis/AC motor) kW 4.5 (αiS/4000HV) Motors Wheelhead infeed (X-axis / AC servo motor) kW 3.0 (αiF12/4000HV) Wheelhead swivel Motor (B-axis / AC servo motor) kW 5.6 (Direct drive: DiS250/250) Lubricant pump W/P 3/4 Oil temperature controller W 2800 Oil temperature controller pump W 400/1500W(O.P) Size (Outside - Ø x B x Inside - Ø) mm Ø 510 x 63 (OP80) x Ø 203.2 Grinding wheel Rotational speed min. min -1 900~3200 Max. peripheral wheel speed m/sec 60 X-axis stroke mm 360 Feed axis Min. input increment mm 0.0001 (X-axis) Rapid traverse mm/min 10000 Swivel angle Degree 2 Spindle (+0~-180°), 3 Spindle (+0~-240°) Swivel Axis Min. input increment mm 0.0001 (B-axis) Rapid traverse min -1 15 Z-axis stroke mm 850 1250 Swivel angle Degree 0 ~8.5 0 ~6.0 Table (Z-axis) Min. input increment mm 0.0001 Rapid traverse mm/min 20000 Power consumption kVA 33 36 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Lubricant L 3Tank capacity Coolant L 80 Motor-powered tailstock Type FANUC 0i-TF Roll dresser Control Number of controlled axes 3 (2-axis simultaneously) Gap Elimination Coordinates Polar, Linear, Arc Programming software iCAM / EDELAC Win Work height High floor - Centre workpiece mm 1135 Space requirement Width x Depth x Height mm 2780 x 2750 x 1900 3650 x 2750 x 1900 Total weight net kg 7000 7900 INGD GR IN AL DR IC N CY LI 12 13

Cylindrical Grinding Machine OGM 350 NCIII / UNCIII OGM 350 NCIII / UNCIII Series 200 Series 300 Description Unit External universal External universal 250 250 350 390 3150 350 390 3150 Swing over table mm 220 220 320 320 320 320 320 320 Precision cylindrical grinding machine Centre distance mm 500 500 500 900 1500 500 900 1500 Standard software with 10-step grinding program. Software for profile grinding optionally available. Entry of Capacity Max. grinding diameter mm 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 grinding data via touchscreen. Wheel and work spindles driven by Fanuc AC servomotors. Shoulder locator Between centres kg 50 50 150 150 150 150 150 150 and gap eliminator are included in the standard equipment. Max. weight Chuck (face plate + kg 20 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 chuck + load) Size (Outside - Ø x B x Inside - Ø) mm Ø 355 x 38 x Ø 127 Ø 305 x 25 x Ø 127 Ø 455 x 50 x Ø 127 Ø 405 x 38 x Ø 127 Grinding wheel Rotational speed min -1 1610/1780/1980 1880/2110/2210 1570/1742 1767/1996 External / universal cylindrical Sizes from 500 mm to 1500 mm Max. peripheral wheel speed m/sec 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 grinding machine between centres Stroke mm 215 215 300 300 300 300 300 300 FANUC touchscreen control Swivel angle degree Degree Fixed ±30 Fixed ±30Wheelhead Min. Increment mm 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 featuring easy to use software Rapid traverse m/min 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Stroke mm 762 762 870 1270 1870 870 1270 1870 Swivel angle Degree 0 - -9 0 - -9 0 - -10 0 - -8.5 0 - -5 0 - -10 0 - -8.5 0 - -5 Table Min. Increment mm 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Rapid traverse m/min 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 Spindle type High-strength combined live & dead spindle Centre taper MT Nr. 3 Nr. 3 Nr. 4 Nr. 4 Nr. 4 Nr. 4 Nr. 4 Nr. 4 Workhead Through bore mm Ø 18 Ø 18 Ø 20 Ø 20 Ø 20 Ø 20 Ø 20 Ø 20 Spindle speed min -1 10 - 500 10 - 500 10 - 500 10 - 500 10 - 500 10 - 500 10 - 500 10 - 500 Swivel angle Degree 30 ~ -90 Fixed 30 ~ -90 Tailstock sleeve Taper control type Tailstock Sleeve stroke mm 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 Taper MT Nr. 3 Nr. 3 Nr. 4 Nr. 4 Nr. 4 Nr. 4 Nr. 4 Nr. 4 Wheel spindle kW 3.7 5.5 (opt. 7.5) Workhead kW 1,8 (AC servomotor) Table feed kW 1,2 (AC servomotor) Motors Wheelhead infeed