カタログの表紙 カタログの表紙 カタログの表紙





着脱が早い!簡単!プラスチック製角形コネクタ SMSシリーズ




また、SMSシリーズですが、EN 50467準拠の難燃バージョンがあり、UL認定(申請番号E238675)およびCSA認定(申請番号LR44961-21)品で、お使いの機器の認定と安全な使用を保証します。

SMS IPバージョン


ドキュメント名 クイックメイトSMSシリーズ
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 2.5Mb
取り扱い企業 スリオジャパン株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)


耐環境性 防水フルプラスチックコネクタ UTSXシリーズ


防塵・防水フルプラスチックコネクタ UTSシリーズ


耐環境性防塵・防水コネクタ UTGXシリーズ




Quick mating rectangular connectors Souriau SMS series

SMS series Quick mating rectangular connectors Typical applications 2 Souriau SMS series eaton.com/interconnect

Quick mating panel and ca- Overview Technical specifications ble connectors Souriau SMS series Quick mating panel and cable connectors Technical specifications Materials Mechanical Electrical Shell Coupling system Test potential • Polyamide 6.6 • Easy snap-in • 2000 VAC Flammability rating Durability Electrical performance • Black version • 500 mating cycles • UL: 250V - 10A • UL94 V2 • CSA: 250V - 15A • White version Environmental Insulation resistance • R22/HL3 • SMS PDH1, RDH1, PD3, PDH3, (according to EN15545-2) Operating temperature RD3, RDH3 max: 0"125 (3.2 mm) Contacts • -55°C to +105°C • SMS R1, P1, R3 max: 0"164 • Machined contacts size 16 (4.19 mm) • Stamped & formed contacts size 16 Insulation resistance • Contacts sold separately • 5000 MO min. Sealing performance • IP40 SMS part numbers SMS 12 PDH3 Contact layout Shell type See Page 5 R1 : Panel mount receptacle (UL94 V2) - black R3 : Panel mount receptacle (UL94 V0 & HL3/R22 -HL3/R23) - white P1 : Cable plug without strain relief hood (UL94 V2) - black PD3 : Cable plug without strain relief hood (UL94 V0 & HL3/R22 - HL3/R23) - white PDH1 : Cable plug with integrated strain relief hood (UL94 V2) - black PDH3 : Cable plug with integrated strain relief hood (UL94 V0 & HL3/R22 - HL3/R23) - white RD3 : Cable receptacle without integrated strain relief hood (UL94 V0 & HL3/R22 - HL3/R23) - white RDH1 : Cable receptacle with integrated strain relief hood (UL94 V2) - black RDH3 : Cable receptacle with integrated strain relief hood (UL94 V0 & HL3/R22 - HL3/R23) - white Souriau SMS series eaton.com/interconnect 3

Quick mating and board Range overview mount connectors Souriau SMS series Quick mating and board mount connectors Range overview Panel mount receptacle SMS R1 and SMSR3 Cable plug with strain relief hood SMS PDH1 and SMS PDH3 Cable receptacle with strain relief hood SMS RDH1 and SMS RDH3 Cable receptacle without strain relief hood SMS RD3 Straight board mount SMS GE3-SE3, SMS GE30-RE30, Cable plug without strain relief hood SMS GE33, SMS GE4-SE4, SMS P1 and SMS PD3 SMS GE40-RE40 and SMS GE43 Right angle board mount SMS GE5-SE5, SMS GE53, SMS GE6-SE6 and SMS GE63 4 Souriau SMS series eaton.com/interconnect

Layouts Quick mating and board mount connectors Souriau SMS series Quick mating and board mount connectors Contact layouts SMS 2 SMS 3 SMS 4 SMS 6 SMS 9 SMS 12 SMS 15 SMS 18 SMS 24 SMS 36 Note: Contact identifications shown are for mating face. Contact identifications of wiring face are identical as shown on the receptacle arrangements Souriau SMS series eaton.com/interconnect 5

