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AATC (台湾) ブザー、スピーカー、マイク、レシーバー カタログ


台湾の高品質 電気音響部品メーカー AATC (Advanced Acoustic Technology Corp.) のブザー、スピーカー、マイク、レシーバーのカタログ

Magnetic Buzzers (Transducers)
Magnetic Buzzers (Indicators)
Piezo Buzzers (Transducers)
Piezo Buzzers (Indicators / Sirens)
Piezo Plates
Micro-Speakers (Circular)
Micro-Speakers (Oval / Rectangular)
Micro-Speakers (With Box)
Microphones (Omni-Directional; Wire/ Dip)
Microphones (Omni-Directional; SMD)
Microphones (Uni-Directional ; Wire / Dip)


ドキュメント名 AATC (台湾) ブザー、スピーカー、マイク、レシーバー カタログ
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 24.1Mb
取り扱い企業 二松電気株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)



Advanced Acoustic Technology Corporation Product Catalogue Buzzers Micro-Speakers 「 茫 ● 宿 ● ● 勒 _、 Receivers Microphones 多 貧 AATC

rr=こ _:[1 _1三 二_I IL= Table of Content Magnetic Buzzers (TransducersJ 5 P iezo Buzzer s [Trans du cers) 13 Piezo Buzzers flndicators/ Sirens) 15 Piezo Plates 1.7 Micro-Speakers ICircular) 18

Product Catalogue About Us \\/ho are we? Advanced Acoustic Technology Corporation (AATC) is an industry-leading acoustic company with locations in Taiwan and China. We have above 20 years of experience in designing, manufacturing and marketing acoustic products, which include buzzers, micro -sp eakers, receivers and microphones. Our products are widely used in consumer electronics, smart appliances, industrial computers, point-of-sale (POS) scanners, security and surveillance systems, alarms, automobiles and medical instruments. Our services consist of pre- and post-sales acoustic tests, audio circuit debugging audio and voice IC consulting and other total solutions. Our client base includes: OEM and ODM EMS companies such as Asus, Delta, Foxconn, Flextronics, GPV Pegatron, Plexus, Sanmina and Wistron; other brands including Advantec, Argelik, Bosch, |abil, Matrix, Mitsubishi, MSI, Panasonic, Sakura, Quanta; numerous education and research institutes. 甲 ′醐鶉翻 ´■¨‐‐‐ ′̀ ● ‐ “ l・ Rぽ 晰 1 武 瓶・ 誠 町W i We consult on mechanical design: Different colors represent audio curyes We consult on electrical engineering: for different client's lD design We suggest audio circuit to produce optimized signal quality Contact us if you'd expect to... 1) Achieve better sound fidelity and higher sound pressure level 2) Seek for products that best fit your engineering design and marketing needs 3) Design your product enclosure and sound holes to enhance audio resonance 4) Fix electrical circuit bugs to eliminate noise and increase signal quality 5) Enjoy reasonable price, fast delivery time and reliable supply Visit aatc.tw or email sales-tp@aatc.tw to learn more ロ 回 □ 2

Product Catalogue Selection Guide Glossary 1) Acoustic Overload Point For a microphone, this indicates the maximurn dB of input sound that can be processed by a microphone, with its distortion ratio kept below 1"Ao/o. 2) Directionality Omni-directional microphones uniformly receive sound con-iing tront all directions, while uni-directional ones emphasize frontal sound reception, 3) Feedback If a piezo plate features feedback, users are advised to input signal identicai to the predetermined feedback frequency for optimized sound output level. 4) Indicators/ Transducers An indicator operates on DC source and gives out sound of predetermined tone. A transducer operates on AC source of which signals are externally generated. 5) Rated Frequency or Resonant Frequency When a transduce4 piezo plate, micro-speaker operates at its rated frequency, it emits the highest sound output level compared to other frequencies. For an indicatoC it's the default frequency it radiates at when inputted by DC source. 6) Sensitivity The sensitivity of a microphone represents the strength of electrical signal generated by it, after it receives an audio signal of standardized pressure. 7) Signal/ Noise Ratio Abbreviated as SN& this specifies how much useful signal a microphone can output, in comparison to its residual noise. 8) Sound Pressure Level Abbreviated as SPL, this parameter relates to how loud the sound is, It rs often measured in the distance of 10cm or 1m. The unit is logarithmized sound pressure [dB), not sound pressure [Pa).

