


Tough Performers



ドキュメント名 Tough Performers
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 16.6Mb
取り扱い企業 バルーフ株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)


バルーフ IO-Linkゲートウェイ製品ラインナップ


クランプ位置センサ BIP01


クランプ位置センサ BIP04


このカタログ(Tough Performers)の内容

Page 1:Tough PerformersIndustrial-grade Sensors for Extreme Conditions

Page 2:2Benefit from comprehensivesensor expertise from asingle source. Achievesolutions suited to yourrequirements.As a leading sensor specialist and system provider with a companytradition of over 90 years, Balluff GmbH has been a recognized part-ner in factory automation for decades. With 56 sales offices and nineproduction sites, Balluff has a strong presence on every continent.The corporate headquarters in Neuhausen a.d.F. is located nearStuttgart.Balluff masters the entire technological variety with various operatingprinciples, including high-quality sensors and systems for positionmeasurement and identification, as well as sensors for detectingobjects and measuring fluids. The full-range assortment includesoptimal network and connection technology and a comprehensiveline of accessory products.We offer innovative, first-class products tested in our own accreditedlaboratory, and maintain certified quality management in accordancewith DIN EN 9001:2008. Our technology speaks for itself in inter-national applications since it also meets regional standards.Balluff stands for application-specific customer solutions, com-prehensive services, individual consultation and prompt service.Our staff of more than 2.600 employees is committed to providingoutstanding service worldwide.

Page 3:3www.balluff.comIndustrial-grade Sensors forExtreme ConditionsHigh technical requirements – first-class technologyAdverse conditions often prevail in harsh industrial environments.Thus, for example, high temperatures, weld spatter and metalsplatter or flying sparks are a daily occurrence in the metalworkingindustry. Likewise, impacts or aggressive coolants and lubricantscan severely afflict the sensors used in production. Loads andstresses such as these are what the technology employed here hasto withstand. That is why high technical requirements apply acrossthe board in all industries.HALT-testedBalluff provides a diverse range of industrial-grade sensors withapplication-oriented cables and suitable accessories.Manufactured to master extreme situations, they are extremely resis-tant. In Highly Accelerated Life Tests (HALT) they were subjected tolong-term testing in our own accredited lab and optimized for harshapplications as early as the development stage. Therefore these par-ticularly durable products increase service life, ensure the greatestsystem availability and thus contribute to cost reduction.Highly versatile – for a wide range of applicationsDepending on their design, these rugged, reliable components aretemperature or impact-resistant and resistant to aggressive mediaused in industrial environments. This guarantees the solution for awide range of applications and opens up maximum flexibility.WorldwideBalluff products are internationally approved and available worldwide.The individualized service provides comprehensive support aroundthe globe. This includes personal consulting, training relevant to real-world use, and customized solutions. Use high-quality technologythat fully meets your requirements.High Temperatures 4Durable, stable solutionsFlying Sparks and Metal Splatter 6Resistant, interference-free technologyMechanical Wear and Impact 8Successfully preventing damageCoolants and Lubricants 10Resistant to aggressive, abrasive mediaIndustrial Networking and Connectivity 12Object Detection 18Accessories 22

Page 4:High TemperaturesDurable, stable solutions4

Page 5:High temperatures are a frequent problem in the metalworkingindustry. Thus foundries and forges, for example, have to battlelong-lasting thermal loads as well as short high-temperature peaks.These thermal loads can lead to a significant reduction in perfor-mance or even to a complete failure of the sensors.Balluff provides sensors designed specifically for high temperaturesas well as special heat-resistant accessories. These are HALT-tested,therefore they are particularly durable and enable long-term, stablesolutions. This means that sensors and special accessories have tobe replaced less often. The need for spare parts is minimized.Downtimes are shortened, and therefore the costs are reduced inthe long term.

Page 6:Flying Sparks and Metal SplatterResistant, interference-free technology6

Page 7:In foundries, forges and welding areas the systems and machinesare frequently subjected to metal splatter and flying sparks. Conse-quently, the associated sensors are frequently affected.Due to their high temperatures, these splatters cause heat damageupon impact. The splatter can also adhere to the sensors andcables, impairing their function.These splatters can be kept away from critical areas by using specialsafety devices. In applications that do not allow for the use of safetydevices, you can rely on sensors and cables with special coatingsthat are resistant to metal splatter. This special property preventslayers of metal splatter from forming. In addition, weld-immune sen-sors prevent electromagnetic fields from falsifying the distances tobe detected. And so you will always find the right solution with theBalluff product portfolio.7

Page 8:Mechanical Wear and ImpactSuccessfully preventing damage8

Page 9:Impacts and mechanical loads are a daily occurrence in roughindustrial environments – for example, in the automotive industryduring production of axles, exhaust systems or chassis.These loads are frequently caused by improper handling, such aswhen welding equipment is loaded in an uncontrolled manner.As high-tech products, sensors are usually able to offer only weakresistance to such forces. Unless, that is, they have been designedfor these requirements.Balluff's industrial-grade sensors developed for adverse conditions,along with suitable accessories, guarantee reliability even whenforces are large. This considerably increases the service life andeffectively reduces the costs.

