カタログの表紙 カタログの表紙 カタログの表紙



YOGADA (台湾) マイク、ヘッドセット、ヘッドホン、イヤホン 総合カタログ


台湾のオーディオ機器ブランド「YOGA」の マイク、ヘッドセット、ヘッドホン、イヤホンのご紹介

YOGADAは、台湾のマイク、ヘッドセット、ヘッドホン、イヤホンのメーカーです。1985年にマイク製品の製造販売を行う、「YOGA」ブランドを立ち上げました。その後、台北に工場を設立しムービングコイルマイクとコンデンサーマイクの製造に注力しました。2003年にSONYグリーンパートナー認証取得。2013年Bluetooth SIGに参加し、Bluetoothヘッドフォンを開発。ISO 9001、ISO-14001を認証取得しています。RoHS対応し環境保護に努めています。宜しくお願い致します。



ドキュメント名 YOGADA (台湾) マイク、ヘッドセット、ヘッドホン、イヤホン 総合カタログ
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 23.7Mb
取り扱い企業 二松電気株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)





■ ln 2017′ as offuture development and groⅥ′th′ ,И anagement of Yoga Electronics decides to reorganize through different sales territory in order to rneet further cha‖ enges from the rnarket. Yogada Tech′ is then set up and operating independentl、みsti‖ affiliated、″ith Yoga Electronics′ maintains the business benef of re‖ ab‖ ity and to fulfi‖ customers′ expectations in a long run. ■ 丁he design concept of Yogada logo brings out a new irnage ofthis young and energetic company. The colorful sound、 〃ave bars renectindividual meanings of: Energ"Delight′ Rhythrn′ lnnovation and Technology bringing notjust satisfactory product quality to our customers′ also an exce‖ ent using experience l CERTIF:CATE Certificate l 目 議 OEMGreenPartner i 目 目 ‐ ■ |:::|:::|:::::::::|:|:||:: | ■ Ź〆協こ・ _ | 日 _´ Eヽ軍富警よ _ヽ_ ' 目 CERTIFiCAttE

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YGM‐ 200 Professional Microphone Type: condenser Polar pattern: unidirectional sensitivlty: 5̈5dB±2dB(OdB〓 4V/M bar,at 4KHz) Frequencv response: 50HzⅢ 20KHz irnpedance: 220Ω±20% PAD&Lowcut standard operation 9¨52V phantorn power vo:tage: YGM… 210 Multi¨ pattern Microphone Type: condenser Polar Pattern: omnidirectional unidirectional bidirectional sensitivity: ‐60dB±3dB(O dB〓4V/M bar,at lKHz) Frequencv response: 50HZ¨ 20KHz lrnpedance: 210Ω±20% PAD&LOⅧ「Cut standard operation 9Ⅱ52V phantorn power voltage: YGM口380 studio Microphone Type: condenser Polar pattern: supercardio:d sensitivity: OdB:… 50dB±3dB(OdB=lV/u bar,at 4KHz) ‐16dB:¨66dB±3dB(OdB〓lV/u barfat lKHz) Frequencv response: 20Hz‐20KHZ irnpedance: 200Ω±20% PAD&LoⅦ「Cut MaX.SPL at lKHz¨ 425dB S/N RatiO: Ⅲ80dB supply vo:tage: 48V phantorn power

DM‐848U USB MiCrophone Type: Dynarnic Polar Pattern: unidirectiona: sensitivity: Ⅲ65dB±3dB(O dB〓lV/口 barf at 4KHZ) Frequencv response: 50HZ… 18KHZ :rnpedance: 600Ω±20% voltage: Powered frorn usB BUS,5.OV A/D COnverter,16bit resolu¨ tion,48KHz Sampling DM口868U USB MiCrophone rype: Dynarn:c Polar pattern: unidirectional sensitivity: 7̈8dB±3dB(O dB〓4V/M bar, at 4KHZ) Frequencv response: 50HZⅢ 16KHZ irnpedance: 130Ω±20% voltage: Powered frorn usB BUSi 5.OV A/D COnVerter,16bit

