


Tool Identification with Industrial RFID



ドキュメント名 Tool Identification with Industrial RFID
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 923.6Kb
取り扱い企業 バルーフ株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)


バルーフ IO-Linkゲートウェイ製品ラインナップ


クランプ位置センサ BIP01


クランプ位置センサ BIP04


このカタログ(Tool Identification with Industrial RFID)の内容

Page 1:Tool Identification with Industrial RFIDMore efficiency through improved processes6 7n www.balluff.comTool Identificationwith Industrial RFIDThe systemNon-contact tool identification in modern machine toolsmakes an indispensable contribution to defect-free andefficient production processes.Extremely rugged and absolutely impervious to environmentaleffects, Balluff Industrial RFID systems are exceptionally reliableand dependable. This is guaranteed by their inductive principleof operation. Balluff Industrial RFID systems are therefore idealfor use in the harsh industrial environment of the machine tool.You too can benefit from these powerful Industrial RFID systemsfor tool identification.In addition to tool identification, Balluff Industrial RFID systems alsooffer significant advantages in unbroken documentation and auto-mation of the entire manufacturing process. Parts can be easily kepttrack of – whether in the machining or assembly process.Each step in machining or assembly is stored on the data carrier toensure traceability for providing the greatest process reliability andhighest quality.A wide variety of■Data carriers,■Read/write heads,■Processors and■Accessoriesare available. Simply make your choice based on the featuresyou need. And you will benefit from the ease of installation.90° angled data carrierFor large assembly systems withmany shunt points. Create newpossibilities. While saving time.With a data carrier whose dataare available from two 90° offsetsides. No longer do the work-piece carriers have to be rotatedfor reading and writing.Screw tagIdeally suited for harsh environ-ments. Their rugged designensures that screw tags enableparts tracking in productionprocesses where coolants orchips are present in significantquantities. Washing equipmentand vacuum driers also leavethem unfazed.FERROIDENTFor 100% quality and consistentdefect prevention even on metal.Consistent high performance inany environment – regardless ofthe substrate material. The smallform factor handles large quanti-ties of data. And at long range.Pallet identificationThe large variety of models inthe Balluff Industrial RFID systemmakes pallet identificationabsolutely reliable in any sur-roundings. Balluff Industrial RFIDsystems make their contribu-tion – in improving automation,preventing process interruptionsand in process-oriented qualityassurance.No.864722E·Edition0809;Subjecttomodification.Balluff GmbHSchurwaldstrasse 973765 Neuhausen a.d.F.GermanyPhone 49 7158 173-0Fax 49 7158 5010balluff@balluff.deLearn more about the broad product rangeof our Industrial RFID Systems in our brochures,on CD-ROM, DVD-ROM or online!n www.balluff.comAt an engine production plant, a data carrier is installed on the work-piece prior to machining and assembly. All the process data can beminutely recorded, any defects precisely localized and analyzed. Thisensures rapid response should in the worst case a recall be issued.Balluff Industrial RFID offers security.Data exchange between the data carrier and read/write head is non-contact and therefore wear-free. The data and necessary power forthe data carrier are inductively coupled by the read/write head. Thismeans the data carrier requires no battery for power. The reliabilityof the data transmission is guaranteed by special checking software.Product Identificationwith Industrial RFIDReliably track partsIn addition, you can precisely monitor work steps which directlyprecede or follow the production process, and use them for opti-mized resource management. Balluff Industrial RFID lets you createtransparency and reduce your costs.ControllerRead/write headProcessorConnection cableInterfacesData carriersObject DetectionLinear Position SensingIndustrial IdentificationIndustrial Networking and ConnectivityMechanical Accessories

Page 2:Total annual savings with Balluff Industrial RFID 108,370 €Tool Identificationwith Industrial RFIDReliably manage your toolsIncrease productivityTool Identificationwith Industrial RFIDImprove qualityIncrease efficiencyTool Identificationwith Industrial RFIDReduce costsTechnical progress in machine tools is a success story that is settingstandards. Today‘s modern machine tools have little in common withtheir predecessors. And yet development and process optimizationon machine tools continues, with the goal of the greatest possibleutility and highest efficiency.Which is just where Balluff Industrial RFID comes in. Our systemsprovide complete tool data with extreme reliability and guaranteeassured operation as well as increased productivity of the equip-ment. Capable of integration in every commonly used machinecontroller, our Industrial RFID systems ensure flexible and reliablecommunication in the tool management system. And they do itabsolutely without contact and maintenance-free. Tools always carrytheir individual data with them so they can be optimally used andmanaged.Increase the uptime of your machines with Balluff Industrial RFID.You‘ll optimize your production processes. And profit from over20 years of Balluff expertise in Industrial RFID.Balluff