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Buderus(ブデラス)研削加工も切削加工も一台で完結、複合加工機 235Vシリーズ


235VH センタードライブで研削軸はセンタードライブ下からもアクセス。 235VM センタードライブで2タレット2スピンドル、ダブルダイヤフラム式チャック搭載により中空シャフトの内径加工も可能。

スイング径(mm) 340
直径(mm) 250(最大)
長さ(mm) 700まで
X軸移動量(mm) 500(上部クロススライド)
X軸移動量(mm) 200(下部クロススライド)
Y軸移動量(mm) 200
Z軸移動量(mm) 1,260
スイベルレンジ(度) -45~+225
位置決め精度(度) 0.001
繰返し精度(”)   <3.6
解像度(度) 0.001
ワークピーススピンドル C軸:
最大回転速度(rpm) 5,000
ドライブ容量(kW)    24
ドライブトルク(Nm) 50
真円度精度(μm) <0.8
使用電力(kW) 50kW(大凡)
エア(bar) 4~6
幅(mm) 3,600
奥行(mm) 2,650
高さ(mm) 2,680
重量(kg) 12,000

スイング径(mm) 340
直径(mm) 80(最大)
長さ(mm) 450まで
X軸移動量(mm) 500(上部クロススライド)
X軸移動量(mm) 200(下部クロススライド)
Y軸移動量(mm) 200
Z軸移動量(mm) 500
スイベルレンジ(度) -45~+225
位置決め精度(度) 0.001
繰返し精度(”)   <3.6
解像度(度) 0.001
ワークピーススピンドル C軸:
最大回転速度(rpm) 3,500
ドライブ容量(kW)    39
ドライブトルク(Nm) 160
真円度精度(μm) <0.8
使用電力(kW) 70kW(大凡)
エア(bar) 4~6
幅(mm) 3,600
奥行(mm) 2,650
高さ(mm) 2,680
重量(kg) 16,000



ドキュメント名 Buderus(ブデラス)研削加工も切削加工も一台で完結、複合加工機 235Vシリーズ
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 1.6Mb
取り扱い企業 株式会社シーケービー (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)



Buderus 235V Maximum flexibility for your future challenges DVS-TECHNOLOGY.COM

B U D E R U S ———— B U D E R U S 2 3 5 V 235V: The next generation of hard turning and grinding machine for shafts and hollow shafts. 2

B U D E R U S ———— B U D E R U S 2 3 5 V One group, one drive: shaping tomorrow BUDERUS SCHLEIFTECHNIK GMBH DVS TECHNOLOGY GROUP BUDERUS SCHLEIFTECHNIK GmbH is an international mechanical The DVS TECHNOLOGY GROUP with its excellent engineering company based in Aßlar. In the field of hard-machining range of experience focus on the machining technolo- of rotationally symmetrical components, the company is one of the gies of turning, gear cutting and grinding. Worldwide, leading suppliers of precision machines for internal, external and the DVS TECHNOLOGY GROUP employs more than thread grinding, often also in combination with hard turning opera- 1,400 people and is considered a leading system tions as well as bore honing and other hard machining processes. provider for machines, tools and production solutions for soft and hard machining of vehicle powertrain BUDERUS SCHLEIFTECHNIK develops and produces highly effi- components. cient machine and automation solutions, which are used particular world-wide in the automotive industry. Gear wheels and shafts are These are the DVS TECHNOLOGY GROUP precisely machined with BUDERUS technologies up to the μ and business units: thus ensure the highest degree of precision in modern passenger car and commercial vehicle transmissions. DVS Machine Tools & Automation: The manufacture and distribution of high-precision machine tools and automation, as well as related service. DVS Tools & Components: The customized development, manufacture and distribu- tion of machine components, tools and abrasives. DVS Production: Series production of automotive and mobility components on DVS machine tools. DVS International Sales & Service: Local DVS contacts for distribution and service in inter- national markets. DVS Production GmbH, Krauthausen, Germany: Contract manufacturing from soft to hard end machining on the latest machine generations of the DVS Technology Group. 3

B U D E R U S ———— B U D E R U S 2 3 5 V Buderus 235VH “Shaft-Machine” for your future challenges Modern machines must deliver the highest quality at the lowest unit costs and also be easily and quickly adaptable to new requirements. To meet these requirements, BUDERUS SCHLEIFTECHNIK GMBH developed an innovative machine platform for high precision machining of rotationally symmetrical shafts up to D=300 mm and L=1000 mm: The 235VH. Combination processes, as well as simultaneous processes are possible on this machine. The flexible configura- tion options allow the implementation of different machining processes, like internal and external grinding, hard turning and honing, right up to the application of powered tools. Because of this the 235VH is able to achive the shortest possible cycle times while maintaining the highest quality. The next generation of hard turning and grinding machine 4

