


Solutions for the Packaging Industry



バルーフ IO-Linkゲートウェイ製品ラインナップ


クランプ位置センサ BIP01


クランプ位置センサ BIP04


このカタログ(Solutions for the Packaging Industry)の内容

Page 1:Solutions for the Packaging IndustryImplement high standards flexibly, expertly and reliably

Page 2:22Filling and PackagingHandle complex tasks efficiently 3Primary packagingFast, reliable packaging for the pharmaceuticals industry 4Primary packagingStrict hygiene for the beverages industry 6Secondary packagingCartoning – flexibly complete frequent format changes 8End-of-line packagingCrates and boxes quickly palletized 10Expert solutions with IO-LinkUtilize product variety, implement individual requirements 12Services Customized. According to your specifications.With maximum quality. 14Traceability for the consumer goods industry Controlling the material flow across areas 16Industrial Networking and ConnectivityEconomical connection of sensors/actuators to the controller 18Industrial IdentificationFlexibility for streams of goods and configuration 20Object DetectionPhotoelectric sensor technology for miniaturized modulesand standard applications 22Object DetectionUltrasonic sensors for special applications 24Object DetectionSensor technology: inductive, magnetic and capacitive 26Linear Position Sensing and MeasurementThe appropriate measuring principle for the optimal solutionOptical, magneto-inductive and inductive 28Fluid SensorsLevel detection with SMARTLEVEL technology 30Fluid SensorsFor media in which standard pressure sensors reach their limit 32AccessoriesConnectors and power supplies 34

Page 3:3n www.balluff.comFoods Beverages Cosmetics Pharmaceutical Medical devicesFor the best economyIn addition to quality and flexibility, market laws are extremely impor-tant. Because the competitive pressures are great. So economy isthe first commandment.Balluff sensors and equipment feature the latest technology andmake mature industrial system concepts possible. Even with an ex-tensive product line, they ensure easy operation and guarantee mini-mum set-up time. The increasing variety of shapes and sizes is theneasily handled at high speeds. With high output and reduced costs.For you this means optimal productivity and best value creation.In every branch of packagingBalluff technology can be used throughout the packaging industry.In pharmaceutical and cosmetics manufacturing, or in the food andbeverage industries.Our services are right for all industries and for each individual step.Whether with cans, bottles, vials, tubes or blister packs in primarypackaging, with packets or boxes in the secondary segment, or withpallets in end-of-line packaging. Balluff satisfies in every field. Fordecades.Broad expertiseThe packaging industry has high demands. There are multifacetedrequirements to align: the goals of mechanical engineers, producers,dealers and end users as well as globally expanding, regional butdiverse markets. Furthermore, there are strict official requirementssuch as hygiene regulations, as well as constantly new packagingconcepts that involve frequent format changes.Balluff provides you with workable solutions for flexibly masteringthese challenges: sensors and systems, network and connectiontechnology for the entire industry and its various fields, primary,secondary and end-of-line packaging. Our products are availableworldwide and internationally approved.Balluff technology stands for■■ Highest system availability■■ Fast and reliable size and product changeover■■ Great flexibility even with complex processes, and■■ High efficiency over the entire packaging processWith Balluff, you achieve■■ Optimized product lines■■ Productive process chains and■■ Maximum qualityUse Balluff to easily implement your quality requirements and thoseof your customers!Primary packaging Secondary packagingFormingFillingSealingSortingBoxingFoliatingPalletizingWrappingSealingEnd-of-line packagingFilling and PackagingHandle complex tasks efficiently

Page 4:4Reliably monitor the diameter offilm rollsThe benefits to you■■ Precise, continuous measurement■■ Regardless of color and material■■ High process reliabilitySimple level measuringThe benefits to you■■ Reliable detection through non-metallicwalls■■ Wear- and adjustment-free■■ For optimized productionCut and punch blister packs preciselyThe benefits to you■■ Quick, secure production■■ Adjusting during operation■■ High qualityCapacitive sensors BCS Page 30/31Contrast sensors BKT Page 23Photoelectric distance sensors BOD Page 28/29Primary packagingFast, reliable packaging for the pharmaceuticals industry