kW 1,2 (AC servomotor) Lubricant pump W 3 Coolant pump W/P 180/2 180/2 180/2 180/2 180/2 180/2 180/2 180/2 Required power consumption kVA 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Height floor - Centre workpiece mm 980 980 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Total weight net kg 3300 3300 4600 5000 6000 4600 5200 6000 Self centring 3-jaw chuck Series EX III Series NC III with adaptor Ø 200 mm 250 350 390 3150 250 350 390 3150 Paper filter coolant system Width mm 2920 3400 4200 5600 2920 3400 4200 5600 Space with 120 litre tank Depth mm 2010 2330 2330 2330 2010 2330 2330 2330requirement Work light LED Height mm 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 G IND IN L G R RIC A LIN D CY 14 15

Cylindrical Grinding Machine IGM 15 NCIII / NCIII-2 IGM 15 NCIII / NCIII-2 Internal grinding machine with single or twin spindles Description Unit IGM15NCIII IGM15NCIII-2 Standard software with 10-step grinding program Software for plain bore, taper and contour grinding with Swing on the table mm Ø 600 2-axis control. Entry of grinding data via touchscreen with easy to use software. Wheel and workhead spind- Swing under the chuck cover mm Ø 260 Capacity les are driven by AC servomotors. High precision is further optimized via thermally stabilized infeed ball screw. Maximum grinding inner diameter mm Ø 6 to 150 Ø 6 to 100 Maximum grinding length mm 125 X-axis maximum travel amount (infeed) mm 170 300 Wheel spindle infeed Minimum setting unit mm Ø 0.0001 Internal cylindrical grinding machine Single spindle or Twin spindle model with (X-axis) Grinding feed rate mm/min 0.001 - 10 000 for bore lengths up to 150 mm high frequence motor-driven spindles Rapid feed rate (manual, automatic) mm/min 10 000 FANUC touchscreen with easy to use Z-axis maximum travel amount mm 500 software input Table longitudinal feed Minimum setting unit mm 0.0001 (Z-axis) Grinding feed rate mm/min 0.001 to 15 000 Rapid feed rate (manual, automatic) mm/min 15 000 Work spindle top outer diamenter mm Ø 140 g7 Work spindle tapered hole Morse taper No. 6 Work head Through-hole diameter mm Ø 50 Revolution speed min-1 100 to 850 Swifel angel -5° to 15° Wheel spindle (AC spindle motor ) ßil3/10 000 2.2 - 5.5 kW/2P Work spindle (AC servomotor) B12/3000iS Wheel head feed (AC servomotor) α C8/2000i Table feed (AC servomotor) α C8/2000i Motors Coolant injection pump (option) 180W/2P Pump-up pump (option) 180W/2P Automatic liquid temperature controller 1740W (50Hz)/2P (option) Dust collector (option) 400W 200V, three-phase, Power requirement Power supply 50/60 Hz (main unit) Power consumption 8 kVA (main unit) 12 kVA (main unit) ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Width mm 2525 Space requirement Depth x Height mm 3092 x 1786 3-jaw chuck Total weight net kg 2600 Selection of internal spindles with quill Coolant system with paper belt filter Coolant system with magnetic separator and temperature controller DIN G GR IN ICA L R YLI ND C 16 17

Cylindrical Grinding Machine OGM 250 UDXB OGM 250 UDXB Universal cylindrical grinding machine Description Unit OGM-250UDXB Max. swing diameter mm 220 A Universal cylindrical grinding machine having a diameter capacity of 200 mm and with 500 mm between centres, the OGM 250 UDXB is ideally suited for toolroom small batch production. It is delivered with a Max. distance between centres mm 500Capacity comprehensive level of standard equipment to suit toolroom production and allows quick and easy setup. Max. grinding diameter mm 200 The stable design of the spindle head together with double-V table slideways provides for a robust machine Max. workpiece weight (between centres) kg 60 with long-term precision. The intuitive operation of the controls simplifies usage and increases productivity