<JAPAN> Precision Rotary Surface Grinding Machine PRG Series
Product Catalog
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Document Title | <JAPAN> Precision Rotary Surface Grinding Machine PRG Series |
Document Type | Product Catalog |
File size | 1.7Mb |
Company | OKAMOTO MACHINE TOOL WORKS,LTD (Documents List) |
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Document Contents
Precision Rotary Surface Grinding Machine
PRG Series
2993 Gobara, Annaka, Gunma, Japan 379-0135
TEL : +81-27-388-9595 FAX : +81-27-385-1144
URL : www.okamoto.co.jp
*Prior to and while using our products you are requested to thoroughly go through the articles on danger, warning and attention for the sake of safety described in oper-
ation manual attached to the machine and also in the warning plates mounted on the machine.
*When the products fall under the export controlled goods stipulated in “Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act”, it requires the license or approval of Government of
CAUTION Japan when exporting out of Japan. *Specifications subject to change without notice.
Printed in Japan in November 2019 2019111000MTR-0
Ultra Precision High Productivity High Effi ciency
Precision Rotary Surface Grinding Machine PRG Series CONTENTS
Rotary surface grinding machines have more than twice the productivity Contents ……………………………………………… 1~2
Product Line-up ……………………………………… 3~4
compared to reciprocating surface grinding machines. Construction and Features ……………………… 5~6
Examples of Test Grinding ………………………… 6
Achieving better stability & higher accuracy due to the highly rigid Specifi cations ………………………………………… 7
Standard Accessories & External Views ………… 8
construction, we can control infeeds as low as 0.1um. Optional Accessories ……………………………… 9
Examples of Workpieces …………………………… 10
Universal & Multi-Step Exotic & Diffi cult To Cut Materials Mass Production & Automation Capabilities
1 PRG Series PRG Series 2
Since the chuck rotates in the rotary surface grinding machines, cycle time is reduced to
Precision Rotary Surface Grinding Machine Series half or less compared to the reciprocating surface grinding machines. With double-column
structure, it endures heavy workpieces and guarantees high accuracy and longevity.
type PRG-DX Series NC PRG-DXNC Series NC Large Capacity PRG10/12DXNC Series
■Equipped with automatic cycle function of "coarse ■Fully featured graphical interactive software supports ■Table can be tilted. Ideal for grinding tapered workpieces
grinding -> fine grinding -> spark-out -> stop at automatic dressing during grinding cycle. with angles and blade shaped workpieces.
workpiece peripheral end". ■Up to 4 steps can be ground using the graphic ■Chuck modifi cation is available for grinding ceramics and
■The stoke limits of the outer and inner peripheral ends interactive software, between either traverse or plunge diffi cult-to-cut materials.
of the workpiece is set by jog feed teaching positions. grinding cycles. ■Standard wheel size is increased to φ510 × 50 × φ127 for
■Minimum ver t ical feed ■Automation ready for high productivity in combination high-effi ciency grinding.
setting increment is 0.1 μm. with measuring devices such as touch probe.
■Double-column structure ■Variable feed speed function controls the grinding
is used to maintains high amount, keeping it constant regardless of the position
r i g i d i t y a n d ma c h in e of the wheel over the rotary table.
PRG6DX Hydrostatic table guideway model
Photo shown with optional accessories. Photo shown with optional accessories.
Hydrostatic spindle modell
Photo shown with optional accessories.
Small type Large type
Ultra Precision UPR3NC Ultra Precision UPR180NC
■Utilizing variable hydrostatics for the guideway of ■Years of experience in ultra-precision grinding
table and air bearings. The rotation table drive can technology of the double-column grinding machines
meet the requirements for parallelism and fl atness and rotary grinding machines allow of high quality
of 0.3 μm. products.
■Ultra-precision model with minimum infeed setting ■High rigidity variable hydrostatic slide is used for the
of 0.01 μm crossrail.
■Table rotation spindle uses hydrostatic system to
maintain high accuracy.
