Whether comparing junction geometries, analysing public
transport priority schemes or considering the effects of
certain signalling – PTV Vissim allows you to simulate
traffic patterns exactly.
Motorised private transport, goods transport, rail and
road related public transport, pedestrians and cyclists
– as the world’s leading software for micro-scopic traffic
simulation, PTV Vissim displays all road users and their
interactions in one model.
Scientifically sound motion models provide a realistic
modelling of all road users.
ドキュメント名 | Microscopic Traffic Simulation PTV Vissim |
ドキュメント種別 | 製品カタログ |
ファイルサイズ | 1.9Mb |
登録カテゴリ | |
取り扱い企業 | 株式会社PTVグループジャパン (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧) |

このカタログ(Microscopic Traffic Simulation PTV Vissim)の内容
Page 2:A POWERFUL TOOL FORMULTIMODAL TRAFFIC SIMULATIONWhether comparing junction geometries, analysing public transportpriority schemes or considering the effects of certain signalling –PTV Vissim allows you to simulate traffic patterns exactly. Motorisedprivate transport, goods transport, rail and road related public transport,pedestrians and cyclists – as the world’s leading software for micro-scopic traffic simulation, PTV Vissim displays all road users and theirinteractions in one model. Scientifically sound motion models providea realistic modelling of all road users.The software offers flexibility in several respects: the concept of links and connec-tors allows users to model geometries with any level of complexity. Attributes fordriver and vehicle characteristics enable individual parameterisation. Furthermore,a large number of interfaces provide seamless integration with other systems forsignal controllers, traffic management or emissions models.PTV Vissim is rounded off with comprehensive analysis options, creating a power-ful tool for the evaluation and planning of urban and extra-urban transport infra-structure. For example, the simulation software may be used to create detailedcomputational results or impressive 3D animations for different scenarios. It is theperfect way to present convincing and comprehensible planned infrastructuremeasures to decision-makers and the public.6 GOOD REASONSFOR PTV VISSIMBENEFITSMULTIMODALITYWhether public authorities, consulting or research – worldwide, PTV Vissim isused by more than 12,000 users for microscopic traffic simulation. Join thecommunity and model all modes of transport and their interactions, integra-ted into a single tool. Dedicated motion models for motorised traffic, bicyclesand pedestrians make a valid assessment and a realistic representation of alltraffic-related aspects possible.MAXIMUM ACCURACY TO DETAILAchieve the maximum accuracy to detail with PTV Vissim. With our links andconnectors concept, you can map your network in detail and model differentgeometries – from a standard node to complex intersections. The inclusion ofscientific behavioural models such as Prof. R. Wiedemann’s car following model,or the Social Force Model for pedestrians, also ensure realistic behaviour ofall road users within the existing and planned infrastructure.EASE-OF-USE AND PRODUCTIVITYBuild your model effectively in PTV Vissim: take advantage of the various inter-faces (COM, DriverModel, DrivingSimulator, SignalControl, Emission, ANM) toimport, for example, existing networks from PTV Visum or other strategic trans-port models and to connect external signal controllers (for example Siemens TL,Lisa , VS-Plus, SCOOT, SCATS, RBC and others) or to transfer emissions data inorder to conduct detailed analyses by means of simulation. The graphical userinterface with flexibly dockable windows, 2D and 3D network windows, editorswith many features for efficiently creating and editing network objects and theirattributes, as well as numerous options for outputting results, all ensure idealuser-friendliness.FLEXIBILITY AND INTEGRATION CAPACITYOpt for a planning tool that can be customised to suit your needs. The genericCOM interface allows you to interact with external applications. Settings fordriver and vehicle properties at different levels, for traffic demand and for pub-lic transport timetables help you to flexibly expand your microscopic planningtool into a stable test environment. As part of the PTV Vision Traffic Suite, youcan seamlessly connect the simulation software to other PTV software solutions.SCIENTIFIC APPROACHRely on a software package that is based on decades of intensive research andclose networking with customers and continuous development. You will haveaccess to a stable simulation tool that always incorporates the latest findingsfrom research and practice and that sets new standards.VISUALISATION IN 2D AND 3DSwitch perspective with a click of the mouse in PTV Vissim and impressivelydisplay your analysis results: assist in public decision-making processes withdetailed reports, 2D animations and stunning 3D visualisations. Make complextraffic situations appealing and understandable to all.
