超低圧 - 非補償センサ、温度・圧力補償 アナログ出力、温度・圧力補償デジタル出力パッケージ
・ LP1400 シリーズ 非補償,差圧/ゲージ
・ LP1410 シリーズ 圧力・温度補償アナログ出力 差圧/ゲージ
・ LP1420 シリーズ 圧力・温度補償デジタル出力 差圧/ゲージ
ドキュメント名 | 超低圧 センサパッケージ LPシリーズ |
ドキュメント種別 | 製品カタログ |
ファイルサイズ | 843Kb |
登録カテゴリ | |
取り扱い企業 | ファインセンシング株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧) |
このカタログ(超低圧 センサパッケージ LPシリーズ)の内容
Page 1:Sales 1 801.208.4722 · Customer Service 1 801.208.4700 · Fax 1 801.208.4798 · sensors@merit.com · www.MeritSensor.com1600 W. Merit Parkway · South Jordan, Utah · 84095 · USADATA SHEETLP Series – Digital1420seriesDS.005FEATURESPressure 0.15 to 1 psi (10.3 to 68.9 mbar; 1.03 to 6.89 KPa;Range 4.2 to 27.7 in H2O)Output I2CType Gage and DifferentialMedia Clean, Dry Air and Non-corrosive GasesPackaging Tape and ReelCustomization Sensitivity, Resistance, Bridge, Constraint, etc.BENEFITSPerformance Enjoy best-in-class performance due to Merit’s proprietary Sentium technologyCost Save money over time with high-performing dieSecurity Feel confident doing business with an experienced company backed by a solid parent company (NASDAQ: MMSI)Speed Get to market quickly with creative and flexible solutionsService Experience prompt, personal and professional supportLP Series - Digital is a surface mountable pressure sensor package with acompensated digital output suitable fo ultra-low pressure sensing applications.COMPANY: Merit Sensor is a leader in piezoresistivepressure sensing and partners with clients to create highperforming solutions for a variety of applications and industries.SENTIUM: Merit Sensor products incorporate a proprietarySentium®technology developed to provide a best-in-class operatingtemperature range (-40°C to 85°C) and superior stability.TECHNOLOGY: Merit Sensor utilizes a piezoresistive Wheatstonebridge in a design that anodically bonds glass to a chemically etchedsilicon diaphragm. All products are RoHS compliant.CAPABILITIES: Merit Sensor designs, engineers, fabricates,dices, assembles, tests, sells and services die and packagedproducts from a state-of-the-art facility near Salt Lake City, Utah.PRELIMINARY1420 Family Part Number Configurator1420-XXXX-XX11-111PressureP15 = .15psiP30 = .30psi1P0 = 1.0psiPort1 = Dualhorizontal,facing samedirectionPin Type1 = J-leadReferenceD = DifferentialG = GageClock Speed1 = 1MHzI2C Address0 = 0x281 = 0x382 = 0x483 = 0x584 = 0x685 = 0x786 = Open*Operation Mode1 = Update modeconstantUpdate Rate1 = 5msInput Buffer1 = None*Device will respond to any address.
Page 2:Sales 1 801.208.4722 · Customer Service 1 801.208.4700 · Fax 1 801.208.4798 · sensors@merit.com · www.MeritSensor.com1600 W. Merit Parkway · South Jordan, Utah · 84095 · USAPRELIMINARY2.23.610.212.7 Landing Pad Layout1 2 3 41 2 3 456785678DIMENSIONS (millimeters)LP Series – DigitalSPECIFICATIONSParameter Minimum Typical Maximum Units NotesElectricalSupply Voltage (Vdd) 4.5 5 5.5 VSupply Current 3 mA (1)Operating Temperature -40 85 °CStorage Temperature -55 100 °CPerformancePressure ADC Resolution 14 BitsPressure Accuracy -1.5 1.5 % FSO (2) (3)Startup time 15 msDigital update time 0.5 125 msProof Pressure 5X (4)Burst Pressure 10 psiTransfer Function FormulaMedia CompatibilityFor Use With Non-corrosive Dry GassesSolder temperature: max 250 °C, 5 seconds maxDevice PinoutP1 = Vdd - Supply voltageP2 = N/CP3 = N/CP4 = VSS - GroundP5 = N/CP6 = I2C conversion complete signalP7 = SDA - I2C dataP8 = SCL - I2C clockWherePpsi = Measured Pressure in PSIPcounts = Pressure Counts from Merit Sensor PartPMin = Minimum Calibrated PressurePMax = Maximum Calibrated PressureMax = 16384 = 14 Bit ResolutionNotes:(1) @5V input voltage,(2) Over 0°C to 60°C(3) Applicable if Vdd = 4.75Vto 5.25V(4) Full scale pressureVDDSCL 8SDA 7INT 641VSSDigital outSSCPpsi •= PmaxPcounts– 0.1 • Max0.8 • Max– Pmin Pmin((Typical .1µfplaced nearpins 1 and 4
Page 3:PRELIMINARYLP Series – DigitalParameter Symbol Min Typ MaxUnitsSCL clock frequency fSCL 100 400kHzStart condition hold time relative to SCL edge tHDSTA 0.1μsMinimum SCL clock low width1tLOW 0.6μsMinimum SCL clock high width1tHIGH 0.6μsStart condition setup time relative to SCL edge tSUSTA 0.1μsData hold time on SDA relative to SCL edge tHDDAT 0.0μsData setup time on SDA relative to SCL edge tSUDAT 0.1μsStop condition setup time on SCL tSUSTO 0.1μsBus free time between stop condition and start condition tBUS 2μs1Combined low and high widths must equal or exceed minimum SCLK period.I2C PARAMETERS *I2C TIMING DIAGRAM*MERIT SENSOR 1420 I2C COMMUNICATIONCommunications to the 1420 is read only. To read the pressure counts, the master performs a read request by assertinga start condition, sending the 7 bit address of the part (If the part has an open address, 7 bits of anything is acceptable),and sets the read/write bit. The master then waits for an acknowledgment. The acknowledgment is sent by the pressuresensor along with 2 bits of status and bits 13:8 of the pressure counts, the master acknowledges the first 8 bits, and thepressure sensor sends the remaining 8 bits of data. The Master then does not acknowledge and sends a stop conditionsignaling the end of the transaction.*Used by permission, ZMDItSUSTOtBUStSUSTAtHDSTAtSUSDATtHIGHStatus BitsNormal Operation, Good PacketDevice in Command ModeStale DataDiagnostic Condition ExsistsData BitNo Acknowledge BitAcknowledge BitStatus BitsDevice Slave AddressMASTER MASTER MASTERSLAVE SLAVERead/Write BitStop ConditionStart ConditioningRWSTSASB#N#RW STS A ASB SB6\------------DEVICE ADDRESS-------------------/ \---------SENSOR DATA [13:8]----------/ \----------------SENSOR DATA [7:0]------------------/5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 013 12 11 10 9 8 N00001111tHDDATtHDSTAtLOWSCLSDAtSUSTOtBUStSUSTAtHDSTAtSUSDATtHIGHStatus BitsNormal Operation, Good PacketDevice in Command ModeStale DataDiagnostic Condition ExsistsData BitNo Acknowledge BitAcknowledge BitStatus BitsDevice Slave AddressMASTER MASTER MASTERSLAVE SLAVERead/Write BitStop ConditionStart ConditioningRWSTSASB#N#RW STS A ASB SB6\------------DEVICE ADDRESS-------------------/ \---------SENSOR DATA [13:8]----------/ \----------------SENSOR DATA [7:0]------------------/5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 013 12 11 10 9 8 N00001111tHDDATtHDSTAtLOWSCLSDA
