カタログの表紙 カタログの表紙 カタログの表紙








ドキュメント名 ピエゾアクチュエータ製品カタログ
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 11.1Mb
取り扱い企業 ピーアイ・ジャパン株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)


XL SCANデモ機構成


ACSモーションコントロールソリューション 2024





Contents PI Ceramic – Leaders in Piezo Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Piezo Actuators P-882 – P-888 PICMA® Stack Multilayer Piezo Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Custom Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 P-885 • P-888 Encapsulated PICMA® Stack Piezo Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 P-088 Round PICMA® Stack Multilayer Piezo Actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 P-080 PICMA® Stack Multilayer Ring Actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 PD0xx Round PICMA® Chip Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 PL0xx PICMA® Chip Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 PL112 – PL140 • PD410 PICMA® Bender Piezo Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 P-876 DuraAct Patch Transducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 P-878 DuraAct Power Patch Transducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 PT120 – PT140 Piezo Tube Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 P-007 – P-056 PICA Stack Piezo Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 P-010 .xxP – P-056 .xxP PICA Power Piezo Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 P-00 .xxH – P-025 .xxH PICA Thru Ring Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 P-111 – P-151 PICA Shear Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 P-405 Picoactuator® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Integrated Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Amplifiers / Drivers for Piezo Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Piezo Technology Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Basic Principles of Piezoelectricity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Properties of Piezoelectric Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Amplifier Technology: Piezo Electronics for Operating Piezo Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Handling of Piezo Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 PI (Physik Instrumente) The PI Group Milestones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Product Portfolio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Imprint PI Ceramic GmbH, Lindenstrasse, 07589 Lederhose, Germany Registration: HRB 203.582, Jena local court VAT no.: DE 155932487 Executive board: Albrecht Otto, Dr. Peter Schittenhelm, Dr. Karl Spanner Phone +49 36604 / 882-0, Fax +49-36604 882-4109 info@piceramic.com, www.piceramic.com Although the information in this document has been compiled with the greatest care, errors cannot be ruled out completely. Therefore, we cannot guarantee for the information being complete, correct and up to date. Illustrations may differ from the original and are not binding. PI reserves the right to supplement or change the information provided without prior notice. © Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG All contents, including texts, graphics, data etc., as well as their layout, are subject to copyright and other protec- tive laws. Any copying, modification or redistribution in whole or in parts is subject to a written permission of PI. The following company names and brands are registered trademarks of Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG : PI®, PIC®, NanoCube®, PICMA®, PIFOC®, PILine®, NEXLINE®, PiezoWalk®, PicoCube®, PiezoMove®, PIMikroMove®, NEXACT®, Picoactuator®, PInano®, NEXSHIFT®, PITouch®, PIMag®, PIHera®, Q-Motion® The following company names or brands are the registered trademarks of their owners: 2 µManager, LabVIEW, Leica, Linux, MATLAB, MetaMorph, Microsoft, National Instruments, Nikon, Olympus, Windows, Zeiss w w w . p i c e r a m i c . c o m

PI Ceramic L e a d e r s i n P i e Z O T e C H n O L O G Y PI Ceramic is one of the world’s market lea- ders for piezoelectric actuators and sensors. Core Competences of PI Ceramic provides everything from piezo- PI Ceramic ceramic components to system solutions  S tandard piezo com- for research and industry in all high-tech ponents for actuator, markets including medical engineering, ultrasonic and sensor mechanical engineering and automobile application manufacture, or semiconductor technology.  System solutions  Manufacturing of piezo- PI Ceramic is a subsidiary of Physik Instru- electric components of mente (PI) and develops and produces all up to several 1,000,000 piezo actuators for PI’s nanopositioning sys- pieces per year tems. The drives for PILine® ultrasonic pie-  Development of custo- zomotors and NEXLINE® high-load stepping mized solutions drives also originate from PI Ceramic. tains its own laboratories, prototype manu-  High degree of flexibility facture as well as measurement and testing in the engineering pro- Custom Designs equipment. Moreover, PI Ceramic works cess, short lead times, The very nature of PI Ceramic makes it with leading universities and research insti- manufacture of individu- possible to react to customer wishes in the tutions at home and abroad in the field of al units and very small quantities shortest possible time. piezoelectricity.  All key technologies PI Ceramic has specialized in quantities of a Flexible Production and state-of-the-art equipment for ceramic few 100 to several 100,000. Our develop- In addition to the broad spectrum of production in-house ment and consulting engineers have an standard products, a top priority is enormous wealth of experience concerning  C ertified in accordance the fastest possible implementation of with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 the application of piezo actuators and custom-engineered solutions. Our pressing and OHSAS 18001 sensors and already work very closely with and multilayer technology enables us to the developers of our customers in the shape products with a short lead time. r un-up to a project. This allows you to put We are able to manufacture individual successful products on the market faster. prototypes as well as high-volume produc- tion runs. All processing steps are under- Materials Research and Development taken in-house and are subject to con- PI Ceramic develops all its piezoceramic tinuous controls, a process which ensures m aterials itself . To this end PI Ceramic main- quality and adherence to deadlines. Company building of PI Ceramic in Lederhose, Thuringia, Germany. 3 p i e z o t e c h n o l o g y

Reliability and Close Contact with our Customers O u r m I s s I O N Our aim is to maintain high, tested qua- After-Sales Service PI Ceramic provides lity for both our standard products and for Even after the sale has been completed, our  Piezoceramic materials custom-engineered components. We want specialists are available to you and can ad- (PZT) you, our customers, to be satisfied with vise you on system upgrades or technical  Piezoceramic the performance of our products. At issues . components PI Ceramic, customer service starts with an  C ustomer- and initial informative discussion and extends This is how we at PI Ceramic achieve our ob- application-specific far beyond the shipping of the products. jective: Long-lasting business relations and transducers a trusting communication with customers  P ICMA® monolithic mul- Advice from Piezo Specialists and suppliers, both of which are more im- tilayer piezo actuators portant than any short-term success. You want to solve complex problems – we  Miniature piezo won’t leave you to your own devices. We actuators use our years of experience in planning, PI Ceramic supplies piezo-ceramic solutions  PICMA® multilayer developing, designing and the production to all important high-tech markets: bending actuators of individual solutions to accompany you  I ndustrial automation  P ICA high-load piezo from the initial idea to the finished product. actuators  S emiconductor technology  Piezo tube actuators We take the time necessary for a detailed  M edical technology understanding of the issues and work out a  P reloaded actuators  M echanical and precision engineering with casing comprehensive and optimum solution at an early stage with either existing or new tech-  Aviation and aerospace  Piezocomposites – nologies . DuraAct patch  A utomotive industry transducers  T elecommunications 4 w w w . p i c e r a m i c . c o m

Experience and Know-How s TaT e - O F - T H e - a r T M a n u Fa C T u r i n G T e C H n O L O G Y Developing and manufacturing piezo- particularly high degree of precision. ceramic components are very complex Special milling machines accurately processes. PI Ceramic has many years of shape the components when they are still in experience in this field and has developed the “green state”, i .e . before they are sophisticated manufacturing methods. Its sintered. Sintered ceracmic blocks are ma- machines and equipment are state of the chined with precision saws like the ones art . used to separate individual wafers. Very fine holes, structured ceramic surfaces, even Rapid Prototyping complex, three-dimensional contours can The requirements are realized quickly and be produced. flexibly in close liaison with the customer. Prototypes and small production runs of Automated Series Production – custom-engineered piezo components are Advantage for OEM Customers available after very short processing times. An industrial application often requires The manufacturing conditions, i.e. the com- large quantities of custom-engineered position of the material or the sintering components. At PI Ceramic, the transition temperature, for example, are individually to large production runs can be achieved adjusted to the ceramic material in order to in a reliable and low-cost way while achieve optimum material parameters. maintaining the high quality of the products. PI Ceramic has the capacity to produce and Precision Machining Technology process medium-sized and large production PI Ceramic uses machining techniques from runs in linked automated lines. Automatic the semiconductor industry to machine screen printers and the latest PVD units are the sensitive piezoceramic elements with a used to metallize the ceramic parts. Automated processes optimize throughput 5 p i e z o t e c h n o l o g y

PICMA® Stack Multilayer Piezo Actuators C e r a M i C - i n s u L aT e d H i G H - P O W e r a C T u aT O r s P-882 – P-888  S uperior lifetime  High stiffness  UHV-compatible to 10-9 hPa  Microsecond response  Sub-nanometer resolution  L arge choice of designs Patented PICMA® Stack Multilayer Piezo Actuators with Suitable Drivers High Reliability E-610 Piezo Amplifi er / Controller Operating voltage -20 to 120 V. Ceramic insulation, poly- E-617 High-Power Piezo Amplifi er mer-free. Humidity resistance. UHV-compatible to 10-9 hPa, E-831 OEM Piezo Amplifi er Module no outgassing, high bakeout temperature. Encapsulated versions for operation in splash water or oil Valid Patents German Patent No . 10021919C2 Custom Designs with Modifi ed Specifi cations German Patent No . 10234787C1  For high operating temperature up to 200°C German Patent No . 10348836B3  Special electrodes for currents of up to 20 A German Patent No . 102005015405B3  Variable geometry: Inner hole, round, rectangular German Patent No . 102007011652B4  Ceramic or metal end pieces in many versions  US Patent No . 7,449,077 A pplied SGS sensors for positional stability Japan Patent No. 4667863 Fields of Application China Patent No. ZL03813218.4 Research and industry. Cryogenic environment with reduced displacement. For high-speed switching, precision 6 positioning, active and adaptive systems Ww Ww wW . pP i Cc e r a Mm i Cc . cC Oo Mm Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG 2012. Subject to change without notice. Latest releases available at www.pi.ws. 12/04/24.0

Order number* Dimensions Nominal Max. Blocking force Stiffness Electrical Resonant A x B x L [mm] displacement displacement [N] (0 – 120 V) [N/µm] capacitance frequency [µm] (0 – 100 V) [µm] (0 – 120 V) [µF] ±20% [kHz] ±20% P-882 .11 3 × 2 × 9 6 .5 ±20% 8 ±20% 190 24 0 .15 135 P-882 .31 3 × 2 × 13 .5 11 ±20% 13 ±20% 210 16 0 .22 90 P-882 .51 3 × 2 × 18 15 ±10% 18 ±10% 210 12 0 .31 70 P-883 .11 3 × 3 × 9 6 .5 ±20% 8 ±20% 290 36 0 .21 135 P-883 .31 3 × 3 × 13 .5 11 ±20% 13 ±20% 310 24 0 .35 90 P-883 .51 3 × 3 × 18 15 ±10% 18 ±10% 310 18 0 .48 70 P-885 .11 5 × 5 × 9 6 .5 ±20% 8 ±20% 800 100 0 .6 135 P-885 .31 5 × 5 × 13 .5 11 ±20% 13 ±20% 870 67 1 .1 90 P-885 .51 5 × 5 × 18 15 ±10% 18 ±10% 900 50 1 .5 70 P-885 .91 5 × 5 × 36 32 ±10% 38 ±10% 950 25 3 .1 40 P-887 .31 7 × 7 × 13 .5 11 ±20% 13 ±20% 1700 130 2 .2 90 P-887 .51 7 × 7 × 18 15 ±10% 18 ±10% 1750 100 3 .1 70 P-887 .91 7 × 7 × 36 32 ±10% 38 ±10% 1850 50 6 .4 40 P-888 .31 10 × 10 × 13 .5 11 ±20% 13 ±20% 3500 267 4 .3 90 P-888 .51 10 × 10 × 18 15 ±10% 18 ±10% 3600 200 6 .0 70 P-888 .91 10 × 10 × 36 32 ±10% 38 ±10% 3800 100 13 .0 40 * For optional solderable contacts, AWG 32 (Ø 0 .49 mm); P-885, P-887, Resonant frequency at 1 Vpp, Operating temperature change order number extension to .x0 P-888: AWG 30 (Ø 0.61 mm). unloaded, free on both sides. range: -40 to 150°C. (e . g . P-882 .10) . Recommended preload for dynamic The value is halved for unilate- Custom designs or different Piezo ceramic type: PIC252. operation: 15 MPa. ral clamping. specifi cations on request. Standard electrical interfaces: PTFE-in- Maximum preload for constant force: Capacitance at 1 Vpp, 1 kHz, RT . sulated wire leads, 100 mm, P-882, P-883: 30 MPa . Operating voltage: -20 to 120 V. B 0.2 <B+0.6 PICMA® Stack actuators, L, A, B see table B 0.2 <B+0.6 7 p PiieezZoO TteeCcHhnnOoLlOoGgYy A 0.3 < A+2.0 L 0.05 A 0.3 < A+2.0 L 0.05

Custom Designs P i C M a ® s Ta C K P i e Z O a C T u aT O r s Variety of Tips Spherical tips. PI Ceramic has suitable tips with standard dimensions in stock and mounts them prior to delivery. Application-specifi c tips can be manufactured on request. PICMA® Actuators for Maximum Dynamics For high-dynamics applications, the multilayer actuators are equipped with electrodes for especially high currents of up to 20 A. Together with a high-performance swit- ching driver such as the E-618, high operating frequen- cies in the kHz range can be attained. The rise times for the nominal displacement are a few tens of microse- conds. PICMA® Multilayer Actuators with Ceramic-Insulated Inner Hole A new technology allows multilayer piezo actuators to be manufactured with an inner hole. Using special manufacturing methods the holes are already made in the unsintered actuator. As with the PICMA® standard actuators, the co-fi ring process of the ceramics and the internal electrodes is used to create the ceramic encapsu- lation which protects the piezo actuator against humidity and considerably increases its lifetime compared to conventional polymer-insulated piezo actuators. PICMA® stack actuators with an inner hole are ideally suited for applications such as fi ber stretching. PICMA® actuators with holes are manufactured on re- quest. High Operating Temperature of up to 200°C For especially high-dynamics applications or high ambi- ent temperatures, there are PICMA® multilayer actuator versions that can reliably function at temperatures of up to 200°C. 8 w W wW wW . pP i cC e r a Mm i Cc . Cc oO mM

Encapsulated PICMA® Stack Piezo Actuators F O r T O u G H i n d u s T r i a L e n v i r O n M e n T s P-885 • P-888  S plash-resistant full encapsulation  S uperior lifetime  High stiffness  UHV-compatible to 10-9 hPa  Microsecond response  S ub-nanometer resolution  L arge choice of designs Encapsulated PICMA® Stack Multilayer Piezo Order Dimensions Nominal Max. Blocking Stiff- Electrical Resonant Actuators with Inert Gas Filling num- OD x L displace- displace- force ness capacit- frequency Operating voltage -20 to 120 V. UHV-compatible ber* [mm] ment [µm] ment [µm] [N] (0 – [N/ ance [kHz] ±20% to 10-9 hPa. Version for operation in environ- (0 – 100 V) (0 – 120 V) 120 V) µm] [µF] ±20% ments where exposure to splash water, high P-885 .55 11 .2 × 22 .5 14 ±10% 17 ±10% 850 50 1 .5 60 humidity or oil occurs P-885 .95 11 .2 × 40 .5 30 ±10% 36 ±10% 900 25 3 .1 35 P-888 .55 18 .6 × 22 .5 14 ±10% 17 ±10% 3400 200 6 .0 60 Piezo ceramic type: PIC252. clamping. Capacitance at 1 Vpp, 1 kHz, RT . Standard electrical interfaces: PTFE-insulated Operating voltage: -20 to 120 V.Operating wire leads, 100 mm, AWG 30 (Ø 0.61 mm). temperature range: -40 to 150°C. Resonant frequency at 1 Vpp, unloaded, free on Ask about custom designs! both sides. The value is halved for unilateral Encapsulated PICMA® Stack actuators can also be used when the application environment is characterized by oil, splash water or continuously high humidity. The piezo actuators are surrounded Encapsulated PICMA® actuators, dimensions in mm by inert gas 9 p PiieezZoO TteeCcHhnnOoLlOoGgYy

Round PICMA®Round PICMA® SSttaacckk MMuullttiillaayyeerr PPiieezzoo AAccttuuaattoorr HiGH BLOCK inG FOrCe H iGH BLOCK inG FOrCe PP--008888  Superior lifetime  Superior lifetime  Ideal for dynamic operation  Ideal for dynamic operation  Flexible, adaptable overall height  Flexible, adaptable overall height  O EM versions available without  Os tEraMn dveedrs wioinress available without stranded wires Multilayer stack actuators Possible modifi cations Multilayer stack actuators Possible modifi cations The actuators are easily scaled, thanks to the stacked Different heights, easy to mount on customer request. Tcohnes atrcutuctaitoonr,s fl a erxei belaes ialyd aspctaaletido,n t hoaf nthkes ttora tvheel rsatancgkee dis VDaifrfieerteyn ot fh sehigaphetss,. eParseyc itsoio mn-ogurnotu onnd ceunsdt opmlaeters r efoqru rees-t. pcoonsssitbrulec.t iTohne, fla enxniubllaer a cdraopssta stieocnti oonf tehnes turraevse le raasnyg ien ties- Vdaurcieedty t oolfe srhaanpceess .S Pprheceirsicioanl -egnrdo upniedc eensd plates for re- gproastsioibnl.e V. Terhseio annsn wuliathr csroolsdse rsaebclteio cno enntascutrse asr eea aslys oin UteH-V- duced tolerances Spherical end pieces gcoramtipoant.i bVleer stoio 1n0s- 9w hiPtha .s Tohldee aracbtulea tcoorns tdaoct ns oatr eo uatlgsoa sU HV- caonmd pcaanti bblee -9 btoa k1e0d ohuPta a. tT hhieg hac tteumatpoerrsa dtuor enso.t outgas and can be baked out at high temperatures. PICMA® piezo linear actuators Fields of application PICMA® piezo linear actuators Fields of application Low operating voltage -20 to 100 V. Ceramic insulation. Industry and research. For laser tuning, microdispens- HLoigwh orpeleiarabtiilnitgy vaonldta lgoen g-2 l0if etoti m10e0 V. Ceramic insulation. Iinndg,u lsitfrey s acniedn rceessearch. For laser tuning, microdispens- 10 High reliability and long lifetime ing, life sciences w w w . P I . w s w w ww. pwi cwe .rPaI .mwi cs . c o m ©P©hPyshiyks Iinks Itnrsutmruemnteen (tPe I()P GI)m GbmHb &H C&o C. Ko.G K 2G0 1260.1 S6.u Sbujebcjte tcot tcoh acnhgane gwei twhiothuot unto ntioceti.c Lea. tLeastte rset lreealseeass easv aaivlaabillaeb alet watw www.pwi..wpis.w. 1s6. /1069//0091/ .001 .0

P-088.721 P-088.741 P-088.781 Unit Tolerance P-088.721 P-088.741 P-088.781 Unit Tolerance Dimensions OD × L 16 x 16 16 x 36 16 x 77 mm Dimensions OD × L 16 x 16 16 x 36 16 x 77 mm Nominal travel range 14 32 70 µm -10 % / + 20 % Nominal travel range 14 32 70 µm -10 % / + 20 % Blocking force 7500 7500 7500 N Blocking force 7500 7500 7500 N Stiffness 535 235 105 N/µm Stiffness 535 235 105 N/µm Electrical capacitance 13 30 68 µF ±20 % Electrical capacitance 13 30 68 µF ±20 % Resonant frequency 68 35 17 kHz ±20 % Resonant frequency 68 35 17 kHz ±20 % Nominal travel range, blocking force and stiffness at 0 to 100 V. SNtoamndinaardl tcraovnenle rcatniognes, :b 1l0o0ck minmg fPoTrcFeE -a innds usltaiftfende ssst ratn 0d etod 1w0i0re Vs., AWG 28 (Ø 0.69 mm).Optional: For solderable contacts without stranded wires, cShtandgaer tdh ceo lnasnte dctigioitn os:f 1th0e0 omrmde rP TnFuEm- binesr utola t0e.d stranded wires, AWG 28 (Ø 0.69 mm).Optional: For solderable contacts without stranded wires, Pchieaznog cee trhaem liacs tty dpieg:i tP oICf 2th5e2 .o credrearm niucm enbde rp tloa t0e.s made of Al2O3. Piezo ceramic type: PIC252. ceramic end plates made of Al2O3. Recommended preload for dynamic operation: 15 MPa. MReacxoimmumen pdredlo parde lfoar dc ofonrs tdaynnt afmoricce o: p30e rMatPioan. : 15 MPa. AMxaixailm reusmon parnetl ofraedq fuoern ccoyn: smtaenats fuorrecde :a 3t 01 MV P,a u.pp nloaded, unclamped. The value is halved for unilateral clamping. Axial resonant frequency: measured at 1 Vpp, unloaded, unclamped. The value is halved for unilateral clamping. Electrical capacitance: measured at 1 Vpp, 1 kHz, RT Electrical capacitance: measured at 1 Vpp, 1 kHz, RT Operating voltage: -20 to 100 V. Operrattiing tveomltapgeera: t-u2r0e t ora 1n0g0e V: .-40 to 150 °C. Operating temperature range: -40 to 150 °C. Ask about custom designs! Ask about custom designs! P-088 PICMA® Stack Multilayer Piezo Actuator, dimensions in mm P-088 PICMA® Stack Multilayer Piezo Actuator, dimensions in mm 11 w w w . P I . w s p i e zwow twe c. PhIn. wo lso g y ©P©hPyshiyks Iinks Itnrsutmruemnteen (tPe I()P GI)m GbmHb &H C&o C. Ko.G K 2G0 1260.1 S6.u Sbujebcjte tcot tcoh acnhgane gwei twhiothuot unto ntioceti.c Lea. tLeastte rset lreealseeass easv aaivlaabillaeb alet watw www.pwi..wpis.w. 1s6. /1069//0091/ .001 .0