Page 3:USE CASESAT A GLANCEJUNCTIONSFrom simple junctions, to signal-controlled nodes and round-abouts with public transport priority and pedestrian interac-tion or “magic roundabouts” – with PTV Vissim it is possible tomodel and study any node geometry and any type of priorityand signalling.SIGNAL CONTROLTraffic signals affect the traffic flow dominantly, especially inurban areas. With PTV Vissim, traffic engineers can modeland optimise all types of signal control – whether fixed time,traffic-actuated or public transport priority schemes. The soft-ware provides interfaces to all common controller types suchas Sitraffic Office, SCOOT and SCATS, as well as to PTV Visumand PTV Vistro, in order to simulate and fine tune optimisedcontrols.SIGNAL GROUPS AND PHASE-BASED FIXED TIME CONTROLExternally created intergreen matrices and signal programscan be imported into PTV Vissim or entered and then opti-mised. In this way, traffic engineers can create fixed time signalcontrol based on signal groups: thanks to the clear represen-tation of the signal states in a graphical editor, any intergreenviolations can be quickly detected and corrected. In addition, stage-based fixed time signal control can becreated with the add-on module Vissig. Stages and interstag-es can either be defined via a graphical editor or generatedautomatically.TRAFFIC-ACTUATED SIGNAL CONTROLThe add-on module VAP (Vehicle Actuated Programming)allows users to simulate adaptive signal control in PTVVissim. During the simulation, VAP interprets the programinstructions of the controller logic and generates appropriateswitching commands for the traffic signals.VisVAP (Visual VAP) provides more convenience when defin-ing the controller logic. This tool allows traffic engineers tocreate the logic in an easy-to-understand flowchart, using alibrary of commands for access to signal groups, stages anddetectors. The logic is translated into VAP code for the simu-lation. The user may then follow the control logic step-by-stepduring the simulation. Discrepancies can be easily detectedand fixed.NON-SIGNALISED INTERSECTIONSNon-signalised intersections, such as roundabouts, junctionswith give way signs or yellow boxes, can also be simulatedwith PTV Vissim. The links and connectors concept allows thegeneration of a detailed geometry. Conflict areas and priorityrules can be used to define main flows and make detailed,optionally vehicle class-specific settings at the junction. Theseinclude settings for the acceptance of gaps and headwaysand for the range of sight.MULTIMODALITYPTV Vissim provides traffic engineers with a high degree offlexibility, which allows them to make their models even morerealistic – including specific signalling of lanes and vehicles.Multiple signal heads can be placed on the same lane anduse different vehicle class-related settings, so cyclists and carson that lane can receive different signals. Furthermore, traffic engineers can define the compliancerate for different modes of transport in PTV Vissim. In thisway, it is possible to analyse how jumping a red light affectsthe other traffic and whether there will be a reduction in ca-pacity. The results of different studies or individual modellingsteps can be visualised in PTV Vissim at the press of a button.This aids the traffic engineer in the evaluation of plannedmeasures.MULTIMODAL SYSTEMSPTV Vissim is the only microscopic simulation tool in the worldthat can be used to represent all modes of transport and sim-ulate their interaction – whether motorised traffic such as cars,lorries and buses, rail-based transport such as trams and trains,or non-motorised traffic such as pedestrians and cyclists.BICYCLE TRAFFIC: NON-LANE BASED BEHAVIOURWith PTV Vissim also bicycle traffic can be integrated intoplanning. This is made possible by the detailed consider-ation of mixed traffic. If motorists and cyclists have to sharea road, they can drive side by side and overtake each otheron the same lane. Regardless of the configuration of the lanemarking, PTV Vissim can have vehicles with different widthsinteract with each other on a single lane and make their waythrough lateral movements wherever enough space for cut-ting in is available. The simulation software models bicycle traffic with non-lanebased behaviour. In PTV Vissim, cyclists always choose thelateral position that enables them to move as far as possibleat their desired speed. Moving into gaps that favour forwardmovement and small distances to other nearby road users aretaken into account and simulated.PUBLIC TRANSPORTIn order to represent public transport systems in detail, userscan easily import their public transport models planned inPTV Visum into PTV Vissim or manually add them in the simu-lation software. Public transport lines, different public trans-port vehicle types, timetables, stops, stop types and dwelltimes can be specified and public transport priority signalisa-tion can be modelled. The simulation then