カタログの表紙 カタログの表紙 カタログの表紙



V. Himark Technology (台湾) Cactus Tapes 工業用・産業用 粘着テープ、両面テープ


Cactus Tapes カクタステープ 工業用粘着テープ・両面テープ Tissue / Foam / Film / Transfer / SS Tape / Platemounting Tape

V. Himark Technologyは、1987年に台湾で設立された、工業用の200種類以上の粘着テープの製造を専門としているメーカーです。主に高付加価値の用途に使用され、自社ブランドのタイクーンテープ(CACTUS TAPES)を販売しています。国内および海外市場で高い人気を誇り、CACTUSブランドが認知されています。




CACTUS TAPEは、台湾製の高品質な両面特殊テープのシンボルになりました。将来的には、製品のアップグレード、製品の多様化、マーケティングの国際化に引き続き注力することに加えて、「サービス優先、品質第一」というビジネス哲学を順守し、顧客の問題に注意深く耳を傾け、さまざまな業界の特別なニーズに関する研究を強化します。新しい製品を開発、作成し、顧客とともに発展し成長することを望みます。


ドキュメント名 V. Himark Technology (台湾) Cactus Tapes 工業用・産業用 粘着テープ、両面テープ
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 8.5Mb
取り扱い企業 二松電気株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)



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l●11lfflI■■■1 ・ ギ ・ 中 , 一一 一一 一一 ‐・ 翼 ■ ■ 爛〕 一情 V.Hilnark Techn010gy Co.,Ltd.

・輌 |:l)“嚢‐‐ 一 蓼 . 蹴 畿   /K F 慮」 蝠

I)rcssurc Sellsitivc Adhcsivc Fo anl ダ■oublo Ooated Foam Ta‖ es Pressurc Sensitivc Cactus` double‐ coated foani tapes are premiuln foam materials coated with sPcciallyAdhcsive formulated adhesives to nchicve suPerior Shear strength,high adhesion and Othcr features. They are widely used in variOus industries for nlounting PurPoscS,esPeCiaHy when thc ObiCCt and the surlace arc both solid inaterials FOr thc need ofa pcrfect adhcsive cOntact. Tape Color frllickness(mm) Adhesive Features/APPlications I ‐‐ ― ― ― -1一 ― ― 1 B2104 Havanna Glassille 0.40 Ultra thill,1ligll densityお■1■ : Y2104 Havanna Classine 04S R4105 BIue PE Fillm 04S B4208 Grecn PE Film O.8 Acrylic H4208 Red PE Film 0.8 Outstanding weather― steadiness, H4112 Red PE Filin 1.2 suitable 6or outdoor rnounting and automotive applications A4208 BIue PE Film 08 (14208 31uc PE Film 0.8 E421 Orangc PE Film

4~~ ‐ usedforindoorapplicatiOnsforhightacklerfOrmance. - SenS t崚 篤 轟 卜\ に,商 .e "6別 Cactus willdo、 、gl.lzillg tapcs arc sPcci6Ca‖ )dc、 18ncd■)i thc Fcncstiation industr) A1l ofour glazilng tapcs havc cxcenent bondil18 PcrFOril■ .lnce、、i tll、、ood,alunlinunl,stainlc、、stccl.lnd Pヽ (1、、ind()、 、ltanles and arc in accordance with Amcrican Architectural Manuicturcぃ Ass()ciatiOn t AAヽlA)standard Product Liner Tape Color ■ ickness(mm) Adhesive Features/APplicatiOns N2208 Mounting 8tioining tO namePlates, N221 1 plastic PartS,Signs and einblcms N2215 い Permanent 6xing result10r metal or plastic articles, N222 2 N223 Vヽhite Classine Vヽhite 3 R220S 08 High grab tack and shear strcngth ・ resultin ine fastening per10rmance R221 ‐ Mounting&joining to nameplates, R22 い Plastic triin,signs and emblcms for R223 3 indoor use R223B 3 Features/APplicatiOns G4S3ヽヽ' 3 G484ヽ 「ヽ lVhite H QlliCk tack and high adhesion Easy removable blue liner. G485ヽヽ ‐5 BIuc PE Film ・ Acrylic Excellent resistance to UV (]lS3B 3 weathering,oxidation and G484B 24 temperature variation . G485B b

