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デルタ電子 EtherCAT通信対応サーボシステム A3-Eシリーズ


CiA402に対応。 同期周期は最高125μs。
安全機能 STO に対応(IEC61508 (SIL2)、IEC62061 (SILCL2)、ISO13849-1、カテゴリ3 PL=dに準拠)



ドキュメント名 デルタ電子 EtherCAT通信対応サーボシステム A3-Eシリーズ
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 1.4Mb
取り扱い企業 デルタ電子株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)




DELTA × aperza catalog 成功事例集




Automation for a Changing World Delta AC Servo Drive & Motor ASDA-A3 Series www.del taww.com

Cutting-edge Specifications 3.1 kHz Bandwidth ► Higher responsiveness and shorter settling time could increase productivity Speed closed-loop control 5 3.1 kHz 0 -3 1 kHz -5 -10 A2 A3 100 101 102 103 Frequency (Hz) 3.1 kHz 24-bit Absolute Type Encoder 16,777,216 pulses for one single turn ► The positioning precision is enhanced by the 16,777,216 pulses/turn encoder ► The speed variance in low speed is reduced. 46,603 pulses for one degree ► Absolute type encoder helps to keep motor's position when power is off High speed motor with 6000 r/min and 350 % peak torque ► A3 motor can accelerate and decelerate ► This specification is available for motor frame faster with its design size 40 mm, 60 mm and 80mm Torque(x 100%) speed(r/min) 4 7000 A3 6000 r/min A3-400W 3.5 A3 6000 A2-400W 3 A2 5000 2.5 4000 2 Intermittent Duty Zone 3000 1.5 2000 1 1000 0.5 Continuous Duty Zone 0 Time(sec) 0 speed(r/min) 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0 2000 4000 6000 3 Gain (dB)

Motor with high or low inertia rotor ► For application requiring stable rotating speed and better disturbance resistant capability, a high inertia motor is more suitable, such as machine tools Low inertia ► For application like reciprocating motion and fast positioning request, a low inertia motor can be used, motor such as electronic manufacturing machines High inertia motor Low Cogging Torque Motor ► Cogging torque of the ECM-A3 motor Cogging Torque (under 1.5%) is only 1.5% of the rated torque, which brings smoother operating speed and increases the stability when machining A3 at low speed A2 Supports a Variety of Servo Motors Full-Closed Loop Control ► Backward compatibility design for motor to meet ► To ensure the positioning accuracy at the future replacement end and eliminate the effect of transmission backlash, full-closed loop control function is ► ASDA-A3 drive can support both A2 (ECMA) an effective solution and A3 (ECM-A3) series motors Motor Encoder Signals A2 Servo Motors Linear Scale A3 Servo Motors 4

System Tuning and Safety Functions System Diagnosis Function ► The rigidity of a machine is known through a mathematical model ► The consistency of the machine's batch installation can be checked ► By comparing the data from different time span, the wear condition of a machine can be acquired Low Frequency Vibration Suppression Function ► Vibration elimination algorithm is different from command filter and used as a creative algorithm on ASDA-A3 ► The vibration can be eliminated without slowing down its response ► In addition to vibration elimination algorithm, the two command filters for low frequency vibration are included Without Vibration Suppression Delta Vibration Suppression Unstable Stable Auto-Tuning Function Motor Load (inertia ratio=68) 2500 Position Command ► Lower the barrier for users to use Before Auto-Tuning servo systems 2000 After Auto-Tuning ► This function will optimize the machine performance with less tuning effort 1500 ► It can be done via panel keypad or 1000 software 500 0 -500 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5  Time (sec) 5 Pulse of User Unit (PUU)

Advanced Notch Filter Test Machine Layout ► There are 5 sets of notch filters with tunable bandwidth and up to 5000 Hz band for ASDA-A3 ► Those filters can search resonance and set the attenuation level automatically ► With shorter search time for resonance, the machine is less likely to be damaged Speed (r/min) Less than 0.5 sec Time (ms) Safe Torque Off (STO) Function *note : will be certified ► Built-in STO (Safe Torque Off) function ► The motor power will be cut-off when STO is activated ! Motor Speed ! Trigger STO Grating Time 6