shows how well aplanned timetable actually works, how many bus bays the busstation needs and whether the planned connecting times arefeasible for the passengers.PEDESTRIANSThe consideration of pedestrian flows and their interaction withnearby traffic events is a key component of traffic and urbanplanning. The add-on module PTV Viswalk allows pedestrianbehaviour to be studied step-by-step. Here the software con-siders the free choice of direction that is typical for pedestriansand that is based on individual decisions and allows the userto freely configure the different pedestrian types. Inter-modalconnection relations and complex vehicle-pedestrian interac-tions can be developed in PTV Vissim. Event and evacuationscenarios help planners and decision-makers to select the cor-rect evacuation strategy for buildings, tunnels or stadia.MODELLING FREIGHT TRAFFICIn the case of freight traffic, weight is a factor because thedriving behaviour of fully loaded vehicles is different fromthat of vehicles in an unloaded state. A wide range of freelydefinable settings in PTV Vissim means it is possible tospecify the precise dimensions of any vehicle and to displayloading states visually. The load weight can be modified bymanual entry and finely adjusted by means of a COM script.As a result, driving processes can be authentically depictedin PTV Vissim and the acceleration force and braking processescan be visualised and analysed via the simulation.
Page 4:MOTORWAY TRAFFICThe assessment of traffic quality on motorways is typicallybased on macroscopic variables such as travel times andqueue lengths. PTV Vissim achieves realistic results at thisaggregated level by means of detailed geometry and micro-scopic behaviour models.OPERATIONAL LEVEL: DRIVING BEHAVIOURModelling individual driving behaviour forms the core ofsimulation. With an unlimited number of vehicle models, types,and classes, users can put together any fleet of vehiclesrequired and adjust the driver and vehicle properties in detail.In addition to basic attributes such as the desired speed andacceleration and deceleration behaviour, at the operationallevel, traffic flow is determined by car following behaviour andlane changing behaviour. Car following behaviour is simulated using Professor R.Wiedemann‘s psycho-physical car following model. In thismodel, the driver responds according to the distance and thedifference in speed to the vehicle ahead by accelerating ordecelerating. A rule-based model is used for lane changing, which canalso be configured. One example is aggressiveness whenchanging lanes: what gap size is required in the adjacent lane?And how much deceleration can be accepted for the trailingvehicle on the target lane?TACTICAL LEVEL: LANE SELECTION ANDCOOPERATIVE BEHAVIOURLane selection is vitally important for the traffic flow and primarilydepends on the route of the vehicle and the look ahead distance. However, lane selection does not just depend on staticnetwork characteristics, but also on the surrounding vehicles:Lane selection, acceleration and deceleration allow vehicles tocooperate with other vehicles, e.g. to facilitate merging at aweaving at a ramp. This in turn has an influence on the capacityof the merging area and is strongly dependent on the situation.Therefore, properties such as the willingness to cooperate canbe adjusted in PTV Vissim so that the behaviour in the regionbeing studied can be mapped realistically. Finally, this flexibilityalso allows the evaluation of traffic management measures andCar2X systems that have an impact on individual behaviour andwhose effects on the entire traffic flow should be evaluated.ACTIVE TRAFFIC MANAGEMENTActive Traffic Management measures can be employed inboth motorways and urban areas to increase the quality oftraffic. Traffic engineers can intervene in traffic on a selective,section-based or network-wide level. The objective is toavoid or prevent traffic jams. Using PTV Vissim, it is possibleto model all operational interventions and to assess theireffect on the overall traffic flow.VARIABLE SPEED LIMITS AND HARD SHOULDER RELEASEDifferent lane control systems can be represented in PTV Vis-sim and studied with respect to the effect on traffic. Examplesinclude traffic-actuated speed limits, ban on passing for heavygoods vehicles or traffic jam warnings. The temporary releaseof hard shoulders can also be simulated.RAMP METERINGIf congestion in the main lane becomes apparent at an on-ramp, managing the admission of traffic may be an appro-priate strategy. With VAP, the add-on module VisVAP andCOM, users can test different control algorithms and identifythe best strategy and optimal switching threshold values.STATIONARY ROUTING AND INDIVIDUAL ROUTE GUIDANCEThe effect of systems affecting route choice, such as variablemessage signs and navigation systems, can also be simulated.For example, both traffic-actuated and pretimed variablemessage signs with varying degrees of