Connectors Quick mating and board mount connectors Souriau SMS series Quick mating and board mount connectors Panel mount receptacle without discrimination cavities (wire acceptance: 0.165 inch / 4.19mm) Part number Number of contacts Black UL94 V2 White UL94 V0 2 SMS2R1 SMS2R3 3 SMS3R1 SMS3R3 4 SMS4R1 SMS4R3 6 SMS6R1 SMS6R3 9 SMS9R1 SMS9R3 12 SMS12R1 SMS12R3 0.984" (25.0 mm) 15 SMS15R1 SMS15R3 18 SMS18R1 SMS18R3 24 SMS24R1 SMS24R3 36 SMS36R1 SMS36R3 Note: Contacts are sold separately. 0.519" Dimensions L (13.2 mm) A B C max J K inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm max min max min A 2 0.433 11.0 0.228 5.8 0.598 15.2 0.448 11.4 0.456 11.6 0.090 0.029 2.3 0.75 3 0.637 16.2 0.228 5.8 0.598 15.2 0.649 16.5 0.456 11.6 0.090 0.029 2.3 0.75 4 0.830 21.1 0.228 5.8 0.598 15.2 0.854 21.7 0.456 11.6 0.090 0.029 2.3 0.75 B 6 0.637 16.2 0.429 10.9 0.799 20.3 0.649 16.5 0.657 16.7 0.090 0.029 2.3 0.75 9 0.637 16.2 0.630 16.0 1.000 25.4 0.649 16.5 0.850 21.6 0.090 0.029 2.3 0.75 12 0.637 16.2 0.830 21.1 1.200 30.5 0.657 16.7 1.051 26.7 0.090 0.029 2.3 0.75 15 0.637 16.2 1.031 26.2 1.401 35.6 0.657 16.7 1.251 31.8 0.090 0.029 2.3 0.75 Panel cut-out 18 0.637 16.2 1.228 31.2 1.598 40.6 0.657 16.7 1.452 36.9 0.090 0.029 2.3 0.75 J L 24 0.834 21.2 1.228 31.2 1.598 40.6 0.854 21.7 1.452 36.9 0.090 0.029 2.3 0.75 36 1.834 46.6 0.830 21.1 1.200 30.5 1.854 47.1 1.051 26.7 0.090 0.029 2.3 0.75 Note: Contacts are sold separately. K Cable plug without strain relief hood & without discrimination cavities (wire acceptance: 0.165 inch / 4.19mm) Number of Part number 1.295" (32.9 mm) Dimensions contacts Black UL94 V2 Number of A B max 2 SMS2P1 contacts inch mm inch mm 3 SMS3P1 2 0.590 15.0 0.700 17.8 4 SMS4P1 3 0.732 18.6 0.700 17.8 6 SMS6P1 4 0.933 23.7 0.700 17.8 9 SMS9P1 6 0.732 18.6 0.901 22.9 12 SMS12P1 9 0.732 18.6 1.098 27.9 0.984" 15 SMS15P1 12 0.732 18.6 1.299 33.0 (25.0 mm) 15 0.732 18.6 1.500 38.1 18 SMS18P1 A 18 0.732 18.6 1.700 43.2 24 SMS24P1 24 0.933 23.7 1.700 43.2 36 SMS36P1 36 1.933 49.1 1.299 33.0 Note: Contacts are sold separately. Note: Contacts are sold separately. B 6 Souriau SMS series eaton.com/interconnect

