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Vinatech(韓国) 電気二重層キャパシタ EDLC / P-EDLC


Vinatech (ビナテック) は、韓国のスーパーキャパシターメーカーです。

ビナテックはエネルギー密度が2.7V EDLCに比べて23%増加した、3.0V EDLCを世界で初めて2010年から大量生産しており、世界で唯一PC電解液を使ったハイブリットキャパシタを生産しています。特に1F~1,000F未満の円筒型スーパーキャパシタ分野では、世界最大の生産能力を保有しています。


ドキュメント名 Vinatech(韓国) 電気二重層キャパシタ EDLC / P-EDLC
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 1.1Mb
取り扱い企業 二松電気株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)





Hy-Cap / Vision for Nature VinaTech Supercapacitor Environment-friendly New Energy Storage Device Supercapacitor is an electrochemical energy Battery 1~5 hour discharge storage device in the “power” industries. P-EDLC 60sec~1 hour discharge Compared with battery, supercapacitor has one-tenth of energy, but delivers over 10 times power due to ultra low EDLC 1~30 sec discharge ESR. It operates more reliably in wider temperature and its Al-Cap 0.001~0.01 sec life is semi-permanent, over 500,000 cycles. Power EDLC [Electric Double Layer Capacitor] Rated 2.5V & 2.7V Higher Power Density (low ESR) Over 500,000 cycle life (semi-permanent) Short-term Peak Power assist applications Operating temperature range : - Rated 2.5V : -25 ~ 70 - Rated 2.7V : -40 ~ 65 P-EDLC [Hybrid Capacitor] Rated 2.3V Higher Energy Density (2 times of EDLC) Over 25,000 cycle life Low current & long-term backup applications Operating temperature range : -25 ~ 60 02 _ Vinatech Energy

It is only customers that let us exist Hy-Cap / VinaTech Supercapacitor Vision for Nature Environment-friendly New Energy Storage Device PART NUMBER SYSTEM V E C 2 R 7 3 5 7 Q G - H Module Terminal Type Code (2 or 3 serial connection) I O H L T Design Code ex) G : Standard Capacitance Tolerance CODE TOLERANCE CODE TOLERANCE K -10 ~ +40% M -20 ~ +20% Q -10 ~ +30% V -10 ~ +20% Capacitance Tolerance ex) 305 : 3F (30 × 105 ) 357 : 350F (35 × 107 ) Rated Voltage 2.3 V 2.5 V 2.7 V CODE 2R3 2R5 2R7 Series CODE Full name VINA Hybrid Capacitor VINA EDLC Capacitor Vision for Nature _ 03

Hy-Cap / Vision for Nature VinaTech Supercapacitor Standard Products - High Power Density (Low ESR) - Over 500,000 cycle life (semi-permanent) - Short-term Peak Power assist applications - High Energy Density (2 times of EDLC) - Over 25,000 cycle life - Low current & long-term backup applications LEAD TYPE Safety Vent (+) Positive polarity D d 0.6 0.8 15 Min. P 4 5.5 8 L ± 1.5 19 Min. (-) Negative polarity LUG TYPE Safety Vent (+) Pos y ( ) g p y 6 ± 1.0 (PCB-Pattern 2-Ø) 6 ± 1.0 (PCB-Pattern 2.5-Ø) 2 PIN TYPE 4 PIN TYPE ITEM CHARACTERISTICS Product series P-EDLC EDLC Rated Voltage (VR) 2.3 V 2.5 V 2.7 V Operating Temperature -25 ~ +60 -25 ~ +70 -40 ~ +65 Capacitance Tolerance -10 ~ +30% After 1,000 hours at VR loaded under +60, +70, +65 respectively, High Temperature capacitors meet the following criteria. Load Life Capacitance Change ESR Change Measure at -25, +25, +60 at -25, +25, +70 at -40, +25, +65 Temperature C Characteristics ESR Cycle 25,000 500,000 Cycle Life C Characteristics ESR Condition Cycle of Charge/discharge from VR to 1/2VR After 1,000 hour storage under +60, +70, +65 respectively without load, Shelf Life capacitors meet the criteria of high temp. load life above. 04 _ Vinatech Max. 10 ±0.2 P ±0.2

