ドキュメント名 | MF/UF膜による高精度水処理装置、砂ろ過の代替 |
ドキュメント種別 | 製品カタログ |
ファイルサイズ | 482.5Kb |
登録カテゴリ | |
取り扱い企業 | 岩井ファルマテック株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧) |
膜システム シリーズ
Membrane System Series
High-precision water treatment equipment 高精度除濁/浄水化システム
with the MF/UF membrane High-precision water clarification and purification system
●ご用途に最適対応する先進のシステムで ●We design and manufacture cutting edge
設計製作いたします systems that operate optimally according
to they desired applications and purposes.
MF/UF膜による高精度水処理の時代です Now is the time for high-precision water treatment
精密ろ過膜(MF)や限外ろ過膜(UF)の耐久性が向上し、か made possible by using the MF/UF membrane.
つ価格が低下した為、従来法の凝沈・砂ろ過に代替するものと Because durability of the microfiltration membrane (MF) and the ultrafiltration
して、膜ろ過法による除濁・浄水処理システムが導入期を迎え membrane (UF) has been increased and their prices have come down, now is
the time for introducing water clarification and purification systems that use a
ています。 membrane filtration method to replace conventional solidified precipitation and
供給原水、要求される水質等に応じて最適な膜腫、膜システム sand filtration methods.
We can design and manufacture the optimally efficient types of membranes
を選定し、最も効率のよいシステムを設計製作致します。 and membrane systems in accordance with the quality of raw water and the
water quality requirements.
用途例 Application examples
・工業用水、地下水、河川水等の水質向上(除濁) ・Improvement of quality of industrial water, groundwater, river
・病原性微生物の除去(クリプトスポリジウム、レジオネラ菌、 water, etc. (clarification)
ジアルジア、ミクロキスティス、大腸菌) ・Elimination of pathogenic organisms (cryptosporidium, Legionella,
・廃水の回収再利用、三次処理 Giardia, Microcystis, colon bacillus)
・逆浸透装置の前処理 ・Collection, reuse, and tertiary treatment of wastewater
・Reverse osmosis equipment pre-treatment
・イオン交換装置の前処理 ・Ion exchanger pre-treatment
・飲料用水の製造 ・Production of water for beverages
・工場内上水道の製造 ・Production of in-plant water supply
特長 Advantage
高精度ろ過 High-precision filtration
自動ろ過 Automatic filtration
クリプトスポリジウムの除去 Elimination of cryptosporidium
大腸菌の除去 Elimination of colon bacillus
1 極めて高精度のろ過が可能であり処理水質が安定している 1 Extremely high-precision filtration is possible and the quality of
2 全自動化が可能 treated water is stable.
3 従来法に比べ回収率が高く取れる 2 Total automation is possible.
4 膜の洗浄再利用が可能であり、消耗品が少なくランニング 3 The collection rate is higher than that of conventional systems.
4 Membranes can be cleaned and reused, and the number of
コストが低減する expendables is small. Running costs are reduced accordingly.
5 日常のメンテナンスが不要 5 Daily maintenance is unnecessary.
6 逆洗、バブリング(エアースクラビンク)洗浄が可能で 6 Backwash cleaning and bubbling (air scrubbing) cleaning are
安定したろ過流量が得られる possible, and stable filtration flow is ensured.
Adoption of optimal membrane modules for each application
External pressure circulation type Internal pressure circulation type ceramic membrane External pressure dead-end External pressure immersion External pressure dead-end
hollow-fiber membrane equipment equipment filtration type hollow-fiber type hollow-fiber membrane filtration type hollow-fiber
membrane equipment equipment membrane equipment
高精度除濁/浄水化システム MF/UF膜による高精度水処理装置
High-precision water treatment equipment
high-precision water clarification/purification system with the MF/UF membrane
Type of membrane
and equipment Membrane module element
Optimal membrane modules
can be adopted according to
the application.
Eternal pressure immersion type Internal pressure circulation External pressure circulation Internal pressure circulation
hollow-fiber membrane type hollow-fiber membrane type hollow-fiber membrane type ceramic membrane
The optimal membrane module is selected from among the following depending on the quality of raw water and required level of water quality (0.001 to 1.0NTU).
Membrane shape, usage External pressure immersion External pressure immersion External pressure circulation External pressure dead-end Internal pressure circulation Internal pressure circulation
type hollow-fiber membrane type plate membrane type hollow-fiber membrane filtration type hollow-fiber membrane type hollow-fiber membrane type ceramic membrane
Cleaning system Filtrate backwash cleaning/ Filtrate backwash cleaning/ Filtrate backwash cleaning/
bubbling cleaning bubbling cleaning bubbling cleaning Filtrate and air backwash Filtrate backwash cleaning/forward Filtrate backwash cleaning/
cleaning/bubbling cleaning reverse flow/flushing cleaning backpulse cleaning
Applicable raw water quality High-concentration SS water High-concentration SS water Low-concentration SS water Low-concentration SS water High-concentration SS water High-concentration SS water
使用例 Usage examples
合併浄化槽からのろ過採水/ばっ気槽からのろ過採水/凝沈砂ろ過 Filtering and collecting water from combined septic tank/ Filtering and collecting water
from aeration tank/ Substitution for solidified precipitation sand filtration/ Clarification of
の代替/研磨廃水の除濁/微細活性炭の除去/除鉄、除マンガン/ polishing wastewater/ Elimination of fine activated carbon/ Elimination of iron and
中水道・上水道/排水再利用/工水、井水、河川水の浄水化/バク manganese/ Recycled wastewater supply and water supply/ Reuse of drainage water/
Purification of industrial water, well water, and river water/ Elimination of bacteria, fungus,
テリア、真菌、原虫類の除去/ROの前処理/イオン交換の前処理 and protozoas/ RO pre-treatment/ Ion exchange pre-treatment
洗浄システム フロー
Cleaning system flow
Example of the external pressure Filtrate backwash cleaning Air backwash cleaning Bubbling cleaning (Air scrubbing cleaning)
dead-end filtration system
(External pressure circulation membrane, external pressure dead-end (External pressure dead-end filtration membrane) (External pressure immersion membrane, external pressure circulation
filtration membrane, internal pressure circulation membrane) membrane, external pressure dead-end filtration membrane)
原水タンク Filtered water tank
Raw water 原水タンク 原水タンク Air 原水タンク
tank Raw water Raw water Raw water
tank Filtered water tank tank
Treated Bubbling air
water Drain
Filtration pump
Filtration pump Filtration pump Filtration pump
お問い合わせ/Contact information
本 社 〒144-0033 東京都大田区東糀谷3-17-10
Tel:03-5737-7171 Fax:03-5737-7172
Head ofce 3-17-10 Higashikojiya, Ota-ku, Tokyo, 144-0033 Japan
Tel: (81)3-5737-7171 Fax: (81)3-5737-7172
大阪支店 〒540-0029 大阪市中央区本町橋1-5
Tel:06-6944-8666 Fax:06-6944-8667
Osaka branch ofce Honmachibashi tower 4F, 1-5 honmachibashi,
Chuo-ku, Osaka 540-0029,Japan
Tel: (81)6-6944-8666 Fax: (81)6-6944-8667