Industrial RFID systems provide you with the analysis datawhich is indispensable for exact cost calculations and modernquality and tool management.All the relevant tool data, such as numbers, dimensions or tool lifeare stored by the Balluff Industrial RFID system. With absolute relia-bility. And all the data are available at any time.Balluff Industrial RFID supports you tool management system andnot only simplifies data management. It also improves the qualityof the production process. And increases the efficiency of yourequipment. Optimal tool utilization with Industrial RFID ensures thebest possible added value.Optimal tool utilizationWith Industrial RFID you utilize your tools in an optimal manner, since■precise, up-to-date tool life information is ensured■nominal/actual wear is accurately logged and maintainedin a tool statistics database■continuous monitoring ensures maximum tool quality and in turn■reduces tool inventory requirements.Paperless tool informationConvince yourself of the advantages of paperless information thatmakes data transfer absolutely reliable: The tool data■ are always correct, since manual entry mistakes are eliminated■can be recalled at any time, since the information is alwayslocated on the tool itself■can be unambiguously associated, since the tool anddata carrier are always integrated■are never lost, since paper and labels have been eliminated.Electronic data transmissionSending tool data electronically is not only simple, it also providesunlimited reliability. Save time and profit from these benefits:■Manual entry is eliminated and information cannot be forgotten.■Unambiguous association in the tool magazine is ensured.■Tool data can be recalled at any time – even after removalfrom the tool magazine.■Greater machine uptime, since data entry requires less time.Machine downtime is significantly reduced.Quality assuranceBalluff Industrial RFID optimizes production quality and efficiency.And allows you to easily verify your consistently high-quality pro-cesses to your customers.Make full use of your capabilities. And increase your added value.■Consistent quality and verifiability are ensured.■Nominal tool life of the tools cannot be inadvertently exceeded.■Monitored tool quality reduces scrap.2 n www.balluff.com 5Tool identification with Industrial RFID means incorrect assignments or missing tools are a thing of the past. All the tool-relevant dataare stored non-contact on a data carrier which is fixed on the tool holder. Automatic reading into the machine memory means all the dataare always correct. And always up-to-date. Because the data are continuously updated when the tool is loaded and unloaded. In modernproduction facilities this ensures maximum tool utilization and high machine uptime.Compare Industrial RFID tool management with conventionaltool handling. And convince yourself of the tangible cost advantagesof Industrial RFID.Tool presettingConvenient and absolutely reliable storing of tool data■All the data are stored directly on a data carrier embeddedin the tool holder. No more manual entry errors.■Tool data are permanently and uniquely associated with the tool.Tool cribReady to use immediately■Tools are always at the readyso they can be optimally utilized.■Data are complete and error-free.■Data can be retrieved at any time.New toolSimple integration into the tool■Thanks to standardized size forinstallation in HSK spindlesper DIN 68871-A and SK tapersper ISO/DIS 12164-1Machine toolGreater machine uptime■Through reliable, unique associationin the tool magazine■All tool data are acquired and automaticallytransferred to the machine memory.■No incorrect entries, no forgetting of dataTool life monitoringGreater efficiency■Exact inventorying reduces stock level requirementsand offers great savings potential.■Exact tracking of tools in the work process ensuresefficient tool usage.■Maximum quality: Tools are sharpened or replaced just-in-time.Cost (€)Machine runtime (years)Handling with Industrial RFID Conventional handlingToolutilizationToolbreakageQuantity: 20 pcs./yearDowntime: 10 minutesDowntime costs: Machine hourly cost Operator hourly cost = 4 €/min (assumption) = 200 min × 4 €/min = 800 € cost/yearAvg. tool price: 150 €Tool utilization: < 92 %New tool: < 340 pcs./yearLost utilization: 8 % = (340 pcs./year × 150 €) × 8 % = 4,080 € cost/yearAvg. tool price: 150 €Tool utilization: < 65 %New tool: < 500 pcs./yearLost utilization: 35 % = (500 pcs./year × 150 €) × 35 % = 26,250 € cost/yearLoading, data entry: 0.3 minutesMachine hourly rate: 64 € (1.07 €/min)Tool changing assuming2-shift operationper machine: avg. 25 changes/dayMachine operation: 250 days/year = 0.3 minutes × 25 tool changes × 12 machines × 250 days × 64 €/h = 24,000 € cost/yearLoading, data entry: 1.3 minutesMachine hourly rate: 64 € (1.07 €/min)Tool changing assuming2-shift operationper machine: avg. 25 changes/dayMachine operation: 250 days/year = 1.3 minutes × 25 tool changes × 12 machines × 250 days × 64 €/h = 104,000 € cost/yearQuantity: 175 pcs./yearDowntime: 10 minutesDowntime costs: Machine hourly cost Operator hourly cost = 4 €/min (assumption) = 1750 min × 4 €/min = 7,000 € cost/yearToolanddataentryThe cost calculation presumes a medium-size productionfacility with twelve machining centers and 1200 tools. The up-frontprocurement will have paid for itself after only a short time.One-time investment costCosts of conventional handlingCosts with Balluff Industrial RFIDAnnual savingsAnnual savings with Balluff Industrial RFID 6,200 € (not including resulting production downtime)Annual savings with Balluff Industrial RFID 22,170 €Annual savings with Balluff Industrial RFID 80,000 €