Diameter x Width x bore mm Ø 305 x 25 x 127 considerably. Grinding wheel Rotational speed rpm 2087/2357 Max. peripheral grinding speed m/sec 33 Infeed stroke mm 203 Proven PLC type Okamoto DX control AC motor ball screw table drive mounted Swivel range +/- 30° With internal grinding unit in the on a T-shaped cast iron machine bed Grinding Smallest input increment mm 0,001 spindle head Feed speed mm/min 1000 standard equipment Electronic hand wheel mm 0.001 / 0.01 Spark out sec. strokes 0-10 Stroke mm 640 Swivel range mm +4° / -9° Table axis Smallest input increment mm 0,001 Max. table speed mm/min. 50 - 4000 Feed per hand wheel rotation mm 7.5 Work Spindle Taper M.T. No. 3 Spindle through bore mm 14 Workhead Rotational speed rpm (3 steps) 150/250/400 Swivel range +30° / -90° Sleeve travel mm 20 Tailstock Taper M.T. No. 3 Wheel spindle kW 1.5 Workhead kW 0.4 Table drive kW (AC servomotor) 0.4 Motors Workhead kW (AC servomotor) 0.4 Internal grinding unit kW 0.75 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Power supply kVA 7 Set of 6 Automatic driving dogs 5-80 mm capacity L x W x H mm 2880 x 1851 x 1640Dimensions Total weight net kg 1900 Static Balancing unit with arbour Table angle measuring system Internal grinding unit Self-centring chuck Manual type 2- and 3-point steady rests G IND IN R AL G IC DR YLI N C 18 19

Surface & Profile Grinding Machine UPZ 210 LiII / LiII-2 UPZ 210 LiII / LiII-2 Ultra Precision surface and profile grinding machine Weighing in at 5700 kg, the design of this machine offers an excellent low-vibration base for ultra-precision grinding of surfaces and profiles. High-precision linear slideways (optionally with hydrostatic slideways) paired with linear motors in all axes offer ultra high speed and precision. The linear motor table drive acheives an Description Unit UPZ 210 Lill UPZ 210 Lill-2 oscillation rate of up to 250 double strokes per minute. Two independently working grinding heads enable Table clamping surface mm 200 x 110 200 x 105 roughing and finishing operations to be carried out concurrently. Table path (L x W) mm 270 x 120 500 x 120 In combination with a CCD camera option, this machine is capable of completely automatic cycle including Work area Max. distance wheel to table mm 235 (Ø 80 mm) 225 (Ø 80 mm) re-grinding with compensation and final partt measurement without having to remove the part from the Max. load incl. chuck kg 5 5 machine, thereby guarantee the very highest precision. Magnetic Chuck Size (L x W x H) mm 175 x 105 x 49 175 x 105 x 49 Table Speed mm/min 0,1 - 60 0,1 - 60 Rapid traverse mm/min 1000 1000 CNC Fast Reciprocation Profile Roughing and finish grinding, measuring, Cross movement Speed mm/min 1 - 1000 Grinding Machine compensating independently one after Smallest input increment mm 0.0001 0.0001 with linear motor drive the other Rapid traverse mm/min 1000 1000 carbide grinding with 520 oscillation Vertical movement Speed mm/min 1 - 1000 strokes per minute Smallest input increment mm 0.0001 0.0001 Wheel spindle motor kW 2,2 1,5 Table oscillation (linear motor) kW 2,0 x 2 2,0 x 2 Cross movement kW 2,0 (linear motor) 2,0 (linear motor) Motors Vertical movement kW 2,0 2,0 Coolant pump (optional) kW 0,06 0,06 Coolant temperature control kW 1,6 1,6 Oil temperature control kW 1,6 1,6 Power consumption (incl. chuck and kVA 21 31 coolant system) Dimensions (L x W x H) mm 1750 x 1850 x 1880 1883 x 2694 x 1907 Space requirement Total weight net kg 6000 4600 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Coolant system Mist collector Temperature stabilization Cleaning cycle during measurement E OF IL & P R CE UR FA S 20 21

