The universal reference receiver for broadcast signal analysis
The R&S ETL TV analyzer stands for all-in-one.The R&S ETL combines the functionality of a TV and sound broadcasting signal analyzer, a video and MPEG TS analyzer and a spectrum analyzer in a single instrument. The R&S ETL also contains generators to create analog video signals, audio signals and MPEG-2 transport streams.
ドキュメント名 | R&S ETL TV Analyzer |
ドキュメント種別 | 製品カタログ |
ファイルサイズ | 14.4Mb |
登録カテゴリ | |
取り扱い企業 | ローデ・シュワルツ・ジャパン株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧) |

R&S®ETL TV Analyzer
The universal r eference
receiver for broadcast
signal analysis
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Product Brochure | Version 06.00
R&S®ETL The R&S®ETL's innovative instrument concept facilitates
the flexible integration of demodulators for analog and
digital TV standards as well as sound broadcasting. All of
TV A nalyzer the demodulators work in realtime 1); fast signal processing
allows comprehensive, extremely accurate measurements.
At a glance Its wide range of functions and flexible configuration make
the R&S®ETL TV analyzer the universal reference for the
analysis of TV signals – for TV and cable network opera-
tors, transmitter manufacturers, service technicians and
The R&S®ETL TV analyzer stands for all-in-one. regulatory authorities.
The R&S®ETL combines the functionality of a TV
and sound broadcasting signal analyzer, a video The R&S®ETL TV analyzer has primarily been designed
to provide reproducible, high-quality analysis of TV and
and MPEG TS analyzer and a spectrum analyzer sound broadcasting signals such as are needed at the
in a single instrument. The R&S®ETL also contains transmitter site, at the cable headend or for quality assur-
generators to create analog video signals, audio ance during production.
signals and MPEG-2 transport streams.
The R&S®ETL is ideal for both stationary and portable
use. The compact, rugged housing makes outdoor use
p ossible, e.g. for coverage measurements within a terres-
trial TV or sound broadcasting transmitter network.
Supported standards
Digital TV terrestrial DVB-T/-H/-T2, ATSC/8VSB, ATSC MDTV, ISDB-T, DTMB
cable DVB-C, J.83/A, J.83/B, J.83/C
Analog TV terrestrial PAL, NTSC, SECAM
Digital radio terrestrial DAB, T-DMB (CDR 1))
Analog radio terrestrial FM
R&S®ETL front view
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Key facts
❙ Frequency range from 500 kHz to 3 GHz Main applications
❙ TV, sound broadcasting, video, audio, MPEG-2 transport
stream and spectrum analysis in a single box
❙ FPGA and chip based realtime demodulators Acceptance testing, maintenance and servicing
❙ Baseband outputs of TV, m obile TV, DAB and FM transmitters
❙ Preselection with additional 75 Ω RF input ▷ page 5
❙ Video signal generator
❙ Audio signal generator Quality assurance during the production of
❙ MPEG-2 transport stream generator/recorder m odulators and TV, DAB and FM transmitters
❙ Support of power sensors ▷ page 6
❙ DC input and rechargeable Li-ion battery
Optimization of TV, mobile TV, DAB and FM
Latest enhancements transmitter networks
❙ CDR signal analysis (PC required) 1) ▷ page 7
❙ New: R&S®TVSCAN 2.0, with significant improvements
and new features
❙ Realtime audio and video decoding up to UHD with
H.265 and AVS/AVS+ support
❙ IP interface for TS over IP analysis and generation
❙ New: FPGA based DTMB implementation for high
measurement precision
❙ Brighter display for better readability under strong light
❙ SSD for faster booting and load operations
1) CDR analysis requires a PC with dedicated software and Ethernet connection
to the R&S®ETL. The CDR analysis is implemented as an offline analysis. The
functionality for CDR is covered by a separate flyer (“R&S®ETL-K470 CDR Signal
Analysis Software”, PD 5216.3566.32) and not described in this brochure.
