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R&S RSC Step Attenuator


Where precise signal levels count

The R&S RSC is a switchable, mechanical step attenuator. It is available in various models with different upper frequency limits (6 GHz or 18 GHz),maximum attenuation ranges and minimum settable step sizes. The R&S RSC can also control external step attenuators with frequency ranges from DC to 40 GHz or 67 GHz.


ドキュメント名 R&S RSC Step Attenuator
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 4.5Mb
取り扱い企業 ローデ・シュワルツ・ジャパン株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)


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R&S®RSC Step Attenuator Where precise signal levels count RSC_bro_en_5214-4413-12_v0200.indd 1 07.09.2018 10:36:40 Product Brochure | Version 02.00

R&S®RSC The R&S®RSC is available with one i nternal step attenua- tor and can be equipped with up to four additional external step attenuators. Step Attenuator The R&S®RSC offers a wide scope of functions, includ- ing frequency response correction and display of attenu- At a glance ation deviation relative to a nominal value. Moreover, it can display an overall attenuation value, taking into ac- count further test setup components such as high-power attenuators. The R&S®RSC thus covers a broad range of The R&S®RSC is a switchable, mechanical step applications from power measurements to high-precision attenuator. It is available in various models with calibration. different upper frequency limits (6 GHz or 18 GHz), Its low weight and compact dimensions make the maximum attenuation ranges and minimum settable R&S®RSC ideal for flexible applications in the lab. The step step sizes. The R&S®RSC can also control external attenuator can be manually operated via its front-panel step attenuators with frequency ranges from DC to keypad or a mouse. The built-in screen shows current 40 GHz or 67 GHz. d evice settings at a glance. The R&S®RSC takes up just half a rack width (½ 19"). It can be delivered with RF con- nectors optionally on the front or rear panel. Various inter- The R&S®RSC step attenuator is an ideal choice in all faces (IEC/IEEE, LAN and USB) are available for remote a pplications that call for precise signal levels. Operation is control. These features make the device ideally suited for intuitive, and all settings are visible at a glance. Featuring system applications as well. high attenuation accuracy and high linearity, the R&S®RSC delivers reliable results and ensures stable conditions for Key facts the test setup. This simplifies work for developers of RF ❙ Step attenuators with frequency ranges up to 6 GHz, components. 18 GHz, 40 GHz and 67 GHz ❙ Maximum attenuation ranges up to 139.9 dB, 115 dB In automated test systems, the R&S®RSC stands out for its and 75 dB high repeatability of 0.02 dB, long life and high reliability ❙ Minimum step sizes of 0.1 dB, 1 dB and 5 dB with specified 10 million switching cycles. Various frequency ❙ Control of one internal plus up to four external step ranges from DC to 6 GHz, 18 GHz, 40 GHz and 67 GHz are attenuators by a single R&S®RSC available to meet the requirements of wireless communica- ❙ Outstanding accuracy due to frequency response tions, electronic products and aerospace and defence. correction and user calibration 2 RSC_bro_en_5214-4413-12_v0200.indd 2 07.09.2018 10:36:41

R&S®RSC Designed to meet individual application requirements ❙ R&S®RSC with internal step attenuator Step Attenuator ❙ R&S®RSC with external step attenuator/s ❙ Easy integration into automated test systems ▷ page 4 Benefits and Intuitive operation and straightforward display ❙ Key parameters at a glance key features ❙ Automatic detection and individual configuration of external step attenuators ▷ page 5 Always the correct signal level ❙ High attenuation accuracy ❙ Exceptional repeatability of 0.02 dB ❙ High maximum input level and good matching ❙ Fast switching times and wear-free use in production ❙ Diverse correction modes ■ Frequency response correction ■ Absolute or relative attenuation display ■ Display of overall attenuation including external components ▷ page 6 Models Attenuation Resolution Frequency Connectors Order No. Step attenuators R&S®RSC, model .02 base unit without internal step attenuator; specifications depend on step attenuators connected 1313.8004.02 R&S®RSC, model .03 0 dB to 139 dB 1 dB DC to 6 GHz type N (f) connectors on front panel 1313.8004.03 R&S®RSC, model .13 0 dB to 139 dB 1 dB DC to 6 GHz type N (f) connectors on rear panel 1313.8004.13 R&S®RSC, model .04 0 dB to 139.9 dB 0.1 dB DC to 6 GHz type N (f) connectors on front panel 1313.8004.04 R&S®RSC, model .14 0 dB to 139.9 dB 0.1 dB DC to 6 GHz type N (f) connectors on rear panel 1313.8004.14 R&S®RSC, model .05 0 dB to 115 dB 5 dB DC to 18 GHz type N (f) connectors on front panel 1313.8004.05 R&S®RSC, model .15 0 dB to 115 dB 5 dB DC to 18 GHz type N (f) connectors on rear panel 1313.8004.15 External step attenuators R&S®RSC-Z405 0 dB to 75 dB 5 dB DC to 40 GHz 2.92 mm (f) 1313.9952.02 R&S®RSC-Z675 0 dB to 75 dB 5 dB DC to 67 GHz 1.85 mm (f) 1314.0065.02 Rohde & Schwarz R&S®RSC Step Attenuator 3 RSC_bro_en_5214-4413-12_v0200.indd 3 07.09.2018 10:36:41