P ®PIICCMMAA® SSttaacckk MMuullttiillaayyeerr RRiinngg AAccttuuaattoorr WiTH inner HOLe WiTH inner HOLe PICMA® Stack Multilayer Ring Actuator With inner hole PP--008800 ■ I nI nneer rh hoolele f ofor rp prereloloaadd o or ra ass  a Inapnpeeerrtru thuroerel ef of foro ror o ppptritecicaloal ala dap poplri lcaicasa- - taitpoioennrstsure for optical applica- tions ■ S Suuppeeriroior rl ilfiefetitmimee  S uperior lifetime ■ I dIdeeaal lf ofor rd dyynnaammicic o oppeeraratitoionn  I deal for dynamic operation ■ M Micicrorosseeccoonndd r eressppoonnssee  M icrosecond response ■ S Suubb-nnaannoommeetteerr rreessoolluuttiioonn  S ub-nanometer resolution Multilayer Stack Actuators Available Options Multilayer Stack Actuators Available Options Flexible travel range up to 30 µm. Annular cross-section Different heights, easy to mount on customer request. Ffoler xeiabsley tirnatveeglr aratinogne. up to 30 µm. Annular cross-section DVaifrfieerteyn ot fh sehigahptess,. eParseyc itsoio mn-ogurnotu onnd ceunsdt opmlaeters r efoqru est. UfoHr Ve-acsoym inptaetgibralet itoon 1. 0-9 hPa, high bakeout temperature Vreadriuecteyd o tfo slhearapnecse. sPrecision-ground end plates for UHV-compatible to 10-9 hPa, high bakeout temperature reduced tolerances PICMA® Piezo Linear Actuators Fields of Application PICMA® Piezo Linear Actuators Fields of Application Low operating voltage -20 to 100 V. Ceramic insulation. Research and industry. For laser tuning, micro- LHoigwh orpeleiarabtiilnitgy vaonldta lgoen g-2 l0if etoti m10e0 V. Ceramic insulation. dRiesspeeanrschin agn, dlif ien sdcuisetnrcye. sFor laser tuning, micro- 12 High reliability and long lifetime dispensing, life sciences Multilayer Stack Actuators Available Options Flexible travel range up to 30 µm. Annular cross-section Different heights, easy to mount on customer request. for easy integration. w w w . P I . w sw w ww. pwi cwe .rPaI .mVwaircsie.tyc oof mshapes. Precision-ground end plates for UHV-compatible to 10-9 hPa, high bakeout temperature reduced tolerances PICMA® Piezo Linear Actuators Fields of Application Low operating voltage -20 to 100 V. Ceramic insulation. Research and industry. For laser tuning, micro- 10 High reliability and long lifetime dispensing, life sciences w w ww. pwi cwe.rpai .mwi cs . c o m ©Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & ©CPo©h. PKyshGiyk 2s Ii0nk1s I3tnr. suStmruubemjnetecent (ttPeo I ()cP hGI)am nGbgmHeb w&Hi tC&hoo C.u Kot .Gn K o2Gt0i c12e50..1 LS5a.u tSbeusjetb crjtee tcloet a tcsohe acsnh agavnea gwielai twbhlioeth uaott unwto wntiocwet.i.pc Lei.a.w tLesas.t tRe rs1et l1re3ea/ls1ee0as/s0 ea2sv . 0aaivlaabillaeb alet watw www.pwi..wpis.w. Rs.2 R 125 /1056//0061/ .001 .0