compliance can besimulated at motorway junctions. Individual vehicle types canbe equipped with different guidance systems. In this case, in-tervals can be defined for which the routes to the destinationare determined based on the current traffic situation.CAR2X APPLICATIONSCar2X applications allow communication with other vehiclesor with the infrastructure. Thanks to them, interventions in thevehicle movement should be possible in the future. Focusingon this new technology in the field is a costly endeavour:it is usually not possible to equip large enough vehicle fleetswhich would represent a relevant percentage of the overalltraffic. Simulation with PTV Vissim offers a cost-effective alter-native. Using COM, it is possible to model Car2X systems andevaluate any type of intervention and its influence on traffic.EMISSIONS MODELLINGEmissions are becoming ever more important in trafficstudies. In this case, both network-wide total volumes andlocal volumes (Hot Spot Analysis) are relevant. Using theadd-on module EnViVer, which is based on the VERSIT exhaust emissions model from TNO, it is possible to deter-mine pollutant emissions based on vehicle trajectoriesand other information from PTV Vissim. It is primarily the validity of the speeds and accelerationsof the separate vehicles that is crucial for good quality emis-sions modelling. With PTV Vissim, these can be exported asindividual vehicle trajectories to vehicle record files whichcan be imported into EnViVer for further analysis. Vehicletypes are used to assign additional properties such as fueltype or pollutant class to each vehicle in EnViVer. In EnViVer, detailed calculations of CO2, NOx and PM10emissions in the area being studied are prepared in graph-ical or tabular format for an easy-to-understand result.Furthermore, users have the option of generating differentviews of the analyses – whether representation of the totalsum or different types of emissions for the entire network oras heat maps, which indicate the spatial distribution of theemissions. On this basis, various traffic planning or manage-ment strategies can be studied in the simulation for theiremissions-reducing factors and compared with each other.PUBLIC TRANSPORTSustainable traffic planning puts emphasis on the promo-tion of public transport. PTV Vissim aids traffic engineers indifferent sub-disciplines of public transport planning andoffers them an extensive range of dedicated features and de-tailed modelling possibilities. Simulation of public transportis based on the flexible structure of public transport lines,both rail-based and road-based with different vehicle types,and the allocation of corresponding timetables and the lineroutes. Moreover, public transport networks created in PTVVisum can easily be imported via an interface and simulatedin detail. To determine the vehicle dwell times at stops, the softwaredifferentiates between three variable modelling types: Distribution-based dwell time In this method, the respective dwell time is based on adwell time distribution. The user can define the wait timedistribution as normal distribution or empirical distribu-tion, based on compiled data. Calculated dwell time In this case the dwell time is calculated based on anaverage boarding and alighting time per passenger thatcan be defined by the user and the proportion of passen-gers boarding and alighting. The boarding and alightingprocess can be further specified by door-specific settings(boarding and alighting or boarding only or alighting only).The percentage distribution of boarding and alightingpassengers per vehicle and stop, the demand-based timeinterval for the public transport line use and the allocationof passenger destinations, including their distribution overvarious public transport lines, can all be represented inPTV Vissim. Furthermore, PTV Vissim offers a wide selectionof departure time options: to this end, public transportlines can depart according to a timetable, depending ontheir occupancy rate or in consideration of delays. Simulated dwell time The pedestrian module PTV Viswalk supports an even moredetailed investigation. Both the capacity and the impactof the geometry of the stop design on passenger transfertimes and on the overall traffic flow in private traffic andpublic transport can be assessed. The visual representationof pedestrians interacting with public transport lines withinthe stop geometry allows planners to quickly identify possi-ble weak points in the processes of boarding and alightingand thus to derive planning-based improvements.PUBLIC TRANSPORT PARTIAL ROUTE DIVERSIONA COM script or the add-on module VisVAP can be used bytraffic engineers to test various scenarios for assigning publictransport partial routes. For example, buses can be assigned tofree bus bays or the transfer processes of passengers to publictransport lines that run to different stops can be simulated.
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