


金属表面硬化 東京ハードフェイシング 会社案内(中国語)




ドキュメント名 金属表面硬化 東京ハードフェイシング 会社案内(中国語)
ドキュメント種別 その他
ファイルサイズ 8.1Mb
取り扱い企業 株式会社東京ハードフェイシング (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)




コペリオンの次世代STS 2軸エクストルーダー






表 面 硬 化 的 先 驱 东京哈德飞新表面硬化处理有限公司 总 部 〒146-0093 東京都大田区矢口2-20-16 电话: +81-3-3759-6371 传真: +81-3-3757-4137 結城工厂 〒307-0043 茨城県結城市武井1241 电话: +81-296-35-0333 传真: +81-296-35-2712 TOKYO HARDFACING, INC HEAD OFFICE Address:2-20-15, Yaguchi, Ota-ku, Tokyo, 146-0093, Japan TEL.+81-3-3759-6371 FAX.+81-3-3757-4136 YUUKI PLANT Address:1240, Takei, Yuuki City, Ibaraki Prefecture, 307-0043, Japan TEL.+81-296-35-0333 FAX.+81-296-35-2711

結城工厂 Yuuki Plant 东京哈德飞新表面硬化处理有限公司成立于1959年。半个多世纪以来,我们作为金属表面硬化处理的 公司名称 东京哈德飞新表面硬化处理有限公司 Corporate name TOKYO HARDFACING, INC. 先锋,依靠技术创新,积极配合炼油,钢铁,化学,塑料等行业解决对各种大型设备以及产业机械的耐 成 立 1959年11月2日 Incorporated November 2, 1959 磨损,耐腐蚀和耐高温的诉求。我们打造了由挑战制造极限的“制造部”,和世界同步的“商务部”, Capital ¥50,000,000 資本金 5,000万日元 有丰富开发经验的“技术开发部”组成的三位一体的优势复合平台。利用多年积累的技术, Chairman & CEO Yuji Yoshida 董事会長 吉田 裕二 结合世界最新的产业信息,开发出新的材料和应用方法,为我们的客户创造更多的附加 President & COO Takashi Yoshida 董事总经理 吉田 崇 价值。在社会,经济环境不断变化的当今,本公司以“3部门复合化”产生的制造力、 Address Head Office 所在地 总公司 2-20-15, Yaguchi, Ota-ku, Tokyo, 信息力、提案力,不断地为顾客遇到的各种各样的课题提供正确的解决方案。 〒146-0093東京都大田区矢口2-20-15 146-0093, Japan 我们会不断进取,实现成为产业界独一无二,不可或缺的企业目标。 电话: +81-3-3759-6371 TEL +81-3-3759-6371 FAX +81-3-3757-4136  创造未来! 传真: +81-3-3757-4137 敬请得到大家的多多支持和鼓励。 Yuuki PlantCreating the future! 1240, Takei, Yuuki City, Ibaraki Prefecture, 結城工厂 307-0043, Japan制造部 〒307-0043 茨城県結城市武井1240 TEL: +81-296-35-0333 FAX: +81-296-35-2711 吉田 裕二 吉田 崇 Manufacturing 电话: +81-296-35-0333董事会长 董事总经理 传真: +81-296-35-2712 Taiwan Sales Office TOKYO HARDFACING, INC. 台湾営業事務所 8F No. 500, Changrong Rd., Luchou Dist., 企业理念 TOKYO HARDFACING, INC. New Taipei City 247, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Corporate 台湾新北市蘆洲區長榮路500號8F philosophy Main Bank The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ 活用技术! 开户银行 三菱東京UFJ銀行 長原支店、 Nagahara Branch, Taking advantage 赶超世界! Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation of technology! Catching the world! 三井住友銀行 下丸子支店、 Shimomaruko Branch, 技术开发部 商务部 商工中金 大森支店、 The Shoko Chukin Bank Omori Branch, Engineering Trading 東日本銀行 矢口支店 The Higashi Nippon Bank, Ltd. Yaguchi Branch TOKYO HARDFACING, INC., since established in 1959, as a pioneer of metal surface hardening, has been persistently contributing to oil refinery, petrochemical, steel mill, cement manufacturing plant, etc. 国内销售科 DomesticSales We have been seeking to improve abrasion resistance, corrosion resistance 销售部 Sales D ep t.   O v ers eas & heat resistance for plant equipment and industrial machinery for more than 海外销售科 Sales half a century. Our organization consists of the following: 国内商务科 Domestic 商务部 Trading Trading -‘Manufacturing Division’ which manufactures machinery parts with low Dept.国际商务科 Overseas environmental load 会 长 Chairman Trading -‘Trading Division’ which provides valued global information and products Manufacturing -‘Engineering Division’ which continues to lead technical innovation. 制造科 总经理 制造部 President ManufacturingDept. By collaborating the three business divisions, we are targeting to produce the best application 外包科 Subcontractors 制造科 Control Manufacturing by our cutting-edge hardfacing technology and suitable new material. 结城工厂 Yuuki Plant Under the constantly shifting environments surrounding the society and the economy, we are in a 董 事 技术科 技术科 Officer Engineering Engineering position to offer exact solution to respective customers from our manufacturing capability, multiple 技术部 EngineeringDept. 检查科 Inspection sources of information and appropriate best proposals generated from our ‘3 Division’s Composite Business’ policy. We would continuously keep employing our very best possible efforts in order to be a ‘More Useful & 资材科 Purchasing 业务部 General Affairs Convenient Company’ to you, and we would ask you all the more for your supports and encouragements. Dept.财务科 Accounting Chairman & CEO Yuji Yoshida President & COO Takashi Yoshida 品质保证科 QualityAssurance 1 2