Photo shown with optional accessories. Photo shown with optional accessories.
3 PRG Series PRG Series 4
Precision Rotary Surface Grinding Machine PRG Series Fully featured graphic
interactive software
Construction and Features Graphical display thorough-
ly supports your data input.
1. Initial Setting
Input wheel dimensions.
Original double-column structure that supports Multi-step grind- Rotary grinding is ideal for mass production of
Standard DXNC Feature
stable feed and high-precision grinding ing up to 4 steps fl at surface grinding of round workpieces
Comparison between rotary
Double-column structure is utilized for high Since the table does not shift, the operator 4 steps maximum can be ground using grinding and surface grinding
rigidity during the wheel movement. can work without changing their position. the graphic interactive software, interac- 2. Selection of Workpiece Shape
Unlike other rotary grinding machines, the In addition, the height to the top of the tive software, between either traverse or Select the number of steps (4 steps max).
table does not move up and down or back chuck is low due to the structure, and the plunge grinding cycles.
and forth, resulting in better operability workpiece can easily be positioned or re-
and improved accuracy. moved.
1 step
2 steps on Rotary Grinding Machine on Reciprocating Grinding Machine
φ400mm(Bore 300 mm) φ400mm(Bore 300 mm) 3. Selection of Grinding Standard
grinding allowance: 0.5 mm grinding allowance: 0.5 mm Select the workpiece datum or chuck da-
Coarse 0.45mm 5 min Coarse 0.45mm 30 min tum as “0” point of dimension input.
Fine & Spark Out Grinding 0.05mm 8 min Fine & Spark Out Grinding 0.05mm 33 min
3 steps Total 13 min Total 63 min
Increased productivity with automatic cycle
4 steps DX
Wheel spindle for vertical and cross feed
High rigidity double-column Height to top of the chuck Blue color shows areas ground
structure built for longevity PRG-DXN……………800mm Equipped with automatic cycle function of “coarse grinding ->fi nd grinding -> spark-out -> stop 4. Selection of Grinding MethodSelect traverse or plunge cycle.
at workpiece peripheral end”
Possible to change the settings of downfeed by step infeed amount, table rotation speed, total
remaining grinding allowance and variable speed even during automatic cycle.
Fixed Variable feed speed Grinding with tilted ta- Automatic Grinding Cycle
Standard Standard stabilizes the grind- Standard ble allows for a wide
dressing point ing conditions range of applications Stop at Start of Coarse Fine Spark-out Workpiece
automatic (Rough) Grinding (0 - 5 times) Peripheral
infeed Grinding End
By fi xing the dressing point, we can elim- As the wheel strokes from the outer diam- With a simple operation, the table can be Rapid Feed Rapid Feed
inate inconsistencies and misalignments eter to the center of the table, the table tilted ± 5˚ maximum, making it ideal for Both Ends Infeed
caused by regular environmental chang- rotation speed increases, while the wheel grinding cylindrical taper shaped parts. Outside Peripheral End Infeed
5. Input of Grinding Conditions
Interruptions from M.P.G. and dress inter-
es, allowing us to achieve high-precision feed speed also increases, and the grind- rupt during cycling is also available.
grinding. ing amount remains constant regardless
of the position of the wheel over the rotary
table. Chuck Coarse FineInfeed Infeed
Operation which
uses manual input 6. Setting Confi rmation
Confi rmation of input data
■Effi ciency is established by the manual
interruption function during the automat-
“PRG-6” next to 5 degree ic cycle.