Surface & Profile Grinding Machine UPZ 52 Li UPZ 52 Li Description Unit UPZ 52Li Ultra Precision surface and profile grinding machine Work table size mm 550 × 220 Table traverse path mm 600 With a grinding length of 500 mm and a cross travel of 200 mm the Okamoto UPZ-52Li is equally suited to the toolroom, small or large batch production. It features a high level of standard equipment to ensure easy Work area Max. distance Table to Wheel mm 12.5 ~ 395 handling, quick and precise small part production. The robust cast iron construction and linear guideways in Magnetic chuck size (Length x Width x Height) mm 500 × 200 × 80 both table and crossfeed provide for fast and accurate grinding. The intuitive operation of the controls simpli- Max. table load kg 60 (41) fies usage and increases productivity considerably. Feed m/min Feed 0.1 ~ 25 (average) Max. traverse path mm 600 Rapid traverse mm/min 5000 Table Linear motor table drive High-speed reciprocation (500/min) Smallest input unit mm 0.0001 Workpiece measurement system Temperature-stabilized grinding Graduation mm 0.0001 / 0.001 / 0.01 / 0.05 Hand feed CCD camera wheel spindle head Wheel speed mm 0.1 / 0.1 / 1.0 / 5.0 Feed m/min 1 ~ 2000 Max. stroke mm 230 Cross Rapid mm/min 2000 movement Smallest input unit mm 0.0001 Graduation mm 0.0001 / 0.001 / 0.01 / 0.05 Hand feed Wheel speed mm 0.01 / 0.1 / 1.0 / 5.0 Feed m/min 1 ~ 2000 Max. stroke mm 382.5 Vertical Rapid mm/min 2000 movement Smallest input unit mm 0.0001 Graduation mm 0.0001 / 0.001 / 0.01 Hand feed Wheel speed mm 0.01 / 0.1 / 1.0 Grinding wheel size mm ø 205 × 13 × ø 31.75 Grinding wheel Speed min-1 0 ~ 3600 Grinding wheel spindle kW 3.7/2 Liquid cool. motor Vertical movement kW 1.3 Motors Cross movement kW 0.85 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Table feed kW 3.0 × 2 Elektro-permanent magnetic chuck Power Power consumption kVA 25.5 (varies according to specification) 500 mm x 200 mm L x W x H mm 2300 × 2340 × 2237Space requirement Paper band filter coolant system Total weight net kg 4500 Mist collector 2-point rotary dresser Measuring system incl. CCD camera and software E OF IL & PR E FAC SU R 22 23

Surface & Profile Grinding Machine UPZ NC II UPZ NC II NC-controlled surface & profile grinding machine With a grinding length of 400 - 500 mm and a cross travel of 200 - 250 mm the Okamoto UPC NCII Series is ideally suited for the toolroom. It features a high level of standard equipment to ensure easy handling, quick and precise small part production. The robust cast iron construction and double-V slideways in both table and crossfeed ensure long term precision. The intuitive operation of the controls simplifies usage and increases productivity considerably. Description Unit UPZ 525 NC II Work area (L x W) mm mm 500 x 250 FANUC 0i control Scale-Feed-Back for the Z axis Work area Table strokes (L x W) mm mm 650 x 280 „Teach-in process“ Temperature-stabilized grinding spindle head Distance table to new wheel mm mm 60 - 397,5 Speed mm/min 0.8 - 25000 Table Max. load kg 200 Rapid traverse mm/min 1000 Cross movement Programmed speed mm/min 1 - 1000 Hand wheel division mm 0.01 / 0.1 / 1 Rapid traverse mm/min 1000 Vertical movement Hand wheel division mm mm 0.0001/0.001/0.01 Dimensions mm Ø 225 x 25 x Ø 50.8 Grinding wheel Rotational speed min -1 0 - 3600 -1 Grinding wheel kW 3.7 Hydraulic pump kW 1.5 Motors Cross movement kW 0.3 Vertical movement kW 0.4 Dimensions (L x W x H) mm 3470 x 3164 x 1850 Space requirement Total weight net kg 3500 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Elektro-permanent magnetic chuck Paper band filter coolant system Precision static balancing unit Diamond roll / disk dressing unit Temperature stabilized wheelhead FIL E PR O & FAC E R SU 24 25

