ドキュメント名 | Linear Position Sensing and Measurement |
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このカタログ(Linear Position Sensing and Measurement)の内容
Page 1:Linear Position Sensing and MeasurementWith the appropriate measuring principle to achieve the optimal solution
Page 2:22Benefit from the high qualityand superior positionmeasurement technology ofBalluff products.As the leading sensor specialist and system provider with more than90 years of company tradition, Balluff GmbH has been a recognizedpartner in factory automation for decades. With 56 locations,Balluff has a strong presence on every continent. The corporateheadquarters in Neuhausen a.d.F. is located near Stuttgart.Balluff masters the entire technological variety with various operat-ing principles, including high-quality sensors and systems for posi-tion measurement and identification, as well as sensors for detect-ing objects and measuring fluids. The full-range assortment includesoptimal network and connection technology and a comprehensiveline of accessory products.We offer innovative, first-class products tested in our own accred-ited laboratory, and maintain certified quality management in ac-cordance with DIN EN 9001:2008. Our technology speaks for itselfin international applications since it also meets regional standards.Balluff stands for application-specific customer solutions, com-prehensive services, individual consultation and prompt service.Our staff of more than 2450 employees is committed to providingoutstanding service worldwide.
Page 3:3www.balluff.comAlphanumerical Directory 406Worldwide Sales 410370Inductive Distance Sensors BAW332Ultrasonic Sensors BUS390Capacitive Position Sensors BCW400Power Supplies12Magnetically Coded Positionand Angle Measurement System BML78Micropulse Transducers BTL/BIW284Inductive Position Sensors BIL/BIP308Photoelectric Distance Sensors BOD394Inclination Sensors BSI
Page 4:4Linear Position Sensing and MeasurementPosition or distance sensorsBalluff position measurement – the right solution for youBalluff position measurement technology provides efficient custom-ized solutions ranging from position detection to distance measure-ment.With very diverse operating principles for distances from 1 to48,000 mm and resolutions from 1 to 100 μm.Choose what is ideal for you and we will customize exactly to yourrequirements, taking into account both technical and economicalaspects. Optimum solutions fulfill your specific measurement tasks,function reliably, and are flexible and cost-effective at the same time.Robust industrial Balluff position measurement technology is ac-curate, reliable, non-contact, and wear-free. Its quality is well-engi-neered, as shown by its longtime success.Requirements that designers and developers must fulfill forfuture machine generations■ More flexibility■ Product changeovers using a keyboard■ Longer cycle times■ Increased availability■ Short set-up times■ Less downtime■ Greater degree of automationMicropulse Transducers BTL/BIW – extremely robust and reliableMagnetically Coded Position and Angle Measurement System BML – for high accuracy and long lengthsInductive Position Sensors BIL/BIP– for short strokesInductive Distance Sensors BAW – for short strokesPhotoelectric Distance Sensors BOD – for any material or colorBalluff position measurement – Equipped for the future!■ Broad range of applications with full-range assortment■ Greater efficiency with optimized solutions■ Superior position measurement technology for increased productivityExpert application consultation:Phone: 49 7158 173-370 or 49 7158 173-777tsm@balluff.de orservice@balluff.de
Page 5:5www.balluff.comLinear Position Sensing and MeasurementConfiguring the position measurement systemPosition or distance sensorsThe main difference between position measurement and distancemeasurement consists in the element or target that gives the posi-tion.With position sensors, the position-giving element or target isusually a position encoder that is part of the system.With distance sensors, the position-giving target can be anyobject.However, in accordance with the distance sensor principle, thefunction or quality of the measurement depends on the kind ofmaterial or surface properties of the target.Example:With magnetostrictive Micropulse position measurementsystems, the position-giving element is the position encoder,which has permanent magnets integrated into it, and which isattached to the part that is moved.Example:With inductive distance sensors, the maximum measurementpath depends on the target material used. With optical sensors,the function depends on the surface properties of the object ortarget.Position measurement Distance measurementSee page 6 See page 8