酢 ・一 ・ , ・. 一 望 豊 澳 ‐ ― 蜀 瘍 t鰺1辟 |■し`こ■ ' Lincr pressure Sensitive V Adhesive ∵鶴 Film Carrler Pressure Sensitive Adhcsivc ■ouble ooated F]lm Ta口es Cactus dollble_sided lilnl t.lPes tlre the perfcct solutiOns fOr nlan)adilcsi、 rc bacIく il1 8, bOndil〕 g.lnd lanlination aPPliCatiOns ]mcc..rrier 611n PrOvidCS gootl strcngth.lnd e.■ sy handling,and it is consistcnt witll intlny industrial lllaterials in PhysiCal PrOpcrties Liner Tape Color lllickness(mm) Adhesive Features/APPlicatiOns A298K Whitc Kralt 12:IPET 0.05S Uitra thin D,S illll tapes L293 9[IPET 003 Havanna Classinc L298 12[IPET 0045 High t.lck.ldhcsivc systcnl that P29S 2511B01)P 01 P296 C tttS詰 血 Wllite Kralt 2511 PET 016 」ヽ ‖川‖ド‖ P297 1211 PET 009 aPPlicatiOns Y495 25[11)E・ I` ()16 Pink MOI)P Y■ 96 12v PET 02 High tenlPer・ltulc rcsistance Y256 Wllitc UPVC 021 Fixillg dccorative trillls,nainePl・ ltCs, H.lv.lnna Classinc Y286 0.21 signs etc lllounting lt)r aPPIiancc Partsヽヾ 1litc PP R293 12[I PET 013 Rubbcr High tack PrOtlucts,stlitable t)1 Vヽllitc(1lnssillc R295 12μ l)EI` 00S Rubbcr illd00r.lPPliCations

1)rcssure Scn、 iti、 c Adhcsi、 c ネ̈ ヽ、 一.ヾI \、ヽ ヽ ■Oum10 oOalod T:ssue Tapes Pressurc Scnsitive Cactus doublc― cOatcd tissue tapcs orer extra llexibility fOr your bOnding,laminating and Adhcsivc SPliCillg applications,esPeCiaHy fOr curvt・ d surfaces Or angles They are the right chOices fOr the substrates Ofany Papcr,「 Oan1 0r sinlilar lnaterials ■llickness(mm) Features/APPlicatiOns 1_245 011 High grab tack and shear strength P24~ヽ 009 Acrylic brimmediate,Ointing purpose, ヽヽ:hite Tissl:c~P such as sPIiCing F2■ 0.10S R24~ヘ O.1 Rubber TelnPorary 6xing ttDr enlbroidery industries P24SE Black Tissue 0.ll Black Acrylic Excellent light barrier. H2■ Bヽ ‐ヽヽ hite l(ra■ O.13 FOr fastcning LSE substrates such P2■ 6 016 as PU,rlibbcri neoPrene,EPD卜 I,etc. ヽヽ・242 014 Acrylic Flame retardant,high shear strengtll A24S White Tissuc 021 High shear strength and Outstallding tack ★ S24SP 0.10 ‐★UL approved.Aggrcssive〔 にanti― ~ ★ A2斗 014 31ack Acrylic aging bonding For nlirrors,elllblenl, ☆ Y24~ B 016 Acrylic Signs,ctc

菫 一一 ・鼈 . Pressure Sensitive Adhcsive ′ /TransfeF[‖ Om‐car『 :G『]Tames Ctlctus transfcr tapcs PrO、 ide aggrcssi、 e and imlllcdiatc bonding to nlost substrates Lamination,namePIatc bonding,and lo、 、energy surFace bOnding are Onl)'a Fc、 、oF thc wide rangc ofaPPlications We also carryュ dhesivc、vith sPecial Features such as thermOsetting′ heat or electric conducting functions for applications such as IC chiP embedding and EMI shielding¨ PrOduct Liner Tape Color Illickness(mm) Adhesive Features/APPlicatiOns Ultra thin adhesive laycr for Clear 0.015 Graphite pads lanlination Clear BOPP&Kraft Thernlany conductive adhesive. 006 Idcal for EMI shielding gasket lanlination Acrylic W203G Neutral Kra■ 、ヾrious iamination in automotive and electrOnics markets.Mounting W204 on namcplates,decOrative trims, W207 PIastics,etc ★ W208 Vヽhite Kraft 006 Wh■ e Acrハc★准憮穏∬1::::寵1摯Ing HA205 Clear 006 Heat価囃1鷺』‖,l露懲f二‖:寵麟驚k Laminating to the textured surfaccs Havanna Glassine Clear 0.1 Acrylic like fOams,felt and fabrics

