ドキュメント名 | 【資料】バイオ医薬品として注目される中和抗体 Ebook(英語版) |
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ファイルサイズ | 9.7Mb |
取り扱い企業 | ザルトリウス・ジャパン株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧) |
Neutralizing Antibodies
Making Their Mark
in Next Wave of Biologics
Information-Rich Solutions to
Transform Biologics Discovery
Sartorius is transforming biologics discovery through innovation with our
groundbreaking Octet®, iQue® and Incucyte® cell & protein analysis platforms that
allow you to gain more insights and make better decisions.
These unique, high capacity solutions provide information-rich data for tracking of
complex biological processes to generate deeper, more biologically relevant
insights, streamline workflows and accelerate biologics discovery and
Learn more at: sartorius.com/biologics
Information-Rich Solutions to
Transform Biologics Discovery INTRODUCTION
Sartorius is transforming biologics discovery through innovation with our
groundbreaking Octet®, iQue® and Incucyte® cell & protein analysis platforms that
allow you to gain more insights and make better decisions. I n the last couple of years, there has been heightened interest
in the development of Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) as
therapeutics as they have shown great promise in the treatment of
These unique, high capacity solutions provide information-rich data for tracking of
complex biological processes to generate deeper, more biologically relevant serious or untreatable conditions such as cancer. This is partly due to
insights, streamline workflows and accelerate biologics discovery and their highly specific targeting of antigens as well as their high efficacy
and fewer side effects. Vaccines and effective antibody therapeutics
Learn more at: sartorius.com/biologics will play an integral role in keeping the on-going COVID-19 pandemic
and emerging variants under control. Neutralizing Antibodies are
an example of molecules that will play a critical role in vaccine and
therapeutics development as they can bind to a virus in a manner
that blocks infection. Neutralizing Antibodies can be isolated from
plasma of convalescent patients and have become a major focus for
researchers around the globe in the race to a better understanding
of the mechanisms of action (MOA) against the receptor-binding
domains (RBD) of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein.
In this collection we highlight the research efforts and related
applications utilized to study binding affinity, potency and target
specificities of neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 and their
potential for future use against diseases caused by viruses from the
same coronavirus subgroup. The novel findings provide deeper
insights into the immune responses to infection, and help further the
understanding of the interactions between the spike protein on the
SARS-CoV-2 virus and its receptor on host cells. The interruption of
this interaction has become the key target of COVID-19 therapeutics.
Sartorius continues to support these early stage investigations by
providing innovative Incucyte® live-cell analysis and iQue® advanced
flow cytometry and Octet® label-free biomolecular interactions
analysis platforms to provide new critical information, with
confidence, as quickly as possible.
Learn more at —
Monoclonal Antibody Discovery and Development | Sartorius
GENengnews.com | 3
Neutralizing Antibodies Making
Their Mark in Next Wave of Biologics
05 Coronavirus-Neutralizing Human Antibody
Antibody Internalization Reagent Principles
Outside cell: Inside cell:
08 Antibody InternalizatiopnH: ~ A7.4dvanced Flow pH ~7.0—7.2
Cytometry and Live-Cell Analysis Give Rich
Insights During Antibody Profiling
20 AntiboAdntyib oRdye sponsMeix Atonti bFodluy ShapedA bddy la b eled test antibody Early Late Lysosome:
Internalization Internalization to cells and read on iQue3 endosome: endosome: pH ~4.7
Pre-ExRiesatgienntg ImmuRneaigteynt with (iQue3 VBR, BR, BR HD) pH ~6.3 pH ~5.5
test antibody
24 SARS-CoV-2 Variants B.1.351 and B.1.1.7
Show Resistance to Neutralizing Antibodies
27 Synthetic Nanobodies, “Sybodies,” Found
That Neutralize SARS-CoV-2
30 Octet® Bio-Layer Interferometry Systems:
Advancing Development of Coronavirus
Vaccine and Therapeutics
Cover: KTSdesign / Science Photo Library / Getty Images
© GEN Publishing • April 2021
4 | GENengnews.com
Human Antibody Discovered
R esearchers at Utrecht University, Erasmus antibody, which also neutralizes the related
Medical Center and Harbour BioMed SARS-CoV coronavirus, represents an initial step
(HBM) have identified a fully human towards developing a fully human antibody to
monoclonal antibody that prevents SARS-CoV-2 treat or prevent COVID-19, and also potentially
from infecting cultured cells. Discovery of the future diseases caused by viruses from the same
coronavirus subgroup.