Surface & Profile Grinding Machine ACC CA / CAiQ ACC CA / CAiQ CA series CAiQ series Description Unit Precision surface and profile grinding machine 64CA 84CA 104CA 66CA 106CA 64CA-iQ 84CA-iQ 104CA-iQ 66CA-iQ 106CA-iQ 1016 x 1016 x Table length x width mm 605 x 400 805 x 400 605 x 600 605 x 400 805 x 400 1016 x 400 605 x 600 1016 x 600 With a grinding length of 600 - 1000 mm and a cross travel of 400 - 600 mm the Okamoto ACC-CA/CAiQ 400 600 is ideally suited for the toolroom. It features a high level of standard equipment to ensure easy handling, Table stroke 1000 x 1200 x 1200 x 1000 x mm 800 x 440 800 x 652 800 x 440 1200 x 440 800 x 652 1200 x 652length x width 440 440 652 440 quick and precise small part production. The robust cast iron design and double-V slideways in the table Maximum distance grinding -2.5 - ensure long term precision. The intuitive operation of the controls simplifies usage and increases productivity Work area mm 22.5 - 522.5 -2.5 - 497.5 22.5 - 522.5 -2.5 - 497.5wheel - table 497.5 considerably. 600 x 400 800 x 400 1000 x 600 x 600 1000 x 600 x 400 800 x 400 1000 x 400 600 x 600 1000 x 600 Standard size chuck kg x 90 x 90 400 x 90 x 90 600 x 90 x 85 x 85 x 85 x 85 x 85 Table load incl. chuck 1000 1500 1000 1500 1500 Table height (from floor) 915 Surface and profile grinding machine Moving column design T-slots mm - Choice of touch screen control or Magnetic chuck sizes from 600 x 400 to Table Speed rpm 3 - 25 simple PLC controller 1000 x 600 mm Feed / mm 0.1 / 1.0 / 5.0 0.01 / 0.1 / 1.0 / 5.0 rotation Manual Cross Division hand 0.001 / 0.01 / 0.05 0.0001/0.001/0,01 / 0,05 movement wheel Int. feed mm 0.5 - 20 Automatic Cont. feed mm/min 0 - 2000 0 - 1000 Feed / mm 0.01 / 0.1 /1.0 rotation Manual Division hand mm 0.0001 / 0.001 / 0.01 wheel Vertical Roughing mm 0.001 - 0.03 movement Automatic 0.0001 - 0.03 (15 steps)Finishing mm/min. 0.0001 - 0.01 Feed (F command) mm - 1000 Number of spark-out passes 0 - 5 0 - 99 Rapid traverse 0 - 1000 D x Width x d mm Ø 355 x 38 x Ø 127 Ø 405 x 50 x Ø 127 Ø 355 x 38 x Ø 127 Ø 405 x 50 x Ø 127 Grinding wheel Speed (inverter) R.P.M. 500 - 2500 Grinding wheel spindle kW 7.5 Hydraulic pump kW 2.2 / 4 Motors Infeed kW 1.5 Cross movement kW 0.75 Power consumption 13 16 24 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT (incl. chuck and coolant system) Length mm 3550 4000 4480 3550 4480 3710 4000 4500 4000 4500 Elektro-permanent magnetic chuck Space Depth mm 2700 2900 2800 3350 3350 3439 3500 3500 3700 3610 Hydraulic overhead dresser with requirement Height mm 2203 2203 2203 2275 2275 2203 2203 2203 2275 2275 compensation Total weight net kg 4950 5500 7000 6300 7300 4950 5500 7000 6300 7500 Coolant system with paper filter FIL E PR O CE & FA SU R 26 27

Surface & Profile Grinding Machine ACC CA2 / CA3 ACC CA2 / CA3 Precision surface grinding machine With a grinding length of 600 - 1000 mm and a cross travel of 400 - 600 mm the Okamoto ACC-CA2/CA3 is ideally suited for the toolroom. It features a high level of standard equipment to ensure easy handling, quick and precise small part production. The robust cast iron construction and double-V table slideways (CA2) Description Unit 64 CA2 84 CA2 104 CA2 106 CA2 ensure long term precision. The intuitive operation of the controls simplifies usage and increases productivity Table path mm 800 x 440 1000 x 440 1200 x 440 1200 x 652 considerably. Magnetic chuck size mm 600 x 400 800 x 400 1000 x 400 1000 x 600 Work area New wheel to table mm -2.5 ~ 497.5 CNC surface & profile grinding machine Column feed for cross movement e.g. 3 axes simultaneously Dialogue input system Table load kg 1000 1500 Table Speed m/min 3 ~ 25 Int. movement mm 0.5 ~ 20 Cross Cont. movement mm/min 0 ~ 2000 movement Hand wheel division. mm 0.001 / 0.01 / 0.05 Rapid mm/min 1000 Vertical movement Hand wheel division. mm 0.0001 / 0.001 / 0.01 Dimensions (D x B x d) mm ø 405 x 50 x ø 127 Grinding wheel Speed min -1 500 ~ 2500 -1 Grinding wheel spindle kW 7.5 Motors Hydraulic pump kW 2.2 Vertical movement kW 0.75 L x W x H mm 3710 x 3300 x 2200 3950 x 3300 x 2200 4500 x 3300 x 2200 4440 x 3650 x 2280 Space requirement Total weight net kg 4500 5500 7000 7500 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Hydraulic oil temperature controller Wheel flange Balancing unit with arbour Electromagnetic chuck Coolant systems E OF IL PR E & RFA C SU 28 29