我们向日本以及世界各国的炼钢厂提供着我们独立开发的以热轧·冷轧辊为代表的多种表面硬化加工的产品。 请把提高石油加工设备的耐磨损·耐腐蚀功效的工作交给我们做。 制 特别是根据流体催化裂化设备的受磨损·被腐蚀的情况,我们采用堆焊·热喷涂·耐磨衬里等施工技术来满足设备 制 造 造 部 We are providing various types of rolls for a hot & cold strip mill and other machinery parts produced by our uniquely 的耐磨损·抗腐蚀的需求。 部 门 developed high performance welding alloy and cutting-edge hardfacing technology in Japan as well as overseas. 我们还提供滑阀等特殊阀门的设计制造·维修保养·现场施工等优质服务。 门 We are offering a solution for abrasion & corrosion resistance for oil refinery process equipment. Particularly, with regard to (R) FCC unit, we are able to respond to your requirements with a relevant solution to your problems by using our unique technology of weld overlay, thermal spray, and abrasion resistance refractory lining in accordance with respective applications. Also, we shall render our services of designing, manufacturing, repairing, on-site supervising of slide valves and other special valves used for (R)FCCU and DCU. 产品介绍 Products Lineup 产品介绍 Products Lineup 滑阀 滑阀阀瓣 滑阀导向轨 滑阀阀杆 滴流阀 Slide Valve Slide Valve-Disk Slide Valve-Guide Slide Valve-Stem Trickle Valve 热轧的导向辊 Guide Rollers 热轧卷取机的轧辊 Hot Strip Mill Rolls 滑阀阀瓣(六角网格安装) 滑阀座圈 上部架空蒙乃尔堆焊管道 液压动力装置 数字阀控制器 Slide Valve-Disk Slide Valve-Seat Ring Topper Overhead Monel Hydraulic Power Unit Digital Valve Controller (HEX-Mesh Installation) Overlay Pipe 3 4 Manufacturing Sector Manufacturing Sector

随着工程塑料的应用日益扩大,复合添加剂在树脂方面的使用也在不断增加。作为提高挤出机生产效率的措施, 不仅制造各种挤出机的螺杆,机筒,直角机头等零部件,还提供供线机,收线机等国际厂商的电线制造装置的单 除了常规的氮化,硬铬电镀等表面处理方法,还根据不同的作业环境,开发出多种新的耐磨损防腐蚀的技术, 件和整套设备。 来满足客户的要求。另外还提供各种挤出机附属的设备零件。 We are producing screws, cylinders and cross heads for extruders used at power cable manufacturing plants. Further, we Along with the expanding demands for engineering plastics, many composite types of fillers tend to add in the recent plastic are dealing with equipment as pay-off stands, take-up stands, and also a full line for manufacturing power cable from first materials. Adding to the conventional hardfacing treatments such as nitriding, hard-chromium-plating, etc., we are in a class oversea vendors. position to propose new applications of abrasion & corrosion- resistance depending on the customer’s needs. We are also offering a series of related equipment and accessories for extruders. 产品介绍 Products Lineup 产品介绍 Products Lineup 直角机头部件 成形辊 单螺杆机筒 Cross Head Parts Forming Roller Single Screw, Cylinder 排气接口 双螺杆挤出机的螺杆轴 单螺杆 前端法兰 Vent Adaptor Screw Shaft for Twin Extruder Single Screw Forward End Flange 制 制 造 造 部 旋转刀片 固定刀片 送料辊 部 Rotor Bed Knife Feed Roll 门 门 树脂切碎机 Pelletizer 双螺杆筒体 双螺杆元件 拉丝模头 单螺杆用模具 空气刮丝器 Twin Barrel Element for Twin Extruder Strand Die Underwater Die Air Wiper 输送装置 磁选机 清洗炉 Conveyer Magnet Separator Cleaning Furnace 5 6 Manufacturing Sector Manufacturing Sector

