Octetシステムはハイスループット、正確、迅速、easy to useの特徴により、抗体および治療用リコンビナントタンパク質の定量において、ELISAおよびHPLCの代替手法となり、開発とQCおよび製造への移行を容易にします。
■不純物確認試験- 残留プロテインA(RPA)検出
Residual Protein A Detection KitはBLIの原理を適用して、シンプルなワークフローを維持しながら、バイオプロセスサンプル中の残留プロテインAの高感度で正確な定量を可能にします。
■不純物確認試験– ホストセルプロテイン(HCP)検出
Cygnus Technologies社と共同で開発したAnti-CHO HCP Detection Kitは、BLIテクノロジーを使用し、バイオ医薬品やワクチンの有効性を低下させるリスクを伴うホストセルプロテインを検出。Octetシステムの高いスループットと、業界標準のCygnus 3G抗CHO HCP抗体を組み合わせることにより、高感度、高精度かつ短時間にHCPアッセイが可能になります。
ドキュメント名 | 正確、迅速、使いやすい生体分子間相互作用解析システム、Octetの基本情報をご紹介 |
ドキュメント種別 | 事例紹介 |
ファイルサイズ | 282.5Kb |
登録カテゴリ | |
取り扱い企業 | ザルトリウス・ジャパン株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧) |
Application Guide
February 1, 2022
Keywords or phrases:
Octet, upstream analytics, titer screening, glycan
screening, detection of residual contamination,
residual protein A detection
Octet® Systems in Bioprocessing:
Easy-to-Use and Cost-Effective Tools
for Multiple Applications
David Apiyo, Sartorius, Fremont, CA
Email: octet@sartorius.com
Optimization of upstream processes and cell culture conditions are leading to increased production yields of biologics.
Along with these improvements, advances in analytical technologies are also required to facilitate titer determination and
assessment of critical quality attributes early in the discovery process. This application guide describes the Octet® platform,
biosensors, and assay kits that offers intermediate and high throughput capabilities for titer, host cell protein analysis,
residual protein A detection and sialic acid content detection and the associated time and cost savings.
Find out more: www.sartorius.com
Advances in the optimization of upstream bioprocessing in
recent years - primarily, improved cell culturing conditions - - Complete hands-off, walk-away HCP analysis on the
-- Octet® RH96 system
have led to higher production of target biologics. This leads High precision assays with 5–10% CVs
to amplified production of process related attributes as well1. Detection sensitivity as low as 0.5 ng/mL for HCP assays
The selection and optimization of bioprocessing therefore, - and 0.1 ng/ml for residual Protein A
requires the integration of analytical technologies that facili- No heating or centrifugation steps required for residual
tate both titer determination as well as critical quality Protein A analysis
attributes assessment of these biologics early on in the dis-
covery and optimization stages. One platform that is an Titer and Glycan Screening
industry accepted workhorse for multiple analytical applica-
tions in bioprocessing is the Octet® platform. The Octet® The Octet® platform is routinely used for titer determina-
instrument comes with biosensors and assay kits that offers tion, especially with monoclonal antibodies in both
users both intermediate and high throughput capabilities for upstream and downstream bioprocessing. The Octet®
titer, host cell protein analysis, residual protein detection and RH96 instrument is capable of analyzing as many as
sialic acid content detection. The fluidics-free system allows 96-samples in just two minutes in a simple Dip and Read
users to screen for these properties without the need for format, where biosensors pre-coated with Protein A or G or
purification, resulting in significant time and cost savings; it is other antibody binding proteins are dipped into IgG sam-
estimated that with the Octet® platform, as much as 12X FTE ples for specific binding response measurement. In addition
costs can be saved when compared to ELISA in IgG titer. In to titer, the Octet® platform is also compatible for use in gly-
addition, the Octet® RH16 and RH96 systems are automa- can screening. For example several groups used this
tion-ready, allowing for extended walk-away assay times. method for different glycans screening 2. A common
- approach for the screening of glycans on the Octet® system
Automation ready platforms suitable for multiple applica- involves the immobilization of sugar-specific lectins onto
- the biosensor surface followed by dipping the coated bio-
sensor into the sample under certain buffer conditions.
- tions (Octet® RH16 and RH96 systems)
Real time label-free data acquisition enabling rapid assay
optimization Sartorius has recently released a kit (Part No. 18-5135) for
Sample plate format allowing for the use of crude and the screening of sialic acid content in biologics which can
- non-purified samples be used in combination with titer determination to deter-
Combine titer and sialic acid analysis from the same mine sialic content per mg of IgG Figure 1.
sample. Analyze 1000 samples in one day on the
Octet® RH96 system
Titer analysis
Sialic acid content vs. titer
Time (seconds)
Quantitation Quantitation
Crude or Octet®
purified Analysis
protein Studio
Relative glycan GlyS Kit
screening Glycan screening
Protein titer
Time (seconds)
Figure 1: Titer and sialic acid work-flow on the Octet® system. Sialic acid versus normalized titer can be used to select the best conditions
for bioprocessing.