Designed to The R&S®RSC is available in various models to meet s pecific needs. meet i ndividual R&S®RSC with internal step attenuator The R&S®RSC's internal step attenuator comes in various models with upper frequency limits of 6 GHz or 18 GHz application and maximum attenuation ranges up to 115 dB, 139 dB or 139.9 dB with step sizes of 5 dB, 1 dB and 0.1 dB respec- tively. The RF connectors can optionally be provided on requirements the front or rear panel. R&S®RSC with external step attenuator/s External step attenuators are available with frequency ranges from DC to 40 GHz or 67 GHz. The R&S®RSC can control up to four external step attenuators via USB. The R&S®RSC automatically detects the step attenuators con- nected to it and configures them to user specifications. If an internal step attenuator is not needed, an inexpensive basic R&S®RSC model is also available to carry out solely control tasks. External R&S®RSC step attenuators Easy integration into automated test systems The R&S®RSC has a USB, a LAN and an IEC/IEEE bus interface for remote control on its rear panel, as well as one USB connector for a mouse or keyboard. The R&S®RSC supports the remote control command set used with o ther Rohde & Schwarz step attenuators, i.e. the R&S®RSG, R&S®RSP and R&S®DPSP, and can even be set to be command-compatible with these devices. Connection of an external step attenuator (s chematic representation) 4 RSC_bro_en_5214-4413-12_v0200.indd 4 07.09.2018 10:36:43

Intuitive operation Key parameters at a glance The R&S®RSC displays the current attenuation, the fre- quency-dependent attenuation deviation and the selected and straightforward correction mode in an easy-to-read form separately for each step attenuator. Settings can easily be changed via the front-panel keys or a mouse. All settings related to display remote control, correction mode and correction data are stored in setup files and can be called up as required. Automatic detection and individual configuration of external step attenuators The R&S®RSC automatically detects external step attenu- ators connected to it. Users can configure each step at- tenuator individually after selecting it from the row of tabs on the screen. Complete setups can be saved to the R&S®RSC's internal memory or a USB stick. Frequently used setups are thus immediately available. This is also beneficial for infrequent R&S®RSC users, as they can download error-free setups for various applications. The R&S®RSC screen: display of nominal attenuation, frequency (for frequency response correction), attenuation deviation and correction mode. Automatic detection and display of external step attenuators. Rohde & Schwarz R&S®RSC Step Attenuator 5 RSC_bro_en_5214-4413-12_v0200.indd 5 07.09.2018 10:36:44

Always the correct The R&S®RSC's excellent RF data and diverse correction modes ensure correct signal levels at all times. signal level High attenuation accuracy The frequency response is determined during production individually for each internal and external step attenuator, and the resulting data is saved to the R&S®RSC memory. This is a key prerequisite for achieving high attenuation accuracy. Exceptional repeatability of 0.02 dB The R&S®RSC reliably delivers the required attenuation values even after a large number of switching cycles. High maximum input level and good matching The ruggedly designed R&S®RSC can be used to attenuate even high powers without requiring a high-power attenu- ator. It has a maximum input level of 1 W in CW mode and 200 W in pulsed mode (for pulses < 10 µs). Offering good matching of up to 20 dB and beyond, the R&S®RSC ensures constant measurement conditions for the device under test (DUT) during level changes. Fast switching times and wear-free use in production The R&S®RSC features fast switching times of below 30 m s and an operating life of 10 million cycles. These excellent characteristics make it ideal for use in produc- tion, ensuring constant high throughput and high availabil- ity, and minimizing total cost of ownership (TCO). Configuration of the R&S®RSC for high-power attenuation Low-power output High-power ¸RBS1000, 1000 W RF source If a high-power attenuator (such as the R&S®RBS1000, 1000 W) is c onnected upstream of the R&S®RSC, the R&S®RSC can display the attenuation for the over- all test setup c onsisting of the R&S®RSC, the R&S®RBS1000 and cables. 6 RSC_bro_en_5214-4413-12_v0200.indd 6 07.09.2018 10:36:45

Diverse correction modes Moreover, external high-power attenuators can be used Users can choose among the following correction modes: to reduce high powers to a level that can be handled by the R&S®RSC. The R&S®RSC can then be used to fine-tune Frequency response correction attenuation. Based on the stored calibration data, the R&S®RSC cor- rects the attenuation frequency response using the mini- The R&S®RSC offers various ways to take into account mum available attenuation step size. It also displays the external attenuation: residual attenuation deviation (after frequency response ❙ Offset: external attenuation is specified and taken into correction) for the respective nominal frequency. account as a constant offset value ❙ A(f): external attenuation is described by and taken into Absolute or relative attenuation display account as a CSV file Attenuation can be displayed relative to the attenuation at ❙ Full: overall attenuation of a test setup including the 0 dB or as an absolute value taking into account the 0 dB R&S®RSC and external components is described by a offset. CSV file; equivalent to re-normalizing the R&S®RSC Display of overall attenuation including external components The R&S®RSC can include the attenuation or gain intro- duced by further components of a test setup in an overall attenuation value. A typical application is to include cable losses in the overall attenuation. The R&S®RSC offers diverse correction modes, including frequency response correction or taking into account external components such as a high-power attenuator in an overall attenuation value. External attenuation is taken into account using either a constant offset value or a file contain- ing the external component's frequency-dependent attenuation values. Rohde & Schwarz R&S®RSC Step Attenuator 7 RSC_bro_en_5214-4413-12_v0200.indd 7 07.09.2018 10:36:45

Specifications in brief Internal step attenuators Order No. 1313.8004.03 1313.8004.04 1313.8004.05 1313.8004.13 1313.8004.14 1313.8004.15 Frequency range DC to 6 GHz DC to 6 GHz DC to 18 GHz Attenuation range 0 dB to 139 dB 0 dB to 139.9 dB 0 dB to 115 dB Connectors type N (f) Minimum attenuation step 1 dB 0.1 dB 5 dB size Matching up to > 20 dB > 20 dB > 20 dB Attenuation uncertainty up to < 0.2 dB + 1 % of attenuation < 0.07 dB + 0.5 % of attenuation < 0.6 dB + 1 % of attenuation (relative to attenuation at value value (corrected) value 0 dB) Repeatability typ. 0.02 dB Maximum power-handling CW 1 W capability pulse < 10 µs 200 W Maximum voltage pulse < 10 µs 150 V Operating life > 10 × 106 switching cycles Switching speed < 25 ms < 25 ms < 30 ms External step attenuators Order No./Type 1313.9952.02/R&S®RSC-Z405 1314.0065.02/R&S®RSC-Z675 Frequency range DC to 40 GHz DC to 67 GHz Attenuation range 0 dB to 75 dB 0 dB to 75 dB Connector 2.92 mm (f) 1.85 mm (f) Minimum attenuation step 5 dB 5 dB size Matching up to > 20 dB > 20 dB Attenuation uncertainty up to < 0.5 dB < 0.5 dB (relative to attenuation at 0 dB) Repeatability typ. 0.02 dB Maximum power-handling CW 1 W capability pulse < 10 µs 200 W Maximum voltage pulse < 10 µs 150 V Operating life > 10 × 106 switching cycles Switching speed < 30 ms Rohde & Schwarz R&S®RSC Step Attenuator 8 RSC_bro_en_5214-4413-12_v0200.indd 8 07.09.2018 10:36:45