YGM‐220U 24bit/192K reSOlution usB Microphone Type: condenser Polar Pattern: unidirectional sensitivity: …65dB±3dB(OdB=4V/u bar,at 4KHz) Maxo SPL@l KHz‐ 120dB Frequencv response: 50HZⅢ 20KHZ S/N RatiO: …66 dB ReSOlution: 24bit/192Khz YGM‐130U USB Microphone Type: condenser Polar Pattern: supercardioid sensitivity: ‐54dB±3dB(O dB=lV/μ bariat 4KHz) Frequencv response: 20Hz…16KHz S/N RatiO: ‐59dB DM‐564U USB Microphone rype: Dynarnic Polar pattern: cardioid Frequencv response: 50HzⅡ 16KHZ lrnpedance: 600Ω±30% voltage: ‐72dB±3dB Powered frorn usB Bus,5.OV A/D COnverter,16bit reSOlution,48KHz sampling

EM‐310U USB Microphone+Headphone output Type: condenser Polar Pattern: unidirectional Frequencv response: 50HZ‐ 48KHZ S/N Ratio: …59dB(at lK) standard operation DC 5V EM‐318U USB Microphone+Headphone output Type: condenser Po:ar Pattern: unidirectional sensitivity: 6̈5dB±3dB(OdB〓 lV/u bar′ at 4KHz) Frequencv response: 50HZⅡ 18KHz S/N RatiO: 5̈9dB(at 4K) standard operation DC 5V EM‐860U USB Microphone+Headphone output Type: condenser Po:ar Pattern: unidirectional sensitivity: …65dB±3dB(OdB〓lV/u bariat 4KHz) Frequencv response: 50HZ¨ 18KHz S/N RatiO: ‐59dB(at lK) standard operation DC 5V voltage:

EM‐860PRO USB Microphone+Headphone output Type: condenser Polar Pattern: unidirectional sensitivity: 6̈5dB±3dB(OdB=4V/u bar′ at 4KHz) Frequencv response: 50HzⅢ 20KHz S/N RatiO: ‐59dB(at 4K) standard operation DC 5V EM‐7U USB Microphone for NB Type: condenser Polar Pattern: unidirectional sensitivity: ‐56dB±3dB(OdB=4V/u bar,at 4KHz) Frequency response: 20Hz¨ 16KHz standard operration l.20 Vrrns voitage:

EM‐228 X‐Y StereO Microphone(for Digita!camera) Type: condenser Polar Pattern: unidirectional sensitivity: 中65dB±3dB(OdB=lV/u barfat 4KHz) Frequencv response: 50HZ¨ 18KHz irnpedance: 4.5KΩ±20% Power requirement: Plug in power Power: DC l.5V/LR44 Battery EM‐238 M‐ S Stereo Microphone Type: condenser Polar Pattern: l cardioid+l figure¨ of… 8 sensitivity: 420:Ⅱ 66dB±3dB(OdB=lV/u bar,at 4KHz) 90:… 67dB±3dB(OdB〓4V/u barrat 4KHz) Frequencv response: 50HZ¨ 48KHz lrnpedance: 120:640Ω±20% 90:600Ω±20% Power requirement: 4.5V/LR44 Battery Gold plated 3.5rnrn 3¨ section plug (L type),o.2M EM‐S308 camcorder Microphone Type: condenser Polar Pattern: supercardio:d sensitivity: 口52dB± 3dB{O dB=4V/u bar,at 4KHz) Frequencv response: 70HzⅡ 12KHZ Power requirement: Plug in power outputirnpedance: 2.2KΩ±20% output cable: GOld plated 3.5rnrn 3¨ section plug (L type)

