ドキュメント名 | 【コスト50%以上削減】水処理システム/日本ポール アリア中空糸膜水処理システム |
ドキュメント種別 | 製品カタログ |
ファイルサイズ | 6Mb |
登録カテゴリ | |
取り扱い企業 | 日本ポール株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧) |
食 品 飲 料 産 業 用
取水 廃水
1 食品産業における水のろ過
2 アリア水処理システム
表1: 微生物除去性能
菌種 除去性能 *
取水の水質変動に対しても優れた性能を発揮 Giardia > 6 log
主な微生物に対して高い除去性能を持つ Cryptosporidium > 6 log
MS2 coliphage or 0.5 - 3 log
サニタリー仕様 bacteriophage
Turbidity > 0.1 NTU
9 2014 SPRING Pall News vol.119
食 品 飲 料 産 業 用
低ランニングコスト アリア中空糸膜水処理システム
モニタリングとデーターロガー( オプション) によるトレーサビリティーの確保と、モジュールの検査機能
2 製品ラインアップ
表2: 標準製品仕様
型式 モジュール数 流量m3/h 奥行mm 幅mm 高さmm 空重量 kg
Pall Aria FB 2 2 Up to 10 1500 1085 2830 950
Pall Aria FB 4 4 Up to 20 1750 1085 2830 1050
Pall Aria FB 6 6 Up to 30 2175 1175 2850 1300
Pall Aria FB 8 8 Up to 40 2425 1175 2850 1400
Pall Aria FB 10 10 Up to 50 2935 1280 2870 1650
Pall Aria FB 12 12 Up to 60 3185 1280 2870 1750
前面 左側面 右側面 後面
➠お問い合わせ 詳しい内容につきましてご質問がありましたら、下記までお問い合わせください。
【食品事業部】 TEL.03-6901-5760
10 2014 SPRING Pall News vol.119
Pall Aria™ System Rescues Bottled Spring Water
Producer from Plant Closure
Spring water is a valuable natural resource, which
requires good purification treatment before
appearing on grocery store shelves as high purity,
visually pleasing bottled product.
Filtration is a key process step required to achieve
consistently high product quality. The costs
associated with filtration may be substantial,
depending on source water quality. Disposable
filters are a technically sound solution but their use
may become economically unsustainable in the
face of difficult or variable quality source water.
When operational costs related to disposable filter
spend, process downtime, and labor expenditures
become too high, a backwashable water
purification system boasting substantially lower
cost of ownership for water treatment becomes Pall Aria FB-4 Water Filtration System
very attractive. The Pall Aria FB system for the food
and beverage industry is an exceptional solution for expenditure, process downtime, and operational
providing high purity water, and it has been inefficiency. A yearly disposable filter spend of US
implemented across the globe to reduce water $2.16 / m3 (US $0.82 / 100 US gal) of bottled
filtration costs and achieve brand protection. spring water was not uncommon, and this figure
The Challenge did not include all the additional process-related
costs. The economics of the situation were so
A bottled water company markets a variety of difficult that there was a real risk of plant closure
consumer water products, including spring water. with shift of operations to other sister plants, which
They have procured the spring water for many would also have directly impacted the viability of
years from a third party supplier, who draws it from the spring water supplier.
an aquifer and transports it by tanker truck to them1.
The spring water producer’s business depends to a The Solution
great extent on continued relationship and supply A Pall Aria FB-4 system provided the win-win
to the bottled water company, their main customer. solution for the problem. The spring water supplier,
Once received at the bottled water plant, the spring who had instituted only minimal water filtration
water requires purification treatment, including previously, saw an opportunity to provide added
extensive filtration. Figure 1 illustrates the treatment value to its customers by improving the water
process. quality at the spring water source. They rented the
As bottled water quality requirements had continually Pall system for a trial. In an overwhelmingly
risen over the years in a very competitive positive outcome, the water filtrate quality was so
environment, the bottled water company found that markedly improved that a purchase decision was
their filtration spend had grown to unsustainable made one month into the trial. To enable a speedy
levels. In addition, variable incoming spring water implementation of the improved solution, the rental
quality resulted in frequent filter blocking and high unit was left in place until a new system was
cleaning costs, frequent filter change-out, delivered.