Page 6:6Linear Position Sensing and MeasurementConfiguring the position measurement systemFind the right position measurement system in just 4 steps1LengthHow long is the path to be measured?Select the series that are in question.2AccuracyWhat accuracy is required?Select the appropriate accuracy.Resolution rangeAccuracy class*3InterfaceSelect the interface appropriate for the controller or electronic processor unit.4Measuring principleSelect the measuring principle in accordance with the requirements.TypicalapplicationsBasicinformation■ Technical data■ Housing dimensions■ Ambient conditions■ Mechanical features■ Approvals■ Ordering code■ AccessoriesYou can find this informa-tion in the chapter devotedto the selected series.Positionmeasurement* Accuracy classSelecting the sensor via the accuracy class should help match the sensor principles thatcome into question to the practical requirements. The underlying values are correspond-ingly typical values for the sensor principle.Example:Accuracy class "2–1"Typical value 2 (<10 μm), with the trend to 1 (1 μm)Accuracy Class< 1 μm 1< 10 μm 2< 50 μm 3< 100 μm 4< 500 μm 5< 1 mm 6< 5 mm 7< 100 mm 8
Page 7:7www.balluff.comLinear Position Sensing and MeasurementConfiguring the position measurement system0…(20…48,000) mm 0…(25…7600) mm 0…(25…7600) mm 0…(75…750) mm 0…(10…160) mm1…2000 μm 1…100 μm 1…100 μm 5 μm 0.1 mm2–1, 3–4 3–2 3–2 4–5 4Digital square-wave,sin/cos 1 Vpp,SSI, BiSSAnalog, digital SSI,fieldbus, EthernetAnalog, digital SSI,fieldbus, EthernetAnalog Analog, digitalIncremental, absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute AbsoluteMagnetoelectric scanning Magnetostrictive Magnetostrictive Inductive InductiveAutomation andhandling, linear drives,woodworkingmachines, drive tech-nologyPlastic injectionmolding machines,concrete block makingmachines, pressesFeedback systemin hydraulic axes, valveactuators, levelmeasurement, Ex areaNon-contact replace-ment for potentiom-eters, plastic injectionmolding machinesGripper, spindle clamp-ing distance monitor,format adjustment,roll gap measurementBMLBTLprofileBTLrodBIWBIL/BIPSee page 12 See page 90 See page 150 See page 144 See page 284
Page 8:8Linear Position Sensing and MeasurementConfiguring the distance measurement systemDistancemeasurementFind the right distance measurement system in just 4 steps1LengthHow large is the distance to be measured?Select the series that are in question.2AccuracyWhat accuracy is required?Select the appropriate accuracy.Resolution rangeAccuracy class*3InterfaceSelect the interface appropriate for the controller or electronic processor unit.4Measuring principleSelect the measuring principle in accordance with the conditions of use.TypicalapplicationsBasicinformation■ Technical data■ Housing dimensions■ Ambient conditions■ Mechanical features■ Approvals■ Ordering code■ AccessoriesYou can find this informa-tion in the chapter devotedto the selected series.* Accuracy classSelecting the sensor via the accuracy class should help match the sensor principles thatcome into question to the practical requirements. The underlying values are correspond-ingly typical values for the sensor principle.Example:Accuracy class "2–1"Typical value 2 (<10 μm), with the trend to 1 (1 μm)Accuracy Class< 1 μm 1< 10 μm 2< 50 μm 3< 100 μm 4< 500 μm 5< 1 mm 6< 5 mm 7< 100 mm 8
Page 9:9www.balluff.comLinear Position Sensing and MeasurementConfiguring the distance measurement system0…(20…6000) mm 0…(25…6000) mm 0…(0.5…50) mm 0…8 mm0.02…1 mm 0.02…1 mm 0.2…0.5 mm 0.05 mm6–4 5–6 4–3 4–7Analog, digital Analog, digital Analog AnalogAbsolute Absolute Absolute AbsolutePhotoelectric, lighttravel time or triangula-tionUltrasound, echo-traveltime measurementInductive CapacitiveMeasurement andposition determinationof objects in the mate-rial flow of productionequipmentLevel measurementfor liquids and granu-lar material, distancecontrol for overheadconveyors, measure-ment of roll diametersClamping distancemonitoring on spindlesand grippers, sheetthickness measurement,roll gap monitoring, ec-centricity measurementfor shafts, shape moni-toring for metal partsLayer thicknessmonitoring and shapemonitoring fornon-metallic materialsand objects,level monitoringBOD BUS BAW BCWSee page 308 See page 332 See page 370 See page 390
