


Sensor Solutions and Systems



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このカタログ(Sensor Solutions and Systems)の内容

Page 1:Sensor Solutions and SystemsComprehensive expertise for industrial automationSensor Solutions and SystemsComprehensive expertise for industrial automation

Page 2:3www.balluff.comSensor Solutions and Systems1Comprehensive expertise for industrial automation 1Contents3Systems and Service 4Industrial Networking and Connectivity 8Industrial Identification 12Object Detection 16Sensor Solutions and Systems 18Object Detection 22Linear Position Sensing and Measurement 24Process Monitoring in Factory Automation 28Accessories 32As leading sensor specialists and systems providers founded over90 years ago, Balluff GmbH has for decades been a recognizedpartner in factory automation. The global player has a strong presen-ce with 61 sales branches and representative offices as well as nineproduction sites on all continents. The corporate headquarters inNeuhausen a.d.F. is located near Stuttgart.Balluff stands for application-specific customer solutions, compre-hensive services, individual consultation and prompt service. Ourstaff of more than 2750 employees is committed to providing outs-tanding service worldwide.Contents

Page 3:4 55Long years of experience – comprehensive systems expertiseWith over 30 years of experience in identification technology,Balluff offers solid RFID development and applications know-how.This knowledge is the foundation for our comprehensive systemsexpertise with the entire spectrum of low-frequency, high-frequencyand ultra-high frequency technology.We offer an unmatched variety of data carriers, read/write heads andprocessors, which can be combined in a closed system according toyour specific requirements. Each of these autonomous systems canbe individually retrofitted and used regardless of location or manufac-turer. If the systems are also used in conjunction with the appropriatenetwork technology and individualized software, custom tailoredsolutions open up - depending on your needs with exclusive consul-ting, local startup assistance or complete project management.Service - optimal support as you need itYou can rely on us over the entire life cycle of our products andsolutions. You receive our assistance from conception and planningof your projects to on-site testing and setup to training and support.Use the experience of the manufacturer to ensure your success.Systems andServiceIdeal for the application. Customized.More than just componentsSystems and ServiceIdeal for the application. Customized.More than just components

Page 4:6 7www.balluff.com 777Transparency and security throughout the entire processBalluff systems are used predominantly in informative automation.They acquire and evaluate data. And enable the corresponding sta-tus to be visualized. Automatic recording ensures transparency alongthe entire value creation chain. And the documentation lends securityto the full process. Because every step is traceable.Systems andServiceWe have what you needFor maximum system availabilityOur services guarantee custom-tailored solutions matched to yourneeds through our individualized support. We offer consulting, or wecan design and plan your project. We handle programming for thesoftware and test your application on-site. Once reliable functionalityhas been tested, we place the application in service, train your emp-loyees and provide support. For our systems and our vast portfolioof innovative, high-performance sensors - and - for maximum up-ti-me and availability of your equipment.Matched to our products – servicesIndividual, fully customized productsSolutionsDeveloped systemProducts VisualizationHardwareIntelligenceInstallationStartup and adjustingCoordinationFully customizedproductsCalibration ofPressure SensorsFast deliveryof MicropulseTransducersCustom setsSoftware updatefor RFID handhelddevicesProgrammed RFIDdata carriersCustom user interfa-ce for RFID handhelddevicesAnd the list goeson.ConsultingSystems and ServiceWe have what you needSupportandMaintenanceIntegrationTraining and Didactics

Page 5:8Intelligent, comprehensive networking of sensors, systems andbus technologyCommunication in machines and industrial systems is becoming evermore essential in automation technology. More and more informationneeds to be reliably transported across various application levels.This information is generated in a variety of tasks including identifica-tion, object detection, travel and distance measurement or processmonitoring. Industrial networking from Balluff with a wide product ran-ge offers the right infrastructure.Industrial Networkingand ConnectivityFor intelligent exchange ofcommunication on all levels9Industrial Networking and ConnectivityFor intelligent exchange ofcommunication on all levels