ADDITIONAL CONTENT “This discovery provides a strong foundation
App Note: Compendium— for additional research to characterize this
Accelerated Antibody Discovery
antibody and begin development as a potential
COVID-19 treatment,” said Frank Grosveld,
GENengnews.com | 5
7activestudio/Getty Images
Coronavirus-Neutralizing Human Antibody Discovered
PhD, co-lead author on the study, Academy strain caused ~8000 infections, with a lethality of
Professor of Cell Biology, Erasmus Medical 10%. There are currently no approved targeted
Center, Rotterdam and Founding CSO at Harbour therapeutics are available for COVID-19, the
BioMed. “The antibody used in this work is ‘fully disease caused by SARS-CoV-2.
human,’ allowing development to proceed more Monoclonal antibodies targeting “vulnerable
rapidly and reducing the potential for immune- sites” on viral surface proteins are increasingly
related side effects.” recognized as a promising class of drugs
against infectious diseases, and have shown
“Using this collection of therapeutic efficacy for a number of viruses,
SARS-CoV antibodies, the authors wrote. Coronavirus-neutralizing
antibodies primarily target the trimeric spike (S)
we identified an antibody glycoproteins on the coronavirus surface that
that also neutralizes mediate entry into host cells. The S protein has
infection of SARS-CoV-2 two functional subunits. The S1 subunit, which
is composed of four core domains, S1A through
in cultured cells.” to S1D, mediates attachment to the host cell. The
— Frank Grosveld, PhD, S2 domain mediates fusion of the viral and cell
Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam
Grosveld and colleagues report on the The spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2 and
antibody in Nature Communications, in a paper SARS-CoV share 77.5% identical amino acid
titled, “A human monoclonal antibody blocking sequence, and are structurally very similar, the
SARS-CoV-2 infection.” investigators continued. They commonly bind the
Both SARS-CoV-2 and the SARS-CoV virus that human angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)
emerged in 2002, belong to the Sarbecovirus protein as the host receptor. “Potent neutralizing
subgenus of the Betacoronavirus family of antibodies often target the receptor interaction
coronaviruses. The two viruses crossed species site in S1, disabling receptor interactions,” the
barriers from an animal reservoir, and can cause authors continued.
life-threatening respiratory illness in humans. By For their reported antibody discovery effort,
May 4th, 2020 there were more than 3.4 million Grosveld and colleagues built on work that the
confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 worldwide, groups had carried out on antibodies targeting
and in excess of 230,000 deaths. The SARS-CoV SARS-CoV, explained co-lead author Berend-Jan
6 | GENengnews.com
Bosch, Associate Professor, research leader at neutralization by RBD-targeting antibodies
Utrecht University. “Using this collection of have been reported including spike inactivation
SARS-CoV antibodies, we identified an antibody through antibody-induced destabilization of its
that also neutralizes infection of SARS-CoV-2 in prefusion structure, which may also apply for
cultured cells.” The human antibody identified, 47D11,” the team noted.
47D11, was generated using Harbour BioMed’s “In conclusion, this is the first report of a
H2L2 transgenic mouse technology. (human) monoclonal antibody that neutralizes
47D11 was shown to bind to cells expressing SARS-CoV-2,” they concluded. “This antibody
the full-length spike proteins of both SARS-CoV will be useful for development of antigen
and SARS-CoV-2, and potently inhibited viral detection tests and serological assays targeting
infection of cultured cells. Tests showed that SARS-CoV-2 … this antibody—either alone or
the antibody targeted the S1B receptor-binding in combination—offers the potential to prevent
domain (RBD) of the spike proteins of both and/or treat COVID-19, and possibly also other
viruses. The fact that the antibody is cross-reactive future emerging diseases in humans caused by
indicates that it likely targets the conserved viruses from the Sarbecovirus subgenus.”
core structure of the S1B RBD, the investigators “This is groundbreaking research,” said
suggested. “Such a neutralizing antibody has Jingsong Wang, PhD, founder, Chairman
potential to alter the course of infection in the & Chief Executive Officer of HBM. “Much
infected host, support virus clearance or protect more work is needed to assess whether this
an uninfected individual that is exposed to the antibody can protect or reduce the severity
virus,” Bosch stated. of disease in humans. We expect to advance
Interestingly, the team’s results suggested that development of the antibody with partners.