Page 10:10Linear Position Sensing and MeasurementApplication consultationClarification for which products can meet your expectations isalways essential whenever new tasks have to be solved or existingapplications need to be optimized. Our experienced engineers knowour products inside and out and can provide you with the profes-sional consultation you need.An assigned expert is at your side throughout the process, ensuringthat your needs are met. By telephone or in person, you can discussyour concerns with our expert, specify your requirements, andexplain your application so we can present the best recommenda-tions to you.Application consultation by our Technical Support TeamDiscuss your technical requirements.And take advantage of our expertise.Appropriate solutionHigh application securityLess time requiredSignificant cost reductionExamples■ Selection of the right position measurement system■ IO-Link concept as a cost-effective alternative to conventionalwiring■ System consulting for radio frequency identification (RFID):identification of large steel pipes in adverse environments■ Commissioning the position measurement system in the applicationWith over 20,000 products available, you can choose the right prod-uct for your application.Real-world test in advanceA real-world test can be carried out in advance on request. Applica-tion scenarios are tested on site according to your specifications.This offers the best functionality and secures high quality.Order with BSS CSLThe benefits to you■ Competent support from A to Z—from accessories to systeminspection and beyond■ In-depth documentation of all solution suggestions with productoverview:Which solutions are ideal? Are there alternatives?How do you install the solution?What must be paid attention to in the surroundings?■ A personal contact person for the duration of the project
Page 11:11www.balluff.comLinear Position Sensing and MeasurementCustomized ordering, express productionThe express production* of a micropulse transducer BTL meansa maximum production time of 24 hours from receipt of order.If ordered by 10 a.m., the position measurement system will beproduced that very workday and transferred to shipping by 5 p.m.Express Production of Micropulse TransducersWork at our speed and you can get our Micropulse transducers in almost no time.The benefits to you■ Reduce downtimes and lower costs■ Increase productivity■ Express hotline: 49 7158 173-777Orders received after 10 a.m. will be shipped on the next workday.Express shipping is available on request. Rely on prompt service andensure high system availability.* Please consult with us before placing an order. Not all types can bemanufactured using express production.For items you need regularly, you can create custom sets with uswith the different components that are an exact match for your ap-plication. They are logically combined types of sensors, completesystems - both with and without accessories, and separate for eachtype of machine.Custom setsPut your components in a set as needed.And order with just one number.The benefits to you■ Time savings—one ordering code enables quick andefficient ordering■ Error prevention—without additional testing, all parts are complete■ Delivery according to your needsWe create a customized package with its own order number forquick ordering and fast installation.Examples■ Equipping a series cylinder with a Micropulseposition measurement system, position encoders and cable sets■ Position measurement systems and suitable accessories■ Assembling a complete magnetic tapemeasurement system BML with tape, guide rail andcounter display
Page 12:12MagneticallyCoded Positionand AngleMeasurementSystem12
Page 13:13www.balluff.comMagnetically CodedPosition and Angle Measurement SystemContentsMagnetically CodedPosition and Angle Measurement SystemApplications 14Product Overview 18Function Principle 20S1H Series (1 μm Absolute) 22S1G Series (1 μm Absolute) 30S1F Series (1 μm Incremental) 38S2B/S2E/S1C Series (5 μm Incremental) 46S2B/S2E/S1C Accessories 62Basic Information and Definitions 68A large range of position and angle measurement tasks or the dy-namic, accurate detection of speed and rotational speeds of rotatingshafts are solved in a wide variety of industries with magneticallycoded systems.A magnetic tape system consists of the sensor head, a tape forlinear or rotary use, and accessories such as a counter display orguide system. The operating principle is