




フロードリルスクリューによる締結 - マルチマテリアルの向け接合表面に傷をつけないで完璧に仕上げる革新的な締結方法


ドイツ・Stoeger(ストーガー)社はFDS技術を進化させ、フロースクリューファスニング Flow Screw Fastening (FSF)締結システムを開発。




ドキュメント名 ストーガー社フロースクリューファスニングFSF締結技術資料
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 650.4Kb
取り扱い企業 株式会社イリス (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)



SCREWDRIVING AND FASTENING SYSTEMS WITH AUTOMATIC FEEDING BMS Fully automatic setting unit for blind rivet nuts with patented quality control Our setting system with force-displacement measurement for the automatic installation THE ADVANTAGES AT ONE GLANCE: of blind rivet nuts and blind rivet bolts con- h The patented torque test checks the secure fitting of the rivet after drawing. vince thanks to their versatility, performance h The functionality of the thread is tested for level and short cycle time of 5 seconds. ease of movement both when winding in The compact design with a closed housing and winding out. Rivets that are detected to protect against dust and the quick tool as faulty when winding in are automatically change underline our commitment to eco- ejected and replaced. An error message nomic feasibility. The automated process is issued for threads that are detected as faulty when winding out. for setting blind rivet nuts is 100 percent h The search function for the hexagonal blind monitored. The system can be used in a rivet nuts facilitates precise positioning in stationary setting, in transfer systems, the workpiece. rotary table systems or robot systems. The h Breakage of the drawing tool is blind rivet nuts are singulated in a feeder immediately detected by the system and system as bulk materials and automatically reported. fed into the correct position via a flexible h The drawing tool is a commercially available standard screw; there is no feed hose in relation to the setting unit. need for expensive spare parts h The drawing tool can be changed within just 10 seconds without the need for any auxiliary tools h Automatic feeding of the fastening elements

Technical data BMS 6252 BMS 6600 Size M5-M10* M5-M14* Feed stroke 125 mm 125 mm Drawing force 25 kN 60 kN Weight 31.5 kg approx. 65 kg * Standard; other sizes possible Modules BMS 6252 BMS 6600 Length ........................................................................... (A) 860 1185 Distance of drawing tool to lower edge approx. approx. installation plate ....................................................... (B) 50 45 Total feed stroke ....................................................... (C) approx. approx. 125 125 1 Servo drive (for drawing tool) Setting axle protection ........................................... (D) 180 180 2 Servo drive (for turning) 3 Installation plate Distance of drawing tool – installation plate ... (E) 53.5 70 4 Integrated load cell Installation plate width ........................................... (F) 180 215 5 Loading device 6 Setting head with integrated stroke Minimum distance for twin-spindle implementation 70 105 7 Drawing tool All data in mm Tool change functionality Press the locking bar, pull down the support Remove the screwdriver tool sideward Insert the tool, apply support sleeve and latch sleeve at the same time into place CAD data available on www.stoeger.com/en/downloads.html under file “Setting & riveting” STÖGER AUTOMATION GmbH Phone: +49 8179 997 67-0 Gewerbering am Brand 1 info@stoeger.com 82549 Königsdorf www.stoeger.com Stand 11/2017