Page 6:10For the highest performanceEver faster, more flexible, more efficient and variable productiondemands seamless communication from the sensor to the internet.The result is a growing amount of data within the production pro-cesses. This demands components which can make this informa-tion available. At the same time an infrastructure is required whichtransports the data across all levels.The intelligent combining of powerful industrial networks with the IO-Link communication standard enables reliable and flexible informa-tion exchange in a variety of applications.Industrial Networkingand ConnectivityCommunication systemsin industrial automationJust one interface for improved process qualityIO-Link fulfills the highest demands for data communication in the widest possible range of applications.Know what's happening:Transport information across systems11www.balluff.comIO-LinkFieldbusSystemsIndustrialNetworkingandConnectivityInductiveCouplersPassiveSplittersConnectorsIndustrial Networking and ConnectivityCommunication systems in industrial automation

Page 7:www.balluff.com12 www.balluff.comOptimally constructed with long years of manufacturingexpertiseModern production technologies with greater batch sizes andever shorter production cycle times require clear recognition andmatching of the produced parts. Industrial identification from Balluffhandles these complex requirements perfectly. Because Balluff offers30 years of experience in non-contact data communication andquality inspection using RFID and image processing systems. Morethan 20,000 users attest to this comprehensive manufacturingexpertise for industrial applications.Our broad range of over 1000 flexibly combinable components invarious technologies open up an enormous variety of process-integ-rated applications in many industries.Make use of the advantages of Balluff industrial identification. Increa-se the productivity of your equipment, profit from flexible productionand raise the satisfaction level of your customers.IndustrialIdentificationPerfect solutionsto meet your demands131313Industrial IdentificationPerfect solutions to meet your demands

Page 8:1514Why RFID?Balluff RFID systems ensure traceability, the ability to reliably trackproduction and quality information through non-contact reading andwriting of the data.Data and flow of goods are linked with each other to optimize mate-rial flow. This prevents quality gaps, reduces the cost of rework andreturns. Top quality leads to the greatest possible customer satisfac-tion and secures market share for users.Wide variety for secure identification■■ In the smallest spaces or over long distances■■ For the greatest variety of materials (wood, plastic, metal)■■ With self-adhesive one-time labels or reusable tags■■ From a few bits to 128 kilobytes■■ Compatible with a broad range of controllers and communicationsinterfacesIndustrial RFID and image processingsystems ensure maximum qualityWhy image processing systems?Industrial image processing using our vision solutions meets the in-creasing demand in modern production facilities for maximum qualityand great flexibility.Vision sensors, for example, offer extremely efficient functions thatcan be flexibly combined for reliable defect detection, precision qua-lity inspection or for reliable reading and verification of codes.Vision solutions from Balluff are economical■■ Cost reduction: one sensor instead of many■■ Reduced scrap and downtime thanks to early defect detection■■ Simple changing of the inspection task for changing lots meanshigh system availabilityIndustrial identification means securityIndustrial identification is in demand wherever the need is for quality, production reliability and optimized,traceable processes.Proven in a broad range of applicationsERP/Controller/HMINetworking/ConnectivitySensorsData carriers/ApplicationRFID supports process control: Are the partsbeing brought to the right production stageat the right time?For engine assembly RFID ensures reliableparts traceability throughout all the produc-tion steps.RFID ensures access control even throughstainless steel.Just-in-time: RFID ensures the correct deli-very of all materials in intralogistics.RFID ensures continuous material flow inkanban facilities.RFID enables fully automated tool manage-ment, thereby guaranteeing optimal toolutilization.Image-processing vision sensors read andinspect the codes on circuit boards.Vision sensors check the position of screwsin engine assembly.Is the cap sitting on the bottle?Completeness inspection in bottling systemsis handled by vision sensors.IndustrialIdentificationwww.balluff.comIndustrial IdentificationIndustrial RFID and image processingsystems ensure maximum quality

