<JAPAN> CNC Universal Grinding Machine UGM Series
Product Catalog
Document Information
Document Title | <JAPAN> CNC Universal Grinding Machine UGM Series |
Document Type | Product Catalog |
File size | 2.5Mb |
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Company | OKAMOTO MACHINE TOOL WORKS,LTD (Documents List) |
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Document Contents
CNC Universal Grinding Machine
UGM Series
The UGM Series multiple grinding capability performs Cylindrical,
Internal & Face Grinding with one chucking at the highest level of accuracy.
High accuracy Universal Grinding Machine.
Advanced technology for Universal Grinding compared
to the stand alone Cylindrical and Internal Grinders
The combination of a Plain approach OD spindle, Angle approach
OD spindle and Internal spindle on a single turret base enables
multiple cylindrical, face and internal grinding processes in one
The automatic indexing system enables single chucking of the part
to reduce part handling and optimizing throughput and accuracy.
1 UGM Series
The UGM Series multiple grinding capability performs Cylindrical,
Internal & Face Grinding with one chucking at the highest level of accuracy.
High accuracy Universal Grinding Machine.
TABLE OF CONTENT………………………………………1〜2
FEATURES ………………………………………………… …3〜6
UGM-NC Series……………………………………………7〜10
UGM-V Series……………………………………………… 11〜12
UGM Series 2
Universal Grinding Machine Series
Capabilities of Cylindrical Grinding and Internal Grinding.
Suitable in precision for customers doing OD & ID features
■Proprietary Okamoto conversational software simplifies complicated data input.
■V-V table way construction reduces grinding pressure by one half and greatly improves
straightness accuracy when compared to V-Flat way systems.
■ Solid single piece T-Frame casting provides superior rigidity and thermal stability.
■High-precision grinding performance is assured through the use of high accuracy posi-
tioning direct drive motor for spindle indexing.
■Built-in type high-precision spindle motors are temperature controlled to reduce thermal
expansion, minimizing spindle thrust for ultimate high precision.
3 Machine processes within 1 machine, reduces complete process time dramatically.
3 UGM Series
The Universal style machine has advantage for both productivity, and epecially accuracy for
perpendicularity, concentricity with great reduction of set up time.
Suitable for larger size workpieces which are more difficult
to chuck horizontally
For Larger size of Gears, Reducers, Construction & Excavator components.
■Okamoto's exclusive G.U.I. software with its easy-to-read icon graphical controller.
■Scale feedback is standard for wheel infeed and table longitudinal axis.
UGM5V ■Max of 4 different grinding wheel with Auto Tool Changer
■Precise index system with curvic coupling system for
spindle swivel to 0° or -30° (2-position).
■Compact and small footprint design.
■Built-in type high-precision spindle unit suitable for high
accuracy work.
■Equipped Rotary Dresser Unit capable of dressing Small to
large size wheels.
Saving multiple set ups with just One-chucking
UGM Series 4
Universal Grinding Machine Series
Choose Horizontal Type or Vertical Type by workpiece
1 Between centers type Horizontalworkpiece Type 2 Over φ12” size diameter
Only available on the Horizontal type Ma-
3 Longer size of workpiece HorizontalType 4 Taper grinding H o r i zTy o ntape l V eT ry tp icale
Steady rest also available for long & heavy Horizontal type machine is capable of swivel-
workpieces. ing either the work spindle or table for taper
Wheel form + 2 Axes simultaneously control
or Table swivel
Wheel form + 2 Axes simultaneously control
5 Various type of chucks Horizontal 6 Suitable for mass Horizontal Verticalare available Type production workpiece Type Type
Gauging, locator device and various type of Max. φ20” OD Grinding wheel size available.
chuck available. Large size of grinding wheel helps with im-
proved productivity.
5 UGM Series
Conversational type Software
Okamoto’s exclusive G.U.I. software with its easy-to-read icon graphics enables
operator’s to easily input complicated grinding programs.
