of things
Internet of things
Operator/Netzbetreiber Produktion Mobile Devices Smartphone/Tablets
Smart Home Public & Safety Healthcare Machine to machine of things
R&S®CMW Internet of things
OOpepraetorra/Nteotzbrestreiber Produktion Mobile Devices Smartphone/Tablets
Payable Automotive Service Mobilfunk ChipCsheiptsests PS
COMMUNICATION TESTER Smart Home Public & Safety Healthcare Machine to machine
of things
Internet of things
Platform overview Operator/Netzbetreiber Internet of things Produktion Mobile Devices Smartphone/Tablets
€of things
Internet of things
OpIenrtaetorrn/Nete tzbetreiber Produktion Mobile Devices
of things Payable Automotive ServSimcea rMtpohobnilefu/Tnakblets Chipsets
Internet of things
Operator/Netzbetreiber PPrrooddukutiocnP tMiooSbnile Devices Smartphone/Tablets
Smart Home Public & Safety Healthcare Machine to machine
of things
SPmarSt Home Public & Safety Healthcare Machine to machine
Internet of things
Operator/Netzbetreiber Produktion Mobile Devices
MoSbmialretp hdonee/Tvabicletes s
Smart Home Pu$blic & Safety Healthcare Machine to machine
€ of things
$ Internet of things
Payable € AOupteormatootriv/Neetzbetreiber Service Mobilfunk ProdukCtihoinp sMetosbile Devices
PS Smartphone/Tablets
$ Payable Automotive Service Mobilfunk Chipsets
Smart Home Publ€ic & Safety Healthcare Machine to machine
Payable Automotive Service oMfo tbhilfiunngks Chipsets
Internet of things
Operator/Netzbetreiber PS
Produktion Mobile Devices Smartphone/Tablets
$ Internet
€ of things SmSamratr t hHoomme e Public & Safety Healthcare Machine to machine
Internet of things
Payable Operator/ANuetotmzboetitvre iber Service Mobilfunk Chipsets
of things Produktion Mobile Devices Smartphone/Tablets
Internet of things
Operator/Netzbetreiber PS
Produktion Mobile Devices Smartphone/Tablets
Smart Home PubPluicbl ics &€a Sfaefettyy Healthcare Machine to machine
PS Payable Automotive Service Mobilfunk Chipsets
Smart Home PubPlic &S Safety Healthcare Machine to machine
Smart Home Public€ & Safety HealtHhecaltahcraere Machine to machine
Payable Automotive Service Mobilfunk Chipsets
Paya€ble Automotive SSerevicrev Micoebil faunnkd repair Chipsets
Payable Automotive Service Mobilfunk Chipsets
Product Brochure
Version 05.00
All-in-one test platform for wireless devices Performance and quality optimization
Leading in technologies ......................................................................... 4 Network operator acceptance testing, including OTA ........................... 24
One tester for all layers and all phases of product lifecycle .................. 6
Your task – the R&S®CMW platform solution ........................................ 7
One investment from product development to production .................... 8
Efficient volume production testing for wireless devices
Production solutions for multi-DUT testing ........................................... 26
Application testing and typical use cases One-stop shopping for production, including shielded boxes ............... 28
User experience testing ........................................................................ 10
IP application testing and traffic analysis .............................................. 12
Emergency services testing and traffic analysis .................................... 13 Powerful universal service solutions
Reliable C-V2X testing in a lab environment ......................................... 14
In-device coexistence testing. ................................................................ 16 Powerful and cost-effective RF measurements and functional tests .... 29
LTE-WLAN traffic offload ....................................................................... 17
Software tools | Recommended extras
Radio development
R&S®CMWrun sequencer software tool ................................................ 30
Efficient signaling tester for the requirements of tomorrow ................. 18 R&S®CMWmars multifunctional logfile analyzer ................................... 31
R&S®CMWcards signaling and application tester ................................. 32
R&S®Field-to-Lab brings real network environm ent into the lab ........... 33
Protocol development
Easy protocol development and testing of any signaling scenario........ 20 Additional information
Glossary .................................................................................................. 34
From pre-sale to s ervice. At your doorstep. ........................................... 35
Conformance testing for RF, protocol and RRM
Tester for GCF and PTCRB certification .................................................. 22
Note: Abbreviations are defined in the glossary on page 34.
CDMA2000® is a registered trademark of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA-USA).
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by B luetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Rohde & Schwarz is under license.
The terms HDMI and High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and
other countries.
Rohde & Schwarz R&S®CMW Wideband Radio Communication Tester 3
All-in-one test platform for wireless devices 、Leading in technologies
All-in-one test platform for wireless devices
The R&S®CMW wideband radio communication tester offers universal, efficient test solutions for all modern
cellular and non-cellular standards. The R&S®CMW is the world’s most widely used test and measurement
platform for development, production and service. It meets all of the requirements for a state-of-the-
art wireless communication tester. The R&S®CMW can also emulate network operation under realistic
conditions for protocol and RF tests.
Rohde & Schwarz – a reliable partner for wireless Numerous advantages of the future-ready R&S®CMW
test solutions a ll-in-one platform
Rohde & Schwarz has long been a pioneer in the develop- The user-friendly R&S®CMW platform efficiently performs
ment of test and measurement solutions for the wireless all measurement tasks – from complex lab tests to produc-
communications market. As the market leader in test and tion line testing with its extremely stringent speed and reli-
measurement equipment for leading-edge LTE-A develop- ability requirements.
ment, Rohde & Schwarz offers a universal, flexible test
platform. While the high-end R&S®CMW500 in combination with
with the R&S®CMX500 covers the entire spectrum,
The R&S®CMW platform is continually enhanced and the R&S®CMW290 is a cost-effective, compact version
incorporates extensive experience gained through long- for standard measurements and functional tests. The
term relationships with chipset and wireless device R&S®CMW100 and R&S®CMW270 testers have been
manufacturers. optimized for production and non-cellular connectivity
applications for devices in the FR1 frequency bands.
The R&S®CMW platform offers the very latest LTE The R&S®CMP200 is optimized for production of 5G FR2
enhancements and all legacy technologies in a single products (mmWave).
c ompact tester, making it ideal for testing mobile d evices
such as smartphones and tablets as well as base stations. The R&S®CMW platform includes a wide variety of hard-
It is also an excellent platform for testing the diverse ware and software options to ensure the best fit for every
requirem ents of networked products in the automotive, test and measurement requirement. Unique software tools
healthcare, smart home and other IoT segments. that extend the range of functions are also available. The
R&S®CMW platform covers the entire test and measure-
ment spectrum.
One tester for all technologies
1 Versatile hardware platform 4 WLAN signaling support
► 6 GHz support ► LTE-WLAN traffic offload
► Internal fading ► WLAN E2E and access point testing
► Internal server for E2E testing ► In-device coexistence tests with other
2 Multi-RAT signaling
► LTE, WCDMA/HSPA+, GSM/GPRS/EGPRS 5 Outstanding features for production solutions
► CDMA2000® 1xRTT/EV-DO ► Multi-DUT testing for up to 8 devices
► WLAN, Bluetooth® ► Chipset support for all major suppliers
► Supported technologies
3 LTE-Advanced – Cellular
► 8 DL CC up to 4x4/8x2 MIMO fading, 2 UL CA – Bluetooth®
► FDD/TDD joint operation, 1024QAM DL – WLAN
► LTE-U/LTE-LAA, LTE-D, LTE-D2D, eMTC, C-V2X – IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee)
All-in-one test platform for wireless devices
Platform overview – preconfigured models
R&S®CMW500 R&S®CMW270 R&S®CMW290
The all-in-one test platform The expert for all non-cellular technologies The compact RF tester for basic functional tests
The R&S®CMW500 wideband radio communi- The R&S®CMW270 wireless connectivity tester The R&S®CMW290 functional radio communica-
cation tester is the universal test platform for is a cost-effective alternative for development, tion tester is the cost- effective c ompact version
RF i ntegration and protocol development. The p roduction and service. The non-cellular of the R&S®CMW500. The tester is the right
R&S®CMW500 includes a fully i ntegrated end-to- specialist offers features comparable to those instrument for users who need to measure fun-
end (E2E) data solution that permits comprehen- of the R&S®CMW500. It supports Bluetooth®, damental RF characteristics or verify the func-
sive IP throughput and quality m easurements. WLAN and broadcast technologies. tionality of wireless devices. The R&S®CMW290
The R&S®CMW500 can be used in all phases provides service companies with a high-quality,
– from product development to production to customized, automated test environ ment for
service. It is the solution with the widest range functional input and output tests. Powerful
of supported technologies. network emulation allows IoT/M2M system
i ntegrators to functionally test module integra-
tion and custom IP applications.
R&S®CMX500 R&S®CMP200 R&S®CMW100
The 5G NR signaling tester The mmWave (FR2) production tester The sub6 GHz (FR1) RF tester for production
The R&R®CMX500 radio communication tester The R&S®CMP200 radio communication tester The R&S®CMW100 communications manu-
is the test platform for signaling tests in all 5G consists of a vector signal analyzer and a gen- facturing test set is based on the R&S®CMW
frequency bands: sub6 GHz (FR1) and mmWave erator for RF frequencies from 4 GHz to 20 GHz. platform. The flexible RF interface permits
(FR2). In non-standalone (NSA) mode, the Together with the R&S®CMPHEAD30 remote s imultaneous testing of up to eight RF ports. The
R&S®CMW500 supports legacy technologies in radio head up/downcon verter for the higher fre- R&S®CMW100 remote control and measurement
mixed operation with LTE. quency ranges (mmWave), it forms a compact concepts are compatible with the R&S®CMW500.
non-signaling test platform for production testing Both testers use the same methods for opti-
of 5G FR2 products. mizing test time and capacity utilization. The
R&S®CMW100 can be used to cost-effectively
calibrate and verify wireless devices in non-sig-
naling mode (analyzer/generator).
Rohde & Schwarz R&S®CMW Wideband Radio Communication Tester 5
One tester for all layers and all phases of product lifecycle
All-in-one test platform for wireless devices
Just a single investment in the R&S®CMW provides users with test solutions for the entire product lifecycle.
All layers are covered – from RF to protocol to IP application.
One tester for the entire product lifecycle Versatile test options, including simulation of non-ideal
The modular R&S®CMW platform covers all test require- conditions
ments in all phases of the product lifecycle. With just one The R&S®CMW is the basis for testing user experience
basic investment, a wireless device can be tested over its and applications such as battery life and OTA/OTT. The
entire lifecycle – from development to certification and c ombination of complex IP analysis and simultaneous
network optimization to production and service. An exist- emulation of a variety of wireless technologies, including
ing configuration can easily be modified to handle other 2G, 3G, LTE and 5G NR, makes the tests possible. These
test and measurement tasks. technologies are emulated to test wireless devices under
both ideal and non-ideal conditions. Non-ideal operation
Tests for all layers of the OSI model is simulated using additional IP impairments or internal
The R&S®CMW combines RF and protocol tests in a fading.
single instrument. The R&S®CMW is all that is needed for
RF tests, E2E measurements and OTT analysis in line with
the OSI layer model.
Use cases – radio communication test
R&S®CMW platform covering the entire lifecycle of wireless devices
System and Application Application System
application certification performance application
development and quality verification
Protocol Protocol Signaling
development conformance performance
and quality
RF RF Radio Production Service
development certification performance and logistics
and quality
Wireless device lifecycle
Your task – the R&S®CMW platform solution
All-in-one test platform for wireless devices
5G NR test and E2E communications Meeting IoT connec- Flexible production TX and RX
measurement testing tivity requirements solution measurements
Solutions for User experience tests, Efficient solutions for Including fast Automated s olution
non-standalone (NSA) including voice, video, cellular t echnologies RF calibration and for 3GPP/3GPP2
and standalone (SA) IP data transfer and and WLAN, verification of chipsets R F conformance
mode OTT Bluetooth® LE, ZigBee from different vendors measurements with
Battery life LTE-WLAN traffic Preconformance and Inter-RAT and Protocol testing
testing offloading conformance testing roaming solutions
For all OSI layers,
Test of DUT current Video and E2E tests GCF and PTCRB Simple device tests including sample
drain for rerouting t raffic v alidated test cases (from RF to protocol) test scenarios
from LTE to WLAN and complying with 3GPP during transitions from
back and OMA standards one technology to
for certification of a nother and simulation
wireless devices of roaming tests
Rohde & Schwarz R&S®CMW Wideband Radio Communication Tester 7
One investment from product development to production
All-in-one test platform for wireless devices
Different applications place different demands on testers. Development requires the simulation of networks
with standardized cellular and non-cellular call processing sequences. Production requires short test times
and high precision.
Realistic test conditions for module development and the DUT’s requirements as needed. In combination
integration with the R&S®CMX500, even 5G NR signaling tests
When developing wireless devices, it is essential to test in non-standalone mode with LTE and other legacy
the communications interface under realistic network con- technologies can be supported.
ditions. The R&S®CMW emulates the base station for all
wireless technologies required to test these devices. The R&S®CMW can be configured down to the smallest
detail, enabling users to define scenarios and achieve
The radio access network and the core network are r eproducible results. RF parameters as well as the signal-
implemented for each technology to be tested. The ing protocols themselves are tested for compliance with
R&S®CMW handles all protocol layers – from the p hysical the specification. Multiple communications standards can
layer to the application itself. Signaling messages are be run at once to simulate handover scenarios and inter-
dynamically created at runtime and are adapted to ference situations.
Use of the R&S®CMW platform for wireless technologies
RF generator RF analyzer Network
emulation Protocol testing E2E application
testing Fading support
Cellular technologies
5G NR ● ● ● ● ● ●
LTE-A ● ● ● ● ● ●
WCDMA/HSPA+ ● ● ● ● ● ●
GSM/GPRS/EGPRS ● ● ● ● ● ●
eMTC ● ● ● ● ●
NB-IoT ● ● ● ● ● ●
C-V2X ● ● ● ● ● 1)
CDMA2000® 1xRTT, ●
● ● ● ● ●
CDMA2000® 1xEV-DO (inter-RAT LTE)
Non-cellular technologies
WLAN IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/
● ● ● (offloading use ● ●
Bluetooth® (BR/EDR/LE) ● ● ●
IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) ● ●
Broadcast technologies
(GPS, GLONASS, Beidou)
1) Requires additional external software from partner.
All-in-one test platform for wireless devices
R&S®CMW platform – the perfect measurement solution for Powerful solutions for special production test requirements
IoT applications Rohde & Schwarz is a global leader in optimizing
The growing IoT markets need to test and analyze cellular p roduction processes for wireless devices. The test and
and non-cellular standards. The challenge is providing this measurement expert offers cost-efficient solutions to meet
capability in a simple setup with only one connection. user requirements. Examples include different modes to
reduce test time, optimize processes (capacity utilization)
The R&S®CMW platform offers a unique combination of and test up to eight RF ports in parallel. These optimiza-
cellular and non-cellular network emulations. Users can tions fulfill the demand for high measurement accuracy
effectively implement a wide variety of measurement tasks and performance. The non-signaling mode (transmitter
with a single investment in equipment, training and adap- and receiver mode) is primarily used in production envi-
tation costs. ronments. Non-signaling mode is mainly for receiver and
transmitter tests, which are performed using the internal
The R&S®CMW can be used to test handover within a RF generator and RF analyzer.
technology or between technologies. Separate LTE and
WLAN signaling allows detailed analysis of LTE WLAN
traffic offload. A simple setup suffices for all phases – from
protocol development to functional testing.
The increasing number of standards in a mobile device can
be a cause of poor transmission quality. The R&S®CMW
can also solve this problem. The in-device coexistence test
analyzes mutual interference and desensitization between
the standards.
Wireless device testing
Non-signaling mode/
Signaling mode transmitter and receiver mode
0 1 0 0
1 0 1 1
0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0
1 0 1 1
0 1 0 0
Upper protocol layers Waveform library Measurement
Rohde & Schwarz R&S®CMW Wideband Radio Communication Tester 9
Application testing and typical use cases 、User experience testing
InternetI nternet Internet
of thingosf things of things
Application testing and typical use cases
Internet InternetI nternetI nternet
USER Eof thiXngsof thingosfP thingosf thinEgs RIENCE HealtThcaHrealthcaEre MSachineM taoc mhTianceh tion emacIhine NG Healthcare Machine to machine
Internet Internet $ $ Internet $
of things of things € € of things €
HealthcarHeealthcHarPeaayltahbcleaHrPeaMayltahbcclheairnee Mtoa mchaicnheMi ntaoec AmhuinatoceMmh toiaontc ievmAheuiantocemh tioont ievmeachine Payable Automotive
ChipsetsChipsets Chipsets
The R&S®CMW test platform can be used to perform, document and evaluate complex user experience
tests und$ $ $ $
€er €si€mu€ lated, yet realistic conditions. An R&S®CMW tester combined with the R&S®CMWrun
Healthcare Maachu AutomotiveAutomotivAeutomotivAeutomotive
ine tto moachmine atPiayoablenPay abtle Poayabole Palya bleprovides Haealthncare enorMamchCinheip tosoe tms CauchhipinsseetsC hiptseetsChispsetts bandwidth that is uHealnthcarme atcMhacheine tdo ma choinen the market.
€ User exper$€ience testing scenarios $
€ the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS). IMS offers a frame-
Payable Automotive ThChiepset s prolifPeayabrleation oAfut omwotive ireless devices hCahipssets led to enoParyabmle ous Automotive work that supports IP based multimedia services. The
growth in global IP traffic. At the same time, users are de- R&S®CMW500 wideband radio communication tester
manding better audio quality, video streaming and data comes with everything needed to test voice and video
transmission. Network operators, device manufacturers call mechanisms on mobile devices – from the access
and app developers need to ensure and optimize a certain technologies to all necessary servers, e.g. an internal IMS
quality of experience (QoE) for the wide variety of services s erver. It tests the handover between LTE and WLAN
based on these functions. A number of different parame- as well as legacy standards for single radio voice call
ters are used for optimization, such as the signaling traffic continuity (SRVCC). With its integrated audio board, the
per app (E2E traffic), the number of bytes (IP) consumed R&S®CMW supports all important codes, including the
per app and the impact on the battery life. new audio codec enhanced voice service (EVS) that is a
key milestone on the road to high-quality audio connec-
VoLTE/VoWLAN audio and performance testing tions (see blue box on next page).
To ensure a consistently high QoS, network operators
roll out VoLTE services for voice and video telephony in Video testing
their networks and voice over WLAN (VoWLAN) to pro- Video stability and performance are key performance in-
vide seamless multimedia service coverage within build- dicators for E2E video streaming. They must be optimized
ings. The audio quality of VoLTE, VoWLAN and legacy based on a variety of standards, including LTE, WCDMA/
standards (GSM, WCDMA, CDMA2000®) depends on HSPA, GSM and WLAN. Complex measurements are
several network and DUT factors. A key technology for needed for services such as LTE Broadcast (eMBMS).
integrating voice services in a LTE or WLAN network is
User experience testing scenarios
Audio analyzer, e.g. ¸UPV
Verification of
audio quality
Video analyzer, e.g. ¸VTE
Verification of
video quality
Power supply, e.g. ¸NGMO2
Battery life testing based on
different trigger events from
signaling and IP activities
Application testing and typical use cases
Data throughput testing Over-the-top (OTT) applications
Depending on the IP data throughput (E2E performance), OTT apps are active in the background and generate a
additional IP analyses across different layers are possible. periodic RRC connection to the operator. This results in
These analyses reveal who generates how much and what additional signaling traffic, including data exchange. This
E2E traffic, and how the traffic can be optimized for the traffic interferes with other applications and significantly
various applications. The stability of the IP application can reduces the battery life. The goal is to keep this type of
also be tested with specific IP impairments. In parallel with s ignaling to a minimum.
the E2E performance measurements, the R&S®CMW can
analyze the PHY and MAC layer throughput and measure The following measurements can be performed with
RF parameters such as EVM and UL power. the R&S®CMW and additional instruments:
► Verification of the audio quality with established
Battery life and current drain measurements algorithms such as PESQ and POLQA under fading and
Battery power consumption is gaining in importance as IP impairment conditions
a criterion in the analysis of chipsets, IoT modules and ► Video testing with all key performance indicators for
m obile devices. With an increasing number of apps con- video quality, incl. SNR/SSIM/MOS values
stantly running on smartphones, there is a risk that not ► Testing of VoLTE calling parallel to data throughput
enough battery power is left for voice calls. Such applica- ► IP data throughput and analysis testing, incl. OTT
tion behavior needs to be tested and analyzed in a con-
trolled, emulated network environment. Another possible The R&S®CMWrun sequencer software tool is an
test scenario is the correlation between current drain and a ll-encompassing automation tool for audio/video
signaling or IP activities. Specific signaling trigger events performance and battery life testing. Any deviations from
as well as IP activity trigger events from the R&S®CMW500 the expected audio and video output can be automatically
built-in IP analysis are displayed in a c urrent drain diagram. and precisely detected.
R&S®CMW500/R&S®CMWrun user experience testing for all technologies
Features/conditions Metrics
Throughput testing
Upload/download Throughput monitoring over time
Throughput iPerf/FTP/UDP IP events over time (IP analysis)
testing Browsing/streaming Throughput versus modulation coding schemes
Throughput IP impairments and fading BLER versus modulation coding schemes
Audio performTharnocueghput
T E2E voice quality
pherrofourgmhapnucte Loopback
Audio VoLTE/circuit-switched
testing Voice quality/performance (MOS: POLQA/PESQ)
performance Handovers, incl. SRVCC
AAu Audio delay (ms)
uddiioo IP impairments and fading
pVeidref ormance Acoustical measurements
performance Real vocoding
Video analysiAasnudio
analysis Conducted (HDMI™/MHL interface)
VViiddeeoo Streaming (HTTP streaming server/DASH) Over the air (embedded barcode)
yssiiss Video call, incl. ViLTE (IR 94) Missing frames, frame delay, reordered frames
Vlified etoesting IP impairments and fading Pixel errors
analysis Subjective quality assessment (SNR/SSIM/MOS)
Battery life telBisfaetti tnteegrsyting
MlliiffeeIM teOs tpineMIMO testinggrformance
Bteastttienrgy By voice, video, data Power consumption (mW)
MIMO performance
MIMO life testing By defined profile Current drain (mA)
MtesIMtinOg performance With signaling and IP event markers Estimated battery life (h)
MIMO MIMO performance
MIMO Cttee
Coexistence testti
MIMO CMteosIeMtixniOsg tpeenrcfeormance
CCooeexxiisstteennccee WLAN RX desensitization Desensitization by distance of aggressor (dB)
testing LTE RX desensitization Desensitization by UL power of aggressor (dB)
Rohde & Schwarz R&S®CMW Wideband Radio Communication Tester 11
IP application testing and traffic analysis
Application testing and typical use cases
InternetI nternet Internet
of thingosf things of things
Internet InternetI nternetI nternet
ANALYSof thingsofI thingosSf thingosf things
HealthcaHrealthcare MachineM taoc mhianceh tion emachine Healthcare Machine to machine
Internet Internet $ $ Internet $
of things of things € € of things €
HealthcarHeealthcHarPeaayltahbcleaHrPeaMayltahbcclheairnee Mtoa mchaicnheMi ntaoec AmhuinatoceMmh toiaontc ievmAheuiantocemh tioont ievmeachine Payable Automotive
ChipsetsChipsets Chipsets
Thanks to deep packet inspection (DPI), IP streams from the application software are reliably analyzed
for confo$r€m$ $
€ity€ a$€nd security. IP traffic, OTT behavior and battery life can be optimized for applications and
Healthcare Mmachinoe to bmachiinlee dPaeyablve PiayacbleePayasble P.ay abTAleutohmotiveeAutom oRtivAeutom&otivAeuStomoti®veHCealthcMare W pMaclhCianheip tsote tmsfCachohipinseertsChmipsetsC hiposetsffers an efficient tesHetalt hcearenviroManchinme to maechinne t for executing complex IP
application tests for various technologies.
$ $ $
€ € €
Payable Automotive IP a Payable Automotive
Chipsetps plication testing under fully controlClheipsedts network Payable Automotive i nterface emulated by the R&S®CMW500. In contrast to
conditions the real world, this offers a controlled test environment in
The IP application tests include checking the maximum which a number of network parameters can be adjusted.
possible data throughput, analysis of VoLTE performance, Data traffic can be reproducibly analyzed under ideal con-
video streaming tests, analysis of OTT IP data traffic and ditions and also under non-ideal conditions by introducing
much more. The R&S®CMW500 uses DPI to reliably verify IP impairments or fading influences.
and optimize applications and services when designing
a new mobile device. A typical test setup consists of an Special test applications for IP analysis
R&S®CMW500 with integrated data application unit (DAU) Special test applications permit in-depth analysis of an
that provides the IP infrastructure and preconfigured application on the IP layer. Examples include the unique
services. The DAU can function as an IMS server, a video R&S®CMW500 IP data analysis and IP protocol analysis,
streaming server, an SUPL server, etc. When testing the iPerf throughput test tool and the IP logging solution.
user-specific services that require a dedicated server, a The protocols used for the connection to the internet can
d irect connection to the internet is set up via Ethernet. In be efficiently checked. Complex analyses, from RF analysis
this case, the DAU f unctions as a gateway to the internet to application analysis, can be performed with a single
to permit data analysis. The DUT is connected via the air tester.
Test setup to analyze the IP traffic of mobile devices
Air interface
¸CMW500 with DAU Tablet or smartphone
Internet under test
No external IRF impairments
Databases computer required RAN
Social Mobile Ethernet GSM/GPRS/EGPRS,
media Voice applications CDMA2000®
IP data traffic
IP data traffic
Internal services of the DAU
❙ IMS server, ePDG server, video server, For applications such as
SUPL server, eMBMS ❙ Automotive
❙ Throughput monitor, performance analysis IP impairments ❙ Healthcare
❙ Message analyzing tools, e.g. IP logging ❙ Machine to machine
or IP analysis tools ❙ Public safety
External services of the DAU ❙ Smart home
❙ Router ❙ Internet of things
❙ Direct connection with external servers
Emergency services testing and traffic analysis
Application testing and typical use cases
Internet Internet
of things of things
Internet Internet
Tof tRhings AFFIHeCalthcare AMachinNe to maHcehainltehcALYSIof thSings
are Machine to machine
$ Internet $ Internet Internet
€ of things € of things of things
Payable AutomotiveHPeaayltahbcleare MacAhuintoem toot ivmeachine Healthcare Machine to machine
Chipsets Chipsets
The R&S®CMW platform offers a compact solution for automated, reliable and reproducible testing of
€ emergency services. Intelligent tele$€matics based vehicle safety systems speed up emergency response
Payable tiAmutomotivee s in ordeHear t Automotive
lthcare o saChvMipsaecethsine tol miavchinee s. HealthcarPeayable Machine to machine Healthcare Machine to Cmhaipcsheintse
€ Testing emergency$€ call in a laboratory $e€nvironment This test solution from Rohde & Schwarz is a future-ready
Payable TheA uRtomoti&ve S®CMW5P0ayab0le can beAuto moutive sed to sPaiyamble ulate aAut omroteive al net- investment, not just for legacy eCall but also for LTE
Chipsets Chipsets Chipsets
work environment in the lab to test wireless e mergency and IMS based next generation eCall (NG eCall) system
calls. For all cellular technologies, including LTE, the t esting. The available extension for next generation eCall
R&S®CMW500 supports the required emergency attach allows you to prepare today for future LTE and IMS based
for IMS emergency calls, in case there is no SIM card eCall systems for vehicles. This easy-to-use test solution
inserted in the phone. is based on the R&S®CMW500 and the R&S®CMWrun
s equencer software tool and can be extended by adding
Verification of eCall/ERA-GLONASS modems for automotive an R&S®SMBV100 to support GNSS testing of eCall
requirements m odules as well.
To ensure fast emergency response times to car accidents
and to save lives, automatic emergency call systems are Wireless emergency alerts (CMAS, ETWS)
mandatory in all new vehicle models. Rohde & Schwarz In recent years, mobile alert systems have become impor-
supports manufacturers by offering a standard-compliant tant in cellular communications systems. They are used to
test solution for the wireless and GNSS-capable compo- inform the public about emergencies in case of disasters.
nents of ERA-GLONASS and eCall in-vehicle systems. The R&S®CMW500 offers flexible test solutions for LTE,
WCDMA and GSM to verify reception of CMAS or ETWS
warning messages. These messages can be quickly set
up using the RF test environment. The R&S®CMWcards
graphical test script tool can be used to create wire-
eCall/ERA-GLONASS data transfer principle principle less signaling tests. Using the R&S®CMWmars message
analyzer, the signaling flow can be retrieved to pinpoint
the root cause of test failures.
Automated verification of high-power UEs
High-power UE capability is extremely important for
GSM/UMTS public safety (PS) applications, D2D applications and
base station applications that use group call. High-power capability
is an LTE Release 11 feature involving an output power
of 31 dBm.
The R&S®CMW500 can efficiently verify all required
Voice Minimum set Data Voice t ransmitter and receiver tests, i.e. max. output power,
of vehicle a djacent channel leakage (ACL) and power control. These
In-vehicle data (MSD) measurements can be automated using the R&S®CMWrun
(IVS) sequencer software tool.
Vehicle involved Public safety answering
point (PSAP)
Rohde & Schwarz R&S®CMW Wideband Radio Communication Tester 13
Reliable C-V2X testing in a lab environment
Application testing and typical use cases
Internet Internet
of things of things
ENHeaVlthcare IHealthcRareMachine tOo machMinaechinNe to machineMENT
$ $ Internet
€ € of things
Test house
Payable Payable Automotive Automotive
Chipsets Chipsets
Testing self-driving vehicles in road traffic is complex and expensive. In the development phase, reliable test
solutions are needed for carrying out tests in the lab. The R&S®CMW platform helps prove that the C-V2X
devices Hwealthcoarerk asMa chrinee to mqachuine ired.
€ Driver assistance systems Communications standard for self-driving vehicle
Payable AutoFmotiove r several years, aChuipsettsomobile manufacturers and govern- communications
ment agencies have sought ways to increase road safety, Cellular V2X (C-V2X) as a candidate communications stan-
manage traffic efficiently and, in the future, make it more dard was initially defined as LTE V2X in 3GPP Release 14
comfortable by realizing self-driving vehicles. Vehicle-to- and uses LTE technology as physical interface for com-
everything (V2X) is a new generation of information and munications. The standard describes two modes. In the
communications technologies that connect vehicles to device-to-device mode (V2V, V2I, V2P), also known as
everything. It is designed to offer low-latency vehicle-to- sidelink communications or direct communications over
vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-roadside infrastructure (V2I) and PC5, C-V2X does not necessarily require a network infra-
vehicle-to-pedestrian (V2P) c ommunications to implement structure. It can operate without a SIM, without network
a new dimension in future driver assistance systems. assistance and uses GNSS as its primary source of time
synchronization. The second mode describes device-to-
network (V2N) communications, also known as the Uu
V2X communications
PC5 interface
Application server Uu interface
(e.g. external traffic management)
RSUs – can connect infrastructure and
vehicles to network for cloud services
e.g. traffic management, tolling
RSUs – roadside units combined with V2N – vehicle to network using
eNodeBs or standalone roadside devices the cellular network (Uu interface)
to connect vehicles to cloud services
V2I – vehicle to infrastructure (PC5) V2I
enables traffic management and (PC5)
information exchange over longer
distances via backend servers
V2V – vehicle to vehicle using V2P V2P – vehicle to pedestrian (PC5)
PC5 direct communications for (PC5) enhances safety for vulnerable
exchanging safety messages road users
between vehicles
Application testing and typical use cases
i nterface using traditional cellular links, e.g. 4G LTE or Protocol conformance testing
soon 5G NR to e nable cloud services to be part of the E2E Rohde & Schwarz is the first test and measurement
solution e.g. to receive information about road conditions equipment manufacturer to meet the GCF test platform
and t raffic in the area. approval criteria (TPAC) for C-V2V protocol conformance
testing. The certified solution brings together established
With the first commercial deployment of C-V2X communi- Rohde & Schwarz hardware platforms and additional soft-
cations technology based on 3GPP Release 14, testing the ware. The R&S®CMW500 protocol tester offers a ready
system performance only by field testing in a real-world to use test package for 3GPP protocol conformance tests
environment can easily become time-consuming, costly from LTE-V2V GCF work item 281 and LTE-V2X GCF work
and very challenging. Test solutions for the development item 282. Additionally, a dedicated software package
phase are needed to verify compliance with the standards provides features to verify data transmission and recep-
and to ensure that especially direct PC5 communications tion over the PC5 interface in ideal, faded and congested
allow highly reliable exchange of time sensitive and safety channel conditions. Together, these packages enable the
relevant information. R&S®CMW500 to support C-V2X device testing through all
protocol layers.
C-V2X testing with the R&S®CMW platform
For mobile devices, for instance, the radio interface must Application testing
be checked to see whether regulatory r equirements are The platform also supports comprehensive C-V2X E2E
met, and it must be verified whether the device uses the a pplication test capabilities with the R&S®CMW500
protocols provided in accordance with the standards. With p roviding an interface to an industry-leading test tool from
the R&S®CMW platform, Rohde & Schwarz meets these a third-party automotive test tool vendor. With this ap-
needs and enables the automotive industry to bring C-V2X proach, the solution offers simulation of C-V2X scenarios
enabled cars to the market. in a lab e nvironment and allows reliable and repeatable
E2E application tests for C-V2X covering all layers, includ-
Production testing ing region-specific ITS protocol stacks for the EU, USA
The R&S®CMW100 and R&S®CMW500 offer dedicated and China.
measurement and waveform options for C-V2X for produc-
tion testing using multiple test scenarios to verify trans- The test station can emulate a large number of vehicles
mission and reception of C-V2X direct communications to simulate real-world scenarios such as road intersec-
(PC5) based on 3GPP Release 14. tions and congestion on a highway, allowing the user to
verify their feature using C-V2X communications or to
The Global Certification Forum (GCF) specifies protocol stress test the DUT with reproducible conditions in a lab
conformance tests for C-V2X device certification based on environment.
the 3GPP Release 14 specification for direct communica-
tions specifications. The designed solution supports all common automotive
bus systems such as CAN, LIN, MOST, FlexRay™ and
automotive Ethernet so users can analyze or stimulate the
ECU within an entire system from their desk and configure
and run traffic scenarios to verify their C-V2X application.
Production testing Conformance testing Application testing
R&S®CMW500 protocol tester + R&S®CMW500 protocol tester +
R&S®CMW100 (model K06)
R&S®SMBV100A R&S®SMBV100B + CANoe.car2x
Rohde & Schwarz R&S®CMW Wideband Radio Communication Tester 15
In-device coexistence testing
InternetI nternet Internet
of thingosf thingsof things
Application testing and typical use cases
Internet Internet
of things IN-DEVICE C of things
HealthcaHrealthcarHeealthcareMachineM taoc mhianceh Mtiona emchaicnheOi ntoe machineEXISTENCE TESTING
Internet $ $ $
of things € € €
Healthcare PaMyabclheinPeay taob mle acPhaiynaeble AutomotivAeutomotiveAutomotive Healthcare Machine to machine
ChipsetsChipsets Chipsets
Modern communications devices support a large number of standards in a very small space, which
€ can lead to interference due to occ$u€pying the same or adjacent frequency bands or due to harmonics.
Payable Automotive EnChipssetsuriHenalthcgare stanMadchinea to mracdhine-compliant operaPayatbleion anAdutom otimve inimal mutualC hiipsnets terference is crucial.
€ Multiple standards in one instrument For s tandard sensitivity tests, measuring the receiver
Payable Automotive Modern commuCnhipsietcs ations devices can contain multiple error rate has been adopted as the evaluation criterion.
RF systems, e.g. cellular multiband antennas for LTE-A, The packet error rate (PER) is measured for WLAN, for
3G, CDMA2000®, 2G and non-cellular technologies example.
such as WLAN, Bluetooth® and various GNSS systems.
Measurements of in-device coexistence determine the Coexistence measurements with the R&S®CMW500
d esensitization, i.e. reduction of the RX sensitivity with The R&S®CMW500 is ideal for coexistence measurements.
and without a strong internal interferer signal. It provides signaling for both cellular and non-cellular
technologies. It can operate two different wireless systems
in parallel and can define the relative RX sensitivity mea-
surements. In combination with a shielded chamber (e.g.
In-device coexistence testing, RX sensitivity R&S®TS7124 RF shielded box, R&S®CMW-Z10 RF shield
box or R&S®DST200 RF diagnostic chamber), measure-
ments can be performed in the lab with a high degree of
reproducibility. The R&S®CMWrun sequencer software tool
With Without can be used to automate measurements and test reports.
40 interferer interferer
The test results can be used to determine specific, effec-
tive measures for optimizing development and integration.
Specific examples include improving the decoupling of the
antenna system, effectively reducing the signal-to-noise
Desensitization ratio of the interferer and optimizing the operating mode.
–68 –70 –72 –74 –76 –78 –80 –82 –84
Input level in dBm
Possible interference between WLAN and LTE
2412 MHz 2484 MHz 2570 MHz 2620 MHz 2690 MHz
band 40 channels band 7 band 38 band 7
(TDD) 1 to 13 UL (FDD) (TDD) DL (FDD)
2300 MHz 2400 MHz 2500 MHz 2600 MHz 2700 MHz
Packet error rate in %
LTE-WLAN traffic offload
Application testing and typical use cases
Internet Internet Internet Internet
of things LTEof thin-gs WLAof Nthings TRAof thFings FIC OFFLOAD
Internet Internet
of things of things
Healthcare Machine to machine Healthcare Machine to machine Healthcare Machine to machine Healthcare Machine to machine
Single-box test solution. The R&S®CMW500 with its multitechnology concept can simultaneously emulate
$ $
€ € an LTE base s$€tation and WLA$€N access point. As a result, the R&S®CMW500 offers a high degree of
Payable Automotive
Healthcare Payable reprodAutoumotive
Machine to machine c Payable
Chipisebts ility for theAuto movtivear Payable
Chipsetsious tests aAutonmotivedChip sests oluHealtthciareons iMnach inae to m Chasicphsienitesngle instrument – from protocol development to
functional testing.
$ $
€ €
Payable Automotive Compact system solution in a single instrument The R&S®CMW500 integrates all of these components
Chipsets Payable
Cellular networks ensure comprehensive mobile service into one box to provide efficient test capabilities. Another
coverage, but broadband WLANs can reduce the load on advantage is the easy detection of discrepancies based
cellular networks. The underlying technology is referred to on the synchronously running protocol stacks for both
as WLAN traffic offload. An important precondition for the technologies.
acceptance of LTE-WLAN traffic offload is uninterrupted
rerouting between the cellular standards and WLANs. The Customized solutions for protocol stack development and
tests focus mainly on the mobile device, which must con- complex functional tests
nect to both technologies. The test setup for LTE-WLAN To integrate LTE and WLAN protocol stacks, the lower
traffic offload includes the following core components: protocol layers need to be tested in an early development
► Emulated LTE base station, including the LTE core phase. With the R&S®CMW500 and the R&S®CMWcards
network GUI, signaling tests can be performed without any special
► Emulated WLAN access point programming knowledge. The test scenarios can be used
► Gateway/firewall (ePDG) during the offload from WLAN to program more complex tests. The R&S®CMW500 call-
to the LTE core network box is ideal for reproducible testing – from verifying the
► IMS server for implementing real-world applications DUT’s RF characteristics to functional testing. It can also
such as video and voice telephony efficiently perform complex tests by analyzing the LTE and
► Message analyzer for recording all protocol messages WLAN protocol messages.
between the DUT and the WLAN access point or
LTE base station
TraSfefaimcl eosfsf sleosasido np crointicniupitlye Secure access
❙ IP mobility ❙ Encryption
Seamless session continuity ❙S Aecuuthree natciccaetsiosn
❙ IP mobility WLAN WLAN ❙❙ EAnucthryoprtizioantion
❙❙ AAuccthoeunnttiicnagtion
WLAN WLAN ❙ Authorization
❙ Accounting
Optimized use of available
network resources access
❙O ApNtimDSizFed use of available
❙n AetNwQoPrk resources access
Voice traffic Internet traffic
Voice traffic Internet traffic
Rohde & Schwarz R&S®CMW Wideband Radio Communication Tester 17
Radio development 、Efficient signaling tester for the requirements of tomorrow
Radio development
Short time to market and cost reduction are the perpetual goals of every developer – from chipset
development to module integration. The rapid implementation of the latest wireless technologies makes the
R&S®CMW callbox a must-have for every research and development lab. Complex tests can be performed
easily and with high accuracy with just one contact point thanks to multi-RAT capability, including
Bluetooth® and WLAN, the integrated application server and fading simulator.