Product Catalogue Product Introduction Buzzers Based on how sounds are generated, we have piezo-electric [piezoJ and electro-magnetic (magnetic) buzzers. Piezo buzzers rely on high voltage yet consume very little current. On the other hand, magnetic buzzers consume much more current but little voltage. For transducers, users input AC signal and get beeps. Beeps can be intermittent or continual, and can be monotone or multi-tone. However for indicators, users shall send DC signal to activate the oscillators, and get default tones set by AATC, Micro-speakers Users can choose from different shapes and sizes of micro-speakers, to fit in their final product. Selection criteria also include operating voltage, input powel sound pressure level and resonant frequencies. Micro-speaker design varies in coil, diaphragm, suspension, basket and magnet etc, each of which are best applicable under certain conditions.. Receivers Receivers are used in phones and cellphones. Although we provide cutting edge ones, we also manufacture traditional ones such as the SD-150 series, which are often mentioned in phone industry.. Microphones AATC provides electret condenser microphones [ECM) as the catalogue illustrates, ranging from omni-directional to uni-directional types. For bi-directional ECMs and MEMS microphones, please contact us as they are not in the following catalogue. Catalogue Starting from the next page, our catalogue exhibits over one hundred kinds of acoustic products, which are most popular with our clients. For some of them, you may choose to include or exclude wire, change the wire length or mounting type. Drawings of products are measured in mm, and along with pictures they serve only illustration purposes. Audio ICs and amplifiers are not included in this document. Search online for a more complete and updated catalogue. 4

Magneti c Buzzers (Trans ducers) AC-9F5C AC-9J3C イすキャし 4土 Print AC-9J3C r L. ① (+ ( ( ) (― ) (十 ) ↓ + ) (■ ) Rated Viol fVOp〕 5 Rated b fVOp〕 3-7 Consum Current fmA〕 85 Current SPL at 10 crn dBA SPL at 10 crn fdBA〕 85 Coil Resistance fΩ〕 40± 3 Coil Resistance fΩl 15± 2 Rated Fre fHz〕 2731 Rated Frequency 〔Hz〕 2731 ● 鬱 奪 心 AC-9J5C AC…9J5Cl ●01mヽ 0〔 ,OX● LADEL POT■ 1ヽ10 ERO× V AC‐ 9J5Cl AC-9J5C Rated Vol fVOp〕 5 墾空型型望聖_________工里上 ___二__ Oueratins Voltase 「VOp1 4-6 0翌里二ng yQlage 〔VOP〕 4-6 Cons Current fmA〕 80 Consumption Current IInlA` 80 SPL at 10 cnl dBA SPL at 10 cnl |‐ dBA` 35 ´ Coil Resistance Coil Resistance ■1 30=4.5 Rated fHz〕 2731 Rated Frequencr. |´ Hゴ 2731 ● 各 ● ●

Product Catalogue AC…9J5C2 AC-10H3CR 1 ・ 一     ■ ・ f 一 ・ .    、 一一 一 HAsK[lc LA6EL P0]Til'10 EP0XY .5~7¬. 「 (十 Sour d Emission Hole ―) nc {rscz や Lcser Rated Voltage fVOp〕 5 Rated Voltage fVOp〕 3 Operating Voltage 〔VOp〕 4-8 Operating Voltage 〔VOp〕 2‐ 4 Consumption Current fmA〕 50 Consumption Current fmA〕 50 SPL at 10 cnl fdBA〕 85 SPL at 10 crn fdBA〕 85 Coil Resistance fΩ〕 40± 6 Coil Resistance fΩ〕 40± 6 Rated Frequency fHz〕 2400 Rated Frequency fHz〕 2730 ● わ 赫 韓 AC…701S‐Pl¨LF AC…1204B¨P2LF ser 1204B― P2LF ① Potting 『 ● ■ 埋 だ “ ヽ ヾゝ . Green Label Rated Vo 1.5 Rated Voltage fVOp〕 5 Operating Violta塁 £ 〔VOp〕 1‐ 3 Operating Voltage fVOp〕 3-8 Consumption Current fmA〕 80 Consumption Current fmA〕 50 SPL at 10 crn 〔dBA〕 _型 SPL at10 cm dBA 85 . Coil Resistance [f)J 6t1 Coil Resistance 〔Ω〕 42± 5 Rated Fre 3000 Rated Frequency fHz〕 2048 砕 餞 ● 赫