我们利用长期积累的技术经验,向水泥制造厂和火力发电厂提供立式破碎机的滚筒轮胎和台面衬板的制造以及 我们旨在提高工业机械的耐磨损,耐腐蚀和耐高温的产品性能。我们采购筹措各种钢铁材料,在硬化处理加工的 制 以旧翻新的维修保养服务。我们的硬化堆焊材料适用于高铬铸铁,镍硬铸铁以及普通铸造金属等各种金属基材, 基础上制造零部件。此外,也可以接受客户提供的材料,对机械部件实施硬化堆焊和热喷涂加工。 制 造 可以使普通的铸造部件获得本来不具备的高耐磨性和延长使用寿命。此外,用于滚筒轮胎和台面衬板的硬化堆焊 造 部 We are pursuing the improvement of abrasion, corrosion and heat resistance in all industrial fields. 部 门 材料,同样适用于需要高耐磨强度的立式破碎机的管道/滑槽等附属设备和部件的表面硬化处理。 We have the capability to obtain various types of materials based on your requirements from all over the world and add our 门 We are providing a repair service of roller tires and table liners for vertical crushing mills, which are indispensable for cement valued hardfacing technology to produce Japanese quality hardfacing machinery parts. manufacturing and coal fired power plant. Our superior, performance hard-facing, welding alloy are suitable for various types of We can also provide overlaying or thermal splaying service to materials or parts supplied by our customers. base metals including high chromium cast iron, Ni-Hard cast iron, ordinary steel casting, etc. Hard-faced parts can obtain excellent high abrasion resistance and it leads to extend reliable service life. Also, our unique high performance hardfacing weld alloys can be used for such incidental equipment as conveyer pipes and chutes that require high abrasion-resistance. 产品介绍 Products Lineup 产品介绍 Products Lineup 台面衬板 泵壳(内侧表面硬化),耐磨环,活塞,阀盘和阀座, Table Liner 座圈,叶轮(叶片部分硬化堆焊),热传感器保护管,螺旋输送机(叶片部分硬化堆焊),粉碎机刀片等 Pump Casing (Inner side hardfacing), Wearing, Plunger, Valve Disk, Valve Seat, Seat Ring, Impeller (Overlay welding on blades), Protection Pipe for Thermal Sensor, Screw Conveyer (Overlay welding on blades part), Cutter Blade for crushing machine etc. 修补前 在客户工厂修理台面衬板 修补后 Before Repair Table Liner repaired on site After Repair 滚筒轮胎 Roller Tier 活塞 叶轮 铸钢阀门用座圈 锻钢阀门用座圈 Plungers Impeller Seat Rings for Cast Steel Valve Seat Rings for Forged Steel Valve 修补前 拿回滚筒轮胎在本工厂修理 修补后 Before Repair Roller Tire repaired in our factory After Repair 7 8 Manufacturing Sector Manufacturing Sector