Page 5:5n www.balluff.comSensors and systems for maximum flexibilityPrimary packaging is the area with the greatest variety and highestdemands. For positioning and feeding, joining and labeling, monitor-ing and sealing. Fluid or fixed materials. In ampules and vials, orcapsules and blisters. Balluff products guarantee maximum possibleflexibility. With extraordinary process reliability.Balluff reliability and security for high volumesWith Balluff you can execute the entire packaging process correctlyand reliably down to the smallest detail, with the highest level of effi-ciency. Because Balluff fulfills high demands, even in sensitive areas.Counterfeit protection, format changes, track-and-trace and accesscontrols are easy to achieve with our sensors and systems. Makethe right decision with Balluff.Ensure quality using automaticidentification of forming toolsThe benefits to you■■ Easy format change monitoring■■ Short set-up times■■ Reliable productionIndustrial RFID systems BIS MPage 20/21Vision sensors BVSPage 20/21Fill blister packs correctly – one sensorprovides optimal qualityThe benefits to you■■ Best results■■ Greatest flexibility■■ High productivityEnsure access control through stainlesssteel (read head positioned behind, tagpositioned in front of stainless steel wall)The benefits to you■■ Give qualified definitions of machineparameters■■ Comprehensible configuration■■ Increased process reliabilityIndustrial RFID systems BIS LPage 21

Page 6:6Easily check transparent bottlesThe benefits to you■■ Fast, reliable inspection■■ High output rate■■ High process reliabilityReliably prevent conveyor belt backupsThe benefits to you■■ Reliable positioning■■ Dependable product flow■■ High efficiencyDependably check sealsThe benefits to you■■ Check several features simultaneously■■ Easy change during the process■■ Best productivityThrough-beam fork sensors BGLPage 23Diffuse sensor BOS with background suppressionPage 22/23Vision sensors BVSPage 20/21Primary packagingStrict hygiene for the beverages industry

Page 7:7n www.balluff.comQuality through maximum hygiene. Dependability throughBalluff!Filling plants are subject to the strictest hygiene regulations. Milkproducts, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and beverages need tobe filled in an aseptic and sterile process and correctly labeled. Therequirements are substantial, especially because market laws arealso in effect in the consumer sector.Balluff provides security. Through components that make high cyclerates as well as quick and efficient filling processes possible. Profitfrom the highest quality.Versions with ATEX certificationare also available.FDA andEHEDGcompliantReliably detect color labelsThe benefits to you■■ Greatest precision■■ Optimal quality■■ Maximum product dependabilityContinuously measure the level withabsolute precision: in filling plants, inmilk collection technology, etc.The benefits to you■■ Continuous precision measurement■■ High filling quality■■ Best productivityMicropulse®transducers BTL Page 29Color sensors BFSPage 23Industrial RFID system BIS U (UHF)Page 21Identify vehicles securelyThe benefits to you■■ Reliable track-and-trace■■ Automated logistics

Page 8:8Easily monitor levelsThe benefits to you■■ Reliable loading■■ Less scrap■■ Greater productivityQuickly providing any variety of boxesThe benefits to you■■ Non-contact signal and power transmis-sion■■ Maintenance-freeCorrectly feed stacked blister packsThe benefits to you■■ Precise positioning■■ Correct feeding■■ Exceptional flexibilityRetro-reflective sensors BOSPage 22/23Inductive couplers BIC Page 18Sensors for pneumatic cylinders BMFPage 26/27Secondary packagingCartoning – flexibly complete frequent format changes

Page 9:9n www.balluff.comDependable production at high-speedPackaging is conducive to marketing. Constantly new packagingconcepts has to grab consumers' attention. The lot sizes are therebysmaller and entail frequent format changes.The required flexibility and speed are reliably achieved with Balluffproducts. Because you can configure your machines innovativelyand flexibly with our sensors and systems. Day in and day out.Reliably check packaging insertsThe benefits to you■■ Correct, fast results from a sealed box■■ High efficiencyDependably transport boxesThe benefits to you■■ Gentle drive and transport■■ High product quality■■ Maximum process reliabilityCapacitive sensors BCS Page 27Photoelectric distance sensors BODPage 28/29Transducers BTL/BMLPage 29Adjust formats – automated as well asmanuallyThe benefits to you■■ Quick format changes in a short time■■ Easy measuring and storing of the formatdata■■ Optimizing the output rate

Page 10:10Dependably check barcodesThe benefits to you■■ Read, check and verify codes in one step■■ Quick and reliable■■ Reliably verify manufacture and expirationdatesPrecisely position stretch wrapThe benefits to you■■ Maximum protection■■ Minimum consumption■■ Simple to use, wear-freeReliably check pallet heightsThe benefits to you■■ Precise checking over long distance■■ High flexibility■■ Best efficiencyVision sensors BVSPage 20/21Magnetic linear encoder systems BMLPage 29Photoelectric distance sensors BODPage 28/29End-of-line packagingCrates and boxes quickly palletized

Page 11:11n www.balluff.comFor maximum flexibilityPackaging concepts for goods transport require maximum flex-ibility. At the same time, you have to produce the greatest possiblequantity. To do so, make use of our support: for secure material flowwith track-and-trace, correct handling of a wide variety of packagesand reliable handling of packaging material. And for many additionaltasks. Balluff offers customized solutions for achieving your goals.Tailored exactly to your requirements. Contact us.Uniquely identify and collate pickedpalletsThe benefits to you■■ Reliable even under changingformats■■ Portable units for greatest flexibilityPosition bottles correctlybefore repackagingThe benefits to you■■ Exact positioning■■ Exceptional reliability■■ Best qualityIndustrial RFID systems BIS Page 20/21Luminescence sensors BLTObject detection catalogFieldbus modules and componentsPage 18/19Connect sensors and actuatorsto the controllerThe benefits to you■■ Economical and real-time-capabledata transfer■■ Quick gripper changes throughinductive couplers

Page 12:12Complete identification solutions fortransfer systems. IO-Link RFID simplifiesthe integration of sensors and actuators.High-performance connectiontechnology■■ IO-Link master with various bus connections■■ IO-Link hubs forsensor/actuator connection■■ Inductive couplers■■ Valve cluster switchEasily visualizing operating states.IO-Link SmartLight – the intelligentlight for displaying machine statesIndustrialIdentificationIndustrialNetworking andConnectivityExpert solutionswith IO-LinkUtilize product variety,implement individual requirements

Page 13:13n www.balluff.comHowever complex the functions of the packaging industry, produc-tivity demands simple solutions. And high efficiency requires flexibilityand dependability. Balluff high-end performance is reliable andincreases the added value in the entire process.Because high-performance sensors and efficient connection tech-nology guarantee customized solutions and innovative concepts,fine-tuned to your particular requirements. Take advantage of ourwide product range and our expert solutions.IO-Link provides you with communication from start to finish, fromthe control system to the lowest sensor/actuator level. The interfacecan be used universally and is fieldbus-independent; it transmitsall sensor/actuator signals to the controller and, conversely, relayscontrol data to the sensors and actuators. Through this processIO-Link integrates all sensors in the fieldbus structure. And enablescomprehensive ongoing diagnostics and an automated configura-tion of parameters for IO-Link devices via the controller. IO-Linkis easy to install. An unshielded standard industrial cable is all that isneeded.At the end of the day, IO-Link simplifies network topology whilesaving time and costs. IO-Link helps you maximize every technicalopportunity.Pressure monitoring in production.IO-Link pressure gauges right wherethe action is.Clamping distance monitoring in amachining center.Contactless position measurementwith IO-Link.Position monitoring during assembly.Set up best with IO-Link.ObjectDetectionLinear Position Sensingand MeasurementCondition Monitoringand Fluid Sensors

Page 14:14The right solutionHigh application securityLess time requiredSignificant cost reductionBalluff offers highly efficient sensor technology with high-perfor-mance mini sensors and compact connection technology. Andmore. Because with our extensive services, you can obtain supportdirect from the manufacturer: from the design and planning of yourprojects, to testing and setup on-site, to training and support. Overthe entire life cycle of our products.This creates greater planning security and provides faster com-missioning and an earlier start of production. This leads to higherproductivity and more cost-effectiveness. And this relieves you of ad-ditional stress in your everyday work, giving you more time to focuson your core business.You can find more infor-mation in our Servicesbrochure or send us ane-mail: tsm.de@balluff.comApplication advicethrough our TecSupport:Discuss your technical require-ments. And take advantage ofour expertise.Real-world examples:■■ Selection of the correct identification procedure for an assembly line■■ IO-Link concept as a cost-effective alternative to conventional wiring■■ System consulting for radio frequency identification (RFID): identification of large steel pipes inadverse environments■■ Recognizing multiple containers on a pallet in goods receivingCommissioning: Orderexpert knowledge.And benefit from a quick startof production.Real-world examples:■■ Setting up an optical checkpoint with the BVS vision sensor■■ Consulting and support during the programming of RFID systems BIS■■ Installation and commissioning of a color detection application with the color sensor BFSFully customized products:Order individual versionsaccording to your requirements:from preassembly to engineer-ing services. And takeadvantage of the optimum.Real-world examples:■■ Extending the housing of a BHS high-pressure resistant inductive sensor■■ Extra threads for the housing cover of a micropulse transducer BTL■■ Customer-specific holder for an RFID data carrier■■ Adaptation of the characteristics for analog sensors BAWWorkshops: make use ofwell-founded manufacturerknowledge.And benefit from applicationsecurity.■■ Professional sensor use: Select operating principles,install sensors professionally and ensure the reliable operation of your application.■■ Position and Distance Measurement: This is how you perform precise and wear-freemeasurements.■■ RFID: The right data at the right time at the right place.■■ Vision sensor: Using an image processing sensor, ensure manufacturing quality in three steps.■■ Vision sensor identification: Reliably identify all kinds of data matrix codes with an image-pro-cessing sensor.■■ Industrial networking with IO-Link: Manage signals intelligently and cost-effectively.ServicesCustomized. According to your specifications.With maximum quality.