R&S®ETL rear view (with options)
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All-in-one solution MPEG-2 transport stream analysis
▷ page 8 ▷ page 20
FPGA based realtime demodulators Measurements for cable TV networks
▷ page 9 ▷ page 22
Comprehensive analysis of analog TV signals Automatic measurements and documentation
▷ page 10 ▷ page 24
Comprehensive analysis of digital TV and mobile Integration of spect rum measurements in TV and
TV signals sound broadcasting signal analysis
▷ page 12 ▷ page 26
Analysis functions for second generation TV Precise power measurement
s tandards: DVB‑T2 and ATSC MDTV ▷ page 28
▷ page 14
Flexible option concept
Precise analysis of digital single- frequency ▷ page 29
networks (SFN)
▷ page 16 Reference signals for transmitters and modulators
▷ page 30
High-performance analysis of FM (radio) and
audio signals Ideal for portable use
▷ page 18 ▷ page 32
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Acceptance testing, Measurement of spurious emissions
Spurious emissions at the transmitter or cable headend
must be measured to make sure adjacent channels are
maintenance and not adversely affected. One of the main advantages of the
R&S®ETL is the built-in spectrum analyzer functionality
that makes it possible to measure shoulder attenuation,
servicing of TV, adjacent channel power and harmonics without additional
measuring equipment.
mobile TV, DAB and Detection of faults
The very difficult task of finding sporadic faults is easy with
the R&S®ETL. Fast realtime signal processing captures
FM transmitters even sporadic interference. The measurement log option
is especially useful. Important parameters are logged even
over long time periods. Deviations from nominal values are
clearly shown.
The quality of transmitter networks depends on the opti-
mal and error-free operation of each individual transmitter. Documentation of signal parameters
The R&S®ETL TV analyzer offers a range of functions to The R&S®ETL offers various options for documenting sig-
maintain the high quality of the network during accep- nal parameters. It only takes seconds to create and save
tance testing, maintenance and servicing of transmitters. screenshots, either internally or to an external storage
The same holds true for cable TV networks and their mod- medium. These tasks can be conveniently accomplished
ulators used in cable headends. with the R&S®TxCheck measurement software. The soft-
ware automatically measures DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-H,
Precise analysis of the signal quality at the ATSC/8VSB, ISDB-T(B), DVB-C, J.83/A/B/C, DTMB, DAB
transmitter output and FM (radio) signals, evaluates the results and docu-
The R&S®ETL's high-quality RF frontend and subsequent ments them in a report.
digital signal processing help ensure accurate, close-
tolerance measurement results. A contributing factor is Remote maintenance via IP networks with the
the R&S®ETL system performance, with a video signal- remote desktop function
to-noise ratio of > 60 dB (analog TV) and an intrinsic A service technician is not always available at the transmit-
MER of > 40 dB (digital TV), providing enough margin for ter site to quickly analyze the cause of faults. In this case,
measurements with low inherent error. The precision of the R&S®ETL can be controlled remotely via a LAN inter-
the R&S®ETL can be increased by using an oven-controlled face. The remote desktop function allows specialists to
crystal oscillator (OCXO, R&S®ETL-B4 option) or external carry out all measurements from a remote location, such
power sensors supported by the R&S®ETL. as a central service center, as if they were on site.
Measurements to optimize transmitter operating
The R&S®ETL measurement functions are not limited to a
few key parameters. The TV analyzer also provides other
measurements that help the user set up the operating
p arameters in an optimal way. This includes frequency
spectrum, modulation parameters and output power.
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Quality assurance The quality level of modulators and transmitters must
be ensured in the production line, even when transmis-
sion standards frequently change. Numerous demodula-
during the tors and measurement functions for various standards
can be installed on the compact R&S®ETL TV analyzer
multistandard platform. Users can quickly switch between
production of these functions either manually or via the remote control
interface, which provides the appropriate remote com-
mands for all available standards. The R&S®ETL can be
m odulators and easily integrated into automatic measurement systems.
Reproducible analysis of the signal quality of
TV, DAB and FM modulators and transmitters
To reliably determine fluctuations in production quality, the
quality must be checked regularly under reproducible con-
t ransmitters ditions. This is one of the strong points of the R&S®ETL.
Combining the measurement functions of several instru-
ments in a single instrument ensures that measurements
are always made with matching settings. All instrument
settings can be saved and reloaded at any point in time.
The user can define PASS/FAIL limits for almost every
measurement parameter. This makes it easier to evaluate
production quality and create test logs.
Parameter list with user-definable limits
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Optimization of TV, Measurement of receive levels and signal quality
at the reception site
When a new broadcast transmitter network is put into
mobile TV, DAB operation, it is especially important that the quality of the
transmitter coverage fulfills the network planning speci-
fications. While the main criterion for analog transmitter
and FM transmitter networks is a sufficiently high receive level, digital trans-
mitter networks have even more criteria that must be
taken into account.
networks For field measurements, the R&S®ETL can be equipped
with an internal preselection to improve receive dynamics
and input sensitivity. As a result, the R&S®ETL is perfectly
able to analyze all relevant signal parameters in the field.