EM‐S318 camcorder RЛ icrophone Type: condenser Po:ar pattern: supercardiold sensitivity: …55dB± 3dB(O dB=4V/u bar,at 4KHz) Frequencv response: 70Hz… 12KHZ Power requirement: Plug in power Outputirnpedance: 2.2KΩ±20% output cable: Gold plated 3.5rnrn 3‐ SeCtion plug (L type) EM‐716 Hanging Microphone Type: condenser Polar Pattern: unidirectional sensitivity: 5̈5dB±3dB(OdB=4V/u bar,at lKHz) Frequencv response: 20Hz…16KHz irnpedance: 140Ω±20% Power: DC 9‐ 52V Phantorn power

BM‐15 Net Meeting Microphone Type: Condenser Polar pattern: Omnidirectional sensitivitv: …65dB±3dB(OdB=4V/u bariat 4KHZ) Frequencv response: 50HZ‐ 18KHZ Power: DC 2.25V(plug in power) l M cordlength, Max 4 MiCrOphone/set CT‐07 Boundarv Microphone Type: condenser Polar Pattern: unidirectiona1/Omnidirectional sensitivity: unidirectional:¨ 58dB±3dB(OdB=4V/u bar′ at 4KHZ) ornnidirectional:… 60dB±3dB(OdB〓4V/u bar, at lKHZ) Frequencv response: 50HZ‐ 16KHZ irnpedance: 3.3KΩ±20% Powersupp:v: DC l.5V/LR44 Battery color: white,Black,Grev CT=07a Boundarv Microphone Type: condenser Polar Pattern: unidirectional sensitivity: ‐57dB±3dB(OdB=lV/u bariat 4KHZ) Frequencv response: 50HZ¨ 18KHZ irnpedance: 380Ω±20%balanced Power supply: DC 9V‐ 52V PhantorYI POWer 40dB PAD and a bass ro‖ öff switCh co:or: white,Black,Crey

CT口07u Boundary Microphone Type: condenser Polar Pattern: unidirectional Frequencv response: 50HZ¨ 48KHz lrnpedance: 2.2KΩ±20% S/N RatiO: ‐125dB± 3dB Vo:tage: Powered frorn usB Bus,5.OV A/D Converter,46bit resolution, 48KHz sampling color: White′ Black,crey CT‐09 Boundary Microphone Type: Condenser Po:ar pattern: supercardio:d sensitivity: 5̈3dB±3dB(O dB〓lV/μ bar,at 4KHz) Frequencv response: 30Hz‐ 20KHz irnpedance: 250Ω±20% Power supply: DC 48V phantorn power 40dB PAD and a bass ro‖ öff switch color: white,Black,crey CT口10 Boundary Microphone Type: condenser Po:ar pattern: supercardiold sensitivity: 5̈3dB±3dB(O dB=4V/M bar,at 4KHz) Frequencv response: 20Hz中48KHz irnpedance: 50Ω±20% Power supplv: DC 48V phantorn power 辟 color: whiteI Black,crev

D‐636‐4 Drum mic kits D‐568x4PCS D‐636X3PCS D口 636口 8 Drurn rnic kits D¨568X4PCS D中537X4PCS D‐636x3PCS YGM‐130x2PCS FX…540L x 4PCS

∫管 ξ警 F 「 FXDK5 Drum nlic kits FXⅢ588 kick drurn rnic x l Pcs FX‐546 SNARE/TOM mic x 2PCS FX…500 instrument rnlc x 2PCS FX‐556口4 Drurn rnic kits FX‐556x4PCS FXⅢ516 x 3PCS

CM由20P intercom Microphone Type: condenser Po:ar Pattern: Base stand:unidirectional speaker:omnidirectiona! Power: DC 9V,200mAn(AdaptOr notinclude) Power consumption: 150mA MAX speaker output: 400mW・2 3M cable length between base stand and speaker enclosure suitable for ticket booth′ bank count¨ ers′ reception desks,restaurants and others CM‐22P intercorn Microphone Type: condenser Polar Pattern: unidirectional sensitivity: …65dB±3dB(OdB〓4V/u bar,at 4KHz) Frequencv response: 50HzⅡ 46KHZ lrnpedance: 3.3KΩ±20% Power: DC 9V′ 200mAh(AdaptOr notinclude) Power consumption: 200mAn