"PRG-8” next to 3 degree ■Wheel spindle vertical and cross feed
is controlled by our original LSI control
Table-mounted dresser Processing mass-volume work- system and AC servo motor. Minimum
pieces with constant accuracy setting unit is 0.1 μm
DX series operation panel
5 PRG Series PRG Series 6
Specifi cations Standard Accessories
CNC Rotary Surface Grinding Machine Rotary Surface Grinding Machine CNC Rotary Surface Grinding Machine Rotary Surface Grinding Machine
Item Unit
O.D. of Electromagnetic Chuck mm 600 800 1000 1200 600 800
Working Diameter of Electromagnetic Chuck mm 552 752 930 1130 552 752
Grinding Wheel Adaptor
Maximum Travel of Wheel mm 750 950 1600 750 950
Distance from Electromagnetic ChuckCapacity Using 355 mm Wheel (50Hz) mm −60 250 − −60 250
Top of the Table Chuck Interlock
Using 305 mm Wheel (60Hz) mm −35 275 − −35 275
to Bottom of the Automatic Demagnetizing Controller, Adjustable Chuck Power
Wheel Using 510 mm Wheel mm − 500 −
Short Circuit Breaker
Table Load Capacity (not including chuck) kg 150 250 1200 1300 150 250
Color LED 8.4"
Rotation Speed (constant speed control, CVT) min−1 20 150 15 130 8 65 20 150 20 130
Table Splash Cover, Semi-Closed Style
Tilting Angle deg ±5 ±3 ±0.4 ±5 ±3
Table Mounted Dresser, Fixed Type
Driven By AC Servo Motor
Necessary Tools
Cross Travel Distance mm 450 550 860 450 550
Feed Speed Anchor BoltSetting Range 0 2000 (Volume) 200 - 2400
during Auto- mm/ Leveling Bolts and Plates
Override Max 2000 (0 - 150%) −
matic Opera- min
Wheel Head Program Memory Capacity 512KB
tion Rapid Feed 4000 5000 −
Cross Feed Display of Operation Time and Workpiece Qty (to be input in present location of LCD display)
(X axis) Feed per Handwheel Revolu-
tion ×1/×10/×100 mm 0.01/0.1/1.0 ×1/×10/×100 0.1/1.0 ×1/×10 Spindle invertor
Manual Pulse Feed per Handwheel Gradua- 0.0001/0.001/0.01 ×1/×10/×100 Fanuc Color LED Display - 8.4
tion ×1/×10/×100 mm 0.001/0.01 ×1/×10
Jog Feed (16 steps) mm/ 0 2000 200 2400
Rapid Feed min 4000 5000 − External View
Driven By AC Servo Motor
Cross Travel Distance mm 310 620 310 PRG6DXNC/8DXNC
Feed Speed Setting Range 0 2000 −
Dimensions in parentheses
during Auto- mm/
Override Max 2000 (0 - 150%) − are of PRG8DXNC. Coolant System (with Separator)
matic Opera- min
Wheel Head
tion Rapid Feed 4000 2000 −
Vertical Feed
(Z axis) Feed per Handwheel Revolu-
tion ×1/×10/×100 mm 0.01/0.1/1.0
Manual Pulse Feed per Handwheel Gradua-
tion ×1/×10/×100 mm 0.0001/0.001/0.01
Jog Feed (16 steps) mm/ 0 2000 −
Rapid Feed min 4000 2000 400/800
1665(1810) 925(1060) 1820(2120)
Grinding O.D. x W x B (50Hz/60Hz) mm 355/ 305×38 max50 × 127 510×50 OP: max75)× 127 355/ 305×38 max50 × 127 2218(2363)
Wheel Rotation Speed (50Hz/60Hz) min−1 1500/1800 1000/1200 1500/1800
For Wheel Spindle 11 7.5 7.5
For Rotary Table Drive 2.2 3.7 7.5 2.2 3.7
For Vertical Feed (AC Servo Motor) 3.0 1.8 0.75
Motor kW
For Cross Feed (AC Servo Motor) 1.6 1.8 0.75
For Slideway 0.1 2.2 0.1 Coolant
Lubricant System
For Collecting Table Lubricant 0.04 − 0.04 CT-30M
Power Supply Power Consumption kVA 31 34 35 20 23
Distance from Floor to Top of the Chuck mm 800 1260 800
Width x Depth x Height (including coolant 1665×3250 1810×3450 1665×3025 1810×3450
Floor Space mm 5135×4300×3581
system) ×2576 ×2616 ×2576 ×2616
Weight Net Weight kg 4000 5000 12800 13000 4000 5000
*Power consumption and fl oor space etc. may vary depending on the specifi cations & options. 1710.4
1290 3915.73180
CNC Ultra Precision Rotary Surface Grinding Machine
Item Unit PRG6DX/8DX
UPR3NC UPR180NC Coolant System (with Separator)
Dimensions in parentheses
Chuck O.D. mm 300 1800 are of PRG8DX.