substantial water costs associated with backwashing Pall Advanced Separations Systems (PASS)
the activated carbon bed, and related labor Applications Support assisted with rental system
Application Bulletin
Figure 1: Spring Water Treatment Process at Bottled Water Plant1
Bottled Water Plant Activated Carbon
Microbial Removal Fine Particle Removal Trap Filtration
UV Treatment
Ozonation Bottling
* The solution to improving raw water quality to the bottled water plant
was the installation of a Pall Aria FB-4 water purification system
at the spring water source.
set up and installation, operator training, and final performance. These 0.1 micron membranes
system commissioning. Over the course of the provide excellent particulate, organic material
rental period, guidance was provided to ensure (colloids) and other contaminant removal,
proper operation and an understanding of system regardless of feed water quality and turbidity
capability based on the application. spikes (within specified limits covering the most
The Pall Aria FB unit is an automated, back- typical water treatment applications).
washable system designed to meet the stringent The system provides water quality far superior to
water requirements of the food and beverage conventional treatment, with typical filtrate values
industry. At the heart of the system are robust at < 0.1 NTU turbidity, total suspended solids (TSS)
PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) hollow fiber at 0.1 mg/ liter, and silt density index (SDI, a
microfiltration (MF) membranes (Figure 2). The predictor for colloidal fouling) at < 3. A gross failure
unique advantage of these membranes is their test can be performed on a daily basis to ensure
homogenous construction, which means their consistent and reliable filtration performance of the
entire thickness has the same porosity and membranes.
permeability, thus ensuring consistent removal
Figure 2: Module cutaway showing hollow fibers (left), cross section of a microfiltration hollow fiber membrane (middle), and view of
Pall Aria module (right)
Water and its soluble components pass through Filtrate
the membranes as filtrate, in an “out to in” flow
configuration. Retained solids are excluded and
concentrated on the membrane surface during Potting Material
direct (“dead-end”) filtration (Figure 3), and are PVDF hollow
discharged from the system in a low volume waste fibers
stream. High microbiological safety is additionally
achieved due to the system’s hygienic, stainless
steel design with automatic disinfection when the
system is out of operation for more than 24 hours.
High system recovery (water yield) of 95-98% is
made possible by application of a unique three-
step approach on this fully automated system:
Raw End Sealing
• periodic and automated air scrubbing and water Potting
reverse flow mechanical backwash (AS/RF),
programmed for 2-3 minutes in between 45 Cross-sectionalview of module
minute filtration cycles inlet
• short enhanced flux maintenance (EFM) process,
with caustic, acid, and sanitization, carried out Figure 3: Hollow Fiber Modules Operated in Conventional (“Dead-End”)Filtration Mode
every 7 days
• CIP regime, with caustic, acid, and sanitization, With a system footprint of approximately 22 m2
applied every month. (237 ft2) the system is compact and stand alone. It
This approach ensures constant flux during includes 4 filtration modules, a control panel, pre-
operation and long membrane life typically over filter strainer, pump, pipework, valves, flow, pressure
three years. Many end users have reported and temperature transmitters, and a CIP station.
problem-free membrane life of 5-10 years, Each hollow fiber module features 50 m2 (538 ft2)
depending on proper system operation and of filtration area for a total of 200 m2 (2152 ft2).
maintenance. In this application, there had been no significant
During the life of the membranes the only water treatment previously carried out at the spring
consumable costs are energy costs linked to water source. In other applications where
providing power to the pump on the system and conventional water treatment approaches are in
compressed air for air scrubbing, and chemical use, such as sand and multi-media filters, Pall Aria
costs for cleaning and sanitizing the equipment. systems provide superior filtrate quality and have
Both consumables are minimal expenses. The proven themselves to be cost-effective, with typical
spring water producer’s total energy and cleaning payback achieved at approximately 1-2.5 years,
chemical costs, plus the expected cost of membrane depending on size and type. Table 1 provides an
replacement in this application are estimated at US overview comparison.