Page 4:Sales 1 801.208.4722 · Customer Service 1 801.208.4700 · Fax 1 801.208.4798 · sensors@merit.com · www.MeritSensor.com1600 W. Merit Parkway · South Jordan, Utah · 84095 · USAPpsiPmin =0.0 PSIPmax =0.15 PSIPcounts =7215Max =16384•= PmaxPcounts– 0.1 • Max0.8 • MaxExample 1: 0.15 PSI GagePart: 1420-P15G-xx11-111– Pmin Pmin((PPsi •= 0.157215 – 0.1•163840.8 •16384– 0.0 0(PPsi = .0638 Psi(PpsiPmin =0.0 PSIPmax =1.0 PSIPcounts =7215Max =16384•= PmaxPcounts– 0.1 • Max0.8 • MaxExample 2: 1.0 PSI GagePart: 1420-1P0G-xx11-111– Pmin Pmin((PPsi •= 17215 – 0.1•163840.8 •16384– 0.0 0(PPsi = .4255 Psi(PpsiPmin = -0.5 PSIPmax = 0.5 PSIPcounts =8192Max =16384•= PmaxPcounts– 0.1 • Max0.8 • MaxExample 3: -.5 to .5 PSI DifferentialPart: 1420-P50D-xx11-111– Pmin Pmin((PPsi •= 0.5 – –0.58192– 0.1•163840.8 •16384 –0.5( ( (PPsi = 0.0 Psi(( (Part: 1420-P15G-xx11-111CountsPSI0.168750.150.131250.11250.093750.0750.056250.03750.018750-0.018750 1638 3276 4914 6552 8190 9828 11466 13104 14742 16380Calibrated Range (Pressure)Part: 1420-1P0G-xx11-1111.12510.8750.750.6250.50.3750.250.1250-0.125Calibrated Range (Pressure)0 1638 3276 4914 6552 8190 9828 11466 13104 14742 16380CountsPSIPart: 1420-P50D-xx11-1110.6250.50.3750.250.1250-0.125-0.250.375-0.5-0.625Calibrated Range (Pressure)CountsPSI0 1638 3276 4914 6552 8190 9828 11466 13104 14742 16380PRELIMINARYLP Series – DigitalTRANSFER FUNCTION EXAMPLES
Page 5:Sales 1 801.208.4722 · Customer Service 1 801.208.4700 · Fax 1 801.208.4798 · sensors@merit.com · www.MeritSensor.com1600 W. Merit Parkway · South Jordan, Utah · 84095 · USADATA SHEET1410seriesDS.003FEATURESPressure 0.15 to 1 psi (10.3 to 68.9 mbar; 1.03 to 6.89 KPa;Range 4.2 to 27.7 in H2O)Output Amplified AnalogType Gage and DifferentialMedia Clean, Dry Air and Non-corrosive GasesPackaging Tape and ReelCustomization Sensitivity, Resistance, Bridge, Constraint, etc.BENEFITSPerformance Enjoy best-in-class performance due to Merit’s proprietary Sentium technologyCost Save money over time with high-performing dieSecurity Feel confident doing business with an experienced company backed by a solid parent company (NASDAQ: MMSI)Speed Get to market quickly with creative and flexible solutionsService Experience prompt, personal and professional supportLP Series - Analog is a surface mountable pressure sensor package with acompensated analog output suitable for ultra-low pressure sensing applications.COMPANY: Merit Sensor is a leader in piezoresistivepressure sensing and partners with clients to create highperforming solutions for a variety of applications and industries.SENTIUM: Merit Sensor products incorporate a proprietarySentium®technology developed to provide a best-in-class operatingtemperature range (-40°C to 85°C) and superior stability.TECHNOLOGY: Merit Sensor utilizes a piezoresistive Wheatstonebridge in a design that anodically bonds glass to a chemically etchedsilicon diaphragm. All products are RoHS compliant.CAPABILITIES: Merit Sensor designs, engineers, fabricates, dices,assembles, tests, sells and services die and packaged products froma state-of-the-art facility near Salt Lake City, Utah1410 Family Part Number Configurator1410-XXX X -XX-XXPressureP15 = .15psiP30 = .30psiP50 = .50psiOutput Range2 = 0.5V to 4.5VPort1 = Dualhorizontal, facingsame directionPin Type1 = J-leadReferenceD = DifferentialG = GageSupply Voltage1 = 5.0VLP Series – Analog