Surface & Profile Grinding Machine ACC CHNC ACC CHNC Double column surface and profile grinding machine With a grinding length of 2000 - 4000 mm and a cross travel of 1050 - 2050 mm the Okamoto ACC-CHNC Series is ideally suited for both toolroom and production use. It features a high level of standard equipment to ensure easy handling, quick and precise part production. The robust cast iron construction and double-V table slideways together with gantry cross slide ensure long term precision. The intuitive operation of the controls simplifies usage and increases productivity considerably. 1000 Series 1500 Series 2000 Series Description Unit 2010CHNC 3010CHNC 2015CHNC 3015CHNC 4015CHNC 3020CHNC 4020CHNC Table size, length x width mm 2000 x 1050 3000 x 1050 2000 x 1550 3000 x 1550 4000 x 1550 3000 x 2050 4000 x 2050 Double column machine Precision surface processing Work area Max. grinding height mm 700 Robust construction for the very highest Conversation software Clearance width mm 1300 1800 2500 geometry requirements Work area mm 2050 x 1050 3050 x 1050 2050 x 1550 3050 x 1550 4050 x 1550 3050 x 2050 4050 x 2050 Table Max. load kg 4600 6900 5400 8100 10800 9200 12300 Magnet weight kg 1560 2340 2360 3540 4720 4620 6160 Longitudinal Max. traverse path mm 2250 3250 2250 3250 4250 3250 4250 movement Feed m/min 2-30 Max. traverse path mm 1170 1670 2170 Cross movement Rapid traverse mm/min 5000 Max. traverse path mm 740 Vertical movement Rapid traverse mm/min 1500 Grinding wheel size (opt.) mm Ø 510 (option: Ø 610) x 100 x Ø 203.2 Ø 610 x 100 x Ø 203.2 Grinding wheel Speed (opt.) min -1 980 (option: 850) 850 Grinding wheel motor (opt.) kW 15 (option: 22) Length mm 7300 8650 7300 8650 10950 8650 11310 Width mm 4100 4100 4600 4600 4600 4800 6833 Space requirement Height mm 4100 4100 4100 4100 4100 4100 4100 Total weight net kg 18500 21000 21500 24500 28000 35000 40000 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Elektro-permanent magnetic chuck Paper band filter coolant system Overhead dresser with compensation ILEF PR O CE & FA SU R 30 31

Surface & Profile Grinding Machine ACC CHIQ ACC CHIQ Precision double column machine The ACC-CHiQ series meets the very highest requirements in terms of precision to be found in the manu- Description Unit 208CHiQ 258CHiQ 358CHiQ facture for parts in tool and mould construction, in hot runner technology and punching die construction. The cross slideways can be adjusted mechanically and can be realigned at any time as needed. In doing so, Chuck working size (Length x Width) mm 2000 x 800 2500 x 800 3500 x 800 the CNC does not need to be compensated which in turn affords advantages in a higher surface quality and Table cross movement mm 1050 smoothness. Capacity Table longitudinal movement mm 2250 2750 3750 Table working cap (Length x Width) mm 2050 x 850 2550 x 850 3550 x 850 Maximum weight of table (Including chuck) kg 3200 (1390) 3900 (1690) 5500 (2180) Double column machine Stable construction for the very highest Chuck size (Length x Width) mm 2000 x 800 2500 x 800 3500 x 800 Longitudinal feed PC control with touchscreen geometry requirements Longitudinal feed rate m/min 2~30 Simple data input via symbols Mechanically adjustable cross slideways Max. travel feed mm 910 Minimum increment mm 