‐ 「 Produc"[ Catalogue AC…1205G―NlLF AC―E12F3A Pot.tir-rg ●1 0イ n. ,T +) LASER VV071 ~2-~L「 ・卜 下下 ¬ 〇 二 | | I PoHs l l WEEK Sound Eπ uslonHolG l γEAR SO “ LINE Rated Voltage 〔VOp) 5 Rated Voltage (VOp〕 __重 恥 3‐8 Operating Voltage 〔VOp〕 2‐ 4 Consumption Current [*AJ 40 Consumption Current SPL at 10 crn 〔dBA) 85 SPL at 10 crn 〔dBA〕 80 Coil Resistance 〔Ω〕 40± 6 Coil Resistance 〔Ω〕 15± 2 Rated Frequency 〔Hz) 2400 Rated Frequency 〔Hz〕 2048 ● ● AS…1201C… lP AS¨12P2A ∝ も. ●12 Mo:k 0+ 」́ 〓 5o■ nd "ol, ●2.3 81●ck =lue Rated Voltage (VOp〕 1.5 Rated Voltage (VOp〕 1.5 Operating Voltage (VOp〕 1‐ 2 Operating Voltage 〔VOp:1 1‐ 3 Consumption Current [-AJ 45 Consumption Current [m-i' 35 SPL at10 cm (dBA〕 80 SPL at 10 crn 〔dBA〕 85 Coil Resistance tf}) 50t7.5 ‐・ Coil Resistance ■ 16=2.4 Rated Frequency (Hz〕 2700 Rated Frequeno, II― ]` 2048 ● ● ● ●

Product Catalogue AC-1405(G‐ LF AC-1612J‐PF O EPOXY ~T | ~ ol 十 1 6121- l N 6 = ① リ 「 ド 0 6 S I N Rated fVOp〕 5 Rated Vol 〔VOp) 12 02e:a虹聖lt2g壁____壁堕上_二生⊆_ Operating Voltage fVOp〕 9-15 Consumption Current (mA〕 50 Consumption Current [mAJ 50 SPL at 10 crn dBA SPL at 10 cnl dBA Coil Resistance fΩ〕 40± 6 Coil Resistance fΩ〕 115± 12 Rated Fre 〔Hz) 2000 Rated 〔Hz〕 2800 静 り ● じ AP…1201B…LF AD-52A3F 52■ 02 ● 3 1ヽ●SkINC LABEL EPOXΥ ”. 19A LASER 1_'3 AP-1001B― LF ] 0 O. U !e 「 | 哺 0.― _L ぎ = 十 ∞ キ 0.ー 1 い 2-00.6 |! 3-15± 03 ° 1_|に ■:讐F‐ Rated Voltage 〔VOp〕 1.5 Rated Vo fVOp〕 3 Operating Voltage 〔VOp〕 1‐ 2 Operating Voltage 〔VOp) 2-4.35 Current mA C Current IΥIA SPL at 10 crn 〔dBA〕 75 SPL at 10 cnl 72 Coil Resistance 〔Ω〕 42± 6 Coil Resistance 〔Ω〕 12± 3 Rated Frequency 〔Hz〕 2048 Rated u fHz〕 4000 L・ ● 0 ■ / 8