Page 6:LP Series – AnalogSales 1 801.208.4722 · Customer Service 1 801.208.4700 · Fax 1 801.208.4798 · sensors@merit.com · www.MeritSensor.com1600 W. Merit Parkway · South Jordan, Utah · 84095 · USA2.23.610.212.7 Landing Pad Layout1 2 3 41 2 3 456785678VDDSCL 8SDA 7INT 641VSSDigital outSSCTypical .1µfplaced nearpins 1 and 4SPECIFICATIONSParameter Minimum Typical Maximum Units NotesElectricalSupply Voltage (Vdd) 4.75 5 5.25 VSupply Current 0.25 1 1.4 mA (1)Output Current 2.2 mAOperating Temperature -40 85 °CStorage Temperature -55 100 °CMin Output Load Resistance 5 kΩ (2)Recommended Input Capacitance 0.1 μFPerformanceADC Resolution 12 BitRatiometric output voltage .5V 4.5 V (1)Accuracy -1.5 1.5 % FSO (3) (4)Startup time 8 msAnalog update time 5 msSampling range 200 HzProof Pressure 5X (5)Burst Pressure 10psi (5)Transfer Function FormulaMedia CompatibilityFor Use With Non-corrosive Dry GassesSolder temperature: max 250 °C, 5 seconds maxNotes:(1) @5V input voltage(2) Must be added at thepoint of use(3) Over 0°C to 60°C(4) Applicable if Vdd = 4.75Vto 5.25V(5) Full scale pressureDevice PinoutP1 = VddP2 = N/CP3 = N/CP4 = VSS - GroundP5 = N/CP6 = Analog outputP7 = N/CP8 = N/CDIMENSIONS (millimeters)WherePpsi = Measured Pressure in PSIPMax = Maximum Calibrated PressurePMin = Minimum Calibrated PressureVminComV = Minimum Compesated Volatage (Usually 0.5V)VmaxComV = Maximum Compesated Volatage (Usually 4.5V)Vout = Output voltage (pin 6)Ppsi •= PmaxVout– VminCompVVmaxCompV– VminCompV– Pmin Pmin((
Page 7:LP Series – AnalogSales 1 801.208.4722 · Customer Service 1 801.208.4700 · Fax 1 801.208.4798 · sensors@merit.com · www.MeritSensor.com1600 W. Merit Parkway · South Jordan, Utah · 84095 · USAPpsiPmin =0.0 psi, Pmax =0.15 psiVout =2.5 VVout – VminCompVVmaxCompV – VminCompV•= PmaxExample 1: 0.0 to 0.15 PSI Gage 0-60°CPart: 1410-P15G-12-11– Pmin Pmin((•PSI =(0.15–0.0)2.5–0.54.5–0.5PSI =.075 0PpsiVout =3.25 VVout – VminCompVVmaxCompV – VminCompV•= Pmax – Pmin Pmin((•PSI=(0.15–(–0.15)3.25–0.54.5–0.5PSI= .05625( (–0.15)Pmin =-0.15 psi, Pmax =0.15 psiPpsiVout = 3.70 VVminCompV =.5 V, VmaxCompV =4.5 VVminCompV =0.5 V, VmaxCompV =4.5 VVminCompV = 0.5 V, VmaxCompV =4.5 VVout – VminCompVVmaxCompV – VminCompV•= Pmax–Pmin Pmin((•PSI =(0.5–0)3.70–0.54.5–0.5PSI= 0.4 (0)Pmin = – 0.0 psi, Pmax = 0.15 psiExample 2: -0.15 to 0.15 PSI Differential 0-60°CPart: 1410-P15D-12-11Example 3: 0.0 to .5 PSI Gage 0-60°CPart: 1410-P50G-12-11Part: 1410-P15G-12-11PSIVoltage54.543.532.521.510.50-0.01875 0 0.01875 0.0375 0.05625 0.075 0.09375 0.1125 0.13125 0.15 0.16875-0.0625 0 0.0625 0.125 0.1875 0.25 03.125 0.375 0.4375 0.5 0.562PSIVoltage54.543.532.521.510.50-0.01875 -0.15 -0.1125 -0.075 -0.0375 0 0.0375 0.1125 0.13125 0.15 0.16875PSIVoltage54.543.532.521.510.50Part: 1410-P15D-12-11Part: 1410-P50G-12-11Calibrated Range (Pressure)Calibrated Range (Pressure)Calibrated Range (Pressure)