Page 10:Coolants and LubricantsResistant to aggressive, abrasive media10

Page 11:If coolants and lubricants are used, such as for cutting metal, thisplaces extremely high demands on sensors and cables. That isbecause these fluids and abrasive media are usually very aggressive.Therefore the material in the cutting area has to withstand a widerange of loads, both chemical and mechanical. It is also necessaryto ensure that it has the IP 67 protection class – or even IP 69K forhigh-pressure cleaners.Cleaning processes with CO2 also place high demands on thematerials used here. That is because this procedure involves remov-ing dirt and crust using compressed air jets with dry ice. The lowtemperatures of –78.9 °C and the abrasion from the compressed airjet frequently damage the sensors used in these applications.Sensors and special accessories developed for these loads help tominimize such problems.

Page 12:12Industrial Networking and ConnectivityProduct overviewIndustrial Networkingand Connectivityon page 13Object Detectionon page 18Accessorieson page 22

Page 13:13www.balluff.com 13Inputs with high densityAll Balluff input blocks offer two input points foreach plug connector, accessed via a V splitter.A Desina output is also optionally available viapin 2.Innovative housing designThe extra-flat profile reduces potential dangersposed by cables. Rounded corners offer highlyvisible locations for channel markers. and twomounting points are sufficient to secure therobust metal housing.Robust, full-metal housingThe fully encapsulated housing can with-stand impacts, shaking, corrosive fluids,as well as people stepping on it.The best I/O modules in the industryImpressive features. Impressive functionality. Impressive performance.Clearly visible status LEDsLow-quality LEDs that are often difficult to identify underdemanding production conditions perform poorly whenused in high-speed applications. Unlike Balluff status LEDs,which are large, bright, highly visible and provide maximumassistance. Balluff quality will help you complete setup andmaintenance tasks and reduce machine downtimes withease.Powerful and reliable outputsWith an output current of up to 2 A, Balluff outputmodules are capable of driving almost any load. Eachoutput also offers overload protection with LED indicatorand a memory feature for easy troubleshooting.Addressable displayIP address, subnet mask and gateway addressappear on the illuminated display. Push buttonscan be used to set each octet of the addressesspecified above. The display can be disabled viathe PLC (controller).All hubs include screw plugs and a label set.IO-Link Device ProfinetDesign 16× DI/DO 4× IO-Link, 16× DI/DOMaterial Nickel-plated GD-Zn Nickel-plated GD-ZnOrdering code BNI0035 BNI004UPart number BNI IOL-302-000-Z013 BNI PNT-502-105-Z015Industrial Networking and ConnectivityIO-LinkProtective coverSee page 26

Page 14:14Industrial Networking and ConnectivityCables for harsh environmentsDescriptionCableAmbient temperature Ta static/movingMaximum temperature at outer jacketcaused by weld spatter/beadsCable materialSpecial propertiesLength0.3 m0.6 m1 m2 mBCC cable versionsSilicone cablePTFE cableSilicone-free cableFiberglass cable sheathStainless steelStress due towelding slagWherever connectors and cables are used in the immediatevicinity of welding work, they are subjected to high stress.This is due to the presence of scorching welding residuesuch as weld spatter and slag. Conventional cables becomeunusable in this harsh environment within a very short time.Weld-immune cable versions provide a remedy. These cablesfulfill various regional requirements worldwide.Five types made of different material – highly versatileFive different cable variants cover almost all application areas. Thus,fiberglass-coated and stainless steel-coated cables are available asrequired in pressing plants and for machining applications. The full-silicone and PTFE cables, as used in welding systems, for example,meet the most stringent demands. Silicone-free cables are availablefor areas where silicone must not be used. These cables meet thesame technical prerequisites.All cables have been developed for extremely difficult environmentsand withstand hundreds of thousands of welding cycles withoutdifficulty.DescriptionCableAmbient temperature Ta static/movingMaximum temperature at outer jacketcaused by weld spatter/beads/flamesCable materialSpecial propertiesLength0.3 m0.6 m1 m2 mYou can find additional cable lengths anddesigns in our accessories catalog starting onp. 138