Page 3:Total annual savings with Balluff Industrial RFID 108,370 €Tool Identificationwith Industrial RFIDReliably manage your toolsIncrease productivityTool Identificationwith Industrial RFIDImprove qualityIncrease efficiencyTool Identificationwith Industrial RFIDReduce costsTechnical progress in machine tools is a success story that is settingstandards. Today‘s modern machine tools have little in common withtheir predecessors. And yet development and process optimizationon machine tools continues, with the goal of the greatest possibleutility and highest efficiency.Which is just where Balluff Industrial RFID comes in. Our systemsprovide complete tool data with extreme reliability and guaranteeassured operation as well as increased productivity of the equip-ment. Capable of integration in every commonly used machinecontroller, our Industrial RFID systems ensure flexible and reliablecommunication in the tool management system. And they do itabsolutely without contact and maintenance-free. Tools always carrytheir individual data with them so they can be optimally used andmanaged.Increase the uptime of your machines with Balluff Industrial RFID.You‘ll optimize your production processes. And profit from over20 years of Balluff expertise in Industrial RFID.Balluff Industrial RFID systems provide you with the analysis datawhich is indispensable for exact cost calculations and modernquality and tool management.All the relevant tool data, such as numbers, dimensions or tool lifeare stored by the Balluff Industrial RFID system. With absolute relia-bility. And all the data are available at any time.Balluff Industrial RFID supports you tool management system andnot only simplifies data management. It also improves the qualityof the production process. And increases the efficiency of yourequipment. Optimal tool utilization with Industrial RFID ensures thebest possible added value.Optimal tool utilizationWith Industrial RFID you utilize your tools in an optimal manner, since■precise, up-to-date tool life information is ensured■nominal/actual wear is accurately logged and maintainedin a tool statistics database■continuous monitoring ensures maximum tool quality and in turn■reduces tool inventory requirements.Paperless tool informationConvince yourself of the advantages of paperless information thatmakes data transfer absolutely reliable: The tool data■ are always correct, since manual entry mistakes are eliminated■can be recalled at any time, since the information is alwayslocated on the tool itself■can be unambiguously associated, since the tool anddata carrier are always integrated■are never lost, since paper and labels have been eliminated.Electronic data transmissionSending tool data electronically is not only simple, it also providesunlimited reliability. Save time and profit from these benefits:■Manual entry is eliminated and information cannot be forgotten.■Unambiguous association in the tool magazine is ensured.■Tool data can be recalled at any time – even after removalfrom the tool magazine.■Greater machine uptime, since data entry requires less time.Machine downtime is significantly reduced.Quality assuranceBalluff Industrial RFID optimizes production quality and efficiency.And allows you to easily verify your consistently high-quality pro-cesses to your customers.Make full use of your capabilities. And increase your added value.■Consistent quality and verifiability are ensured.■Nominal tool life of the tools cannot be inadvertently exceeded.■Monitored tool quality reduces scrap.2 n www.balluff.com 5Tool identification with Industrial RFID means incorrect assignments or missing tools are a thing of the past. All the tool-relevant dataare stored non-contact on a data carrier which is fixed on the tool holder. Automatic reading into the machine memory means all the dataare always correct. And always up-to-date. Because the data are continuously updated when the tool is loaded and unloaded. In modernproduction facilities this ensures maximum tool utilization and high machine uptime.Compare Industrial RFID tool management with conventionaltool handling. And convince yourself of the tangible cost advantagesof Industrial RFID.Tool presettingConvenient and absolutely reliable storing of tool data■All the data are stored directly on a data carrier embeddedin the tool holder. No more manual entry errors.■Tool data are permanently and uniquely associated with the tool.Tool cribReady to use immediately■Tools are always at the readyso they can be optimally utilized.■Data are complete and error-free.■Data can be retrieved at any time.New toolSimple integration into the tool■Thanks to standardized size forinstallation in HSK spindlesper DIN 68871-A and SK tapersper ISO/DIS 12164-1Machine toolGreater machine uptime■Through reliable, unique associationin the tool magazine■All tool data are acquired and automaticallytransferred to the machine memory.■No incorrect entries, no forgetting of dataTool life monitoringGreater efficiency■Exact inventorying reduces stock level requirementsand offers great savings potential.■Exact tracking of tools in the work process ensuresefficient tool usage.