


Industrial Identification



ドキュメント名 Industrial Identification
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 18.7Mb
取り扱い企業 バルーフ株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)


バルーフ IO-Linkゲートウェイ製品ラインナップ


クランプ位置センサ BIP01


クランプ位置センサ BIP04


このカタログ(Industrial Identification)の内容

Page 1:Industrial IdentificationIdentification systems for production, material flow and logistics

Page 2:2Balluff industrial identificationis based on many years ofexperience and manufacturerexpertise. Take advantage ofour expertise.As the leading sensor specialist and system provider with more than90 years of company tradition, Balluff GmbH has been a recognizedpartner in factory automation for decades. With 61 locations, Balluffhas a strong presence on every continent. The corporate headquar-ters in Neuhausen a.d.F. is located near Stuttgart.Balluff offers a wide array of products with varied operating principlestaking advantage of the broad spectrum of technology available,including high-quality sensors and systems for position measure-ment and identification, as well as sensors for detecting objects andmeasuring fluids. The full-range assortment includes optimal networkand connection technology and a comprehensive line of accessoryproducts.We offer innovative, first-class products tested in our own accreditedlaboratory, and maintain certified quality management in accordancewith DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. Our technology speaks for itself ininternational applications since it also meets regional standards.Balluff stands for application-specific customer solutions, com-prehensive services, individual consultation and prompt service.Our staff of more than 2750 employees is committed to providingoutstanding service worldwide.

Page 3:3■ www.balluff.comIndustrial RFID System BIS U at 860...960 MHz (UHF) 18Industrial RFID system BIS M at 13.56 MHz (HF) 48Industrial RFID system BIS C at 433/70 kHz (LF) 166Industrial RFID System BIS L at 125 kHz (LF) 240Vision Sensors BVS E 354Basic Information and Definitions 408Alphanumeric Index 414Worldwide Sales 426

Page 4:4Sophisticated SensorTechnologyfor All Areas of AutomationAutomotive industry: Factory automation, plant engineering, welding systems and reshaping technologyMechanical and systems engineering: Steelworks, machine tools, and machines for making packaging, plastic and rubberEnergy: Conventional and renewable energiesDrive technology: Hydraulic and electric drive technologyAdditional areas: Medical technology, semiconductor equipment, machines for processing wood, mining machines,printing machines, paper-making machines, and more

Page 5:5■ www.balluff.com

Page 6:6Customer-specific ServicesBalluff stands for comprehensivesystems from a single sourceSystems and Service, Industrial Networking and Connectivity, Industrial Identification:Industrial RFID systems, vision sensors, fieldbus modules, passive splitters, inductive couplers,IO-Link, connectors and connection cables

Page 7:7■ www.balluff.comControllerHMIIndustrial Networkingand ConnectivitySensors andSolutions

Page 8:8Sensor SolutionsFor every applicationObject Detection, Linear Position Sensing and Measurement, Condition Monitoring and Fluid Sensors, Accessories:Inductive sensors, capacitive sensors, magnetic sensors, photoelectric sensors, mechanical sensors, ultrasonic sensors,inductive distance sensors, magneto-inductive displacement sensors, micropulse transducers, photoelectric distancesensors, magnetically coded position and angle measurement systems, inductive positioning systems, inclination sensors,pressure sensors, mechanical accessories, electrical accessories

Page 9:9■ www.balluff.comControllerHMIIndustrial Networkingand ConnectivitySensors andSolutions

Page 10:10Up-to-date DataGlobal online availability■ 2D and 3D product data■ Current information at a glance■ Service and support■ Product overview■ The company■ We are happy to help

Page 11:11■ www.balluff.com

Page 12:12Industrial IdentificationFor top quality and cost savingsIndustrial identification means securityIndustrial identification guarantees the secure traceability of produc-tion and quality data. Data and commodity flows are linked withone another, and the supply chain and in-house material flow areoptimized. This prevents fluctuations in quality and reduces reworkand no-charge replacement costs to a minimum. Fewer dropoutsincrease productivity and sales volume. Top quality leads to thegreatest possible customer satisfaction and secures market sharefor users.Our solutionBalluff industrial identification offers high-performance RFID systemsand vision solutions from a single source. Industrial RFID systemsare recommended for the clear and straightforward detection andassignment of the parts to be fabricated. For parts inspections withincreasingly more flexible assembly processes, vision solutions pro-vide a comprehensive approach.Comprehensive expertise through years of experienceBalluff industrial identification is based on comprehensive manufac-turer expertise gathered over more than 30 years. Today Balluffis one of the leading RFID providers in the low frequency (LF),high frequency (HF) and ultra-high frequency (UHF) range and forindustrial image processing thanks to this expertise. Our experienceand large variety allow us to offer solutions that have been proven inthe field.Auto ID technology for all control systemsOur technologies can be used in almost any application. We guar-antee optimal, process-integrated solutions using a wide variety ofdifferent components with various combinations. For each controlsystem and all levels of production. At a high technological level andindividually customized to meet the needs of our customers. Balluffindustrial identification guarantees customized solutions.Areas of application for Balluff industrial identification■ Secure process control■ Optimized production■ Flexible quality control■ Reliable traceability with RFID or■ optical codes■ Inspecting different characteristics of an object simultaneously(with vision sensors BVS E)Industrial RFID System BIS UBIS U uses electromagneticwaves in the ultra-high frequencyrange (UHF) 865…928 MHz.Using passive data carriers, thissystem enables RFID solutionswith typical ranges up to 6 m.BIS U is ideal for material flowcontrol and asset tracking (track-and-trace) in logistic applica-tions. Many data carriers canbe detected simultaneously byan antenna (multi-tagging) for acompleteness check.From page 18