Preliminary data P-080.311 P-080.341 P-080.391 Unit Dimensions OD × ID × L 8 × 4.5 × 8.5 8 × 4.5 × 16 8 × 4.5 × 36 mm × mm × mm Nominal travel range 5.5 ±20 % 11 ±20 % 25 ±10 % µm PBrloelcikmininga froyr cdea t a P8-0008 0.311 P8-2058 0.341 P8-5008 0.391 UNn it DStimiffennesiso n s OD × ID × L 81 4×5 4 .5 × 8.5 87 5× 4.5 × 16 83 4× 4.5 × 36 mN/mµm × mm × mm NEloemctirnicaal lt rcavpealc riatanngcee 50..58 6± 20 % 11.7 ± 20 % 245.0 ± 10 % µmF BRleoscokninagn tf ofrrecqeu ency 813050 ±20 % 8255 ± 20 % 84500 ± 20 % NkH z ASllt difaftnae asts 0 to 100 V. 145 75 34 N/µm Standard connections: PTFE-insulated stranded wires, 100 mm, AWG 30 (Ø 0.61 mm). Electrical capacitance 0.86 1.7 4.0 µF For optional solderable contacts without stranded wires, change order number extension to 0. PRieezsoo cnearanmt ifcr etyqpuee PnICcy25 2. Ceramic end plates made of Al2O13.60 85 40 kHz Recommended preload for dynamic operation: 15 MPa. AMlal xdiamtau amt 0p rteol o1a0d0 Vfo. r constant force: 30 MPa. SAtxainald raersdo cnoannnt efrcetiqounesn: cPyT:F mE-einasurlaetde da ts 1tr Vanppd, eudn lwoairdeesd, ,1 u00n cmlam,p AeWd.G 30 (Ø 0.61 mm). FTohre o vpatliuoen aisl shoaldverda fboler ucnoinlatatecrtsa lw ciltahmopuitn sgtr.anded wires, change order number extension to 0. PEilezcotr iccearla cmapica tcyitpaen PceIC: T2o5l2e.r aCnecraem ±2ic0 e%n,d m pelatseusr emda adte 1 o Vfp Ap,l 21O k3H. z, RT. ROepceormatmingen vdoeltda gpere: l-o2a0d t ofo 1r0 d0y Vn.amic operation: 15 MPa. MOpaexrimatiunmg tpermelpoearda tfuore c orannsgtaen: t- 4fo0 rtcoe :1 350 °MC.Pa. Axskia al breosuotn caunstt ofrmeq duesnigcyn:s m! easured at 1 Vpp, unloaded, unclamped. The value is halved for unilateral clamping. Electrical capacitance: Tolerance ±20%, measured at 1 Vpp, 1 kHz, RT. Operating voltage: -20 to 100 V. Operating temperature range: -40 to 150°C. Ask about custom designs! + max. 9 +0,5 8 -0,3 0 4,4 -0,3 + P-080, dimensions in mm max. 9 +0,5 8 -0,3 0 4,4 -0,3 P-080.390, dimensions in mm 13 w w w . P I . w s 11 p i e z o t e c h n o l o g y p i e zwow twe c. phin. wo lso g y max. 10,5 L ±0,5 max. 10,5 L ±0,5 ©Physik Instrum©Pehnytes i(kP IIn) sGtrmubmHe n&t eC (oP. IK) GGm 20b1H3 .& S Cuob.j eKcGt t 2o0 c1h5a. nSgueb wjeictth toou ct hnaontgicee .w Liathteosutt r neoletaicsee.s L aavteasilta rbellee aast ewsw awva.pilia.wblse. aRt1 w 1w3/w10.p/0i.2w .0s. R2 15/06/01 .0

Round PICMA® Chip Actuators MiniaTure MuLT iLaYer P ieZO aCTuaTOr WiTH and WiTHOuT inner HOLe Pd0xx  Superior lifetime  Ultra-compact: From 5 mm Ø  Ideal for dynamic operation  Microsecond response  S ubnanometer resolution Piezo linear actuator with PICMA® multilayer technology Possible modifi cations Operating voltage -20 to 100 V. Ceramic insulation, poly- PTFE-insulated wire leads. Various geometric shapes, inner mer-free. Humidity resistance. UHV-compatible to 10-9 hole. Precision-ground ceramic end plates hPa, no outgassing, high bakeout temperature. Fields of application Flexible thanks to numerous designs. Versions with rectan- Industry and research. For laser tuning, microdispensing, gular, round or annular cross section life sciences PD050.3x PD080.3x PD120.3x PD150.3x PD160.3x PD161.3x Unit Tolerance ID 5 ±0 .2 8 ±0 .3 12 ±0 .4 15 ±0 .3 16 ±0 .5 16 ±0 .5 mm OD 2 .5 ±0 .15 4 .5 ±0 .15 6 ±0 .2 9 ±0 .15 8 ±0 .25 – mm TH 2 .5 ±0 .05 2 .5 ±0 .05 2 .5 ±0 .05 2 ±0 .05 2 .5 ±0 .05 2 .5 ±0 .05 mm Travel 2 2 2 1 .8 2 2 .3 µm ±20 % range* Blocking force >400 >1000 >2500 >3300 >4400 >6000 N Electrical 110 300 900 1000 1700 2400 nF ±20 % capacitance** Axial resonant >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 kHz frequency*** Standard connections: PDxxx.31: PTFE-insulated wire leads, 100 mm, AWG 32, Ø 0.49 mm; PDxxx.30: Solderable contacts Blocking force: At 0 to 100 V *** At 0 to 100 V. The values refer to the unattached component and can be lower when glued on. *** measured at 1 Vpp, 1 kHz, RT *** measure at 1 Vpp, unloaded, open on both sides. The value is halved for unilateral clamping. Lateral resonant frequencies can be lower than the axial ones, depending on the installation situation. 14 Ask about custom designs! w w wW. pWi cWe .rPai .mWi cs . c o m ©Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG 2015. Subject to change without notice. Latest releases available at www.pi.ws. 16/08/30.0

