


We Speak IO-Link



バルーフ IO-Linkゲートウェイ製品ラインナップ


クランプ位置センサ BIP01


クランプ位置センサ BIP04


このカタログ(We Speak IO-Link)の内容

Page 1:We Speak IO-LinkIn every area

Page 2:2With over 50 years of sensor experience, Balluff is a leading globalsensor specialist with its own line of connectivity products for everyarea of factory automation. Balluff is based in Germany and has atight international network of 54 representatives and subsidiaries.Balluff stands for comprehensive systems from a single source,continuous innovation, state-of-the-art technology, highest quality,and greatest reliability. That's not all: Balluff also stands for excep-tional customer orientation, customized solutions, fast worldwideservice, and outstanding consultation services.We Speak IO-LinkWhether object detecting sensors, state-of-the-art position mea-surement technology, innovative RFID technology or new solutionsfor industrial communication, Balluff masters the entire technologicalspectrum with different effective principles and provides innovativetechnology of the highest quality.

Page 3:3www.balluff.comFor more information, visit us online!Communication from Start to Finish 4IO-Link increases efficiencyMore Efficiency, Lower Costs 6IO-Link saves time and money in overall productionWe Speak IO-Link 8In overall productionPressure Monitoring in Production 10Status Monitoring and Fluid SensorsClamping Distance Monitoring in a Machining Center 12Position and Distance MeasurementComplete Identification Solutions for Transfer Systems 14Industrial IdentificationPosition Monitoring in Assembly 16Object DetectionBidirectional Transmission of Data and Energy 18Industrial Networking and ConnectivityConnection Technology with Minimal Effort 20Industrial Networking and ConnectivityEasily Visualizing Operating States 22Industrial Networking and ConnectivityIO-Link Services 24Systems and ServiceGetting to the Goal Faster with IO-Link 26Application report

Page 4:4Standardsensors/actuatorsPLCFieldbuswith IO-Link interfaceIO-Link devices

Page 5:5www.balluff.comCommunicationfrom Start to FinishIO-Link increases efficiencyWhat is IO-Link?IO-Link is the first worldwide standardized IO technology(IEC 61131-9) for communicating from the controller to the lowestlevel of automation. The interface can be used universally and is afieldbus-independent point-to-point connection that operates usingan unshielded industrial cable.What does IO-Link provide?IO-Link transmits all sensor signals to the controller and, conversely,relays control data to the sensor/actuator level.With revolutionary results.This is how IO-Link integrates every sensor into the fieldbus level.And IO-Link enables comprehensive ongoing diagnostics and auto-mated configuration of parameters for IO-Link devices via the con-troller. Even with all these capabilities, IO-Link is quite easy to install:one unshielded three-core cable is enough for integrating sensorsand actuators. This cable can be up to 20 m long.The connection has been standardized with M5, M8 and M12 plugs.IO-Link simplifies the entire network topology. An IO-Link master isused with any fieldbus connection to connect IO-Link sensors/actua-tors or IO-Link sensor hubs. This master has multiple IO-Link portsso that it can bundle data from various devices and reduce the num-ber of devices. This stems from the fact that IO-Link sensor hubsare capable of incorporating and relaying switch signals from up to16 binary sensors. If these hubs are connected to an 8-fold IO-Linkmaster, then data from up to 136 sensors is transmitted.Each port on the IO-Link master can optionally be operated inswitching mode (SIO mode for processing binary signals) or in IOcommunication mode, thus processing information from all of thesensors.The IO-Link master transmits large volumes of data in almost notime in the process. By default, up to 32 bytes of process data areavailable per cycle. It takes just 400 μs to exchange 2 bytes of pro-cess data and 1 byte of demand data between the IO-Link masterand the device at a speed of 230 kbaud.

Page 6:6IO-Link is all you need to make automation even more high-perfor-mance. This is because IO-Link provides substantial optimization andcost reduction potential for the overall production.The uniform, simple wiring, continuous diagnostics, and central con-figuration via the controller consequently provide an all-encompassingeffect. And they do this in entirely different ways.More Efficiency, Lower CostsIO-Link saves time and money in overall production

