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◆電磁両立性 (EMC)



ドキュメント名 ODUのコネクタ技術
ドキュメント種別 ハンドブック
ファイルサイズ 12.7Mb
取り扱い企業 オーディーユージャパン株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)




01 PROBLEM-SOLVING AND DEVELOPMENT EXPERTISE ......... 6 02 CONTACT TECHNOLOGY ...........................................................10 03 MACHINING TECHNOLOGY ......................................................18 04 SURFACE ENGINEERING .........................................................22 05 HIGH-SPEED DATA TECHNOLOGY ..........................................28 06 HIGH VOLTAGE ..........................................................................34 07 ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY ......................................38 08 TIGHTNESS .................................................................................42 09 TERMINATION TECHNOLOGY ..................................................50 10 CABLE ASSEMBLY .....................................................................56 11 TECHNOLOGY TEST CENTER ...................................................60 3

RELIABLE CONNECTIONS FOR OUR LIVES ODU for medical technology: here in a magnetic resonance imaging system

EDITORIAL Dear readers, For many years now, electrical connector technology has been an indispensable part of our daily lives. It enables smartphones, refrigerators and cars to work, makes it possible for airplanes to take off and life-support machines to fulfill their function. These application examples make it crystal clear that, more than anything else, connector technology must be reliable! If the trans- mission of data, signals or power is faulty or if it fails altogether, there may be dramatic conse- quences. A connector technology interface must often withstand harsh environmental conditions such as salty air, considerable temperature fluctuations or chemicals – not to mention potential pressure of up to 1,000 bar or high-vacuum conditions, shock and vibrations. Dr. Joachim Belz For over 70 years now, ODU has been developing electrical connector technology that fulfills these very requirements and functions reliably even under the most adverse conditions. Our technology is based on continuous in-house development aimed at meeting the growing chal- lenges of our customers and their applications. For this reason, we currently have a high-perfor- mance electroplating plant at our German headquarters for surface finishing of single contacts and housings. Combined with a special geometry and carefully selected base materials, our con- tacts enable hundreds of thousands of mating cycles. According to some of our customers, ODU connectors have been known to continue working for over one million mating cycles, remain- ing stable in their physical and electrical contact features. This is a unique selling point of ODU technology, along with its high contact density in many different connectors. The requirement here is to maximize the functionality of the surface area. We’re able to meet this requirement Dr. Kurt Woelfl not least thanks to our sophisticated simulation processes and refined measuring and testing technology − both of which are typically used throughout the development process. The shorter development lead times which result are greatly appreciated by customers around the world. ODU is also a technology leader in the area of high-frequency and data transmission. Our prod- ucts are setting the standards, particularly when it comes to data transmission under harsh environmental conditions, e.g., railway, military and security technology. Thanks to our expertise in the necessary technologies, we’re able to provide customer- or application-specific combina- tions of Gigabit Ethernet, corrosion and vibration resistance, IP69 protection class and a mini- mum of 50,000 mating cycles. We continue to test the limits of what’s physically and electrically viable – to create customized products that precisely meet our customer’s application needs. Dr. Georg Staperfeld Here in this brochure, we’d like to present you with a small selection from our extensive tech- nology portfolio. While it’s far from complete, both in terms of the product range and depth of detail, we hope it will provide you with an initial look into ODU’s work and expertise. We’d be more than happy to give you a more detailed overview of our experience, skills, knowhow and product range in a personal conversation around your specific requirements. We aim to be a partner you can depend on for reliable electrical connector technology that can stand up to various kinds of stress while delivering top performance. Kind regards, Dr. Joachim Belz Dr. Kurt Woelfl Dr. Georg Staperfeld Managing Director Managing Director Technology Director 5


Thanks to its decades of developmental expertise and experience, flexible yet efficient production structures and processes, ODU is the right partner, both for customized special solutions and catalog products for serial production. Today and tomorrow. 01 WHEN EXPERTISE MEETS CHALLENGE ODU stands for electrical connector technology of the highest stan- dard. Our connectors and systems set the standards for mating cycles, contact density and reliability. Custom products we develop for specific customers and applications are used the world over. Our decades of experience, combined with modern simulation tools and testing and production processes, enable the shortest of development lead times for customer-specific product solutions. ODU currently operates three development and production sites in Europe, the US and China. Together with our regional application cen- ters, we achieve the necessary proximity to our customers so we can offer our expertise locally, tackling the respective challenges and requirements of that area. What’s needed today and tomorrow are specifically laid-out contacts, connectors and transmission systems offering more power density in an ever smaller installation space with the highest number of mating cycles and transmission rates. At the same time, these contacts need to be lighter, more rugged, and user-friendly and of course reliable for the long term. 7

