





◆Daigas エナジー株式会社
◆Wuxi KELK Apparatus & Valve CO., LTD.


ドキュメント名 電動調節弁のコラボマップ集
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
取り扱い企業 株式会社エムジー (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)










電動調節弁 見てみて動画のご案内 株式会社エムジー 22002214--0091 初改1版 (旧社名:株式会社エム・システム技研) NC-NZC2-2Z5233500695800726 11刷刷発発行行 23min 12min 空気圧式調節弁と電動調節弁の比較 調節弁の世界に電動革命を起こす ステップトップ ®(*) 電動調節弁の 2024年 1月発行 電動調節弁革命 1/1000キット コラボマップ集 Ver.2 ステップトップ®( * ) の 性能が一目でわかる! 空気圧式 電動 電磁 調節弁 調節弁 流量計 PID制御の働きを体験しながら理解できる 模擬プラント設備プラントレット® 空気圧式調節弁と電動調節弁を 実際の流量制御ループに取付けて それぞれの制御結果を具体的に 見ていただきます。 チャンネル登録をお願いします チャンネル登録をお願いします 当社Webサイトからでもご覧いただけます。 当社Webサイトからでもご覧いただけます。 https://www.mgco.jp/video/index.html https://www.mgco.jp/video/index.html (*)ステッピングモータを使ったバルブトップです。 当社とのコラボレーションで 9min ステップトップ®を使った電動調節弁 14min 電動調節弁を販売している 空気源装置 ア プ リ 事 例 が 要らない 各社様をご紹介します。 ステップトップ®を使った電動調節弁 紙・パルプ 工場向け 紙・パルプ工場での採用事例ご紹介動画 エアコンプレッサ ターボコンプレッサ 脱湿装置 レシーバタンク この動画では空気圧式調節弁に必要な計装用圧縮空気を作る 空気源装置について概説し、併せてステップトップ®を使った 4-3014 4-3012 4-3011 4-3010 2021-11 Rev. 0 2019-10 Rev. 0 Guidance 1 Stepping Motor 2019-09 Rev. 0 2019-09 Rev. 0 CC-Z226 500703 01 EC-Z203 500610 01 電動調節弁について解説します。 soon as connecting the signCaC-Zl2 0a4 n5d006 11pow01 er cables. EC-Z202 500609 01 A stepping motor rotates by a constant angle per pulse. Electric control valves are ready to start as SHUN T IAN X ING DA A stepping motor, also called a pulse motor, is a motor that rotates in synchronization with a command pulse signal. The principle of rotation of a simplied 2-phase, 8-pole stepping motor model is shown in the gure below. A stepping motor consists of a stator with windings and a WYECO AUTO VALVES The electric control JDV’srotor usEing aL poweErful nCeodymTium RmagneIt. CEnergi zinCg the ONTROL VALVE The pneumatic control N S valve does not require stator windings to generate a magnetic force is called Stator Stator valve requires complicated excitation. By sequentially exciting the multiple stator ELECTRIC incidental equipment, S N windings based on the command pulse, the motor rotates PNEUMATIC equipment and consumes and consumes less power. stepwise, utilizing the action of attraction and repulsion S S ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE plenty of power. Electric between the magnetic poles of the stator and rotor. The Rotor Rotor Pneumatic Equipment control valve rotation angle of a steppingD miroetocr itsl aylw cayos ndenteermcitneedd b yt o (PermOanenpt maegnnet) Network S(Puermpanepnt moagnrett) ed Control signal cost 1/5 (*3) the constant mechanical accuracy (motor structure and control valve Control signal 4-20 mA DC or Open network The electric actuator is ステップトップ® machining accuracy) vfoar reiaocuh sco mompaennd pnuelstew siognrakl.s to 4-20 mA DC Energy consumption Therefore, a stepping motor performs highly accurate Directly connected to 1/10 (*3) No incidental equipment made by M-System. save wiring efforts to a (*1) Incidental I/P I/P positioner positioning control. P great extent! equipment The electric actuator is various open networks to 20-100kPa (*1) Only standby power (*4) P made by M-System. save wiring efforts to a A compressor entails is consumed when Guidance 2 Open Network great extent! Pressure equipment costs as well reducing valve the control loop is in a (*1) (*1) as troublesome with filter Pressure An open network is an industrial network, the specications of which are made public and can be commonly used by many reducing valve Pneumatic steady state. users and manufacturers. maintenance work! with filter positioner Open networks are roughly divided into the following two types. (*1) What is more, it results in 1. Those specied by organizations and associations in consultation and recognized as official standards. (*1) Contact us for details. 