0.0001 Max. rapid feed mm/m 6000 Crossfeed Automatic feed Continuous feed rate mm/min 0~1000 Hand feed per revolution mm 0.01/0.1/1.0 Manual feed Graduation of hand wheel mm/m 0.0001/0.001/0.01 Max. travel feed mm 620 Minimum increment mm 0.0001 Max. rapid feed mm/m 2000 Vertical feed Rough grinding Automatic feed mm 0.0001~0.9999 Fine grinding Hand feed per revolution 0.01/0.1/1.0 Hand adjustment mm Graduation of hand wheel 0.0001/0.001/ 0.01 Ø 510 x 100 x Ø 127 Size (OD x W x ID) mm (Option: 610 x 50 x 127) Grinding wheel Spindle speed mm-1 400~1600 Motor kW/P 22/4 Oil pressure unit Capacity L 300 Machine space Length x Width x Height mm 7470 x 3850 x 3595 7750 x 3850 x 3550 10200 x 3850 x 3550 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Machine weight Standard kg 15500 17000 20000 Electro-permanent magnetic chuck Paper band filter coolant system Overhead dresser with compensation Column increase 200mm FIL E PR O CE & RFA SU 32 33

Surface & Profile Grinding Machine ACC GX ACC GX Precision surface grinding machine Description Unit 52 GX 63 GX 64 GX 65 GX 84 GX 105 GX With a grinding length of 500 - 1000 mm and a cross travel of 200 - 500 mm the Okamoto GX Series is ideally suited for the toolroom. It features a high level of standard equipment to ensure easy handling, quick Machine table (length x width) mm 550 x 200 650 x 300 650 x 400 650 x 500 850 x 400 1016 x 500 and precise small part production. The robust cast iron construction and double-V slideways in both table and crossfeed ensure long term precision. 205 mm grinding wheel mm 47.5 ~ 397.5 – – – – –Max. distance table > wheel 305 mm grinding wheel mm – 22.5 ~ 322.5 22.5 ~ 322.5 22.5 ~ 522.5 22.5 ~ 522.5 22.5 ~ 522.5 Table 355 mm grinding wheel mm – 22.5 ~ 347.5 47.5 ~ 347.5 47.5 ~ 547.5 47.5 ~ 547.5 47.5 ~ 547.5 Hydraulic surface grinder with automatic feed Standard size of magnetic chuck (L x W x H) mm 500 x 200 x 90 600 x 300 x 90 600 x 400 x 90 600 x 500 x 90 800 x 400 x 90 1000 x 500 x 90 Moving saddle design Max. table load (incl. magnt.) kg 200 420 420 700 700 700 Double-V slideways longitudinal and cross T-slots (W x width) mm 17 x 1 17 x 3 Max. traverse path mm 650 750 750 750 950 1150 PLC controller with proven reliability Longitudinal Speed m/min 0.3 ~ 25 0.3 ~ 25 0.3 ~ 25 0.3 ~ 25 0.3 ~ 25 0.3 ~ 25 feed Manual feed/rotation mm 47 Max. table cross traverse mm 230 340 440 540 440 540 per rotation of hand wheel mm 5.0 Manual cross feed Crossfeed per division mm 0.02 step-wise mm 0.5 ~ 12 0.5 ~ 20 0.5 ~ 20 0.5 ~ 20 0.5 ~ 20 0.5 ~ 20 Autom. cross movement continuous m/min 0.1 ~ 1.0 0.1 ~1.0 0.1 ~ 1.0 01 ~ 1.0 0.1 ~ 1.0 0.1 ~ 1.0 Automatic feed mm 0.0001 ~ 0.03 per rotation of hand mm 0.0001 / 0.001 / 0.01 Manual feed wheel 0.1x1x10x Vertical feed per impulse 0.1x1x10x mm 0.01 / 0.1 / 1.0 Sparkout Nr. 0 ~ 5 Vertical fast positioning mm/min 600 ø 205 x 19 x ø x width x bore mm ø 355 x 38 x ø 127 Grinding wheel ø 50.8 Speed min-1 3000 1500 Wheel spindle kW/P 1.5 / 2 3.7 / 4 Motors Hydraulic pump kW/P 0.75/4 1.5/4 1.5 / 4 2.2 / 4 Vertical movement kW 0.4 (AC Servermotor) Power supply Connection value kVA 4.5 7.5 8.0 Space OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT Length x Width x Height mm 3030x1593x1800 3350x1929x1800 3350x2180x1800 3350x2450x2060 4220x2205x2060 4870x2264x2060requirement Electro-permanent magnetic chuck Total weight net kg 2100 2800 3000 3500 3900 4800 Wheel head mounted Hydraulic dresser Paper band filter with coolant system Cross-feed digital readout Spindle speed inverter FIL E PR O CE & RFA SU 34 35