SKILLFUL AND CREATIVE Our implementation skills are based on the combined expertise of a close ongoing collaboration among sales application engineers, development engineers, product designers and production experts throughout the complete product engineering process. The very first step is to fully understand the custom- insights we continuously acquire through funda- er’s application and derive the necessary technical mental work in product development. This combina- and economic requirements and framework con- tion of profound experience and application-oriented ditions from this understanding. The resulting speci- research is the basis for producing contacts with fications are arrived at in close coordination with the over 100,000 mating cycles with no loss of reliabi- customer. Making use of pre-existing knowledge and lity or transmission features. Our knowhow in contact a great deal of creativity, the product designer gets to physics and expertise in surface finishing enable us work on the product. Together with Development and to develop connectors that fulfill their specifications Production, the technical feasibility is tested. FEM sim- with stability and reliability for the long term – even in ulations*, rapid prototyping and sophisticated measur- extreme framework conditions. ing and testing procedures are put to use in a careful It’s not enough to simply study the spec sheet of a interplay. The ODU Technology Test Center (T²C) plays certain type of plastic as an insulation material or a an important role in this. Thanks to measurements and metal alloy for housings. When it comes to producing simulations carried out early on and throughout the high-vacuum 50 kV high-voltage connectors or salt- process, ODU achieves very short development lead- water resistant connectors that are pressure tight for times for new products. The latter has positive effects up to 500 bar, it takes more. Such applications require on the cost and efficiency of such new developments. the constant exchange of experience and fundamen- tal research results, which we carry out and promote In this whole process, nothing can replace experi- at ODU on a daily basis. ence. This is true for the product designer as much We test the limits of the technically viable and eco- as for the development engineer and test engineer. nomically sensible in order to deliver perfect connec- Experience can always be complemented with new tors to our customers. We consider it our mission. 900 967.86 Max 900 900 800 800 700 700 600 518.68 Max 500 400 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 0.06218 Min 0.01655 Min 0.000 5.000 10.000 (mm) 0.000 5.000 10.000 (mm) 2.500 7.500 2.500 7.500 FEM simulation The mechanical contact features of the mating process form the essential basis for wear-resistant electrical connections that remain stable for the long term. * FEM = finite element method 8

Cold Heat Standardized tensile tests under extreme climatic conditions In order to optimally tailor high-performance materials to customer requirements, the tensile tests are carried out in a climate chamber. This process provides decisive information on the material’s behavior for the later, actual use. K: Static mechanical analysis equivalent stress Type: equivalent stress (von Mises) Unit: MPa Time: 3 467.72 Max 180 157.63 135.26 112.89 90.516 68.145 45.773 23.402 1.0313 Min Prototypes made from production materials By means of injection molding, for example, a cable can be surrounded with a grommet via injection in 3D-printed tooling inserts. This enables prototypes made of produc- 0.000 30.00 60.00 (mm) tion-quality plastics to be provided and 15.00 45.00 tested within a very short period of time. Correct material parameters In the case of FEM simulations, precise input parameters are of primary importance. The true strain, which can appear much higher locally, is rarely found in a manufacturer’s spec sheet. Yet it is of exceptional importance when it involves tensile strength, forming and fracture mechanics. 01 ________________PROBLEM-SOLVING AND DEVELOPMENT EXPERTISE 9

CONTACT TECHNOLOGY Fully automatic assembly of 0.76 mm contact sockets with 15 individual springwire elements, respectively. 10

ODU is a global leader in the development and production of high- performance contacts for electrical connector technology. Contacts that – depending on the application – can successfully complete up to one million mating cycles without any loss of reliability or transmission capacity continue to set the highest attainable standards. The same is true for current-carrying capacity in high temperatures or application- specific optimization of mating and un-mating forces. ODU possesses the necessary skills for perfectly adapting contact systems to precisely meet the customers’ needs. 02 CONTACTS, THE HEART OF THE CONNECTOR Reliable contact technology is always the result of the right combination of contact properties: contact resistance, contact force, contact security, mating cycles and mating and un-mating forces. These aspects must be specifically adjusted according to each application and designed to meet the respective specifications. That’s precisely one of ODU’s strengths – based on experience and profound development and production expertise around contact technology. 11