Quick mating and board mount connec- tors Souriau SMS series Quick mating and board mount connectors Cable receptacle without strain relief hood & with discrimination cavities Part number Number of contacts Number of discrimination cavities White UL94 V0 2 0 SMS2RD3 3 0 SMS3RD3 4 0 SMS4RD3 6 2 SMS6RD3 9 4 SMS9RD3 12 6 SMS12RD3 15 8 SMS15RD3 0.984" (25.0 mm) 18 10 SMS18RD3 24 15 SMS24RD3 36 24 SMS36RD3 Note: Contacts are sold separately. B Dimensions B max C D E Number of contact inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm Discrimation cavity 2 0.389 9.9 0.330 8.4 0.437 11.1 0.555 14.1 3 0.389 9.9 0.330 8.4 0.638 16.2 0.732 18.6 4 0.389 9.9 0.330 8.4 0.834 21.2 0.933 23.7 C 6 0.590 15.0 0.527 13.4 0.638 16.2 0.732 18.6 9 0.787 20.0 0.728 18.5 0.638 16.2 0.732 18.6 12 0.988 25.1 0.929 23.6 0.638 16.2 0.732 18.6 15 1.188 30.2 1.129 28.7 0.638 16.2 0.732 18.6 Contact cavity 18 1.389 35.3 1.330 33.8 0.638 16.2 0.732 18.6 E 24 1.389 35.3 1.330 33.8 0.834 21.2 0.933 23.7 36 0.988 25.1 0.929 23.6 1.834 46.6 1.933 49.1 Note: Contacts are sold separately. D Cable plug without strain relief hood & with discrimination cavities Part number Number of contacts Number of discrimination cavities White UL94 V0 2 0 SMS2PD3 3 0 SMS3PD3 4 0 SMS4PD3 6 2 SMS6PD3 9 4 SMS9PD3 12 6 SMS12PD3 15 8 SMS15PD3 18 10 SMS18PD3 24 15 SMS24PD3 36 24 SMS36PD3 Note: Contacts are sold separately. Souriau SMS series eaton.com/interconnect 7

Quick mating and board mount connectors Souriau SMS series Quick mating and board mount connectors 1..287" (32.7 mm) Dimensions Number B max C D of contacts inch mm inch mm inch mm 2 0.645 16.4 0.330 8.4 0.555 14.1 B 3 0.645 16.4 0.330 8.4 0.732 18.6 4 0.645 16.4 0.330 8.4 0.933 23.7 6 0.846 21.5 0.527 13.4 0.732 18.6 9 1.051 26.7 0.728 18.5 0.732 18.6 Discrimation cavity 12 1.248 31.7 0.929 23.6 0.732 18.6 15 1.444 36.7 1.129 28.7 0.732 18.6 18 1.645 41.8 1.330 33.8 0.732 18.6 24 1.645 41.8 1.330 33.8 0.933 23.7 C 36 1.248 31.7 0.929 23.6 1.933 49.1 Note: Contacts are sold separately. D Contact cavity Cable receptacle with integrated strain relief hood Number of Number of Part number contacts discrimination cavities Black UL94 V2 White UL94 V0 2 0 SMS2RDH1 SMS2RDH3 3 0 SMS3RDH1 SMS3RDH3 4 0 SMS4RDH1 SMS4RDH3 6 2 SMS6RDH1 SMS6RDH3 9 4 SMS9RDH1 SMS9RDH3 A 12 6 SMS12RDH1 SMS12RDH3 15 8 SMS15RDH1 SMS15RDH3 18 10 SMS18RDH1 SMS18RDH3 B 24 15 SMS24RDH1 SMS24RDH3 36 24 SMS36RDH1 SMS36RDH3 Note: Contacts are sold separately. Contact cavity Discrimation cavity Dimensions Number of A B C D H Cable range contacts inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm Cable tie (1) 2 1.244 31.6 0.389 9.9 2.551 64.8 0.437 11.1 1.937 49.2 0.019-0.330 0.5-8.4 TF4D 3 1.381 35.1 0.389 9.9 2.716 69.0 0.637 16.2 1.933 49.1 0.031-0.287 0.8-7.3 TF4D C 4 1.503 38.2 0.389 9.9 2.929 74.4 0.834 21.2 1.937 49.2 0.059-0.393 1.5-10 TF4D 6 1.362 34.6 0.590 15.0 2.858 72.6 0.637 16.2 2.003 50.9 0.066-0.362 1.7-9.2 TF4D Cable range 9 1.409 35.8 0.787 20.0 2.964 75.3 0.637 16.2 2.055 52.2 0.153-0.562 3.9-14.3 TF5D 12 1.500 38.1 0.988 25.1 2.834 72.0 0.637 16.2 2.074 52.7 0.157-0.590 4.0-15.0 TF5D 15 1.413 35.9 1.188 30.2 3.200 81.3 0.637 16.2 2.055 55.2 0.196-0.637 5.0-16.2 TF5D 18 1.421 36.1 1.389 35.3 3.200 81.3 0.637 16.2 2.055 55.2 0.228-0.799 5.8-20.3 TF5D 24 1.562 39.7 1.389 35.3 3.559 90.4 0.834 21.2 2.251 57.2 0.279-0.803 7.1-20.4 TF5D H 36 2.149 54.6 0.988 25.1 5.039 128.0 1.834 46.6 2.492 63.3 0.346-0.964 8.8-24.5 TF5D Note: Contacts are sold separately. (1) Cable tie is not included. D 8 Souriau SMS series eaton.com/interconnect