Checking and optimizing digital single frequency
networks (SFN)
All over the world, digital networks are replacing analog
networks. Most digital networks are operated as single-
frequency networks in order to achieve high coverage
quality. The R&S®ETL's high-precision SFN measurements
provide network operators with all the tools they need to
check and optimize SFN networks.
Echo pattern of a DVB-T, DVB-H single-frequency network
Systematic determination of receive quality in the
transmission area (coverage measurement)
Test vehicles are often used when measuring the receive
quality of the transmission area. While they are systemati-
cally driven over the entire coverage area, important signal
parameters and their location are measured and logged.
The R&S®BCDRIVE drive test software provides a solution
that makes it possible to capture and record the signal
quality while driving and export it for viewing the record
on a map.
For the most common digital standards, the R&S®ETL can
be integrated into the R&S®BCDRIVE drive test system to
help find problematic receive locations and determine the
cause of reduced signal quality.
Presentation and analysis of measurement results in the map view Status messages at a glance during a drive test
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A ll-in-one solution Simplified documentation of measurement results
When several T&M instruments are used to collect data,
various data formats, storage media or remote commands
are usually needed to document the results in a report.
All required measuring equipment in a compact The all-in-one concept of the R&S®ETL makes documenta-
instrument tion of measurement results easier because it is based on
The R&S®ETL TV analyzer can perform measurements that access to common storage media, uniform operation and
used to require several separate measuring instruments. standardized remote commands. This is illustrated by the
The R&S®ETL combines the functionality of a TV test R&S®TxCheck measurement software, which runs on the
receiver, a spectrum analyzer, an MPEG TS analyzer and TV analyzer itself. R&S®TxCheck automatically executes
other instruments, providing users with all the tools they the measurements the user wants, and documents the
need in a single, compact instrument. measurement results and traces in a common report.
Short learning curve due to uniform operating Excellent price/performance ratio
concept In addition to shortening the learning curve and making
Integrating several T&M instruments into one makes everyday work more efficient, the R&S®ETL's all-in-one
operation considerably easier. Similar functions have simi- concept also yields an excellent price/performance ratio.
lar user prompts. The uniform operating concept means Combining several T&M functions on one hardware plat-
that the learning curve for the R&S®ETL is very short and form substantially lowers purchase costs. Another cost-
the risk of operator error is reduced. saving benefit of the all-in-one concept is the significant
reduction in effort necessary for regular calibration.
Fast and comprehensive signal analysis
When an error occurs in a transmitter network, quick
a ction is required. The R&S®ETL's comprehensive signal
analysis functions allow users to quickly find the cause
of errors – without any additional T&M equipment. The
R&S®ETL also helps save time when performing daily
r outine tasks because it is fast and easy to switch between
the various T&M functions; no changes need to be made
to instrument settings or to the test setup.
All-in-one solution
Video FM (radio) TV analyzer TV analyzer MPEG TS analyzer/ MPEG TS
analyzer analyzer ATV DTV MPEG decoder generator/recorder
Audio Video Audio Power Spectrum
AV decoder
analyzer generator generator meter analyzer
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F PGA based Easy integration of multiple standards in a single
It is not unusual for transmitter network operators in the
realtime same coverage area to broadcast different standards, o ften
from the same site. Today, analog TV can be found adja-
cent to digital TV, and analog sound broadcasting adjacent
demodulators to digital audio broadcasting. The R&S®ETL is an ideal,
cost-effective solution for transmitter measurements. The
FPGA based demodulators in the R&S®ETL allow multiple
TV and sound broadcasting standards to be easily inte-
The central component in a TV analyzer is the demodula- grated, which eliminates the need for investing in s everal
tor. The demodulator determines which analyses can be instruments. The R&S®ETL hardware can also be updated
carried out and in what quality. Chip based demodulators to add other standards to cover future requirements.
do not usually offer the required quality nor do they have
the interfaces required for professional T&M applications. Seamless signal analysis through realtime
That's why Rohde & Schwarz uses its own FPGA based demodulation
d emodulators in the R&S®ETL. One of the basic principles of the R&S®ETL TV analyzer is
realtime demodulation for practically seamless signal anal-
Simple implementation of new standards with ysis to detect even sporadic interference.