Page 8:Sales 1 801.208.4722 · Customer Service 1 801.208.4700 · Fax 1 801.208.4798 · sensors@merit.com · www.MeritSensor.com1600 W. Merit Parkway · South Jordan, Utah · 84095 · USADATA SHEETLP Series – Uncompensated1400seriesDS.002FEATURESPressure 0.15 to 1 psi (10.3 to 68.9 mbar; 1.03 to 6.89 KPa;Range 4.2 to 27.7 inH2O)Type Gage and DifferentialMedia Clean, Dry Air and Non-corrosive GasesPackaging Tape and ReelCustomization Sensitivity, Resistance, Bridge, Constraint, etc.BENEFITSPerformance Enjoy best-in-class performance due to Merit’s proprietary Sentium technologyCost Save money over time with high-performing dieSecurity Feel confident doing business with an experienced company backed by a solid parent company (NASDAQ: MMSI)Speed Get to market quickly with creative and flexible solutionsService Experience prompt, personal and professional support1400 Family Part Number Configurator14XX-XXXX-XXBridge01 = Open02 = ClosedPort1 = Dualhorizontal, facingsame sidePin Type1 = J-leadPressureP15 = .15psiP20 = .20psiP30 = .30psiP50 = .50psi1P0 = 1.0psiReferenceD = DifferentialPRELIMINARYLP Series - Uncompensated is a surface mountable pressure sensor package withan uncompensated output suitable for ultra-low pressure sensing applications.COMPANY: Merit Sensor is a leader in piezoresistivepressure sensing and partners with clients to create highperforming solutions for a variety of applications and industries.SENTIUM: Merit Sensor products incorporate a proprietarySentium®technology developed to provide a best-in-class operatingtemperature range (-40°C to 85°C) and superior stability.TECHNOLOGY: Merit Sensor utilizes a piezoresistive Wheatstonebridge in a design that anodically bonds glass to a chemically etchedsilicon diaphragm. All products are RoHS compliant.CAPABILITIES: Merit Sensor designs, engineers, fabricates, dices,assembles, tests, sells and services die and packaged products froma state-of-the-art facility near Salt lake City, Utah
Page 9:Sales 1 801.208.4722 · Customer Service 1 801.208.4700 · Fax 1 801.208.4798 · sensors@merit.com · www.MeritSensor.com1600 W. Merit Parkway · South Jordan, Utah · 84095 · USAPRELIMINARY2.23.610.212.7 Landing Pad Layout1 2 3 41 2 3 456785678-IN-IN IN IN O -O2.23.611.38.42.5 2.52.545DIMENSIONS (millimeters)SENSOR BRIDGE Pin-outLP Series – UncompensatedV IN V INV-IN V-INV-OUT V OUT4325 18OPENDevicePinout OpenCloseP1 IN INP2 O OP3 -IN -INP4 -O -OP5 IN N/CP6 N/C N/CP7 N/C N/CP8 -INN/CSPECIFICATIONSParameter Minimum Typical Maximum Units NotesElectricalExcitation (In) 5 15 V Maximum: 3mAImpedance 4000 5000 6000 ΩOperating Temperature -40 85 °CStorage Temperature -55 100 °CPerformanceOffset -10 0 10 mV/V Zero Pressure; gage only; @25°CNon-linearity -0.25 0 0.25 % FSO Best Fit Straight Line; @25°CPressure Hysteresis -0.1 0 0.1 % FSO @25°CTemp Coeff – Zero -20 0 20 μV/V/°C -25°C to 75°CTemp Coeff – Resistance 2000 2500 3000 PPM/°C -25°C to 75°CTemp Coeff – Sensitivity(0.15psi)-2500 -3000 -3500 PPM/°C -25°C to 75°CTemp Coeff – Sensitivity(0.2psi – 1psi)-2000 -2500 -3000 PPM/°C -25°C to 75°CLong-Term Stability -0.25 0 0.25 % FSO @125°CProof Pressure 5X Full scale pressureBurst Pressure 10psiFull Scale Output (@ 5 volts)0.15psi 30 37.5 45 mV0.20psi 32 40 48 mV0.30psi 36 45 54 mV0.50psi 40 50 60 mV1.00psi 40 50 60 mVMedia CompatibilityFor Use with non-corrosive dry gassesSolder temperature: max 250 °C, 5 seconds max