■Maximum quality: Tools are sharpened or replaced just-in-time.Cost (€)Machine runtime (years)Handling with Industrial RFID Conventional handlingToolutilizationToolbreakageQuantity: 20 pcs./yearDowntime: 10 minutesDowntime costs: Machine hourly cost Operator hourly cost = 4 €/min (assumption) = 200 min × 4 €/min = 800 € cost/yearAvg. tool price: 150 €Tool utilization: < 92 %New tool: < 340 pcs./yearLost utilization: 8 % = (340 pcs./year × 150 €) × 8 % = 4,080 € cost/yearAvg. tool price: 150 €Tool utilization: < 65 %New tool: < 500 pcs./yearLost utilization: 35 % = (500 pcs./year × 150 €) × 35 % = 26,250 € cost/yearLoading, data entry: 0.3 minutesMachine hourly rate: 64 € (1.07 €/min)Tool changing assuming2-shift operationper machine: avg. 25 changes/dayMachine operation: 250 days/year = 0.3 minutes × 25 tool changes × 12 machines × 250 days × 64 €/h = 24,000 € cost/yearLoading, data entry: 1.3 minutesMachine hourly rate: 64 € (1.07 €/min)Tool changing assuming2-shift operationper machine: avg. 25 changes/dayMachine operation: 250 days/year = 1.3 minutes × 25 tool changes × 12 machines × 250 days × 64 €/h = 104,000 € cost/yearQuantity: 175 pcs./yearDowntime: 10 minutesDowntime costs: Machine hourly cost Operator hourly cost = 4 €/min (assumption) = 1750 min × 4 €/min = 7,000 € cost/yearToolanddataentryThe cost calculation presumes a medium-size productionfacility with twelve machining centers and 1200 tools. The up-frontprocurement will have paid for itself after only a short time.One-time investment costCosts of conventional handlingCosts with Balluff Industrial RFIDAnnual savingsAnnual savings with Balluff Industrial RFID 6,200 € (not including resulting production downtime)Annual savings with Balluff Industrial RFID 22,170 €Annual savings with Balluff Industrial RFID 80,000 €

Page 4:Total annual savings with Balluff Industrial RFID 108,370 €Tool Identificationwith Industrial RFIDReliably manage your toolsIncrease productivityTool Identificationwith Industrial RFIDImprove qualityIncrease efficiencyTool Identificationwith Industrial RFIDReduce costsTechnical progress in machine tools is a success story that is settingstandards. Today‘s modern machine tools have little in common withtheir predecessors. And yet development and process optimizationon machine tools continues, with the goal of the greatest possibleutility and highest efficiency.Which is just where Balluff Industrial RFID comes in. Our systemsprovide complete tool data with extreme reliability and guaranteeassured operation as well as increased productivity of the equip-ment. Capable of integration in every commonly used machinecontroller, our Industrial RFID systems ensure flexible and reliablecommunication in the tool management system. And they do itabsolutely without contact and maintenance-free. Tools always carrytheir individual data with them so they can be optimally used andmanaged.Increase the uptime of your machines with Balluff Industrial RFID.You‘ll optimize your production processes. And profit from over20 years of Balluff expertise in Industrial RFID.Balluff Industrial RFID systems provide you with the analysis datawhich is indispensable for exact cost calculations and modernquality and tool management.All the relevant tool data, such as numbers, dimensions or tool lifeare stored by the Balluff Industrial RFID system. With absolute relia-bility. And all the data are available at any time.Balluff Industrial RFID supports you tool management system andnot only simplifies data management. It also improves the qualityof the production process. And increases the efficiency of yourequipment. Optimal tool utilization with Industrial RFID ensures thebest possible added value.Optimal tool utilizationWith Industrial RFID you utilize your tools in an optimal manner, since■precise, up-to-date tool life information is ensured■nominal/actual wear is accurately logged and maintainedin a tool statistics database■continuous monitoring ensures maximum tool quality and in turn■reduces tool inventory requirements.Paperless tool informationConvince yourself of the advantages of paperless information thatmakes data transfer absolutely reliable: The tool data■ are always correct, since manual entry mistakes are eliminated■can be recalled at any time, since the information is alwayslocated on the tool itself■can be unambiguously associated, since the tool anddata carrier are always integrated■are never lost, since paper and labels have been eliminated.Electronic data transmissionSending tool data electronically is not only simple, it also providesunlimited reliability. Save time and profit from these benefits:■Manual entry is eliminated and information cannot be forgotten.■Unambiguous association in the tool magazine is ensured.■Tool data can be recalled at any time – even after removalfrom the tool magazine.■Greater machine uptime, since data entry requires less time.Machine downtime is significantly reduced.Quality assuranceBalluff Industrial RFID optimizes production quality and efficiency.And allows you to easily verify your consistently high-quality pro-cesses to your customers.Make full use of your capabilities. And increase your added value.■Consistent quality and verifiability are ensured.■Nominal tool life of the tools cannot be inadvertently exceeded.