2. Those developed by specic manufacturers and organizations and established as de facto standards as a result of promotion Open Network Supported high electricity bills! Stop valve Stop valve activities. Both types have well-organized and integrated specications and are available to everyone for many purposes. Either one can Guidance: Page 8 No time- a d Air header Then you can connect different manufacturers’ devices (multivendor devices) and brings many benets to users. 开放式网络 JSB S ries JTD Series Currently, many types of open networks are expanding their tempo of popularization according to the applicable eld and (*1) Replace the existing money-consuming air eliminate incidental country in the market. Air Dryer 请参阅第 8 页的说明 2 pneumatic valve with equipment. source equipment No time- and (*1) Drain an electric valve. (*1) is required! money-consuming air source Compressor (*3) The data surveyed by M-System. equipment is required! (*1) (*4) Maximum power Power source (*1) (*1) Power source consumption: 240 VA Guidance 3 Model Number for WYECO 8000 Series (high or low voltage) Standby power: 20 VA The data is provided on the condition that M-System’s PSN1 Electric Actuator is used. (*1) (*1) (*1) Example : 80-25J14 (*1) Contact us for details. TRIM TYPE BODY SIZE END CONNECTION BODY MATERIAL The stepping motor is adopted for the drive (b*1l)ock. 80 CONTOUR 15 1/2" J1 JIS 10K 3 CF8 The electric control valve connects to various open networks directly. (*1)请咨询。 81 V-PLUG - 20 3/4" J2 JIS 20K 4 CF8M A number of electric control valves 82 V-CAGE 25 1" A1 ANSI 150LB S WCB Digital control unit The stepping motor has with open network capability connect in a 紙・パルプ工場での採用事例を中心にして、 83 MULTI-HOLE PLUG 40 1-1/2" A2 ANSI 300LB F FC250 high thrust and a resolution Electric control valve is ready daisy-chain layout, which saves wiring effort. (*2) 84 MULTI-HOLE CAGE Features 50 2" A3 ANSI 600LB 6 CF3M (o*f2 )1/1000. to operate immediately after Various operating information on electric control • Instant zero/span position 85 TWO STAGE 65 2-1/2" P1 PN16 H HastelloyC connecting signal and power valves can be collected through a single network. (*2) (*2) (*2) setup 80 3" P4 PN40 M Monel • Flexible opening/closing (*2) (*2) (*2) Battery for fail-safe supply! ABC12CPU POWER MODE RUN operation is optional. ERR speed settings READY BAT STOP 電動調節弁 空気圧式調節弁 当社の電動アクチュエータ (*2) 04 4" 0 Other 0 Other (*2) 05 5" ABC12CPU POWER MODE RUN • Opening position output PULL ERR For open networks, refer to Guidance 2 on page 8 . READY BAT STOP • Lock alarm output 06 6" PULL (*6) 08 8" • Energy saving PLC (*2) Contact us for details. PULL 关于开放式网络,请参阅 第 8 页的说明 2 。 ステップトップ®の製品概要をご紹介します。 PU • LL Power outage emergency battery Energy saving 10 10" • Space saving Stepping motor • Space saving (*6) Driven with Diaphragm motors. Screw • Shorter installation • Shorter installation High function and B高rus功hles能s A&ngle高性能 work time Electric control valve is High function and work time high performance Sensor Contact Your local representative: Output Stem WYECO AUTO VreAaLdVyE tSo oCpOe.r, aLteT Dim. mhettdpi:a//wtewlwy. wyeco.com.tw/en/high performance • High thrust (5000 N) Electric control valve PLC PLC Electric control valve Stem for Customers can choose models • Opening position feedback • Taipei Office aft(e10r4 8c2)o 4nF,n NeO.c98t,i SnEgC. 