firmware updates
In addition to quality, another advantage of FPGA based Analysis and provision of baseband signals (video,
demodulators is that they make it easy to implement new audio, ETI, MPEG-2 TS)
transmission standards. Usually, only a firmware update Realtime demodulators are important for seamless sig-
and an installation key are required. This provides a high nal analysis. They also allow analysis of baseband signals
degree of investment protection and flexibility. such as video, audio and those from a digital transport
stream. Baseband signals can be analyzed internally with
the R&S®ETL or externally with additional instruments. The
R&S®ETL has numerous interfaces where the demodulated
signals are made available.
R&S®ETL multistandard platform
FPGA function
ASIC function
Software function 1)
1) See separate flyer (“R&S®ETL-K470 CDR Signal Analysis Software”, PD 5216.3566.32).
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Comprehensive The R&S®ETL standard version comes with a range of
elementary measurements for analyzing analog TV signals.
The video analyzer functionality needed at the transmitter
analysis of analog site or at the cable headend can be added to the R&S®ETL.
Ideal for the transition from analog to digital TV
TV signals Digitization of terrestrial transmitter networks and cable
TV networks is progressing swiftly. Usually, the transition
from analog to digital TV is a step-by-step process over a
long period of time.
The R&S®ETL is the ideal solution for those who need a
professional analyzer for digital TV signals and still must
ensure the quality of analog transmissions during the tran-
sition period.
Overview of the most important parameters
The basic version of the R&S®ETL comes with a carrier
measurement facility, a video line oscilloscope and mea-
Analog TV carrier measurement surements for modulation depth and residual carrier. The
measurement results are clearly presented, providing the
user with a quick overview of the key parameters.
Measurements for evaluating modulator quality at
the transmitter or cable headend
There are stringent signal quality requirements directly
at the transmitter or cable headend. To help ensure the
r equired quality, other parameters need to be checked
d uring commissioning or regular servicing.
The R&S®ETL optionally offers video analyzer functionality
(R&S®ETL-K202) to measure and optimize the quality of
exciters and their precorrection.
TV picture for fast visual inspection of
transmission links
A picture is worth a thousand words or a series of signal
parameters. For experienced users, a quick look at the
transmitted TV picture is the first way to quickly check if
a transmission link is working.
Analog TV picture
A decoder can be added to the R&S®ETL to display a TV
picture on the instrument's display.
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Video test line with measurement parameters Amplitude and group delay measurement
Overview of video test line parameters (part 1) Overview of video test line parameters (part 2)
Video line oscilloscope ICPM measurement
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Comprehensive Digitization has made the production of multimedia
content much easier – from recording to post processing
and archiving. Highly efficient digital transmission
analysis of digital m ethods are used to bring such produced content to
the receiver, ideally with no loss in quality. A range of
parameters needs to be taken into account.
TV and mobile TV Overview of the most important parameters
The R&S®ETL TV analyzer provides users with a compact
signals list that gives a quick overview of the key parameters.
Only the parameters relevant to the selected standard are
displayed. Predefined limits for almost every parameter
also help personnel with little training evaluate the signal
Essential parameters are permanently displayed in a f ooter,
The most important parameters at a glance (DVB-T, DVB-H) even after changing to another measurement. These
parameters include the level, MER, bit error rate and the
status fields for synchronizing to the carrier signal or the
digital transport stream. As a result, users do not have
to continually switch between the various measurement
screens, and alignment is easier.
Spurious emissions quickly detected with
integrated spectrum analyzer
For digitally modulated transmissions, it is vital to ensure
that adjacent channels are not adversely affected by
spurious emissions. A transmitter operator must always
observe certain standard-specific criteria. Typical criteria
are, for example, defined shoulder attenuation within
specified frequency ranges, output-power-dependent
spectrum masks and level differences defined for specific
Constellation point
with color display of The R&S®ETL provides a choice between standard-
frequency distribution compliant predefined measurements and the flexible use
of individual symbols of the integrated spectrum analyzer.