■Monitored tool quality reduces scrap.2 n www.balluff.com 5Tool identification with Industrial RFID means incorrect assignments or missing tools are a thing of the past. All the tool-relevant dataare stored non-contact on a data carrier which is fixed on the tool holder. Automatic reading into the machine memory means all the dataare always correct. And always up-to-date. Because the data are continuously updated when the tool is loaded and unloaded. In modernproduction facilities this ensures maximum tool utilization and high machine uptime.Compare Industrial RFID tool management with conventionaltool handling. And convince yourself of the tangible cost advantagesof Industrial RFID.Tool presettingConvenient and absolutely reliable storing of tool data■All the data are stored directly on a data carrier embeddedin the tool holder. No more manual entry errors.■Tool data are permanently and uniquely associated with the tool.Tool cribReady to use immediately■Tools are always at the readyso they can be optimally utilized.■Data are complete and error-free.■Data can be retrieved at any time.New toolSimple integration into the tool■Thanks to standardized size forinstallation in HSK spindlesper DIN 68871-A and SK tapersper ISO/DIS 12164-1Machine toolGreater machine uptime■Through reliable, unique associationin the tool magazine■All tool data are acquired and automaticallytransferred to the machine memory.■No incorrect entries, no forgetting of dataTool life monitoringGreater efficiency■Exact inventorying reduces stock level requirementsand offers great savings potential.■Exact tracking of tools in the work process ensuresefficient tool usage.■Maximum quality: Tools are sharpened or replaced just-in-time.Cost (€)Machine runtime (years)Handling with Industrial RFID Conventional handlingToolutilizationToolbreakageQuantity: 20 pcs./yearDowntime: 10 minutesDowntime costs: Machine hourly cost Operator hourly cost = 4 €/min (assumption) = 200 min × 4 €/min = 800 € cost/yearAvg. tool price: 150 €Tool utilization: < 92 %New tool: < 340 pcs./yearLost utilization: 8 % = (340 pcs./year × 150 €) × 8 % = 4,080 € cost/yearAvg. tool price: 150 €Tool utilization: < 65 %New tool: < 500 pcs./yearLost utilization: 35 % = (500 pcs./year × 150 €) × 35 % = 26,250 € cost/yearLoading, data entry: 0.3 minutesMachine hourly rate: 64 € (1.07 €/min)Tool changing assuming2-shift operationper machine: avg. 25 changes/dayMachine operation: 250 days/year = 0.3 minutes × 25 tool changes × 12 machines × 250 days × 64 €/h = 24,000 € cost/yearLoading, data entry: 1.3 minutesMachine hourly rate: 64 € (1.07 €/min)Tool changing assuming2-shift operationper machine: avg. 25 changes/dayMachine operation: 250 days/year = 1.3 minutes × 25 tool changes × 12 machines × 250 days × 64 €/h = 104,000 € cost/yearQuantity: 175 pcs./yearDowntime: 10 minutesDowntime costs: Machine hourly cost Operator hourly cost = 4 €/min (assumption) = 1750 min × 4 €/min = 7,000 € cost/yearToolanddataentryThe cost calculation presumes a medium-size productionfacility with twelve machining centers and 1200 tools. The up-frontprocurement will have paid for itself after only a short time.One-time investment costCosts of conventional handlingCosts with Balluff Industrial RFIDAnnual savingsAnnual savings with Balluff Industrial RFID 6,200 € (not including resulting production downtime)Annual savings with Balluff Industrial RFID 22,170 €Annual savings with Balluff Industrial RFID 80,000 €

Page 5:Total annual savings with Balluff Industrial RFID 108,370 €Tool Identificationwith Industrial RFIDReliably manage your toolsIncrease productivityTool Identificationwith Industrial RFIDImprove qualityIncrease efficiencyTool Identificationwith Industrial RFIDReduce costsTechnical progress in machine tools is a success story that is settingstandards. Today‘s modern machine tools have little in common withtheir predecessors. And yet development and process optimizationon machine tools continues, with the goal of the greatest possibleutility and highest efficiency.Which is just where Balluff Industrial RFID comes in. Our systemsprovide complete tool data with extreme reliability and guaranteeassured operation as well as increased productivity of the equip-ment. Capable of integration in every commonly used machinecontroller, our Industrial RFID systems ensure flexible and reliablecommunication in the tool management system. And they do itabsolutely without contact and maintenance-free. Tools always carrytheir individual data with them so they can be optimally used andmanaged.Increase the uptime of your machines with Balluff Industrial RFID.You‘ll optimize your production processes. And profit from over20 years of Balluff expertise in Industrial RFID.Balluff Industrial RFID systems provide you with the analysis datawhich is indispensable for exact cost calculations and modernquality and tool management.All the relevant tool data, such as numbers, dimensions or tool lifeare stored by the Balluff Industrial RFID system. With absolute relia-bility. And all the data are available at any time.Balluff Industrial RFID supports you tool management system andnot only simplifies data management. It also improves the qualityof the production process. And increases the efficiency of yourequipment. Optimal tool utilization with Industrial RFID ensures thebest possible added value.Optimal tool utilizationWith Industrial RFID you utilize your tools in an optimal manner, since■precise, up-to-date tool life information is ensured■nominal/actual wear is accurately logged and maintainedin a tool statistics database■continuous monitoring ensures maximum tool quality and in turn■reduces tool inventory requirements.Paperless tool informationConvince yourself of the advantages of paperless information thatmakes data transfer absolutely reliable: The tool data■ are always correct, since manual entry mistakes are eliminated■can be recalled at any time, since the information is alwayslocated on the tool itself■can be unambiguously associated, since the tool anddata carrier are always integrated■are never lost, since paper and labels have been eliminated.Electronic data transmissionSending tool data electronically is not only simple, it also providesunlimited reliability. Save time and profit from these benefits:■Manual entry is eliminated and information cannot be forgotten.■Unambiguous association in the tool magazine is ensured.■Tool data can be recalled at any time – even after removalfrom the tool magazine.■Greater machine uptime, since data entry requires less time.Machine downtime is significantly reduced.Quality assuranceBalluff Industrial RFID optimizes production quality and efficiency.And allows you to easily verify your consistently high-quality pro-cesses to your customers.Make full use of your capabilities. And increase your added value.■Consistent quality and verifiability are ensured.■Nominal tool life of the tools cannot be inadvertently exceeded.■Monitored tool quality reduces scrap.2 n www.balluff.com 5Tool identification with Industrial RFID means incorrect assignments or missing tools are a thing of the past. All the tool-relevant dataare stored non-contact on a data carrier which is fixed on the tool holder. Automatic reading into the machine memory means all the dataare always correct. And always up-to-date. Because the data are continuously updated when the tool is loaded and unloaded. In modernproduction facilities this ensures maximum tool utilization and high machine uptime.Compare Industrial RFID tool management with conventionaltool handling. And convince yourself of the tangible cost advantagesof Industrial RFID.Tool presettingConvenient and absolutely reliable storing of tool data■All the data are stored directly on a data carrier embeddedin the tool holder. No more manual entry errors.■Tool data are permanently and uniquely associated with the tool.Tool cribReady to use immediately■Tools are always at the readyso they can be optimally utilized.■Data are complete and error-free.■Data can be retrieved at any time.New toolSimple integration into the tool■Thanks to standardized size forinstallation in HSK spindlesper DIN 68871-A and SK tapersper ISO/DIS 12164-1Machine toolGreater machine uptime■Through reliable, unique associationin the tool magazine■All tool data are acquired and automaticallytransferred to the machine memory.■No incorrect entries, no forgetting of dataTool life monitoringGreater efficiency■Exact inventorying reduces stock level requirementsand offers great savings potential.■Exact tracking of tools in the work process ensuresefficient tool usage.■Maximum quality: Tools are sharpened or replaced just-in-time.Cost (€)Machine runtime (years)Handling with Industrial RFID Conventional handlingToolutilizationToolbreakageQuantity: 20 pcs./yearDowntime: 10 minutesDowntime costs: Machine hourly cost Operator hourly cost = 4 €/min (assumption) = 200 min × 4 €/min = 800 € cost/yearAvg. tool price: 150 €Tool utilization: < 92 %New tool: < 340 pcs./yearLost utilization: 8 % = (340 pcs./year × 150 €) × 8 % = 4,080 € cost/yearAvg. tool price: 150 €Tool utilization: < 65 %New tool: < 500 pcs./yearLost utilization: 35 % = (500 pcs./year × 150 €) × 35 % = 26,250 € cost/yearLoading, data entry: 0.3 minutesMachine hourly rate: 64 € (1.07 €/min)Tool changing assuming2-shift operationper machine: avg. 25 changes/dayMachine operation: 250 days/year = 0.3 minutes × 25 tool changes × 12 machines × 250 days × 64 €/h = 24,000 € cost/yearLoading, data entry: 1.3 minutesMachine hourly rate: 64 € (1.07 €/min)Tool changing assuming2-shift operationper machine: avg. 25 changes/dayMachine operation: 250 days/year = 1.3 minutes × 25 tool changes × 12 machines × 250 days × 64 €/h = 104,000 € cost/yearQuantity: 175 pcs./yearDowntime: 10 minutesDowntime costs: Machine hourly cost Operator hourly cost = 4 €/min (assumption) = 1750 min × 4 €/min = 7,000 € cost/yearToolanddataentryThe cost calculation presumes a medium-size productionfacility with twelve machining centers and 1200 tools. The up-frontprocurement will have paid for itself after only a short time.One-time investment costCosts of conventional handlingCosts with Balluff Industrial RFIDAnnual savingsAnnual savings with Balluff Industrial RFID 6,200 € (not including resulting production downtime)Annual savings with Balluff Industrial RFID 22,170 €Annual savings with Balluff Industrial RFID 80,000 €

Page 6:Tool Identification with Industrial RFIDMore efficiency through improved processes6 7n www.balluff.comTool Identificationwith Industrial RFIDThe systemNon-contact tool identification in modern machine toolsmakes an indispensable contribution to defect-free andefficient production processes.Extremely rugged and absolutely impervious to environmentaleffects, Balluff Industrial RFID systems are exceptionally reliableand dependable. This is guaranteed by their inductive principleof operation. Balluff Industrial RFID systems are therefore idealfor use in the harsh industrial environment of the machine tool.You too can benefit from these powerful Industrial RFID systemsfor tool identification.In addition to tool identification, Balluff Industrial RFID systems alsooffer significant advantages in unbroken documentation and auto-mation of the entire manufacturing process. Parts can be easily kepttrack of – whether in the machining or assembly process.Each step in machining or assembly is stored on the data carrier toensure traceability for providing the greatest process reliability andhighest quality.A wide variety of■Data carriers,■Read/write heads,■Processors and■Accessoriesare available. Simply make your choice based on the featuresyou need. And you will benefit from the ease of installation.90° angled data carrierFor large assembly systems withmany shunt points. Create newpossibilities. While saving time.With a data carrier whose dataare available from two 90° offsetsides. No longer do the work-piece carriers have to be rotatedfor reading and writing.Screw tagIdeally suited for harsh environ-ments. Their rugged designensures that screw tags enableparts tracking in productionprocesses where coolants orchips are present in significantquantities. Washing equipmentand vacuum driers also leavethem unfazed.FERROIDENTFor 100% quality and consistentdefect prevention even on metal.Consistent high performance inany environment – regardless ofthe substrate material. The smallform factor handles large quanti-ties of data. And at long range.Pallet identificationThe large variety of models inthe Balluff Industrial RFID systemmakes pallet identificationabsolutely reliable in any sur-roundings. Balluff Industrial RFIDsystems make their contribu-tion – in improving automation,preventing process interruptionsand in process-oriented qualityassurance.No.864722E·Edition0809;Subjecttomodification.Balluff GmbHSchurwaldstrasse 973765 Neuhausen a.d.F.GermanyPhone 49 7158 173-0Fax 49 7158 5010balluff@balluff.deLearn more about the broad product rangeof our Industrial RFID Systems in our brochures,on CD-ROM, DVD-ROM or online!n www.balluff.comAt an engine production plant, a data carrier is installed on the work-piece prior to machining and assembly. All the process data can beminutely recorded, any defects precisely localized and analyzed. Thisensures rapid response should in the worst case a recall be issued.Balluff Industrial RFID offers security.Data exchange between the data carrier and read/write head is non-contact and therefore wear-free. The data and necessary power forthe data carrier are inductively coupled by the read/write head. Thismeans the data carrier requires no battery for power. The reliabilityof the data transmission is guaranteed by special checking software.Product Identificationwith Industrial RFIDReliably track partsIn addition, you can precisely monitor work steps which directlyprecede or follow the production process, and use them for opti-mized resource management. Balluff Industrial RFID lets you createtransparency and reduce your costs.ControllerRead/write headProcessorConnection cableInterfacesData carriersObject DetectionLinear Position SensingIndustrial IdentificationIndustrial Networking and ConnectivityMechanical Accessories

Page 7:Tool Identification with Industrial RFIDMore efficiency through improved processes6 7n www.balluff.comTool Identificationwith Industrial RFIDThe systemNon-contact tool identification in modern machine toolsmakes an indispensable contribution to defect-free andefficient production processes.Extremely rugged and absolutely impervious to environmentaleffects, Balluff Industrial RFID systems are exceptionally reliableand dependable. This is guaranteed by their inductive principleof operation. Balluff Industrial RFID systems are therefore idealfor use in the harsh industrial environment of the machine tool.You too can benefit from these powerful Industrial RFID systemsfor tool identification.In addition to tool identification, Balluff Industrial RFID systems alsooffer significant advantages in unbroken documentation and auto-mation of the entire manufacturing process. Parts can be easily kepttrack of – whether in the machining or assembly process.Each step in machining or assembly is stored on the data carrier toensure traceability for providing the greatest process reliability andhighest quality.A wide variety of■Data carriers,■Read/write heads,■Processors and■Accessoriesare available. Simply make your choice based on the featuresyou need. And you will benefit from the ease of installation.90° angled data carrierFor large assembly systems withmany shunt points. Create newpossibilities. While saving time.With a data carrier whose dataare available from two 90° offsetsides. No longer do the work-piece carriers have to be rotatedfor reading and writing.Screw tagIdeally suited for harsh environ-ments. Their rugged designensures that screw tags enableparts tracking in productionprocesses where coolants orchips are present in significantquantities. Washing equipmentand vacuum driers also leavethem unfazed.FERROIDENTFor 100% quality and consistentdefect prevention even on metal.Consistent high performance inany environment – regardless ofthe substrate material. The smallform factor handles large quanti-ties of data. And at long range.Pallet identificationThe large variety of models inthe Balluff Industrial RFID systemmakes pallet identificationabsolutely reliable in any sur-roundings. Balluff Industrial RFIDsystems make their contribu-tion – in improving automation,preventing process interruptionsand in process-oriented qualityassurance.No.864722E·Edition0809;Subjecttomodification.Balluff GmbHSchurwaldstrasse 973765 Neuhausen a.d.F.GermanyPhone 49 7158 173-0Fax 49 7158 5010balluff@balluff.deLearn more about the broad product rangeof our Industrial RFID Systems in our brochures,on CD-ROM, DVD-ROM or online!n www.balluff.comAt an engine production plant, a data carrier is installed on the work-piece prior to machining and assembly. All the process data can beminutely recorded, any defects precisely localized and analyzed. Thisensures rapid response should in the worst case a recall be issued.Balluff Industrial RFID offers security.Data exchange between the data carrier and read/write head is non-contact and therefore wear-free. The data and necessary power forthe data carrier are inductively coupled by the read/write head. Thismeans the data carrier requires no battery for power. The reliabilityof the data transmission is guaranteed by special checking software.Product Identificationwith Industrial RFIDReliably track partsIn addition, you can precisely monitor work steps which directlyprecede or follow the production process, and use them for opti-mized resource management. Balluff Industrial RFID lets you createtransparency and reduce your costs.ControllerRead/write headProcessorConnection cableInterfacesData carriersObject DetectionLinear Position SensingIndustrial IdentificationIndustrial Networking and ConnectivityMechanical Accessories

Page 8:Tool Identification with Industrial RFIDMore efficiency through improved processes6 7n www.balluff.comTool Identificationwith Industrial RFIDThe systemNon-contact tool identification in modern machine toolsmakes an indispensable contribution to defect-free andefficient production processes.Extremely rugged and absolutely impervious to environmentaleffects, Balluff Industrial RFID systems are exceptionally reliableand dependable. This is guaranteed by their inductive principleof operation. Balluff Industrial RFID systems are therefore idealfor use in the harsh industrial environment of the machine tool.You too can benefit from these powerful Industrial RFID systemsfor tool identification.In addition to tool identification, Balluff Industrial RFID systems alsooffer significant advantages in unbroken documentation and auto-mation of the entire manufacturing process. Parts can be easily kepttrack of – whether in the machining or assembly process.Each step in machining or assembly is stored on the data carrier toensure traceability for providing the greatest process reliability andhighest quality.A wide variety of■Data carriers,■Read/write heads,■Processors and■Accessoriesare available. Simply make your choice based on the featuresyou need. And you will benefit from the ease of installation.90° angled data carrierFor large assembly systems withmany shunt points. Create newpossibilities. While saving time.With a data carrier whose dataare available from two 90° offsetsides. No longer do the work-piece carriers have to be rotatedfor reading and writing.Screw tagIdeally suited for harsh environ-ments. Their rugged designensures that screw tags enableparts tracking in productionprocesses where coolants orchips are present in significantquantities. Washing equipmentand vacuum driers also leavethem unfazed.FERROIDENTFor 100% quality and consistentdefect prevention even on metal.Consistent high performance inany environment – regardless ofthe substrate material. The smallform factor handles large quanti-ties of data. And at long range.Pallet identificationThe large variety of models inthe Balluff Industrial RFID systemmakes pallet identificationabsolutely reliable in any sur-roundings. Balluff Industrial RFIDsystems make their contribu-tion – in improving automation,preventing process interruptionsand in process-oriented qualityassurance.No.864722E·Edition0809;Subjecttomodification.Balluff GmbHSchurwaldstrasse 973765 Neuhausen a.d.F.GermanyPhone 49 7158 173-0Fax 49 7158 5010balluff@balluff.deLearn more about the broad product rangeof our Industrial RFID Systems in our brochures,on CD-ROM, DVD-ROM or online!n www.balluff.comAt an engine production plant, a data carrier is installed on the work-piece prior to machining and assembly. All the process data can beminutely recorded, any defects precisely localized and analyzed. Thisensures rapid response should in the worst case a recall be issued.Balluff Industrial RFID offers security.Data exchange between the data carrier and read/write head is non-contact and therefore wear-free. The data and necessary power forthe data carrier are inductively coupled by the read/write head. Thismeans the data carrier requires no battery for power. The reliabilityof the data transmission is guaranteed by special checking software.Product Identificationwith Industrial RFIDReliably track partsIn addition, you can precisely monitor work steps which directlyprecede or follow the production process, and use them for opti-mized resource management. Balluff Industrial RFID lets you createtransparency and reduce your costs.ControllerRead/write headProcessorConnection cableInterfacesData carriersObject DetectionLinear Position SensingIndustrial IdentificationIndustrial Networking and ConnectivityMechanical Accessories