3s, CigHInENa Kl UaOn NdOR TH RD., TAIPEI, TAIWAN Opening position setting チャンネル登録をお願いします チャンネル登録をお願いします manual provided with a battery as well • Tel: 886p-2o-2w50e2-r51 s66u (RpEpP)ly! High torque (Max. 200 N •m) • High resolution (1/1000) • Opening position input error • Forced opening and closing operation Seal-spring as funct ions of emergency Fax: 886-2-2051-2863 Furthermore, • High Resolution (1/1000) • A battery-driven model • • actions (i.e., Full Closed, Full Motor lock alarm Alarm reset High thrust 5000 N E-mail: intl.wy01@wyeco.com.tw Furthermore, many more • • High resolution 1/1000 Open, Hold Position or Target Maintenance information Value) in times of loss of power. Actmuatoar Mnanyuf amcturoer re • A battery-driven model is available as well. Maintenance information and M-System’s electric actuator advantages! (Motor activation count and reset Refer to Guidance 1 on page 8 . M-System’s electric actuator advantages! www.m-system.com is available as well. integrated operation distance) MSP / MRP • Others 当社Webサイトからでもご覧いただけます。 当社Webサイトからでもご覧いただけます。 The photo shows M-System’s PSN1 Electric Actuator. • Headquarters, 5-2-55, Minamitsumori, Nishinari-ku, Osaka 557-0063 JAPAN Others International Department & Tel: +81-(0)6-6659-8201 Fax: +81-(0)6-6659-8510 Wuxi KELK Apparatus & Valve CO., LTD. Factory https://www.mgco.jp/video/index.html https://www.mgco.jp/video/index.html JDV CEO-maNil: inTfo@RmO-sysLtem V.co.Ajp LVES CO., LTD. WYECO AUTO VALVES CO., LTD. 3 JDV CO 2 3 MN-STYRSOTLE VMA CLOVE., SL TC8DO.., LTD. 2 2 M-SYSTEM CO., LTD. 4 マップとは 株式会社エムジー マップ(地図)は、目的地に最短距離あるいは最短時間で到着するための道筋を教えてくれる資料です。 代理店 当社は、お客様に最小の手間で必要な製品を見つけていただきたい、あるいは販売代理店の営業スタッフ (旧社名:株式会社エム・システム技研) のみなさまに、最小の手間でお客様に製品を説明・紹介をしていただきたいという願いを込めて制作した 当社製品のご注文や価格につきましては、下記までご連絡ください。 マップ紹介 カタログをマップと呼んでいます。 サイト ホットライン カスタマセンター 0120-18-6321 TEL 06-7525-8800 E-mail hotline@mgco.jp FAX 06-7525-8810 はい がた 電子パーツが廃止になった場合などでも、設計変更で対応いたします。 Webサイト 拠点一覧はこちら www.mgco.jp www.mgco.jp/cover/ 廃形しません! ただし、代替の電子パーツを入手できない、あるいはリピートオーダが kaisha10.html Make Greener automation 見込めない場合などは廃形にすることがあります。 電動調節弁のコラボマップ集 WYECO AUTO VALVES ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE

旭有機材株式会社 日本 東工・バレックス株式会社 日本 株式会社一ノ瀬 日本 SKC株式会社 日本 Daigas エナジー株式会社 日本 日本語 英 語 中国語 日本語 英 語 中国語 日本語 日本語 日本語 スマホで内容をご覧いただけます。 大连顺天兴达特种阀门有限公司 中国 Wuxi KELK Apparatus & Valve CO., LTD. 中国 JDV CONTROL VALVES CO., LTD. 台湾 WYECO AUTO VALVES CO., LTD. 台湾 4-3014 4-3012 4-3011 4-3010 2021-11 Rev. 0 2019-10 Rev. 0 Guidance 1 Stepping Motor 2019-09 Rev. 0 2019-09 Rev. 0 CC-Z226 500703 01 soon as connecting the signal andCC -Zp204ow500e611r ca01bles. EC-Z203 500610 01 EC-Z202 500609 01 A stepping motor rotates by a constant angle per pulse. Electric control valves are ready to start as SHUN T IAN X ING DA A stepping motor, also called a pulse motor, is a motor that rotates in synchronization with a command pulse signal. The The electric control JDVprinciple of rotation of a simplied 2-phase, 8-pole stepping motor model is shown in the gure below. A stepping motor consists of a stator with windings and a WYECO AUTO VALVES rotor ’using a powEerfulL neodEymiuCm