It is only customers that let us exist Hy-Cap / VinaTech Supercapacitor Vision for Nature Standard Products LEAD TERMINAL PART NUMBER DC D × L VHC 2R3 106 QG 10 220 400 0.014 10×20 2.5 1.6 4.7 VHC 2R3 226 QG 22 120 170 0.038 10×30 3.6 2.4 6.9 P-EDLC 2.3 VHC 2R3 506 QG 50 60 100 0.090 16×25 8.5 5.0 7.3 VHC 2R3 127 QG 120 45 80 0.240 18×40 16.0 10.2 8.7 VEC 2R5 155 QG 1.5 120 180 0.003 08×20 1.5 1.0 1.3 VEC 2R5 305 QG 3 140 210 0.008 08×20 1.7 1.0 2.6 VEC 2R5 405 QG 4 75 110 0.009 10×25 2.7 2.0 1.7 VEC 2R5 505 QA 5 120 180 0.012 08×25 2.1 1.3 3.5 VEC 2R5 505 QG 5 110 165 0.012 10×20 2.2 1.6 2.8 VEC 2R5 705 QG 2.5 7 80 120 0.020 10×20 2.5 1.6 3.8 VEC 2R5 106 QD 10 65 95 0.027 10×25 3.1 2.0 4.4 VEC 2R5 106 QG 10 65 95 0.027 10×30 3.2 2.4 3.7 VEC 2R5 156 QG 15 60 90 0.035 13×25 4.5 3.1 4.2 VEC 2R5 256 QG 25 35 55 0.060 16×25 7.6 5.0 4.3 EDLC VEC 2R5 606 QG 60 20 30 0.120 18×40 13.7 10.2 5.1 VEC 2R7 155 QG 1.5 50 65 0.003 08×20 1.4 1.0 1.5 VEC 2R7 305 QG 3 50 65 0.008 08×20 1.4 1.0 3.0 VEC 2R7 405 QG 4 30 40 0.009 10×25 2.5 2.0 2.0 VEC 2R7 505 QA 5 35 45 0.012 08×25 1.7 1.3 3.9 VEC 2R7 505 QG 5 35 45 0.012 10×20 2.1 1.6 3.2 2.7 VEC 2R7 705 QG 7 30 40 0.020 10×20 2.2 1.6 4.5 VEC 2R7 106 QG 10 20 26 0.030 10×30 3.0 2.4 4.3 VEC 2R7 156 QG 15 25 33 0.053 13×25 4.5 3.1 4.9 VEC 2R7 256 QG 25 15 20 0.068 16×25 6.8 5.0 5.0 VEC 2R7 506 QG 50 10 15 0.105 18×40 11.3 10.2 5.0 LUG TERMINAL PART NUMBER DC D × L VHC 2R3 227 QG 220 30 50 0.640 22×45 24.7 17.1 9.5 2 VHC 2R3 407 QG 400 20 25 2.120 30×45 48.5 31.8 9.2 P-EDLC 2.3 2, 4 VHC 2R3 607 QG 600 15 20 3.800 30×60 65.0 42.4 10.4 VHC 2R3 807 QG 800 10 15 5.000 35×70 94.0 67.0 8.7 4 VEC 2R5 127 QG 120 18 25 0.240 22×45 22.1 17.1 6.1 2 VEC 2R5 227 QG 2.5 220 14 18 0.400 25×60 37.9 29.4 6.5 VEC 2R5 357 QG 350 6 10 0.900 35×60 70.6 57.7 5.3 4 EDLC VEC 2R7 107 QG 100 6 8 0.500 22×45 19.7 17.1 5.9 2 VEC 2R7 227 QG 2.7 220 4.5 5.8 1.000 25×70 37.7 34.3 6.5 VEC 2R7 357 QG 350 3.0 3.5 1.400 35×60 54.1 57.7 6.1 4 Vision for Nature _ 05

Hy-Cap / Vision for Nature VinaTech Supercapacitor Module for higher voltage 2 to 3 units serially connected to provide 5V ~ 7.5V products. Lead terminal type Other custom-made modules to be discussed according to customers’ requirements (voltage & capacitance) ( I TYPE O TYPE (+ Ød ±0 1 ty y H TYPE D = 8.5 TYPE I O H P 4.7 12.3 8.5 D = 10.5 TYPE I O H P 5.5 15.5 10.5 . L TYPE T TYPE y Ød Ød ±0 1 L ± D = 8.5 TYPE L T P 20.8 4.7 D = 10.5 TYPE L T P 26.0 5.5 06 _ Vinatech P ± PPPPPPPP