$0.03 / m3 (US $0.01 / 100 US gal)2. The immediate result at the spring water producer’s
The Pall Aria FB-4 system at the spring water main customer, the bottled water plant, was a
producer now supplies up to 22.7 m3/ hour (100 substantial process improvement and filtration cost
US gal /min) of consistent and high quality water reduction, as the incoming water to their plant is
from the source for end users3. now of higher and more consistent quality. The
Table 1 - Comparison of Conventional Water Treatment and Pall Aria FB System
Conventional Treatment Pall Aria FB System
Filtrate (Water) Turbidity >1 NTU variable, SDI >>3 < 0.1 NTU consistent, SDI <3
Pore Size >30 micron, variable 0.1 micron, stable
Operating Flexibility No YesDependent on feed water loading variability Independent from feed water loading variability
Chemical Consumption High (Filter performance enhanced by use of Low (Efficient mechanical backwash reduces needcoagulants) for chemicals)
Water Recovery 90 – 92 % 95 – 98 %
Energy Consumption Can be high in pressurized systems 0.08 kWh/m3 ( 0.03 kWh/100 US gal)4
Footprint Large Small
Typical Operating Costs
(energy, cleaning 3 3 5
chemicals, membrane > $0.25 / m (>$0.1/100 US gal) <$0.05 / m (<$0.02/100 US gal)
replacement cost)
plant’s disposable filter spend was reduced by half. • Simple and easy operation due to full system
In addition, while the carbon bed had previously automation, ensuring consistent and reliable
required backwashing 4 times per week, with a flux, predictable performance, minimal
water usage of 34 – 38 m3 (9,000-10,000 US gal) maintenance and negligible manpower cost
per backwash, the backwash frequency has been • Confirmation of filtration performance with
reduced to only once every 2 weeks, resulting in a simple gross failure test
water use reduction of 87.5% or $54,600/year of
water cost savings related to this operation. Finally, • Easy and space-savings installation due to
2 2
overall cost savings including labor, cleaning compact 22 m (237 ft ) Pall Aria system
chemicals, and related operations have shifted the footprint
economic equation to enable the plant to continue The bottled water plant experiences these benefits:
operations. • Operational economics much improved, with
In effect, the value gained by the bottled water disposable filter spend cut in half, and
plant due to the installation of the Pall Aria FB-4 substantial water, cleaning chemical and labor
system at the spring water supplier represented a cost savings realized
system cost offset within less than 1.5 years. • Positive environmental impact due to water
usage reduction of 87.5% on carbon bed
The Benefits cleaning
The Pall Aria FB-4 system has made it possible for • Profitability has risen such that the plant can
both the spring water producer and the bottled continue its operations and maintain its current
water plant to maintain and continue operations employment
into the future. In hundreds of additional applications at food
The spring water producer experiences these and beverage plants around the globe, Pall Aria
benefits: systems are used to purify varied types of incoming
• New value-add for its customers due to source water (spring, surface, well, municipal),
production of consistent and high quality spring enable in-process water recycling, and provide
direct filtration of bottled water, blending water or
water, largely irrespective of source water
base water in food and beverage production.
variability or turbidity spikes
These systems are exceptional due to reduced risk
• Low operating costs (energy, cleaning chemical of product contamination and associated losses,
consumption) of the Pall Aria system low cost of ownership for water treatment, and
• Efficient operation with high process uptimes minimal operator intervention requirements.
Due to the improved water quality provided by the Pall Aria FB
system, the bottled water plant’s disposable filter spend was
reduced by half, and its water usage for carbon bed backwashing
was reduced by 87.5%. Overall cost savings have resulted in
continued economic sustainability for this plant.