magTnet. REnergIizinCg the CONTROL VALVE The pneumatic control N S valve does not require stator windings to generate a magnetic force is called Stator Stator valve requires complicated excitation. By sequentially exciting the multiple stator ELECTRIC incidental equipment, S N windings based on the command pulse, the motor rotates PNEUMATIC equipment and consumes and consumes less power. stepwise, utilizing the action of attraction and repulsion S S plenty of power. Electric ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE between the magnetic poles of the stator and rotor. The Rotor Rotor Pneumatic Equipment control valve rotation angle of a stepping motor isD ailwreaycs tdleyte rcmoinnedn beyc ted to( Permanent magneOt) pen Netwo(Prerkman eSnt muagnpet) ported Control signal cost 1/5 (*3) control valve Control signal 4-20 mA DC or Open network The electrthiec caoncsttuanat tmoerc hiasn ical accuracy (motor structure and various op n etworks to 4-20 mA DC machining accuracy) for each command pulse signal. Energy consumption No incidental equipment made byT hMere-Sforyes, at esmtep.ping motor pesrfoarvmes hwigihrlyin agcc ueraffteo rts to a (*1) 1/10 (*3) I/P Directly connected to Incidental I/P positioner positioning control. P great extent! The electric actuator is various open networks to equipment 20-100kPa (*1) Only standby power (*4) P made by M-System. save wiring efforts to a A compressor entails is consumed when Guidance 2 Open Network great extent! Pressure equipment costs as well reducing valve the control loop is in a (*1) (*1) An open network is an industrial network, the specications of which are made public and can be commonly used by many as troublesome with filter Pressure reducing valve Pneumatic steady state. users and manufacturers. maintenance work! with filter positioner (*1) Open networks are roughly divided into the following two types. What is more, it results in 1. Those specied by organizations and associations in consultation and recognized as official standards. (*1) Contact us for details. 2. Those developed by specic manufacturers and organizations and established as de facto standards as a result of promotion Open Network Supported high electricity bills! Stop valve Stop valve activities. No Btiomth ety-p eas nhadve well-organized and integrated specications and are available to everyone for many purposes. Either one can Guidance: Page 8 Air header Then you can 开放式网络 connect different manufacturers’ devices (mulJtivSenBdor dSeveicersi)e ansd brings many benets to users. JTD Series money-cCournresntulym, mianngy t yapiers of open networks are expanding their tempo of popularization according to the applicable eld and (*1) Replace the existing eliminate incidental 请参阅第 8 页的说明 2 sourceco eunqtruy iinp thme meanrktet. Air Dryer pneumatic valve with equipment. No time- and is required! (*1) Drain an electric valve. (*1) money-consuming air source Compressor (*3) The data surveyed by M-System. equipment is required! (*4) Maximum power Power source (*1) (*1) (*1) Power source consumption: 240 VA (high or low voltage) Standby power: 20 VA The data is provided on the condition that M-System’s PSN1 Electric Actuator is used. Guidance 3 Model Number for WYECO 8000 Series (*1) (*1) (*1) Example : 80-25J14 (*1) Contact us for details. (*1) TRIM TYPE BODY SIZE END CONNECTION BODY MATERIAL The stepping motor is adopted for the drive block. 