Quick mating and board mount connec- tors Souriau SMS series Quick mating and board mount connectors Cable plug with integrated strain relief hood Number of Number of discrimination Part number contacts cavities Black UL94 V2 White UL94 V0(1) 2 0 SMS2PDH1 SMS2PDH3 3 0 SMS3PDH1 SMS3PDH3 4 0 SMS4PDH1 SMS4PDH3 6 2 SMS6PDH1 SMS6PDH3 9 4 SMS9PDH1 SMS9PDH3 12 6 SMS12PDH1 SMS12PDH3 15 8 SMS15PDH1 SMS15PDH3 18 10 SMS18PDH1 SMS18PDH3 24 15 SMS24PDH1 SMS24PDH3 36 24 SMS36PDH1 SMS36PDH3 Note: (1) White UL94 V0 & HL3/R22 - HL3/R23 A Dimensions Number of A B C D H Cable range contacts inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm Cable tie (1) 2 1.555 39.5 0.645 16.4 2.551 64.8 0.555 14.1 2.248 57.1 0.019-0.330 0.5-8.4 TF4D B 3 1.692 43.0 0.645 16.4 2.716 69.0 0.732 18.6 2.248 57.1 0.031-0.287 0.8-7.3 TF4D 4 1.814 46.1 0.645 16.4 2.929 74.4 0.944 24.0 2.248 57.1 0.059-0.393 1.5-10 TF4D 6 1.673 42.5 0.846 21.5 2.858 72.6 0.751 19.1 2.314 58.8 0.066-0.362 1.7-9.2 TF4D 9 1.720 43.7 1.051 26.7 2.964 75.3 0.732 18.6 2.366 60.1 0.153-0.562 3.9-14.3 TF5D 12 1.811 46.0 1.248 31.7 2.834 72.0 0.732 18.6 2.385 60.6 0.157-0.590 4.0-15.0 TF5D Contact cavity Discrimation cavity 15 1.724 43.8 1.444 36.7 3.200 81.3 0.732 18.6 2.484 63.1 0.196-0.637 5.0-16.2 TF5D 18 1.732 44.0 1.645 41.8 3.200 81.3 0.744 18.9 2.484 63.1 0.228-0.799 5.8-20.3 TF5D 24 1.874 47.6 1.645 41.8 3.559 90.4 0.944 24.0 2.562 65.1 0.279-0.803 7.1-20.4 TF5D 36 2.460 62.5 1.460 31.7 5.039 128.0 1.944 49.4 2.803 71.2 0.346-0.964 8.8-24.5 TF5D Note: Contacts are sold separately. (1) Cable tie is not included. D C Cable range H Souriau SMS series eaton.com/interconnect 9

Accessories for standard Quick Mating Quick mating and board mount connectors connectors Souriau SMS series Quick mating and board mount connectors Pin protection shroud for panel mount receptacle Part number Number of contacts Number of discrimination cavities White UL94 V0 2 0 SMS2CSB1 3 0 SMS3CSB1 4 0 SMS4CSB1 6 2 SMS6CSB1 9 4 SMS9CSB1 12 6 SMS12CSB1 A 15 8 SMS15CSB1 18 10 SMS18CSB1 24 15 SMS24CSB1 36 24 SMS36CSB1 B Dimensions A B Number of contacts inch mm inch mm 2 0.779 19.8 0.740 18.8 3 0.921 23.4 0.740 18.8 0.925" (23.5 mm) 4 1.118 28.4 0.740 18.8 6 0.921 23.4 0.940 23.9 9 0.921 23.4 1.141 29.0 12 0.921 23.4 1.338 34.0 15 0.921 23.4 1.539 39.1 18 0.921 23.4 1.740 44.2 24 1.118 28.4 1.740 44.2 36 2.129 54.1 1.220 31.0 When pins are inserted into the panel mount receptacle side (SMS R1) an optional pin protection shroud can be installed. The shroud is mounted at the same time as the receptacle by holding the shroud against the mating side of the panel with both cut- outs lined up. The receptacle is then inserted in place, trapping the shroud between the receptacle and the panel. The use of the pin protection shroud reduces the allowable thickness of the panel from 0.009 to 0.062" max (2.3 to 1.6 mm max). Strain relief hoods Number of Part number contacts Black UL94 V2 2 SMS2H1 3 SMS3H1 4 SMS4H1 6 SMS6H1 For SMS2H1, SMS3H1, SMS4H1 and SMS6H1 9 SMS9H1 12 SMS12H1 15 SMS15H1 18 SMS18H1 24 SMS24H1 2 pieces are needed for a complete hool for 36 SMS36H1 SMS9H1 to SMS36H1 Separate strain relief hoods are available for all standard plugs (SMS P1). The hoods consist of identical halves that snap into position on the plug and are secured in place with the cable tie drawn tightly around the cable entry collar. The cable tie is not included (TF4D – TF5D). Two, three and four-position hoods are single-piece units. Discrimination pins For discrimination pins on both standard quick mating and quick mating pin headers cable and board mount: See Page 28. 10 Souriau SMS series eaton.com/interconnect

Quick mating PC board mount Technical specifications Souriau SMS series Quick mating PC board mount Technical specifications Materials Mechanical Electrical Shell Coupling system Test potential • Glass filled thermoplastic • Easy snap-in • 2000 VAC Flammability rating Durability Electrical performance • Black version • 500 mating cycles • Current rating for SMS PCB version: • UL94 V2 • 5 Amp for stamped and formed • White version contacts • UL94 V0 • 7.5 Amp for machined contacts Environmental • HL2/R22 - HL2/R23 (according to EN 45 545-2) Operating temperature • Electrical performance for crimped • -55°C to +105°C versions: Contacts • High conductive copper alloy Insulation resistance • UL: 250V - 10A • 5000 MO min. • CSA: 250V - 15A Sealing performance Soldering information • IP40 • Compatible with wave soldering up to 245°C Insulation resistance • Not compatible with reflow soldering • 5000 MΩ min. SMS part numbers SMS 12 GE 3 0 K9 Contact layout Plating indication See Page 5 See Page 23 Body variation Option GE : Solid machined contacts 0"094 or 0"125 - : 0"094 (2.4 mm) for GE3, GE4 and SE variation (2.4mm or 3.2 mm) seepage 16 0 : 0"125 (3.2 mm) for GE variation SE : Stamped and formed contacts for 0"094 3 : Railway version: HL2/R22 - HL2/R23 following EN 45 545-2 (2.4 mm) PCB RE : Stamped and formed contacts for 0"125 (3.2 mm) PCB Design variation 3 : Straight board mount with female contact 4 : Straight board mount with male contacts 5 : R ight angle board mount with female contacts 6 : Right angle board mount with male contacts Souriau SMS series eaton.com/interconnect 11

Quick mating PC board Layouts mount Souriau SMS series Quick mating PC board mount Layouts SMS 2 SMS 3 SMS 4 SMS 6 SMS 9 SMS 12 SMS 15 SMS 18 SMS 24 SMS 36 12 Souriau SMS series eaton.com/interconnect