Touch screen control File management
Graphical type software with easy-to- 15 Programs for UGM-NC series, 21
read icon helps complete programs programs for UGM-V series can be
for complicated workpieces. stored internally.
Grinding process and dress
data have auto edit function
Input grinding wheel grit, wheel width
and final sizing value, and allow the
machine to provide a suitable grinding
process program as well as dress
UG M-NC Series
File management screen
Okamoto's exclusive G.U.I.
software Main screen
The same software as standard cylindrical Setup of 10 steps max.
& internal grinder. Easy to learn universal Simplify grinding process from
machine if the customer is already using complex form using separate
cylindrical & internal machines. process on OD, ID & angle
Entry for grinding process
Wheel form display
Select grinding mode /
Grinding condition set up screen
Select grinding wheel /
Auto calculation software for Dress condition set up screen
setting up grinding process data
& dress data UGM-V Series
Grinding condition set up screen Grinding date set up screen Main screen
(Common) Using the same style software allows it to Set up grinding process for each grinding
Auto calculation for grinding condition with easily manage conventional grinding jobs wheel. Max 4-different grinding wheels in
our extensive experience in grinding and Multiple feature grinding jobs. one set up .
UGM Series 6
CNC Universal Cylindrical Grinding Machine UGM-NC Series
Line up
This UGM Series allows multiple
grinding capabilities and improves
■Higher efficiency of productivity is achieved with Larger Grinding wheels than Vertical type
■Equipped with independent spindle units for each wheel, which optimizes speed on each unit.
■Built-in type high-precision spindle unit contributes to high-efficiency grinding.
■The same graphics type software is used as seen on the cylindrical grinding machines.
T-Frame construction eliminates
table base overhang within Thorough thermal expansion
Double V table ways yields
measures high precision in straightness the machine’s grinding envelope and parellelism
Solid single piece T-Frame casting pro- Solid piece T-Frame casting and constant V-V table way construction reduces grind-
vides superior rigidity and thermal stability. over the table coolant allows a more stable ing pressure and greatly improves straight-
control of thermal growth. ness accuracy when compared to V-Flat
way system.
Thermal distribution map for Table and Wheel
7 UGM Series head slideway
Ultra-rigid construction delivers the ultimate in precision,
versatility and productivity.
3-Spindle Turret Head enables OD. Angle OD/Face and ID grinding
for optimum productivity
OD grinding Angle OD/facegrinding ID grinding
Plain OD spindle (OP) Angle OD spindle ID spindle
T1 + T3 T3 + T2
T3 Angle
T1 + T3 + T2 T1 + T3
T1 Plain
Spindle index by turret. Each spindle can be set to run at an independent speed.
UGM Series 8
CNC Universal Cylindrical Grinding Machine UGM-NC Series
Working range
Various spindle layout
Select spindle unit based on your frequency of use
and increase your overall productivity
Angle + ID Spindle unit (Standard) Plain + ID Spindle unit (Option) Angle + Plain + ID Spindle unit (Option)
9 UGM Series
Various dressing software
Graphical conversational software supports data input.
Select Dress required spindle unit from T1, T2 & T3, input grinding wheel diameter, width and
grit. Software will calculate suggestions for recommended grinding conditions,and dressing
condition automatically.
Straight Wheel Dress screen Angle Wheel Dress screen Internal Grinding Wheel Dress screen
■ Straight ■ Straight ■ Straight
■ Right, Left, Both Shoulder ■ Left Face-R ■ Face
■ Multi-step straight (OP) ■ Multi-step straight (OP) ■ Taper (OP)
■ Taper (OP) ■ NC Forming (OP) ■ Radius Form (OP)
■ NC Forming (OP)
Polygon grinding with on-machine measurement (OP)
Polygon Grinding
Polygon shape grinding is available by
Work spindle axis CNC control (C-axis)
Polygon grinding Polygon grinding software screen
On-machine measurement (OP)
Shoulder Locator, In-process gauging are
available as option ideal for mass produc-
tion work. Measuring takes place in pro-
cess to eliminate set up error.
In-process gauging device Measurement software screen
UGM Series 10
CNC Precision Vertical type Internal Grinding Machine UGM-V Series
Line Up
Developed on existing Internal Grind-
ing machine and capable of doing larg-
er and heavier work precisely.
Roundness 0.9μm
90˚ 270˚
-X +X
Workpiece 180˚-Y
UGM5V OD×ID×Length:φ210×φ125×100mm
Roundness (ID):0.9μm 10μm(×1000)
■Suitable for long size work pieces which may be difficult to keep straight.
■Suitable for heavier workpieces (i.e. large gear, casing, etc.).
■Max 4 ATC available for doing universal grinding.
ATC (Auto Tool changer) Function Automatic wheel head swivel function
Equipped with ATC (Max 4 tool) as stan- Using a Curvic Coupling for wheel head
dard. swivel, 0 deg. & -30 deg. For Precision
11 UGM Series
Achieving high accurate grinding with multi-process
CNC Precision Vertical type Internal Grinding Machine UGM-V Series and high rigidity.
Maximum 4 grinding wheel selection in the ATC allows higher efficiency.
Achieving higher levels of cylindlicity, perpendicularity & concentricity with one chucking.
Angle grinding Internal grinding Cylindrical (OD) grinding Face grinding
Angle type grinding wheel Internal grinding wheel Straight grinding wheel
Grinding wheels are changed by the ATC, variety of grinding wheels can be equipped.
Dress form software screen
Graphical software with touch and teach capabilities allows for easier data input.
Dress form screen Angle wheel dress screen
for Internal grinding wheel
Grinding spindle swivel screen
UGM Series 12
UGM-12.24NC/UGM-12.40NC Specification
Standard accessories
Items Unit UGM360NC UGM3100NC Items
Work spindle type ― Heavy duty type work spindle (Live / Dead center type) Infeed axis closed loop control
Work spindle taper MT NO. 4
Diameter of through hole mm φ28 Angle type spindle
Work spindle
Spindle speed min-1 10〜500 Internal grinding spindle(10,000〜45,000min-1)
Swivel angle deg Non swivel type (OP : 90)
Swivel angle (Operator side) deg Non swivel type (OP : 30) Plan grinding spindle
Tailstock type ― Manual fine taper adjustable type tail stock
Standard internal grinding wheel
Tailstock Tailstock spindle movement mm 30
Center taper MT NO. 4 Wheel adaptor
Grinding wheel Spindle kW 11
ID spindle kW 12(36000min-1) Carbide tip center 2 pcs
Work spindle motor (C-axis/ AC servo motor) kW 1.8 Circuit breaker
Table feed motor (Z-axis/AC servo motor) kW 4.5
Spindle infeed motor (X-axis/AC Servo motor) kW 3.0 Table enclosure
Wheelhead swivel (B-axis/Servo motor) kW 5.6 (DD Motor) Work light
Lubrication pump motor W/P 3/4
Fluid temperature controller W 3800 Dress coolant
OD × Width × ID mm φ510×63 (OP80)×φ203.2
Grinding -1 Table top coolant supply for cleaning & thermal control
Wheel Speed min 900〜3200
Max. peripheral speed m/sec 50 Locator device
Grinding wheel Travel distance mm 360
spindle infeed Minimum increment (φ) mm 0.0001 Table swivel angle measurement device
(X-axis) Rapid feed (φ) m/min 10 MPG handle box
Grinding wheel Swivel angle deg CCW 0 deg.~ CW 240 deg.