80 CONTOUR 15 1/2" J1 JIS 10K 3 CF8 The electric control valve connects to various open networks directly. (*1)请咨询。 81 V-PLUG - 20 3/4" J2 JIS 20K 4 CF8M A number of electric control valves 82 V-CAGE 25 1" A1 ANSI 150LB S WCB Digital control unit The stepping motor has with open network capability connect in a 83 MULTI-HOLE PLUG 40 1-1/2" A2 ANSI 300LB F FC250 high thrust and a resolution Electric control valve is ready daisy-chain layout, which saves wiring effort. (*2) (*2) 84 MULTI-HOLE CAGE Features 50 2" A3 ANSI 600LB 6 CF3M of 1/1000. to operate immediately after Various operating information on electric control • Instant zero/span position 85 TWO STAGE 65 2-1/2" P1 PN16 H HastelloyC connecting signal and power valves can be collected through a single network. (*2) (*2) (*2) setup (*2) (*2) (*2) 80 3" P4 PN40 M Monel • Flexible opening/closing Battery for fail-safe supply! (*2) 04 4" 0 Other 0 Other ABC12CPU POWER MODE (*2) RUN ABC12CPU operation is optional. ERR speed settings READY BAT STOP POWER MODE RUN 05 5" ERR • Opening position oREADY BAT STOPutput PULL For open networks, refer to Guidance 2 on page 8 . • Lock alarm output 06 6" PULL 关于开放式网络,请参阅 第 8 页的说明 2 。 • Energy saving PULL PLC (*2) Contact us for details. • Energy saving (*6) 08 8" PULL Power outage emergency battery 10 10" • Space saving • Space saving Stepping motor (*6) Driven with Diaphragm motors. Screw • Shorter installation • Shorter installation High function and Brushless Ang高le 功能&高性能 work time Electric control valve is High function and work time high performance Sensor Contact ready to operate immediately Yhouri logcal hrepr epsenteativre:formance Output Stem WYECO AUTO VALVEaSf tCerO c.,o LnTnDec. tinhgttp s:/i/gwnwawl. waynedco .com.tw/en/ • High thrust (5000 N) Electric control valve PLC PLC Electric control valve Stem for Customers can choose models Taipei Office (10482) 4F, NO.98, SEC.3, CHIEN KUO NORTH RD., TAIPEI, TAIWAN • High torque (Max. 200 N •m) • Opening position feedback • Opening position setting manual provided with a battery as well Tel: 886-2-2502-5p16o6w (ReEPr) supply! • High resolution (1/1000) • Opening position input error • Forced opening and closing operation Seal-spring as funct ions of emergency FurthermoreF,ax: 886-2-2051-2863 • High Resolution (1/1000) • actions (i.e., Full Closed, Full • A battery-driven model Motor lock alarm • Alarm reset High thrust 5000 N E-mail: intl.wy01@wyeco.com.tw Furthermore, many more • High resolution 1/1000 Open, Hold Position or Target many more • A battery-driven model • is available as well. Maintenance information Maintenance information and M-System’s electric actuator Value) in times of loss of power. Actuator Manufacturer advantages! is available as well. advantages! (Motor activation count and reset Refer to Guidance 1 on page 8 . M-System’s electric actuator MSP / MRP www.m-system.com integrated operation distance) • Others The photo shows M-System’s PSN1 Electric Actuator. • Headquarters, 5-2-55, Minamitsumori, Nishinari-ku, Osaka 557-0063 JAPAN Others International Department & Tel: +81-(0)6-6659-8201 Fax: +81-(0)6-6659-8510 Wuxi KELK Apparatus & Valve CO., LTD. Factory JED-mVail: iCnfo@OmN-sysTtemR.coO.jpL VALVES CO., LTD. WYECO AUTO VALVES CO., LTD. 2 3 JDV COMN-ST3YRSOTLE VMA CLOV8E., SL TCDO.., LTD. 2 2 M-SYSTEM CO., LTD. 中国語 中国語 英 語 英 語 2 3 WYECO AUTO VALVES ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE