


Solutions for Drive Technology



ドキュメント名 Solutions for Drive Technology
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 9.5Mb
取り扱い企業 バルーフ株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)


バルーフ IO-Linkゲートウェイ製品ラインナップ


クランプ位置センサ BIP01


クランプ位置センサ BIP04


このカタログ(Solutions for Drive Technology)の内容

Page 1:Solutions for Drive TechnologyIncrease energy efficiency – Improve quality

Page 2:2As the leading sensor specialist and system provider with more than90 years of company tradition, Balluff GmbH has been a recognizedpartner in factory automation for decades. The global player hasa strong presence with 61 sales branches and representative officesas well as nine production sites on all continents. The corporateheadquarters in Neuhausen a.d.F. is located near Stuttgart.Balluff products represent the entire technological spectrum withvaried operating principles, including high-quality sensors andsystems for position and measurement and identification, as well assensors for detecting objects and measuring fluids. The full-rangeassortment includes optimal network and connection technologyand a comprehensive line of accessory products.We offer innovative, first-class products tested in our own accreditedlaboratory, and maintain certified quality management in accordancewith DIN EN 9001:2008. Our technology speaks for itself ininternational applications since it also meets regional standards.Balluff stands for application-specific customer solutions,comprehensive services, individual consultation and prompt service.Our staff of more than 2750 employees is committed to providingoutstanding service worldwide.

Page 3:3Solutions for Drive Technology 1Conserve Resources and Improve Productivity 3Integration in Linear and Rotary Drives 4Compact, high-precision technologyFeedback Systems for Linear Direct Drives 6Rugged, contamination-resistant solutionsHigh-precision Position Feedback in the Torque Motor 8Flat styles for large hollow shaftsDetect End and Intermediate Positions with Ease 10Comprehensive portfolio of mini-sensors for ideal solutions Product SelectionInductive Sensors DC 3-/4-wire 12Block styles 5×5 mm and 8×8 mmInductive Sensors DC 3-/4-wire 14Block styles 8×16×4 mm R04 and 10×30×6 mm R03Inductive Displacement Sensors 16Micropulse TransducersProduct overviewMagnetically Coded Positionand Angle Measurement System 17Product overviewMotor Feedback Evaluation Kit 18Absolute, innovative and flexible integrationBalluff GmbH 20www.balluff.comWhen the need is to increase productivity, network processes andconserve resources, efficient, intelligent and regulated drives withadded or integrated sensors for feedback and position detection arethe prerequisite.Balluff offers a broad range of sensors and linear measurementsystems using various technologies, all specially designed to meetthe demands made on modern electrical, hydraulic and pneumaticdrive systems. Users can choose from a wide spectrum for flexibleuse in any application. Custom tailored solutions can also bedesigned and assembled to meet your individual requirements.Balluff technology has been designed in close cooperation withthe manufacturers of electric drive technology. These products areprecise, easy to install and simple to integrate in compact motorsand actuators (electric drives). This in turn supports rapid startupand high power density.Significant benefits at a glance■■ Improved energy efficiency of machines and equipment■■ Regulated machine sequences, controlled movements■■ High productivity through fast, precise and intelligent drivesConserve Resourcesand Improve ProductivityLinear measurement and sensor solutions formodern drive technology

Page 4:4High-precision position feedback for rotary and swivel drivesIn order to meet higher safety and environmental standards, processvalves need to control the flow with even greater accuracy andprocess reliability. If an encoder disc system is integrated directlyin the position controller, exact and process-reliable flow will beachieved.■■ High tolerances between sensor and code disc: rapid startup■■ Sensor position eccentric to the axis: media flow-through ispossibleMagnetically encoded position and angle measurement systemBML in various versions and as a custom tailored solutionIntegrated sensor systems are indispensable for the most compactdrive possible. For direct integration in linear and rotary drives werecommend magnetically coded BML magnetically encoded linearand angle measurement systems, which are available in incompa-rably small form factors. Their high 17-bit resolution permits precisepositioning. Insensitive to dirt and deposits, they ensure greatoperating reliability.The measuring systems consist of a magnetic tape, which featurespermamagnet technology for an absolutely homogeneous magneticfield.This guarantees high function security, low hysteresis and minimumlinearity deviations. The sensor slides over the encoded tape at adistance of up to 5 mm for completely non-contact operation.The position is available as an absolute or incremental signal. Thesehigh-precision systems offer a great selection of various tapes,which can be flexibly adapted to various requirements. The tape isavailable as a strip for linear operations and in ring or disc formfor rotary movement. A variety of interfaces (SSI, BISS-C, SIN/COS,ABZ) can be selected from for great flexibility.For Integration in Linear andRotary DrivesCompact, high-precision technology