Motion Inside Motion Inside ► 99 sophisticated motion commands and segments allowed ► Arithmetic operation and condition jump commands are added ► Graphical user interface offers simple setup and programming ► General motion functions like homing, position and speed commands are available ► Superimposition, blending and on-the-fly change motion commands are provided Built-in Camming Functions ► E-CAM functions for flying shear and rotary cut are well configured ► There are maximum 720 points in one cam profile or contour with interpolation smooth algorithm ► Useful E-CAM phase secure and adjustment functions are easy to apply ► Many successful applications from ASDA-A2 are available for reference Capture and Compare Functions ► It is only 5 µs response time to latch the position or pulse count after receiving the activated DI single. ► The high-speed DO will response when assigned position or count value is reached after 5 µs response time DI7 383838 Position 383838 Position== 383838 383838 True D O4 When DI7 is triggered, the latched position is When the data recorded in Data Array is identical to the recorded in Data Array. detected position, DO4 will be on. 7

Energy-Saving and Compact Size Design DC-bus Sharing Feature Without Sharing DC Bus With Sharing DC Bus ► The regenerative energy will be collected to DC-bus for other axes to increase energy efficiency ► Smaller resistor installed is possible for the system, which can save cost and installation space Regenerative energy Regenerative energy Generator effect Generator effect A3 A2 200 W 200 W Thinner Size Servo Drive ► ASDA-A3 is 20% smaller than A2 on dimensions, which requires less installation space 20% Smaller Size Servo Motor Shorter in length ► ASDA-A3 series servo motor is 20% shorter than A2's A2 A3 20% 8

User-Friendly Software Tree-View Index Window Graphical Interface for Parameter ► Well organized list and collapsible menu help Settings to access functions easily ► Intuitive user interface provides set up functions and parameters without manual findings Auto-Tuning Wizard for Gains ► Provides step by step guiding wizard for users to tune a servo Advanced Gain Tuning Interface ► The servo gains can be easily fine-tuned for better performance with its well-designed tuning modes 9

System Analysis in Bode Plot ■ Speed Open-Loop Mode ■ System Module Mode Checks the bode plot to know the margin for The machine rigidity can be judged from the stability for properly tuned system bode plot in this mode Oscilloscope Function ► The channel configurations for applying the ► Offers FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) function PC scope include: for checking its signal spectrum ‐ 8 channels with 16-bit data size and 10 kHz ► The RMS value can be calculated by selecting sampling rate the period of a signal ‐ 4 channels with 32-bit data size and 10 kHz ► The conditions of start-to-record and stop- sampling rate recording can be configured ‐ 4 channels with 16 bit data size and 20 kHz sampling rate Graphical Programing Interface of PR mode ► This tool easily allow users to write and trace programs including Jump instructions 10

Model Explanation ASDA-A3 Series Servo Drives ASD - A3 - 04 21 - L Product Name: Model Type AC Servo Drive (see the table below) Series: Input Voltage and Phase A3 Series 21: 220V 1-phase / 3-phase 23: 220V 3-phase Rated Output Power 01: 100 W 10: 1 kW 02: 200 W 15: 1.5 kW 04: 400 W 20: 2 kW 07: 750 W 30: 3 kW PT Mode Full-closed Analog Type Pulse PR Mode RS-485 CANopen DMCNET EtherCAT Train Loop Voltage E-CAM STO Control Control L ○ ○ ○ X X X ○ ○ X X M ○ ○ ○ ○ X X ○ ○ ○ ○ F X ○ X X ○ X ○ X ○ X E* X ○ X X X ○ ○ X ○ ○ Note: Models with a * mark are the ones to be launched. 12

Model Explanation ECM-A3 Series Servo Motors ECM - A 3 H - C Y 06 04 R S 1 Product Name ECM: Electrical Special digit Commutation Motor 1: standard product Driving Type Shaft size A: AC Servo Motor S: Standard 7: special (14 mm) Generation 3: A3 Series W/O With W/O With Shaft and Brake Brake Brake Brake Oil Seal W/O Oil W/O Oil With With Seal Seal Oil Seal Oil Seal Inertia Round Shaft H: High inertia (with screw hole) - - C* D* L: Low inertia Keyway P* Q* R S (with screw hole) Series Rated Voltage / Rated Speed Note: Note: Models with a * mark are the ones to be launched C: Rated Voltage 220 V, Rated Output Power Rated Speed 3,000 r/min 0F: 50 W 01: 100 W 02: 200 W Encoder Type 04: 400 W Y: 24-bit Absolute Optical Encoder 07: 750 W Single-turn: 24-bit Multi-turn: 16-bit 1: 24-bit Single-turn Absolute Optical Encoder Motor Frame Size G: 16-bit Single-turn Absolute Magnetic Encoder 04: 40 mm 2*: 24-bit Single-turn Absolute Magnetic 06: 60 mm Optical Encoder 08: 80 mm A*: 24-bit Absolute Magnetic Optical Encoder Single-turn: 24-bit Multi-turn: 16-bit *To be launched 13