Constellation diagram of a DVB-T, DVB-H signal Constellation diagram of an ISDB-T signal
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Constellation diagram with high processing speed Measurements for optimizing transmitters and
for detecting short-duration interferers modulators
The display of the constellation diagram is an elementary In addition to the constellation diagram, which gives users
measurement for digital modulation. If the constellation a first idea of how to optimize the transmitter or modu-
diagram has been accurately created in realtime, it can be lator at the cable headend, the R&S®ETL provides other
used by an experienced user to determine a number of measurements that help achieve optimum signal quality.
error sources for poor signal quality. Measurements to determine the amplitude characteristic,
phase response and group delay in the transmission chan-
The high processing speed of the R&S®ETL makes this nel help determine whether the channel filtering and the
possible. Several million symbols per second are pro- precorrection on the transmitter have been correctly set
cessed and displayed; even sporadic interference can be and are functioning.
reliably detected. Plus, color-coding shows the distribution
of symbols within their decision fields, allowing users to The R&S®ETL has a unique measurement function espe-
quickly find problems such as excessive phase or ampli- cially for modulators that work according to the orthogonal
tude noise or other errors. frequency division multiplex (OFDM) multicarrier method.
This measurement shows any existing I/Q imbalance or I/Q
phase error for each carrier. A convenient zoom function
to view each carrier's MER values and a measurement to
detect a central residual carrier round out the R&S®ETL TV
analyzer's capability to detect the quality of digital modula-
tors in all its details.
Constellation diagram of an ATSC/8VSB signal Checking spurious emissions with spectrum mask
Amplitude and phase in the useful channel Shoulder attenuation measurement in line with ETSI TR 101290
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Analysis functions DVB-T2
TV transmissions in HD quality or in 3D require higher
bandwidths, even in terrestrial broadcasting. But the
for second D VB-T broadcast standard is gradually approaching its
limits with regard to bandwidth. The solution to this
problem is DVB-T2. Improved error protection and trans-
generation TV mission modes such as 256QAM, 32K FFT, rotated con-
stellation, multi-PLP and MISO make it possible to take the
transmission bandwidth to its theoretical limits. A TV ana-
standards: DVB-T2 lyzer such as the R&S®ETL with its DVB-T2 options must
meet high requirements – for example, the ability to sup-
port all transmission modes as well as to provide reliable
and ATSC MDTV and exact information on the quality of all relevant signal
parameters. The R&S®ETL, equipped with its DVB-T2 op-
tions, meets both requirements.
DVB-T2 realtime signal analysis
❙ Demodulation of a selected physical layer pipe (PLP)
and output at the ASI output
❙ Decoding and representation of L1 pre- and post-
signaling parameters
❙ Detection of short-duration interference signals
Wide-ranging analysis functions
❙ Reliable assessment of the quality of DVB-T2 signals
❙ Comprehensive information on the transmission
Constellation diagram of a DVB-T2 signal parameters and PLP currently selected
❙ Detailed constellation analysis for detecting errors in
Prepared for multi-PLP and MISO
❙ Prepared for full, future support of multi-PLP and MISO
transmission modes
Overview with PLP data in detail L1 pre-signaling information
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ATSC mobile digital television (ATSC MDTV) – also known
as ATSC M/H (mobile/handheld) – represents a further de-
velopment of the ATSC/8VSB digital terrestrial TV standard
for TV reception on mobile devices such as smartphones
and multimedia players. ATSC MDTV contains improve-
ments for stable reception on moving devices and also
enables the setup of single-frequency networks (SFN). The
R&S®ETL analyzes the RF signal quality of an ATSC MDTV
signal and also offers extensive functions for analyzing sig-
naling parameters, the ATSC M/H frame structure and the
services it carries.
ATSC MDTV realtime signal analysis
❙ Demodulation of an ATSC MDTV signal
❙ Decoding of a selected parade
❙ Detection of short-duration interference signals
Analysis of signaling parameters and services
❙ Analysis and display of transmission parameter channel
❙ Analysis and display of fast information channel (FIC)
❙ Display of dynamic occupancy of ATSC M/H subframes
Analysis of the transmission parameter channel (TPC) ❙ Overview of services
Measurements to optimize single-frequency
❙ Display of channel impulse response
❙ Display of frequency deviations within SFNs
Display of dynamic occupancy of ATSC M/H subframes
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Precise analysis frequency, the level and the delay at the transmitter and in
the reception area. The R&S®ETL TV analyzer comes with
a range of high-precision measurements that help the user
of digital single- set up and operate a transmitter SFN in an optimal way.