Page 7:7www.balluff.comSimplification of installationA standard three-core cable typical for industrial applications is suf-ficient for IO-Link. Even for complex devices. This lets the uniformstandard interface be integrated quickly and easily into the fieldbusworld. Digital communication ensures security against interference,even without expensive shielded wiring.Our IO-Link sensor hubs integrate standard sensors into the fieldbuslevel in the simplest and most cost-effective way. This is because onehub can relay the signals from up to 16 binary sensors. Balluff IO-Linkmasters provide up to eight IO-Link ports. Eight different IO-Link devic-es can be connected to the controller with just one module. And sincethe accessibility of the devices is no longer a concern with IO-Link,systems need significantly fewer mechanical installations (hydraulic,pneumatic, electrical components).Requirements-based maintenanceContinuously receiving diagnostics data for the entire process ex-tends the time between maintenance work since systems and ma-chines have to be serviced much less frequently thanks to automaticreadjustment via IO-Link. Even predictive error detection is possiblenow, because the complete set of process parameters is displayedin the controller from start to finish.More efficient operationUsing IO-Link, sensors in the machine can be positioned in relationto the process directly at the location of action because the sensor'saccessibility no longer plays a role. Process monitoring, configurationand error analysis of the IO-Link devices now take place in the con-troller. This makes machine processes time-optimized. Signal delaysand distortions are eliminated reliably. Digital transmission of dataalso ensures high signal quality.Extensive applications requirements can be implemented easily us-ing IO-Link. This is because standard binary and analog devices canbe used at the same time as IO-Link sensors/actuators. Based en-tirely on demand.Highest machine availabilityIO-Link enables quick, error-free sensor replacement and promptcommissioning. Downtimes are significantly reduced since the pa-rameters for a replaced IO-Link sensor are written to the new sensorautomatically by the IO-Link master. Commissioning processes, for-mat changes or recipe changes can be carried out centrally via thecontroller's functional components. This saves time and reduces thepotential for errors to a minimum.IO-Link devices also help you prevent device mix-ups, since devicescan be identified automatically by IO-Link.

Page 8:8We Speak IO-LinkIn overall productionBalluff IO-Link ensures transparency throughout an automationsystem. In every area – whether it is logistics, service, production,assembly, testing or packaging. And for every individual application –whether it involves fluids, identification, position measurement orobject detection.Balluff provides you with IO-Link for use in high-performance IO-Linksensors and the best IO-Link networking and connection equipment.All from a single source. This is because Balluff speaks the languageof IO-Link for every area and effective principle, resulting in the appli-cation of IO-Link advantages throughout a system:■■ Easy to install■■ Requirements-based maintenance■■ More efficient operation■■ Highest machine availabilityBalluff offers comprehensive IO-Link solutions. Such as for■■ Clamping distance and pressure monitoring systems in machiningcenters■■ Part tracking in overall production■■ Object detection during assembly■■ Gripper and workpiece changes■■ Status displays at assembly, machining and testing centers■■ Part and fill level queries■■ Contactless data and energy transmissionThis lets you fully utilize all of the possibilities of the digitalcommunications standard.

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Page 10:10Pressure Monitoringin ProductionIO-Link pressure sensors rightwhere the action isAchieving the best results on a machine like a lathe requires a reli-able grip on the workpiece and the tool. Pressure sensors for moni-toring clamping pressure are used to ensure this function. They arealso ideally suited for monitoring process media such as coolants,lubricants, hydraulic fluids and pneumatic components.IO-Link pressure sensors continuously relay their measured valuesand data to the controller and let it provide precise readjustmentwhen necessary. IO-Link pressure sensors ensure the highest ma-chine availability. Replacing sensors is possible with simple plug-and-play, since the data from the replaced sensor is automaticallytaken from the IO-Link master.A further benefitThe parameters for IO-Link pressure sensors can be configured us-ing the controller, meaning that they can be installed right where theaction is, even at hard-to-reach locations. In the best position formeasurements and perfectly matched to the machine design. Thisensures quick and precise results. And it saves on costs, since com-plex mechanical installations of hydraulic lines can be reduced to aminimum.Pressure sensor

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Page 12:12Clamping Distance Monitoringin a Machining CenterContactless position measurement with IO-LinkDesigned for monitoring the position of drive spindles and clampingdevices for tools and workpieces, the inductive positioning systemBIP with IO-Link is perfect for confined installation conditions. Thesensor exhibits a perfect ratio of effective length to overall length.And its calibrated measuring range makes it ideal for solutions in se-ries production.The inductive positioning system BIP with IO-Link uses an absolutemeasuring principle and transmits an additional out-of-range bit. Thisprovides the controller with information telling it that the target hasleft the measuring range. This increases safety.Thanks to its digital IO-Link signal, the positioning system BIP oper-ates absolutely interference-free and does so with an unshielded ca-ble. In addition, IO-Link saves you the need for an analog input card.Can alternatively be used forclamping distance monitoring:Inductive positioning systemBIP 14PF IO-Link profile forMicropulse transducer BTL6e.g. for a format changeInductive positioning systemBIP 40Inductive IO-Link distancesensor BAW with M18 orin Z01 housing optimized fora tool spindleOptical IO-Link distance sensorBOD for distance measurement

