


低周波数用加振機 APSシリーズ





ドキュメント名 低周波数用加振機 APSシリーズ
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 681Kb
取り扱い企業 エフ・アイ・ティー・パシフィック株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)


耐摩耗ホース AIRDUC PUR 351 EC


携帯型1gシェーカー(加振器) 「CV-01] SPEKTRA社製


施設まるごとIoT モノミルケア


このカタログ(低周波数用加振機 APSシリーズ)の内容

Page 1:APS Dynamics, Inc. is a subsidiary of SPEKTRA GmbH Dresden, Germany www.apsdynamics.comPage 1 of 3APS 113-AB ELECTRO-SEIS®Long Stroke Shaker with Linear Air BearingsThe APS 113-AB ELECTRO-SEIS®Air Bearing shaker is a long stroke, electrodynamic force generatorspecifically designed to be used for calibration and evaluation of accelerometers and other motion trans-ducers. It provides excellent properties for low frequency excitation of such devices. Furthermore it is opti-mized for measuring decay rates in very lightly damped structures.ApplicationsCalibration and test for seismic instrumentsSeismic simulation for componentsDetermination of natural mode frequencies,shapes, damping ratios, and stress distributionsFeaturesDesigned for calibration and evaluation ofaccelerometersCan be used to generate sine wave, swept sinewave, random or impulse force waveforms, fullyadjustable at sourceOptimized to deliver power to very lightly dampedstructures with minimum shaker weight and drivepowerAdjustable armature re-centering for horizontaland vertical operation or other external pre-loadsRugged standard armature and air bearingguidance systemOne-Man Portability - 36 kg (80 Ib) total weight日本代理店 : エフ・アイ・ティー・パシフィック株式会社東京都台東区浅草橋3-20-15 浅草橋ミハマビル4FTel : 03-5820-7021 Mail : asdummy@fitpacific.com

Page 2:SPEKTRA Schwingungstechnik und Akustik GmbH Dresden, Germany www.spektra-dresden.comPage 2 of 3APS 113-AB ELECTRO-SEIS®Long Stroke Shaker with Linear Air BearingsDescription and CharacteristicsThe APS 113-AB ELECTRO-SEIS®shaker, the AirBearing version of the APS 113 ELECTRO-SEIS®shaker, is a long stroke, electrodynamic forcegenerator, designed for calibration and evaluationof accelerometers and other motion transducers.Air lubricated bushings replace the linear ballbearings used in the basic ELECTRO-SEIS®armature guidance system. In addition an airdistribution system, tie down and leveling base areprovided.The near zero friction of the air bushings is anessential feature for measuring resonance decayrates in very lightly damped structures.The unit employs a permanent magnet and isconfigured such that the armature coil remains in auniform magnetic field over the entire stroke range.This feature, along with the air bearings, assures ahigh degree of force linearity and absence ofarmature guidance induced noise and distortion.Drive power for the shaker is obtained from a lowfrequency power amplifier, such as the APS 125 -Power Amplifier.Modes of operation requiring high bearing loads(table mode and APS 0112 - Reaction Mass mode),permissible with the standard linear ball bushingversion, are not permitted with the APS 113-ABshaker. Since the suspension system need notsupport the armature and test load weight whenused in the horizontal mode, a soft suspension maybe used, minimizing non-linearity effects. Themaximum overhung load that may be used is 1.5 kg(3.3 lb) concentrated at the mounting point.The shaker may be used with various optionalaccessory items to extend the areas of application:APS 0108 - CARRYING HANDLES AND TIE-DOWN BARS - improve the portability feature ofthe shaker.APS 0109 - ZERO POSITION CONTROLLER -automatically controls the zero position of avibration exciter irrespective of its load.APS 0162 - VERTICAL MOUNTING KIT - permitsvertical orientation of the shaker, either free-standing or rigid bench attachment.Optional ConfigurationsAPS 113-AB-HFAll features of the basic APS 113-AB shaker areretained. The drive coil is made for 40 % increasein force with a 50 % duty cycle (30 min cycle).PerformanceAcceleration performance of the APS 113-ABshaker with various mass loads is shown in thelower graph.1101000,1 1 10 100ACCELERATION-m/s²FREQUENCY - HzACCELERATION WITH VARIOUS MASS LOADSAPS 113-ABAPS 113-AB-HFNO LOAD1 kg (2,2lb)1,5 kg (3,3lb)Rev. 2010-11-06APS 113-AB with APS 0162Vertical Mounting Kit

Page 3:March 2012SPEKTRA Schwingungstechnik und Akustik GmbH Dresden, Germany www.spektra-dresden.comAll data are subject to change without noticePage 3 of 3SpecificationsShaker APS 113-ABAPS 113-AB-HFHigh ForceForce (Sine Peak) 133 N (30 lbf) 186 N (42 lbf)Stroke (Peak - Peak) 158 mm (6.25 inch)Frequency Range DC … 200 HzOperation horizontal or verticalArmature Weight 2.7 kg (5.8 lb)Max. Overhung Load at Armature Attachment Point 1.5 kg (3.3 lb)Impedance 4.4 or 1.1 Ω 1.4 ΩAir Pressure Required 4 bar … 5 bar (60 psig … 70 psig)Air Flow Required 500 l/h (0.3 cfm)Total Shaker Weight 36.0 kg (80 lb)Shipping Weight 41.0 kg (90 lb)Overall Dimension L x W x H526 x 213 x 168 mm(20.7 x 8.4 x 6.6 inch)Operating Temperature 5 ... 40 degrees CStorage Temperature -25 ... 55 degrees CAPS 113-AB ELECTRO-SEIS®Long Stroke Shaker with Linear Air BearingsAccessories (optional)Additional accessories availableShaker APS 113-ABAPS 113-AB-HFHigh ForcePower Amplifier APS 125System Cable for Connection Shaker to Amplifier APS 0082-6ECarrying Handles APS 0108Zero Position Controller for Vibration Exciters APS 0109Vertical Mounting Kit APS 0162日本代理店 : エフ・アイ・ティー・パシフィック株式会社東京都台東区浅草橋3-20-15 浅草橋ミハマビル4FTel : 03-5820-7021 Mail : asdummy@fitpacific.com