Page 15:15www.balluff.comM12 female, M12 male,4-pinM12 female, M12 male,4-pinMetal mesh hose cable Fiberglass cloth cable–40… 80 °C/–25… 80 °C –40… 130 °C/–25… 180 °CShort-time 800 °C Short-time 800 °CPUR/metal mesh PUR/glass fiber clothhigh mechanical protection,very flexible, weld-resistantweld-resistant, flame-resistant,Highly flexibleOrdering codePart numberBCC0EKP BCC0ELMBCC W415-W414-3A-304-MW8434-003 BCC W415-W414-3A-304-FW9434-003BCC0EKR BCC0ELNBCC W415-W414-3A-304-MW8434-006 BCC W415-W414-3A-304-FW9434-006BCC0EKT BCC0ELPBCC W415-W414-3A-304-MW8434-010 BCC W415-W414-3A-304-FW9434-010BCC0EKW BCC0ELTBCC W415-W414-3A-304-MW8434-020 BCC W415-W414-3A-304-FW9434-020M12 female, M12 male,4-pinM12 female, M12 male,4-pinM12 female, M12 male,4-pinSilicone-free cable Silicone cable PTFE cable–50… 130 °C/ –40… 125 °C –60… 200 °C –40… 200 °CShort-time 800 °C Short-time 800 °C Short-time 800 °CTPE Silicone FEPfor high welding loads, flame-resistant for high welding loads,high temperature, flame-resistantfor high welding loads, hightemperature, flame-resistant, very flexibleOrdering codePart numberBCC0EJA BCC0ELW BCC0EJ4BCC W415-W414-3A-304-BW8434-003 BCC W415-W414-3A-304-SW0434-003 BCC W415-W414-3A-304-TW0434-003BCC0EJC BCC0ELY BCC0EJ5BCC W415-W414-3A-304-BW8434-006 BCC W415-W414-3A-304-SW0434-006 BCC W415-W414-3A-304-TW0434-006BCC0EJE BCC0ELZ BCC0EJ6BCC W415-W414-3A-304-BW8434-010 BCC W415-W414-3A-304-SW0434-010 BCC W415-W414-3A-304-TW0434-010BCC0EJH BCC0EM1 BCC0EJ8BCC W415-W414-3A-304-BW8434-020 BCC W415-W414-3A-304-SW0434-020 BCC W415-W414-3A-304-TW0434-020Industrial Networking and ConnectivityCable for harsh environmentsM12 female  M12 male, 4-pin

Page 16:16Description Protective tape Protective tape Protective sleeve/jacketProtective sleeve/jacketUse for cable guard for cable guard for cable guard for cable guardInside diameter 7 ±0.8 mm 10 ±0.8 mmLength 20 m 20 m 16 m 16 mAmbient temperature Ta –40… 180 °C –40… 180 °C –40… 200 °C –40… 200 °CMaterial Silicone 60 white Silicone 60 white Silicone 60 translucent Silicone 60 translucentOrdering code BAM021E BAM021F BAM0212 BAM0213Part number BAM PT-XA-005-260-T-R20 BAM PT-XA-005-510-T-R20 BAM PT-XA-004-070-T-R16 BAM PT-XA-004-100-T-R16Description Protective sleeve/jacket/tapeProtective sleeve/jacket/tapeProtective sleeve/jacket/tapeProtective sleeve/jacket/tapeUse for cable guard for cable guard for cable guard for cable guardInside diameter 10 mm 13 mm 19 mm 38 mmLength 15 m 15 m 15 m 15 mAmbient temperature Ta –40… 250 °C –40… 250 °C –40… 250 °C –40… 250 °CMaterial Fiberglass sleeve withSilicone rubberFiberglass sleeve withSilicone rubberFiberglass sleeve withSilicone rubberFiberglass sleeve withSilicone rubberOrdering code BAM022Z BAM0230 BAM0231 BAM0232Part number BAM PT-XA-002-100-2-R15 BAM PT-XA-002-130-2-R15 BAM PT-XA-002-190-2-R15 BAM PT-XA-002-380-2-R15Industrial Networking and ConnectivityProtective tape, protective sleeve/jacket/tape

Page 17:17www.balluff.comProtective sleeve/jacket Protective sleeve/jacket Protective sleeve/jacket Protective sleeve/jacketfor cable guard for cable guard for cable guard for cable guard13 ±0.8 mm 16 ±0.8 mm 19 ±0.8 mm 50 ±0.8 mm16 m 16 m 16 m 16 m–40…200 °C –40… 200 °C –40… 200 °C –40… 200 °CSilicone 60 translucent Silicone 60 translucent Silicone 60 translucent Silicone 60 translucentBAM0214 BAM0215 BAM0216 BAM0217BAM PT-XA-004-130-T-R16 BAM PT-XA-004-160-T-R16 BAM PT-XA-004-190-T-R16 BAM PT-XA-004-500-T-R16Protective sleeve/jacket/tapefor cable guard50 mm15 m–40… 250 °CFiberglass sleeve withSilicone rubberBAM0233BAM PT-XA-002-500-2-R15Industrial Networking and ConnectivityProtective hose/jacket/sleeve