B U D E R U S ———— B U D E R U S 2 3 5 V Highlights TECHNOLOGIES AUTOMATION NARURAL GRANITE Flexible integration anytime Decoupled loading and work area High process + thermal stabilityvibration damping MULTI FUNCTIONAL HEAD DVS CLEAN TEC Many different technologies Clean production / LARGE 22“ OPERATOR PANEL high energy efficiency Intuitive usability FLEXIBLE KONFIGURATION Up to 4 cross slides + y-axis OPTIMAL POWER FLOW REMOTE MAINTENANCE Rectangular guide arrangement Prepared for Industry 4.0 Workpiece examples Technical data 235VH Workpiece Swing diameter [mm] 400 Diameter max. [mm] 300 Length [mm] Up to 1000 5

B U D E R U S ———— B U D E R U S 2 3 5 V Buderus 235VM Center Drive Machine for your future challenges Buderus Schleiftechnik GmbH is the specialist for center drive technology. Our latest development is our center drive machine 235VM with a further developed center drive head. This new head is able to reach a working speed of 2.500min^-1 and so hard turn- ing operations are also possible. The big advantage of this technology is the machining of inner and outer diameters in one clamping (e.g. hollow shafts) and a guaran- teed, perfect runout of this diameters to each other. Combination processes, as well as simultaneous processes are possible on this machine. The flexible configuration options allow the implementation of different machining processes, like internal and external grinding, hard turning and honing, right up to the application of powered tools. Because of this the 235V is able to achive the shortest possible cycle times while maintaining the highest quality. Double-Diaphragm chuck for center drive 6

B U D E R U S ———— B U D E R U S 2 3 5 V Highlights TECHNOLOGIES OPTIMAL POWER FLOW DVS CLEAN TEC Flexible integration anytime Inclined machine bed Clean production / high energy efficiency MULTI FUNCTIONAL HEAD AUTOMATION Many different technologies Decoupled loading and work area CENTERDRIVE PREPARED FOR HARDTURNING FLEXIBLE KONFIGURATION LARGE 22“ OPERATOR PANEL Up to 2.500min-1 Up to 4 cross slides + y-axis Intuitive usability NARURAL GRANITE CENTERDRIVE WITH REMOTE MAINTENANCE High process + min. thickness max. 100mm Prepared for Industry 4.0 thermal stabilityvibration damping Workpiece examples Technical data 235VM Workpiece Your partner Swing diameter [mm] 400 Diameter max. [mm] 150 for future parts Length [mm] 500 7

B U D E R U S ———— B U D E R U S 2 3 5 V Your partner for innovative technologies Flexible integration anytime Both, combination processes and simulta- regard to the new challenges in “Future › Combination and simultaneous neous processes are possible on our 235V. Mobility” (e.g. rotor shaft, E-shaft...) our processes reduced cycle time Due to the flexible configuration options solutions offer optimal conditions for the › All operations in one clamping. of various processes such as internal and constantly increasing qualitative require- No reclamp failure! external grinding, hard turning and honing, ments.And we don‘t just deliver a machine, › Time savings thanks to reduced up to the use of driven tools, the shortest we accompany and advise you from the changeover times cycle times can be achieved with the high- first sample parts to your optimal series est quality at the same time.Especially with solution. Combination of different technologies Angular infeed grinding OD grinding Face grinding Cone grinding ID grinding Milling Measuring probe 1 2 3 4 1 External cylindrical turning 2 Face turning 3 Groove turning 4 Internal turning 8

B U D E R U S ———— B U D E R U S 2 3 5 V Center drive machine 235VM Inside view / Working room Center Drive machine 235VM Clamping situation Shaft machine 235VH Inside view / Working room 9

B U D E R U S ———— B U D E R U S 2 3 5 V Multifunction head for your high efficient production The multifunctional uFlex tool turret gua- An optional measuring probe integrated rantees maximum flexibility for machining. into the multifunction turret controls ma- With an action radius of 270°, processes chining until the final dimension is reached. such as internal and external grinding, face Time-consuming manual work such as grinding, cone grinding or various turning remeasuring or successive feed is elimina- processes and milling are completed effi- ted. This significantly reduces the overall ciently with maximum precision. machining time. 1 2 3 4 6 5 1 ID Grinding 3 ID Grinding 5 Milling 2 Measuring 4 Hard turning 6 OD Grinding 1 0

B U D E R U S ———— B U D E R U S 2 3 5 V Sample configurations Creating a bridge between the best performance and efficiency to improve your value creation. Your advantages CONFIGURATION 5 DIFFERENT TOOLS SPECIFIC DESIGN Individually configurable multifunctional Can be equipped with up to 5 different Application-specific spindle and tool head tools on one head design MEASURING SENSOR ID GRINDING OD GRINDING Optional version with measuring ID grinding spindle individual speed OD grinding spindle drive power 20 kw, sensor for checking allowance and final configuration up to 105.000 rpm grinding wheel diameter 400×100 mm, dimensions corundum or cbn 1 1