Product Catalrs;- AD-52D3F AD…7504…MAl―LF Ink Jct ~¬ 「 SOυND PORT 図‐ 一 爾 || 0.15■ 0 Rated Vol 3 Rated Voltage fVOp1 3.6 _塾堅型堕型堕墨_____」堅上__ヱ土__ Operating Voltage (VOp〕 2.5‐4:| cOnsumption Current 〔mA〕 100 Consumption Current fmAl 150 SPL at 10 crn 〔dBA〕 75 SPL at 10 crn 80 Coil Resistance Ω 12± 3 Coil Resistance 〔Ω〕 10± 2 Rated Frequency 〔Hz〕 4000 Rated Frequency fHz〕 2500 む ● 0 AD-75B4CR AD‐8505…PQl¨ 1 Prilit Print 1.8 2.5± 0.5 凛 採″ 一 一一 0.15± 0.05 1 卜 〇 1.3 J 即り型 γ 一一 一 Rated Voltage 〔VOp) 3.6 Rated Voltage (VOp〕 5 Operating Voltage 〔VO止」 亜望二 Operating Voltage 〔VOp) 3-6 Consumption Current (mA) 100 Consumption Current [mA] 100 SPL at 10 crn 〔dBA〕 82 SPL at 10 crn dBA 87 Coil Resistance 〔Ω〕 15± 3 Coil Resistance (Ω〕 12± 3 Rated Frequency 〔Hz〕 2730 Rated Frequency 〔Hz〕 4000 ● 椰 ●

Product Catalogue AD¨85D4CR AD¨85D4FR 65 8.5 DUVヽY P,■ (+) 色 / ” ■ ヽ > ヽ ∞ .‐ 「 め □ 0 刀 ω. た ぬ . ∞ く 0一 “   口 \ 褻 ヽ 3 (― ) Pritrl (― ) ()_1 ド "■     ¨ / 1っ | (■ ) 4-15'45・ Lニコ Rated Voltage (VOp) 3.6 Rated Voltage 〔VOp) 3.6 Operating Voltage 〔VOp) 2.5-4.5 _22£整墨l■L壼≧______I型旦__ユユ土ユ… Consumption Current [mAJ 100 …12■型理二!£里≦ lL___」ユ生___型■__ SPL at 10 crn 〔dBA) 85 旦旦L墜 ⊇_cm = 型 (dBA) 90 Coil Resistance 〔Ω〕 16± 3 Coil Resistance 〔Ω〕 16± 3 Rated Frequency 〔Hz) 2730 Rated Frequency [Hz) 4000 ● 彗 ● む AV…9D3CR AV-9D5CR D一 0一O > ご 刀 く 〓 2 ‐ o 0 0 一 ∪ 「 う ∞ ュ 0 ∫ Φ メニ 昨 O ・ “ 105 ∽ ● c コ 0 工 〇 500●O POP' 〇一 2-26 Au Rated Voltage 〔VOp〕 3 Rュニ皇d Volt塁塁e (VOp〕 Operating Voltage (VOp〕 2‐ 4 3-8 Consumption Current (mA〕 100 二里型翌些塁聖型■___」塁生___型___ SPL at 10 crn 〔dBA) 80 SPL at 10 cm (dBA〕 85 Coil Resistance 〔Ω〕 15± 3 Coil Resistance 〔Ω〕 30± 5 Rated Frequency 〔Hz) 2730 Rated Frequency 〔Hz〕 2731 ● ● ● ● 10

Product Catalogue Magneti c Buzzers (l ndicato rs) AI-10H3C AI-10H5C // /// :=■ ・ つ0 こ PRINT:Laser & Date code (Ex.2015.07) Al-10H3C 0■ 1 e~ 1「5C ヽ AI-10H3C ヽ Yeor」 _`MOnth || T:「 015C _三「二日 20n5 (A― L) Rated Voltage Rated Voltage fVDC〕 5 Vol Operatins Voltase rVDCl 3‐ 7 Consumption Current [mAJ 30 Consumption Current 〔mA〕 30 SPL at 10 cm fdBAl B0 SPL at 10 crn 〔dBA〕 80 Response Time [msJ 100 Response Time (msJ 100 Rated Frequency [Hz) 2700 Rated Frequency 2700 0わ ● 心 AI‐12]M[5Bl AI‐ 12Ⅳ112B r γ ヽ c. / t N 一 ゛ MASKINC CREEN 〕.ABEL laser Al-12M12e Ю 009J. . せ 0 11 2- 05 コ|__」型堅壁 Rated Voltage (VDC〕 5 Rated Voltage fVDC〕 12 Operatins Voltase fVDC〕 4‐ 7 Operating Voltage fVDC〕 8-16 Consumption Current [mA) 35 Consumption Current [mA) 35 SPL at l-0 cm [dBA] 85 SPL at 10 crn fdBA¬ 85 Response Time fms〕 Respolse Ti聖£…………………………1堅:受1____:L堅≧__ Rated Frequency 〔Hz) 2300 Rated FrequenS生 ______________[三二]______」生:型旦____ ● 暴 ● 0 11

Product Catalogue A_X¨12N3B ADI…10H3C も 97■ 05 ●065 +) 9 0 「 卜 ( ●12± 0.5 LaEer (― ) Glue 7.5 02 0.2 ヨ い Q. 2-006± 0.1 (手 ) (■ ) Rated Voltage 〔VDC) 3 Rated 3 Operating Voltage (VDC〕 2‐ 5 Operating Voltage 〔VDC) 2-5 Consumption Current fmA1 30 堕 型 聖2豊 CurE呈 t_ (聖 2里 聖 全]___ユ墜__ SPL at 10 crn 〔dBA〕 80 SPL at10 cm (dBA)__重⊆__ Response Time 〔里立__上壁 Response Time fnls〕 100 Rated Frequency 〔Hz) 2300 Rated Frequency (HzJ 2700 争 尋 捗 鶉 AD-1005S¨BⅣI AD-1305¨GUS―LF Sou..l ilclr 12.8 P otting ,5 1ヽ)・ 1` (ト ー { 十 (― ) ′¬ (■ ) AD‐ 1り05S ~ /́´ 〇 ― 峰 Bヽ I ● | 協 ”. Rated Voltage 〔VDC) 5 Rated Voltage 〔VDC) 5 Operating Voltage (VDC) 4‐ 7 堕里主 型些翌 ____壁匹上_二i_ Consumption Current [mAJ 30 Consumption Current (mA] 30 SPL at 10 crn (dBA〕 80 SPL at 10 crn 〔dBA〕 88 Response Time (msl 100 Response Time (ms) 100 Rated Frequency (Hz) 2700 Rated Frequency 〔Hz〕 2400 磯 ] 1鬱 ● 12

Product Catalogue Piezo Buzzers (Transducers) ~ AZ‐1340E…2WV AZ…1348E… 6ヽ1■ 20± 3 2± 1 +) SOUND HOLE 01.8 い ●13± 05 Clこ こコ三 〇. “ O ‐‐ ~~‐ ■ こ こ 0 一 輸 ■ “‘ 製 Rated 「VDD〕 5 Rated Voltage 10 Operating Voltage 「VDDl l‐ 25 1‐ 25 Consumption Current [mAJ Consumption Current l'mAl 5 SPL at 10 crn dBA 78 SPL at 10 crn rdBAl 80 Capacitance + _旦聖型堕里_________上聖__1理型主ユ塑_ Rated Hz Rated Frequency fHz1 4800 ●ヽ、ま AZ¨ 14卜任40 AZ…1640E¨ⅥZV8-1 76 WiFel UL 1071 AWC80F ヒ_■豊■」 .  T ∞ I 1 O.1   ■ . 4M40 Q .ヽ ~T「||~_ ~2~00,7 Rated Voltaee rVDDl 5 Rated Voltage (Vpp〕 9 恥 1‐ 30 Operating Voltage fVpp〕 1-30 Co on Current 1■A 5 Consumption Current [mAJ 7 SPL at 10 crn 〔dBA) 80 SPL at 10 crn fdBA〕 80 Capacitance (pF) 13000± 30% Capacitance fpF〕 15000=30■ Rated Frequency fHz1 4000 Rated Frequency (Hz) +001] 黎 赫 13

Product Catalogue AZ…1740E…2P AZ…3035E‐Wl…LF 2■ 十 ト 斗」_里 7 OE-2 Rated Voltage 〔Vpp〕 5 Rated Voltage 〔Vpp〕 9 Operating Voltage (Vpp) 1-30 Operating Voltage [Vpp] 1-30 ConsumptionCurrent (mAJ 3 Consumption Current 〔mA〕 8 SPL at 10 crn 〔dBA〕 80 SPL at 10 crn (dBA) 88 Capacitance [pF) 15000t30"2 Capacitance 〔pF〕 20000± 30% Rated Frequency (Hz) 4000 Rated Frequency (Hz) 3500 ● は 穫 餞 AZ‐4409E‐Wl AZ…4720E¨W…LF WirerUL10 07.30■ WG ・ |〈●, Rated Voltage 〔Vpp〕 9 Rated Voltage 〔Vpp) 10 Operating Voltage (Vppl 1-30 Op9ニュ主ing VOltage 〔Vpp〕 1130 Consumption Current [mA] 3 Consumption Current [mA) 30 SPL at 10 crn (dBA) 85 SPL at 10 crn 〔dBA〕 90 CユplCitance (pF) 70000t30v, Capacitance (pF) 15000± 30% Rated Frequency 〔HZ〕 900 Rated Frequency 〔Hz) 2500 供 ← ● ● 14