〆 ・ ● ■■ |` i‐ .■ :■■ ‐■ ■ |,■■■ト ′ ■ =..4 ■11ば 、it卜,tl 11::ll t、 1,),,ヽ 、1: |:|■ 1()l1111)it■ 1ヽ il :i t 111い .ヽ1'ヽ 1`ll,)11:l、■ I)1()tltict Lillcr lhPe C010r IIlickncss(lln nl) Adllesivc 「 eatures,APPlic・ ltiOns 1ヽ111。 1):● ll.``ミ :ヽ ■ :ill[:、 1、:、てぃtil‐:、 i` 17,ti ii‐■ (■lil iヽ ltt、 11t 'ltic l.l(111『 l:lti t,tl ぜ| lヽl:11t、 1,i:(、 lCCit(),l nl,|)licatiolト lご ぃ 1● :れ 2i〕 1,1:1

■:爾erentttal■oublo Ooated Ta口es DifFercntial coating reFers to direrent adllcsi、 ,e cOated on dircrcnt sidcs OF dOuble sided adhesivc tapes for divcrse proPerty requirements oflamination surfaces. Available direrential conlbillations are: ・ Permanent adhesive/Removal adhesive o Acrylic adhesive/Rubber adhesive ・ Acrylic adhesive/Silicone adhesive ・Acrylic adhes市e/Heat Act市ated adhes市 e Liner l Tape color ■ にkness(mm) Adhesive Features/APPlicatiOns NA221 Yellow Kra■ White 1 Temporary 6xing purPOse・ Removablc sidc can PrOVide clean reinOvalli oin a Y29 1 ⅣI 251 PET 0.09 Permanent/ White Kralt hght duty bondillg to a valiet)'ofsurlaces A292 006 Rellloval and re― usability、.hen bonded surlace is 121 PET White Glassine 0075 kept clc.lnK297 HAS46 016 Havanna Glassine Vヽhite Tissue Hノ崚adhesivc oflers a durablc,long HA241 0.2 iasting bond to nlost rubber,EPDM′ HA413 0.8 Acrylic/HA PU,and PVC―based Plastic materials. Orange PE Film Black PE foam Acrylic adhesive alows lanlination to HA421 1 various LSE surfaccs HA291 0.07 121 PET AR29C White Kra■ 0.09 Acrylic/Rubbcr Suitable for lanlination to various rubbeち foan■ or silicone rubbcr parts. Vヽ695 2Sr PET 0.13 Acrylic/Silicone

\ ι 師 “颯江 ¨ 筋 ぼ“ V“咄 ● 沐 髯紙形タ くコ墜宝PIate mO■ nting Tares Cactus carries Clear PVC Back series and Rcsile Foam Cushion 3ack serics Ofdouble_coatcd tapes fOr FlexograPhic Printing industry. The Clear Pv(3f11ln enables easy re― PositiOning and ProvidCS excenent solid and line prilltiObS・ The cOrrugated liner makes squeezing out air bubbles trapped in between tape and cylinders an easy task lhe Resile Foam series has direrent densities fOr difFerent,ob requirements.Hardお am is suitable lor high sPeed Printing oPerations and high compressible foam is suitable for sharp dOt gain and high ink cOverage operations. The cOttOn cloth carrier tape is speciany designed fOr rougher surfaces rather than PhotOpolymer Plates,Lke oFset blanket Or rubber plates,to ensure proper mOunting. Reconllnended Recommended Cactus・ I Thickness Carrler Color Adhesive Release Liner (mm) (mil) Plate Type Printing Type K2505 010 500 Acrylic Solid,Line K2508 0.20 0.20 Acrylic Ⅳ12505 010 0.10 Rubber PE/Kran Paper NI12508 0 20 0.20 Rubber UPVC RubbeちClcar M2512 0.30 0.30 Rubber Photopolymer Solid,Line M4505 0.10 0.10 Rubber Crepe PVC,Brown M4508 0.20 0.20 Rubber Crepe PVC,White M4512 030 030 Rubber crepe PVC,Green M2615S o 38 0.38 Cotton C10th l Beige Rubber l Glassine Paper Rubbeち Blanket F2115 038 0.38 Acrylic Rubbe島 Hard foam Paper F2120 050 0.50 Acrylic PE/1Ca■ PhotOP01ymer K4115 038 0.38 Acrylic MD foamtt Film l Paper K■ 120 050 0.50 Acrylic PE/(a■ Combination, OFwhite F4118 0.45 0.45 Acrylic Process LDおam+Film PhotOpolymer F4122 055 0.55 Acrylic White Crepe PP Film K4140 100 1.oo Acrylic MDお am+Film K4160 1.50 150 Acrylic PE/Kran Paper :1。 111

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