High-precision display of channel impulse
frequency networks response
When it comes to optimizing and monitoring an SFN, the
main function of the R&S®ETL is to accurately measure
(SFN) the channel impulse response and display it in a clear and
understandable manner. The delays in an SFN have to be
set so that all the receivable transmitters at a reception
site are within a guard interval. Any transmitter outside
Transmitters that broadcast a standard based on the the guard interval would act as an interferer. The R&S®ETL
OFDM method, such as DVB-T, DVB-H, DVB-T2, ISDB-T(B), uses green lines to show the beginning and end of a guard
T-DMB/DAB, DTMB and the extended single-carrier stan- interval, making it easy to evaluate the timing characteris-
dard ATSC MDTV can be combined and operated as a tics. Impulses are measured and displayed to an accuracy
single-frequency network (SFN). For interference-free of < 20 ns. A high-resolution zoom function is provided to
o peration, certain criteria need to be optimized, observed evaluate impulses that are temporally close together.
and regularly monitored. These criteria are the transmitter
DTV extended time domain
Useful Scattered pilots
data carrier (interpolation versus time)
Frequency domain: H(k)
∆techo ∆fODFM
Time-domain display range:
display range: extended
Time domain: echo pattern
___1___ ___2___ __1__
3 × ∆f ×
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A special feature of the R&S®ETL is the positioning of the Extended time domain for faraway post-echoes
FFT window. To help ensure stable synchronization to the Normally, all impulses should be within the guard interval.
transmitter signal, especially for field measurements, the The display of the channel impulse response serves to
R&S®ETL tries to place all impulses above an echo detec- check if this is the case. But sometimes the maximum
tion threshold so that they are equidistant within the guard time domain that can be displayed is not sufficient to
interval. For some applications, the echo detection thresh- c orrectly display signals reflected over long distances or
old is dependent on the system optimization method received due to overshoot. Therefore, impulses that lie
s elected by the user. outside the normal measurement range might be inter-
preted as leading impulses instead of lagging impulses.
Simple identification of echoes using tabular lists The measurement range has been expanded by a factor of
and marker functions three to prevent this from happening.
If several transmitters are interconnected to form an SFN,
and if there are also a large number of reflected transmit- Efficient measurement of frequency drifts within
ter signals at a reception site in a crowded downtown area an SFN
of a city, it can be difficult to interpret a channel impulse For optimum operation, all transmitters in a single-frequen-
response. To make evaluation easier, the R&S®ETL lists cy network must transmit at exactly the same frequency.
the ten most important echoes in a table. The list can be An incorrect reference frequency at the transmitter site
sorted according to receive level or delay time for a bet- or an incorrectly set transmitter frequency can violate this
ter overview. The measurement unit for the graph and the SFN condition. To help ensure that each SFN transmitter
table can be set to km, miles or μs. operates at the same transmitter frequency, the transmitter
frequency at each site must be precisely measured. The
The measured levels are usually displayed relative to measurement tolerance has to be < 1 Hz.
the main pulse, but sometimes this is not what the user
wants. The levels can also be displayed as absolute values, The R&S®ETL's patented SFN frequency offset measure-
which is especially helpful for coverage measurements in ment provides a highly accurate, efficient method of de-
the field. termining the frequency drift of all SFN transmitters based
on a single measurement made at a central location within
The R&S®ETL also has a marker function for easy echo the network. All frequency drifts are referenced to the fre-
identification. With the marker function, the receive level quency of the main pulse. The advantage of this is that no
and delay of each echo can be precisely measured. external reference signal is needed. The accuracy of this
measurement is an unprecedented 0.03 Hz.
Red markers on the impulses in the channel impulse
r esponse display show the determined frequency drifts.
Channel impulse response with SFN frequency offset measurement
DVB-T, DVB-H channel impulse response with markers (red lines)
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High-performance The FM options enable users to perform various tasks
(such as analysis of receive level, center frequency, fre-
quency deviation in the audio signal) and to obtain ad-
analysis of FM ditional information about the pilot tone and carriers. To
verify that the broadcasted signals comply with applicable
regulations, MPX deviation measurements are done with
(radio) and a udio high precision in line with ITU-R SM.1268-1/-2/-3/-4. The
audio spectrum display provides a graphical overview of
the modulated FM (radio) signal. The high-quality SNR
signals measurement offers sufficient margin to verify high SNR
requirements at FM radio transmitters. The integration of
an audio analyzer and generator facilitates test procedures
by eliminating the need for a separate instrument.