head swivel for
grinding wheel Minimum increment deg 0.0001
Grinding Spindle speed meter
spindle (B-axis) Rapid feed min-1 15 Work spindle speed meter
Travel distance mm 850 1250
longitudinal Swivel angle deg 0〜8.5 0〜6.0 Graphical type conversational software
movement Minimum increment mm 0.0001
(Z-axis) Leveling bolts with plate
Rapid feed m/min 20
Electric power consumption kVA 33 Necessary tools with box
Lubrication oil ℓ 3
Tank capacity
Coolant fluid ℓ 80 Primary transformer (Machine operate 400V 3-phase)
Type of controller ― FANUC 0i-MF NC controller unit, FANUC 0i-MF
NC control
unit Numerical control axis ― Cross feed (X) Longitudinal (Z) 2 axes simultaneously
Interpolation ― Positioning, Linear, Circular Manual type tail stock unit (only UGM-12.40NC machine)
Working height Height of work spindle center from floor mm 1135
Floor space Width × Depth × Height(excluding maintenance space) mm 2780×2750×1900 3650×2750×1900 2-point steady rest Work rest
Machine weight kg 7000 7900
Machine overview
Drive dog set Automatic work driver
unit * With magnetic dust
separator unit
Table swivel measurement device Coolant tank
Example for Automatic loading system
Uni(t mm) ○A ○B ○C ○D ○E
UGM360NC 3800 3500 2780 2100 1900
UGM3100NC 4200 3500 3650 2100 1900
Automatic loading system by Robot IGM2TNCⅢ-4
13 UGM Series
UGM 5V Specification
Optional accessories
Items Items Unit UGM5V
Various type coolant system Max. workpiece swing mm φ550
Oil mist collector Max. grinding hole diameter mm φ70〜φ500
Grinding stroke mm 450
Hood for mist collector
Longitudinal feed Max. travel mm 1100
Cleaning spray nozzle
(X-axis) Rapid feed speed mm/min 20000
Various types of Chucks
Max. travel mm 450
3-Jaw scroll chuck Vertical feed (Z-axis)
Rapid feed speed mm/min 20000
Magnetic chuck Swivel angle deg. 0, 30
Various types of Dressing units Speed min-1 500〜8000
Grinding spindle
Rotary dresser unit Grinding wheel size mm φ60〜φ300
Radius dresser unit Motor power kW 11
Angle dresser unit Work spindle Speed min-1 10〜150
Option for Table mounting unit Electric power consumption kVA 45
Floor space (only machine) mm 2650×2380×3032
Various types of tailstock units
Machine weight kg 9000
2-point steady rest
3-point steady rest Standard accessories
Work rest
Drive dog set (φ1/4 - φ3", 6 pcs) Conversational type graphic software
Automatic work driver Spindle swivel function
Various types of Grinding wheels ATC (4 pcs max.)
Wheel balancer unit, BW-5 Rotary dresser unit
Micro balancer, MB-4 Vertical, table longitudinal scale feed back system
Spare wheel adaptor Spindle cooling unit
Measurement LED work light
3-color signal tower
Gauge sizing device
Table enclosure
Gap eliminate sensor system
Leveling bolts and plates
Necessary tools with tool box
Specific color painting for the machine
Table longitudinal scale feed back system Machine overview
(closed loop control)
Special dress cycle software Mist collector &
Temperature control unit
system Hydraulic
tank unit
Gauge sizing device Locator device
Uni(t mm) ○A ○B ○C ○D ○E
UGM5V 2860 3938 2650 1813 2660
IGM & OGM Loading system
UGM Series 14
2993 Gobara, Annaka-shi, Gunma, Japan 379-0135 Tel: +81-27-388-9595
3-5-7 Nakamachidai, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan 224-0041 Tel: +81-45-949-3881
*When and before using our products, you are requested to well go through the articles on danger, warning and attention for the sake of safety described in operation manual attached to
the machine and also in the warning plates mounted on the machine.
*When a product manufactured at our factory comes under the Foreign Exchange And Foreign Trade Control Law and is exported or carried overseas, it is necessary to receive permission
or approval of the Japanese Government.
*Specifications subject to change without notice.
Printed in Japan in August 2017