Page 9:16Mature technology for high efficiencySecure running of automated processes demands proven technolo-gy and comprehensive know-how. With a broad range of highest-quality object detecting sensors, Balluff meets all the prerequisites.Various measuring principles enable solid, liquid or granular mediato be detected, their presence to be verified or their position to bedetected. Reliable sensing remains unaffected by properties such ascolor, transparency, conductivity or surface characteristics. Measure-ment even through vessel walls is easily possible.Non-contact detection ensures wear-free, noise immune and high-performance monitoring. We also provide technically and economi-cally optimized individual solutions for unique tasks.Build on our quality and long years of experience.Chart the course for high efficiency.ObjectDetectionComprehensive portfolio forevery sector of automationObject DetectionComprehensive portfolio for every sector of automation17

Page 10:Everything from a single sourceWe have expertise in the entire technological spectrum using a va-riety of operating principles: high-quality sensors and systems forlinear positioning and identification, sensors for object detection andfluid sensing. The full-range assortment includes optimal networkand connection technology and a comprehensive line of accessoryproducts.We offer innovative, first-class products tested in our own accreditedlaboratory and maintain certified quality management in accordancewith DIN EN 9001:2008. Our technology speaks for itself in interna-tional applications since it also meets regional standards.Sensor solutionsand systemsComprehensive expertise forindustrial automation18 21Sensor solutions and systemsComprehensive expertise for industrial automation

Page 11:2322 www.balluff.comDiverse sensor families for the greatest range of applicationsDo you require an inductive sensor for metal detection?Our inductive sensors alone include a selection of over 2500 varie-ties. Or do you need an all-in-one? Our ultrasonic family is ideal forany application or medium in your processes.Use our photoelectric sensors to check colors, shapes and presen-ce with absolute reliability. Or choose capacitive sensors for detec-ting both conductive and non-conductive media.To determine the exact piston position in cylinders and grippers,use our magnetic cylinder sensors which have been optimized forrobotics and automation. Likewise you can handle your tasks usingthe proven classics like our mechanical limit switches and rotarycam switches.For the highest level of safety and reliability in virtually any envi-ronment we offer high pressure rated and temperature resistant,explosion protected, magnetic field- and weld-immune or Factor 1sensors.Let us help you make the right choice.ObjectDetectionNeed-based solutions with thehighest level of reliabilityOur technologically mature products reliably handle applications such as position control, color sensing,temperature measurement, parts counting, level detection, register mark or stack height detection.For reliable processesPhotoelectricSensorsUltrasonicSensorsInductiveSensorsCapacitiveSensorsMagneticCylinder SensorsOn the conveyor belt photoelectric sensorsperform presence checking of engines.Capacitive sensors monitor the level in an oiltank in machine building.When things get really hot in factory auto-mation, weld-immune inductive sensors cantake the heat.Inductive sensors detect rotor speed in pow-er technology.In the plastics industry ultrasonic sensorsprecisely count the number of workpiecesproduced.Mechanical sensors are ideal for position de-tection in robotics control.In the handling sector inductive sensorscheck for the presence of components.Magnetic sensors monitor the position ofpneumatic grippers in the packaging indus-try.Photoelectric sensors are recommendedfor cap checking in a pharmaceutical fillingsystem.MechanicalLimit SwitchesObject DetectionNeed-based solutions with the highest level of reliability

Page 12:24Your first choice for going to the next level of automationLinear position sensing is playing an ever more important role inautomation. Some applications require just a small step to replaceend-of-travel sensing with position detection to exploit the addedvalue of linear travel measuring systems. Also increasing are thedemands on designers and developers of future machine generati-ons. In demand is greater machine availability through faster cycleand setup times, less downtime and more flexibility. All of which isintended to increase the degree of automation.The use of Balluff linear measuring technology provides the bestprerequisites for achieving this goal. These products stand for thehighest precision using various operating principles. Whether pho-toelectric, magnetostrictive, magnetoelectric, inductive or ultrasonic- the technological variety makes you ready for the future.Significant benefits at a glance■■ Full range of products for a wide application spectrum■■ Optimal solutions with high efficiency■■ Well-engineeredLinear Position Sensingand MeasurementTechnological variety forefficient individual solutionLinear Position Sensing and MeasurementTechnological variety for efficient individual solution252525