我们不断地从日本和世界各地收集和分析新的产业信息,提供满足客户需求的产品。 我们的技术部门不仅提供针对各种用途正确选择和使用耐磨损·抗腐蚀材料的方法,以及降低作业成本的咨询, The Trading Sector is continuously catching updated information from Japan and overseas in order to purchase excellent 并且凭着丰富的技术经验提供优秀的工程维修保养服务。 quality items to satisfy our customer’s needs. Engineering Sector is providing engineering services of new application for abrasion, corrosion resistance and its mixture based on your application. Also, consulting for operational cost reduction and maintenance service based on our abundant experience. 石油精制 Oil Refinery 我们有维护石油精炼设备的丰富经验,为流体催化裂化设备,残油催化裂化装置,重油催化裂化装置等提供了各种安全可靠的特殊阀门。 我们还承担设备安装和售后维修的一整套服务。 Based upon our experiences and achievements, we supply the various type of valves for (R)FCC Unit and Delayed Coker Units with high reliable, safe, 技术开发 Engineering secure, and excellent performance from cost saving contract, engineering, project management to aftermarket service. 我们针对不同的用途,选择最适合的耐磨损,耐腐蚀,抗高温的硬化材料,为您排忧解难。 代理产品 Dealing Goods 我们还针对复杂的工作环境,为您的部件和机械设计出最佳的耐磨耐腐耐高温的方案。 还会根据客户的特殊需求,开发出新的硬化材料。 Our Engineering Division would like to propose to the customers the selections of applicable hardfacing TapcoEnpro公司 :(R)FCC设备用滑阀,蝶阀,旋塞阀,闸阀,制动器,液压动力装置 materials and its process, but also, the design and manufacturing of excellent parts and machines with TapcoEnpro: (R)FCC Slide Valve, Butterfly Valve, Plug Valve, Gate Valve & various types of Actuator and Hydraulic Power Unit abrasion-resistance, anti-corrosion, and/or heat-resistance to all kinds of respective applications. Also, we are developing a new base material according to the design specification by the customer requirement. DeltaValve公司 :延迟焦化装置用的底部/顶部除盖装置,隔离阀,侧面进料框,切削工具,制动器,液压动力系统 DeltaValve: Bottom and Top Unheading Device, Isolation Valve, Side Feed Spool, Cutting Tool & Actuator and Hydraulic System for      Delayed Coker Unit. 咨询分析 Consulting 树脂成型机用部件 Engineering Plastics 请把耐磨损·耐腐蚀的分析工作交给我们做。 我们的咨询是在现场实地勘察和调研的基础上,量身打造一套适合使用环境的表面硬化处理方法, 技 商 术 务 我们为各种工程塑料成型机,提供范围广泛的零部件适用品以及使用方法的建议。 达到延长机器设备的使用寿命,降低维护成本的效果。 开 部 We offer and supply a wide range line-up of machine parts for engineering plastic production, and advise on the application and usage as an Please consult us about the analysis of abrasion-resistance and anti-corrosion. We are providing general 发 门 appropriate consultant. consulting services including on-site investigation and inspection, so that we can contribute to our customer’s attainment of low cost maintenance of the plant by using of the most suitable hardfacing 部 Dealing Goods method for their process conditions.代理产品 H-ALOY机筒,YPT螺杆,螺杆清洗机,洗净炉,切碎机,水滑机,输送机,磁选机 H-ALOY Cylinder, YPT Screw, Screw Cleaning Tool, Cleaning Furnace, Pelletizer, Water Slider, Conveyer, Magnet Separator 维修保养 Maintenance 凭借几十年来积累的各种施工经验和成果,深受广大客户的信赖。 耐磨·耐腐蚀·耐热钢材·焊接材料 Anti-Corrosion, Abrasion-Resistant Materials/ Welding Material 我们时刻关注着客户的需求,保有一套迅速及时满足客户要求的维护保养体制。 不仅对自己公司的产品提供售后服务,我们对非本公司产品提供翻修和保养服务。 我们提供各种世界顶尖的耐磨·耐腐蚀·耐热钢材·焊接材料。您不容易得到的钢材就来问我们吧。 Due to our accumulation of many years on-site works and its achievements, we are proud to have been We have a selection for the most suitable anti-corrosive, abrasion-resistant, heat-resistant materials and welding alloy for the various applications favored with the confidence and trust of our customers. We are preparing the maintenance system to cope respectively from worldwide sources to our customers. with the customers’ needs quickly by comprehending our customers’ needs correctly. There is no doubt about our perfect after-services on our own products, and also we will be able to offer overhauling and/or 代理产品 Dealing Goods repairing services on the products of other companies. 钴基合金焊材,Stoody焊材,等离子转移弧焊粉,Triten耐磨硬板,镍基合金(哈氏合金,铬镍铁合金),各种低合金钢 (SA387 - Gr.5·Gr.9·Gr.11·Gr.23 其他管材),特殊锻造材料,耐磨耐腐蚀离心铸造零件 Stellite Welding Alloy, Stoody Welding Alloy, PTA Powder, Triten Abrasion-Resistant-Plate, Ni-based Alloy (Hasteloy, Inconel), Low Alloy Steel (SA387-Gr.5, Gr.9, Gr.11, Gr.22, and other pipe materials), Special Forging Material, Anti-Corrosive & Abrasion-Resistant Centrifugal Casting Parts 电力,电线电缆,光纤 Electric Power, Electric Wire & Cable, Optical Fiber 我们向世界各地的电线制造商供应电线辅助材料。 We are constantly supplying the various subordinate materials for electric wire/cables to the major makers in the world. 代理产品 Dealing Goods 各种电力零配件,电线电缆,光纤接头配件,铝屏蔽带,电线制造工具。 Various Materials, Parts & Accessories for Electric Power, Electric Wire/Cable, Optical Fiber, Water Impervious Aluminum Laminated Tape, Electric Wire Manufacturing Tool 9 10 Engineering Sector Trading Sector