Page 5:5www.balluff.comCustom tailored feedback solutions for linear and rotary drivesThe large selection of tapes that can be flexibly adapted to variousrequirements make the BML magnetically encoded linear and anglemeasuring systems ideal for direct integration in linear and rotarydrives.For cases where standard versions are not suitable, we can developapplication-specific processing electronics or an appropriate circuitinto the existing electronic design.Absolute motor feedback in realtimeWith the compact version of the absolute encoder disc a simple tointegrate, highly precise absolute feedback solution is possible. TheBML Encoder Disc System is an alternative to traditional magnetic,inductive or optical solutions.■■ Absolute measuring system: no time-consuming reference pointmoves■■ Generous distance between sensor and code disc: rapid startup■■ Sensor position eccentric to axis: insensitive to runout tolerances,short installation times

Page 6:6Non-contact – without the need for secondary protectionmeasuresMagnetic or optical systems for feedback of the angle or slideposition are generally used in a linear direct drive. Optical systemsare highly sensitive to contamination and mechanical effects.They also require cumbersome, expensive encapsulation. This iswear-prone and has a negative effect on the system dynamics. Atrue alternative to the optical systems are the contamination-resistantBML magnetically encoded linear and angle measurement systems.These measure without contact and require no additional protectionmeasures. This reduces downtimes for service and maintenance,extends the service life of the axis and improves dynamics.Highly precise and dynamic – increases energy efficiency anddrive qualityThe BML realtime-capable linear measurement systems provideoptimal position feedback with the highest energy efficiency for thebest control quality even in high-dynamic applications with a traversespeed of up to 10 m/s. The resolution of 1 µm means accuracyclasses of up to ± 7 µm can be achieved.Feedback Systems forLinear Direct DrivesRugged, contamination-resistant solutions

Page 7:7www.balluff.comLinear direct drive for short strokesEspecially in the maintenance-free linear drive for short strokes, highcycle frequencies and accelerations there is no cable between thestationary part and the easily movable slide, eliminating the need fora cable drag chain. The magnetically encoded tape of the BML isattached to the underside of the slide. The sensor head attached tothe base plate reads the actual slide position absolutely and withoutcontact. Its extremely precise measurement signal, which is availableas soon as the system is powered up, ensures high control andfeedback quality. The high velocity increases productivity.■■ Simple installation: fast commissioning■■ Best ratio between stroke and form factor: space-saving■■ Matched motor feedback design: highly energy efficientOptimal position feedback for direct drives up to 48 mGearless linear direct drives are increasingly replacing traditionalsystems that use belts, recirculating ball and rack and pinion drives.Absolute, high-precision multi-slide capable linear measuringsystems for longer strokes are required for position feedback inthe servo axes. The new BML-G multi-slide capable absolutemeasurement system is the ideal feedback solution for linear directdrives. Its precise absolute signal is available over strokes of from10 to 48000 mm. This increases its efficiency, reduces design costsand multiplicity of parts. System costs are also reduced by its abilityto simultaneously measure the position of multiple slides on onestator. The generous distance between sensor and magnetic tapesimplifies installation and increases operating reliability.■■ Absolute measurement signal: no reference move needed fortapes up to 48 m■■ Diagnostic function: optimal uptime – reliable operation

Page 8:8Repeat accuracy, extremely precise and high-dynamicWhen you're dealing with high-dynamic, fast and accuratepositioning tasks, torque motors with BML magnetically encodedangle measurement systems are the right choice. The small sensorhead and flat code disc with large inside diameter make thepermamagnet-encoded BML perfect for integration in torque motors.Used with a servo they ensure exact position feedback. This iscritical for positioning accuracy, energy efficiency, life expectancyand the design of the entire application.■■ High-precision measuring result: optimal control quality■■ Play- and hysteresis-free:consistently high positioning accuracy■■ Flat code disc: flat drive■■ With SIN-/COS and ABZ interfaceHigh-precision PositionFeedback in the Torque MotorFlat styles for large hollow shafts

