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XDK (中国) WDM カタログ


XDK Communication Equipment (China) 波長分割多重 (WDM) 製品

XDKは、1998年設立された中国の光通信関連製品のメーカーです。中国の恵州に本社を置き、香港、深セン、ドイツのミュンヘン、米国のサンフランシスコ、ベトナムの平川に支社があります。XDKは、G/EPON、光ファイバー トランシーバー、イーサネット スイッチなどの光アクティブ機器と、光ファイバー コネクタ、光ファイバー アダプター、光ファイバー スプリッター、光ファイバー分配ボックスなどの様々な光パッシブ機器を含む、光ネットワークデバイスや光通信機器、関連ソリューションを提供しています。ISO9001、SO14001を認証取得しています。輸出製品は、EUや米国などの国際規格に準拠しており、CE、ROHS、UL などの認証を取得しています。


波長分割多重 (WDM) は、さまざまな波長のレーザー光を使用して、多数の光キャリア信号を単一の光ファイバーに多重化する一般的に使用される技術の 1 つです。 WDM を使用すると、2 つ以上の波長信号を、同じ光ファイバー内の異なる光チャネルを介して同時に送信できます。

CWDM Device & Module
100G/200G DWDM Device & Module
1X2 FWDM Device
Compact CWDM Module
LAN WDM Module
1x2 Tap WDM Device
Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer
Single-Fiber Collimator


ドキュメント名 XDK (中国) WDM カタログ
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 12.1Mb
取り扱い企業 二松電気株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)



What is WDM? Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) is one of the commonly used technologies which multiplexes a number of optical carrier signals onto a single optic fiber by using different wavelengths of laser light. WDM enables two or more than two wavelength signals to transmit through different optical channels in the same optical fiber at the same time. Wavelength - division multiplexing (WDM) 63 1x2 Tap WDM Device

CWDM Device & Module CWDM device & module is based on the thin film filter technology, which can let two or more different optical wavelength transmit respective signal in one optical fiber, or separate the multiplex signals. Features:

813 X XX X X X X Type Wavelength ITUWavelength Diameter Connector Size Fiber Mode CWDM 0= 1NN0 nm 27=127Xnm 0=250um 0=None 0= Ø4.0x26 1=G657A1 1= 1NN1 nm … 1=900um 1=LC/UPC 1= Ø5.5x39 2=G657A2 55=155Xnm 2= Other 2=SC/UPC 2= Ø3.2x26 3=G652D 3=FC/UPC 3= Ø3.8x40 6=Other 4=ST/UPC 4=Other 5=Other

1X2 FWDM Device Description 1x2 FWDM device is based on the thin film filter technology, which can add or drop different optical wavelength in the optical network, the isolation and narrow width wavelength separating ability is high. Feature Application High channel isolation, low Insertion Loss FTTx Epoxy free on optical path NGPON High stability and reliability Broadband networks Material meet RoHS Optical add/drop multiplexing Meet GR 1209, GR 1221 requirement Telecommunications Metro networks CATV systems Specification Parameter Unit Min Typical Max Working Wavelength Range nm 1260-1650 Passband Wavelength nm 1260~1360(customized) Relection wavelength nm 1460~1650(customized) Pass Channel Insertion Loss dB - - 0.60 Reflection Channel Loss dB - - 0.40 Ripple dB - - 0.30 Pass Channel Isolation dB 40 - - Reflection Channel Isolation dB 15 - - Directivity dB 50 - - Return Loss dB 45 - - Polarization Dependent Loss dB - - 0.10 FPeolaatriuzarteiosn: Mode Dispersio ps - - 0.10 Maximum Optical Power mW - - 300 Operating Temperature Range ℃ -5~+70 Storage Temperature Range ℃ -40~85 Optical fiber type - Corning SMF 28e+ or equal(customized) Optical fiber length m ≥1.0 u tomi ed mm All glass for bare fiber type Ø4.0x26 Package dimension Steel tube for loose tube type Ø5.5x39 23

Size Common TT rr aa nn ss mm ii ss ss ii oo nn L Terminal E E n n d d Reflecting end Φ Order Information 814 2 XX X X X X Type Filtering Diameter Connector Size Fiber Mode FWDM 01=Band Pass 0=250um 0=None 0= Ø4.0x26 1=G657A1 02=Short Pass 1=900um 1=LC/UPC 1= Ø5.5x39 2=G657A2 03=Long Pass 2= Other 2=SC/UPC 2= Ø3.2x26 3=G65D 3=FC/UPC 3= Ø3.8x40 6=Other 4=ST/UPC 4=Other 5=Other Examples: 8142010001 FWDM, 3Port, 1540~1550nm Band Pass, 250um, no connector, Ø4.0x26mm 8142031111 FWDM, 3Port, 1550/1310nm Long Pass, 900um, LC/UPC, Ø5.5x39mm 1X2 FWDM Device 24