Ordering information Designation Type Order No. Step Attenuator, R&S®RSC 1313.8004.02 control of external step attenuators only (without internal step attenuator) Step Attenuator, 0 dB to 139 dB, 1 dB steps, DC to 6 GHz, R&S®RSC 1313.8004.03 including control of external step attenuators type N (f) connectors on front panel R&S®RSC 1313.8004.13 type N (f) connectors on rear panel Step Attenuator, 0 dB to 139.9 dB, 0.1 dB steps, DC to 6 GHz, R&S®RSC 1313.8004.04 including control of external step attenuators type N (f) connectors on front panel R&S®RSC 1313.8004.14 type N (f) connectors on rear panel Step Attenuator, 0 dB to 115 dB, 5 dB steps, DC to 18 GHz, R&S®RSC 1313.8004.05 including control of external step attenuators type N (f) connectors on front panel R&S®RSC 1313.8004.15 type N (f) connectors on rear panel External Step Attenuator, 0 dB to 75 dB, 5 dB steps, DC to 40 GHz, R&S®RSC-Z405 1313.9952.02 can be controlled by the R&S®RSC 1) External Step Attenuator, 0 dB to 75 dB, 5 dB steps, DC to 67 GHz, R&S®RSC-Z675 1314.0065.02 can be controlled by the R&S®RSC 1) Control Cable, R&S®RSC-Z41 1314.0136.02 for connecting an external step attenuator to the R&S®RSC Control Cable, R&S®RSC-Z42 1314.0142.02 for connecting an external step attenuator to a PC Rackmount Kit, R&S®ZZA-KN22 1175.3210.00 for installing another 2 HU, ½ depth device Rackmount Kit, R&S®ZZA-KN23 1175.3227.00 for installing an extra plug-in slot 1) Does not include the R&S®RSC-Z41 or R&S®RSC-Z42 control cable. Service options Extended Warranty, one year R&S®WE1 Please contact your local Extended Warranty, two years R&S®WE2 Rohde & Schwarz sales office. Extended Warranty, three years R&S®WE3 Extended Warranty, four years R&S®WE4 Extended Warranty with Calibration Coverage, one year R&S®CW1 Extended Warranty with Calibration Coverage, two years R&S®CW2 Extended Warranty with Calibration Coverage, three years R&S®CW3 Extended Warranty with Calibration Coverage, four years R&S®CW4 Extended Warranty with Accredited Calibration Coverage, one year R&S®AW1 Extended Warranty with Accredited Calibration Coverage, two years R&S®AW2 Extended Warranty with Accredited Calibration Coverage, three years R&S®AW3 Extended Warranty with Accredited Calibration Coverage, four years R&S®AW4 Your local Rohde & Schwarz expert will help you determine the optimum solution for your requirements. To find your nearest Rohde & Schwarz representative, visit www.sales.rohde-schwarz.com Rohde & Schwarz R&S®RSC Step Attenuator 9 RSC_bro_en_5214-4413-12_v0200.indd 9 07.09.2018 10:36:45

Rohde & Schwarz Service that adds value The Rohde & Schwarz electronics group offers innovative ❙ Worldwide solutions in the following business fields: test and mea- ❙ Local and personalized surement, broadcast and media, secure communications, ❙ Customized and flexible cybersecurity, monitoring and network testing. Founded ❙ Uncom promising quality ❙ Lon g-term dependability more than 80 years ago, the independent company which is headquartered in Munich, Germany, has an extensive sales and service network with locations in more than 70 countries. www.rohde-schwarz.com Sustainable product design ❙ Environmental compatibility and eco-footprint ❙ Energy efficiency and low emissions ❙ Longevity and optimized total cost of ownership Certified Quality Management Certified Environmental Management ISO 9001 ISO 14001 Rohde & Schwarz training www.training.rohde-schwarz.com Regional contact ❙ Europe, Africa, Middle East | +49 89 4129 12345 customersupport@rohde-schwarz.com ❙ North America | 1 888 TEST RSA (1 888 837 87 72) customer.support@rsa.rohde-schwarz.com ❙ Latin America | +1 410 910 79 88 customersupport.la@rohde-schwarz.com ❙ Asia Pacific | +65 65 13 04 88 customersupport.asia@rohde-schwarz.com ❙ China | +86 800 810 82 28 | +86 400 650 58 96 customersupport.china@rohde-schwarz.com R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG Trade names are trademarks of the owners PD PD 5214.4413.12 | Version 02.00 | September 2018 (ja) R&S®RSC Step Attenuator Data without tolerance limits is not binding | Subject to change © 2011 - 2018 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG | 81671 Munich, Germany 5214441312 RSC_bro_en_5214-4413-12_v0200.indd 10 07.09.2018 10:36:45 PD 5214.4413.12 02.00 PDP 1 en