Page 9:9www.balluff.comRotate and swivel industrial robots with high dynamicsReal-time capable with high positioning accuracy and a smallfootprint – these virtues make BML magnetically encoded anglemeasurement systems ideal for position feedback in torquemotors used for dynamic rotation and swivel movements inindustrial robots.■■ No play or hysteresis: long uptime thanks to short setup times■■ High-dynamic: high cycle frequency increases productivity■■ Easy to integrate: slim, weight-reduced design improves energyefficiency■■ High power density: no space needed for gearsExact positioning of a tool pivoting systemThe BML magnetically encoded angle measurement systemintegrated into the torque motor is ideal for exactly positioning thetool pivoting system on a machining center. For example, powerfor the driven tools, the coolant line or data lines for the measuringunit are routed inside through the large hollow shaft where they areprotected from twisting.■■ Small sensor head, fits in any recess■■ Large inside diameter: ideal for hollow shafts■■ Generous distance between sensor and ring:simple to install – high operating security

Page 10:10Detect individual positionsLight, high-performance inductive mini-sensors reliably detect end or referencepositions in linear drives. They enable greatfreedom of design when laying out singleor multi-axis linear drives. Their small,compact size means they can be integratedin locations that would otherwise be tootight for a sensor.■■ Small form factors improve thepower density of drive units■■ Low weight increases the dynamicsof the movementDetect end-of-travel and reference positionsBinary sensors using various technologies ensure reliably simpleposition detection. Their high enclosure rating and variety of formfactors make these high-performance sensors usable anywhere.With their compact sizes and low weight, the miniature seriesstands out with its minimal space requirements and compatibilitywith moving actuators and slides. For example, on grippers,gantry loaders or pick-and-place applications, where every ounceof weight saved increases the energy efficiency of the system.Spindle feed positioningBlock-style mini-sensors are ideal for end-of-travel sensing in the spindle drive. Their flatform factor fits in any design and are easy tomount.■■ Very rugged: high uptime■■ Optimal price/performance ratio:reduced overall costMeasure rotational speeds, rotation directions and stopconditionsWhether directly in the drive or on various shafts of a packagingmachine – rotational speeds are detected everywhere in machineand systems building. As diverse as the applications are, so are thedemands made on the sensors that measure rotational speed.For simple detection, one or – for simultaneous detecting of rotationdirection – two inductive standard sensors are sufficient.For demanding use at higher speeds or precise speed determina-tion, BML measurement systems with magnetically encoded ringsare the right choice.Detect End and IntermediatePositions with EaseComprehensive portfolio of mini-sensors for idealsolutions

Page 11:11www.balluff.comMeasure slow and fast speedsBML magnetically encoded measurementsystems are also extremely precise at veryslow speeds. They detect both the directionof rotation and the correct shaft positionusing reference points. All without contactand wear-free.■■ Wide speed range: high system security■■ Reference points: fast commissioningDetect both speed and rotation directionBES inductive standard sensors detect shaftspeeds in systems building extremely reliablyand at temperatures up to –40 °C. Twoaligned sensors are sufficient for detectingthe speed and direction of rotation andprotecting the equipment from overspeed.■■ Generous switching distance: simpleinstallation■■ Extended temperature range: failsafeoperation■■ Contactless detection: high equipmentuptime■■ Insensitive to contamination: no additionalprotection measures requiredHigh speeds directly on the motor shaftBML S1F measurement systems preciselyand reliably measure the speeds of the driveshaft directly on the motor. Their narrow formfactor allows the existing motor design toremain compact.■■ Extremely accurate, even at very lowspeeds■■ Non-contact: maintenance-free■■ SIN-/COS- or ABZ interface

Page 12:12Series 5×5 mm 5×5 mmInstallation Flush FlushRated switching distance sn 1.5 mm 1.5 mmAssured switching distance sa 0...1.2 mm 0...1.2 mmSwitching distance marking ■■ ■■PNP, NO BES01RP BES01RNPNP, normally closed BES01RK BES01RJNPN, NO BES01RE BES01RCNPN, NC BES01R8 BES01R7Supply voltage US 10...30 V DC 10...30 V DCVoltage drop Ud at Ie max. 2.5 V 3 VRated insulation voltage Ui 75 V DC 75 V DCRated operating current Ie 100 mA 100 mAPolarity reversal protected/transposition protected/short-circuit protected Yes/Yes/Yes Yes/Yes/YesAmbient temperature Ta –25... 70 °C –25... 70 °CSwitching frequency f max. 2 kHz 2 kHzOutput function indicator Yellow LED Yellow LEDDegree of protection as per IEC 60529 IP 67 IP 67Approvals CE, cULus CE, cULusSpecial properties Narrow design Narrow designMaterial Housing Stainless steel Stainless steelSensing surface PBT PBTConnection M5 connector, 3-pin 2 m PUR cable,3×0.14 mm²Inductive Sensors DC 3-/4-wireBlock design, 5×5 mmBlock design, 8×8 mmReliably detect individual positions