Page 13:13■ www.balluff.comIndustrial RFID systems BISBalluff RFID systems automatically record the entire production pro-cess in all batches. The manufacture of all parts and all materials andequipment used is documented together with the time, location andprocess. You have real-time access to this information, enabling youto make corrections even during the process. All data can be traced.Even many years later.Balluff identification systems BIS provide the best security and highquality. They are industrial-grade. This means they perform well inany environment.Vision solutions BVSThe vision solutions BVS meet the growing demands of state-of-the-art production systems for high productivity, flexibility and maximumquality. The vision sensors BVS E offer a large number of extremelyefficient image processing functions. These functions can be flexiblycombined for reliable fault detection and quality inspection, or for thesecure reading and verification of codes. The vision sensor BVS Eproves its reliability time after time..Industrial RFID system BIS CBIS C is used with passive datacarriers and is designed for shortranges up to 100 mm. The mainsystem application is tool identifi-cation. BIS C has been success-fully employing this function for25 years. The different shapes ofthe data carriers enable a widevariety of system applications.In addition, the system providesoutstanding solutions for appli-cations in metal environments.From page 166Industrial RFID system BIS MIn combination with passivedata carriers, BIS M providessupport for medium ranges upto 400 mm. The system isrecommended for close-rangeasset tracking. Data carriersfor direct installation at theworkpiece are available in a widearray of variants. Our high-speed, high-memory data carri-ers make it possible to processdata volumes up to 128 kB atup to 212 kbps. Cycle times canbe reduced and output ratesincreased.From page 48Industrial RFID system BIS LBIS L uses passive data carriersfor short ranges up to 100 mm.It is ideal for applications primar-ily focused on identification andless on data processing. If onlyone ID is required, as is the casewith tracking, the system alsooffers cost-effective solutions inread-only mode. Up to 16 identi-fication points can be evaluatedquickly and easily with our easyloop interface.From page 240Vision solutions BVS EThe vision sensor BVS E isthe right choice for reliablefault and quality inspection ifmultiple product features needto scanned simultaneously. Inorder to support this scanning,the BVS E provides up to 20test programs that can youcan easily toggle through. Thisensures short changeover timesif different parts need to be in-spected on the same productionline. Throughput and efficiencyincrease. And the product qualityand productivity improve.From page 354

Page 14:14The information in the table is system-specific and does not apply to each individual product. You can find more detailed specifications in the corresponding chapter.Why RFID?Identification systems with read and write functionality ensure thatthe data in each process segment is up to date, all without visualcontact.Balluff Industrial RFID systems BIS reliably process large volumes ofdata. The data carriers operate without contact, providing unlimitedread/write cycles for flexible and fast communication, even in highlydynamic applications. This allows the wear-free systems to integrateinto all controllers and into any industrial environment.Industrial RFID Systems BISFor secure, high-performance identificationFast return on investmentNew product lines benefit from extremely short start-up times, re-gardless of whether alternating variants, minimum lot sizes or seriesproducts are manufactured.Greatest flexibilityVarious components in a variety of shapes such as discs, cylinders,cubes or the handy check card format guarantee reliable integration,even if space is limited. International approvals guarantee worldwideuse.Model BIS UStorage device EEPROMData carrier/memory size 512 bitsWrite/read cycle 100.000Max. read/write distance Up to 6 m (typical)Read/write time (64 bytes) 900/230 msOperating frequency 860...960 MHzDynamic read/write Yes/YesData save time 10 yearsDegree of protection IP 65Norms/standards EPC Gen 2 Class1, ISO 18000-6C