Maximum Travel of Wheel mm 400 2000
Distance from Floor to Top of the Chuck mm 205 600
Table Load Capacity kg 180 1000
Table Rotation Speed min−1 10~300 5~50
Tilting Angle deg ±0.3 ±0.15
1665(1810) 925(1060) 1820(2120)
Net Weight kg 2500 45000 2218(2363)
7 PRG Series PRG Series 8
2443(2931) 2560(2931)
1700 1700
30 2546 30 2546
2576 2576
45 2000
800 118~428 1260 75~775 800 118~428
2486(min2176) 2533(min2223)
Optional Accessories Example of Workpieces
CNC Rotary Surface Grinding Machine Rotary Surface Grinding Machine
1. Coolant System
1 Coolant System with Magnetic Dust Separator
2 Coolant System with Magnetic Dust Separator, with Paper Filter
3 Coolant System with Magnetic Dust Separator, with Automatic Coolant Temperature Regulator
4 Oil Mist Collecter
5 Dust Collection Hood for Oil Mist Collecter
2. Wheel Balancer
1 BW-360 with Balance Arbor −
2 BW-500 with Balance Arbor − − − −
3. Micro-Balancer Wafer Thin Workpieces & Blades
4. Spare Grinding Wheel Adaptor We have experiences in grinding silicon, SiC, glass Diffi cult thin workpieces can be ground without warping.
5. Spare Grinding Wheel Adaptor for Micro-Balancer and quartz.
6. Crane for Wheel Adaptor − − − −
7. Overhead Dresser, Hydraulic − − −
8. 2-direction Dresser (for OD, side-front dressing) − −
9. Power Up of Wheel Spindle, 11kW − − −
10. Power Up of Wheel Spindle, 15kW − −
11. Spindle invertor for 11kW − − −
12. Spindle invertor for 15kW − −
13. Wheel Spindle Meter Relay (emergency stop by spindle overload)
14. Table Rotation Speed Meter
15. Automatic Oil Temperature Regulator
16. Constant Coolant Supply for Table Drain Gutter
17. Manual Interruption (M.P.G. Interruption) − −
18. Timer of Accumulated Time
1 Display of Accumulated Time of Hydraulic "ON" − −
2 Display of Accumulated Time of Wheel Spindle "ON" − − Gear & Multiple Diameter Workpieces Ceramics
19. Auto Shut Down Function − − Suitable for mass production equipment and can grind Ideal for grinding brittle materials due to its rigid dou-
20. Signal Tower 3 Colors (on/off type, fl ashing type) − − multiple workpieces in one cycle. ble column construction
21. Calendar Timer (weekly timer, hydraulic "ON") − −
22. Work Light
23. GRIND-X Hydraulic Oil (to be used as lubricant)
Complex Workpiece Ultra Precision Spacer (UPR3NC)
GRIND-BIX Model Raised Table Cover 300 mm CE Mark Complied Workpiece that has corrugated shape in the center Small workpieces that require ultra-precision fl atness,
can be easily ground by CNC model. such as bearing spacers for high-speed spindles can
be ground.
Overhead Dresser Dust Collection Hood & Hose Oil Mist Collecter
Steps Bearings
Workpiece with multiple steps can be easily ground Ideal for mass production of various bearing parts.
using the interactive software.
Work Light Wheel Balancer Touch Probe
9 PRG Series PRG Series 10