Quick mating PC board mount Connectors Souriau SMS series Quick mating PC board mount Straight board mount with female contacts Number of Number of contacts discrimination cavities Part number 2 0 SMS2(GE/SE/RE)3 3 0 SMS3(GE/SE/RE)3 4 0 SMS4(GE/SE/RE)3 6 0 SMS6(GE/SE/RE)3 9 4 SMS9(GE/SE/RE)3 12 0 SMS12(GE/SE/RE)3 15 8 SMS15(GE/SE/RE)3 18 10 SMS18(GE/SE/RE)3 24 0 SMS24(GE/SE/RE)3 0.200 36 0 SMS36(GE/SE/RE)3 (5.08 mm) 0.232 Ø 0.137 (5.9 mm) (3.5 mm) Dimensions Number of A B C D E 0.275 contacts inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm (7.0 mm) 2 0.433 11.0 – – 0.751 19.1 0.527 13.4 0.232 5.9 3 0.637 16.2 0.551 14.0 0.401 10.2 0.527 13.4 0.232 5.9 A 4 0.838 21.3 0.551 14.0 0.598 15.2 0.527 13.4 0.232 5.9 B E 6 0.637 16.2 0.755 19.2 0.401 10.2 0.527 13.4 0.429 10.9 9 0.637 16.2 0.952 24.2 0.401 10.2 0.527 13.4 0.629 16.0 D 12 0.637 16.2 1.149 29.2 0.401 10.2 0.527 13.4 0.830 21.1 15 0.637 16.2 1.350 34.3 0.401 10.2 0.527 13.4 1.027 26.1 0.200 18 0.637 16.2 1.551 39.4 0.401 10.2 0.527 13.4 1.228 31.2 (5.08 mm) 0.094 Ø 0.031 (0.8 (2.4 mm) 24 0.834 21.2 1.551 39.4 0.598 15.2 0.527 13.4 1.228 31.2 mm) C PCB tail length 36 1.830 46.5 0.598 15.2 2.149 54.6 0.527 13.4 0.822 20.9 Right angle board mount with female contacts Number of Number of contacts discrimination cavities Part number 2 0 SMS2(GE/SE/RE)4 3 0 SMS3(GE/SE/RE)4 4 0 SMS4(GE/SE/RE)4 6 0 SMS6(GE/SE/RE)4 9 4 SMS9(GE/SE/RE)4 12 0 SMS12(GE/SE/RE)4 15 8 SMS15(GE/SE/RE)4 18 10 SMS18(GE/SE/RE)4 0.200 24 0 SMS24(GE/SE/RE)4 (5.08 mm) 36 0 SMS36(GE/SE/RE)4 0.232 Ø 0.137 (5.9 mm) (3.5 mm) Dimensions 0.275 A Number of A B C D E (7.0 mm) contacts inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm 2 0.437 11.1 – – 0.751 19.1 0.527 13.4 0.232 5.9 0.275 (7 mm) 3 0.637 16.2 0.551 14.0 0.401 10.2 0.527 13.4 0.232 5.9 B E 4 0.838 21.3 0.551 14.0 0.598 15.2 0.527 13.4 0.232 5.9 6 0.637 16.2 0.755 19.2 0.401 10.2 0.527 13.4 0.429 10.9 D 9 0.637 16.2 0.952 24.2 0.401 10.2 0.527 13.4 0.629 16.0 12 0.637 16.2 1.149 29.2 0.401 10.2 0.527 13.4 0.830 21.1 15 0.637 16.2 1.350 34.3 0.401 10.2 0.527 13.4 1.027 26.1 0.200 Ø 0.031 (0.8 18 0.637 16.2 1.551 39.4 0.401 10.2 0.527 13.4 1.228 31.2 (5.08 mm) mm) 24 0.834 21.2 1.551 39.4 0.598 15.2 0.527 13.4 1.228 31.2 PCB tail 0.094 C length (2.4 mm) 36 1.830 46.5 0.598 15.2 2.149 54.6 0.527 13.4 0.822 20.9 Souriau SMS series eaton.com/interconnect 13