Page 15:15■ www.balluff.comBIS M BIS C BIS LISO standard High-speedEEPROM FRAM FRAM EEPROM FRAM EEPROM752 bytes 2000 bytes 131072 bytes 511...1023 bytes 8 kbytes 192 bytes100.000 Unlimited Unlimited 1.000.000 Unlimited 100.000150 mm 400 mm 60 mm 90 mm 100 mm 100 mm130/60 ms 130/60 ms 30/14 ms 860/220 ms 860/220 ms 3530/1530 ms13.56 MHz 13.56 MHz 13.56 MHz 70 kHz/455 kHz 70 kHz/455 kHz 125 kHzYes/Yes Yes/Yes Yes/Yes Yes/Yes Yes/Yes Yes/No10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 yearsIP 67 IP 67 IP 67 IP 67 IP 67 IP 67ISO 14443 ISO 15693 ISO 15693 DIN 69873 DIN 69873Four systems, maximum flexibilityBalluff industrial RFID offers four different systems with varioustransmission frequencies and components for a wide range ofapplications.This provides the perfect solution for completely differentrequirements:■ Counterfeit/copy protection■ Repair/maintenance■ Tool management■ Production control■ Access control■ Container management■ Shipment■ Storage management■ Goods tracking■ Goods receiving/goods issueMake your selection based on your own requirements. Your require-ments determine the function and size of the system.Balluff industrial identification offers variety■ Available in various designs, in plastic and metal■ Integration into all controllers■ Ideal for all conventional bus systemsSystem componentsBalluff Industrial RFID systems consist of a data carrier (called a tag),a read or read/write head, and a processor unit.The tag is used to read and store data. The data volume and read/write cycles depend upon the storage medium. Balluff data carriersreceive their energy from the read/write device. No batteries are re-quired. The electronics and antenna are integrated into the tag. Theirpower and frequency define the range.

Page 16:16Model BVS E –IdentificationBVS E –StandardBVS E –AdvancedBVS E –UniversalBus interfaces TCP/IP ■ ■ ■RS232 ■ ■Features Basic tools for fault detection ■ ■ ■ ■Reading barcodes ■ ■Reading data matrix codes ■ ■360° detection of codes ■ ■360° detection of parts ■ ■Typical detection rate Up to 40 Hz 15 Hz Up to 40 Hz Up to 40 HzWorking distance 50...1000 mm ■ ■ ■ ■180...1000 mm ■ ■ ■Illumination LED, red light ■ ■ ■ ■LED, infrared ■ ■ ■ ■Degree of protection per IEC 60529 IP 54 IP 54 IP 54 IP 54Ambient temperature Ta –10... 55 °C –10... 55 °C –10... 55 °C –10... 55 °CWhy a vision sensor?Using image processing, vision sensors ensure a reliable fault checkand quality inspection. This allows a vision sensor to monitor multiplecharacteristics of a part using image-based visual inspection. Thesame sensor can also read barcodes and data matrix codes reliably.Prompt format changes can be carried out at any time. Even duringan ongoing process. This guarantees maximum flexibility and thehighest quality products for users.Advantages of the vision sensor BVS E■ A vision sensor replaces many different sensors■ Flexible configuration■ Easy to use; PC software for all sensor types■ Robust and industrial-grade■ Easy and flexible installation■ Low costs and fast ROIVision Solutions BVSVision sensors – for higher productivity, more efficiency,top quality and cost reductionHow does a vision sensor reduce costs?Vision sensors monitor many different part characteristics or codetypes in one inspection step. During this process, a single sensormonitors up to 20 different inspection tasks. The result: Fewer sen-sors are in use. This reduces material and installation costs.Changeover times are also reduced because there is no need for acomplex, time-consuming alignment. Instead, only a simple com-mand is needed and the desired test program is enabled. The visionsensor can be configuredusing the supplied, easy-to-use PC software. Learning a program-ming language is no longer necessary.3D CAD models and suitable assembly materials support convenientproduct integration. In addition, external lighting equipment is avail-able for optimum illumination of the work area.

Page 17:17

Page 18:The industrial RFID system BIS U emits electromagnetic waves in theultra-high frequency range (UHF). Using passive data carriers, this systemenables RFID solutions with typical ranges of up to 6 m. BIS U is idealfor material flow control and asset tracking (track-and-trace) in logisticsapplications.The BIS U portfolio includes processor units for conventional industrialinterfaces and data carriers for high temperatures and direct use on metal.RFID at 860...960 MHz (UHF)IndustrialRFID SystemBIS U18

Page 19:Process transparency and applications 20Passive UHF data carriers 22UHF antennas 26Single-channel processor unitsSerial RS232 29Serial RS485 30Industrial Ethernet 31Multi-channel processor unitsSerial RS232 33Ethernet TCP/IP 34Ethernet/IP 35Profinet 36Handheld devices 38Connection cables 40Mounting accessories 42Configuration software 46Service 4719■ www.balluff.comIndustrial RFID System BIS Uat 860...960 MHz (UHF)Contents

Page 20:The Right Data in theRight Place at the Right TimeFeatures■ Supports standard EPC Gen 2 data carriers■ Supports interface options for various IT systems or controllers■ A processor unit has up to four antenna connections■ Without visual contact■ Passive data carriers – no batteriesBenefits■ Various data carriers for a wide range of applications –in different sizes and made from different materials■ Can be integrated into the most common systems■ Multiple antennas ensure reliable data detection■ Identification of all load carriers without needingto scan each article■ Cost-effective, passive tags guarantee efficiency■ No battery change is requiredAntennasHigher-level controllerPLC, PCProcessor unitsData carriersWindows®-basedhandhelddevice20Industrial RFID System BIS Uat 860...960 MHz (UHF)Process transparency and applications