1 Regulations in different geographies vary with regard to methods used for bottled spring water
sourcing, transport, and production. The steps shown in the process flow diagram represent
one manufacturer’s approach to water treatment.
2 Based on energy cost of $0.11/kWh
3 Capacity varies based on raw water quality.
4 Figure is based on monthly CIP. Daily EFM, usually only in secondary effluent treatment
applications would require additional 0.1 kWh/ m3 (0.038 kWh/ 100 US gal).
5 Figure is based on Pall Aria FB treatment of raw water from typical sources, energy cost of
$0.11/kWh and typical membrane life, based on application.
About Pall Corporation
Pall Corporation is a global filtration, separation and purification leader providing solutions to meet
the critical fluid management needs of customers across the broad spectrum of life sciences and
industry. We work with our customers to advance health, safety and environmentally responsible
technologies. Pall Food and Beverage provides products and services to ensure product quality
and maintain process reliability in beverage and food production. Our solutions also assist in
consumer protection, waste minimization and reduction of operating costs.
Pall Food and Beverage Visit us on the Web at www.pall.com/foodandbev
25 Harbor Park Drive Pall Corporation has offices and plants throughout the world. For Pall representatives
in your area, please go to www.pall.com/contact
Port Washington, NY 11050
+1 516 484 3600 telephone Please contact Pall Corporation to verify that the product conforms to your national
+1 866 905 7255 toll free US legislation and/or regional regulatory requirements for water and food contact use.
Because of technological developments related to the products, systems, and/or
foodandbeverage@pall.com services described herein, the data and procedures are subject to change without notice.
Please consult your Pall representative or visit www.pall.com to verify that this
information remains valid.
© Copyright 2015, Pall Corporation. Pall, and Pall Aria are trademarks of Pall Corporation.
® Indicates a trademark registered in the USA. Filtration. Separation. Solution.SM and BETTER
LIVES. BETTER PLANET. are service marks of Pall Corporation.
FBABARIASWEN November 2015
Pall Aria™ FB Automatic Backwashable
Water Filtration Systems
An efficient and cost-effective solution for water
treatment in the food and beverage industry
Pall Aria™ FB membrane systems are specifically designed
to meet the stringent water requirements of the food and
beverage industry. The fully–automated, stainless steel
system simplifies the traditional water treatment process,
while ensuring increased protection of all downstream
equipment. By providing constant and high quality water
irrespective of raw feed water variance, food and beverage
manufacturers can reduce their overall filtration costs at their
production sites.
Pall Aria FB systems treat difficult water in food and beverage
applications, reducing the water fees and cost-effectively
replacing sand filters. Pall Aria FB systems utilize robust
polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) hollow fiber microfiltration
membranes to retain suspended solids and pathogenic
microbes. The retained solids are concentrated in a low
volume waste stream that is discharged from the system.
The membranes are capable of handling high flux rates and
are precisely packaged within a compact system footprint.
Fully-automated, simple and easy to operate, the system is Pall Aria FB Modules
the solution of choice for high water quality production within Pall Aria FB modules are made up of Pall’s proven hollow
the food and beverage industry. fiber PVDF membranes. Due to the special homogenous
structure of the hollow fibers, the modules distinguish
Benefits themselves from conventional modules by requiring less
cleaning and, at the same time, offering longer service life.
Pall has extensive experience in providing membrane Each module contains 50 square meters (538 square feet) of
solutions for municipal water treatment and is dedicated to surface area.
advancing its technology to ensure simple and cost-effective
solutions that achieve reliable process control. Pall Aria FB The module components include:
membrane filtration systems incorporate unique features Membrane: Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)
which enable food and beverage plants to achieve high water Potting: Polyurethane
quality at reduced operating costs (up to 50% compared to Sleeve: Polypropylene
conventional treatment methods), while ensuring high Housing: Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)
microbiological process safety. These features include: Seals: EPR/EPDM
• Durable PVDF hollow fiber membranes produce consistent
water quality, regardless of the raw water quality (within Pall Aria FB System Components
specified limits), for most typical water treatment applications
• Overall cost improvement Pall Aria FB systems are fully automated, modular systems
- low chemical consumption due to efficient mechanical that are available in standard packages with 2-12 modules
backwash installed (see Table 1 on next page). The 304 stainless
- low energy consumption (typically 0.09 kWh per m3 steel piping manifolds, pumps, and instruments are
filtered water or 0.00035 kWh per gal) mounted on a mobile frame which includes the following:
- minimal water losses (up to 98% water recovery) due to • Frequency controlled raw water pump
dead-end filtration • Stainless steel piping
• High microbiological safety: stainless steel hygienic design • Programmable logic controller (PLC) system and touch
and automatic disinfection when the system is out of screen
operation for more than 24 hours • Membrane cleaning unit (MCU) for chemical
• Process traceability through performance monitoring and cleaning of the system
recording (data logger optional) and modules testing
• Simple, easy-to-operate, operator-friendly touch screen
panel with pre-programmed sequences
Pall Aria FB Equipment Options Compliance
The following options are available as add-ons to the Pall Aria FB systems and modules have been qualified
standard system: for compliance to specific regulatory requirements for
• Filtrate pump products coming into contact with food. Please contact
• Data logger Pall for more information.
• Chemical dosing station
• Material upgrade in AISI 316/316L Operating Conditions
• Pumps with 3A certificates
• Sanitary sampling valve Water filtration
• Non-standard power supply Inlet pressure: 0 to 0.7 bar (0 to 10 psi)
• UL/CSA listed parts Temperature: 5 to 40°C (41 to 104°F)
Maximum temperature for cleaning: 40°C (104°F)
Front view Left side view Right side view Rear view
Table 1: Standard Filtration Skid Specifications
Model No. of Flow rate Length Width Height Weight (empty)
modules m3/h (gpm) mm (ft) mm (ft) mm (ft) kg (lb)
Pall Aria FB 2 2 Up to 10 (44) 1500 (5.0) 1085 (3.6) 2830 (9.3) 950 (2094)
Pall Aria FB 4 4 Up to 20 (88) 1750 (5.7) 1085 (3.6) 2830 (9.3) 1050 (2315)
Pall Aria FB 6 6 Up to 30 (132) 2175 (7.1) 1175 (3.9) 2850 (9.3) 1300 (2866)
Pall Aria FB 8 8 Up to 40 (176) 2425 (7.9) 1175 (3.9) 2850 (9.3) 1400 (3086)
Pall Aria FB 10 10 Up to 50 (220) 2935 (9.6) 1280 (4.2) 2870 (9.5) 1650 (3638)
Pall Aria FB 12 12 Up to 60 (264) 3185 (10.5) 1280 (4.2) 2870 (9.5) 1750 (3858)
Food and Beverage Visit us on the Web at www.pall.com
25 Harbor Park Drive Pall Corporation has offices and plants throughout the world. For Pall representatives in yourarea, please go to www.pall.com/contact.
Port Washington, NY 11050
+1 516 484 3600 telephone Please contact Pall Corporation to verify that the product conforms to your national legislation
+1 866 905 7255 toll free US and/or regional regulatory requirements for water and food contact use.
Because of technological developments related to the products, systems, and/or services
Portsmouth - UK described herein, the data and procedures are subject to change without notice. Please
+44 (0)23 9230 3303 telephone consult your Pall representative or visit www.pall.com to verify that this information remains
+44 (0)23 9230 2507 fax valid.
© Copyright 2010, Pall Corporation. Pall, , and Pall Aria are trademarks of Pall Corporation.
® Indicates a trademark registered in the USA. is a service mark of Pall
FBARIAFBEN Produced in the USA August 2010