Quick mating PC board mount Souriau SMS series Quick mating PC board mount Right angle board mount with female contacts Number of Number of contacts discrimination cavities Part number 3 0 SMS3(GE/SE)5 6 0 SMS6(GE/SE)5 12 6 SMS12(GE/SE)5 18 10 SMS18(GE/SE)5 Ø 0.031" (0.8 mm) Dimensions G Number of A B C D E F G contacts inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm 3 0.649 16.5 0.566 14.4 0.807 20.5 1.188 30.2 0.952 24.2 0.637 16.2 0.267 6.8 6 0.748 19.0 0.566 14.4 0.964 24.5 1.188 30.2 0.952 24.2 0.637 16.2 0.468 11.9 12 0.850 21.6 0.566 14.4 1.161 29.5 1.385 35.2 1.149 29.2 0.834 21.2 0.677 17.2 E 18 0.850 21.6 0.566 14.4 1.161 29.5 1.787 45.4 1.551 39.4 1.228 31.2 0.677 17.2 0.098 (2.5 mm) 0.200" (5.08 mm) 0.649" (16.5 mm) 0.157" (4 mm) F Ø 0.133" (3.4 mm) A 3 x 0.228" 3 x 5.8 mm D 14 Souriau SMS series eaton.com/interconnect

Quick mating PC board mount Souriau SMS series Quick mating PC board mount Right angle board mount with male contacts Number of Number of contacts discrimination cavities Part number 3 0 SMS3(GE/SE)6 6 0 SMS6(GE/SE)6 12 6 SMS12(GE/SE)6 18 10 SMS18(GE/SE)6 Ø 0.031" (0.8 mm) Dimensions G Number of A B C D E F G contacts inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm 3 0.649 16.5 0.566 14.4 0.807 20.5 1.188 30.2 0.952 24.2 0.637 16.2 0.267 6.8 6 0.748 19.0 0.566 14.4 0.964 24.5 1.188 30.2 0.952 24.2 0.637 16.2 0.468 11.9 12 0.850 21.6 0.566 14.4 1.161 29.5 1.385 35.2 1.149 29.2 0.834 21.2 0.677 17.2 18 0.850 21.6 0.566 14.4 1.161 29.5 1.787 45.4 1.551 39.4 1.228 31.2 0.677 17.2 E 0.098" (2.5 mm) 0.200" (5.08 mm) 0.649" (16.5 mm) 0.275" (7 mm) 0.157" (4 mm) F Ø 0.133" (3.4 mm) A 3 x 0.228" (5.8 mm) D Souriau SMS series eaton.com/interconnect 15

Quick mating PC board Drilling pattern mount Souriau SMS series Quick mating PC board mount Drilling patterns Straight angle board mount 2 contacts 3 contacts 4 contacts 6 contacts 9 contacts 0.551 0.551 0.748 (14.0 mm) (14.0 mm) 0.748 (19.0 mm) (19.0 mm) 0.948 (24.1 mm) 0.401 0.5981 (10.2 mm) (15.2 mm) 0.401 (10.2 mm) 0.401 (10.2 mm) 12 contacts 15 contacts 18 contacts 24 contacts 36 contacts Ø 0.137 (3.5 mm) Ø 0.047 (1.2 mm) 1.149 (29.2 mm) 1.350 (34.3 mm) 1.551 1.551 (39.4 mm) (39.4 mm) 2.153 (54.7 mm) 0.401 (10.2 mm) 0.401 (10.2 mm) 0.200 0.401 0.602 (5.08 mm) (10.2 mm) (15.3 mm) 0.200 (5.08 mm) 0.602 (15.3 mm) Right angle board mount 3 contacts 6 contacts 12 contacts 18 contacts Ø 0.137 (3.5 mm) 0.948 0.948 1.149 1.374 (24.1 mm) (24.1 mm) (29.2 mm) (34.9 mm) Ø 0.047 (1.2 mm) 0.200 (5.08 mm) 16 Souriau SMS series eaton.com/interconnect