Product Cataiogue PieZO BuZZerS〔 IndiCatOrS/SirenS〕 AZ…2329STP―LF AZ…2335S-lP O ① Lobel: な -25"● F-1, 引 寸 ド ー ー \ ∞ O. Rated 12 Rated Voltage fVDC〕 12 Operating Voltage fVDC1 3-20 0perating Voltage 〔VDC〕 1.5‐28 二堅型翌些≦ 咀___堕旦__上 _… Consumption Current fmA〕 10 SPL at 10 cm= 型 〔dBA〕 85 SPL at 1 0 clll dBA 90 Response Time fnlsl 100 Response Time [ms] 100 Rated Frequency 〔Hz〕 2900 Rated Frequency 〔Hz) 3500 ● 袂 ● AZ‐2434S―PD AZ…3035S¨3C 悧 川 劇 L ドロ 中  国 $ircr UL 100?,AVC:8/ conDecl.if,qul!81*Dt 1o qQ.aamD 3P Rated Voltage Rated Voltage fVDC〕 12 Operating Voltage 〔VDC) 3-20 Operating Voltage 〔VDC) 5-15 Consumption Current [mA] 10 Consumption Current 〔mA) 20 SPL at 10 crn 〔dBA) 95 SPL at 10 crn dBA 95 Response Time 〔mS〕 100 Response Time [ms] 100 Rated Frequency 〔Hz) 3400 Rated Frequency 「Hz〕 3500 鸞 |■「 ニ ユ

Product Catalogue AZ-3828S…C AZ‐4228S…C9-LF 仙 rヽヽ饉 cI,,彎 7‐ 」 Rated Voltage Rrt"dVrltagry Operating Voltage 〔VDC) 3‐ 24 Operating Voltage [VDC) 3-28 Consumption Current [mA) 10 Consumption Current [mA) 9 SPLat 10 cm [dBA] 80 SPL at 10 cm [dBA) 85 nse Time fmS〕 100 Response Time (msJ 100 Rated 〔Hz〕 2800 Rated Frequency (Hz) 2800 」嘔 は 許 AZI…1440S-3PVl AZI‐3029S‐ 2C‐IIF 回 腰 Print Silver AZt- r440S - ]PV1 rza S 一 ■ C (+) く 卜 一 7.5■ 05 Rated 〔VDC〕 12 Rated Vol 0 〔VDC〕 3.5‐ 16 Oneratins Voltase fVDC〕 15-23 C Current mA Consum Current SPL at 10 cnl 85 SPL at 10 crn dBA ハU∩ υ nse Time [msJ 100 Res onse Time 〔mS〕 100 Rated Frequency fHz〕 4000 Rated Fre 〔Hz〕 2900 ▲ I I●  ・ L ′ ▼ 」 一フ F・ φ ヽ 1 , 16

Product Catalogue Piezo Plates AE…1560E‐WV3 AE… 2038E¨4Ⅵ′A ~ヽ ^= Bro 12E二 Cerom Silver ReO(■ ) Bloc“〔―) RED 3M Input Voltage [Vpp Max) 30 Input Voltage Max Capacitance rpFl 14000± 30% citance (pF〕 25000± 30% Plate Material Brass Plate Material Brass Feedback No Feedback No Resonant Impedance (0 Max] 300 Resonant Impedance [f] Maxl 300 Resonant Frequency [HzJ 6000 Resonant Frequency 「Hz〕 3800 ひ 予 AE…2746E‐Nl AE… 3529F¨lC Sio16leEE =terl L ef om tcE 膿ヨロ 目Lョ メ|マE(Brロ ロ■ lい D 曙謝計FcFittr冒需島 ψaO± 04 ●2フ ±02 I"prt V"ttrg" tvpp Mrr) 30 Input Voltage [Vpp Max] 30 Capacitance (pF) 20000lsoYo Capacitance (pF〕 28000± 30% Plate Material Brass Plate Material Brass Feedback No Feedback Yes Resonant Impedance (0 Max) 300 Resonant Impedance [f) Maxl 300 Resonant Frequency [Hz) 4600 Resonant Frequency (Hrl 2900 /^`、 f ち ″ヽ/ ′ 鑽 象 17