Page 13:2726 www.balluff.comBalluff position measurement – the right solution for youBalluff position measurement technology provides efficient customi-zed solutions ranging from position detection to distance measure-ment. With very diverse operating principles for distances from 1 to48,000 mm and resolutions from 1 to 100 µm. And for angles up to360° with an accuracy of 0.01°. Choose what is ideal for you and we will customize exactly to yourrequirements,taking into account both technical and economical aspects.Linear Position Sensingand MeasurementThe right measuring principle forthe maximum resultOptimum solutions fulfill your specific measurement tasks, functionreliably, and are flexible and cost-effective at the same time.Robust industrial Balluff position measurement technology is accura-te, reliable, non-contact, and wear-free. Their quality is sophisticated.That is attested to by their longtime success.48000 mm7800 mm8000 mm160 mm20 mmMagnetically coded position and rotary encoder systems– highly precise and long distancesMicropulse transducers – extremelyrugged and reliablePhotoelectric distance and ultrasonic sensors – material- andcolor-independentInductive positioning sensors –for medium distancesInductive and capacitive distance sensors – for shortstrokesLinear Position Sensing and MeasurementThe right measuring principle for the maximum resultAreas in which high reliability and precision are demanded are typical fields of application for Balluff distance measurement technology. Va-rious form factors and operating principles make the systems and sensors universally applicable. Non-contact, precise and using absolu-te measuring principles – these features are decisive for broad industrial use. This is why Balluff linear measurement has proven itself in somany areas. In factory automation for example, in machine and systems building, in drive technology or energy production.For the greatest number of diverse applicationsIncremental magnetically coded position androtary encoder measurement systems haveproven themselves for years in high-precisionmirror guiding to follow the sun.Absolute magnetically coded position androtary encoder systems ensure high-dynamicand precise positioning of the components.Inductive travel sensors provide linear po-sitioning monitoring of drive spindles andclamping fixtures for tools.Linear transducers check parallelism, speedand close position on presses.Linear transducers integrated into hydrauliccylinders provide exact measurement of po-sition and traverse speed.Optical distance sensors continuously de-termine dimensions or contours of productson the conveyor.Ultrasonic sensors check the distance oftransport boxes and detect whether they arefull or not.For fully automated control of the water levelon weirs, inclination sensors detect all theintermediate positions.Inductive distance sensors precisely checkthe brake discs in wind power systems.

Page 14:28Easily manage hybrid processesFactory automation is hardly thinkable today without process mo-nitoring. This is because process media are used in piece goodsproduction. Discrete production and continuous processes areincreasingly intertwined.The importance of these hybrid processes is growing. And reliablesensors are becoming even more important in factory automationand the consumer goods industry.The Balluff portfolio offers the right solutions for the specific requi-rements of many different branches of industry. Tell us about yourapplication. We‘ll help you make your selection.Process monitoring infactory automationFor consistentlyhigh product qualityProcess monitoring in factory automationFor consistently high product quality292929