JHM‐100 single earhook headworn Type: condenser Po:ar Pattern: omnidirectional sensitivity: 日36dB±ldB(OdB〓 lV/u bar′ at 4KHz) Frequencv response: 16HZⅢ 20KHz irnpedance: 2.2KΩ JHM‐200 Headworn Type: condenser Polar Pattern: unidirectional sensitivity: 3̈8dB±ldB(OdB〓4V/u bar,at 4KHz) Frequencv response: 50HZ… 16KHz irnpedance: 680KΩ JHM口210 Headworn Type: condenser Po:ar Pattern: unidirectional sensitivity: Ⅱ38dB±ldB(OdB〓 4V/u bar′ at lKHz) Frequencv response: 50HZⅡ 46KHZ lrnpedance: 680KΩ JHM‐220 Headworn Tvpe: condenser Polar Pattern: omnidirectional sensitivity: ‐36dB±ldB(OdB=4V/u bariat lKHz) Frequencv response: 16HZ… 20KHz irnpedance: 2.2KΩ

JHM口230 Headworn Type: condenser polar Pattern: omnidirectional sensitivity: …36dB± ldB(OdB=4V/u bar,at lKHz) Frequencv response: 16HZ¨ 20KHz :rnpedance: 2.2KΩ JEM‐020‐P2 Clip Microphone、 vith rechargeable power pack Type: condenser Polar pattern: omnidirectional sensitivitv: 6̈5dB(OdB=lV/u bariat 4KHz) Frequencv response: 50HZ¨ 48KHZ lrnpedance: 4KΩ JEM‐070‐P2 clip Microphone、 Ⅳith rechargeable power pack Type: condenser Polar pattern: omnidirectional sensitivity: Ⅱ65dB(OdB〓 lV/u bar′ at 4KHz) Frequencv response: 50HZⅡ18KHz irnpedance: lKΩ JEM口1.1‐P2 clip Microphone、 Ⅳith rechargeabie power pack Type: condenser Polar Pattern: omnidirectional sensitivity: 6̈2dB(OdB〓 lV/u bar,at lKHz) Frequencv response: 50HZ‐ 16KHZ irnpedance: 2.2KΩ

JEM口 1.3日P2 clip Microphone with rechargeable power pack Type: condenser Polar Pattern: unidirectional sensitivity: 6̈8dB(OdB=lV/u bariat 4KHz) Frequency response: 50Hz…16KHz irnpedance: 680Ω PSO‐1 Rechargeable Power supp!v(battery pack vvith cable) Battery type: ReChargeable Lithiurn Battery input Jack: 3.5nlrn output plug: 6.3 plug Power: DC 3.7V200mAh charging type: MicRO USB pOrt PSO口2 ReChargeable Power supply(battery pack) Battery type: ReChargeable Lithiurn Battery :nputJack: 3.5mm output Plug: 6.3 plug Power: DC 3.7V200mAh charging type: MICRO USB pOrt 彙彙ReChargeable powersuppiv can be used with head‐ worn mic oriava:ier

CD‐88 DJ Headphone Type: close back Driver: 40mm sensitivity: 102dB±3dB Frequencv response: 40HZ中22KHz irnpedance: 32Ω±15% color: Black,Blue,Green, Brown CD‐88PRO DJ Headphone Type: close back Driver: 40mm sensitivity: 102dB± 3dB Frequencv response: 40Hz¨ 22KHz irnpedance: 32Ω±15% color: BIack,Blue White CDE88 CAMO DJ Headphone Type: close back DriVer: 40mm sensitivlty: 102dB± 3dB Frequencv response: 40HZ¨ 22KHZ irnpedance: 32Ω±45%