It is only customers that let us exist Hy-Cap / VinaTech Supercapacitor Vision for Nature Module for higher voltage ITEM CHARACTERISTICS Rated Voltage (VR) 5 V 5.4 V Operating Temperature -25 ~ +70 -40 ~ +65 Capacitance Tolerance -10 ~ +30% After 1,000 hours at VR loaded under +70, +65 respectively, Measure High capacitors meet the following criteria. Temperature C Load Life ESR Measure at -25, +25, +70 at -40, +25, +65 Temperature Characteristics C ESR Cycle 500,000 C Cycle Life Characteristics ESR Condition Cycle of Charge/discharge from VR to 1/2VR After 1,000 hour storage under +70, +65 respectively without load, Shelf Life capacitors meet the criteria of high temp. load life above. STANDARD PRODUCTS PART NUMBER DC W x L × H 0.75 250 375 0.003 8.5×22×17 3.5 3.2 0.8 1.5 300 450 0.008 8.5×22×17 3.8 3.5 1.5 2 150 225 0.009 10.5×27×21 5.9 6.0 1.2 2.5 240 360 0.012 8.5×27×17 4.6 3.9 2.2 2.5 240 360 0.012 10.5×22.5×21 5.0 5.3 1.6 3.5 180 270 0.020 10.5×22.5×21 5.4 5.9 2.1 5 150 225 0.027 10.5×32×21 7.0 7.6 2.3 7.5 120 180 0.035 13×28×26 9.6 9.5 2.7 0.75 250 375 0.003 8.5×22×17 3.2 3.2 1.0 1.5 110 145 0.008 8.5×22×17 3.3 3.5 1.7 2 60 80 0.009 10.5×27×21 5.5 6.0 1.4 2.5 90 120 0.012 8.5×27×17 4.5 3.9 2.6 5.4 2.5 90 120 0.012 10.5×22.5×21 4.7 5.3 1.9 3.5 70 90 0.020 10.5×22.5×21 4.8 5.3 2.7 5 50 65 0.030 10.5×32×21 6.6 7.6 2.7 7.5 50 65 0.053 13×28×26 9.6 9.5 3.2 Note : Modules higher than 5.4V to be supplied on custom-product basis. Vision for Nature _ 07

Hy-Cap / Vision for Nature VinaTech Supercapacitor ITEM PIASRCITREIA TTES TIDOCIO from VR and 1/2VR at 25 Cycle Life ESR EC series : 500,000 cycles HC series : 25,000 cycles Appearance No remarkable change Max ± 2 High Temp. ESR R VDC Load Life Max : 1,000 (+48)hrs Appearance No remarkable change Temperature Min ± 2 Characteristics ESR (* 2.7V case) Appearance No remarkable change Vibration ESR Resistance Appearance No remarkable change Soldering ESR Effect (auto-soldering) Appearance No remarkable change VR V1 Where V2 VR Rated Voltage V1 0.8VR V2 0.4VR 30min. T1 T2 Discharge Current Time (sec.) I (1mA per farad) AC ESR is measured by 4-probe impedance analyzer. *Condition : Potentiostat mode, AC amplitude : 5mV, Frequency : 1 08 _ Vinatech Voltage (V)

It is only customers that let us exist Vision for Nature Hy-Cap / VinaTech Supercapacitor RELIABILITY TEST RESULTS Vision for Nature _ 09

Hy-Cap / Vision for Nature VinaTech Supercapacitor Application Peak Power Assist (Bridge power) Improve battery’s life & down-sizing SOLAR & EMERGENCY LIGHT Solar LED light, Exit light Easy Installation No maintenance Long life : No maintenance Wider temperature : -40 to +65(70) Navigation system backup Black Box (Driving recorder) Battery Assist (Car-audio) 10 _ Vinatech

It is only customers that let us exist Hy-Cap / VinaTech Supercapacitor Vision for Nature Application SOLAR Energy Storage to power for solar heliostat-tracking No maintenance / replacement Wider operating temperature Instant peak power providing No maintenance & replacement Semi-permanent Engine + Electric motor with supercapacitor (covering peak power when acceleration or engine starting) Long life cycle (over 500,000 cycles) OTHER APPLICATION Electric Valve (actuator) Electric Toy Industrial Robotics Vision for Nature _ 11

Hy-Cap / VinaTech Supercapacitor Environment-friendly New Energy Storage Device NOTES ON USING HY-CAP 1. Make sure of polarity(+ and – marking) when using. 2. Do not use higher than rated voltage. In case of connecting more than 2 units for modules, we recommend “unit voltage – 0.2” per unit for the sake of safer voltage balancing (e.g. 2.5V in case of 2.7V unit). 3. Please store or use products under the proper conditions. 4. When soldering, be aware of proper conditions in order to avoid excessive heat or time on the products. For more details, please contact us. LEAD-TERMINAL BENDING PROCESS E-mail) hycap@vina.co.kr / Tel) 82 31 455 3064 Israel : Ascotech Electronics Ltd. E-mail) ascotech@asco.co.il / Tel) 972 3 649 6891 Japan : Inter.Comm Finland : Perel Oy E-mail) wskim@vina.co.kr / Tel) 81 80 6521 7815 China : Shenzhen Bitwell Co., Ltd. France : MANUDAX France SA E-mail) gaoqiang@bitwell.cn / Tel) 86 755 2558 7677 E-mail) manudax@manudax.fr / Tel) 33 1 41 78 94 38 Germany : AMEC GmbH E-mail) Michael.Fehrmann@asianmicro.de / Tel) 49 511 6766 7643 USA : AES Solution Turkey : M-PLUS Technologies E-mail) tdickson@aessolution.com / Tel) 1 877 407 3352 E-mail) halim@m-plustec.com / Tel) 90 216 340 8831 Brazil : Supercapacitor Shop Brazil Netherlands : Elincom Electronics BV E-mail) info@supercapacitor.com.br / Tel) 55 41 3018 0342 E-mail) info@elincom.nl / Tel) 31 10 264 0270