Page 13:www.balluff.com 13www.balluff.com8×8 mm 8×8 mm 8×8 mm 8×8 mmFlush Flush Flush Flush2 mm 2 mm 2 mm 2 mm0...1.6 mm 0...1.6 mm 0...1.6 mm 0...1.6 mm■■ ■■ ■■ ■■BES03Y8 BES01U2 BES01UW BES041NBES03U3 BES01TF BES01UK BES041PBES03UC BES01T3 BES01UC BES041RBES03YJ BES01RW BES01U6 BES041T10...30 V DC 10...30 V DC 10...30 V DC 10...30 V DC2.8 V 2.5 V 2.5 V 2.8 V75 V DC 75 V DC 75 V DC 75 V DC200 mA 200 mA 200 mA 200 mAYes/Yes/Yes Yes/Yes/Yes Yes/Yes/Yes Yes/Yes/Yes–25... 70 °C –25... 70 °C –25... 70 °C –25... 70 °C3 kHz 3 kHz 3 kHz 3 kHzYellow LED Yellow LED Yellow LED Yellow LEDIP 67 IP 67 IP 67 IP 67CE, cULus CE, cULus CE, cULus CE, cULusShort design Short designBrass-coated Cast zinc Cast zinc Brass-coatedPBT PBT PBT PBTM8 connector, 3-pin M8 connector, 3-pin M8 connector, 3-pin 0.3 m PUR cable withM8 connector, 3-pinSUPERSHORTIESSUPERSHORTIESFor information about object detection,refer to our catalog or look online atwww.balluff.com

Page 14:1414Inductive Sensors DC 3-/4-wireBlock designs, 8×16×4 mm R04Block designs, 10×30×6 mm R03End-of-travel sensor integrated into drive.14Series 8×16×4 mm R04 8×16×4 mm R04Installation Flush FlushRated switching distance sn 1.5 mm 1.5 mmAssured switching distance sa 0...1.2 mm 0...1.2 mmSwitching distance marking ■ ■PNP, NO BES01YC BES01YJPNP, normally closed BES01Y7 BES03J1NPN, NO BES01Y3NPN, NC BES01WY BES01WZSupply voltage US 10...30 V DC 10...30 V DCVoltage drop Ud at Ie max. 1.5 V 1.8 VRated insulation voltage Ui 75 V DC 75 V DCRated operating current Ie 100 mA 100 mAPolarity reversal protected/transposition protected/short-circuit protected Yes/Yes/Yes Yes/Yes/YesAmbient temperature Ta –25... 70 °C –25... 70 °CSwitching frequency f max. 2.5 kHz 2.5 kHzOutput function indicator Yellow LED Yellow LEDDegree of protection as per IEC 60529 IP 67 IP 67Approvals CE, cULus CE, cULusMaterial Housing PA 6 (fiberglass reinforced) PA 6 (fiberglass reinforced)Sensing surface PA 6 (fiberglass reinforced) PA 6 (fiberglass reinforced)Connection 0.2 m PUR cable with M5connector, 3-pin2 m PVC cable, 3×0.09 mm²

Page 15:www.balluff.com 15www.balluff.comFor information about object detection,refer to our catalog or look online atwww.balluff.com8×16×4 mm R04 8×16×4 mm R04 10×30×6 mm R03 10×30×6 mm R03Non-flush Non-flush Flush Flush2.5 mm 2.5 mm 3 mm 3 mm0...2.2 mm 0...2 mm 0...2.4 mm 0...2.4 mm■■ ■■ ■ ■BES01YM BES01YT BES01WR BES01WPBES044710...30 V DC 10...30 V DC 10...30 V DC 10...30 V DC2.5 V 2.5 V 2.5 V 1.8 V75 V DC 75 V DC 75 V DC 75 V DC100 mA 100 mA 100 mA 100 mAYes/Yes/Yes Yes/Yes/Yes Yes/Yes/Yes Yes/Yes/Yes–25... 70 °C –25... 70 °C –25... 70 °C –25... 70 °C3 kHz 150 Hz 3 kHz 3 kHzYellow LED Yellow LED Yellow LED Yellow LEDIP 67 IP 67 IP 67 IP 67CE, cULus CE, cULus CE, cULus CE, cULusPA 6 (fiberglass reinforced) PA 6 PA 6 PA 6PA 6 (fiberglass reinforced) PA 6/GF 30 PA 6 PA 60.3 m PUR cable with M8connector, 3-pin2 m PVC cable, 3×0.09 mm² 2 m cable TPU,3×0.14 mm²0.3 m PUR cable with M8connector, 3-pin