non-contact and thereforewear-free. The measured value is available as an incremental orabsolute output signal.The tapes, magnetized using the Permagnet process speciallydeveloped by Balluff, enable the highest accuracy. High flexibility isoffered by rolls of magnetic tape, with lengths available up to 48 m.Customized, fabricated solutions as well as special codings achieveoptimum results.The real-time-capable BML position measurement systems makethe position information available within microseconds and thereforeare optimum feedback systems in electric drive shafts.By means of its extremely small dimensions and contactless mea-surement technology, BML allows for integration even in tight spacesor extreme ambient conditions. Expensive downtimes and servicework are prevented from the outset by means of the wear-free oper-ating principle; service-intensive encapsulation becomes unneces-sary. Moreover, the contactless technology enables extremely highmeasurement speeds.www.balluff.comA large range of position and angle measurement tasnamic, accurate detection of speed and rotational spshafts are solved in a wide variety of industries with mcoded systems.A magnetic tape system consists of the sensor headlinear or rotary use, and accessories such as a countguide system. The operating principle is non-contactwear-free. The measured value is available as an incrabsolute output signal.The tapes, magnetized using the Permagnet processdeveloped by Balluff, enable the highest accuracy. Hoffered by rolls of magnetic tape, with lengths availabCustomized, fabricated solutions as well as special coptimum results.The real-time-capable BML position measurement sythe position information available within microsecondare optimum feedback systems in electric drive shaftBy means of its extremely small dimensions and contsurement technology, BML allows for integration eveor extreme ambient conditions. Expensive downtimeswork are prevented from the outset by means of theating principle; service-intensive encapsulation becomsary. Moreover, the contactless technology enables emeasurement speeds.
Page 14:14Magnetically CodedPosition and Angle Measurement SystemApplicationsFastest positioning with a high measurement rate and linearity. Smalldesign reduces installation space.Feedback system for pick and placeWith the smallest design of an absolute magnetic position measure-ment sensor and the option of measuring perpendicular to the tape,the magnetically coded position and angle measurement systemBML provides position feedback in highly dynamic applications evenin extremely tight spaces.■ Optimum control quality by means of a high measurement rateand linearity■ Additional analog signal for highly dynamic controls■ Unrivaled small metal housing reduces installation space
Page 15:15www.balluff.comMagnetically CodedPosition and Angle Measurement SystemApplicationsThe BML enables ultimate control dynamics and high gain factorsby means of smallest dimensions and high accuracy. Position withhigher speeds and best precision.Successfully used for years to point mirrors towards the sun withhigh accuracy. With BML you achieve the best energy efficiency inconcentrated solar power plants and parabolic trough power plants.MagneticallyCoded Posi-tion and AngleMeasurementSystemApplicationsProductOverviewFunction PrincipleS1H SeriesS1G SeriesS1F SeriesS2B/S2E/S1CSeriesAccessoriesBasicInformation andDefinitions
Page 16:16Magnetically CodedPosition and Angle Measurement SystemApplicationsUltrasonic weldingExact position feedback for perfect results. By means of directabsolute measurement on the load, inaccuracies and tolerance shiftsare reliably eliminated.■ Exact results by means of position detection righton the load support■ Compact design■ Ideal for short strokes■ Long-term reliability■ Wear-free due to non-contact measuringQuickly holds the welding tool on point and with millimeter precision.
Page 17:17www.balluff.comMagnetically CodedPosition and Angle Measurement SystemApplicationsMagneticallyCoded Posi-tion and AngleMeasurementSystemApplicationsProductOverviewFunction PrincipleS1H SeriesS1G SeriesS1F SeriesS2B/S2E/S1CSeriesAccessoriesBasicInformation andDefinitionsIn universal milling machines, magnetically coded position and anglemeasurement systems BML are used for accurate positioning of thex, y, and z axes.The BML measurement system with sensor head andtoroidal tape for highly accurate speed monitoring includingdetection of direction in the drive train.