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Page 14:14Complete Identification Solutionsfor Transfer SystemsIO-Link RFID simplifies the integration of sensorsand actuatorsThere is no real alternative to RFID when talking about the traceabil-ity of parts in automation. This is due to the fact that self-controlledsystems ensure process optimization. Balluff RFID BIS V representsfast data transmission, short cycle times and high data integrity in HFand LF applications. In such applications, the rugged evaluation unitwith a fieldbus interface ensures simple installation. This streamlinesnetwork structures, keeps costs low and saves time.BIS V has an integrated IO-Link master and four antenna channelsthat can be configured independently from each other and allowup to four read/write heads to be connected. A node for additionalinformation is available with the IO-Link master port. Fieldbus-inde-pendent IO-Link sensors or a hub can be connected directly – asin our example – to up to 16 binary sensors at the port. This allowsI/O signals to be processed in the simplest fashion using any net-work technology.IdentificationBIS V

Page 15:15www.balluff.comRFID BIS M – reading and writing possibleRFID BIS L – if data only needs to be readAlternatively, IO-Link identification systems can be used for smallervolumes of data and lower read/write speeds. They are as easy touse as connecting a sensor to the IO-Link master and operate with-out an evaluation unit. This makes IO-Link the most cost-effectiveoption for implementing RFID.

Page 16:16Position Monitoringin AssemblySet up best with IO-LinkWe can hardly imagine assembly without robotics. After all, theyensure the greatest number of cycles possible. IO-Link ultrasonicsensors are installed directly at the robot's vacuum gripper in orderto detect the height of stacks of sheet metal. Thanks to small de-signs with low weight, Balluff ultrasonic sensors BUS provide thebest conditions for such tasks. In addition, BUS sensors can detectboth the height of stacks and position of pieces of sheet metal.Furthermore, they work reliably in any environment and are not sen-sitive to reflections or dirt.The sensor has multiple switching points that can be adjusted usingteach-in, configuration using function modules or manually usingan engineering system. Digital transmission of data also ensures highsignal quality.Replacing sensors is possible with simple plug-and-play, since theIO-Link master is responsible for automatic data transmission.Series positioning switch BNSfor position sensingUltrasonic sensor BUS

Page 17:17www.balluff.comDiffuse sensor BOS 50Kfor object detectionThrough-beam fork sensor BGLfor part monitoringon a spiral conveyorColor sensor BFS 26K –if differences in colorare important

Page 18:18Bidirectional Transmission ofData and EnergyInductive couplers transmit IO-Link without contactBalluff inductive couplers are a boon for robotics. This is becausethey contactlessly transmit data and energy simultaneously over anair gap, so that cable breakage is no longer an issue. Inductive cou-plers ensure prompt gripper changing using IO-Link (see applica-tion) and increase system availability, because their contactless datatransmission ensures the exchange in almost no time with maximumflexibility. And they are maintenance-free since there is no mechani-cal wear.The quickly separable units provide exceptional flexibility for machinedesign. This allows components that have been difficult to accessuntil now to simply be connected to IO-Link. This is due to thefact that all IO-Link-capable devices can now be connected to theIO-Link master and the controller flexibly and contactlessly.Actuators, such as valve clusters, can be activated and sensorsignals can be gathered simultaneously with the new bidirectionalgeneration of inductive couplers. The bidirectional inductivecouplers support complete IO-Link functionality, making it possibleto configure parameters and run diagnostics for intelligent sensorswithout any contact.Can be used as analternative to gripper changing:Unidirectionalinductive couplers BICin cubical and cylindricaldesignBidirectionalinductive couplers BICin cubical design

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Page 20:20Connection Technologywith Minimal EffortIO-Link devices ensure simple installationand substantial handling flexibilityModern robot systems need a lot of sensors – particularly in a ro-bot arm, but the arm should have the lowest mass possible for rea-sons related to dynamics and energy consumption. Another difficultystems from the complex wiring of multi-pin cables.IO-Link provides the fix. This stems from the fact that simple installa-tion with a conventional industrial cable is an integral part of the digi-tal communications standard. It ensures security against interferencewithout shielded conductors, even for intelligent devices. Regardlessof fieldbus and up to 20 m away.From Profibus and Profinet to CC-Link and DeviceNet all the way toEthernet/IP and EtherCAT – Balluff IO-Link masters enable IO-Link inany controller.Balluff also makes the largest possible assortment of devicesIO-Link-capable. Extremely complex tasks in robotics are not theonly tasks that can be easily solved with this high degree ofhandling flexibility.