Page 16:1616Inductive Displacement SensorsMicropulse TransducersProduct overviewSeries BIP 14 BIP 40 Profile PF/PResolution 14 µm 40 µm 1...1000 µmSystem accuracyLinearity ±250 µm ±400 µm ±30 µmRepeat accuracy ±80 µm ±100 µm ±5 µmDistance to tape, magnet or target 0.5...2 mm 1...3 mm 0.1...15 mmMeasuring range 1...14 mm 1...40 mm 50...7620 mmTarget/position encoder metal n nInterfacesAnalog voltage 0...10 V, 10...0 V, –10 V... 10 V n n nAnalog current 4...20 mA, 0...20 mA n n nSSI nBISS CSSI-SYNC nCANopen nDeviceNet nProfibus-DP nStart/stop pulse interface nProfinet nVARAN nEtherCAT nIO-Link n n nIncremental digital RS422 (TTL)Incremental digital HTLIncremental analog sin/cos (1 Vpp)AccessoriesPole pitch (fine interpolation track)AccessoriesRing No. of polesPole widthFor information on our Micropulsetransducers BTL and BIW, refer to ourcatalog or visit our website atwww.balluff.com

Page 17:www.balluff.comwww.balluff.com 17BML-S1H_-M3CA... BML-S1G0... BML-S1F_-Q... BML-S2B0-Q...1...10 µm 1...10 µm 1...10 µm 5...50 µm±7 µm ±20 µm ±10 µm ±50 µm0.1...0.35 mm 0.1...0.8 mm 0.1...0.35 mm 0.1...2 mm0...1024 mm 0...48 mm 0...48 mm 0...48 mmn nn nn n nnn n nMagnetic tape Magnetic tape Magnetic tape Magnetic tapeBML-M02-A...-M0028-C BML-M02-A...-A BML-M02-I3... BML-M02-I4...1 mm 2 mm 1 mm 5 mmMagnet ring tape Magnet ring tapeBML01KM BML002M238 321 mm 5 mmMagnetically Coded Positionand Angle Measurement SystemProduct overview

Page 18:18Motor Feedback Evaluation KitAbsolute, innovative and flexible integrationAbsolute disk withperpendicular magnetization Electronic processor unitConfiguration software Processor unitCoding 2-track noniusAir gap 0.3 ±0.2 mmSystem accuracy with iC-MU < ±0.2° absolute(error per rotation)Operating temperature -40... 85 °CPole width (master/nonius track) 1.28 mm/0.96 mmNumber of pole pairs (master/nonius track) 32/31Base body/tape material Aluminum/rubber ferriteDimensions 24.2×12.1×1.6 mmAir gap(sensor/tape)Z -0.2... 0.6 mmY -0.5... 0.5 mmX -0.5... 0.5 mmAngular deviation(sensor/tape)Yaw < ±5°Pitch < ±4.5°Roll < ±4.5°Mounting holes 2× Ø 2 mm, 3× Ø 3.4 mm(X) Roll(Z) Yaw(Y) PitchInformation about our motorfeedback system can be found inour catalog or visit us online atwww.balluff.comPackage 1BAV000MScope of delivery:■■ Absolute disk■■ Electronic processor unit■■ Cable set for electronics and controllerPackage 2BAE00MWScope of delivery:■■ PC adapter■■ Cable set for adapter and PCOrder:BAE PD-AV-006Configuration softwareControllerBAV AS-LP-00008-01The Evaluation Kit is an all-in-one product offering variousinterface choices for test environments. Electronics and geometrycomposed of PCBA can be modified for series production.The following interfaces are available:■■ BISS-C■■ SSI■■ Sin/cos■■ ABZ

Page 19:IT'S A GOOD FEELINGTO ALWAYS KNOWWHAT YOU CAN RELY ON.Sensors. Systems. Network technology.www.balluff.com

Page 20:HeadquartersBalluff GmbHSchurwaldstrasse 973765 Neuhausen a.d.F.GermanyPhone 49 7158 173-0Fax 49 7158 5010balluff@balluff.dewww.balluff.comDoc. No. 921245/Mat. No. 245367 ENC15; Subject to modification.Object DetectionLinear Position Sensing and MeasurementCondition Monitoring and Fluid SensorsIndustrial IdentificationIndustrial Networking and ConnectivityAccessoriesSystems and ServiceBalluff GmbH