Page 15:3130 www.balluff.comProcess sensors forfactory automationDifferent demands requiredifferent conceptsAlternate sensor principles for solving any challengeFlours, powders and granulates, coolants, hydraulic fluids and be-verages are some of the media for which process sensors are used.Process technology is playing an increasingly important role forexample in the largely discrete automobile industry. Chemical-phy-sical processes such as degreasing, pickling and painting are beingintelligently automated.Pressure or level sensors are required in increasing numbers for eve-ry area of automation – with switching functions or with continuoussignals.Given the variety of branches with their various applications, the op-timal sensor principle needs to be selected for each task: capacitivesensors and linear measurement systems for level detection, or pres-sure sensors for monitoring process media. Let us recommend theright sensor for your specific task.Continuously monitor levelsPrecisely detect limitsLevel monitoring of processmediaProcess sensors for factory automationDifferent demands require different conceptsReliability for Process TechnologyMonitoring of process media such as cooling lubricants, hydraulic oils, and pneumatic systemshas an important influence on the manufacturing quality.The capacitive SmartLevel principle ensuresreliable signal detection.Capacitive sensors can also be used for de-tecting solids.Capacitive sensors measure levels of ag-gressive media.Fast filling processes are precisely monitoredby Micropulse transducers.Sonar sensors offer hygienic level detectionwithout contact with the media.Monitoring vacuum gripping processes is thejob of pressure sensors.Pressure sensors ensure continuous inflowof coolants on machine tools.In wind turbines the central hydraulic powerunit is monitored using pressure sensors.Pressure sensors measure the hydraulicpressure on the injection molding machine.

Page 16:32For the ultimate integration of sensors and systemsMechanical and electrical accessories from Balluff include reliableproducts for time- and cost-saving integration of the sensor into yourautomation concept.Significant benefits at a glance■■ Optimum equipment■■ Easy to use■■ Precision positioning■■ High machine availability■■ Broad range of products for virtually any applicationAccessoriesHigh quality accessories are part of acomplete sensor packageAccessoriesHigh quality accessories are part of a complete sensor package333333

Page 17:34 35www.balluff.comThe right concept for every sensorThe high-quality sensors you get from Balluff come with high-quali-ty mounting accessories. A great selection of mechanical and elec-trical components helps you to perfectly integrate the sensor intoyour machines and equipment.Our comprehensive cabling portfolio offers a variety of plugs, valveconnectors and connection cables as well as fully potted passivesplitters. Their rugged construction and long service life guaranteefunction security. Even in challenging conditions such as extremelyhigh temperatures in the direct vicinity of welding operations.AccessoriesIt's the small detailsthat matterProduct-specific accessories such as reflectors, apertures, lensesand protective nuts are specially matched to your sensors and theirapplications. High-quality spot, background and ring lights ensureoptimal illumination of the sensor field of view. Flexible mounting sys-tems for exact positioning at virtually any angle are easy to use. Andintelligent power supplies assist through simple monitoring of theequipment status.Whether mechanical or electric: at Balluff you will find the right ac-cessory for any sensor.The optimum peripheralsfor the sensorAccessoriesIt‘s the small details that matterA broad product range for virtually any application helps keep machines running.Easy handling, precise positioningThe 3-D sensor holder enables flexiblemounting of sensors and lights.Our diverse range includes product-specificaccessories such as reflectors for through-beam sensors.Our cables and connectors are also desig-ned for welding equipment.Mounting accessories such as mountingbrackets for tubular sensors are optimallymatched to the technology.Accessories for extreme applications are theperfect complement in harsh, aggressive en-vironments.Ultra-reliable, efficient and compact powersupplies support trouble-free operation ofyour equipment.Rugged cables and connectors are neededwhen milling an engine block.Intelligent power supplies are recommendedfor decentralized applications using IO-Link,with IP 67 protection.Sensors are simple to position preciselyusing the flexible mounting system.

Page 18:Doc.-No. 245035/Mat.-No. 920935 ENC15: Subject to modification.HeadquartersBalluff GmbHSchurwaldstrasse 973765 Neuhausen a.d.F.GermanyPhone 49 7158 173-0Fax 49 7158 5010balluff@balluff.deObject DetectionLinear Position Sensing and MeasurementCondition Monitoring and Fluid SensorsIndustrial IdentificationIndustrial Networking and ConnectivityAccessoriesSystems and Servicewww.balluff.comBalluff GmbH