47D11 neutralizes SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 We believe our technology can contribute
through “a yet unknown mechanism” that is to addressing this most urgent public health
different from receptor-binding interference. need and we are pursuing several other
“Alternative mechanisms of coronavirus research avenues.” n
GENengnews.com | 7
Antibody Internalization: Advanced Flow
Cytometry and Live-Cell Analysis Give Rich
Insights During Antibody Profiling
1. 1. Essen BioScience, Ltd., Part of the Sartorius Group, Units 2 & 3 The Quadrant, Newark Close, Royston Hertfordshire SG8 5HL, UK
2. 2. Essen BioScience, Inc., Part of the Sartorius Group, 5700 Pasadena Ave. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113 USA
Introduction candidates. For instance, binding and rapid
T he natural characteristics of antibodies, internalization are desirable properties for
such as high binding affinity, specificity antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs), as cells must
to a wide variety of targets, and be selectively targeted and killed via delivery
good stability, make them ideal therapeutic of a cytotoxic payload. In contrast, if the goal is
candidates for many diseases. Monoclonal to induce antibody-dependent cell-mediated
antibodies (mAbs), in particular, deliver promising cytotoxicity (ADCC), the antibody must remain
therapeutic results in several different disease bound to the cell surface, rather than being
areas, such as autoimmunity, oncology, and internalized, in order to activate an immune
chronic inflammation. Researchers’ abilities to response.
improve the breadth of antibodies have been When designing ADCs, one key attribute to
aided by innovative technologies for antibody predicting efficacy is the antibody internalization
discovery, for instance, through humanization of (ABI) rate and the associated kinetics. These
mouse antibodies and phage display. However, internalization kinetics are influenced by factors
advanced antibody design techniques create such as the epitope on the target antigen, affinity
the need for new screening methods so that of the ADC-antigen interaction, and intracellular
lead candidates can be quickly and effectively trafficking. Evaluating for these factors is critical
identified as early in the development process as throughout the antibody screening pathway
possible. (Figure 1); however, here, we concentrate on
Part of an effective screening strategy is to evaluating antibodies’ ABI during functional
identify the desired therapeutic goal for your profiling via rate comparisons during the
8 | GENengnews.com
Scale up of key Ab
Early cellular
Ab raised as Check for binding (~50)
testing for Humanization
multiple hybridomas to target (500–1000 functionality, Further functional of Ab of interest
(1000s Ab) Ab) affinity ranking evaluation (<10)
Advanced High- Single
Throughput screening of 100s Full concentration
Ab, non-purified, range profiling
Flow Cytometry direct comparison
Full concentration
Kinetic Live- Full concentration range profiling,
range profiling, rate mechanistic studies
Cell Analysis comparison multiplexed with
additional readouts
Figure 1: Inclusion of ABI in the screening pathway for antibodies. Selecting for ABI throughout the antibody screening pathway,
whether during functional profiling and rate comparisons or mechanistic studies.
development process, as well as multiplexed insight by using a novel, pH-sensitive reagent
mechanistic studies later in the screening process. for characterizing ABI via both advanced flow
Traditionally, antibody screening cytometry and live-cell imaging.
workflows have required labor intensive, time
consuming, end-point-only methods, such Challenges with Traditional
as FACS, ELISA, or microscopy. One solution Antibody Screening Workflows
to address these screening challenges is to Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are large
use advanced screening methods that offer (about 150 kDa), complex biologic molecules
maximum insight through high-content data. that require post-translational modifications
Herein, we demonstrate an advanced antibody for their activity (Chames et al., 2009).
screening method that focuses on speed and Therefore, researchers face several challenges
GENengnews.com | 9
Antibody Internalization
when engineering and producing mAbs their fluorescence properties, it cannot be used
as therapeutics. Engineering antibodies to to perform high-throughput, time-dependent
optimize their biological potencies during studies on individual cells because the cells
the discovery phase can address many of must be sorted into single colonies before any
these challenges. However, these attempts to further analysis can be performed (Doerner
optimize one attribute can have profound and et al., 2014).
unintended consequences on other antibody ELISA, on the other hand, is adaptable to
attributes. For instance, optimizing an antibody’s high-throughput screening (Saeed et al., 2017),
specificity may negatively affect activity and thus has historically been used to screen
(Tiller and Tessier, 2015). hybridomas and other libraries for antibody
One way of simultaneously optimizing binding to each of its targets. ELISAs are
multiple antibody properties is by using performed by coating a single target antigen
mutagenesis to produce large screening onto the wells of assay plates, followed by the
libraries. However, large screening libraries addition of individual samples from an antibody
necessitate a thorough in vitro, high- library (for instance, from hybridoma or phage
throughput screening method to quickly display). Antibodies that bind to the immobilized
identify the most suitable drug candidates antigen are detected by a color change due to an
for further development early in their indirect enzyme/substrate reaction.
discovery process. In addition to its adaptability to high-
Workflows for antibody screening commonly throughput screening, ELISA is rapid, consistent,
include fluorescence-activated cell sorting and relatively easy to analyze (Saeed et al., 2017).
(FACS), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays However, ELISA has several disadvantages
(ELISA), and microscopy (such as confocal) that can limit its successful use in a modern
techniques. Yet, these in vitro antibody screening antibody screening lab. First, primary screens
methods have several drawbacks: (1) they can that test binding to a single antigen often require
be labor intensive with limited throughput, subsequent secondary and sometimes even
(2) they do not allow direct, head-to-head tertiary screens with control antigens to confirm
comparisons of antibodies, and (3) they need their specificity and cross-reactivity. Second, ELISA
large amounts of reagents. is not the best method for screening antibodies
For instance, even though FACS can be used that bind to cell surface antigens because these
to sort hundreds of thousands of cells based on antigens are extracted from the cell membrane
10 | GENengnews.com
and purified before adsorbing to the plastic ELISA thorough functional analysis of a smaller set
plate. Extracting antigens from the membrane of antibody candidates using microscopy
often leads to disruption of conformational (Doerner et al., 2014).
epitopes that can be important targets for Like FACS, microscopy techniques also require
therapeutic antibodies. Finally, to minimize labeling each antibody with a fluorescent tag,
background signal, ELISA requires multiple which must be separated from the free label via
wash steps to remove unbound antibodies and a column or wash step because analysis requires
detection reagents, resulting in long, labor- robust isolation of internalized antibodies
intensive screening workflows. from those outside the cells. To aid isolation
Also, although ELISA can provide data on the of the positive signal, researchers often resort
immunoglobulin G (IgG) titer, it offers no reflec- to perturbing techniques, such as washing
tion on how the therapeutic antibody candi- cells, using blocking dyes, and reducing the
dates affect the health of the test cells. i.e. how temperature to slow cellular activity. However,
quickly or efficiently they induce death. Thus, cells can be lost during washing steps, and the
candidates that appear to be productive based associated reductions in temperature perturb the
on ELISA screening may be carried forward into cellular environment.
the next step of the production process even A further drawback to almost all the
though they are unideal candidates in terms of techniques used for antibody screening is
function or vigour. that they only enable end-point analysis,
Microscopy techniques, in contrast to FACS, which means that multiple experiments are
are useful for single-cell analysis, as well as required to follow an antibody attribute, such as
for such localization and temporal studies as internalization, over time.
antibody internalization and live-cell imaging The best approach to address all the
for monitoring individual cell behavior. limitations of traditional antibody screening
Microscopy techniques, however, have limited is to combine data from advanced screening
throughput due to data acquisition time, and methods; using advanced methods,
they have limited multiplexing capabilities. researchers can choose their candidates
Thus, for antibody discovery, some other based on a thorough evaluation of all relevant
method, preferably high-throughput, is characteristics, such as IgG titer, cell health,
generally used for the initial selection and internalization, and their associated kinetics
screening of large libraries, followed by a more early in their discovery process.
GENengnews.com | 11
Antibody Internalization
Antibody Internalization Reagent Principles
Outside cell: Inside cell:
pH ~7.4 pH ~7.0—7.2
Antibody Mix Antibody Add labeled test antibody Early Late Lysosome:
Internalization Internalization to cells and read on iQue3 endosome: endosome: pH ~4.7
Reagent Reagent with (iQue3 VBR, BR, BR HD) pH ~6.3 pH ~5.5
test antibody
Figure 2: The pH-sensitive fluorescent probe principle. A novel pH-sensitive fluorescent probe enables one-step, no-wash labeling
of isotype-matched antibodies. A fluorescent signal is generated as internalized antibody is processed into the acidic endosome and
lysosome pathway.
A Simple Way of Labeling Antibodies Fab fragments conjugated to a pH-sensitive
for Addressing Challenges with fluorescent probe (Nath et al., 2016). This type
FACS, ELISA, and Microscopy of novel reagent enables a generic, one-step,
One of the challenges presented above with no-wash labeling protocol for all isotype-
FACS, ELISA, and microscopy techniques is matched, Fc-containing test antibodies when
the requirement for wash steps to minimize optimized for use on specific instruments.
background signal. Among other undesirable Figure 2 shows how this reagent works: labeled
effects, such as increased time to results, this antibodies are added to cells, and a fluorogenic
need for wash steps also increases reagent signal is produced as the Fab-Ab complex is
requirements (and cost) and makes cell loss internalized and processed via acidic (pH 4.5-5.5)
inevitable. However, an advanced method for lysosomes and endosomes.
labeling cells could reduce reagent requirements, Antibodies of interest are quickly and
as well as simplify protocols when analyzing effectively labeled, with low reagent
antibody internalization. requirements, by incubating in growth media
ABI Assays Made Simple, With No-Wash Labeling with this novel, pH-sensitive dye (Figure 3).
and Low Reagent Requirements via a Novel, Cells are then added to 384-well plates, along
Ph-Sensitive Reagent with the dye-conjugated antibodies, and
The key to this simple, no-wash protocol is a incubated again. This reagent, when used with
novel reagent composed of Fc-region targeting an advanced flow cytometry platform, provides
12 | GENengnews.com
Multiplexed Viability/Encoding Antibody Internalization Reagent Workflow
Violet Encoding
Dye (V/Blue) Cell Preparation
Rinse Plate
cells cells
Label test antibodies with Encode cell populations with Add labeled antibody Acquire data
Antibody Internalization Violet Encoding Dye and plate and Membrane Integrity on iQue3 VBR.
Reagent and prepare dilutions. encoded cells. Dye (B/Green).
Incubate two hours.
Figure 3: The assay consists of 3 components, each 10 µL: labeled test antibody, cells (encoded or not), and Cell Membrane
Integrity Dye (B/Green). Each component is prepared at 3X before addition for a final concentration of 1X and an assay volume
of 30 µL.
a comprehensive, integrated solution for rapid characteristics within the same workflow. For
profiling of antibody internalization and instance, you can measure cell viability using a
other critical antibody attributes using small membrane integrity dye to assess general cell
sample volumes in 96- or even 384-well plate health, as well as cell death due to cargo delivery,
formats (Riedl et al., 2016). Much of the data when optimizing ADCs. Or you can characterize
acquisition and analysis, including generation cell specificity using encoding dyes (for cell lines)
of serial dilution curves and EC50 calculations, is or directly conjugated fluorescent antibodies
automated with the help of advanced software (for complex cell models with a variety of cell
packages, for example, as included in the iQue® types). Other reagents, such as those for assessing
advanced flow cytometry platform. cytokine release, are also available for more
detailed antibody assessments on the sample.
Functional Profiling for Therefore, analysis with an advanced flow
Comprehensive Cell and Antibody cytometry platform can be optimized to deliver
Characterization Early in the rich content very quickly while only using a low
Process with Multiplex Analysis sample volume.