Product Catalogue 11 i cro -Speakers (Circular) 」LK…1006A-lW AK…150805-PRI¨ 2W 52± 5 ∩ f 1.5± 0.5 o 「 の 015± 05 卜 I NF「 P O. ・ ∞. め l'rettow(+ Bl u e(- 輻 I Diaphragm v 選ヽ塞釘 …` 'ellor Clue 40± 3 ヽ 01(1 一 ¨ ゆ ↓ φ 肛‐VE7 ヽ L Block Net 一一 ” 〇. ‐ Rated Input Power 〔W) 0,3 Rated Input Power 〔鴫 0.5 Max Input Power 〔W〕 0.5 Max Input Power 〔W) 1・ 0 SPL at 10 crn 〔dBA) 85 SPL at 10 crn (dBA) 96 Impedance 〔Ω〕 6± 15% Impedance t,0) Sttso/o Rated Frequency (Hz〕 1200 Rated Frequency 〔Hz〕 1350 Frequency Range (Hz) 1200-7k Frequency Range [Hz) 1350-20k へ 褥 AK‐170810-PRI… lW AK…180810… PRI‐lV 17 +) Don't !o dei 颯を_ 卜 〇 n. .ヽ 81ock Cloth ―) 45■ 5 ] P「 int つ 15± 05 0. 0 「 18■ 05 「 ∞ Red(+ ) ヽ ∞. , 128± 0.31 トロトーーーーーー | "|」 lock Glue Bl● Block Glue BlocIく NET Rated Input Power (WJ 1.0 Rated Input Power 〔W) 1・ 0 Max Input Power 〔W) 1.5 Max Input Power 〔鴫 1.2 SPL at 10 cnl (dBA〕 95 SPL at 10 crn 〔dBA〕 92 Impedance iOl Btls% Impedance (fi) Btts% Rated Frequency 〔HZ〕 900 Rated Frequency (Hz) 1000 Frequency Range 〔HZ) 900-10k Freqttency Rang_9 〔Hz〕 1000-5k 亀 (mゝ 鰺 聰

Product Catalogue AK…2008EB…43C4 ■LI(‐230810‐ 31ゝ I…2ヽ171 ■喝 Fe Alloy 「 Blaclr Paper casket PET Diaphragm NET BLACiく(― ) ロ ■) Rated Power 1.5 Rated Input Power fヽ V〕 1.0 Max Input Power fW〕 2.0 Max Input Power fⅥ月 ■5 SPL at 10 crn fdBA1 97 SPL at 10 crn (dBA) 96 Impedance 〔Ω〕 8± 15% Impedance 〔Ω〕 8± 15■ Rated Frequency 〔HZ〕 1100 Rated Frequency fHz〕 750 Frequency Range fHz〕 1100-20k Freq Range 〔Hz〕 750‐ 20k 6象 Q(職、 AK¨卜任28R18-2W AK-3208BB‐ 2C 625 φ32■ 03 ■ ■ ∞ 0. 「 卜 o, . ヽ “ Tτ怪 k 〔+) poper goskel PET diorhrogr Clue ock(-) 2■ 1 50■ 5 Rated Input Power 〔W) 2.0 Rated Input Power fVV〕 2.0 Max Input Power fVV〕 2.5 I\4ax Input Power 〔鴫 2.5 SPL at 10 cnl 〔dBA〕 97 SPL at 10 cln 〔dBA〕 100 Im edance tOl Bt1.s% Impedance 「Ω〕 B+1i,, Rated Frequency 〔Hz〕 650 Rated Frequency 〔Hz〕 550 ]hnge (Hz〕 650-8k Range 「Hz] 550-20k 一 劣 ・ ・ 忽 ・ ′ ` 19