Quick mating PC board mount pin Technical specifications headers and plug Souriau SMS series Quick mating PC board mount pin headers and plug Technical specifications Materials Test potential Intermateability • 2000 VAC Shell • SMS socket plugs accept TRIM • Glass filled thermoplast Current rating TRIO size 16 removable snap-lock • 5 Amp for stamped and contacts Flammability rating formed contacts • Contacts sold separately • Black version • 7.5 Amps for machined contacts • UL94 V0 Durability Contacts • 500 mating cycles • High conductive copper alloy Environmental Operating temperature • -55°C to +125°C Insulation resistance • 5000 MΩ min. SMS part numbers SMS 12 PH 3 TR29 Contact layout Plating indication See Page 5 See Page 23 Body variation Design variation PH : Pin header board mount 2 : Straight coax header board mount with male contacts CH : Coax header board mount 3 : Right angle pin header board mount with stamped male P3 : Socket cable plug for pin and coax contacts header board mount 4 : Straight pin header board mount with stamped male contacts GE6 : Right angle pin header board mount with machined male contacts GE4 : Straight pin header board mount with machined male contacts Souriau SMS series eaton.com/interconnect 17

Quick mating PC board mount Connectors pin headers and plug Souriau SMS series Quick mating PC board mount pin headers and plug Right angle pin header board mount with male contacts Number of contacts Part number 3 SMS3(PH3.../ PHGE6...) 4 SMS4(PH3.../ PHGE6...) 6 SMS6(PH3.../ PHGE6...) 9 SMS9(PH3.../ PHGE6...) 10 SMS10(PH3.../ PHGE6...) Ø 0.137" (3.5 mm) Dimensions A B C Number of contacts inch mm inch mm inch mm 0.200" (5.08 mm) 3 1.228 31.2 1.000 25.4 0.759 19.3 4 1.429 36.3 1.196 30.4 0.960 24.4 6 1.830 46.5 1.598 40.6 1.358 34.5 9 2.429 61.7 2.200 55.9 1.948 49.5 10 2.629 66.8 2.401 61.0 2.161 54.9 Ø 0.031" (0.8 mm) 0.165" (4.2 mm) 0.370" (9.4 mm) Ø 0.137" (3.5 mm) A B C 0.901" (22.9 mm) 18 Souriau SMS series eaton.com/interconnect

Quick mating PC board mount pin headers and plug Souriau SMS series Quick mating PC board mount pin headers and plug Straight pin header board mount with male contacts Number of contacts Part number 3 SMS3(PH4.../ PHGE4...) 4 SMS4(PH4.../ PHGE4...) 6 SMS6(PH4.../ PHGE4...) 9 SMS9(PH4.../ PHGE4...) 10 SMS10(PH4.../ PHGE4...) Ø 0.137" (3.5 mm) Dimensions A B C Number of contacts inch mm inch mm inch mm 0.200" (5.08 mm) 3 1.228 31.2 1.000 25.4 0.759 19.3 4 1.429 36.3 1.196 30.4 0.960 24.4 6 1.830 46.5 1.598 40.6 1.358 34.5 9 2.429 61.7 2.200 55.9 1.948 49.5 10 2.629 66.8 2.401 61.0 2.161 54.9 0.370" (9.4 mm) Ø 0.031" (0.8 mm) Ø 0.137" (3.5 mm) A B C 0.901" (22.9 mm) 0.157" (4.0 mm) Souriau SMS series eaton.com/interconnect 19

Quick mating PC board mount pin headers and plug Souriau SMS series Quick mating PC board mount pin headers and plug Straight coax header board mount with male contacts Number of contact Part number 3 SMS3CH2Z17 4 SMS4CH2Z17 6 SMS6CH2Z17 9 SMS9CH2Z17 10 SMS10CH2Z17 Ø 0.137" Dimensions (3.5 mm) A B C Number of contact inch mm inch mm inch mm 0.200" 3 1.228 31.2 1.000 25.4 0.759 19.3 (5.08 mm) 4 1.429 36.3 1.196 30.4 0.960 24.4 6 1.830 46.5 1.598 40.6 1.358 34.5 9 2.429 61.7 2.200 55.9 1.948 49.5 10 2.629 66.8 2.401 61.0 2.161 54.9 0.370" (9.4 mm) Ø 0.031" (0.8 Ø 0.137" mm) (3.5 mm) A B C 0.901" (22.9 mm) 0.165" (4.2 mm) 0.196" (5.0 mm) 20 Souriau SMS series eaton.com/interconnect