Combining the above-described pH-sensitive dye Sartorius produces such a pH-sensitive
with other reagents in one assay on an advanced reagent for use on our iQue® advanced
flow cytometry platform enables simultaneous flow cytometry platform. The combination
analysis of a variety of cell and antibody of non-perturbing and validated reagents
GENengnews.com | 13
Antibody Internalization
CD19 CD20 CD79b CD71 CD19 CD20 CD79b CD71 CD19 CD20 CD79b CD71
mlgG1 CD22 CD3 mlgG1 CD22 CD3 mlgG1 CD22 CD3
80000.0 50000.0
60000.0 40000.0
40000.0 20000.0
20000.0 20000.0
0 0 0
2 3 2 3 2 3
log(Concentration) μg/mL log(Concentration) μg/mL log(Concentration) μg/mL
Jurkat Raji Ramos
Figure 4: Serial dilution curves for internalization-labeled antibodies with a top concentration of 1 mg/mL in different cell types after
a three-hour incubation. Multiplexed positive and negative cell lines may be used in an ABI assay to generate high-content data in
one assay. Median fluorescent intensity (MFI) for Internalization Reagent-labeled antibodies after three hours. A serial dilution of
each antibody with a top concentration of 1 mg/mL was prepared and incubated with encoded Jurkat, Raji, and Ramos cells in the
same well. Jurkat cells (a T lymphocyte cell line) show a concentration-dependent increase in internalization of anti-CD3, but not the
two B cell markers. Conversely, Raji cells show a concentration-dependent increase in internalization of anti-CD19 and anti-CD22,
but not anti-CD3. Ramos cells show a concentration-dependent increase in internalization of anti-CD79b, an ADC drug target for
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
for multiplexing, no-wash protocols, high- visualization expedite the process of screening
throughput capabilities, flexibility for a drug candidates for potential efficacy and
robotic interface, and integrated Forecyt® toxicity to accelerate antibody discovery and
software for multiparametric data analysis and development.
14 | GENengnews.com
Median internalization (RL1-H) of Jurkat
Median internalization (RL1-H) of Raji
Median internalization (RL1-H) of Ramos
To demonstrate the multiplexing alone or when we mixed them. This result
capabilities of this novel pH-sensitive dye on shows that multiplexing positive and negative
the iQue® platform, we used Ramos and Raji cell lines does not interfere with the antibody
cells stained with two intensities of violet internalization assay.
encoding dye, combined with unstained Compared to performing a series of singleplex
Jurkat cells. We incubated this for three hours assays, a multiplexed assay approach enables
with a serial dilution of dye-conjugated you to analyze multiple readouts (internalization,
specificity antibodies (isotype-matched viability, cell type) from a single well, decreasing
anti-CD3 as a T cell marker, anti-CD19, anti- the number of tests needed to perform a
CD20, anti-CD22, or anti-CD79b as B cell comprehensive functional characterization of the
markers, anti-CD71 as a positive control, and Ab candidate.
IgG as a negative control), then added a cell
membrane integrity dye before acquiring data Full Concentration Profiling with
from the plate. Using this strategy, we were Live-Cell Imaging and Analysis
able to identify viable cells, then spectrally A pH-sensitive dye-coupled antibody fragment
separate Ramos, Raji, and Jurkat cells. designed according to the same principle as
We then assessed antibody internalization that used above (Figure 2) can also be optimized
for each cell line. We generated series dilution and used in other instruments. For instance,
curves for the specificity markers of each cell using this pH-sensitive reagent in a real-time,
type (Figure 4A). As expected, Jurkat cells showed live-cell imaging system such as the Incucyte®
internalization of anti-CD3, but not anti-CD19 Live-Cell Analysis System, allows visualization and
or anti-CD22, whereas the Raji cells internalized automatic quantification of the full time-course of
anti-CD19 and anti-CD22, but not anti-CD3. Only ABI. This combination of reagent and platform thus
Ramos cells showed a concentration-dependent provides a simple method for directly profiling and
increase in internalization of anti-CD79b, an ADC comparing ABI for a large number of antibodies
drug target for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. In the (10–100s at a time in a miniaturized format).
three-hour assay time frame, we did not observe To demonstrate the power of the pH-sensitive
anti-CD20 internalization, but we did see an dye approach for high-throughput antibody
increase in the two B cell lines by 24 hours (data internalization assays in a real-time, live-cell
not shown). Importantly, we saw little difference analysis system, we performed a head-to-head
when we assessed the cells for internalization comparison of the internalization properties of
GENengnews.com | 15
Antibody Internalization
Ab1a Ab2 Ab3 Controls Ab1b Ab4 Ab5 Controls
Figure 5: Screening test of Abs for internalization. The pH-sensitive reagent is suitable for high-throughput antibody internalization
assays in a real-time, live-cell analysis system.
six different commercially available anti-CD71 same clone from two different sources).
antibodies into HT1080 fibrosarcoma cells. We We found that three antibodies (Ab1a, Ab2,
labeled the anti-CD71 with our pH-sensitive and Ab1b) gave internalization signals that we
reagent before adding to cells in 96-well plates. detected at low concentrations (< 0.05 μg/ml)
We then captured the internalization signal in a (Figure 5). Reassuringly, Ab1a and Ab1b gave
live-cell analysis system every 30 minutes over similar internalization responses. Antibodies
12 hours using a 10X magnification. 3, 4, and 5 were internalized more weakly and
The plate view in Figure 5A shows clear only at higher concentrations. From the control
positive and negative control responses responses, we calculated a mean Z’ value of
in column 11 and 12, with concentration- 0.82 (two plates: 0.75, 0.87), indicating high
dependent responses for each antibody across robustness for this microplate assay.
the two plates (antibodies 1a and 1b are the These data show our method is suitable
16 | GENengnews.com
for comparing the internalization of multiple monoclonal antibody, Herceptin (Trastuzumab).
antibodies at a single target, or one antibody We constructed a concentration-response curve
in various cell types. The assay precision and by labeling Herceptin with the pH-sensitive
workflow is such that it would be possible to reagent, then serially diluting (1:2) before adding
compare 100s of different antibodies at once, and to BT-474 cells.
further throughput could be achieved through In BT-474 Her2-positive breast carcinoma
miniaturization to a 384-well format. cells, we saw definite time and concentration-
Showing a Simple Pharmacological and Kinetic dependent internalization of Herceptin over 48
Quantification of Antibody Internalization Using hours. From an area under the curve (AUC) time-
Herceptin course analysis, we calculated the EC50 value for
In addition, we experimented to determine EC50 internalization at 323 ng/mL = 2.1 nM (Figure 6).
values for the internalization of a clinically used Our calculated EC50 value is similar to the known
Figure 6: Quantitative pharmacological analysis of pH-sensitive dye-labeled Herceptin shows time and concentration-dependent
internalization and an EC50 value of 2.1 nM. Quantitative pharmacological analysis of pH-sensitive dye-labeled Herceptin. BT-474 Her2-
positive cells were treated with increasing concentrations of pH-sensitive dye-labeled Herceptin. The time course graph displays an
increasing normalized red area over time with increasing Herceptin concentrations (A). Area under the curve analysis of this response
displays a clear concentration dependent response with an EC50 of 323 ng/mL (B). All data shown as a mean of 3 wells ± SEM, time course
data shown as normalized red area.
A. B.
80 80 3 3
80008 n0g0/m0 Lng/mL
40004 n0g0/m0 Lng/mL
20002 n0g0/m0 Lng/mL
60 60 1000 1n0g0/m0 Lng/mL
2 2
500 n5g0/m0 Lng/mL
EC50 3E2C35 n0 g3/2m3 Lng/mL
40 40 250 n2g5/m0 Lng/mL (21 nM(2)1 nM)
1 1
20 20
125 ng12/m5 Lng/mL
62.5 n6g2/.m5 Lng/mL 0 0
0 0
0 0 12 12 24 24 36 36 48 48 -8 -8 -7 -7 -6 -6 -5 -5
TimeT (ihm)e (h) Log [LHoegr [cHeeprtcine]p (tgin/m] (Lg)/mL)
GENengnews.com | 17
Normalized red area (%)
Normalized red area (%)
AUC (0-48 h) x 103
AUC (0-48 h) x 103
Antibody Internalization
KD value for Herceptin for its target receptor process is a simple, fast, and insightful way to
(approximately 5 nM). identify candidates that meet your therapeutic
goals early in the drug discovery process.