Surface & Profile Grinding Machine ACC SA ACC SA Precision surface grinding machine With a grinding length of 500 - 600 mm and a cross travel of 200 - 300 mm the Okamoto SA Series is ide- ally suited for the toolroom. It features a high level of standard equipment to ensure easy handling, quick and Description Unit ACC 52 SA ACC 63 SA precise small part production. The rigid cast iron design and double-V slideways in both table and crossfeed Table stroke mm 650 x 230 750 x 340 ensure long term precision. The intuitive operation of the controls simplifies usage and increases productivity considerably. Magnetic chuck size mm 500 x 200 600 x 300 Work area Table -> new wheel mm 47,5 ~ 397,5 22,5 ~ 322,5 Load kg 200 420 Reinforced machine design T-slots mm 17 x 1 17 x 3 Automatic grinding cycles Table Double-V table and cross slideways Speed m/min 0,3 ~ 25 Table dresser option Incr. movement mm 0,5 ~ 12 0,5 ~ 20 Cross Cont. movement mm/min 0 ~ 1000 movement Rapid mm 1000 Hand wheel division mm 0,001 / 0,01 / 0,05 Feed μm 0,5 ~ 30 Vertical Rapid mm/min 1000 movement Hand wheel division mm 0,0001 / 0,001 / 0,01 Spark-out passes 0 ~ 5 ø 205 x 19 x ø 355 x 38 x Dimensions (D x W x d) mm Grinding wheel ø 50,8 ø 127 Speed min-1 3000 1500 Wheel spindle kW 1,5 3,7 Motors Hydraulic pump kW 0,75 1,5 Vertical movement kW 0, 55 kW Space Dimensions (L x W x H) mm 3030 x 1784 x 2276 3350 x 1987 x 2313 requirement ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Total weight net kg 2100 2900 Elektro-permanent magnetic chuck 500 mm x 200 mm / 600 mm x 300 mm Coolant system with paper filter Temperature stabilized wheelhead Fully automated balancing system Wheel flange FIL E O & PR CE UR FA S 36 37

Surface & Profile Grinding Machine ACC SA1 ACC SA1 Description Unit 52SA1 63SA1 64SA1 65SA1 84SA1 105SA1 Next Generation Table Working Capacity mm 505×200 605×300 605×400 610×500 805×400 1016×500 Standard surface grinder series equipped with a newly developed user friendly controller. Max. Table Travel mm 650×230 750×340 750×440 750×540 950×440 1150×540 Capacity Distance under new wheel to table top mm 47.5~397.5 22.5~322.5 22.5~322.5 22.5~522.5 22.5~522.5 22.5~522.5 Standard chuck size mm 500×200×75 600×300×75 600×400×85 600×500×100 800×400×85 1000×500×100 Best step up from the ever popular Okamoto Auto dress with compensation is Table Load capacity (include chuck) kg 200 420 700 ACC-DX Series standard Crossfeed setting by Teach-In Spindle inverter unit is standard Longitu- T-Slot (Width x No.) - -dinal Feed Compact footprint design Auto-retract function is standard (X axis) Longitudinal Feed Rate (Average) m/min 0.3~25 New control with LCD touch screen allows Hand Feed per Revolution mm 0.01/0.1/1.0 for easy monitoring of the machine functions Manual Feed Graduation of Hand Feed mm 0.0001/0.001/0.01 and grind process Vertical Coarse Grinding mm 0.0001~0.03Automatic Feed Rate Feed (Plunge & Traverse) (Y-AXIS) Fine Grinding mm 0.0001~0.03 No. of Spark-out No. 0~10 mm/ Vertical Rapid Feed 1~600 min Hand Feed per Revolution mm 0.1/1.0/5.0 Manual Feed Rate Cross Graduation of Hand Feed mm 0.001/0.01/0.05 Feed (Z axis) Intermittent Feed mm 0.5~15 0.5 ~20 0.5 ~20 0.5~20 0.5~20 0.5~20 Automatic Feed Rate mm/ Continuous Feed Rate 0.1~1000 min Grinding Diameter x Width x Bore mm Ø 205×19× Ø 50.8 Ø 355×38× Ø 127 Wheel Speed min-1 1000~3600 200 ~2500 200~2500 200~2500 200~2500 200~2500 Grinding Wheel Spindle kW/P 2.2/2 3.7/4 Hydraulic Oil Pump kW/P 0.75/2 1.5 2.2 Motors Vertical Feed kW 0.4 0.4 Cross Feed kW 0.75 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Power Supply KVA 8 11 14 Elektro-permanent magnetic chuck Floor Width x Depth x Height mm 2430×2000×1850 2740×2250×1850 2740×2450×1850 2740×2600×2120 3330×2450×2120 4330×2600×2120 Space with chuck controller Weight Net Weight Kg 2100 2800 3000 3500 3900 4600 Paper band filter coolant system Temperature stabilized wheelhead Wheel balancing systems Wheel flange FIL E PR O & FAC E R SU 38 39