Compact CWDM Module Description Compact Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexer, based on thin-film-filter and micro-optics, this product features small form, ultra low loss and high channel isolation. This technology is a lead-free packaging platform with high reliability. Feature Application Mini size CWDM system High reliability CATV system Low insertion loss and better uniformity Network upgrading Ultra-High thermal stability Epoxy-free in optical path RoHS compliant Specification Items Unit Parameter Channel Number 8 8+E1 8+E2 Central Wavelength nm 1270, 1290…1610 or 1271, 1291…1611 Passband Channel nm 6.5 Upgrade Port nm - - 1310 50 1260 1 5 Channel Spacing nm 20 Fiber Type - Corning SMF-28 with 900mm loose tube Channel dB ≤1.0 ≤1.5 ≤1.6 ≤1. Insertion Loss Upgrade Port dB - - ≤1.2 ≤1.2 Adjacent Channel ≥30 Isolation Non- Adjacent Channel dB ≥ 0 Upgrade Port ≥15 Channel Ripple dB ≤0.3 Polarization Dependent Loss dB ≤0.15 Polarization Mode Dispersion ps ≤0.1 Return Loss dB ≥ 5 Directivity dB ≥50 Maximum Power Handling mw ≤500 Operating Temperature ℃ 5~70 Storage Temperature ℃ 0~ 5 Package Dimension mm L 2 6 25 Compact CWDM Module

Description 44 6.2±0.2 22 +0 5 ※10- Ø 2 - 0 . 0 R1 Order Information 84 X X X XX X X X Type Function Wavelength Channel ITU wavelength Connector Diameter Fiber Mode CCWDM 0=Mux 0= 1NN0 nm ≤ 727=1271nm 0=None 0=250um 1=G657A1 &Demux 1= 1NN1 nm 5=5 29=1291nm 1=LC/UPC 1=900um 2=G657A2 1= Mux ... ... 2=SC/UPC 2=Other 3=G652D 2=Demux 9=9 59=1591nm 3=FC/UPC 9 =Other 0=10 61=1611nm 4=ST/UPC 1=18 9= Other 2=Other EXAMPLE: 8411927113 CCWDM, Mux, Wavelength ITU1, 9 Channel, 1271nm, LC/UPC, 900um, G652D 8421949211 CCWDM, DeMux, WavelengthITU0, 5 Channel, 1490nm, SC/UPC, 900um, G657A1 Compact CWDM Module 26 28 28 R1.5 5 0. 0 Ø 1 - 0 ※

LAN WDM Module Description LAN WDM utilizes free space technology, with ultra-compact size and high reliability. It can be widely used in 40Gbps or 100Gbps application. All XDK's WDM products are Telcordia GR-1209 and GR-1221 compliance. Feature Application Low insertion loss WDM network High stability and reliability CFP transceivers High channel isolation Data communicaton Ultra compact size 40G or 100G applications Epoxy-free on optical path Specification Items Unit Parameter CH1 1294.53-1296.59 Channel CH2 1299.02-1301.09 nm Wavelength CH3 1303.54-1305.63 CH4 1308.09-1310.19 Wavelength Range nm 1280-1330 Channel Spacing GHz 800 Insertion Loss dB ≤1.5 Adjacent ≥25 Isolation dB Non-adjacent ≥35 Channel Ripple dB ≤0.5 Polarization Dependent Loss dB ≤0.5 TDL dB ≤0.5 Uniformity dB ≤1.0 Polarization Mode Dispersion ps ≤0.2 Return Loss dB ≥ 5 Directivity dB ≥50 Maximum Power Handling mw ≤300 Operating Temperature ℃ -5~70 Storage Temperature ℃ -40~85 Packing mm 21*13*6.5 27 LAN WDM Module

Description Order Information 85 X X X XX X X X Type Function Wavelength Channel ITU wavelength Connector Diameter Fiber Mode LAN WDM 0=Mux 8=800G 4=4 73=1273.54nm 0=None 0=250um 1=G657A1 &Demux 9=Other 8=8 95=1295.56nm 1=LC/UPC 1=900um 2=G657A2 1= Mux 9=Other ... 2=SC/UPC 9=Other 3=G652D 2=Demux 3=FC/UPC 9 =Other 4=ST/UPC 9=Other EXAMPLE: 8518495111 LAN-WDM, Mux, 800G, 4 Channel, 1295.56nm, LC/UPC, 900um, G657A1 8528873212 LAN-WDM, DeMux, 800G, 8 Channel, 1273.54nm, SC/UPC, 900um, G657A2 LAN WDM Module 28

1x2 Tap WDM Device Description 1x2 Tap WDM device is based on the thin film filter technology, which can allow different proportion of optical power, the proportion can be specified by customer. Feature Application Epoxy-free on optical path Data center High stability and reliability CATV Material meet RoHS FTTH Meet GR 1209, GR 1221 requirement Specification Parameter Unit Min Typical Max Working Wavelength Range nm 800-900 Pass Channel Insertion Loss dB - - See below table Reflection Channel Loss dB - - See below table Directivity dB 30 - - Return Loss dB 30 - - Polarization Dependent Loss dB - - 0.10 Maximum Optical Power mW - - 500 Operating Temperature Range ℃ -5~70 Storage Temperature Range ℃ -40~85 Fiber Type - Corning ClearCurve OM4 multi-mode fiber or equal Fiber Length m 1.0(or customized) Below table show the different insertion loss vs different proportion: Unit Parameter Reflect Port(dB) Pass Port(dB) R90T10 1.0 11.2 R80T20 1.6 7.6 R70T30 2.0 6.0 R60T40 2.8 4.7 R60T50 3.7 3.7 29