Binding Binding
Sialic acid level
Residual Contaminant Detection
Contaminants are any molecules that may elute with the
target drug product during purification. They can adversely
affect the efficacy and immunoreactivity of the drug prod-
uct and should therefore be cleared from the product Optical layer
through further purifications. The easy to use BLI technolo- BLI biosensor Biocompatible
tip surface matrix
gy has comparable throughput to manual ELISA but with
better precision in contaminant detection. In addition, the Immobilized
platform shows data in real time allowing for a rapid optimi-
zation of assays. Metal DAB
Transfer Your ELISA Host Cell Protein (HCP) Detection Anti-FITC: HRP
Assay to the Octet® Platform
The clearance of host cell proteins (HCPs) that co-express fluorescein
with biologics is important since high concentrations can
adversely affect the safety and efficacy of the biologics. CHO
Sartorius’ HCP kit comes with all the reagents required to CHO HCP
convert a manual HCP ELISA assay into a better controlled
automated assay with lower variability (Table 1) and where
data can be observed in real time. Unlike ELISA, real time Figure 2: Host cell protein (HCP) detection lay-out on the Octet® plat-
analysis techniques allow assay developers to monitor form. The biosensors come pre-immobilized with anti-CHO antibody.
every step of the assay enabling the fast detection of areas
that need further optimization. The kit comes with biosen-
sors already coated with a Cygnus capture antibody, a
purified antigen for the development of the reference Residual Protein A (RPA) Detection
curve and the detection reagents (Figure 2). The Octet®
RH96 system can be used to screen > 1000 samples in A common challenge in bioprocessing is the copurifica-
one day making it highly suitable for screening for these tion of antibody-based biologics with Protein A leaching
process impurities in a high throughput manner. off purification columns. Similar to HCPs, these proteins
can affect the efficacy of the drug molecule and need to
Assay performance Cygnus 3G Sartorius-Cygnus Anti-CHO be detected and cleared. Sartorius’ residual Protein A
ELISA Kit HCP Detection Kit detection kit has a highly simplified workflow compared to
traditional methods. The commonly used heat denatur-
Time to result 210 min 62 min on Octet® RH96 system
ation and sample centrifugation steps which can result
75 min on Octet® RH16 system into high process variability have been removed resulting
with Octet® AS instrument
into a significantly reduced assay time (Figure 3). This
90 min on Octet® R8 system combined with the throughput and the automation capa-
with Octet® AS instrument
bilities of the Octet® instruments especially the Octet®
Dynamic range 1–100 0.5–200 ng/mL RH96 and the RH16 systems, results into a rapid assay;
ng/mL 96-samples can be analyzed in under 2 hours on the
Precision (CV) 15–25% 5–10% Octet® RH96 system. The Sartorius kit can be adopted for
Table 1: Comparison of overall assay performance for HCP analysis on the detection of leached Protein A from a resin that utiliz-
Octet® systems and ELISA for 96 samples. es either recombinant Protein A or MabSelect Sure.
1 2 3
Incubate samples with Quantify bound Protein A using
Pre-treat samples to RPA Biosensors to capture Protein A Protein A Detection Reagent
separate Protein A (Sidekick™ or Octet®) (Octet®)
from IgG
10 min 60 min
5 min – 120 min
Figure 3: Residual Protein A workflow on the Octet® platform, no heating step is required. 1) Samples are treated with X and no heating step
is required. 2) Separated samples are then incubated with RPA biosensors for 60 mins to capture free protein A. 3) A secondary Ab is then
used to quantify the concentration of residual protein A from the sample.
1. Trends in Upstream and Downstream Process
Development for Antibody Manufacturing,
Gronemeyer P, Ditz R and Strube J, Bioengineering,
1(4):188-212, 2014.
2. High-Throughput Sialylation Measurement Using
Lectins on an Octet® Platform for Clone Screening,
Jonnalagadda KN, et al., Analytical Methods,
8(39):7193-8, 2016.
Germany USA
Sartorius Lab Instruments GmbH & Co. KG Sartorius Corporation
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Or +1 650 322 1360
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Specifications subject to change without notice.
Copyright Sartorius Lab Instruments GmbH & Co. KG.
For Research Use Only.
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