CONTACT PROPERTIES – PERFECTLY BALANCED Reliable contacts are at the heart of every connector. The challenge for developers lies in creating an application-specific design taking into account the various contact properties. It’s about creating a stable balance between sometimes opposing physical values and transferring this balance to the reality of production technology. Low contact resistance can be achieved through mechanical properties for the complete service life of high contact force, however, this leads to high the future contact system is one of the most crucial mating and unmating forces and reduces the num- objectives of the product development process. ber of possible mating cycles. In any case, contact security and reliability are paramount. The right At ODU it’s standard practice to determine derating choice of parameters therefore strongly depends curves for establishing temperature-related current- upon precise knowledge of the application, i.e., the carrying capacities, perform mating cycle and wear customer specifications and joint expertise of the tests while simultaneously recording contact resis- developer and product designer. tance, and to carry out shock, vibration and EMV tests – and much more. ODU designers however will never rely on their expe- rience alone – they’ll also take into account T²C mea- For some of our testing procedures, we’ve designed surements supporting the product design through- and built our own measuring equipment in order out the process and, more importantly, reliable FEM to capture data even beyond the standard DIN EN simulation forecasts. Securing the electrical and industry regulations. The challenge of miniaturization (Illustration 1:1) To be able to offer high-quality connector solutions, contacts (sockets and pins) of highly consistent precision and surface quality are required for current, data and signal transmission. These are manufactured in a contact area of diameters of 0.3 mm to 60 mm. 12

126.7 Max G: K9 70 mm^2 Rd = 0.046 mOhm 126 TemperatureType: Temperature 123.43 Unit: °C 120.86 Time: 3 118.29 115.71 113.14 110.57 108 101.44 Min Thermal management Electrical performance is already determined in the conceptual phase by means of thermal simu- lation. Extensive, in-house databases allow for the individual adjustment and 0.000 10.000 20.000 (mm) consideration of the overall 5.000 15.000 system. Test of current-carrying capacity With currents of up to 2,400 amperes, single contacts as well as completely assembled connector systems are tested for their current-carrying capacity on a specifically developed high-current test station. 02 ________________CONTACT TECHNOLOGY 13

Mating subject to angular offset The ruggedness of single contacts and complete connector systems is tested on a manual-mating simulator. This allows for the setting of a variable angular offset between the two mating contacts of up to 5°, so the actual mating can be manually re-adjusted. Surface testing A specifically designed system is used to char- acterize contact surfaces regarding their electrical and mechanical proper- ties. The measurement data provides the input parameters for the FEM simulation. 14

Our range ODU contacts transmit data, signals and energy takes into account the combination of the right (power and voltage). Reliable and error-free trans- material for the insulator and the termination tech- mission must be guaranteed at all times in the nology for the contact, in particular. For this, FEM respective framework conditions. simulation can provide decisive indications regard- The requirements for such secure contact systems ing, for example, a suitable design for the geometry ensuring long-term reliability are constantly growing of a crimp termination. − as is the technical progress occurring in almost all Electron microscope investigations demonstrate areas of life. exactly how different surface finishings react to oxygen at 200 °C, how intermediate layers can oxi- With our customer-specific solutions, we meet the dize and potentially flake off. Computer-tomographic demand for connectors whose current-carrying measurements provide information about the phys- capacity is high even in the smallest of installation ical processes occurring within the contact system spaces. The same is true for the requirements of when operated under load. All of these insights are e-car manufacturers regarding vibration-resistant, taken into account throughout the product develop- EMV-secure contacts for high currents at a tempera- ment process and enable ODU to frequently meet ture range of -40 °C to +180 °C. In such cases the sophisticated customer specifications in a versatile developer looks beyond single contacts and also fashion. Seeing things through Industrial computer tomography is the link between the actual product and the virtual world. The quality of the simulation results substantially benefits from the quality of the CAD models that generate them. 02 ________________CONTACT TECHNOLOGY 15