Speed and Insight through
Advanced Antibody Screening Combining Advanced Flow Cytometry
Quick and accurate identification of suitable and Live-Cell Imaging and Analysis
drug candidates is key to the development of for Complete Antibody Profiling:
therapeutic antibodies. ABI is an essential part A Real-World Screening Strategy
of the selection criteria for ADC candidates. It Employing Our pH-Sensitive Dye
can be used for functional profiling and rate and Instrument Platforms
comparisons, as well as mechanistic studies Researchers at LifeArc used the iQue® platform
when coupled with additional multiplexed and Incucyte Live-Cell Analysis System as part
readouts, thus reducing the time required for of their strategy to develop a new ADC targeting
lead generation. To illustrate the capabilities of neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma is a rare cancer
advanced antibody screening, we have described that nevertheless is the most common extra-
our solution for efficiently interrogating libraries of cranial solid tumor in children, with a 5-year
candidates early in the screening process. survival rate of 50% for patients with high-risk
For comprehensive cell and antibody disease. The researchers found they were able
characterization, we used our novel, pH-sensitive to use these systems in combination, not only
reagent and the iQue® advanced flow cytometry for screening, but also for assay development,
platform. This combination is best for screening lead candidate profiling, and characterization.
and early full concentration profiling because it They found that the iQue® platform offered fast,
enables simultaneous analysis of a variety of cell high-content analysis, while the Incucyte live-
and antibody characteristics within the same cell analysis system offered kinetic, image-based
workflow. For quantitative, pharmacological analysis. Combining data from the two systems
analysis and direct, head-to-head comparisons of gave them a complete antibody profile.
ABI, we used a version of our novel, pH-sensitive In brief, the researchers identified anaplastic
reagent and the Incucyte live-cell analysis system. lymphoma kinase (ALK) as a target for their
This combination is useful for further functional therapeutic approach because level of ALK
profiling that requires spatial and temporal expression correlates with disease stage and
resolution. This advanced antibody screening ALK antibodies show surface expression
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in patient samples. In collaboration with advanced screening methods that incorporate a
colleagues at Mt. Sinai, researchers at LifeArc novel, innovative reagent for characterizing ABI
produced 1,152 candidate hybridoma clones via both advanced flow cytometry and live-cell
that they were able to narrow to 53 candidates imaging, they gained maximum insight through
that ELISA and flow cytometry showed bound high-content data and were able to make critical
to ALK. Using the advanced flow cytometry decisions early in their process, thus saving time,
capabilities of the iQue® platform, the material, and money. n
researchers were able to further narrow this to
20 candidates that bound ALK at the surface References
of cells, since this is a critical attribute of the Tiller KE and Tessier PM. Advances in antibody design. Annu Rev Biomed
Eng, Feb 5; 17: 191-216 (2015) PMID: 26274600
mechanism of action of ADCs. Doerner A, et al. Therapeutic antibody engineering by high efficiency
cell screening. FEBS Lett, Jan 21; 588(2); 278-87 (2014) PMID: 24291259
Of particular interest, these researchers used
Nath N, et al. Homogeneous plate based antibody internalization
internalization assays on both the iQue® and assay using pH sensor fluorescent dye. J Immun Meth, Feb 3; 431: 11-21
(2016) PMID: 26851520
Incucyte cell analysis platforms to further narrow Reidl T, et al. High-Throughput Screening for Internalizing Antibodies
by Homogeneous Fluorescence Imaging of a pH-Activated Probe. J
their lead candidates to two. Critically, they Biomol Screen, Jan; 21(1): 12-23 (2016) PMID: 26518032
gained kinetic imaging data and high- content Chames P, et al. Therapeutic antibodies: successes, limitations and
hopes for the future. Br J Pharmaco, May; 157(2): 220-33 (2009) PMID:
analysis using multiplexed cell viability assays 19459844
Saeed A, et al. Antibody Engineering for Pursuing a Healthy Future.
early in their ADC discovery process. Using Front Microbiol, Mar; 8(495) (2017) PMID: 28400756
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Antibody Response to Flu
Shaped by Pre-Existing Immunity
Receiving the seasonal flu vaccine each year, or vaccination. The authors found that a
in addition to seasonal infections, exposes person’s antibody response to influenza viruses
people to a lifetime of building up immune is dramatically shaped by their pre-existing
responses to influenza antigens. Yet, it remains immunity, and that the quality of this response
unclear whether infection and vaccination differs in individuals who are vaccinated or
induce distinct influenza-specific immunological naturally infected. Their results highlight the
memory. A team led by researchers at the importance of receiving the annual flu vaccine to
University of Chicago compared antibodies induce the most protective immune response.
produced by individuals after influenza infection The study is published in Science
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