R&S®CMW callbox for complex functional, mobility and Leading in LTE – always a step ahead
IP throughput tests A single R&S®CMW setup is all that is needed to easily
When it is necessary to test wireless devices under and economically analyze 2CC up to 8CC setups. All CA
realistic conditions, examine physical RF parameters and scenarios can be used in either FDD or TDD or in FDD/
E2E behavior or verify standard-compliant behavior of TDD joint operation. The R&S®CMW500 is highly flex-
a DUT, the R&S®CMW callbox is the right solution. The ible. LTE enhancements such as LTE-U, LTE-D, LTE-MTC
R&S®CMW callbox is a base station emulator. It generates and PS-LTE can be rapidly deployed. To quickly develop
the signaling messaging and connects directly to the the latest devices up to Cat21, Rohde & Schwarz offers
DUT. Depending on which technologies are emulated, a R&S®CMWflexx, an extremely flexible high-end solution.
wide range of functional, mobility and fading tests can The intuitive user interface supports users, e.g. when test-
be p erformed on the DUT, primarily on the physical layer. ing 8 DL CA up to 4x4 MIMO, including internal fading. In
Add-ons are available for the R&S®CMW callbox for com- combination with the R&S®CMX500, even 5G NR signaling
plex IP throughput tests. tests in non-standalone mode with LTE and other legacy
technologies can be supported.
The R&S®CMX500 radio communication tester (bottom) is the new
test platform for signaling tests in all 5G frequency bands. It works
together with the tried and tested R&S®CMW500 tester (top) to
s upport mixed operation with LTE (5G NSA).
Radio development
3GPP RF measurements Comprehensive complex RF signaling tests based on
The design of wireless devices is increasing in complexity Bluetooth® and WLAN
as the number of supported technologies and frequencies The R&S®CMW is the only platform to deliver all defined
grows. It is crucial that transmitter and receiver character- Bluetooth® SIG RF signaling tests in combination with
istics be assessed for compliance with the 3GPP/3GPP2 other cellular technologies such as LTE-A, WCDMA, GSM,
standard during the development of chipsets and wireless CDMA2000® and non-cellular technologies such as WLAN
devices. The R&S®CMW platform offers various solutions and GNSS. The R&S®CMWrun automation tool offers solu-
for 3GPP/3GPP2 tests. tions for Bluetooth® BR, EDR and LE prequalification tests.
Supported 3GPP/3GPP2 RF TRX functional tests Easy testing of non-ideal signaling using the internal fading
Technology TX, RX and performance measurements To simulate fading scenarios, 3GPP has defined various
fading profiles (pedestrian, vehicular, typical urban,
3GPP TS 38.521-3, chapters 6, 7 high-speed train, etc.). Using the R&S®CMW platform’s
(EN-DC) i ntegrated fading simulator, the user can dynamically
3GPP TS 36.521-1, chapters 6, 7, 8, 9 and individually apply 3GPP profiles for the various tech-
(FDD, TDD) nologies. This one-box solution makes it easy to assess
NB-IoT/eMTC 3GPP TS 36.521-1 receiver performance under non-ideal conditions.
3GPP TS 34.121-1, chapters 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 These tests can be fully automated with the R&S®CMWrun
(HSPA/HSPA+) software to check the devices’ MIMO performance under
3GPP TS 51.010-1, chapters 12, 13, 14 fading conditions.
3GPP TS 34.122-1, chapters 5, 6
CDMA2000® 1xRTT, 3GPP2 C.S0011-D, chapters 3, 4
CDMA2000® 1xEV-DO 3GPP2 C.S0033-B, chapters 3, 4
Tests can be automated with a pass/fail verdict using the
R&S®CMWrun software tool.
Functional blocks of the R&S®CMW callbox
Intraband contiguous UL CA ( carrier aggregation) measurements are possible in
addition to standard LTE TX measurements ¸CMW500
600 Mbps
RF testing Network emulation IP throughput analysis
Fading parameterization tool Application server
Air interface
Rohde & Schwarz R&S®CMW Wideband Radio Communication Tester 19
Protocol development 、Easy protocol development and testing of any signaling scenario
Protocol development
The entire ecosystem of wireless devices, from the chipset to the integrated module, requires an e xtra-
ordinary level of quality assurance when it comes to the functionality of the devices’ protocol stack – from
the PHY to the IP layer. The R&S®CMW500 protocol tester provides a complete protocol stack reference
implementation of various cellular technologies such as LTE, WCDMA, TD-SCDMA, CDMA2000® and GSM
as well as cellular IoT, eMTC and NB-IoT. The protocol tester can be flexibly configured and tailored to
create any wireless signaling test case for verification and integration of a wireless device protocol stack.
Multitechnology protocol stack testing Using lower layer tests, developers can integrate RF
2G, 3G, 4G. Developers are having to prepare an increas- and physical layers of the protocol stack without using
ing number of ever more complex test cases to verify that the full layer 3 (NAS, RRC) and higher layers (PDCP, IP).
their integrated mobile device or chipset protocol stacks MLAPI simplifies core network emulation and provides a
are specification compliant. In research and development, self-configuring dynamic cell setup approach by parame-
the R&S®CMW500 provides medium-level (MLAPI) script terizing layer 3 (NAS, RRC) message information elements
based programming interfaces as the first choice for com- to test all kinds of user equipment states. All protocol
pliance testing of mobile phone protocol stacks. Using layers can be modified in accordance with 3GPP specifica-
complex signaling sequences and a comprehensive selec- tions, enabling the user to narrow down root cause issues
tion of more than 1500 predefined and industry-proven in their implementation.
test cases, the R&S®CMW500 enables users to reliably
stress test the mobile equipment protocol stack in a repro-
ducible lab environment.
The R&S®CMW500 protocol tester in an R&S®CMWflexx, multi-CMW
environment offering frequency support up to 6 GHz for features such
as LTE-U, LTE-LAA and WLAN/3GPP interworking