CONTACT TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE BROADEST RANGE OF REQUIREMENTS ODU’s comprehensive contact portfolio offers each customer exactly the right contact system: both standard and customer-specific. Pins and sockets are designed in various diameters ranging from 0.3 mm to 60 mm, with various termination types (crimp, screw and solder) and with surface coatings tailored to the respective application. ODU SPRINGTAC® THE MARATHON RUNNER: Outstanding reliability, lifetime and durability with up to 1 million mating cycles • Contact with springwire technology • Very high contact security • Low mating and unmating forces • Very high vibration resistance • Low contact resistance • High current-carrying capacity ODU LAMTAC® THE HIGH-PERFORMANCE CONTACT: Maximum current-carrying capability and temperature resistance of up to 180 °C • Contact with lamella technology • Current-carrying capacity of up to 2,400 amperes • > 10,000 mating cycles • High vibration resistance • Low contact resistance • Automated lamella assembly • High contact security ODU TURNTAC® THE RUGGED ONE: Suitable even for harsh environments • Turned, slotted sockets • > 10,000 mating cycles • Low and stable mating and unmating forces • Tiniest dimensions possible, down to 0.3 mm contact diameter • Mating possible at an angle of up to 5° ODU STAMPTAC® THE HIGH-VOLUME CONTACT: Economical contact system for automatic processing • Stamped contacts • > 10,000 mating cycles • Standard contacts for use in charging plugs (IP67) • Cost-efficient alternative for high volumes 16

ODU SPRINGTAC® ODU TURNTAC® ODU LAMTAC® ODU STAMPTAC® An overview of our contact technologies 03 ________________MACHINING TECHNOLOGY 17

MZEARCSHPINANINuGN TGESCTHECNHONLOIKGY Pallet system for sensitive parts Sensitive turned parts are extracted directly from the machine with a gripper and carefully placed on pallets. There, they are also cleaned and passed on to the next processing step. 18

Two different metal machining processes are particularly important in con- nector manufacturing: punching or punch-bending and machining. At ODU, we use both procedures and have been successfully applying them for decades. Machining is of particular importance to us since it plays such a key role in enabling ODU’s flexibility and speed around the development and production of application-specific connectors. We’re able to provide our customers with high-volume production, but also particularly smaller quantities, too, in a wide variety of different versions and within a short timeframe. This is one of our particular strengths. 03 IT ALL REVOLVES AROUND CONNECTOR TECHNOLOGY ODU machining manufactures component parts for connectors in a wide variety of different versions including contact sockets with housing diam- eters from 0.3 mm to 300 mm. We produce 13,000 different articles using more than 100 machines, all of which are equipped with cutting-edge technology and specially developed high-performance tools. ODU’s machining ensures the necessary precision as well as dimensional and geometrical stability of contact pins, contact sockets and housings or housing parts. With dependable flexibility and speed. 19

QUALITY AND EFFICIENCY IN EVERY DETAIL ODU’s 65 million turned parts and 500 tons of processed raw material every year – from brass and aluminum to stainless steel – clearly demonstrate the high productivity of our production area. Efficient processes make it possible for ODU to provide both large-scale production and individual, customer-specific products. Precise, versatile and flexible The necessary raw materials are available directly in- • From a few tenths up to several hundred milli- house in bar or wire form, enabling the quick, flexible meters in diameter – all geometries are included reaction to customer requests within short delivery in the standard process. times. Thanks to outstanding automated equipment, • In machining processes (turning, drilling, the production of the most varied geometries and thread-cutting, milling or cutting), ODU manu- process steps are made possible on one machine – factures the connectors’ turned parts – from which keeps throughput times as short as possible. non-ferrous metal, stainless steel or plastic. • Axial and radial driven tools implement various drilling and milling options. • Even forming processes, such as bending, are integrated into this step of the process. • Particularly sensitive parts are manufactured using handling and palletizing systems. Finest workmanship for each product In the component production for the ODU MINI-SNAP®, elaborate housing parts are sometimes used. This includes, for example, broaching, planing, polygon turning and various milling operations. Heavy-duty connectors with a diameter of up to 250 mm are entirely processed in the automatic lathe. A compo- nent made of material 1.4404 for high-vacuum use is turned, drilled and milled. 20