Detailed FM signal analysis with the
R&S®ETL-K110 option
❙ Analysis and demodulation of FM broadcasting signals
with extremely high accuracy
❙ Overview of level, frequency offset, frequency deviations,
pilot information and RDS analysis
❙ Audio spectrum and audio oscilloscope
❙ Measurement of MPX power and peak deviation in line
with the ITU-R SM.1268-1/-2/-3/-4 standard
Deviation distribution measurement ❙ Analysis of RDS information and extended RDS analysis
FM (radio) audio spectrum RDS analysis
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High SNR measurement with the R&S®ETL-B110/ Integrated audio analysis with the
R&S®ETL-B310 options R&S®ETL‑K111 option
❙ Extended SNR measurement performance to ≥ 80 dB for ❙ Analysis of audio frequency response, crosstalk, total
high-quality measurements at FM transmitter sites harmonic distortion (THD), dual frequency distortion
❙ Higher dynamic range for measurements in the field (DFD)
❙ Dedicated RF frontend to operate within 75 MHz to ❙ No need for separate audio analyzers or generators
110 MHz
(R&S®ETL-K111 requires the R&S®ETL-B201 universal inter-
Integrated high-precision audio generator with face option.)
the R&S®ETL‑K111 option
❙ Generation of audio test signals needed for
commissioning FM exciters and transmitters after
installation or service
❙ Generation of both normal audio and complex MPX
signals that are fed into the exciter for testing
❙ Generation of single-tone and two-tone signals from 1 Hz
to 100 kHz
❙ Output of stereo signals in analog or digital (AES/EBU),
with extremely high precision
❙ Attractive, cost-effective solution
Audio generator settings
MPX frequency response Total harmonic distortion (THD) measurement
Rohde & Schwarz R&S®ETL TV Analyzer 19
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MPEG-2 transport Analysis in line with ETSI TR 101290,
priorities 1 to 3
The R&S®ETL-K282 MPEG analysis/monitoring software
stream analysis option provides basic MPEG-2 transport stream analysis
functions. The software shows a clear overview of the un-
derlying structure of the transport stream (TS) that is to be
analyzed. Individual TS elements can be quickly and eas-
In digital television (DTV), pictures, sound and additional ily selected for more in-depth examination. The software
information are transmitted as a digital MPEG-2 transport analyzes conditions in accordance with DVB test speci-
stream. The MPEG-2 transport stream's complex struc- fication TR 101290, which classifies errors into priority
ture must conform to defined rules so that it can be prop- l evels 1, 2 and 3. The same applies to the ATSC, SCTE and
erly processed by the receiver. A range of MPEG options ISDB-T(B) standards, which are also covered. In addition to
can be added to the R&S®ETL to analyze the structure of the parameters of priority levels 1 to 3, the software also
MPEG-2 transport streams in addition to the RF quality of measures the repetition rates for the individual informa-
DTV signals. tion tables (e.g. PAT, PMT) as well as the transfer rates for
the individual services, and checks whether they comply
Checking of input and output signals at the with the defined limits. Each of these parameters can also
transmitter or cable headend be monitored separately. If an error occurs, the software
The R&S®ETL can check both the incoming and out- enters a message into the instrument's internally saved
going MPEG-2 transport stream at the transmitter or report and outputs the message via the R&S®ETL's LAN
cable headend. The central R&S®ETL-B380 AV decoder interface.
and TS processing board has an internal and an exter-
nal transport stream input. U sers can quickly determine The R&S®ETL-K285 TS template monitoring software op-
whether the fed-in signal or the modulator is the source tion provides a convenient, simple solution for compar-
of e rrors. The external transport stream can be applied via ing the selected signal to a previously selected reference
IP (R&S®ETL-K386) or ASI/SMPTE-310. In the case of IP, transport stream. The state of the analyzed transport
extensive analysis features on the IP layer are provided in stream can be quickly determined. The reference TS is
addition to the transport stream analysis. known as the golden transport stream. The software com-
pares the data and table structures, program names, and
much more. Unlike conventional MPEG analysis, it also
detects differences that would normally go unnoticed. For
example, a change in the arrangement of programs in the
transport stream would not necessarily generate an error
message as long as the data itself is consistent.
Parallel monitoring of two MPEG-2 transport streams MPEG analysis in line with ETSI TR 101290
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