Page 18:18Series BML-S1H_-M3AA... BML-S1H_-M3CA... BML-S1G0...Resolution < 1 μm < 1 μm 1...10 μmSystem accuracy ±7 μm ±7 μm ±20 μmDistance to tape 0.1…0.35 mm 0.1…0.35 mm 0.1…0.8 mmLinear tape 0...64 mm 0...256 mm 0...48 mRotary tape (magnet ring)Ø 30...300 mmAngle measurement with magnetic tape< 360°■ ■InterfacesAbsolute SSI ■ ■ ■Absolute BiSS C ■ ■ ■Incremental digital RS422 (TTL) ■Incremental digital HTL(as supply voltage 10...30 V)Incremental analog sin/cos (1 Vpp) ■ ■ ■Magnetic tape BML-M02-A…-M0009-A BML-M02-A…-M0028-C BML-M02-A…-EPole pitch (fine interpolation track) 1 mm 1 mm 2 mmFrom page 22 22 30High precision andextended lengthsMagnetically CodedPosition and Angle Measurement SystemProduct overview
Page 19:19www.balluff.comBML-S1F_-Q... BML-S1F_-A... BML-S2B0-Q... BML-S2E0-Q... BML-S1C0-Q...1...10 μm up to 0.25 μm* 5...50 μm 5...50 μm 100...2000 μm±10 μm ±10 μm ±50 μm ±100 μm ±100 μm0.1…0.35 mm 0.1…0.35 mm 0.1...2 mm 0.1...2 mm 0.1...2 mm0...48 m 0...48 m 0...48 m 0...48 m 0...48 m■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■BML-M02-I3… BML-M02-I3… BML-M02-I4… BML-M02-I4… BML-M02-I4…1 mm 1 mm 5 mm 5 mm 5 mm38 38 46 46 46* Depending onthe customer'selectronicsMagnetically CodedPosition and Angle Measurement SystemProduct overviewMagneticallyCoded Posi-tion and AngleMeasurementSystemApplicationsProductOverviewFunction PrincipleS1H SeriesS1G SeriesS1F SeriesS2B/S2E/S1CSeriesAccessoriesBasicInformation andDefinitions
Page 20:20Magnetically codedsystems are highly accurateand real-time-capableNon-contact and highly ro-bust, even for applications inrough conditionsSystem featuresof absolute systemsOperating principle of ab-solutely coded position andangle measurement systemBMLThe high-precision magnetic position and angle measurementsystem BML consists of a sensor head and a magnetically encodedtape. The sensor head glides over the tape, which is encoded withmagnetic poles, with a gap of up to 2 mm.Incremental systems make available the period changes of the tapeencoded with alternating polarity as square- or sine-wave signalsat the sensor output. The signals are processed using standardincremental inputs or sine-wave counter inputs of the electronicprocessor unit.With the absolute systems, the absolute position is processed asan SSI or BiSS signal at the standard interface of the electronicprocessor unit. Additionally, the absolute BML makes a real-timeincremental signal available for evaluation for fast control applicationswith high sample rates.Displacement sensors with a magnetically encoded tape are veryrobust and operate highly accurately and particularly fast as a mea-surement system. Resolution is down to 1 μm. Accuracy degreesof ±7 μm can be achieved. The BML has no trouble with abso-lute measurement of travel speeds up to 10 m/s and incrementalmeasurement up to 20 m/s. The absolute position values can beclocked with up to 10 MHz. The measured position value is availablein fractions of microseconds. The controller receives the incrementalposition signal in real time.In addition to the high accuracy and real-time capability, the BiSSinterface allows for bidirectional communication including signal errordetection. Since the measurement system operates magnetically,unlike optical systems it is highly tolerant of contamination suchas oil, swarf, or dust and does not require encapsulation. Unlikewith inductive systems, with the BML, metal swarf merely causesattenuation and does not register as a measurement variable. Theseproperties make it excellently suited for use in harsh or dusty indus-trial environments.■ Non-contact operating principle■ Resolution down to 1 μm■ System accuracy to ±7 μm■ Absolute signal SSI and BiSS C■ Additional real-time signal■ Gap between sensor and tape up to 0.8 mmMagnetically CodedPosition and Angle Measurement SystemFunction principlePerpendicular magnetic tape