PICMA® Chip Actuators MiniaTure MuLT iLaYer P ieZO aCTuaTOrs PL0xx  S uperior lifetime  U ltra-compact: From 2 mm × 2 mm × 2 mm  Ideal for dynamic operation  Microsecond response  Subnanometer resolution Piezo linear actuator with PICMA® multilayer technology Available Options Operating voltage -20 to 100 V. Ceramic insulation, poly- PTFE-insulated wire leads. Various geometric shapes, inner mer-free. Humidity resistance. UHV-compatible to 10-9 hole. Precision-ground ceramic end plates hPa, no outgassing, high bakeout temperature. Fields of Application Large choice of designs. Versions with rectangular or Research and industry. For laser tuning, micro-dispensing, annular cross-section life sciences PL022.30 PL033.30 PL055.30 PL088.30 Unit Dimensions A × B × TH 2 × 2 × 2 3 × 3 × 2 5 × 5 × 2 10 × 10 × 2 mm x mm x mm Displacement 2 .2 2 .2 2 .2 2 .2 µm Blocking force >120 >300 >500 >2000 N Electrical capacitance 25 85 250 1100 nF Resonant frequency >600 >600 >600 >600 kHz Travel range: at 0 to 100 V, tolerance ±20 %. The values refer to the free component and can be lower when glued on. Blocking force: at 0 to 100 V. Electrical capacitance: Tolerance ±20 %, measured at 1 Vpp, 1 kHz, RT. Axial resonant frequency: measured at 1 Vpp, unloaded, unclamped. The value is halved for unilateral clamping. Lateral resonant frequencies can be lower than the axial ones, depending on the installation situation. Piezo ceramic type: PIC252. Standard connections: PLxxx.31: PTFE-insulated wire leads, 100 mm, AWG 32, Ø 0.49 mm; PLxxx.30: Solderable contacts Operating voltage: -20 to 100 V. Operating temperature range: -40 to 150 °C. Recommended preload for dynamic operation: 15 MPa. Maximum preload for constant force: 30 MPa. Ask about custom designs! 15 p i e zWoW tWe c. Phin. Wo lso g y ©Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG 2015. Subject to change without notice. Latest releases available at www.pi.ws. 16/08/30.0

PICMA® Bender Piezo Actuator a L L - C e r a M i C B e n d e r a C T u aT O r s W i T H H i G H d i s P L a C e M e n T PL112 – PL140 • Pd410 L 0.5  Displacement to 2 mm 3 3  F ast response in the ms range 2 2 1  Na1nometer resolution LF  Low operating voltage PICMA® Multilayer Bender Elements with High Reliability Operating voltage 0 to 60 V. Bidirectional displacement. Ceramic insulation, polymer-free. UHV-compatible to 10-9 hPa, no outgassing, high bakeout temperature. Reliable even under extreme conditions Displacement of the PICMA® bender actuator Fields of Application Research and industry, vacuum. For medical technology, laser technology, sensor systems, automation tasks, +60 V (+30 V) pneumatic valves 3 Vin Vout 2 0 ... +60 V (-30 ... +30 V) 1 GND (-30 V) Suitable Drivers PICMA® Bender actuators require full differential-voltage control 16 E-650 Piezo Amplifi er for Multilayer Bender Actuators wW wW Ww . Pp i Cc e r a mM i Cc . cC Oo mM TH 0.1 W 0.2 ID 0.2 ©Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG 2012. Subject to change without notice. Latest releases aTvHaila0b.l1e at www.pi.ws. R2 O16D/080/2.56.0

Rectangullar bender actuators Order Operatiing Diispllacement Free llength Diimensiions Bllockiing force Ellectriicall Resonant number volltage [V] [µm] ±20% Lf [mm] L × W × TH [mm] [N] ±20% capaciitance [µF] ±20% frequency Hz] ±20%f PL112 . .10* 0 - 60 (±30) ±80 12 18 . .0 × 9 . .6 × 0 . .65 ±2 . .0 2 * 1 . .1 2000 PL122 . .10 0 - 60 (±30) ±250 22 25 . .0 × 9 . .6 × 0 . .65 ±1 . .1 2 * 2 . .4 660 PL127 . .10 0 - 60 (±30) ±450 27 31 . .0 × 9 . .6 × 0 . .65 ±1 . .0 2 * 3 . .4 380 PL128 . .10* 0 - 60 (±30) ±450 28 36 . .0 × 6 . .3 × 0 . .75 ±0 . .5 2 * 1 . .2 360 PL140 . .10 0 - 60 (±30) ±1000 40 45 . .0 × 11 . .0 × 0 . .6 ±0 . .5 2 * 4 . .0 160 Round bender actuators Order Operatiing Diispllacement Free llength Diimensiions Bllockiing force Ellectriicall Resonant number volltage [V] [µm] ±20% Lf [mm] OD × IID × TH [mm] [N] ±20% capaciitance [µF] ±20% frequency Hz] ±20%f PD410 . .10* 0 - 60 (±30) ±240 – 44 × 7 × 0 . .65 ±16 2 * 10 . .5 1000 For opttiionall 100 mm PTFE--iinsullatted wiire lleads,, AWG 32 ((Ø 0..49 mm)),, change order number exttensiion tto 1 ((e.. g.. PL112..11)).. Piiezo ceramiic ttype:: PIIC251,, *PIIC252.. Sttandard connecttiions:: Sollderablle conttactts.. Resonantt ffrequency att 1 Vpp,, cllamped on one siide wiitth ffree llengtth Lf,, wiitthoutt mass lload.. For PD410..10:: Resttraiintt wiitth rottattablle mounttiing on tthe outter f ciircumfference . . Capaciittance att 1 Vpp,, 1 kHz,, RT . . Operattiing ttemperatture range:: --20 tto 85°C;; * --20 tto 150°C.. Recommended mounttiing:: Epoxy resiin adhesiive.. Allll speciififi cattiions depend on tthe reall cllampiing condiittiions and on tthe applliied mechaniicall lload.. Custtom desiigns or diifffferentt speciififi cattiions on requestt.. L 0..5 L 0..5 3 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 LFFF 1 LF PL112 – PL140..10,, diimensiions iin mm.. PD410 round PIICMA® Bender Piiezo Acttuattor,, diimensiions L,, LF,, W,, TH see datta ttablle iin mm.. IID,, OD,, TH see datta ttableF l Mullttiillayer conttracttiing pllattes can be manuffacttured iin a Mullttiillayer bender acttuattors can be manuffacttured iin Benders wiitth uniidiirecttiionall diispllacementt consiistt off a variietty off shapes,, e.. g.. recttangullar or diisk--shaped,, and allmostt any shape.. The manuffactturiing process allllows,, siinglle acttiive piiezoceramiic llayer tthatt iis gllued ttogetther wiitth are avaiillablle on requestt.. These pllattes can be applliied among otther tthiings,, iinner holles wiitth an allll--ceramiic a substtratte off AII2O3 ceramiics or stainless steel. In compar-2 3 t i l t l. I - e.. g.. tto mettall or siilliicon substtrattes,, iin order tto realliize iinsullattiion.. The heiightt off tthe acttiive llayers can be variied iison wiitth tthe biimorph sttructture,, tthese acttuattors achiieve bender or pump ellementts wiitth llow conttroll vollttages.. ffrom a miiniimum heiightt off 15 µm so tthatt conttroll vollttag-- a hiigher sttiiffffness and a greatter diispllacementt,, whiich onlly es off onlly 10 V can be used.. ttakes pllace iin one diirecttiion,, however.. 17 pPiieezZoO TteeCcHh nOoLlOoGgYy TTHH 00..11 WW 00..22 TTHH 00..11 WW 00..22 IIDD 00..22 TTHH 00..11 OODD 00..55