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Page 16:16ProcedureReusable or disposable RFID data carriers and barcodes are at-tached to containers, packaging or pallets. As the goods passthrough the various stations, the tags automatically receive and storeinformation such as the exact quantity, individual process steps, ver-sion and serial number, etc.After use, the RFID tag is either deleted or replaced by a new one.If read/write variants are used, the data can be processed in decen-tralized form. For the simple read-only variant,a central database is required. We would be glad to advise you onwhich technology is the best fit.RFID – read and write Optical/RFID – read onlyTraceability for intralogistics means recording each step, for examplein the packaging and filling process, and making it traceable at alltimes. To do so, the entire material flow is detected in automatedform using Industrial RFID or barcodes: including everything from thesubsuppliers to the primary and secondary packaging to end-of-linepackaging. When there are different batches, lot sizes and packag-ing concepts, this is an immense gain. You have real-time accessto all information, enabling you to make corrections even duringthe process. This makes just-in-time deliveries easier, ensures legalprotection and compliance and guarantees product quality. A trace-ability solution documents whether a product was produced exactlyto its specifications. The flexibility required for filling and packaging isgiven comprehensive support by traceability.Key factors for Return on Investment (ROI)■■ Checking material flow from various subsuppliers■■ Reducing time required and preventing delivery/quality problems■■ Complying with legal requirements and documenting qualitystandards for each product■■ Ensuring a high level of transparency, from the subsuppliers to thefinished, palleted productsUHF RFID data carriers enable you to track all goods movementsbetween the individual stations – from the incoming components tothe outgoing end products.Decentralized data – read and writeFor decentralized data storage, read/write tags are usually used.Centralized data – read onlyFor centralized data storage, only an ID or type plate has to be readout, which is attached to the product or equipment via barcode orRFID tag.Traceability forthe consumer goods industryControlling the material flow across areas

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Page 18:18TypeIO-LinkIndustrialRFIDsystemsread/writeunitsIO-LinkMechanicalmultiplepositionswitchesInductivepositioningsystemsIO-LinkMicropulsetransducersInductivecouplersIO-LinkSmartLightOrdering codePart numberBIS00M1BISM-402-045-004-07-S4BIS00LWBISM-402-045-002-07-S4BIS00LKBISM-401-045-001-07-S4BIS00LMBISM-451-045-001-07-S4BNS819-__-__100-10-FD-S4BIP0007BIPLD2-T014-01-EP02BIP0004BIPLD2-T040-02-S4BTL6-U110-M____-PF-S4BIC005ABIC1I0-I2A50-Q40KFU-SM4A4ABIC005CBIC2I0-I2A50-Q40KFU-SM4A5ABNI0072BNIIOL-802-000-Z036IO-Link version 1.0/1.1 1.0 1.1 1.1Type8ports8ports4×IO-LinkM12,D-codedFemale8ports4×IO-Link4ports4×IO-Link4ports4×IO-Link8ports4×IO-Link8ports8ports8ports4×IO-Link16portsEtherCAT8×IO-Link16×I/OOrdering codePart numberBNI0052BNIPNT-302-105-Z015BNI004UBNIPNT-502-105-Z015BNI0054BNIPBS-302-103-Z001BNI005RBNIPBS-502-101-Z001BNI003PBNIPBS-507-002-Z001BNI0030BNIPBS-504-002-K008BNI0040BNICCL-502-100-Z001BNI002FBNICCL-104-100-Z001BNI0002BNIDNT-202-000-Z005BNI004ABNIEIP-502-105-Z015BNI0019BNIEIP-306-100-Z010BNI0077BNIECT-508-105-Z015No. of ports 8 8 8 8 4 4 8 8 8 8 16 8Inputs 16 16 16 16 8 4 12 16 16 16 16Outputs 16 16 16 16 8 4 12 8 16 16 16Max. config. inputs/outputs 16 16 16 12 16Analog input IAnalog input UAnalog output IAnalog output UIO-Link ports, max. 4 4 4 4 4 4 8IO-Link version 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1Fieldbus modulesIndustrial RFID PositionswitchesLinear position sensingand measurementInductivecouplersField components LEDsignaltowerlightIndustrial Networking and ConnectivityEconomical connection of sensors/actuators to the controller

Page 19:19n www.balluff.comIO-LinkValveclusterinterfaceUniversalIO-LinkonswitchIO-Linkvalveterminalconnec-torsUSBIO-LinkmasterBNI004WBNIIOL-770-V06-A027BNI005MBNIIOL-771-000-K027BNI001FBNIIOL-750-V01-K007BNI002UBNIUSB-901-000-A5011.1 1.1 1.0 1.0/1.1UnmanagedUnmanagedM12,metalIO-LinkM12,metalIO-LinkM8,3-pinIO-LinkM8,4-pinIO-LinkM12,3-pinIO-LinkAnalogadapterIO-LinkBNI005EBNITCP-951-000-E028BNI0067BNITCP-952-000-E029BNI0048BNIIOL-302-S01-Z013-C01BNI0031BNIIOL-102-000-Z012BNI000PBNIIOL-101-000-K018BNI0022BNIIOL-104-S01-K021BNI0005BNIIOL-102-000-K006BNI0042BNIIOL-714-000-K023BNI0041BNIIOL-712-000-K023BNI004TBNIIOL-716-000-K023BNI004CBNIIOL-722-000-K023BNI004EBNIIOL-724-000-K0235 8 8 8 4 8 816 8 4 16 816161 11111.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0Sensor hubs AnalogadaptersActuator activation and commissioning tool

Page 20:20Model BISVRFIDprocessorunitHFread/writeheadBISVM,M30×1.5,non-flush,antennaroundHFread/writeheadBISVM80×80×40mm,non-flushHFread/writeheadBISVM,25×50×10mm,non-flush,antennaroundHFread/writeheadBISVM,M12×1,non-flush,antennaroundHFread/writeheadBISVM,M18×1,non-flush,antennaroundOrdering codePart numberBIS00T3BISV-6102-019-C001BIS00U9BISV-6110-063-C002BIS010PBISV-6111-073-C003BIS00RFBISVM-300-001-S4BIS00T0BISVM-301-001-S4BIS00T2BISVM-351-001-S4BIS00T9BISVM-305-001-S4BIS00T7BISVM-306-001-S4BIS00T8BISVM-307-001-S4Profibus nEtherCAT nCC-Link nDegree of protection as per IEC 60529 IP 65 IP 65 IP 65 IP 67 IP 67 IP 67 IP 67 IP 67 IP 67ModelVisionSensorsBVSidentificationVisionSensorsBVSStandardOrdering codePart numberBVS001RBVSID-3-005-EBVS0001BVSID-3-001-EBVS000TBVSID-3-003-EBVS000YBVSID-3-007-EBVS001CBVSID-3-105-EBVS0019BVSID-3-101-EBVS001ABVSID-3-103-EBVS001EBVSID-3-107-EBVS000EBVSOI-3-005-EBVS0003BVSOI-3-001-EBVS0005BVSOI-3-003-EBVS0013BVSOI-3-105-EBVS0014BVSOI-3-101-EBVS0012BVSOI-3-103-ELight type: red, LED n n n n n n nLight type: infrared, LED n n n n n n nLens 6 mm 8 mm 12 mm 16 mm 6 mm 8 mm 12 mm16 mm 6 mm 8 mm 12 mm 6 mm 8 mm 12 mmWorking distance: Readingthe barcode and data matrix code n n n n n n n nVerifying manufacture and expirationdates (OCV) n n n n n n n nChecking brightness and contrast n n n n n nChecking part position, diameter and width n n n n n nDetect patterns n n n n n nDetect 360 °C patternsDetect 360 °C contourEthernet interface n n n n n n n nRS232 port n n n n n n n nDegree of protection as per IEC 60529 IP 54 IP 54 IP 54 IP 54 IP 54 IP 54 IP 54 IP 54 IP 54 IP 54 IP 54 IP 54 IP 54 IP 54Tracking and tracing streams of goodsGAMP®5Industrial IdentificationFlexibility for streams of goods and configuration