Description Common L Transmission Terminal End Reflecting end Φ Order Information 815 2 XX X X X X Type Spectral ratio Diameter Connector Size Fiber Mode TAP WDM 30=R30T70 0=250um 0=None 0= Ø4.0x26 1=G657A1 … 1=900um 1=LC/UPC 1= Ø5.5x39 2=G657A2 50=R50T50 2= Other 2=SC/UPC 2= Ø3.2x26 3=G652D 3=FC/UPC 3= Ø3.8x40 4=OM4 4=ST/UPC 4=Other 5=OM5 5=Other 6=Other Examples: 8152300001 TAP WDM, 3Por, Spectral ratio R30T70, 250um, connector free, Size Ø4.0x26mm, G657A1 8152101114 TAP WDM, 3Port, Spectral ratio R10T90, 900um loose casing, LC/UPC, Size Ø5.5x39mm, OM4 1x2 Tap WDM Device 30

Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer Description Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer, based on thin-film-filter and micro-optics, this product features small form, ultra low loss and high channel isolation. This technology is a lead-free packaging platform with high reliability. Feature Feature Mini size CWDM system High reliability CATV system Low insertion loss FTTx system Ultra-High thermal stability Network upgrading Epoxy-free in optical path RoHS compliant Specification Items Unit Parameter Channel Number 4 8 Central Wavelength nm ≤12 0, 12 0 1610 o 12 1, 12 1 1611 Pass band Channel nm ±6.5 Channel Spacing nm ≥20 Fiber Type ≥Co ning SM 2 it 00mm loo e tu e Insertion Loss Channel dB ≤1.0 ≤1.5 Adjacent Channel ≥30 Fiber Type dB Non- Adjacent Channel ≥ 5 Channel Ripple dB ≤0.5 Polarization Dependent Loss dB ≤0.15 Polarization Mode Dispersion ps ≤0.1 Return Loss dB ≥ 5 Directivity dB ≥50 Maximum Power Handling mw ≤500 Operating Temperature ℃ ≥ 5~ 0 Storage Temperature ℃ ≥ 0~ 5 Package Dimension mm ≥L53. 22.5 6 ote All mete e no onne to . Add 0.3dB lo i need onne to . 31 Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer

NG-PON2 WDM Description NG-PON WDM based on thin-film-filter and micro-optics, this product features small form, Ultra low loss and high channel isolation. This technology is a lead-free packaging platform with high reliability. Feature Application Mini size CWDM system High reliability GPON system Low insertion loss EPON system Ultra-high thermal stability Epoxy-free in optical path RoHS compliant Specification Items Unit Parameter Wavelength Range nm 1260 1650 G-PON nm ≤12 0 1300 1 0 1500 XGS-PON nm ≥1260 12 0 15 5 15 1 Pass band NG-PON2 nm ≥152 15 15 6 1603 Video nm ≥1550 1560 OTDR Mon nm ≥1625 1650 Fiber Type Co ning SM 2 it 00mm loo e tu e Insertion Loss All port dB ≤≤1. Isolation Channel dB ≥≥30 Polarization Dependent Loss dB ≥≤0.15 Polarization Mode Dispersion ps ≥≤0.1 Return Loss dB ≥≥ 5 Directivity dB ≤≥50 Maximum Power Handling mw ≥≤500 Operating Temperature ℃ ≥ 5~ 0 Storage Temperature ℃ ≥ 0~ 5 Package Dimension mm ≥L60 16 6 ote All mete e no onne to . Add 0.3dB lo i need onne to . NG-PON2 WDM 32

Single-Fiber Collimator Description The single-fiber collimator is formed by coupling and encapsulating a single-fiber pigtail and a lens. There are two commonly used packaging forms: glass tube and metal tube. The function of the fiber collimator is to transform the light output from the fiber into collimated light (parallel light), or to couple the external parallel light (approximately parallel) into the fiber for transmission. This product is widely used in optical devices or optical research and experimental fields. Our single fiber collimator has mature production technology, stable quality and complete specifications. Feature Application Low insertion loss Optical fiber communication system High return loss Wavelength division multiplexing equipment and modules High stability and high reliability WDM device Glue-free process for light path Isolator Comply with GR-1209 and GR-1221 standards Circulator Optical coupling Specification Items Unit Parameter Working Wavelength nm 850,1310,1550 Insertion Loss(Type) dB 0.25 Return Loss(Type) dB 55 Light Spot um 300(or customization) Maximum Optical Power mW 300 Operating Temperature Range ℃ -5 ~ +75 Store Temperature Range ℃ -40 ~ +85 Package Size mm φ1.3*8mm , φ2.78*8mm(or customization) NOTE:1、The size and connector can be customized according to customer requirements; 2、Unless otherwise specified, the general fiber type is Corning SMF-28 Ultra fiber. 33 Single-Fiber Collimator