DuraAct Patch Transducer B e n d a B L e a n d r O B u s T P-876  U se as actuator, sensor or energy generator  Cost-effective  Min. bending radii of down to 12 mm Patch Transducer Functionality as actuator and sensor component. Nominal operating voltage from 100 up to 1000 V, depending on the active layer height. Power generation for self-suffi cient systems possible up to the milliwatt range. Can also be applied to curved surfaces Robust, Cost-Effective Design Laminated structure consisting of a piezoceramic plate, electrodes and polymer materials. Manufactured with bubble-free injection method. The polymer coating simul- taneously serves as a mechanical preload as well as an electrical insulation, which makes the DuraAct bendable Design principle of the transducer Custom DuraAct Patch Transducers  Flexible choice of size  Flexible choice of thickness and thus bending ability  F lexible choice of piezoceramic material  Variable design of the electrical connections  Combined actuator/sensor applications, even with several piezoceramic layers  Multilayer piezo elements Valid Patents  Arrays German Patent No . 10051784C1 US Patent No . 6,930,439 Fields of Application Research and industry. Can also be applied to curved Suitable Drivers surfaces or used for integration in structures. For adaptive E-413 DuraAct and PICA Shear Piezo Amplifi er 18 systems, energy harvesting, structural health monitoring E-835 DuraAct Piezo Driver Ww wW Ww . pP i cC e r a Mm i Cc . Cc Oo mM Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG 2012. Subject to change without notice. Latest releases available at www.pi.ws. 12/04/030

Order Operating Min. lateral Rel. lateral Blocking Dimensions Min. Piezo Electrical Number voltage [V] contraction contraction force [N] [mm] bending ceramic capacitance [µm/m] [µm/m/V] radius [mm] height [µm] [nF] ±20% P-876 .A11 -50 to +200 400 1 .6 90 61 × 35 × 0 .4 12 100 150 P-876 .A12 -100 to +400 650 1 .3 265 61 × 35 × 0 .5 20 200 90 P-876 .A15 -250 to +1000 800 0 .64 775 61 × 35 × 0 .8 70 500 45 P-876 .SP1 -100 to +400 650 1 .3 n .a . 16 × 13 × 0 .5 - 200 8 Piezo ceramic type: PIC255 Standard connections: Solder pads Operating temperature range: -20 to 150°C Custom designs or different specifi cations on request. When a voltage is applied, the DuraAct patch transducer contracts laterally. P-876 DuraAct patch transducers use the so-called d31 effect, where the applied fi eld is orthogonal with respect to the polarization of the piezo element. P-876.A (left), P-876.SP1 (right), dimensions in mm Electronic modules for sensor data processing, controlling the DuraAct actuator or harvesting energy can be connected close to the transducer When arranged in an array, DuraAct patch transducers allow, for example, the reliable monitoring of larger areas DuraAct patch transducers can be manufactured in various shapes 19 pPiieezZoO TteeCcHh nOoLlOoGgYy

DuraAct Power Patch transducer H I G H E F F I C I E N C Y a N D r O B u s T P-878  Useable as actuator, sensor or energy generator  L ow voltages to 120 V  Compact design  I ndividual solutions Patch Transducer Custom DuraAct Patch Transducers Functionality as actuator and sensor component. Nomi-  Flexible choice of size nal operating voltages of -20 to 120 V. Power generation  Variable design of the electrical connections for self-suffi cient systems possible up to the milliwatt  Combined actuator/sensor applications, even with range. Can also be applied to curved surfaces. several active piezoceramic layers In longitudinal direction, the DuraAct Power uses the  Arrays high-effi ciency d33 effect Robust, Cost-Effective Design Laminated structure consisting of PICMA® multilayer piezo Fields of Application element, electrodes and polymer materials. Manufactured Research and industry. Can also be applied to curved with bubble-free injection method. The polymer coating surfaces or used for integration in structures. simultaneously serves as electrical insulation and as For adaptive systems, energy harvesting, structural 20 mechanical preload, which makes the DuraAct bendable health monitoring w w ww. pwi cwe .rPaI .mwi cs . c o m ©Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG 2013. Subject to change without notice. Latest releases available at www.pi.ws. 13/08/29 .0