B U D E R U S ———— B U D E R U S 2 3 5 V Your partner for high efficiency automation systems Variable down to the last detail: Automation options from Buderus In addition to the machine, Buderus also offers automation systems. We can provide gantry loader, robot cells and further special loading systems. For robot solutions we have our specialist, the company RBC, in the DVS-Group. Manual loading Highway connection with gantry loader Robot cell Automation sideways Gantry loader 1 2

B U D E R U S ———— B U D E R U S 2 3 5 V Siemens control Sinumerik 840D sl intuivie and easy operation Highlights › Intuitive and easy operation › No additional display for peripheral systems necessary › Full integration of measuring and balancing systems as well as instructions (e.g. operating manuals) › Direct access to operating instructions › Individually configurable and expandable via buttons (e.g. customer remote maintenance system) › Highest ergonomics and haptics › Display of 2 different programs/pages/process parameters at the same time (customizable) › The familiar Siemens control panel is still located under the display New 22“ multi-touch display with Siemens control (Sinumerik 840D sl) Additional-Screen Operate Shortcut-Section Keyboard 1 3

B U D E R U S ———— B U D E R U S 2 3 5 V uFlex: Sample production We guide you from sample to series production Your advantages SAMPLE TO SERIES LONG-TERM PARTNER PRESISSION We guide you from the first sample part We are not a pure machine supplier, For mapping workpiece meacurement, to the series part production process. but your long-term partner for techno- there is an air-conditioned percision logy. measuring room with coordinate mea- FLEXIBILITY suring machines. In addition, direct BUDERUS machines are suitable for IMPLEMENTATION measurements can be carried out on all sample part machining and can Results can be implemented directly in the machine with our optical measuring be flexibly set up for your workpiece. the following series process systems. OPTIMIZATION SOFT & HARD FINE MACHINING RUM-UP During a sample part processing, the DVS machines for soft and hard fine During longer procurement processes process will be optimized from the machining – we cover the requirements for new machines, we can already map a technology side in close cooperation from mechanical engeneering and auto- rum-up for you or provide a short-term with the customer. motive sectors. support with existing or rental machines. 1 4

B U D E R U S ———— B U D E R U S 2 3 5 V Example e-shaft sample production Key production is Mobility has to be sustainable for the machine concept from Buderus Schleiftech- climate in the future. By 2030, electric ve- nik of DVS Technology Group, the switch defining the mobilty hicles will have a market share of up to 50 to electromobility succeeds. We can also of tomorrow. percent. Do you want to drive innovation manufacture the parts for you, according in the production technology for tommo- to your requirements. row‘s mobility? With the future-oriented Workpieces per year Shaft 1 Shaft 2 Shaft 3 600.000 500.000 400.000 300.000 200.000 100.000 0 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 1 5

B U D E R U S ———— B U D E R U S 2 3 5 V Buderus 235V The best machine concept for your future parts. 1 6

B U D E R U S ———— B U D E R U S 2 3 5 V Technical data 235VH 235VM Workpiece Swing diameter [mm] 340 340 Diameter max. [mm] 150 220 Length [mm] up to 1,000 up to 500 Cross slides X-Axis Travel (upper cross slide) [mm] 500 500 X-Axis Travel (lower cross slide) [mm] 200 200 Y-Axis Travel [option WKZ] 200 200 Z-Axis Travel (2 cross slides) [mm] 1,260 500 Multifunction Head Swiveling Range [°] -45 up to +225 -45 up to +225 Positioning Accuracy [°] 0,001 0,001 Repetition Accuracy [”] <3.6 <3.6 Resolution [°] 0.001 0.001 Workpiece Spindle C-Axis Max. Rotation Speed [rpm] 5,000 3,500 Drive Capacity [kW] 24 39 Drive Torque [Nm] 50 160 oundness Accuracy [μm] <0.8 <0.8 Sleeve (tailstock) Travel of Barrel [mm] 80 - Diameter of Barrel [mm] 80 - Bearing antifriction bearing - Fine Adjustm. for Cylindr. Corrections [μm] ±200 - 3-Point Steady Rest optional optional Clamping Range [mm] ø20 to ø150 ø20 to ø150 Rough Adjustment [μm] 40 40 Precise Adjustment [μm] 2 2 Adjusting infinitely variable infinitely variable Connected Loads Total Connected Load [kW] ca. 50 ca. 70 Air Pressure [bar] 4 to 6 4 to 6 Dimensions / Weight Width [mm] 3,600 3,600 Depth [mm] 2,650 2,650 Height [mm] 2,680 2,680 Total Net Weight [kg] 12,000 16,000 1 7

D V S T E C H N O L O G Y G R O U P Our areas of expertise and specialist companies at a glance. D I S T R I B U T I O N / S A L E S D I G I TA L I Z AT I O N & S O L U T I O N S D V S M A C H I N E T O O L S & A U T O M AT I O N D V S T O O L S & C O M P O N E N T S D V S P R O D U C T I O N BUDERUS Schleiftechnik GmbH Industriestrasse 3 35614 Aßlar Germany buderus-schleiftechnik.de