Page 18:18ModelMounting typeRated switching distance snAssured switching distance saMaterial HousingSensing surfaceSpecial propertiesPNP, NO Ordering codePart numberModel M12×1 M18×1Mounting type Flush FlushRated switching distance sn 3 mm 5 mmAssured switching distance sa 0...2.4 mm 0...4 mmMaterial Housing Brass, PTFE coated Brass, PTFE coatedSensing surface LCP, PTFE coated LCP, PTFE coatedSpecial properties Interference-proof against magnetic AC andDC fields, factor 1Interference-proof against magnetic AC andDC fields, factor 1PNP, NO Ordering code BES02JZ BES02KJPart number BES M12MF1-PSC30A-S04G-W BES M18ML-PSC50A-S04G-WObject DetectionInductive SensorsWhen it comes to resistance in harsh environments, non-contactobject detection is in demand. Inductive sensors are rugged andavailable in multiple varieties that are safe to clean.Special properties can be selected for different requirements:■■ Sensor face made of stainless steel: Steelface – for highfunctional reliability■■ PTFE coating – no adhesion of weld spatter■■ Factor 1: Same switching distance for aluminum, steel and iron –ideal for changing objects■■ W51 ceramic coating: abrasion-resistant! – can be used in theimmediate welding area■■ Durable sensor labeling: Remains intact in harsh environments –sensor can always be identified■■ High-temperature resistant – for hot environmentsThe rugged, highly versatile Steelface sensors can be installedright where the action is.This is true in especially harsh environments and applications tooextreme for standard sensors. Steelface sensors provide a ruggedsensing surface and are resistant to abrasive media and aggressivecleaning agents.Factor 1 sensors identify objects, such as those made of steel,aluminum or brass, with identical switching distances (withoutreduction factor). This property provides advantages in applicationsin which the material of the objects to be detected can vary, or whennon-ferrous metals are detected with a high switching distance.

Page 19:19www.balluff.com160 °CHightemperaturerange160 °CHightemperaturerangeM8×1 M12×1 M18×1Flush Flush Flush2 mm 4 mm 7.2 mm0...1.6 mm 0...3.2 mm 0...5.2 mmStainless steel, PTFE coated Stainless steel, PTFE coated Stainless steel, PTFE coatedStainless steel, PTFE coated Stainless steel, PTFE coated Stainless steel, PTFE coatedpressure rated to 80 bar,weld-splatter-resistantpressure rated to 60 bar,weld-splatter-resistantpressure rated to 40 bar,weld-splatter-resistantBES02N6 BES02NC BES02NKBES M08EH1-PSC20B-S04G-S01 BES M12EI-PSC40B-S04G-S01 BES M18EI-PSC72B-S04G-S01M30×1.5 M18×1 M30×1.5Flush Flush Flush10 mm 5 mm 10 mm0...8.1 mm 0...4 mm 0...8 mmBrass, PTFE coated Stainless steel Stainless steelLCP, PTFE coated PEEK PEEKInterference-proof against magnetic AC andDC fields, factor 1BES02KM BES043T BES043WBES M30ML-PSC10A-S04G-W BES 515-326-SA49-D-TF-02 BES 515-327-SA22-D-TF-02Object DetectionInductive SensorsM8×1, M12×1, M18×1, M30×1.5

Page 20:20Object DetectionInductive SensorsM8×1, M12×1, 20×32×8 mmW51 ceramiccoatingModel M8×1 M12×1Mounting type Flush FlushRated switching distance sn 2 mm 4 mmAssured switching distance sa 0...1.4 mm 0...3.0 mmMaterial Housing Stainless steel Brass-coatedSensing surface with ceramiccoatingwith ceramiccoatingPNP, NO Ordering code BES02P0 BES03UPPart number BES 516-324-SA96-G-E5-C-S49 BES 516-329-SA96-G-E5-C-S4NPN, NO Ordering code BES02P1Part number BES 516-343-SA96-G-E5-C-S49Model M8×1 20×32×8 mmMounting type Flush FlushRated switching distance sn 2 mm 5 mmAssured switching distance sa 0...1.4 mm 0...4 mmMaterial Housing Stainless steel Stainless steelSensing surface with ceramiccoatingStainless steel withW51 ceramic coatingSpecial properties Weld-immune, factor 1PNP, NO Ordering code BES02P5 BES049YPart number BES 516-324-SA96-G-E4-C-S4-00.3 BES R01EC-PSC50A-BP00.3-GS04-W51