Industrial Automation Headquarters Delta Electronics, Inc. Taoyuan Technology Center No.18, Xinglong Rd., Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City 33068, Taiwan TEL: 886-3-362-6301 / FAX: 886-3-371-6301 Asia EMEA Delta Electronics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Delta Electronics (Netherlands) BV No.182 Minyu Rd., Pudong Shanghai, P.R.C. Eindhoven Office Post code : 201209 De Witbogt 20, 5652 AG Eindhoven, The Netherlands TEL: 86-21-6872-3988 / FAX: 86-21-6872-3996 MAIL: Sales.IA.EMEA@deltaww.com Customer Service: 400-820-9595 MAIL: Sales.IA.Benelux@deltaww.com Delta Electronics (Japan), Inc. Delta Electronics (France) S.A. Tokyo Office ZI du bois Chaland 2 15 rue des Pyrénées, Industrial Automation Sales Department Lisses 91056 Evry Cedex, France 2-1-14 Shibadaimon, Minato-ku MAIL: Sales.IA.FR@deltaww.com Tokyo, Japan 105-0012 TEL: 81-3-5733-1155 / FAX: 81-3-5733-1255 Delta Electronics Solutions (Spain) S.L.U Ctra. De Villaverde a Vallecas, 265 1˚ Dcha Ed. Delta Electronics (Korea), Inc. Hormigueras – P.I. de Vallecas 28031 Madrid Seoul Office C/Llull, 321-329 (Edifici CINC) | 22@Barcrelona, 08019 Barcelona 1511, 219, Gasan Digital 1-Ro., Geumcheon-gu, MAIL: Sales.IA.Iberia@deltaww.com Seoul, 08501 South Korea TEL: 82-2-515-5305 / FAX: 82-2-515-5302 Delta Electronics (Italy) Srl Ufficio di Milano Via Senigallia 18/2 20161 Milano (MI) Delta Energy Systems (Singapore) Pte Ltd. Piazza Grazioli 18 00186 Roma, Italy 4 Kaki Bukit Avenue 1, #05-04, Singapore 417939 MAIL: Sales.IA.Italy@deltaww.com TEL: 65-6747-5155 / FAX: 65-6744-9228 Delta Electronics (Germany) GmbH Delta Electronics (India) Pvt. Ltd. Coesterweg 45, D-59494 Soest, Germany Plot No.43, Sector 35, HSIIDC Gurgaon, MAIL: Sales.IA.DACH@deltaww.com PIN 122001, Haryana, India TEL: 91-124-4874900 / FAX : 91-124-4874945 Delta Energy Systems LLC (CIS) Vereyskaya Plaza II, office 112 Vereyskaya str. Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. 17 121357 Moscow, Russia 909 Soi 9, Moo 4, Bangpoo Industrial Estate (E.P.Z), MAIL: Sales.IA.RU@deltaww.com Pattana 1 Rd., T.Phraksa, A.Muang, Samutprakarn 10280, Thailand Delta Greentech Ltd. (Turkiye) TEL: 66-2709-2800 / FAX : 662-709-2827 Serifali Mevkii Barboros Bulvari Soylesi Sok No 19 34775, Y.Dudullu-Umraniye/Istanbul Delta Energy Systems (Australia) Pty Ltd. MAIL: Sales.IA.Turkey@delta-emea.com Unit 20-21/45 Normanby Rd., Notting Hill Vic 3168, Australia TEL: 61-3-9543-3720 Delta Energy Systems AG (Dubai BR) P.O. Box 185668, Gate 7, 3rd Floor, Hamarain Centre, Americas Dubai, United Arab Emirates Delta Electronics (Americas) Ltd MAIL: Sales.IA.MEA@deltaww.com. Raleigh Office P.O. Box 12173, 5101 Davis Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, U.S.A. TEL: 1-919-767-3813 / FAX: 1-919-767-3969 Delta Greentech (Brasil) S/A São Paulo Office Rua Itapeva, 26 – 3˚ Andar - Bela Vista CEP: 01332-000 – São Paulo – SP - Brasil TEL: 55-11-3530-8642 / 55-11-3530-8640 Delta Electronics International Mexico S.A. de C.V. Mexico Office Vía Dr. Gustavo Baz No. 2160, Colonia La Loma, 54060 Tlalnepantla Estado de Mexico TEL: 52-55-2628-3015 #3050/3052 *We reserve the right to change the information in this catalogue without prior notice. DELTA_IA-ASDA_ASDA-A3_C_EN_20180419